LANCASTER – Bikers, joggers, dog walkers, horseback riders, and at least one horse and carriage converged at the AV Fairground Trailhead early Saturday morning.
“We want to hear from you,” City Manager Mark Bozigian told the crowd of about 50.
The event was designed to bring together people who share similar interests in trails and bikeways, and receive their ideas and feedback for the development of future trail systems in Lancaster.
Participants gathered at 7 a.m. and then took to the trails in separate groups of horseback riders, cyclists, runners, walkers and those walking their dogs. The event concluded with a short session where participants were asked to provide feedback on the trail systems. The event, part of the outreach process for the City’s Master Plan for Trails and Bikeways, is the last Master Plan event where citizens can provide their feedback and input on the Plan before it is submitted for review by the City’s Commissioners and Council.