PALMDALE – Several youngsters skipped the AV Fair Tuesday to participate in an event aimed at uniting and celebrating the youth of the Antelope Valley. The City’s Next Generation Youth Council hosted “Celebrate Youth 2011” Tuesday at the Larry Chimbole Cultural Center.
“This is a great opportunity for youth to join their peers for an afternoon that highlights the youth of our community and provides a forum for them to discuss a variety of topics that are important to them,” said Community Programs Supervisor Trish Jones.
The after school event, planned by youth for youth, offered breakout sessions on a variety of topics, including social networking, emergency preparedness, friendships and relationships, art expression and personal bias.
The Next Generation Youth Council is open to youth 12-24 and meets the first and third Monday of each month. The group is instrumental in developing programming ideas, as well as assisting staff in coordinating the youth population for City events and programming.
K.B.E. says
What a positive endeavor for the youths of the AV to take part in. Too bad they had to give up one for the other.