PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale is offering free red ribbons to residents as part of its Tie One On campaign that begins on Thursday, Nov. 24 and runs through Sunday, Jan. 1.
“In recognition of December being named National Drunk and Drugged Driving, or 3D, Prevention Month, the City of Palmdale is encouraging all drivers to display a red ribbon on their vehicles’ antennas to show their support of the Tie One On campaign,” said Palmdale Community Safety Supervisor Kelly Long. “Residents may pick up a red ribbon now through Dec. 22 at Palmdale’s public safety and community relations department, 827 East Avenue Q-9 and display the ribbon on their car antennas.”
Red ribbons will be displayed on the 75 City maintenance vehicles and will also be provided to the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station for display on all 72 patrol vehicles.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), alcohol-related fatalities totaled 11,773, which represents 31.7 percent of all fatal crashes. Those fatalities represent an average of one alcohol-related fatality every 40 minutes. About one in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash sometime in their lives.
For more information please contact the public safety and community relations department at 267-5181.
(Information via press release from the City of Palmdale)
Abdul Majeed Askia says
Life is precious and every human being is valuble. Sometimes we get side tracked with negative conversations,negative up bringing,and negative
influences which leads us to believe that life is insignificant! However,
when we realize life is powerful,dynamic,interesting,exciting and is the
wonder of the world we will place more value and respect on life ! That is
we will become more considered of others by not placing them in danger
due to reckless behavior! Drunk driving is more than having fun it is actually putting peoples lives at risk !In a matter of seconds your life
can be turned up-side down for all parties involvled ! Take precautions
and do the next best thing. Happy Holidays. Abdul Majeed Askia