LANCASTER – Residents who are eager to legally dispose of scrap tires cluttering their property can do so for free at the Waste Tire Recycling Event in the City of Lancaster on Saturday, April 21. The event is sponsored by the City of Lancaster and the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).
Tires from cars, light-trucks and SUVs will be accepted free of charge. Rims on those tires will also be accepted. Tires will be limited to nine per vehicle. For 10 to 20 tires, you may contact the County’s Environmental Health Division at (626) 430-5540 one week in advance to obtain a tire transport permit.
The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., April 21, at the City Maintenance Yard located at 46008 7th Street West.
In Los Angeles County, there are approximately 10 million tires to be disposed of every year. Waste tires that are illegally dumped or improperly stored can pose a serious threat to public health and safety, as well as the environment. For instance, tires left out in the open can hold stagnant water, a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes that spread West Nile Virus.
This event is designed to not only give residents a safe and legal way to dispose of their tires, but to recycle the rubber into materials that can be used in construction, manufacturing, and other useful purposes.
For more information regarding this event, call (661) 723-6139.
(Information via press release from the City of Lancaster.)