ANTELOPE VALLEY – The suicide rates in the Antelope Valley are the highest in Los Angeles (LA) County at a percentage of 11.4, according to the LA County Department of Public Health.
Judy Cooperberg, executive director of Mental Health America (MHA) in the Antelope Valley, said there are a number of factors that contribute to the high rate. One of the major problems is the lack of resources available for those who are mentally ill, she said.
“People who have first breaks, they have situational depression, they have initial trauma, they don’t usually have access to immediate therapy or counseling, particularly if they don’t have any health insurance,” Cooperberg said.
She said that a lot of times depression will affect their ability to get out of bed, which affects their ability to go to work. Depression rates in the Antelope Valley are 17.1 percent, according to the LA County Department of Health.
Another contributing factor, for the Antelope Valley as well as all over the country, is economic pressure, said John Glover, an associate clinical social worker of Mental Health America. People are struggling to keep their homes and jobs, or are struggling to find a job, he said.
A man in Lancaster stood on a bridge Jan. 20 overlooking the freeway below him, and he considered jumping.
CHP Officer Michael Talbot, who was the first to arrive on scene, made contact with the man and set up a rapport. Sergeant John Rush of the Sheriff’s Department also talked to the man.
“He was just despondent because he was having some problems with his personal life,” Sgt. Rush said. “We talked about those and then he decided to get off the bridge and not jump.”
“We have to be honest with them from the beginning and let him know ‘hey I can help provide resources for you, I can tell you where to go, but I can’t get you a job,’” Sgt. Rush continued. “I can’t make your life better by getting you off the bridge, but we can certainly point you in the right direction… and that’s kind of what we did.”
Sgt. Rush said there was a moment when he thought the man would jump because he had made the sign of the cross right before he got off the bridge. He got off willingly, however, and got the help he needed.
“I can’t tell you how we did it,” said Sgt. Rush.
An average of one person kills themselves every 14.2 minutes, according to the American Association of Suicidology.
“If a person is going to do it, they’re going to do it,” Sgt. Rush said, “and if they’re not, they’re not.”
The Antelope Valley has special circumstances that contribute to a higher rate of suicide, which is a higher population of military and their families, Glover said.
“The pressures that particular group of people experience are unique, and we have a higher concentration here in the Antelope Valley so mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder play a part,” Glover said.
According to the LA County Department of Public Health, an average of 18 veterans die by suicide each day.
Multiple deployments are a huge part of the 80 percent increase in suicides in the military, Cooperberg said.
“As you increase the number of deployments, you radically increase the potential for that to happen,” Glover said.
Although there have been news coverage of some veterans “who have actually gone more public with their demonstration of their mental health condition,” Glover said these are isolated incidences and should not cause fear or judgment on the military or their veterans.
“That’s an important point because there’s so much stigma to mental illness and mental health issues that when someone is dealing with depression in particular they have a much higher chance of harming themselves than anybody else,” Cooperberg said.
When you have anyone, whether they are in the military or not, commit suicide, their families are impacted, Glover said. And the resources families have are just as limited as the individuals who commit suicide, which causes a ripple effect in the community.
“The problem we have is where do we get that treatment,” Cooperberg said.
Cooperberg said she always emphasizes that the Antelope Valley has the greatest need with the least amount of resources.
The Antelope Valley has no psychiatric emergency care, no community health center that will provide no to low cost counseling, and no children or adolescent beds, she said.
The services the Antelope Valley does have are two Department of Health mental clinics that serve adults, as well as the Mental Health America (MHA) facility, Cooperberg said. However, both organizations are focused on helping people with severe mental illnesses.
“We serve people with persistent mental illness,” Cooperberg said. “Illnesses that have an impact on their functional abilities, their capabilities…the illnesses that have really stunted people’s growth in all aspects of their lives.”
By doing preventative and short term treatment, she said people won’t be so mired down by their illness.
“Diagnosis is not a destiny,” Glover said.
Cooperberg added that mental illness does not define a person.
“Despite whatever kind of illness a person has they can have a productive kind of life, and I believe that with all my heart and soul because I lived it,” Cooperberg said.
Abdul Majeed Askia says
Ace. To your dismay I have lectured around the country, a guest of
various talk shows,invited speaker in washington,talked to thousands
of youths and adults alike in school,colleges,prisons,youth facilities,
seminars,confeences and international conferences! Not to mention the fact that eery major news outlet have taken the time to interview me.
Nevrtheless it is clear that no matter what i say or do you are the ‘point man’to attempt to discredit me. Im’ to it!!!
Sir,well ladies and gentelmen.I met a couple of people recently who had killed or at least they told me they had killed three hundred people
in Iraq! Naturally I was shocked that I would be saitting next to
someone who had killed so many people while simply paying my water bill!
I asked the young man how on earth did you kill so many people? He
told me he was a sniper in Iraq and he was given orders to kill anyone
who came out at night of their homes! The young man was sharing this
with me because he was having nightmares,flash backs and nervous
problems. He went on to tell me killed men,women and children! Shortly
thereafter i met another person with almost the same identical
story!!! We as a public that sit around in our little comfort zones
don’t realize the emotional trauma that so many of our youngsters and
vets are goning through! I sit around in our little self righteous
garbs with no emotions and/or care what is happening abroad or the
service that our vets need when they return from war torn countries!
The vets need more than emotional fan fair,celebrations and cup cakes.
The need all the services at our command to readjust to society after
such a horrifying experiece!!!! Whether it is defending the country
or not I can’t imagine the thought of having to live with killing
hundreds of men, women and children! My God! We already know Ace about
how noble it is to serve and protect your country, i am talking
about vets having to live with the aftermath!!!! We sit around not even
giving a second thought to all the people that are dying around
the world in these senseless wars. I know Ace,there is this sick
attitude that you can kill all day as long as someone else has to do!
If its not wars it its senseless drnuk driving,drug over doses,senseless
racial killings and a host of evils to numerous to mention and the last
thing we need is some self righteous person trying to stop someone
that is positive and out to end senseless violence! It is a low down
dirty shame that anyone would speak against any soul that wants to
end violence! What do you suggest Ace ? You constantly encourage
people to buy more and more weapons. All I hear you say is get “them,
kill them,and kill them all!”Ace your only means of stopping violence
is with more violence. Oh,what a great solution.Shocking!
As for my past,I am not going to allow anyone one to play some self
righteous role on me. You don’t care anything about jesus. At least
you don’t care enough about him to stop pitting people against
one another and spewing out racial animosties. In fact how on earth
are all this religious people constantly professing God and yet
harbor such hatered for one another? With all this love for Jesus
and yet hate your fellow man ? love for Jesus with your hands on
your pistol? Love for Jesus and the second coming and yet building
bunkers for shoot outs ? Love for Jesus with hate for this color and
that color,those people over there> Please explain to me where
is the love? All this religion,all this killing in the name of Jesus!
Slavry in the name of Jesus,segregation in the name of Jesus,race
supremacy in the name of Jesus and you have the nerve to play the
religious card. Oh,you don’t have to remind me of all the killings
and bombings going on between all the religious groups.
Yes, I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God!Let him who
have not sinned cast the first stone!Is that you Ace ? I repeat, I am
not going to back down I don’t care how much mud you sling or
whatever your vicious motive is. I would like to see people be people
and function in harmony. I would hope that the American people
would realize and cherish the freedoms they have and the role of
this republic. It would serve me no purpose for everyone to hate one
another. I find it very strange and sickening that professed educated
and religious people have such hatred inside of them.
I knew you are someone like you would eventually target me. I knew
you would eventually show up and begin to ‘yell’don’t listen
to that guy,he did this and he did that ! Well do your thing Ace.
This is Abdul Majeed Askia, I have sinned,made mistakes,fallen short,
said and did bad things,I was blind but now I see,I was dead but
now I am alive, I was blind but now I see! Now I am calling all
sinners (just the sinners,not the self righteous who are above reproach)
to repent of your sins. I am calling all people who have made mistakes,
made bad choices and now want to amend to turn from your wayward
ways and give your life to God,to human service. Yes, I am calling
all sinners,every last one of you no matter how bad to repent,don’t
let the self rrighteous keep you in your past,don’t let the holier
than thou peopel condemn and judge you,don’t let the snactimonious
reign over your life! Don’t let these self appointed Gods besides
God convience you that you can’t have a relationship with God because
of your past! You see its easier to target Abdul Majeed Askia and
use me as an escape goat for all the wars,jails,prisons,youth facilities,proverty,joblessness,hunger,and hatred in the world. Its
easier to put on a self righteous bage and come after Frotoe!Remember
started sharing my life the people with ill intent would start to
dig and throw dirt. This is no surprise. I am like the great actor
Clark Gable on this one, “Frankly my dear I don’t give a —!!! I am
going to ride this horse on in.
All sinners,every where in the world,don’t let the self righteous
play God over you,live your life and get a personal relationship
with God!
The round table 348 east ave.k-8 suite ‘C’Lancaster, Abdul Majeed
Askia 323-945-9589 or Pastro Gerry Mitchel 661-212-5464 or email round table is on the 28th of April from
1pmto 6:pm. There will be other speakers and community leaders.
Abdul Majeed Askia says
Again,Thanks be to God I went into prisons,youth
facilities and throughout the community encouraging people of all walks of life to have a
respect for life above and beyond color. I see
people as human beings first regardless of creed,
class or color. It doesn’t disturb me if a person
is Jewish,Asian,Caucasian,African or whatever
particular religious faith.The reason i don’t
play into all of your name calling and branding
so that you can stigmatize,defame and be-little
others is totally useless. In fact shocking. You
throw out all sorts of buz words that have
extremism associated with them to marganalize
me among the public. My life does not center
around you. If all you can bring to the table is
hate,race baiting and venom maybe you should
stay home. Personally I don’t know you other than
what you show me and it hasn’t been too good.
If you ever decide to function on a reasonable
level the door is open but thats your choice.
Abdul Majeed Askia says
The bible and Qur’an says many have eyes and can’t see, ears and can’t
hear,blind,deaf and dumb. However,Jesus said he came into the world that those who see might not see,and those who don’t see might see!Jesus went
on to say that as long as he was in the world,he was the light of the world. Many claim Jesus and yet they see not!
In fact many have a completely wrong idea about Jesus. Jesus wasn’t a light
bulb,his life example was light ! When he said know ye the truth and the
truth shall set you free. Jesus represented truth,he was an embodiment
of truth,his life represented the word,divine light !Not his hair,eyes
and nose but his mind and spirit was based in truth!That is why he said
no one can get to God but through me,not his flesh. No one can get to
God but by truth,revelation,the word of God! Not an image of a man! The
bible says we are all in the image of God,what image ? God is spirit and
those who worship God must worship God in spirit and in truth!!!Universal
truth,absolute truth,eternal truth.Jesus male body was just like anyone elses body,but the body of truth that he represented was truth,divine
truth. Not this obsession with personality and image. All Jesus is in
some peoples mind is a white man with blue eyes up in the middle of the
sky watching over everyone,incorrect!!!
Again,Stevie wonder spoke of people being superstitions in their ways,
believing in things that they don’t understand and they suffer.Most
of the teachings in the church is un-real,disconnected from reality,
designed to rob people of their lives,resources and inner power/creativity.
I know this is a bitter pill to swallow but somebodies got to say it.
Again,we are told the majority of the people in America believe in God
and most have religious or christian background. Now if you don’t know
who own most of the liquor outlets it is because you don’t want to know.
My only point was/is teenagers don’t have anything to do with owning
any of the outlets that they are often caught up in. Adults are the one’s
that provide the liquor,the drugs and the loose life styles. The
youngsters are doing no more than what they have seen and what is in their
dominate enviornment. Now we can pretend with self righteous attitudes
that we just can’t comprehend the behavior of this new generation1
They are an extention of us.Science tells us we are a product of dominate
enviornment,collectively speaking,on average,not exceptions.
Now that we mentioned around table,fifteen have popped up before the
28th of April. I wonder why ? I have attended a couple that was very
productive,very enlightening and motivational. Thats good. However,
what you just read above you want hear anywhere else!!! You are not
going to be told to get your head out of the sky and take charge of
your life. You are not going to be shown how you are in a maze,a test
tube and for the most part being used as genia pigs,only at the
Abdul Majeed Askia/Pastor Gerry sponsored round table!
All are welcome. The speakers are well is understood why many
would stir the people away,they want them to remain pawns,tools,bumps
on a log,chattle and drifters.It is interesting how much energy is put into
not hearing ‘Abdul Majeed Askia!’However, I am not the only speaker or
person at the round table. Nevertheless, the fear is they will hear something that just might get their attention,something different. All
questions are on the table,it is a schelded positive event.What is the
fear? Afraid there is no devil under the ground ? Afraid to discover
there is no man setting in a chair in the middle of the shy? Afraid
people will be complelled to reflect ? This post can become one of the
most provocative and enlightening blogs based on intelligent dialogue.
However,one cannot be afraid to go where no man has gone !
We are in the brave new world. No more scales over the eyes,no more
dark ages. True,many can’t handle their belief systems questioned. Thats
why we have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. To be or not
to be is the question. No more la’la’land.
Round table:348 east k-8
suite ‘C’lancaster Ca. April28th from 1pm.6pm.
Abdul Majeed Askia/323-945-9589/Pastor Gerry Mitchel/661-212-5464
Abdul Majeed Askia says
Crimes against humanity in the name of religion!We all fall short in some form or another. As all scripture points out we are all in need of grace
as all have fallen short of the glory of God. However,individual sins or
short comings are totally different when a nation,a govrnment oppresses a
people. Case in point:Saudi Family uses religion to deny people the right
to vote,drive cars,protest or contest the ruling families leadership! This
is all done in the name of Islam. Dynasties,royal blood and chosen families
toreign over the masses! Again,we are not talking about faults or even
indivual crimes,we are talking about holding down millions of people via
twisted religious interpretations! Islam means peace and submission to
the will of God,not submission to the saudi family. However,through
billions of dollars ,politics and lobbying theres no mention of this oppression. It is much easier to discredit Abdul Majeed Askia,turn the
tide on an everyday American citizen and paint the Saudi Family as a royal
class of people of good will. Well Ace theres some negativity you
can focus on ! As you know in our country women and blacks had to struggle
for civil and human rights!Again,our government is of the people,
for the people, and by the people ! But unfortunately there are some
that don’t seem these are collective rights,rights for all the citizens
of these united states.Laws are on the books but we have to remain vigilant
so that the laws are enforced.
I realize speaking in the face of tyrants(Saudi Family)is threading on
thin water because these cats are zillionaires!!!However,financially
they dominate the Islamic world and there influence reaches into America
on many levels. I have already begun to feel the pressure. They are slowly
spinning the web to reachout after me because as you can see “little
ole me seems to be the most vocal in this area!” Sort’ve like in lord
of the rings,get off the road Frotoe!!!Or run Frotoe!!!Nope.Straight ahead.
Why ? Because I was/is a sinner that was looking for gudiance. I knew
I had messed up, I wanted to straight up, and look what I ran into,the
devil in religion! God is real,faith is real, but the devil has tainted
and twisted all the religions. Ain’t nothing like the real thing! All
of the religions have been riged,dynasties,royal blood,unnatural teachings
that are totally disconnected from reality to rule the masses. Interpretations that absolutely make no sense and the faithful follower
takes it in hook line an sinker !I discovered the keys that unlock
the mind,free the spirit and open up the human being to new and higher
levels of thinking> I realize the goal(same as in foot ball)is to stop
me from making a touch down. The touch down is to reach the masses. The
oppositions goals is to keep the people in la la land,a land of make
believe and fantasy,to keep them boxed in,ina sand box,in a maze,in
kindergarden land as opposed to the clear day of reality. Life is good,
life is excitng,life is wonderful and collectively we can have whatever
it is we want once we stop allowing ourselves to be duped!Hokus pokus,
abra kadabra, ka zam !Nope,the jinni is out of the bottle! Thousands
and millions will be reading this web/bog and they are going to say
he’s got it, I see the light ! Yeap,there are the fat cats that want to
hold on to their magic in the religious houses and keep the peoples
heads up in the sky. For years there has always been this element trying
to contain me. I didn’t want to go along with the scheme,get rich by
duping the people preaching the end of the world while buying new cars,
new homes and expanding bank accounts but the end is in March! I have
heard this all my life. Now the end really is near> The end of lies,
deception,tricks,religious oppression and self imposed dynasties.The
end is near1 As soon as the people wake up and figure out how they have
been duped> Now you can imagine what this is stirring up. Lets go,
lets bring it to the table. Time is at hand.
Abdul Majeed Askia 323-945-9589/PastorGerryMitchel/
I’mwatching as well as praying. I’m gonna need it,
Abdul Majeed Askia says
The round table is open to everyone.Remember get what we are looking for. If we focus on negativity that is what we will see. If we look for the good
we will find the good. Two people were walking along a road together and they came across a dead dog,one said look a dead dog,he has such a foul
ordor! The other person,but oh look at his pretty white teeth!!!One focused
on the negative and the other focused on the positive! This is our world,our time and our lives,this is our moment in time. We have the option
of being positive or negative. We can think of new and creative ways to
serve humanity or we can dewell on all the gloom and doom forecast.We
can galvanize our energy to up-lift humanity or dewell on the musty old
chambers of the past.
Again, I am excited about life,people,creativity,adventure,discovery
and encouraging the human family to reach new heights in relations and
all the fields of service. As odd as it may seem there is an element
that would prefers doing the same old thing with the same old approach
and getting no where.Incarcerate as opposed to educate! Jail,lock-up,
shoot down,excute,beat-up and expand the prison system as opposed to
making a concerted effort to educate,motivate,up-lift and inspire others
to become better people/better citizens!
I understand the old mind set wants to cut off this dialogue.In fact
the waves of growth and development consciously speaking is disturbing
the waters. Imagine someone saying,don’t let them connect with the
people. Isn’t that sad? All of the participants are positive community
leaders and many with government jobs or there own businesses! I am
the public speaker with a social message,knowledge and insight into
our morden day issues. We are all collectively sharing what gifts,talents
and knowledge to help make this valley more and more positive and
productive! For decades I have had many challenges to address these
issues.The old mind set just wants to hold on to their congregations,
hold on to their government resources and remain in their comfort zones
while people go around and round in circles and problems escalate while
they take a back seat o everything. I am just one of the participants,
and coordinators along with others. I do have a particular message,as
I have noted,there is a method to the madness,nothing is accidental!
I been around,I had my ups and downs,but if you know anything about me
you would know I have a kept a book in my hand,kept focused,always
envolved and never giving up! I got staying power! I pay attention.
I watch as well as pray. I see the positive and the negative trailing
me side by side. You and I both know the political end or method that
is often used. If you can’t attack the message,attack the charactor of
the person. I am ready, I am ready to show how foul,sick and inhuman
this destructive machine is by trying to dehumanize a person that seeks
to improve our collective situations. I am not a politician nor am
I seeking office.I do what I do out of love for service.No strings
attached.I am not naive, I know the games people play.I know some negativity is lying in the cut.I am just so excited about life and making
a difference!!!Its all good. Come on,lets do this black,white,brown,red
any and all colors,creeds and classes.Remember every new invention or
new concept or new way of doing things was always risisted and challenged.
It was done with the scientist and great thinkers. It was always someone
trying to stop them.History. I’m up for it. Focus on the good. pastor Gerry Mitchel 661-212-5464
Abdul Majeed Askia says
There is no compulsion to attend. This is a free society.Evryone
is welcomed to the round table. Our Sponsor Pastor Gerry Mitchel
and other distinguished comminuity leaders will be there. Prior
to the actually dated we will list the participants.I am pleased
with our system of judgment. We have to exercise our rights,they
are on the books,we simply have to make them come alive with
our participation. Americans come in all colors,shapes,backgrounds,relgions and ethnicties.We are all
Abdul Majeed Askia says
Life is good. Its all in how you see it. It is how you interpret what you
are going through and what sense or purpose you have of life. I think it
was the artist Curtis Mayfield who said “Sucide,too many bills,hippies
moving to the hills,its a ball of confusion!”Come to the round table and
clear your head! east k-8 suite C.Lancaster,Ca.
Abdul Majeed Askia 323-945-9589 or Pastor Gerry Mitchel 661-212-5464
Abdul Majeed Askia says
The round table appeal is to invite the community out to hear solutions.
Many of the issues are not as complicated as they appear. Oftentimes when
I listen to various political groups especially those that are religiously based, I ask the question aren’t there people of faith in all political
groups ? From my perspective we are all in this together and we all have
a valent point to bring to the table !Round tabel:April 28th from 1:pm
to 6:pm,open forum.348 east k-8 suite ‘C’lancaster Ca. or pastor Gerry Mitchel661212-5464 and/or
Abdul M.Askia 323-9459589
Abdul Majeed Askia says
By the grace of God I have had the honor and opportunity to lecture around
the country and be received on every level of society; schools,colleges,
seminars,conferences,white house,embacies,talk shows (Issues and Answers,
Dr.Phil,army bases and a host of international conferences. True, I haven’t
had the privvilege of a professional public relationis,publisher and/or
journalist to travel or organize events along with me. I have been blessed
to have hundreds of publications in the Antelope Valley Press,Daily News,
LA Times,In Focus,World News,Sacramento Bee and other out lets! I am
greateful to God and to those who found my writing worthy enough to be
published as well as to the the editors and publishers who work behind the
scene for assisting me in publication.
I am not opposed to anyone stepping up offering their service. I do what I do out of personal passion and a desire to serve. Again, I have
spoken in Mosque,churches,synagogues,centers,temples,schools and colleges.
Prior to accidents I was on the USC speaking circuit! Thats with all my
blunders! I believe via the passion of my message and personal faith in
God has made the difference in reaching the public.
My name Abdul Majeed Askia, the frank way inwhich I speak,the universal
message I share (Personal views,observation,comparative study)and personal
regards for all of humanity regardless of creed class or color repels
some people. I am happy with my name, I was born and raised here in
America and my ancestors date back to the beginning of America and stretches into Africa ! I am a people person. But I don’t worship or
fear people! I am satified with our system of judgment.That is, I am
satisfied with our system of checks and balances. Of course,there is much
to be desired but as it stands it is the best in the world. I am all
for improvement. Whomever so desire that is willing to extend their
expertise is welcome to do so.I am not a bitter person,I don’t operate off of hate and rage. People are people to me regardless of what label
they may wear.I think as a free man, I don’t think of people as God beside
God. That is, I don’t fear peoples opinions or criticism. In fact my
intentions are to serve and empower people with knowledge and experience
that can make a difference. Remember with all my shortcomings and
blunders it has nevertheless taken me to every level of society.However,
I am all for doing things better and reaching more people via publications,documentary and other means of communication.
Come to the round table. Meet the community leaders. Meet the local
young growing Pastor Gerry Mitchel. Come and voice your views. Come
and let us reason together.This invitation is to you and all the
readers of this post and to protective science institute. phone 323-945-9589
Abdul Majeed Askia says
This planet is our world,this is where we all live. Therefore,it is only
proper that we seek to make the world we live in a peaceful world. Jesus
said it best “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in
Each of us is a factor in the equation all the way down to the finest
detail when it comes to peace and harmony in our communities.
All the planets function in harmony following a course naturally established in the order of the universe,everyday like clock work the sun
is on time and in time ! Why is there so much disharmony among man ?
It is in our thinking: Come to the round table and sicover in detail
why we are at odds in our communities and how we can best correct or
over come negativity.
There is a science to the madness we are seeing. Yes,there is a method
to the madness ! Cause and effect.There are alot of conditions that
exist and a lot of things we see that we don’t like,that are disturbing.
How did it all happen,what caused it ? Cause and effect. How can we
correct it and/or can it be corrected ? Trash in the street,sweep it up,
graffite on the wall,paint over it,and so on. But we want to go to the
root of things as a posed to surface matters. The next time you see
something out of order,ask yourself ‘I wonder what caused it to happen?’
What was behind it.Come to the round table.
Abdul Majeed Askia says
We live in a fast past society. Everything is now now now ! In fact a lot
of people are in a rush to get no where fast ! It is an old saying ‘ If you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there!’ As they say,
a person without a plan, plans to fail. Many people are just drifting
without a thought in the world of where they are heading. My goal is to serve as a stimulus to awaken people to their true essence,to spark a deeper sense of self,community,nation and the world !
Unfortunately, there are swindlers that don’y want the people to be
empowered with self knowledge,self discipline and a sense of destin !
I am prepared to share a degree of knowledge that liberates the mind !
Because of this I have been subjected to ‘deliberate accidents’! Let
that oak in for a minute. I have been subjected to ‘accidents on purpose!’
Car recks that simply was not suppose to haoen!!! Accidents on purpose.
Why ? Because I have split the atom! Nothing is occuring by accident,
there is a method to the madness! In our communities,neighborhoods
and social settings we are in a maze,a sand box,a circus,an hypothesis
and/or experiement ! Come to the round table on April28th at 348 k-8
suite ‘C’ in lancaster and get the scoop! Come and be empowered with
knowldge that opens your eyes.
Unfortunately there are those who benefit from others misery,homelessness,
confusion,addiction and crime ! Crime expands the prison system,crime creates a permanent underclass, through crime the process of elimination
through branding and stigmatizing occus for life ! Of course no soul
should commit a crime,but there is a method to the madness!
We know how alcholics and drug addiction develops,we know how gangs
develope,we know about cause and effect. If you want to know more
come to the round table. This message is open to the entire public,
no racial,class or creed lines drawn. When you leave there you will have a better understanding on how to get out of the grip of negativity and
allowing yourselves to be used and abused ! Now days even the preacher
ask the question before giving a sermon “Whats in it for me!” Money
is the driving force. The blinder the people are the better off the
charlatans. You want answers ? You want hard facts ? You want a difference
that you can count on ? Come and be empowered by discovering the
greatness in you !348 east avenue k-8 suite ‘C’lancaster Ca. on the
28th of April. Call Abdul Majeed Askia 323-945-9589 or Pastor Gerry
Mitchel 661-212-5464 or email
Alex says
If you are going to spam the forums about your “public speaking,” at least try to keep it to a minimum and use a grammar/spell check system.
It is hard to take you seriously when you don’t even take your work seriously enough to spell check what you post online, or hire someone to proof read for you.
“We live in a fast past society.”
“Unfortunately, there are swindlers that don’y want the people to be
empowered with self knowledge,self discipline and a sense of destin !”
S. Parker says
I get your inspiration, but I’m going to have to agree with Alex. You’ve got to figure out a way to keep it brief. Five to seven sentences at most, otherwise you lose people.
And every long-winded comment doesn’t have to end with you pumping your roundtable event. Your event is three weeks away and I am over it already. Less is more Abdul. For the sake of everyone, please take heed.
Abdul Majeed Askia says
There is constructive criticism,and there is destructive
criticism. I accept your critique.Thank you for considering it. See you at the round table.
Abdul Majeed Askia says
The power of thought !The person closest to ‘you’is yourself! Negative self
talk is what drives most people up the wall.All my life I have felt very
good about myself,a healthy self image.I had a mother that encouraged and
a family that loved me. However,all of my life just as I had people say
good things about me,I also had mean spirited and hateful people say ugly
things against me. I have had to face the bitter with the sweet ! All of
my life I have known people who admire and love me and at the same time
those who hate me ! Either because of what I teach or believe or because
they thought sense I feel so good about myself ‘It became their duty
to put me in my place and bring me down to size!’
I have had to face and repel envy,jealousy,hatred and hostility directed
at me simply because my faith,my style of clothing and the area I lived
in. Yes, I know what it is to face negativity and bad attitudes. Most
people that put other people down are those who don’t like themselves!!!
People who like themselves don’t take pleasure in putting other people
down! When you like yourself you actually want to help lift people up.
Unfortunately there are people who work at demeaning others with
sarcasm,nasty and bitter remarks,ugly name calling with the intent of
be-littling others ! The idea is to attempt to make you feel worthless,
to make you feel like a floor mat. If one can make you feel like
nothing then he or she or they can get you to think that whatever
happens to you,you deserved it. Like the song says “these boots are
made for walking and I’m going to walk all over you!”
Fortunately I had a loving mother and through prayer,positive self talk,
and chosing my friends wisely I was able to with-stand the viciousness
conniving and scheming of others. Through positive self talk,reading
positive books,listening to positive and up lifting music and learning
to appreciate a cold glass of water, a fresh piece of fruit,a beautiful
sun rise and a walk in the park has truly served to fortify me from
all the craziness thats out there !
I believe that I am one of the most blessed people on this planet! Why ?
Because I have been through so much hell,difficulty,struggle,harship
and stromy weather and yet I have been able to survive it ! I been shot,
lied on,jailed,imprisoned,evicted,talked about,worked against and
plotted on I am still luaghing. Ha’ha’ha’!Why ? Because you only get
to live once and you may as well make the best of it! In fact it blows
peoples mind that I put the crap on ‘the pay no mind list!’ Mentally
and emotionally I am fortified against negative outside vioces! I
am not trying to hear anything thats desined to tear me down. Well,may
just to make sure I don’t walk into a trap!Ha’ha’!
The point here is,be careful what you say to yourself!The closet peson
to you is yourself. You have the ability to blot out negativity.Don’t
mentally torture yourself with negative thinking. Do not allow others
destructive criticism to destroy you.It is yourself that gives value
or significance to words and what people say or don’t say. Yes, its all
in your head ! All my life I have had the paralel experience of
facing and dealing with positive and negative people ! As the great
actor Clint Eastwood would say “The good,the bad and the ugly!” Thats
life! It is people walking around that have neever gone to war with
post traumatic stress ! Drug and alcohol addiction. Ten,fifteen years
in prison, you name it its out there. The catch is,don’t let swril
around in your head with negative thinking. Its all in how you process it.
Nope, I am not a doctor but I have had the exciting experience of
living my life to the fullest and paying attention!
National pubilc speaker! Do you want to win ? Stay positive!
Abdul Majeed Askia 323-945-9589
Melitta says
Could it be that if some of these people were able to adopt a dog (if they do not have one). Of course not for everyone, but a dog can be some of the best therapy for depression.
Just a thought.
Alex says
I have a feeling a large part of it is a lack of family of friends who try to be an active part of the persons life and make sure that the person is well taken care of mentally.
We need to watch our family and friends, and even neighbors, and ask if they need anything, how they are doing, and just be good people to each other.
It never hurts to have some coffee or tea with friends, family, and neighbors and let them know you are there for them.
So much hate in this valley anymore, not like it used to be.
Gladdis says
Alex, I agree with what you said. Most people don’t take the time to say hello or even smile at their neighbors. It makes me sad to know that people who live alone are afraid to take a walk by themselves. I try to acknowledge everyone I see, whether it’s a head nod, smile, a wave or saying “hello” to them. It’s amazing how many people I have met and know by name from doing that simple thing. People are suspicious of strangers and should be, however, you can be kind to people without being intrusive.