PALMDALE – The South Valley Work Source Center (SVWSC) has recently received a National Emergency Grant (NEG) to provide the following free benefits for a limited time:
- On the job training
- Paid work experience and internships
- Customized training
- Supportive services which assist with financial barriers that may be preventing you from re-joining the workforce.
The benefits will be provided, free of cost, to those who are currently unemployed due to a layoff from one of the following companies:
- Acadian Management Services
- Albertson’s Market
- Asuza Unified School District
- Border
- Child Resource Center
- City of Maywood
- Claim Jumper
- Compton Unified School District
- Criteron Catering
- Center for Community & Family Services
- Dunn Edwards Corp.
- EDO Test & Support Systems
- Fox Audience Network
- Hilton Worldwide
- HSBC Processing Services
- LA County Superior Court
- LA Unified School District
- Lanterman Development Center
- Lockheed Martin
- Lynwood Unified School District
- Mattel Inc.
- MySpace
- Pactive Corp.
- Pyramid Services
- Roger’s Poultry
- Solar Integrated Technologies
- Unilever
- US Bank
- US Census
Interested parties may attend the Displaced Worker Recruitment from 2 to 4 p.m., Tuesday, April 17, at SVWSC, located at 38510 Sierra Highway, in Palmdale.
Job seekers must arrive promptly at 2 p.m. to participate in the orientation and must call 661-265-7421 to register. Participants must bring a copy of their layoff letter and any other supporting documentation.
For more information, call 661-265-7421 or visit
james stouvenel says
Hopefully, they get the training they need, its nice to get free training to help these people get back into the workforce.