The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the MAY 9, 2012 REGULAR BOARD MEETING:
- Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: April 18, 2012 informational workshop minutes; Apri125, 2012 meeting minutes; and payment of bills for May 9, 2012.
– - Consideration and possible action on award of contract for the construction of the water main replacement in Division St., Carolside Ave., Glenraven Ave., Stanridge Ave., 3’d St. E., Sumac Ave., Ave. Q-3, Ave. Q-4, and Ave. Q-7 under Specification No. 0902, Option B, tabled from April 25, 2012 Board meeting. ($987,183.00 -Budgeted Engineering Manager Knudson): This item was unanimously approved. The contract for this work was awarded to local contractor, Barnett VanDyne Construction, Inc., in the not-to-exceed amount of $987,183.00. Potential contract reductions may be presented to the Board for consideration at a later date. Construction is expected to begin within the next month and road delays may occur in this area.
– - Consideration and possible action on adoption of a Consensual Relationships Policy. (Personnel Committee): This item was approved. The Consensual Relationships Policy, re-titled as a Fraternization Policy, is approved pending the JPIA’s (the District’s insurance carrier) approval of said Policy. This Policy, among other items, prohibits relationships between managers and direct report personnel.
– - Consideration and possible action on a hiring freeze for management positions. (Personnel Committee): This item was unanimously approved. Due to budget concerns, a hiring freeze for the entire agency was approved; however, the General Manager may come to the Board if there is an emergency need to fill a vacant position.
The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the MAY 23, 2012 REGULAR BOARD MEETING:
- Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: May 9, 2012 regular meeting minutes; payment of bills for May 23, 2012.
– - Consideration and possible action on District 2012 membership in the Water Research Foundation (formerly known as American Water Works Association Research Foundation. ($12,881.25 -Budgeted -Operations Manager Thompson II): This item was unanimously approved and renews the District’s membership in this organization. The District benefits from the research of the Water Research Foundation and participates in its pilot studies.
– - Consideration and possible action on authorizing the maximum amount of up to $3,000.00 to help enhance the District’s web site and social media presence. ($3,000.00 -Budgeted -Director Dizmang/Outreach Committee): This item was unanimously approved. A portion of the funds will be used towards a contract with Constant Contact for enhancing the District’s web site and social media presence and a portion of these funds will be used towards the use of impact videos to help explain the operations and functions of the District.
– - Consideration and possible action to recruit for the position of Human Resources Manager. (General Manager LaMoreaux): It was unanimously approved to table this item to the second regular Board meeting in June (June 27) to allow staff the opportunity to assess the budget and staff vacancies resulting from the Two Year Service Credit Retirement Program.
– - The Palmdale Water District Board of Director meetings are held twice a month on the 2″d and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be held June 13, 2012. Board meetings are held at the District’s office at 2029 East Avenue Q, Palmdale, and the public is invited to attend.
(Information via press release from the Palmdale Water District.)