UPDATED 6/6/12: The pedestrian killed in the collision has been identified as Sonia Munoz, 27, of Lancaster.
LANCASTER – Traffic investigators from the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station are investigating the circumstances of a fatal collision, which occurred in the 1200 block of East Avenue I in Lancaster on Saturday, June 2 at approximately 9:10 p.m.
Preliminary information gathered at the scene revealed a pedestrian was crossing Avenue I, outside of a crosswalk, and was struck by a vehicle which was traveling eastbound on Avenue I.
The victim was transported to Antelope Valley Medical Center in Lancaster, where the victim succumbed to injuries. The identity of the victim has not been released.
The driver’s identity has not been released, pending further investigation.
Sheriff’s detectives continue to investigate this fatal collision, and ask anyone with information regarding this incident, to contact the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Traffic Enforcement Team at 661-948-8466.
(Information via press report from the Lancaster Station.)
*The AV Times will have more information on this story as it becomes available.)
childrenareourfuture says
What happened to the outrage about drunk driving that was displayed when Jodi Beers, the firefighter, hit and killed someone on 10th West?
jess_beltran says
My heart hurts for my hubby’s family( well my family). My husband is Sonia’s cousin and they grew up together and to see the family going threw this breaks my heart. She was such a happy person and really sweet. My heart not only breaks for just her family, but mostly for her baby because now she’s not going to grow up seeing her mother and every little girl needs their mother. Fortunitly she has so many wonderful aunts and uncles that care about her and will help her every little step of the way. Even though Sonia and I weren’t close personally I can say that we will miss her and the thought of her presence. R.I.P Sonia all of us in the Beltran Family will miss you <3..
eli says
My prayers go out to the munoz family. I lost a good friend.she is loved and missed R.I.P Sonia
oscar says
I appreciate all the support. our family are grieving but we are strong . we keep it strong!!!!!!!! God bless everyone out there!!!!!!!!!
oscar says
look she was my sister. what happened was an accident from a drunk driver. she lost her life over a mere fact . but we are strong we love her . we will continue on!!!!!!!!!
sacryinshame says
Sorry Oscar to you and your family.
oscar says
thanks for your support. god bless you.
we be having a car wash at the diary on ave i and 12th st. east. everyone is welcome for support. brng your cars.
jennifer says
First of all let’s have some compassion for the family…I. met this girl a couple of times I work with her sister,she was really sweet and full of life, second, a life was lost! Why make rude and nasty comments? this is so sad I want to send my prayers to each and every person who was affected by this loss, especially her daughter. R.I.P Sonia Munoz
mary says
I only seen her wen she was a young girl ,but still remember her big smile . I’m so
Sad to hear of her passing and to top it off by a drunk driver. Sonia is always going to be remembered as that girl that was full of life and had that twinkle in her eyes.
RIP Sonia Munos..
My prayers go out to her daughter, mother, brothers
, and sisters. God bless your family.
Gary says
It would be nice to see some compassion in these comments. The cold hearted words seem to reflect the same kind of perpertual madness that many of you complain about. This tragic event isn’t about politics or the mayor. Maybe this was not an accident at all, maybe there is more to the story than any of us know, too soon to tell, but what is missing in all the comments here is that some child lost a mother, some mother lost a child and a family lost a sister, auntie etc. It’s so sad to see when life is lost regardless of circumstance we forget to offer condolences or compassion to family members that are left behind to grieve. Find some where else to push your political agenda which in Lancaster should not be many of you seeing only 6,000 or so people even showed up to vote out of close to 66,000 regitered voters. Understand your forum or platform but remember someday your name will grace the pages of whatever local paper you subscribe to when your time comes. I am sure you would want a little more compassion and humanity displayed when your number is called. For all you know this could have been a homicide, and if so these idiotic and insensative commentors should immediately post and apology for the lack of class, grace and compassion shown here.
S. Parker says
God bless you and your comment Gary, for I was thinking the same thing when I came across this. I think compassion ends where anonymity begins. On this forum people are free to express what’s in their hearts without fear of shame or disgrace. At least now I know just how ugly people can be.
Jacky Johnson says
You are right Gary. And Mr. Parker. There are many who find death to be something of a sport in this town. Whether it be in a position to sue, and profit on the grief and loss, or insinuate that “lower income” folks purposely cross in inappropriate locations, like dumb animals tempting death, and as such, “deserve” their death. When in reality there are probably few if any who haven’t jaywalked many times in their lives.
Or worse yet, they believe that willfully crossing the street where it’s covenant, instead of legal is a crime worthy of death.
And then spend time mocking the dead and their families.
martin says
hey jackie johnson that was little my sister your talking about.that,s really rude what you said.so when your family member passes away im going to say the same thing.lets see how you feel?????
martin says
Daisy Munoz says
Jacky Johnson…I think you’re the stupidest person I have ever seen put rude and disrespectful stuff of a person who has passed away…And in my opinion you’re the ” STUPIDEST AND DUMB ANIMAL ” that has no respect for someones loss…but maybe you have never had a loss in your family but when you do I just hope people could laugh at you and your family…And maybe your mother never showed you no kind of manners and not even how to respect someones loss..And people like you that don’t have anything nice to say should just” SHUT ” there mouth..
NV says
Daisy Munoz and Martin… I am sorry for your loss. Any life lost is painful and I will keep you in my prayers.
However, even in tough moments like this you should speak with class and pay attention to what you are saying.
I believe you misunderstood what Jacky Johnson is saying… she is agreeing with S. Parker & Gary… and is stating what OTHER PEOPLE think and saying how they have NO RIGHT to judge Sonia because those people who talk crap have probably jaywalked themselves… maybe an apology is in order here?
Jacky Johnson says
Thanks NV. That was what I was saying. But I imagine in these folks grief, they didn’t read closely what I said.
Very sorry for your loss.
sacryinshame says
I agree with Gary. When I read some of the comments people make on the different news stories, it seems like a pack of wild dogs fighting to see who can say the most hurtful, hateful, sarcastic comment.
Reading this story breaks my heart. Jay walking is not the issue here, nor the crime.She was struck and killed. That’s the crime. Since it was a hit and run, it could have very easily happened had she been in a crosswalk or a parking lot getting into her car. She was struck and killed by someone who ran away and left her to die.
I am sorry for the family’s loss.
cyn4ula says
Where does it say hit and run??? It says the driver’s identity hasn’t been released which makes me assume they know who it was. Nowhere in the article does it say hit and run.
sacryinshame says
sorry cyn4ula…
I guess I was outrage by the rude comments about sheep and getting what she deserved…I got carried away. I hope you can see past that and read what I meant:
I agree with Gary. When I read some of the comments people have made on this and different news stories, it seems like a pack of wild dogs fighting to see who can say the most hurtful, hateful, sarcastic comment.
Reading this story breaks my heart. Jay walking should not be the issue here, nor the crime. She was struck and killed by a drunk driver. That’s the crime.
Since it was a druck driver who hit her, it could have very easily happened had she been in a crosswalk or a parking lot getting into her car. She was struck and killed by someone who was drunk and behind the wheel.
That sacryinshame and I am sorry for the family’s loss.
T-Bone says
Gary, What you can’t figure out is most of the comments on this article about other things then the victim were made before the update! People looking for solutions before they even knew who was hit! Then they update and it becomes a memorial page so who commented before the update are now cold hearted? How about talk to The AV Times about running an updated new article so the readers can comment on that article as a memorial and separate the two. You need to check yourself! I mean, “when your number is called”, what kind of compassion is that!
sacryinshame says
TBone-kiss my ass.
Gerald says
Yet rex parris made 10.5 mil when a little girl crossed S in Palmdale outside of a x-walk. He said Palmdale should of had a light exactly were the child walked. Maybe you all should talk to him. He seems to think it’s fine to X wherever. (as long as there are deep pockets to go after. Wonder if he’ll sue himself since this happened in his town)
Barb W says
In Q.H. in front of Vons, the parents teach their kids to cross mid-block. And to do so, they MUST stand in the middle of the bushes in the median and then wait for an oncoming vehicle before continuing across the street! I guess that’s how they roll!
Adam Chant says
When you consider that the majority of the dwellings on the east side of Ave L are low income it is no wonder this happens.
Since the speed limit is 50 MPH down Ave L and there is a lot going on between cars turning off 40th, cars pulling out from Von’s and the road going from 2 to 1 lane at 42nd street I’m surprised that people are not hit or killed there.
I’d say put a fence up down the islands, because the shrubbery that was installed to dissuade the j-walking only makes it harder to see people now between the bushes.
At least Burger King takes EBT..
ed says
Ave L runs East and West.
T-Bone says
Yes that would be the South Side of L and a Fence, Really…That sounds stupid! How about lower the Speed Limit to 45mph there and put in a Cross Walk. They can put one in that flashes yellow lights when someone pushes the button to walk accross if you really want to make an impact. But Fence the Island…HAHA!
sweetiepants says
Speed limits on streets here in the AV are tooooo fast. City streets should have a limit of no more than 40mph and yes, people should use cross walks.
In a perfect world, the drivers here would also move over to the right when a emergency vehicle is approaching from the front or back of their car. It pisses me off when everyone stops in the middle of the street and the firetruck has to go into oncoming traffic to get around them. So, while the police are out looking for jay walkers maybe they can give some of those idiots tickets too! I’m just sayin.
ed says
Good idea T-Bone. The block is a long one and the South Side has a lot of apartments and multiple dwellings. A flashing cross walk in the middle of the block would help solve the problem. Now how do we get Rex to come out and look at it?
T-Bone says
Well Ed I think it is unincorporated LA County there so not sure Rex would. Also you know 2 people have to die before they will do anything like that anyway.
Barb W says
I agree about the fence Adam. However, how long would the fence last if they realized they could probably steal/recycle the metal and make some drug money? I say all those apartments need to go, just like the ones that used to be behind the “old” fairgrounds. Just lucky for those residents that they are just outside the city limits and we all know LA county doesn’t care.
AND,by the way, it just thrills me to know that EBT is accepted now at fast food places. “healthy food makes healthy kids”. What a joke.
+-= says
EBT’s are accepted at fastfood restaurants because the homeless, obviously, don’t have refrigerators or stoves. Just saying.
Adam Chant says
I was being sarcastic about the fence.. the shrubbery was already intended to be the solution.
Honestly think the best solution would be the combo suggested above. Lower speed limit and a cross walk at the median break.
Problem is that it’s Quartz Hill apartments entering City of Lancaster VON’S going South to North. The city and the county would have to agree to work on a solution… something I suspect will never happen.
Chances are the city will post a cop at VON’S and give out j-walking tickets when they cross to the city side.
Or fly the LEAPS (Arial Surveillance Aircraft) over the area and call in “boarder patrol” to arrest and charge all those who cross the shrubbery boarder to EBT land.
QHResident says
I know where you are talking about and it’s it impossible to see them until your right on them. I wanted to stop one day and really scold this mother with a stroller and toddler. Ican not beleive a parent would risk their child for a few moments of “convienence”, to not walk to the light.
oscar says
leave your cars and try to walk. theres no horses in the city limits.
LT says
This happens all of the time in the AV. These idiots have the nerve to walk out into traffic and expect everyone to stop…Darwinism.
jess_beltran says
I thought when we were sent to driving school the book says and the teacher says “PEDESTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT AWAY”.. Reguardless if they’re supposed to cross or not drivers need to be paying attention..
sacryinshame says
I remember that too Jess. The kindness and consideration gave way to everyone being in a such big hurry that human decency doesn’t count for anything. Drunk driver will probably try to get off because of she wasn’t in crosswalk.
LT says
You are right they do, but common sense should tell you that it’s not safe! People are not afraid to commit hit and runs now a days, so yes, even though they have the right of way It is still illegal and very unsafe.
H8 Section8 says
Your taking your life in your hands when your Jaywalking.
oscar says
well we have legs to walk too. shouldnt depend on gas all our lifes.
teshi says
How sad.For everyone involved.
Walking those extra steps to a cross walk can save your life. It is marked and there is an expectation of a pedestrian crossing,
when you are outside of these, there is NO expectation of a person crossing, where you are not allowed. The lighting is less and the speeds are usually over the posted limit.
Sad story!! =[