LANCASTER – Crooks were busy in Lancaster Sunday night. Three fast food restaurants were robbed at gunpoint between 7 and 9 p.m., according to authorities.
The first robbery happened around 7:24 p.m. at Little Caesars Pizza at 43440 10th Street West.
“Two suspects walked into the location, one of them was armed with a gun, and they demanded money,” said Sgt. Paul Pfrehm, Lancaster Station Watch Commander.
Pfrehm said the robbers told the store’s employees to put all the money in a bag. The employees gave the suspects an unknown amount of money, and then the suspects ran out of the restaurant on foot, he said.
A half hour later, around 8:12 p.m., armed bandits struck Wienerschnitzel at 601 West Ave J.
“They walked into the business through an open rear door and demanded a store employee put money into a bag,” Pfrehm said. “One of the employees gave the suspects an unknown amount of currency, then the suspects ran from the location on foot.”
The Subway at 805 East Avenue K was hit by armed robbers at 9:09 p.m.
“They walked into the location, walked up to the counter and one suspect asked to purchase cookie,” Pfrehm said. “When he paid for it, the clerk opened the register… the other suspect then produced a handgun and demanded the money.”
Pfrehm said the employee placed an unknown amount of money into a soda cup and handed it off to the suspects. The thieves ran out of the business on foot, he said.
All three hold ups were done by two suspects with similar descriptions, but it is unknown at this time if the robberies were committed by the same duo, Pfrehm said.
The thieves are described as two black males, wearing t-shirts and athletic-type shorts.
“I don’t have an age approximation on them,” Pfrehm said. “There’s no notation (on the police report) that they had on masks or that their faces were covered.”
Pfrehm said detectives are currently working the cases and much of the information is still preliminary. He did not know whether any of the restaurants had video surveillance or if there were any customers in the stores during the robberies.
“They’ll be out canvassing and looking for witnesses today, seeing if anybody happened to see anything at any of the surrounding businesses,” he said. “We’re asking for the public’s help.”
Anyone with information on the armed robberies is urged to contact Lancaster Station detectives at 661-948-8466. If you would like to provide information anonymously you can do so by calling Crimestoppers at 800-222-8477.
Just Me says
I sure feel safe in this town since our mayor declared crime down.
ryenisha jackson says
ahh another crime filled day in lancaster lol. if the welfare moms would just give there babys daddys some foodstamps there wouldnt be crime lol
Stinger says
Notice how the trolls come in to EVERY crime related story and try to link it to welfare, Section 8, foodstamps, etc.?
Delron says
If the shoe fits, Stinger, then wear it!
Shawn Rone says
WOW. IT IS SAD WHEN OFFICERS BECOME SO JADED THAT THEY ATTEMPT TO CHARGE ANY Black MALE for a crime .I HOPE DAMON SUES lancaster police department for the maximum allowed by law .
Delron says
BWAHAHAHA, the wheels of justice turn slowly, Shawn, so why don’t you just wait for the trial and the evidence presented on both sides before you make such ridiculous claims of officer and judicial prejudice. No need to open your mouth and let your ignorance show.
toria says
Yeah, they must have gotten about 50.00 bucks off all 3 places….don’t these Idiots know the stores do drops into the SAFE every few hours!
What are these little terriorist doing, they have ROBBED LIL Ceasers in palmdale 3 times, Subway in palmdale and the US Gas station and they don’t get a lot of money out of it…stupid asses!
One poster on here is right, at least no one has been hurt as of this time, let’s hope it does not escalate into violence.
The only thing I can say is everyone cry’s that the cops don’t do enough and then when they do people say Police brutality…
hmr says
I also am looking forward to the “eye in the sky” going up..if it could have caught these bastards or the ones that are breaking into homes or any of the scum that we have to tolerate in the AV, more power to it..just think, if it was your home being broken into, you would want the perps caught ASAP..
Stinger says
Explain to us precisely HOW it would have prevented this from happening, “hmr.”
7Mary3&4 says
Stinker- I don’t see anyone saying the eye in the sky would have prevented these crimes, no matter how many times you type it here. I think we are hoping that possibly “the eye” could have been dispatched to the call, or just be in the right place at the right time, and hopefully capture some footage of a car speeding away from the scene, or the 2 BLACK MALES running away, or any other tidbit to help the cops catch these thugs. Also, I’ve lived here 40+ years, and contrary to your “facts”, it HAS been the combined influx of section 8, low income housing, and ghetto rats from “down below” that have caused most of the decline in this Valley. So yes, Stinker, I’m willing to let big brother fly over my yard if it helps get these savages off my streets!
Stinger says
7idiot3&4- That’s because the eye in the sky would not have had one iota of effect upon this, or any other, crime. If you REALLY need to spend a million dollars a year on fighting crime, and you just CAN’T see the benefits of preventative programs, then at least spend it on getting more deputies out on the streets to ease the load on our hard working deputies already out there. For that kind of money, we could put about 2 more fully manned units out there, 24/7/365, with enough left over for additional detective hours to catch, investigate, and prepare good prosecution for these clowns.
Now as to the influx of inner city ‘yoots’ to the AV over the last 20 years: If you hade actually READ my posting, you would see that I agree that we have had an importation of criminals causing a spike in our crime levels. Hell, YOU even included that in your statement that it has “been the combined influx of section 8, low income housing, and ghetto rats from “down below”.” My position is that our crime rate increases (which have been on the way down since BEFORE your hero, Parris even ran for office, by the way, making his influence questionable, at best) have not been SOLELY due to Section 8 housing and to continually try to link EVERY crime to it is intentional politicization at the expense of the facts.
If we spend so much time playing hyperbolized politics instead of actually looking at the facts rationally, we’ll never get a handle on the real issues and, therefore, never be able to really fix the underlying problems. I further argue that politicians, like Parris (but certainly not excluding politicians on both sides of the political spectrum), are intentionally trying to cloud the issues with this political claptrap to keep having a windmill to tilt towards so that the sheeple will continue to elect them into office!
7Mary3&4 says
You have absolutely NO IDEA if “the eye” would have had “one iota” of effect on these crimes! How do you know where the plane would have been? YOU DON’T,NONE OF US DO! Its a tool. Just one of many. But libs like you want to bitch about your “freedom” being violated, yet you’re fine with savages running around jacking people. Oh yes, I don’t live in Lancaster, don’t know or care about Rex. That’s seems to be your only comeback to everyone who hates the criminal element.
Stinger says
Again, you didn’t pay attention to the posting (you seem to have a habit of that).
As for ‘libs like me;’ I am proud to be the same type of liberal as such great men as Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the rest of the founding fathers who believed that our freedom is, indeed, far more precious than a few crimes of opportunity. YOUR kind, on the other hand, wanted to give up all of our freedoms to tyrants… Which apparently hasn’t changed in over 200 years.
Your attempts to paint me as somehow approving of crime and criminals is yet another outrageous stupidity by a person with no rational argument.
C. Yablonski says
Your a constant apologist for criminals! Have watched you on this site for about a year now and I chose to comment about it today. There are lots of us who want the “eye in the sky” because of crap like this. If you dont like it then you can move to Palmdale or Rosamond. The only people who have a problem with the “Eye” are people who are doing something illegal such as growing potin their yard, etc.
Stinger says
That’s not an explanation, “C. Yablonski,” just more ridiculouos BS accusations by someone with no rational argument.
Adam Chant says
The cost of the LEAPS (not eye-in-the-sky that is a trademarked term owned by Northrup Grumman) is a force multiplier and trying to compare its cost to that of how many officers the funds would put on the street is apples and oranges. It’s a tool available to all officers on patrol that multiplies the ability to observe a scene with the resolution of 10 times the number of eyes on the ground.
It can see more area than that of 50 officers on the ground and in the case of only 1 or 2 officers on the street it would provide the visual feedback of having 10 or 20 officers dispatched to the area.
Stinger says
Right back at you, Adam… Even IF the eye in the sky weren’t a blatant violation of civil rights, I fail to see how you can compare its use in civilian law enforcement to the Northrup Grumman UAV in military applications. There is no evidence to support your contention that it would amount to any more of a ‘force multiplier’ than already existing use of technologies, such as the helicopter, or the additional forces of at least 17,520 additonal hours of available deputies to be brought to bear within the community. I submit that it is you, sir, that is comparing apples to oranges.
hmr says
stinger, the eye in the sky is not supposed to prevent…it’s supposed to aid in capturing.. you sound more like someone that is at odds with the city or law enforcement.. do you have something to hide? if not, why should you care if the city puts an airplane in the sky trying to help with crime.. i doubt whether they are going to hover over your yard.. taking pics of you.. so, get over it..
Stinger says
You have yet to explain to me why I (and all of the GOOD people of the AV) need to forever give up essential rights for this pet project of Parris’. Instead, its just the same old BS “you don’t like law enforcement,” and “you must have something to hide” ad hominem accusations.
hmr says
“stinger” what studies are you talking about? where are they? and who did the studies? the bleeding heart liberals, (who would love to have these lowlifes living next door to them) or an independant agency? I would really like to see these studies..
Stinger says
Actually, “hmr,” one of these studies was performed under the direct funding of the City of Lancaster by an independent agency. If you would like to see the results, as they were presented to the City Council about 6 years ago, you might want to find out why Parris is keeping them from being released… I guess he’s one of those “bleeding heart liberals” you’re talking about, eh? Or are all scientists who disagree with your preconceived notions “bleeding heart liberals?”
Yet another case of, “my mind is made up, don’t bother me with facts.”
Layla says
The eye in the sky… does not point a finger and condemn us. We condemn ourselves. God gave us the ability to make decisions from “Right or Wrong”, “Good or Evil”, “Bad or Good”, “Hero or Villian”. It is up to you…
Layla says
Crime is down according to population #’s, in reality it increases with population.
Jerome says
Remain calm! All is well! Have faith in our Lord Parris.
LilAnn says
Wellcome to Lancaster where Parris proclaims crim is down and all is well.
Letlow says
I hate to say this, but maybe the eye in the sky could have helped in a situation like this. Cops could just pull up the footage from that time frame and zoom in on the thieves to catch their faces, especially since they ran from all three locations on foot.
The eye in the sky might have helped in the Palmdale Little Caesars robbery too. The more these criminals battle for control of our streets, the more I warm up to the idea of this eye in the sky… as long as it doesn’t snoop in innocent people’s backyard.
Yeah! says
bring it on! I’m ready for the Eye In the Sky!!!!
Stinger says
Why? Explain to us precisely HOW it would have prevented this from happening.
Explain to me why EVERYBODY’S Constitutional rights MUST be trampled upon for YOU to feel safer without any real protection.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – B. Franklin, 1775
C. Yablonski says
Benjamin Franklin doesn’t live in the Antelope Valley circa 2012. Its so stupid to even try to compare the time he lived vs. what we’re dealing with now. Back in Ben Franklin’s day, anybody even caught on someone’s property would be shot, let alone if they were caught in the act of stealing. These ghetto thugs are only that much luckier we don’t live in the days of the Founding Fathers.
Stinger says
I dunno about you, ‘Yablonski,’ but last time I checked, this IS still the United States of America and the prophetic words of our founding fathers, along with our rights, DO still matter.
I always get a tickle out of these supposed ‘conservatives’ who are willing to claim allegiance and quote the founding fathers for their arguments (while conveniently failing to notice that the original founding fathers were actually the liberals of their day), yet try to claim those very same founding fathers are somehow irrelevent when they are quoted from the other side of an argument. Such hypocrisy is astounding.
Hurry! says
likewise, I get a kick outta liberals who try to quote the Founding Fathers and call them “liberals” as if the Founding Fathers would have tolerated OUT OF CONTROL crime, section 8, food stamps, baby mamas, flash mobs, redistribution of wealth (ROBBERY!)from the middle class to the “Gibs Me Dat” welfare class.
If the Founding Fathers were alive there would be lots of Dead Thugs all over the place because we would have never tolerated what we do now, thanks to liberalism.
The fact that we are forced to live in a Police State is because the liberals have been coddling criminals for so long now that the criminal class feel entitled to keep being criminals. We are supposed to tolerate crime and ghetto/thug behavior in the name of “diversity”.
I’ve got an acronym for you: FOAD.
Now go look it up.
Stinger says
Typical BS response, followed, interestingly enough, with wishing death upon me now… Guess that such a ‘conservative’ as yourself just can’t hack a legitimate debate.
susan whitson says
Sadly no surveillance has been released and as you stated the ran away from all three locations…ON FOOT… I can’t speak for this Lee Guy but Damon (who has no idea of who Lee is) is INNOCENT. I myself have been a victim of thrifty and bullying and honestly lock my doors securely while riding in my car because of thugs with nothing to loose so I’m all for capturing and locking up these criminals but Damon was no where close to this area during these times he’s allegedly robbed these businesses with this mysterious crime partner. If you have a heart please pray for Damon, he is innocent 100%. Why would a man who makes very good money in a very good area around successful individuals who also supports him want to rob places where he will only get crumbs. That’s crazy. Show the people motives …
Layla says
Boo hoo, poor role models is an excuse. We know right from wrong. Robbery is a felony. THINK???, what the victims must have been feeling. I hope there locked up a long time. Who knows what they’ll do next. Just a couple of losers. To people like them IT IS TIME TO GROW UP!!! and the same to people who are like them. If they get shot they deserve it.!!!
Sam says
I really hate to hear this news. I want this city to be a better place for my family. That’s why Rex Parris needs to continue to fight against Section 8.
Yeah! says
Cannot wait for that “Eye in the Sky” to go up!!!!!
Stinger says
Try to get this straight, “Sam.” No matter how much Parris’ trolls try to lie about this to try to deflect attention away from his illegal activities, the studies are in and Section 8 does not bring in any more crime than other rental housing.
Yeah! says
I call bull[removed]!!!! This town was so much safer before all of the hoodrats from South Central and Compton came out here with their Section 8 vouchers! And quit calling people “Parris Supporters”. Maybe we’re just freaking sick of crime! gee, who’d a thought????
Stinger says
Nice try, but the numbers do not bear out your accusation when it comes to Section 8. You could reasonably argue that the influx of people from the inner city after the Rodney King riots has had such an impact, but there are an insufficient number of Section 8 vouchers in the Antelope Valley to make the assertion that it is ALL due to Section 8.
When you make such ill thought out claims, you are merely repeating what is said by certain politicians, such as Parris, to further their own agendas to divide and subjugate the population… Which makes you, by default, a supporter.
Hmm says
I think someone hit your nerve, maybe because you fit into the mold with the rest of them.
Stinger says
Typcial ad hominem argument with no substance.
Yeah! says
Those of us who have lived here 20 yrs or more know better than any crap “study” that you can come up with.
Stinger says
Nice try again, but I HAVE lived here well over 20 years.
Quigley says
So Stinger you have lived here for 20 years? If it’s not section 8 corrupting the AV then what is it? Perhaps cheap apartment rent? Judges releasing criminals with train tickets to the AV…you know so they can get away from the city and gang life….yea right! The thugs and their families are here regardless of section 8. How bout the front page of todays AV Press? So disgusted!!
Stinger says
Quigley says: “The thugs and their families are here regardless of section 8.”
You are correct, sir. The massive influx of inner city families brough with them many inner city problems – including crime. This is not to say that EVERY family that moved up here brought problems, but we’re talking statistically more than the average previous transplant to the AV, who was more of a rural nature in temperament.
Delron says
Absolutely true on this one Stinger, but these people are/were more likely statistically to be poor and hence more likely to be statistically on welfare, using section 8 etc., so why are you disagreeing with people calling out the influx of section 8/welfare users as contributing to crime increases?
“The thieves are described as two black males, wearing t-shirts and athletic-type shorts.”
Yeah! says
any connection to the “two black male” suspects who robbed the CVS stores in Palmdale too?
Quigley says
More of Pompton’s finest earning a living!
sikntired says
Haha., article says ” one suspect asked to purchase cookie “,must have thought he was on Sierra Highway.