PALMDALE – A 24-year-old Los Angeles man was arrested during a traffic stop in Palmdale Monday night after deputies found drugs and two assault rifles in the man’s vehicle. The following is the press release from the Lancaster Sheriff Station.
Lancaster Detectives with the OSS Unit and Robbery Suppression Team observed a vehicle driving excessively slow on the northbound 14 Freeway.
A traffic stop was conducted on the 14 Freeway at Avenue S.
Upon contacting the driver, suspect Nelson Soriano from Los Angeles, they could smell the strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. They detained suspect Soriano to search for the marijuana.
During their search, detectives located an M-4 assault rifle, an SKS assault rifle, multiple magazines, ammunition, marijuana, methamphetamine and a digital scale.
Suspect Soriano was arrested and booked at the Lancaster Station Jail and held on $50,000 bond.
His gang affiliation is under investigation at this time.
Bob says
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has been hiring convicted felons for many years now. It is a well known fact that Prison Guards have their own Felon Gangs inside of the State Prisons and County Jails. More crimes are committed by Sheriff’s Deputies during the course of arrests that I can’t believe any reports released by any Sheriff’s Department.
Party Pooper says
Young soldier, coming to the AV to fight in the race war!
Maria Paesano says
Once again ANYONE out there getting this? Does anyone READ any other news articles posted? Might there be some sort of connection here with the ( hahaha )guy that hacked computer ( from bathroom and library ) talking about all weapons he had ( massacre) and shooting at AVC? Or the guy involved with gun on girl in parking lot who was found hiding at church ( gun looked awfully clean like these do ) . Maybe also connection with working as part of ( probation or volunteer ? ) at police station or at fire station where lots of things went missing including I phones, badges , etc.. Unreal how this guy is backed by cops. Actually looks like weapons chosen from police storage or something. Where is picture of “suspect” ? Hey “satan” your demise is coming VERY SOON! And everyone else involved in this fraudulent , manipulative,disgusting attack on the lives of innocent, loving and decent men , women and children. By the way, I know you think that what you posted on Facebook is very ” clever” and like most PSYCHO KILLERS you feel the need to “show off” your “artistic talents” . But I know who you are and I PROMISE, YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL THE PAIN AND SORROW YOU HAVE CAUSED. And Alex , what do you consider a ” weapon” ? I mean, you can LEARN ALOT of things about “weapons” from taking some tech courses right? Or medical, psych corses too. Or heck what you can learn from a wh**re.
Alex says
The level of ignorance here is breathtaking, please go back to holding signs on the street and yelling at people who are going to hell because they aren’t in your cult. Leave journalism and speculation to those who know what is going on.
winehouse says
what he said.
lookwhoistalking says
@Maria Paesano get your refill…Wow !!
Sounds like you might be off your Meds. poor thing…
Great job officers…keep the scum off our streets!!
AV Nurse Rachett says
Didn’t a young man (19 or 20), working at Lancaster Station, get arrested last spring for some felony? and now he’s in National Guard training, before it ever went to trial? That’s how these kids infiltrate law enforcement and military.
FedUp says
It is against the law to have firearms with drugs. Great job deputies. Keep up the good work.
satan says
2down many to go haaa yolo life in the av haaaa and its for termanation of Monkeys up here lol
sikntired says
Sweety,I think your truck is calling, it’s tired of sitting on the front lawn.
Thanks says
Thank you deputies!!!!!! Good job!!!!
juanito says
Drug dealers from LA with guns ARE our local urban terrorist!
Bill says
According to California that SKS is an assault weapon since it has a detachable mag.
Jt says
Actually they both have detachable Magazines, which is not against the law yet. the fact they they appear to be larger than 10 round capacity may cause him some problems since those have been banned for over 10 years. I do not know why the photo opt. to show the guns as they have not yet determined f those are part of any crime. if the guns were being transported unloaded and secured and ammo separated that is perfectly legal. However once again if this person is a convicted felon then he has a whole world of problems. But since they are both semi auto rifles the news/law enforcement have to play it up!
Alex says
The article doesn’t say anything about the guns being loaded but the picture has the magazines in. Also, are the guns stolen or are they illegal, because I see no reason as to mention the term assault rifles, much less have such a strong picture making such a bold statement. It looks to me that this man was stopped on suspicion of intoxication and was booked for having small amounts of controlled substances, not suspicion of committing an act of terror.
george forman says
It looks like hes just a mid-level drug dealer. Being young and extremely stupid