Video by Calvin Robinson, Palmdale resident and 5th Grade Teacher, Palmdale School District
This video, which runs nearly 90 minutes, was recorded by local teacher Calvin Robinson and features the majority of the Palmdale School Board debate on October 14 that was hosted by the League of Women Voters Antelope Valley.
Candidates for the Palmdale School District Board of Trustees are: Incumbents Sandy Corrales-Eneix, Jeff Ferrin and Carol Stanford; Challengers Juan Carrillo, Stacy Fournier, David Markov, Jeffrey D. Moffatt, Joyce Ricks, Nancy Smith, Michelle D. Whitaker and Don F. Wilson.
Robinson said he recorded the debate in an effort to inform the voting public. The cuts in the video are a result of having to change memory cards, and the candidates’ closing statements were not recorded due to lack of memory, Robinson said.
The local election is scheduled for Nov. 5, 2013.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Phony Scandals says
Teacher Unions are the downfall our American educational system they have turned them into indoctrination centers.
Quigley says
Phony balony….thanks for my morning laugh!
Phony Scandals says
Stay obtuse Quigley you wear it so well.
Quigley says
Twice in one day….your killin me PB!!
Green is a coverup says
I just learned that the teachers in the Palmdale
School District have the most generous medical plan in ALL of Los Angeles County, are you kidding me. They are out of line!
Natalie Ynocente says
Why are you so hung up on benefits? Where did you get this information that “you just learned”? If you had sense of empathy maybe you be less reticent to make such a statement. What is out-of-line? If your job did to you what has been done classified and certificated staff I am quite confident you would be as outraged as the workers of PSD. We gave up years of COLA, changed coverage to save the district money, and then took a hit again anyway.
If you are so upset about teachers in PSD, are you just as upset about classified and management, as well as the school board’s medical benefits? Or is it that teachers have chosen to stay with CVT instead of moving over to SISC and that is what has you so hot and bothered? We all have the same cap now but only teachers are the ones under an imposed contract. That is where the outrage comes from; the absolute negation of the ability to bargain is the problem…benefits are only an outgrowth of the actual root of the issue. Stop with this whole benefits thing because it is old and is a non-issue at this point in time.
No Incumbents says
Keep an eye out for a heavy set Hispanic guy in a white pickup truck removing “Teacher’s Choice” signs. Many have disappeared and incumbent signs have risen instead.
Funny how none of the “Palmdale First” signs have been vandalized.
Quigley says
Mr. Magana let me first say that I do not use my real name when I am posting on any public blog in the cyber world. I post and reply when I am interested in the topic without sharing my personal life, once again it’s the cyber world! The “property” you are concerned about has me baffled. I have seen hundreds of political signs throughout the AV both on private and public properties. So, who do they actually belong to once they are posted and left behind?
I witnessed a couple kids kicking down signs just for the fun of it. Who cleans up the mess in what I think is a 3 day grace period for those who so proudly stuck them where ever, most likely the taxpaying city workers will be doing most of the clean up. May I call you Moises….I have shared my age somewhat when I referred to “Deputy Dog” actually it’s “Dawg” FYI, cartoon that originated back in the 1950’s and ran for decades. Thanks for reminding me that the depends are fast approaching!
Oldman7 says
So Mr. Quigley if you park you car on the side of the road and walk away from it, it’s abandoned and anyone is entitled to take it? Each of those signs has a “paid for by” on it, and is the property of that individual or organization. Taking it, or vandalizing the sign is a crime. Read the law…then feel free to comment.
Quigley says
Touché O7….
DCuestas says
Vote come Nov. 5. 900+ teachers and around 300 classified employees for PSD will. Ah, they will most likely will not be voting for the incumbents.
Oldman7 says
DCuestas, you were my grandson’s teacher at Los Amigos, and sir that sounds like an out and out lie. My bet, as in any other “union” there are some members with brains of their own. My second bet is that they will all vote their conscience, even the few that have been brain washed by your union. I have seen your group on 10th Street West acting like children. I have seen them and you on 47th Street East acting like children. Spoiled children, who are demanding that mommy and daddy give them exactly what they want.
And to say “they will not likely…” is so chicken, it just sounds like a desperate lie. Just like the Quigley guy, you need to get some big boy pants and grow the heck up. I for one, and most everyone else that reads this kind of chicken nonsense, are fed up. Have some honor, take care of your family, love your country (the one you live in) and above all try to act like a mature adult.
Ughhh, you make teachers look so bad…
M Magana
DCuestas says
Hope your grandson is succesful at whatever he is doing, in spite of havingme as his teacher. Education starts at home indeed. Sorry I cannot meet your expectations.
Harris says
After last night’s financial report about PSD, perhaps Ferrin, Corrales and Stanford will step down. It’s amazing that THEY would support and put their stamp of approval on such deception and corruption! Apparently, they SHOULD NOT BE INCUMBENTS BUT CONSIDERED INCOMPETENT. I am still in shock after the presentation–much worse than I imagined! Over 16 million dollars manipulated during the past few months (according to PSD books) – I’m pretty sure that someone should be going to jail over the lies and deception and mishandling of funds – tragic for our students and employees! My teacher friend tells me that she received an email or phone call regarding twelve pencil grips that cost a total of 99 cents (ON HER CLASSROOM SUPPLY ORDER) and was denied them by someone at the district office!
Oldman7 says
I have cell pics of a female leaving a white SUV with “Carrillo, Smith, Ricks PSD Board” on the back window, pulling Corrales, Ferrin, Stanford signs out and leaving them on the ground. Done in broad daylight. Anyone want to fess up? Teachers?
Oldman7 says
Sorry, let me clarify…she pulled them from the ground, and dropped them where she was standing. I’m assuming she was a teacher because of her back window and lack of respect for other people’s property. I will forward them to the Palmdale School District.
Quigley says
I’m sure PSD will be anxiously waiting for your pics to arrive. Hey send them to Sandy, Jeff and Carol as well, she could actually be a friend of theirs. You go deputy dog!
Quigley says
WOW! In broad daylight? Criminal! Did you get her plate# and call 911?
Oldman7 says
“Quigley” whoever you are, have some respect for yourself. Vandalizing someone elses property is never ok, even if it’s something as seemingly insignificant as a political sign. It is akin to theft, and theft is a crime. I read your posts on the AV Times quite a bit, and it seems that you are one very jaded and unhappy person. Now it seems as if you’re condoning criminal behavior, and being awfully flip about it in the process. Your attitude, and condescension speak volumes about what your opinion is worth.
My best guess, after reading most of your posts is that you are a disgruntled current or former employee of the Palmdale district, or maybe a wife or son/daughter has been and they got into trouble. Being that you obviously have little or no respect for the law, or for that matter proper behavior you are part of that portion of society that is pushing us into failure. And no, I am not a deputy, never have been, but calling me a “dog” in any other place besides here would be words worth a fight. I hope some deputy knows who you are. And no I didn’t call 911…you don’t call 911 because some punk on a news blog needs a diaper change. Get a life, but until then grow the heck up.
Oldman7 says
Quigley mine is, Moises Enrique Magana, what’s yours?
Quigley says
Thank you AV Times….not surprised at the “new posters” and the negativity. Don’t you just love politics?!?
Daniel M says
Ok so I watched tis debate in person and several times here. So far all I see is the Moffatt guy exercising his giant ego telling everyone how smart he is. The Wilson guy is just BS’ing answers, and has no clue. Smith is acting just like Moffatt, condescending and arrogant. Two of the three challengers endorsed by the teachers can’t even speak appropriate English. The new guy next to Moffatt seems nice, but speaks more like a hippie left over from the 60s. And the woman who showed up 35 minutes late, well she showed up 35 minutes late. The choice here seems pretty simple. Oh and I agree that the videographer may be stalking Corrales. Sicko.
Mike S says
So what exactly is the Robinson guys issue with the dark haired woman? He seems to focus on her a lot, even when other people are talking. It’s almost like the dude is stalking her or something. Creepy!!
Dora says
Get this! Last Friday I watched my son’s former 6th grade teacher, stop his car in traffic, exit his car, and run to the side of Avenue S to pull up and wrip in half two of the Corrales signs. I was shocked that someone would be so brazen. If you don’t have any respect for other people’s property, or for yourself, how will you be able to have respect for my child?
Doc Rivers says
This guy thinks we are going to believe a union leader that is upset his union candidates could not get a newspapers endorsement. These teachers are living in some dream world thinking they are different than everyday people that are living in real life. Step up and do your jobs teachers and quit threatening us.
Natalie Ynocente says
What “dream world” are we teachers living in? What have teachers done that makes “think that [we] are different than everyday people”? What is my job, in your opinion, Doc Rivers? What “threat” are teachers posing to you? Maybe those that complain the loudest about the teachers should do the job before giving any unsolicited advice. As I teacher I am absolutely fed up with comments like yours, from people unwilling to put their name to their comments like you, speaking about things you have absolutely no clue about. If I lived in my own dream world, all of my students would have stable home lives, classroom supplies at all times, students who were all at grade level and constantly engaged, no classroom interruptions, no having to teach students how to treat one another, a 30-hour day to do everything I need to do, and be treated with a whole lot more respect than I actually receive from a public would spend less time spouting off their opinions and more time developing an evidence-based argument with proof. Alas, none of those situations are true, therefore I DO live in the real world, just as the rest of the working class stiffs out there. Stop trying to portray the average teacher as some whiny, white-collar intellectual and do the job before you comment. I certainly don’t try to tell you, or anyone else, how to do theirs. What experience do you have in my profession that entitles you to say what you do? In addition this whole notion of teachers “threating” the public and “taking people hostage” is old, tired, worn-out, and frankly highly charged rhetoric that needs to be retired.
Natalie Ynocente says
*…public who would spend less time…
dumbandblind says
If these people debated less and taught more we would have less stupid students.
Mr. Mister says
Yes and No. If students’ parents take more of an interest in their children’s education, then the student has a better will to learn. It starts at home and ends in the classroom. The teacher can be horrible, but the student can still learn through the textbook. I was self-taught in a class or two going through high school and have sense retained the information. It’s not all on the teacher. You can’t teach a rock to jump if it’s just a rock; it was sculpted that way.
Mr. Mister says
Natalie Ynocente says
Which of the school board candidates, other than a portion of the incumbents, are teachers? One would think having educators and parents on a school board rather than politicians might be more conducive to learning environment and more dedicated to the actual stakeholders. Your observation is indicative of society’s value for education, not the quality of the educator.