A Santa Clara County judge announced today that serial rapist Christopher Hubbart could potentially live in the Antelope Valley community when he’s conditionally released, which could be as early as December.
The announcement was made at a hearing attended by prosecutors from the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. The judge scheduled a formal hearing in 45 days.
Hubbart, who admitted to raping approximately 40 women between 1971 and 1982, could potentially be relocated to 17132 Laredo Vista Avenue, according to Jane Robison, Public Information Officer for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Robison said the address is public information.
District Attorney Jackie Lacey said her office will work diligently with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement partners to ensure that 62-year-old Hubbart will be closely monitored, as required by law.
“Our priority is to safeguard our residents and make certain Hubbart is obeying all the conditions of his release,” Lacey said in a news release.
Los Angeles County officials are vehemently opposed to Hubbart being released at all.
“It is an outrage that an admitted sexual predator with a long history of brutal crimes against women be released in this community – or any community,” said Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. “He belongs in an institution where he cannot prey upon the public.”
“I think this county needs to do everything it possibly can to protect its citizens and especially victims of this particular individual’s crimes in past years who reside in this county,” County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky said in a post on his official website.
The post, dated July 9, 2013, detailed Hubbart’s violent past:
In the early 1970s, Christopher Evans Hubbart admitted raping more than 20 women in the L.A. region and Orange County, placing a pillowcase over their heads before his violent assaults. Freed in 1979 after doctors at Atascadero State Hospital determined he was no longer a threat, Hubbart went on to rape at least 15 more women in Northern California, serving another eight years behind bars. Paroled in 1990, he promptly tried to sexually assault two more women and was incarcerated again.
Hubbart was considered such a continuing menace that, as his next release date approached in the mid-1990s on a parole violation, the state legislature passed the Sexually Violent Predators Act, empowering authorities to keep serial offenders like him under lock and key in state hospitals until they’re deemed safe for release. When the law took effect in January, 1996, Hubbart was the first state prisoner subjected to its civil commitment requirements. Hubbart appealed to the California Supreme Court but lost.
Now nearly 20 years later, at the age of 62, Hubbart’s getting out again. After hearing testimony from state mental health professionals in April, a Superior Court judge in Santa Clara County ruled that Hubbart was eligible for “conditional release” from Coalinga State Hospital. The following month, the judge determined that, despite strong objections from prosecutors here, Hubbart should return to Los Angeles County, his last address, where he would remain under close scrutiny and supervision—including electronic monitoring—while continuing treatment.
District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced her office will serve as the point of contact for all written public comments regarding the proposed release of Hubbart to the Antelope Valley.
Hubbart’s tentative residence at 17132 Laredo Vista Avenue has a Palmdale mailing address, but the house is actually located in the community of Lake Los Angeles.
THE PUBLIC HAS UNTIL NOV. 29 to submit written public comments to Judge Brown by emailing the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office at HubbartLASafetyTaskForce@da.lacounty.gov, or by writing to:
Hubbart L.A. Safety Task Force
c/o District Attorney’s Office Sex Crimes Division
320 West Temple Street, Room 777
Los Angeles, CA 90012
On Dec. 4, Judge Brown will hold a public hearing in San Jose on Hubbart’s proposed residence. Anyone wishing to address Judge Brown directly will be allowed to speak at the hearing in Santa Clara County Court, Department 32, 190 W. Hedding Street, Fourth Floor.
Lacey said her prosecutors will deliver all written comments to the Santa Clara County Court prior to the Dec. 4 public hearing.
County Supervisor Michael Antonovich has also released a detailed timeline of Christopher Hubbart’s criminal, social, and legal history. View it here.
Previous related story: DA petitions state Supreme Court to halt release of serial rapist
Db says
For anyone interested John and Ken from KFI Radio is broadcasting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 30th from 3-7pm to bring awareness to this situation…bring as many people as you can to show your support!!!
Shawna says
I saw this on the news this evening ( Oct 29, 2013) After reading everyone’s post, WE THE PUBLIC are all in AGREEMENT. I am APPAULD by this and have no comprehension on how this MONSTER could ever be released. If a judge actually sends this monster back into society there is no hope.
justin says
Proof again that the Antelope Valley is the dumping ground for LA trash…
Maria says
Why let someone like him out?
He hasn’t done nothing good in life but hurt women!
He is obviously sick within him.
He hasn’t learned his lessons the past times they locked him up.
So why chance another women getting hurt..
Feel offended but people that have the power these days
to allow people like hubbard and worse be released are
Mentally ill just like then!
Rosie Lowe says
I am totally sickened by this report. I spent most of my life living in California and am so glad I left to live else where. Releasing that [removed] serves no purpose whatsoever. Does the justice system of California not remember little Amy Sue Seitz who was kidnapped, tortured and brutally raped and murdered by Theodore Frank? He too was a convicted rapist over and over again and after being sentenced to Atascadero State Hospital for some time, his therapists claimed he was fit for release and he would never harm another child. He too supposedly went through all the therapy this so called convict has gone through. Then released to commit even more crimes of a worse nature. Sexual predators of any kind cannot be reformed. But apparently the justice system of California doesn’t see it that way. Why do the people of that state put up with this nonsense? Why should they have too? I hope that he is never released but if he is I would not be surprised to see the public where he may be released take justice into their own hands. How much more must we take?
IBleave says
Every comment that is made is not about us in general. It’s about protecting the next victim if there is one. Society in whole is breaking down because we are forced into accepting these people as “it’s okay” or “they have rights too”. Rights are something we earn, not given. I am a descent bible believing man and this man is carrying such a deep dark sin. Jesus said love the sinner not the sin. But when we are forced to accept his sin as if it where nothing then we are the fools. So as long as we have a money hungry government they will stop at nothing to get that buck. Even if it means to put a man who has raped supposedly 40 women into a neighborhood that possibly has women and children that live there.
George Smith says
Mr. Hubbart probably can’t wait to meet the young Chinese girls that R. Rex is sponsoring to the valley.
Bob says
You have to realize something: In todays world the bad guys always when, and what is happening now is another clear example of that fact. Early release, probation, parole, country club like conditions in prison, along with better medical care while you are an inmate,,,,, medical care you and I can only dream about. Slowly but surely we as a nation are doomed. The only thing we can do is lock and load and keep your powder dry!
VG says
We are against Mr. Christopher Hubbart coming into our community in the Antelope Valley. Hubbart, who admitted raping approximately 40 women between 1971 and 1982, will tentatively be housed at 17132 Laredo Vista Avenue Palmdale, Ca 93591 The residence has a Palmdale mailing address, but the house is actually located in the community of Lake Los Angeles.
— in Palmdale, CA.
Julie says
Interesting…what do psychiatrists say TODAY regarding ‘treatment’…is there treatment? What if TODAY we know there is no treatment, regardless of law back then? This would be new evidence…that there is NO treatment that would rehabilitate(hence a mental hospital for life)…articles state this repeat serial rapist has finished ‘treatment’ Mr. Antonivich-go with that in court…what does US Psychiatry say about this today…anyone? Hard to find info…but while searching came across this public opinion poll…..
frank rizzo says
My friend William said he would not care if this guy lived next to him. I asked him if he was at all concerned and he stated this guy did his time and deserves another chance. I think my friend William is just plain crazy.
sikntired says
Hmmm …. your friend William must think he could never be a victim but Mr Hubbart, being cooped up with violent men for so long, may have expanded his preferences to include men as well.
Or he could be a sympathizer like Ms Egberts, surprised we haven’t heard from her.
ron says
I hope people shoot up his house.
Bob says
If this guy is released in the A.V. and law enforcement is required to closely monitor him, wouldn’t be better to have him housed in downtown Lancaster near Sheriff ‘s headquarters. Presumably, the burden would fall on them and it would seem the job of monitoring would be much easier than to have him housed about 20 miles from police headquarters in a neighborhood where the huge lots, isolation and lack of street lights might even provide more opportunity for him to re-offend.
G. Richards says
The mailing address of that house is in Palmdale, and Lake LA is physically closer to Palmdale, yet everyone wants Lancaster to do something about it.
Les says
Because the Lancaster station, not the Palmdale station, covers Lake LA.
G. Richards says
This is a LA County issue. What building a LA County Sheriff is dispatched from does not imply that city is responsible.
Bob says
L.A. County Sheriff’s office happens to be located in downtown Lancaster. It is a county issue. It does not make sense that this person would be relocated 20 miles or more from the police station that is responsible to monitor him.
sikntired says
Perfect, put him on the Blvd, right near the sheriff’s station.
NotKool! says
Is Perris still our mayor? Why does the city of LA keep bringing the trash out here!
G. Richards says
Wrong mayor, discuss it with Eric Garcetti.
ron says
Everybody bring your guns to the protest.
ron says
I hope a 1000 people show up on his door step with guns and run him out.
dumbandblin says
People stop whining and start exercising your 2nd Amendment rights ASAP so you’ll be able to effectively help clean up society when your life or your loved one’s lives are in danger from monsters like these.
no perverts says
This is all bad lake la would be a perfect place for this creep to do things to poor inesent woman its not fair that were going to have to be scared to come out of our homes because of this man, he need to stay in jail not be around suvillians
Glenny says
He’s been arrested three times – how many more women can we stand to be victimized not only by this man but by a criminal justice system that still sees rape as a less-than crime? It’s less than murder, yet lives are changed forever by it. In that sense, yes, lives are lost. Rape is a crime against everything that it is to be human. He has no sense of right or wrong, only a sense of self-need. It will cost us less in the long run to just keep him forever behind bars than to run the risk of him doing more harm to people and costing us $$ in trials. (throw away the key, too)
Cee cee says
This is very disturbing being a women that lives in the AV. He should just stay in jail, there is no reason to let him out around normal people. He’s raped 40 woman….. He’s got a big problem HELLO!!!!!!!! Leave him to rot!
1love says
Think if this sick bastered has not had no sex for years what’s the first thing is he going to be looking for.. he is not rehabilitated.. once a sicko always a sicko..
Julie says
I’m a WOMAN in the AV and I don’t like this guy…..!!!!
Bob says
I don’t understand why everybody is so upset. I think the AV is the perfect place for these guys. After all, it’s a fact that we have on the average over 2000 parolees living in the AV, not to mention all the rotten, scumbag element that crowd attracts. Liberals love this guy that is why he is being set free to ruin some more peoples lives-it’s just the way it is and there is nothing we can do about it. The AV is on the way down, and as far as my family and I are concerned,,,, we are on the way OUT! Thank you Liberal Judges.
Jay says
I’m a liberal and I certainly do not like this guy. Stop politicizing this!
Bob says
FACT: It was a blazing liberal judge who released this scum bag!
Just Saying says
Provide a link to that, the one that includes the word “blazing”.
The Truth says
This is what your govt. thinks of you. A.V. is L.A.s dumping ground. Lets face it, you are not going to do anything about it. Keep whinning…it will get you nowhere.
lyn says
This is horrible news I come home to. When I looked up the address he will be 5 min away. Lake la would be heaven for him to continue his crimes..we have no street lights and law enforcement is hardley out here. Please we need to protest and email! I’m so outraged. We will not live in peace.
Db says
Everyone should organize a protest at the house since the address has been made public and get as much publicity as possible to not just get him from being able to move in but to PERMANENTLY get him LOCKED UP for the rest of his life like he deserves no other community should have to face this monster from being able to move near them either!….How do scum like this who have spent their whole life preying on innocent victims able to get out of prison and mental hospitals and have the means to support themselves!!!???….Is any of this being supported by the taxpayers of California…I hope not!? Where is Antonovich, McKeon, and Knight!?
no perverts says
This is a good idea, I Agree 1000.\°
Tiredoftheirways says
I hope this protest at the house really happens!!!
Let me know the date and time…I for one will be there to let him know he is NOT wanted anywhere in the AV…
What’s the date and time? I’ll be there with my picket sign!
Tim says
i had to move my family there last year (due to financial situation) had I’d known how bad lake la was i never would have. It is by far the worst place we’ve ever lived. police never patrol around there what makes you think their really going to keep an eye on this guy
Bob says
Do any readers or possibly this paper know how the process works to relocate offenders like this guy? I can’t believe that this house was just advertised for rent and he answers the ad long distance and owner immediately is so impressed with his background that he agrees to rent him the house and even hold it for him until his release. What gives? or does the state maintain a file of landlords willing to rent to rapists??
Letlow says
I got a headache reading the summary of crimes (at the bottom of the article). This man has raped MORE THAN 100 WOMEN!!! According to the list, many of the crimes went uncharged. This is a travesty! This guy is a MONSTER!!!!! At this point, even castration won’t work, because he’ll just use an object. SMH!
sikntired says
Agreed, pass the Excedrin. Had to pull out the dictionary to look up some of his diagnoses, stuff even I never heard of.
Lori says
I agree with pretty much all of you. Let’s start contacting the judge and carpool down there!
Wtf is Rex doing about this?! Where’s his interest in supporting the AV now?!
sjgranai says
FB event has been created to organize carpooling and a plea has been sent to the LA County Board of Supervisors for Charter Buses.
sjgranai says
Cary says
How is Rex more involved with Lake LA then Ledford? Take it up with LA County.
Marie says
I’m so tired of everyone dumping all their sick perverts and scum here. I think the disgusting waste of skin should live next door to the judge!!!
sikntired says
Udated picture:
sikntired says
per the link above,his diagnosis:
klismaphilia-likes enemas
frotteurism- gratified by rubbing up against (women)
Who owns that house and agreed to rent to him? How can he afford to rent a home?
Let me guess ,? sec 8.
bigjoe says
The judge knows what’s up with chesters living in da hood. It’s all part of a bigger plan folks. The pit is already dug..LOL
Jethro Pitlicker says
Lake LA? Maybe he’ll be caught up in one of the weekly meth lab explosions.
Marie says
We can only hope.
Rebecca Winter says
I am a mother of two women and a grandmother of four granddaughters. We moved to Lake Los Angeles to give our family a better life. Christopher Hubbart is not welcome in our small town. Out here in Lake Los Angeles there are so many places that he can attack and leave his victims that could take a very long time for his victims to be found. How many times will he be released to repeat his actions? Since he is 62 now he may find it easier to go after our young children that can be defenseless rather than women who can possibly fight him off. Please protect our families and our neighborhood by not allowing this Rapist to move to Lake Los Angeles.
What’s the protest date? I’ll be there!
I think if the judge, or the doctors feel he’s ok to be out in society, why don’t they just let him live next door to them. I’m sure they would feel perfectly safe with him.
diane says
I totally agree with you
Marie says
I agree,also.
Dee says
Why does the judge feel that he can just put him back into society and have him live in Palmdale. We DO NOT need this kind of person in our city. I agree that he should be kept behind bars, because once let out he will do the same thing again.
Jodice says
The only way he should be released is if he gets castrated! He deserves the death penalty, not be ever free! Who in their right mind would let him out of prison after he has proven he cannot be rehabilitated!
sikntired says
I’ll volunteer to monitor him.
2nd amendment says
Need a partner
sikntired says
Yeah,new kind of Neighborhood Watch .
Jay says
Im in!
teri says
People in Lake L.A. are casting lots on who gets to castrate him. Our little desert community is not going to be a safe haven for this guy.
sickofit says
Really? WTH is going on with this stupid state?!!!!! Why is our Court System subjecting us to these sicko predators? Send this nutjob back to his city or origin when he was busted and stop polluting the AV with everyone else’s TRASH!
dumbandblind says
.357=Dangerous Animal
As says
This is so disturbing. I honestly don’t think sexual predators can ever be reformed, cured whatever. And to release him after so many years what do you think is the first thing he’s gonna do if he was getting it behind bars or in the mental hospital. I think whether it’s LA county or any county he is a risk and should be kept behind bars. He showed many times he would keep attacking. This is just disastrous.