LANCASTER – A former corrections officer accused of smuggling drugs and cell phones into the Lancaster prison for a criminal street gang has been ordered to trial.
Andre Scott, a corrections officer for more than 10 years at the state prison in Lancaster, must stand trial on two counts of bringing drugs into prison, possession of marijuana for sale, possession for sales of a controlled substance, sales or transportation of marijuana and sales or transportation of a controlled substance, a superior court judge ruled Tuesday (Dec. 17).
The ruling came after a preliminary hearing at Antelope Valley courthouse, where prosecutors outlined their case against Scott. The 42-year-old Lancaster resident is linked to the Pasadena Denver Lanes (PDL) Bloods gang, and he was transporting drugs and other contraband to gang members locked up at the Lancaster prison, according to court testimony.
An informant tipped off prison investigators last month, and on Nov. 28, three agents confronted Scott before his shift at the Lancaster prison’s minimum support facility, according to testimony by internal affairs agent William Yarbrough.
The agents searched Scott’s belongings and found vacuumed-sealed bags of marijuana, cellophane-wrapped packages of heroin, and several cell phones tagged with monikers for inmates, Yarbrough testified.
“There were several items of contraband as well as narcotics,” Yarbrough said.
One package marked “Slim” was field tested and contained marijuana, Yarbrough testified. Further investigation revealed that “Slim” was a nickname for 31-year-old inmate Daveion Clark, Yarbrough said.
Another package, containing a cell phone, food, and ear buds, was marked “Ram,” the moniker of 39-year-old inmate Mario Floyd, according to Yarbrough’s testimony.
Further investigation revealed Scott was dealing with 41-year-old inmate and PDL gang member William Hodges to introduce narcotics into the prison, according to Yarbrough’s testimony. Hodges is locked up in the same minimum support facility where Scott worked, Yarbough testified. He said officers searched Hodges’ property and found Scott’s phone number tucked in a Bible. They also found a known address for Scott during the search, Yarbrough testified.
Authorities served a search warrant at Scott’s Lancaster home, where they found packages of marijuana, a stolen, loaded .357 magnum handgun, a scale, vacuum sealed bags, and letters and paraphernalia associated with the PDL Bloods gang, according to Yarbrough’s testimony.
During the search, agents also found several Western Union and Money Gram receipts in a manila envelope marked “minimum yards for custody delivery,” Yarbrough testified.
The receipts were made out to a cousin of Scott’s and to a woman named Lea Lawson, Yarbrough testified. He said agents tracked down Lawson, and she told them Scott was compensating her for accepting the payments on his behalf.
Yarbrough said he searched Facebook and found Scott’s profile under “Dray Scott.” He said photos in the account revealed Scott’s gang ties, specifically a photo of Scott wearing a red shirt marked “Dena Boy.”
“It caught my eye because it was red and it represented the blood gang,” Yarbrough said. He said he also found an online video titled “Dena Bloods Stick Together,” where men were wearing “Dena Boy” shirts and throwing up gang signs.
“The video appeared to have him in there,” Yarbrough testified.
Scott was arrested on Nov. 28, and the case against him was filed on Nov. 29, according to court records.
“He is no longer an employee. He was discharged as an employee on November 29,” said spokesman Bill Sessa, when asked about Scott’s employment with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Scott had worked as a correctional officer with the department for at least 10 years, Sessa said.
Scott remains jailed on $1 million bail. He is due back in court on Jan. 2, 2014.
Former CO says
I’m gonna shut everyone up in here who is backing Andre Scott. I too was a correctional officer but quit because it wasn’t for me. One time, while walking the yard. An inmate threw a gang sign at Scott and Scott threw one back. Yes Scott is dirty! Get over it!!! He had it coming! I’m just disappointed it took this long! Why didn’t I tell on him? Well, I’m not a snitch and I don’t get paid to be internal investigations! Hopefully they catch the rest of the dirty CO’s not just Lancaster but state wide. One who lives a clean life and claims to be a CO or law enforcement, doesn’t possess marijuana in the home or stolen handguns! Have fun in jail Scott!!! U earned it!
Current CO says
Reading the article about Scott angered me. But your post made my blood boil.
” Why didn’t I tell on him? Well, I’m not a snitch and I don’t get paid to be internal investigations!”
I’m surprised you care enough to post a comment, ’cause you don’t seem to care about doing something to keep these dirtbags from endangering the lives of fellow corrections officers. Oh come on, wait a minute, they’re just cell phones…Yeah, just ask Captain Robert Johnson of the South Carolina D.O.C. who was shot 6 times in a hit ordered on him by a prisoner in his facility via a smuggled cell phone. No, dude, you’re not paid to be internal investigations, but you were hired because you were supposed to have integrity and be willing to do the right thing. Your concern about being a “snitch” puts you on just about the same moral level as the convicts you used to supervise. Hopefully they catch the rest of the dirty CO’s, you say. I hope the same thing but am saddened that it will take longer than it should because of people like you who still work in the business and would rather look the other way than be a “snitch”. At least you had the sense to realize it wasn’t the job for you and do us the favor of quitting.
Eric says
A refreshing comment to read. You sound like a proper man for the job, I can only hope your morals and integrity hold up working in that environment. If more LEO shared the same mentality, problems such as these could be nipped, and the long road of repairing trust between the civilian populace and those who took the oath to defend us can be repaired.
bird says
Turning a blind eye is a cowards way!
Jo says
I have a question off the subject matter. Do you regret leaving corrections ?
Alan says
I worked for CDC for 8 years, 2 years ago I received good information on a fellow officer that was bringing in drugs, as I was doing my investigating on it, this officer put a hit on the yard on me, a week later I was called in by a sargeant who threatened me and my family. The more I tried to get help the worse things got, I spoke with internal affairs who confirmed the names that I gave them were being apparently investigated and that Internal affairs informed me that they wanted them to go to prison and asked if I could hold on two months, well they went by and nothing happened, So I started demanding help for me and my family and things got worse, I was called to Internal affairs and they taped everything and at the end told me I Could not talk anymore about the information I gave them. I ended up taking a disability retirement because of the stress of threats and still to this day nothing has been done.
Clint Westwood says
Xonr8d = Michele Egberts. Good grief Charlie Brown.
sikntired says
LOL, was wondering when she would rear her ugly head again.
Clint Westwood says
The “know it all” quoting penal code, defending criminals (almost exclusively African American), and trying to make sense of non-sense, had me thinking… The mention of her Attorney, “her partners” and the charges she was found “not guilty” of along with Mr. King, exposing the corruption, cinched it for me.
Doesn’t she live in Kern County? Wonder if she hangs around the Kern County court house like she does the court house in Lancaster/Palmdale.
She is someone who spends hours researching what grants are available to non-profit organizations.
[Removed] says
@ sikntired” What is she claiming to be today??? She has been a Doctor” Real Estate Agent” Teacher” Reba Manager” UMMMM now a Lawyer???? Good Greif is right go back where you came from!!! your not wanted here!! with all her time behind bars she has earnd a Law degree??? Yea right!
{Removed2} says
Not to mention, mother of 2 girls, taken by the state when she was put in prison for fraud/con. Ex wife to a professional hockey player, coffee heiress, trust fund daughter to a resort/hotel owner. Bible and verse Christian with friends in high government places, Sacramento and DC, who call to get advice from her on the reg. Author, working with 20/20 to expose the corrupt officials in the AV.
Xonr8d says
@ Clint Westwood… Are you calling me out? Well then expose your true identity behind your post name as well as others on this website. Yes, I am Michelle Egberts posting as Xonr8d…. and what…
I speak the truth, you have a problem with that? Obviously you are IGNORANT of the judicial system and the way that the “good ole’ boy” prosecutors try to “lynch” defendants into a plea bargain just to get a conviction under their belt in Lancaster whether they are african american, hispanic or caucasian ethnicity.
I have been too busy in law school to pay any attention to this site and ignorant posters such as yourself and others until recently in Mr. Scotts case. I am proud of my three partners who have a combined 75 years of service with CDCR and know too well the corruption in the system.
The Sixth Ammendment will crash the system… mark my word
Clint Westwood says
I tend to agree with your last statement regarding The Sixth Amendment crashing the system. All be it for different reasons.
The crooks have wormed their way into the justice system and are finding every excuse possible to defend criminals. As you know, Defense Attorneys can spin anything. Why am I not surprised that you are going to law school. Wonder who is funding that? If the criminals are not working as paralegals or inside the DA’s office, they hang around the court house and find some weak employee to make friends with and mingled with their cronies.
Not everyone charged has been lynched by prosecutors. Many times, criminals are allowed to continue their unlawful behavior until the prosecutors have more than enough evidence to convict them. Sometimes their activity is allowed to go on for years and the final outcome has a wide reach. Always interesting to see who chooses freedom over friendship.
Mr. Scott’s activity was known for a long time.
Faith says
We know that the law is spiritual, but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law, but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisioner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.
Therefore now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 7:14-8:2.
Let the church say AMEN !
MK says
What’s truly sickening about this is that there wasn’t a more thorough background investigation done when this guy was hired! He makes up to $90,000.00 a year as a C.O. and the taxpayers of the State of California have entrusted him to carry out a job. Yet, it seems that the state is too lazy to investigate the people it hires.
How many better-qualified and less corrupt people were passed up in the hiring process so this man could get this job and the $90,000.00 paycheck that came with it?
And we’re supposed to fill sorry for him? No way! Give me a break! $90,000.00 a year is more than most people with a good education make!
Xonr8d says
The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree trunk. Follow the money. The CCPOA (California Correctional Peace Officers Association) is one of the most corrupt unions in California who shovel out monetary political contributions.
So how can constituents expect police reform from policymakers if the CCPOA has them in their back pocket. This man will have his day in court, but the CCPOA should also be investigated along with the politicians and I bet many would fall in line with criminal charges.
Nancy P says
..and this, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason fraud doesn’t get investigated. The fox is guarding the hen house.
Xonr8d says
@ Nancy P, The CCPOA and our elected policymakers (i.e. assembly, governor, and senate) are the one’s mainly responsible for the correctional system crisis in California. The constituents play a role in this as well because they don’t guard their local “Hen Houses”.
The California correctional crisis wouldn’t be where it is today if it weren’t for the CCPOA because their money has supported campaigns for tougher criminal sentences that our legislation bills were so disguised to the constituents in Propositions, such as Proposition 36 (1994) “Three Strikes Law”. However, in 2012 the public (voters) finally had enough with the unfair and expensive older version of the Three Strikes system that they were lied to about in the 1994 campaigns of their local policymakers and voters passedf Prop. 36 “Three Strikes Reform Act of 2012.
Personally, I feel that this case is going to initiate an outside investigation into CDCR Internal Investations Dept. and the misconduct entrenched in the entire CDCR and the eggs will role down hill into a CCPOA investigation. Why, well, Investigator Yarbrough used the above picture posted to show Mr. Scott was associated with the Pasadena Blood Gang because of the t-shirt. Have any of you looked at the personal embroidered baseball cap???? No!!! If you reverse it, it clearly says “Dena Boy 50” which means “Dena Boy Law Enforcement (“50” is slang for law enforcement). Wearing that hat around gang members would get a person killed!!!
Nancy P says
Look again, his number is 05. NOT 50. Must mean he is against law enforcement.
Xonr8d says
The 5 was flipped in a backwards position. Last I knew a 0 remains a 0 in whichever position. So you flip the 5 back it reads “50”. DENA BOY 50. Also, it makes no mention if Mr Scott was sporting Pasadena Denver Lanes (PDL) Blood Gang tattoos on his body as they are required to have the gang insignia or mascot tatted on them. Also, why isn’t Lea Lawson in jail if she was accepting the money, which would be conspiracy having knowledge that her actions were part of the crime.
The Presumption of innocence does not exist in the Lancaster Courthouse, especially if you are black. Case in point Damon Banks and Lee McQuilken who are both young men and stood accused of robbing three fast food restaurants, but yet after being incarcerate for 8 months and their lawyers fighting the false charges, the DA dismissed all the charges the day before the trial was to begin.
I hope AV Press will do outstanding journalism by following Mr. Scotts case all the way through to trial. I’m sure it there will be fireworks. Any update in what happened today, Jan. 2nd as he was scheduled for a hearing?
Nancy P says
I didn’t read anything in the article to indicate Mr. Scott is a gang member. It says he was doing business for and with the gangs. When people go to jail they learn real quick who the “friendly” guards are.
Shane Falco says
Xonr8d, the hat says DENA BOY 05.
If you still don’t get it, if you have a smart phone hold his picture up to the mirror and you will see it for yourself.
The guy was caught with drugs on him, in his car and in his house along with phone surveillance. They had their ducks on a row long before he was arrested and just waited for a day they knew he was smuggling into the prison to get him on intent.
He is spilling his guts right now trying to get a deal.
We all know that just because the DA dismisses a case, it doesn’t mean you didn’t get caught comitting a crime or make you innocent.
Xonr8d says
Regardless of shirt and hat, the prosecution is linking him to the PDL gang in order to give him the gang sentencing enhancement. He doesn’t have to be a gang member to receive the enhancement as his “alleged” crime involved a validated “PDL” gang member.
Penal Code 186.22(b)
This part of the law provides that anyone who commits a felony for the benefit of a gang will receive a mandatory prison sentence . . . in addition and consecutive to the penalty s/he receives for the underlying felony.
Depending on the circumstances of the offense, Penal Code 186.22(b) PC could mean an additional two (2) to fifteen (15) years, or even twenty-five (25)-years-to-life, in prison…even if you’re not a gang member, and even if you aren’t the individual who was most directly responsible for committing the underlying felony!
Mr. Scott is entitled to a trial and that choice is entirely his and his attorney, or if he wants to take a plea bargain. Jan. 17th is Mr. Scott’s next scheduled court appearance Maybe I’ll stop in his courtroom and observe his hearing out of curiousity as this case smells fishy. I’m curious to know why Lea Lawson and the “cousin” aren’t in custody as they conspired to participate in a crime.
Shane Falco says
The difference between Banks and Scott are that the deputies in the Banks case had eyewitnesses to a spontaneous crime that had occurred and it took some time for the exculpatory evidence to be obtained and reviewed. Once it was deemed that Banks cell records pinged off tiers outside the AV, he was released.
With Scott, he had been under surveillance for a long time based on a tip. The investigators took their time gathering evidence and made the arrest when their case was air tight.
With the amount of money he was bringing in and the length he was doing it and packaging it and getting green dot payments, his family knew. His assets are going to be seized and now Scott and his family are going to pay.
I feel no sympathy for him as he trashed other officers and asked his criminal inmates to accuse those officers of being dirty or racist in order to cover his own tracks.
Guilty says
Caught at the prison, drugs in hand, marked for different inmates……GUILTY!
@ xonr8d scott don’t have any tatoos of any kind… As far as lawson goes, she did have any involvement… Those receipts were towards another issue regarding a music studio…
Sorry she didn’t have any involvement
Xonr8d says
@NVR TRST THE BS, Thank you for confirming what I’ve thought from the beginning. This case has “smelled” like BS from the beginning. I pray for him and his family that they remain confident and strong through this long process until the trial. I know exactly what Mr. Scott and his family are going through as I have walked a mile in his shoes and was found not guilty by two juries in Lancaster. My attorney Stephen King exposed the corruption here. Hopefully he has good representation familiar with the corruption that lays within CDCR.
Thank u… We’ll all be there on the 31st… The 17th is for a private meeting…
Xonr8d says
My partners and I will be there for support on the 31st. Keep the faith, be strong and don’t let the “naysayers” get to you.
Shawnny75 says
This is truly quite sad. This man has thrown away everything he has worked for & now could face prison time all for a measley funds. Greed is the root of all evil. He just ruined his career & doubt any company will hire him going forward because of his crimes. The sad part is I bet those inmates he has jeopardized everything for could care less about the magnitude of this catastrophe against Mr. Scott. Secondly, who in the heck gangbangs at 40? Really? Gangbanging is so lame & stupid and leads to death or jail always. Guess he will get the latter.
Derrick says
What else is to say? He had cellphones, marijuana on him maybe he’s opening up a t mobile store and a marijuana dispensary but what about the heroin? Hmmmmm
Beervana says
@Shawnny75, haven’t you ever heard the term OG?
This guy is affiliated, but not “in” enough to get noticed. He had to stay squeaky clean to keep his job and so he could conduct business with and for the homeys on the inside. Part of the master plan. That’s why the “locals” liked to get sent to prison here. They like having a guard who looks out for them.
GodDon'tLikeUgly says
I know him personally and Sabrina, you are 100% accurate. He has a lot of delusional women and men under his spell. He pretends to be a God-fearing man, a caring father and at one time pretended to be a loving husband. And although ALL of this is happening now, these delusional people are still delusional. Smh. Psychological manipulation is what his true profession is, it was never a CO, Preacher, Loving Husband or a Caring Father. He finally got what he deserves.
Sabrina says
GodDon’tLikeUgly: if you know Mr. Scott…pray for him! The word of God teaches us to pray for our enemies. Pride comes before a fall…and this guy has fallen quickly…and all those who are under his spell…will see the same fate! Remember-God Don’t Like Ugly!
GodDon'tLikeUgly says
You are absolutely right Sabrina. It’s a work in progress for me. Hopefully, I’ll be able to pray for him someday.
Withers says
Judge not less you be judged also. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Be very careful as you may find yourself in the same or worse predicament. Prison is filled with liars, thieves, manipulators, and the devil only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. You should pray for his safety and that of his family. We do not know all the circumstances behind the act and it may have been an act to save another. If God gave us all what we deserved his son would have suffered and died in vain instead God gave mercy to us all including you and I!
MK says
Please quit with the Strip Mall preaching and save it for someone else! Your “homeboy” got caught! Face it! All he had to do was come to work, do his job as ethically as possible, collect a pay check and then go home.
He couldn’t do that. Instead, he had to insert himself into the gangster politics of the prison yard.
You pull the tune, you pay the piper!
Jesus Christ and God have nothing to do with any of this!
AV Folk says
Well said. The constant tossing of cliches gets old fast. He’s facing some serious consequences and if that’s judgement then I guess he’ll have to face it.
Shane Falco says
It sounds like this guy was doing this for years bringing in cell phones and dope. I’ve heard they think he was getting nearly $10k a month from the green dot cards.
C/O’s that filled in temporarily in the minimum yard saw inmates with huge amounts of canteen, usually meaning they have drugs or cell phones. The fill in C/O’s who would toss these inmates up would always find phones/drugs. The normal guys working 1st or 2nd watch had to either be 100% dirty and on the take or were 100% lazy and content to look the other way.
It’s funny how this Dena Boy man of God wasn’t turning to God when he was getting that cash, lying about good officers who suspected he was dirty and he and his friends labeling these officers as racists, he wasn’t thinking about God when he was enabling these inmates to communicate and plan/coordinate attacks on staff members and other inmates/witnesses.
He could have, at any time, stopped and asked for forgiveness.
He now deserves everything he gets but my guess is that he’s going to save his own neck by ratting out anybody he can.
Alisha says
This is so sad! I meet this guy…he grew up in church and was a so called minister.
Beervana says
Lots of ganstas and gang bangers praise God, like they are saying “bless you” when you sneeze. I am very suspect of people walking around saying, “God is good and praise God” in every other sentence or only God can judge. They seem to forget about walking the walk. Their posts and FB pages are full of gang posts, colors and hand signs (even small children) as young as 5 and 6. Sad. They never take personal responsibility for the things they do and blame other people for their corrupt behavior. Many engage in dark religion rituals behind the backs of their “Christian” proclamations. Seems like their compass is off.
AV Folk says
I guess your church is pretty lax in who they allow to minister. Just saying.
Diva says
What was this guy thinking?
I’ll tell you what he was thinking! He was thinking on how much money he was making an thought he was never going to get caught! Bet you he was living the dream, fancy cars, clothing an the bling bling!! Yet we the tax payers now have to pay for all this BS! I’m sure there’s more out there committing the same crime!!
Crazy says
What’s insane, his conduct keeps the cycle going, drugs = theft=serious or violent crime, which we all pay for over and over again.
AV Folk says
He just wanted to put his trust in God to see that he didn’t get caught. He prayed he wouldn’t get caught but now that he has he’ll be praying that he’s found not guilty. Keep praying for him because he’s preying on you!
Anyways guys it is what it is… I just cant wait for this bs to be over so our family can have peace…. Smh, neither one of u all can phathom what we are going through….
Sabrina says
Praying that you put your trust in God and Him alone! Don’t trust anyone’s BS…not even Mr. Scott’s!
Thank u :-)
Confused! says
He got caught red handed!! Sounds like you in denial! WHAT A SHAME!!!
Beervana says
@Confused. Very true, he got caught. All the other corrupt CO’s will use this experience to hone their crafts in an attempt to go undetected for longer.
@ sabrina and cb those receipts were towards his music studio and he put them in an unmarked envelope… Dray never marked it
Shane Falco says
So the receipts were for a music studio. Got it. Easy to explain away.
The drugs he was caught with entering the facility…exactly how does he explain that?
I have not a clue… But we told him whatever it was he was into to discontinue but a hard makes a soft rear-end lol
Sabrina says
An envelope found in his home, “Minimum yards for custody delivery”…guess Lea Lawson was told to lie to the agents, also? She was being compensated to receive funds, who would do that?
NVR TRST THE BS…Have you asked yourself, “Why would one entrust someone else to receive money through Western or Money gram and compensate them, if they weren’t trying to hide the money?” Why not pick up the money himself? Seems like Scott May have had a lot of crazy women and men under his spell… And they’re still believing the hype. God help them!!!! I have family member who are C/O’s and I’m so tired of all these low moral ones and their family and friends who make excuses for them.
ccpoalifer says
As a retired ISU (Investigative Service Unit Investigator), I know too well the in depth corruption amongst the corrections officers in the Southern Region. They are well established “gangsters” in the corrections system as “mules” to carry out the orders of their “gangsta members”
John says
The Shane Ziska case is a perfect example of what you’re talking about. I knew him well.
DenaGirl4Life says
For all of you that have commented with such hate…..Does this help you sleep better at night? I mean you all act as though this stuff doesn’t happen on a regular basis…. It doesn’t make it right but it happens. There is good and bad in everyone – He just got caught. He and his family have to deal with this not you…. But don’t get it misunderstood……There are at least 1 or more correctional officers in every prison willing to do the same thing, I just hate that he fell into the corruption…. It is more corrupt than you can imagine. You think he’s the first officer that has brought stuff they shouldn’t into a prison. I think NOT….he’s one that got caught. And HE will have to pay for what he did… Lay-off!!! It is but for the grace of God that you probably didn’t get caught doing something that you did that wasn’t right or lawful. Let he without sin cast the first stone. I pray for him in spite of his bad decisions. You should too! It’s funny how people can sit back and pick apart what someone else has done…. Would hate to read your life story!
Nana says
Well said
Shane Falco says
The problem is that these C/O’s are surrounded by failed criminals who are in prison. Who in their right mind thinks that getting into crime with guys who got caught and are in prison…is a good idea?
The jails and prisons have strict policies about fraternizing with these criminals. Instead of saying, “I’m a well paid officer, entrusted by the public to uphold the law and ensure my fellow officers safety”, instead it becomes “You’re from Pasadena and black…I’m from Pasadena and black, so that’s where my loyalty lies”.
Some people have moral character…others do not.
Sabrina says
DenaGirl4Life…those who have given their opinions, regarding the frustration with a corrupt system…were not pushing HATE against the correctional officer (Scott)! I believe some law abiding, tax paying citizens, are so fed up with a failed system. Yes, no one is perfect, but, should we just sit back and watch corruption in are backyards? This is about more than him and his family…don’t be so narrow minded. This situation has impacted a city, taxpayers, the prison system, and yes, his family and friends!!!!
I’m sure he is not the first and won’t be the last…but, there are many correction officers who are upholding their sworn commitment to serve the system with honor. Even though some corrupt cops won’t get caught, ultimately God knows and sees all things! I pray for all those who serve in this field the good and the bad…but, I hope every bad cop gets caught and do the time for their crime!
John says
I retired from CDCR after 25 yrs of working with morons like this Scott guy. They just can’t leave the “Hood” behind them. I’ve known Officers who have committed crimes ranging from murder, rape, robbery, and child molestation. The Dept. Of Corrections hired a lot of “Less than desirable” people. I worked with some of the laziest, ignorant, racist, incompetent low life’s you can imagine. Amazingly, when I hired on in 1982 the Dept. didn’t even do back ground investigations on it’s employees! All they did was take your fingerprints, and submit them to the DOJ to see if you were currently wanted. So, this employee arrest is NO surprise to me. I’ve seen dozens like him during my tour.
Upsettaxpayer says
Well I know people commenting here are somewhat educated because they read the new but this guy is a POS! Prisoners are POSs. I’m a hard worker. I pay for what I have. This isn’t a “get down” or “his thang” he’s an idiot. He promotes the power balance and violence that is trying to be prevented in prison now being brought to our streets by ab109. Everyday I see new s*it bags with ankle monitors walking around my complex how disgusting. People say they have to do stupid things or follow their family host or and become criminals, what a crock. No one can take responsibility for their actions. He’s a gang banger and not a man. A real man doesn’t need homies to back him up a real man can stand up for himself.
sofunny! says
Haaaaa!! He gets caught with evidence an is seen in a gang video! SOME NERVE!(only ignorance)
Sabrina says
The people who know him should be upset…by the crime he’s been alleged to have committed! Stop living with blinders on. As the saying goes: “birds of the same feathers flock together.” If he wasn’t a gangbanger, why is he hanging so tight with them, to make sure he got his kick back, through Money gram or Western union? Being a gang member is not even the issue…the evidence against him…IS!!!!!
CB says
and how do you know this?
removed] says
Are you his lawyer? haaaaa!!! He got caught red handed!!!! MOVE ONNNN! GANSTER OR NOT, HE SHO WAS PARTICIPATING! QUOTE” DENA BOYS STICK TOGETHER” HE SHO DID!
GodDon'tLikeUgly says
Oh so you admit to being one of the many delusional friends or family members? Idk the bylaws of gangs, so maybe he didn’t hold the title of “gang banger”. But everything he was about when he was young and, right before his arrest, was definitely “gang-bang worthy”. If you act like a banger, dress like a banger and flock with bangers, guess what? Yep, you are a banger! Sorry.
newlywed says
He has family that loves him no matter how delusional you may think he is! I would be very careful with my choice of words. He has a mother just like anyone else who is worried sick! He comes from an established home.The sad part about it is you speak as if he has cause physical harm to another, not to discredit the alleged crime
James says
From the Sacramento Bee state employee salary search for 2012:
C/Os get 3% per year at age 50. So in less than 10 years he would get a 60% retirement, if he isn’t convicted and making 12 cents per hour as an inmate. At age 55 he would have had about $50,000 per year retirement, plus medical benefits. Sounds like he made a very poor decision.
john says
There are also dishonest, scandalous OIA agents Southern Region. You know who you are.
Justdumb! says
Wow! While many honest hard working people that are jobless are looking for work,this guy had it good! He made a mistake an now his whole family has to pay for his actions! Just remember, the investigation doesn’t stop there! They’ll be also looking into his contacts! He wasn’t the only one as I’m sure! No matter what, there’s always corruptions else were like at UPS, Fed Ex an many more! Some workers are offer money to perform a simple crime that leads them to get caught later!!! THEY GET GREETY THINKING THEYLL NEVER GET CAUGHT!
WERES HIS DENA BOYS AT NOW? Are they going to support his family? I don’t THINK SO!
Ewil says
You all are ignorant for one trying did credit the name Dena boys its not at all gang affiliated period it is a clothing line that represents people from all walks of life from whites, Hispanics and blacks. If your from the city Pasadena your a “Dena boy” whom ever came up with that conclusion is just a idiotic. Gangsters were Gucci, Rocka wear the videos skating attire but no one is labels that!! Pasadena is one of the bossiest cities in the world and the clothing line just supports the fact the we have a lot of successful positive people in high positions wearing the apparel just because they love their city.
CaikLady says
Those officers make a lot of $$$$$. Was it really worth the risk? Why can’t people figure out a way to just live within their means?
BLK2274 says
The sad thing is the truth will be hidden in the court of law. The easiest conviction for law enforcement is the charge of drugs on the black man. No matter the circumstances at this point, Dre is already feeling the loss of liberty and the separation from family hopefully, he will use the time to his advantage.
Frank Rizzo says
I amazes me that creeps are on this site saying that this POS is a good guy. Scott is part of the problem of the corrections system. He is no better than the pieces of human garbage that are locked up. You people who say “don’t judge, only god can judge” LMAO, get a clue you are judged every day by everyone. Here is another clue, gang members choose various clothing lines and wear them as “colors” This guy will be convicted and will prob. get to be segregated from general population. His time will be easy because he is sleazy.
msDena says
I know the maker of the DENA BOY LINE dont think its right how they are trying to disrespect it IM a DENA GIRL
Denalove says
I wear and support Dena Girl clothing line. I also find myself sleeping in Dena Boy t-shirt. It’s nothing like a Dena Boy to hold you. Does this mean I’m part of PDL? Nope just raised in Altadena/Pasadena. As we all know Pasadena is the city of roses which is Love ♥
Frank Rizzo says
Really? What are you talking about? I am not sure you can comprehend what respect is. I know people in “DENA” also, and they would not be caught dead in that trash clothing.
SoupieByLon says
Let’s get real and stay that way. This was a sad day filled with sadder news for his family and for us- Pasadenian’s one of our own will now suffer the consequences of his actions if found guilty as accused. It does not help our perceived character as a group when we make excuses. No one knows our plight as African Americans and they don’t care to be honest, but we are for the most part raised right. However; as humans we make bad decisions. When we do, we just have to face it. It is sad that he got caught and that while making about $80,000 dollars he felt it necessary get his hustle on. He knew better but he tried it anyway. He knew prisoner’s are criminals and many are snitches that would give him up one day but he obviously wanted to take that chance. This is not a white black issue. There is no one else to blame. We don’t help each other by denying the truth that is clearly seen. We are hurt and sadden but if we love we will tell each other the truth in love. Pray that the Lord grants him mercy a gives him favor through this process.
Shane Falco says
He’s one of those “trick-or-treater” officers. He just puts on a costume like a C/O but in reality he isn’t really one. They just walk, talk, act like and fraternize with inmates and the only difference is the uniform.
There’s a reason there are hundreds of cell phones and quantities of dope smuggled into the prison and all these people talking about “don’t judge” have no idea that these dirty C/O’s are often themselves accusing good officers of corruption or racism when these bad officers start being suspected of criminal behavior. These bad officers are in so tight with the inmates that they get their inmate homies to implicate good officers . It’s not enough to just be corrupt and criminal, they also need to try to ruin the good guys.
This guy that’s been arrested has been under surveillance for a while and he’s going to be doing some time but rest assured he will blame the system, blame the investigators, cry racism, say he was set up……and eventually plead guilty.
whiner says
great comments Shane Falco and SoupieByLon. Some people just don’t get the magnitude of this problem.
I’ve heard neighbors talk about hoping their incarcerated family members got transferred to Lancaster because they had a “cousin” that worked there. hmm
John says
I moved to the Antelope Valley as a young child in the late 1950’s. It is amazing what it has turned into, especially after the prison was opened and the inmate families moved there. It is now a crime filled ghetto that I would never consider moving to.
Yup says
Your right John it’s so sad what the av has become I’m saddened because my home is head and am still raising my kids here but this new year I plan to leave ;( bitter sweet! Where do a these ghetto a**es come from man!???
MzDVS says
So I have decided to yet voice my opinion… Just so everyone whoz chooses to make a comment do so just be respectful just as I am…. One everyone and anyone can say as they please this is a flawed system on both sides.. I can for one say that first hand that when anyone can judge just by words of a story that is printed in any news paper as the truth needs to really think about who,what,when,where the information is coming from. How reliable is this reporter in getting all the facts? I am not the one to defend anyone actions or therefore bad decisions. I personally know this man and his family. So with that being said, let him face his 12 in the box and all the negativity keep to yourself.. Do have a trial in a public forum to sentence him and condemn him….
Sabrina says
Please, MzDVS! Who cares if you knew this man and his family personally…to bad you weren’t recieving some of the dirty kick back money through money gram and western union. If not caught he could’ve continued his laundering of money. He allegedly screwed the tax payers who were paying his salary, the prison system ( which we are also paying for), while him and his family and friends were benefiting from the kick back money. Don’t you understand how the hurts honest law abiding citizens? Think about that!! Yes, he will get his day and court…and the tax payers will pay for that too!
Sabrina? It’s funny how U believe everything U are reading… As far as the money grams and western union receipts go… The prosecuters are trying to pin that on him towards the contrabands he was bringing in… That part is not true… The special agent lied about that part
CB says
CB says
That AMEN was supposed to go to Sabrina, not NVR TRST THE BS.
To BS, you state “The prosecuters are trying to pin that on him towards the contrabands he was bringing in…”, “The special agent lied about that part”.
How is it that you have pertinent details regarding this case? Just wondering…
Sabrina says
CB…and amen to you! A envelope found in his home, “Minimum yards for custody delivery”…guess Lea Lawson was told to lie to the agents, also?
NVR TRST THE BS…Have you asked yourself, “Why would one entrust someone else to receive money through Western or Money gram and compensate them, if they weren’t trying to hide the money?” Seems like Scott May have had a lot of crazy women and men under his spell… And they’re still believing the hype. God help them!!!! I have family member who are C/O’s and I’m so tired of all these low moral ones and their family and friends who make excuses for them.
YHWH says
It amazes me how the law enforcement and government officials get away with so much evil and wrong doing on all levels and then want to point fingers and make examples out of a certain few who happen to be non-white…. and actually helping people… Just because they not pushing they agenda… and you retarded faces defend them and believe the nonsense with you life… y’all believe anything these these evil planners tell or show you …here comes Santa Claus down your chimney to give you presents and eat your cookies and drink your milk… get real…
Sabrina says
Then, if one knows that…why would one fall into the trap…allegedly, this man made choices that allowed him to be caught in the corrupt system, he could’ve chose to walk the straight and narrow! I have several friends ( African American), who has worked for the prison system for over 20 years, hey do an excellent job and they are highly respected.
Jusval says
It amazes me how easily people believe what the media prints. “It’s on the internet…they can’t put anything untrue on the internet”! I was born and raised in “Altadena”…and I’m a “Dena Girl”. And no, I’m not affiliated with any gang, I just take pride in where I grew up! Come on people…stop taking the easy way out and question “everything” you read/hear. One question I have is: Why would he have all this “paraphernalia” in his home…much less his possession? I’m sure he had more sense than that. Seriously!!! I wasn’t there, so I don’t know…but this story just feels wrong.
Letlow says
I get that the “Dena” connection is a bit of a stretch, perhaps he’s just taking pride in his hood. But what about the drugs they caught him with at the prison?? How can that be explained??
This man is not just some thug in the street. He was a officer for a decade. I’m sure this situation was treated delicately, and he wouldn’t have been brought up on charges if there wasn’t some compelling evidence against him. There comes a time when you have to stop defending the indefensible. Hopefully his family can rebound from this disgraceful scandal.
Just because you wear a Dena Boy shirt and hat means your from Pasadena Denva Lanes!! New one to me!
BahtYahweh says
This article is not the final say… any one who does not know him personally should limit their comments… this was all planned and he is being accused , this is alleged. This story was created to benefit the accuser. You people believe everything you see just because they put it there… but The Creator of Universe has a divine purpose for all of his children…
Angel says
And Jesus said, “If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword!” I’m sure all the evidence were planted on him…because the nay sayers were out to destroy him. He will get his day in court…to clear all this up, but he has a lot of things to explain away. js
Psychobob says
I knew him personally, and always suspected he was up to no good.
Lola says
I knew him personally too and he’s a big time wolf in sheep’s clothing. One of the biggest hypocrites out there. He was into that gang bang lifestyle playing in the church.
Nikki says
Aww lay off the big homie. .even if he did do it..that was his get down..yall acting like yall life back ground was always clean..and dont give me that..well I didnt do nothing that bad..BIG OR LITTLE SIN IS ALL STILL THE SAME..SO STOP SAYING SHAME ON YOU AND POINTING FINGERS..But he is a good person though..I dont care what yall say..
Angel says
Get a life Nikki. How can this man be a correctional officer and feel he’s above the law? Either he’s pretty darn stupid or he has an ego the size of Pasadena! He might be a good person, but he still will be held accountable for his choices and life style. God gives us all a second chance, however his may be behind bars with his homies for life.
CB says
Spot on Angel!
redd says
Get a life..u perfect little God sent Angel that has DONE nothing wrong in your life time and let alone no one you know has done nothing wrong in your family or surroundings. Come back down 2 earth Angel..your too high up..o and dont lie because you know that count as any other regular sin everyone does eachday..ummm except for you some body need to tell her she aint God because Angel got her name and the game twisted..
Angel says
Yes, you need to examine your life also…Redd! First of all, you’re the one who said, “I’m perfect!”…I never said that! When you’re able to seperate your emotions from reality, you may be able to understand my response. No mater what one has done in their lives, one must also deal with the consequences…of their actions. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, however, I recognize that even when I go to God to ask forgiveness, God is always merciful…but, it doesn’t mean He Shields me from every bad decision I make. Life is not a game, Redd. Many people are effected by or actions. That’s why we must have the mind of Christ…to be overcomers. I pray for this young man, but I won’t make excuses for poor decisions…mine or anyone else’s.
GodDon'tLikeUgly says
“Like”. There are a few posts I wish I could hit the “like” button on. I can’t find it in my heart to pray for him, as bad as that sounds, but I do pray for his fans.
YHWH says
Yes he is a good person let he/she who be without sin cast the first stone judge not least ye be judged… YAH purpose is beyond any of your imaginations for he created every the Universe and all that it consists of…
Angel says
And Jesus said, “If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword!” I’m sure all the evidence were planted on him…because the nay sayers were out to destroy him. He will get his day in court…to clear all this up, but he has a lot of things to explain away. js
Big or little sin may be the same in the eyes of the Lord, in the eyes of the law, he is a felon. allegedly. I am sure the prisoners planted the drugs at his home!
sl says
who told u that……all sins r not the same ……. stealing, or murder
As says
Another ignoramus. It’s incredible how many comments are backing this guy up for his behavior and also that Kikki on another story. The AV is full of lowlifes that live this way. It’s a shame.
Bob says
You’re right. Lay off the homie,,,,,it was his get down. It’s cool,,,,, everything is cool. Right on all you homies.
sl says
what Bible ru reading that says all sins r the same…..u need to study more
Alana says
Very sad and unfortunate.
Nobodys perfect says
Nobody’s perfect ,it’s easy to sit back & comment on somebody else’s life! Y’all need to go take a good look at your self in the mirror & ask your self are you perfect! & just because someone where’s red or blue does not make them a gang member! Don’t believe every thing you here & half of what you see! Only god can judge him!
sikntired says
Wrong again,twelve humans will judge him.
k dizzle says
Yeah that might be the case. Only thing is it is true. The [removed] was supolying his homies
and getting paid. His dumb ass got comfortable. Dudes badge made him get complacent. As allways [removed] closest to you. Do you…… but how I know. I paid 500 and had mine 6 months. Before my pd came. Now the story out. So stop defending and convicting this cat. They did there homework. You can stick a fork in him. He done.. real talk. …
problem says
Hey K Dizzle stop talking like you know for a fact what he did do, because you paid the full 500 says a lot about you’re get down.I too speak from experience.So fall bak and let things play out.
Charlene says
Well maybe he will get to serve his time at the states new facility that’s about to open in California City. LMAO! Looks like he is going to be wearing a new color now….ORANGE!! Good luck finding a job now .
Angel says
This guy is really full of it! Preaching one thing…yet living another. He might as well hang himself. The evidence on him, the items in his home and his bling, bling lifestyle did him in. I’m sure he’ll be calling on J.E.S.U.S and not Yahweh.
Lola says
I grew up knowing him and this whole situation is sad. God brought him out of that type of lifestyle. Lesson learned for most to never go back. Keep his family in prayer.
Bob says
Bless you my child.
beka says
How in the hell do u know what he did or did not do, were u there when they searched his home or his person there u go believing the M F_ing Hype.Me myself don’t give a xxxx either way for or against what he did or did not do. Don’t know him, he has not affected my life in any way and he hasn’t harmed or killed anyone and best of of hasn’t put no innocent child or person in HARMS way. So u my friend go get a life of your own.I have one just reading the BS u ppl b saying about others life is [removed] HARILOUS. this how I get my kicks laughing @ yall ASSES.
As says
What a life. Sounds pathetic.
ReapersKeeper says
Now you get to go to prison for free! welcome to mopping floors and eating top ramen with your homies POS
sickofit says
The up side is, he likely will not be serving his time here!
maxine says
to me it sound like Drey is being set up because any body that knew of him knows that he was not this person that they r making him out to be and he really took his job serious. I have a brother thats doing life in this same prison and i would ask Dre to relay a message to him or i would ask how he is doing and Dre would say that i would have to write me brother and that he could not relay a message to my brother because of his position. Dre is a godly men and is well known in the community for his good work. Then there trying to say that the t-shirt that he has on in the picture Dena Boy is connected to Pasadena PDL gang’s that is not truth at all this label is someone’s clothing line. My prays go out to you Dre keep ur head up
CB says
AV Town Crier says
I beg to differ. According to the search warrants he was in possession of a lot of illegals drugs, etc.
Clearly he’s conned you and the Dept. of Corrections.
sickofit says
Maxine…did you even bother to read the story before posting an opinion that makes you look like you have no idea of what you are talking about? I think you did not.
Bob says
Your problem Maxine was you weren’t compensating him for what he was doing. You should have flashed some green. I guarantee had you done that he would have relayed that message!!!
As says
Godly? That’s a strong adjective.
BS says
Come on now how much is he paying you? He was wrong in what he did, period. Do the crime do the time.
Had a good job an got GREETY! Lock him up! I’m sure there’s more out there doing the same!!
h8ratz says
The only reason an informant came forward is because south siders don’t like black inmates having a connection like theirs and them not benefitting from it. They should check all of the skinhead cdcr officers.
jtmoney says
It’s amazing how one person gets caught, and he is being targeted because of his race. Yeah, your right about the informant, it’s likely a situation of prison politics, but the guy apparently got caught red handed. Simple as that. No matter what the race I hope they all get caught sooner or later. I hope your reference isn’t ignorant and implying that “skinhead cdcr officers” are white officers in general, because if there are officers that are known to be skinheads, it is not any different than any other officer that may have ties as a sureno, blood, crip etc.
YHWH says
jtmoney says
You’re right, innocent until proven guilty. A lot of apparent evidence though, that doesn’t scream innocent.
NRA member says
WOW, he was already getting A LOT of our taxpayers money, and still wasn’t enough for him??
Xonr8d says
Another law abiding, law enforcement citizen made a bad choice and will now have a criminal record upon completion of a prison sentence. However, his corrupt behavior is a reflection and a result of political corruption in our very own city of Lancaster (“Fern Street Mafia”). Politically corrupt cities create environments that are conducive to police misconduct and because our local elected politicians have taken a “laissez-faire” approach to police reform nothing will change until the voters step up and make a change!!!
CB says
Every person has the ability to make a decision between right and wrong. It does not matter what someone else is doing. Your comment is indicative of the don’t blame me, feel sorry for me I’ve had a tough life, everyone else is doing it why can’t I mentality that is prevalent these days.
Did you vote or do you just like to whine and complain? If you don’t like the local officials, vote them out. Did you vote?
As for this individual, the evidence looks like he did the crime. If so, let him do the time.
Bob says
Prison guards are far from law enforcement, trust me!
jtmoney says
Now why should I trust you? It is unfortunate that Correctional Peace Officers do not get much credit for their role in law enforcement. Just as in any line of work there is always a few bad apples that give everyone a bad name. Such as mechanics, people don’t trust most of them because their are some crooked ones but their are many good ones.
sl says
ru stupid they r law enforcement; where do u work,2 deal with those thugs all day
Sunni says
This is nothing like an officer using excessive force. This is an officer acting just like the criminals.
CB says
Marie says
If Andre Scott is found guilty, will it trigger an inquiry into the prison similar to the special commission that investigated LA County jails in 2012? The Commission’s report said the system showed a “persistent pattern of unnecessary and excessive force”. Apparently the corruption and unnecessary and excessive force continued. Just last week deputies, sergeants, and lieutenants from the LA County jails were arrested on corruption, abuse, and other charges.
YHWH says
bob says
LOL, you two need to meet and get married. You deserve each other!
marie says
Last thing prisoners need on their way to reforming is contraband and corrupt jailers.
Nancy P says
Prisoners are not reformed, they are housed. Where there is one, there are more. It’s not just gangs infiltrating law enforcement. They are everywhere, just waiting to see where they can do the most damage.
Jerry says
Few inmates are reformed. They are just doing time and devising new scams while incarcerated that they can put to use when they are paroled. They don’t have a normal way of thinking. It is a criminal mentality that isn’t easily overcome.
Bob says
“ON THEIR WAY TO REFORMING?” What planet are you from??