PALMDALE – An 18-year-old driver was arrested late Thursday night after leading deputies on a car chase in a stolen vehicle, authorities said.
The incident began around 11 p.m. on 20th street east, according to deputy John Cereoli of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.
“[Deputies] were working routine patrol and ran the license plate of a vehicle, the vehicle came back stolen,” Cereoli said. “They attempted to pull over the vehicle and the vehicle fled. It was a very short pursuit and the suspect was taken into custody.”
The car chase ended near 5th Street East and Palmdale Boulevard, when the teen jumped out of the vehicle and was chased and captured in the Vallarta Supermarket parking lot, according to a Palmdale Station broadcast.
Eighteen-year-old Adam Russell was arrested around 11:29 p.m. Thursday on suspicion of vehicle theft and he was jailed on $75,000 bail, according to LASD jail records.
Russell is a key witness in the kidnap/torture case against local martial arts instructors and brothers Ston Lee, 34, and Skoth Ly, 33.
Russell claims he was kidnapped on September 24 in Lancaster and tortured with lit cigarettes, cut with a Samurai sword, and kicked and punched for two hours straight because the brothers thought he had broken into their dojo.
After Russell testified at a preliminary hearing last month, Ston and Skoth were ordered to stand trial on multiple felony counts, including kidnapping, assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury, and torture. Ston and Skoth each remain jailed on around $1 million bail as they await trial.
Russell is due in court Monday to face possible charges in connection with Thursday’s incident.
Previous related stories:
Kidnap, torture suspects will stand trial
Martial arts instructors charged with five felonies
Suspects arrested for kidnapping, torture, marijuana grow
red says
@AV.folk u diagnose all types of situations ,. You seem like a grumpy old person
AV Folk says
Red… you got me there!
adam russell says
[removed] u all of u u guys u don’t know me I’m a cool ass foo and the car was not stolen and I got [removed] up by master sloth and master soon Lee and u guys need to know me before u guys talk [removed]
AV Folk says
I don’t want to know you. Get some help tho and I do hope you kick the habits that are ruining your life.
George Smith says
Mr. Russell, you should really talk to a lawyer before you run your mouth in public.
AV Folk says
Oh! Almost forgot. Lily from a few posts down said you can move in with her.
Danny says
After reading this maybe the brothers are right and this dirt bag got what was coming.
Karma what a bitch
Lily says
Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for His mercy is great; but do not let us fall into human hands.
AV Folk says
Lily, you inspire with your incredible gift for quoting the bible at random moments. They say the devil is great at quoting scripture too. I wonder if you, with your incredible heart, would allow this young man to live with you while he gets his life straight? He’s homeless and I’m sure you do more than just preach it.
Lily says
I was homeless and now I have a roof over my head. I work with the homeless every week and do what I can with what little I have and it gives me joy to try to be a part of the solution instead of passing judgment and doing nothing. I ask for God to direct me in all that I think say and do and show me how to love others as He loves me. God Bless AV folk.
AV Folk says
Awesome! So then that’s yes!
mg says
I saw this happened
b says
this kid does have problems- i spoke with him many times- he is slow and it was not because of drugs. Certainly he must face the time for his crime, but, in no way does what he does or who he is should be an excuse for those two kidnappers and torturers to go free. Yes he does need some tough love, but, are you willing or even capable of giving it? AV folk; were you there for the first burning? would you really do that to anyone?
AV Folk says
This is great news. Maybe you would let him live with you and you could help him! See, I’m not willing to give tough love to this kid because that’s a bit like throwing pearls to swine, but you could! When he gets out, I think you and the endless number of Bible thumpers could do something! Well, we can all rest assured knowing this young man will be taken care of by our Christian justice league!
b says
I took kids in for 8 years- run-a-ways, throw-a-ways, escapees, AWOL’s got them cleaned up, proper I.D. and helped them find jobs – thank you for that awesome title “Christian Justice League” – I will wear it as a badge of honor-
AV Folk says
No problem. I missed the first burning. I wasn’t invited and didn’t find out about it until afterwards. That’s great that youtook kids in, past tense, not anymore? This kid needs a home!
sisters friend of this guy. says
Um your wrong I know him and everyone on this post is wrong. Hes a heroin addict and a thief. There is nothing wrong with his brain except for making bad choices. Its so funny how people will claim to know him gor attention and then make up something about him hahah. If you dont know him then dont make up things about him… lol those punks that torchered him still deserve to go to jail but he did steal from them thats why they torchered him so in both case’s. There both wrong….
I know him says
Sisters friend: if you are a friend of the family you would know his story. He has made stupid choices, but he most definitely has mental problems. He has been seeing psychiatrists almost since birth because of the damage done by his birth mothers drug addiction. That doesnt mean hes not responsible for the stupid decisions he has made but it explains it a little bit.
Av Folk: you just seem like you are looking for a reason to be mad at somebody and this kid and the people who dont think he deserves the death penalty have given you people to be pissed at.
Duh says
Those two guys will walk now. This guy just lost all credibility. Some defense attorney will use this to pick the guys story apart.
AV Folk says
I kind of want to burn that kid with a cigarette.
Other AV Folk says
Why would you say that? do you know him? from what I have heard he has mental health problems.maybe he needs your help more than your anger.
jimmy says
Nope not if you know him he’s a menace a theif a tweeker and also steals from from family worst person ever met in the av
AV Folk says
I think some people confuse mental health and drug addict. To me, addicts are in need of tough love not enablers labeling them as mentally ill and excusing their choices.
I know him says
He is mentally ill….. has been in psychiatric care since he was about 5. His birth mother was a drug addict and he suffered some birth defects as a result. that doesn’t excuse all of his stuff but explains some of it.
red says
@AV folk, what type of credentials do u to make the remarks u do.
AV Folk says
The heart wants what the heart wants.
JipJoe says
Regardless if he has mental health or not, still a liability to the general public. Given that he is a primary witness, obviously he is stable enough to stand against them for the prosecution. You may love felons, but for me, line them up, and give them the option of a bullet or medical experiments. Simple as that. Instead of taking away from society as most in Kalifornia do so well, contribute back. This guy is a loser.
Steve says
JipJoe:so if a kid is born to a meth addict mom and has some brain damage as a result, he should be shot or used for medical experiments if he ever commits a crime?
Gladys says
sikntired says
LOL, I hear you.
Karma says
So let me get this straight. This kid was slashed and cut up by swords right, and was badly tortured? If so, how was he able to recovered so quickly, stole a car and then ran off by foot?!?!?! What the [removed]? Makes no damn sense!
Jim says
The kidnapping happened 4 months ago so I don’t think that would be a really quick recovery.
Bob says
Well, thanks to this kid we got three people off the street, including himself.
Blackbeltskater says
Karma’s a bitch fool