LANCASTER – A 22-year-old woman and a 24-year-old man were shot late Wednesday night when a gunman opened fire near a Lancaster home, where residents were gathered for a small party, according to a press release from the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station. Read it below:
[Around 11:25 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 29], Lancaster deputies responded to a home on the 45000 block of Elm Ave for an assault call.
Deputies found two injured victims who sustained non-life threatening gunshot wounds.
The victims stated they were in the garage with additional occupants for a friendly gathering. The garage door was partially opened when gunfire was heard near the front of the property and they were struck by the fired rounds.
Both victims were transported to a local hospital for treatment of their injuries. It is currently unknown if this incident is gang related.
Anyone with information regarding this event is urged to contact Station Detectives at 661-948-8466.
red says
So many negative stuff about who lives here. Last week an assistant pastor from LBC shot another church member in a drive bye. So I guess better look out for Christians
Bill Marks says
All the cops are used to keep King Rex safe as well as the Lancaster Baptist Cult Compound. Not until King Rex is gone will things improve.
tommy says
Thank God we have this website so all you lowlife AV haters can all get together and cry in public, if you don’t like it here get the F out nobody will miss you.
sickofit says
Really, Tommy? You are obviously new to the area.
red says
If u don’t like it here please leave, can’t u find a new place to hate
Lily says
tommy… Calm down, you’re sounding like the hater. If you want to share with the public, your anger issues, we’ll listen and won’t tell anyone.
red says
@lily, Tommy is exactly right. Go if u don’t like it here what’s keeping u here? Your the one with issues u live somewhere u hate, we live somewhere we want and all u whiny babies have to do is complain and blame a place for your unhappiness. Aren’t you in charge of your own happiness. I have a feeling your unhappy no matter u are cuz your with yourself
red says
Exactly Tommy & no I’m not new to the area. Whiners and complainers will never be happy. If people don’t like living here move, your negative attitude isn’t helping.
Anom says
So are they going to sepena the neighbor’s security camera or what?? It’s all on tape.
mike says
Wow why haven’t anybody seen it or why haven’t the law put it on the news yet thats all they need.?
Anom says
I don’t know but it’s on a culdesac and the neighbor has a security camera and there is only one way in and one way out so doesn’t make sense to me why they haven’t gotten it.
mike says
Thats stupid the neighbors must not want to give it up or maybe u cant see anything worth giving to the law hope justice is made
joey's friends says
If I was the neighbor, not only would the cops have video, they would have all the license numbers so they could visit all the disrespectful young people who “did see anything”.
Db says
No need for anyone to worry…in a couple of days the AV Press will run another one of their front cover stories about crime rates going down…I’m embarassed to answer anyone who asks…So where do you live?…this place is a joke…first opportunity I get to leave and I’m out!!!
Sandy says
No doubt!!! But while the crime rate is going up, the good old City of Lancaster’s “sky spy” isn’t preventing crimes, is it? So what is it doing up there all hours of the day. I haven’t heard of any crimes being prevented because of it. Have you?
av resident says
The eye in the sky has caught 2 shoplifting crimes. Both were from Walmart. That’s all I have heard.
Turd Ferguson says
What a joke LEAPS is.What a joke LEAPS is.$90,000.00 a month for what?$90,000.00 a month for what?To make Rexs friends rich?To make Rexs friends rich?Where are the criminals caught by LEAPS?Where are the criminals caught by LEAPS?There are none except Walmart shoplifters.There are none except Walmart shoplifters.Why are we paying for Walmart security?Why are we paying for Walmart security?No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.We need more sherriffs.We need more sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.LEAPS is a waste of our money.LEAPS iris a waste of our money.
QHR says
The eye is looking at your property and eyeing unpermitted property improvements so that the tax assessor could increase revenue for the city.
Rizzy says
Yep that’s right, leave and let the criminals win, you people that want to complain all the time can change things. Report criminal activity. No doubt gang related. I will stay in the AV and be a pain in the Arse to gang members and scum bags. Don’t let them win.
Db says
I hope you have never been a victim of crime in this valley as I have…I have seen it all…when the mayors, cops, detectives, prosecutors, and judges want to finally really get tough on crime instead of fattening their wallets with the revenues that are created by having crime in this town then I would consider staying…I frankly don’t give a d*** about this town anymore because quite frankly the whole system is broken! Good Luck staying and trying to fix it because you will need it! Just think if there was a real tough stance on crime we wouldn’t need to employ so many cops, detectives, prosecutors, or judges because we wouldn’t need their services…crime makes the revenue go round and round!
sickofit says
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the gangs have already won, and you can thank your school system, town, city, county, state and federal politicians for facilitating the hot mess the AV has become. This is not the AV of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or even the 90s. But look what has happened since. They all should be ashamed of what they have allowed to happen, and indeed welcomed, to our valley.
red says
No this is not the a.v. of the 50’s cuz its 2014.
red says
@DB, bye the sooner the better
Cindy T. says
This is why I have moved away from California, I have lived there from 1974 to 1989.. I did not want to raise my kids in that environment, I knew it was going to a peaceful place to a high crime rate, at least where I live at now it is peaceful and low rates on crimes and it’s a better place to raise kids at. Lancaster use to be a great place to live but not anymore and that is a shame to say anymore…all I can say is I am sorry for what had happened and I hope they are going to be o.k. and my prayers is with them,their family and friends.
Susie Q says
Dont hangout with gangsters, thugs, lowlifes and you won’t have a problem. :)
... says
No guarantees on that one, Suzie Q.
kinnzie says
Right, my brother was murdered sitting in his car, alone.
Letlow says
Yeah right! Tell that to the family of the man beaten to death in Palmdale for a driving mistake… Violence happens everywhere Ms. Susie, including up on the high horse where you think you are sitting. SMH!
What?? says
WOW! And our Crime is Going DOWN?? Seems like every other day if not every day I am reading about some kind of craziness going on in the Antelope….. I may have to put serious thought into leaving an area I have grew up in since 1979…. Just a freaking SHAME!
—-> Shakes my Head <—–
sickofit says
79? Think how I feel having lived here since the mid-50s. It’s irrecognizable.
red says
That’s so weird that the a.v.has changed since 1950.everywhere else has stayed the same.