By Palmdale resident Douglas Duncan
I purchased a home on the Rancho Vista Golf Course about 10 years ago with the hopes of it being my last home. I never realized there would be federal government-subsidized residential medical facilities in our neighborhoods.
These facilities come with disrespectful employees that arrive in your neighborhood at all hours of the night with radios blasting. They dump lunch trash in the street and drive automobiles that profusely leak oil.
I have had to put Drizit [oil absorbent pads] down in front of my home to keep the oil up. In front of 3731 Tournament Drive, where this facility is located, I have seen a pool of oil two feet in diameter.
They also leave trash cans out, blowing trash down the street. In the six months it took to get a commercial dumpster in their garage, I have contacted the Environmental Protection Agency, Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department, County Supervisor Michael Antonivich’s office, City of Palmdale Code Enforcement, and the state governing agencies for these facilities.
To date, nothing has been done to stop these people from taking over and trashing my neighborhood. No agencies hold them accountable.
They block driveways and threaten you with physical harm when asked to turn music down in their cars at midnight.
Not to mention, you cannot park in front of your own home nor have guests park there on weekends.
If these people cannot clean up behind themselves, how can we expect them to care for our sick and elderly?
I forgot to mention, there are Sheriff’s deputies, coroner’s officers, the fire department, ambulances, and deliveries at the facility at all hours of the night. You never know when you will be awakened in the middle of the night; and this happens multiple times a week.
Why, again, do we want to buy a golf course home in Palmdale? These facilities are lowering property values in the neighborhood and taking away our peace!
I am turning to the media to see if anyone is listening.
I have no problem with helping sick and elderly people in these healthcare facilities. But if the employees cannot clean up behind themselves or conduct their business in a professional manner, how can we trust them with the care of our family members?
What does this say about our government agencies when they don’t listen to their constituents, or care for our environment, or care about the way our city is maintained? Shame on the city of Palmdale Code Enforcement and the EPA! The oil in our streets could end up in our drinking water!
If I wanted to live in an industrial area or near a hospital, I would have bought there. Another tax paying working family being driven out of Palmdale…
** UPDATED 4/7/14 **
I completely agree, health facility needs to go
By Palmdale resident Don Beech
I, too, live in this neighborhood where Mr. Duncan is having all the problems, and everything he is saying is dead on.
There is no reason for these employees to overrun the neighborhood. I too have oil all over in front of my house, not to mention cigarette butts all over the street and in my yard. Apparently, the staff can’t smoke in the house because of the sick and elderly patients living at the facility. But this doesn’t mean you can come out and litter our streets with your butts and motor oil at all hours of the day, with little or no respect for the residents that live in the neighborhood. I have also had to deal with the loud music and the occasional argument with either spouse or other employee.
But this is not where the problems end.
All these patients have family that come and visit, which is understandable; but it seems like there’s a party in the neighborhood almost every day with all the cars that take every spot on the street. There has got to be a better place for these patients to go than a care facility that is located in the middle of a residential neighborhood. I moved to this neighborhood thinking it is zoned residential and this would be a nice quiet place to retire. I’ve been a Palmdale resident all of my life; was I wrong?
Now my wife and I are talking about moving where there isn’t so much commotion from a facility that shouldn’t be in a residential area. Why does the city allow this to happen? I’ll bet the people that make those decisions wouldn’t approve this type of facility to operate in their neighborhood. What do you think?
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Don Evans says
From Payson, AZ. Your screwed. This new for profit group home in your residential neighborhood is just a newer trendy sounds good money making scam. One just went in behind our house of 10 years in a beautiful quiet neighborhood. OUR quality of life and the fair market value of our home is trashed. The yelling and screaming from the residents have already begun. Parking problems, noise, all the problems you have described above. They can do whatever the hell they want but you can’t. This federally protected class or we will have the Feds come after you is total BS. This crap you won’t even know they are there is a total lie by some bleeding hearts. God I pray they get one of these cbrf homes move next door to their home. We are so mad at all the Fed, State, and local bureaucrats we are ready to join a militia! Your HOA, your city won’t do a damn thing scared to death of a lawsuit. Nothing but animosity towards his facility now by many. Take your social engineering agenda and shove it Govt.
Reasonable says
Well when people like my self who lives in this neighbor hood its different! You guys are on the out side looking in! No one will mined a place like this in there nieghbor ! Long as it is kept up right! People work hard and have a nice house! I think we should check our contract when we bought our house there are niegjberfood claws in our contract in sure says
Fabulous, what a blog it is! This webpage gives valuable information to us, keep it up.
ugh says
Anything new with this?
Bruce says
I also live in the neighborhood quite close to the care facility which has truly changed the dynamic of the neighborhood in very obvious ways. I have small children and cars indeed speed down the street. Cars with employees and visitors are always coming and going as are ambulances who flash lights and sometimes sirens at night. At night there are people outside talking and slamming car doors and engaging and disengaging car alarms in an otherwise very quiet street with families trying to sleep. I also don’t understand why the garage door is always partially open. People and animals could get in unnoticed. There is a likely supply of pain medication to treat the seriously ill patients and I would hope they would be cautious enough to close and lock all their doors as a proper safety measure. The garbage truck is coming often for a giant metal dumpster that they need to empty a few times a week. The big truck backs into the facility’s driveway and blocks the street traffic. All these changes to our lives have been disruptive and bothersome. Once on my way to work an ambulance was double parked in front of the home with a full set of cars parked on both sides of the street. As the street has a bend, it was impossible to see if a car was coming around the turn as the ambulance had made a two way street one way. Not your regular neighbor. I wouldn’t have knowingly bought a house next to a 7-Eleven.
AV Folk says
In reading the posts of people that actually live near this facility, I can’t help but sympathize. I hope that the city does something to help the homeowners because I wouldn’t want to end up living next door to such a place myself.
Shut it down! says
I use to work for this company, & I can tell you first hand how unprofessional they are! The owners are so money hungry, it’s sad! They treat patients and staff like crap! Half the time they don’t have basic supplies (diapers, chucks etc) they let incompetent Nurses have “lead” positions & they don’t know what the heck they’re doing! I feel for the patients to have to live in this hell! At one point one of the facilities had a MRSA outbreak where 5 out of 6 patients had MRSA, so that alone should tell you a little bit of the cleanliness of these facilities! They’re was also a scabie outbreak that went untreated for MONTHS! The food they feed the patients, I wouldn’t serve to my dog! All these patients are to the owners are money signs! They currently have no d.o.n, so who is running it? Take my word for it, they need to be shut down immediately, before they end up killing more innocent people! The mortality rate for this company is unreal! I wouldn’t ever put one of my loved ones in this place! Their are definitely some great & respectable facilities like this, but this company does not happen to be one of them! All they care about is money!!!they get around $20,000 a month per patient (paid by their insurance) and still have the audacity to charge each patient about $700 a month that they pay out of pocket! How is that right? As I said they NEVER have supplies, so what is that extra money for?
johan mann says
I fully agree with you “Shot it down” it clearly seems like there is no management and a total disregard for the needs of patients.After they get $20.000 per month for each patient they have the nerve to charge them$700 out of pocket expense.
It sure makes one wander if somebody somewhere is getting paid to turn a blind eye to the abuse that is prevalent at this place as i am sure others a well.
Jen says
Be careful what you wish for. You might get rid of this facility and end up with the pillow case rapist.
johan mann says
Your comment is off subject,to bring a rapist in this conversation is to try to instill fear in people to accept a substandard facility in their neighborhood.One question for you:do you work for this company?
William says
@Douglas Duncan.
A lot of people have offered helpful suggestions and/or information for you.
I hope you follow up and let us know how it is going with your situation.
I hope you’re ignoring the comments making excuses. They aren’t helpful at all.
Anna says
I think you should always think before you speak. I understand the problems that are being addressed but they all seem like problems that you could come across in any neighborhood. I myself have a very close friend who is in the facility. I think the problem at hand could easily be taken care of by maybe speaking with the owner about your concerns. I hope that one day you never have a family member suffer such a traumatic injury or illness which causes them to have to live in a facility because the last thing you wanna do is see an article like this complaint about petty things that can easily be corrected.
NoClue! says
Think before you speak? Do you live there? Or have any clue on to what goes on out there? It’s a shame how the little people that work really hard to buy a home have to come home after a long day an see this in the neighborhood! Why is it these homes aren’t right next to the mayors homes or councilman! The people around there have every right to be upset! Every right to speak the truth!! You see the pictures they posted. They didn’t make this up! There’s other facilities were programs these programs can go to other than an neighborhood!
Anna says
Yes think before you speak. These are people mothers, fathers, sons and daughters in this facility. All I’m saying is if this were your family member would you be worried about PETTY things like trash and oil leaks on the street? Ask yourself that question.
Anna says
And no I don’t live there. But a very close friend is in this facility. So it hurts to hear all of the heartless comments about these petty issues. These people are fighting to get back to living a normal life. And we are here arguing about trash loud music and oil leaks.
IWorkForALiving says
Are you kidding, Anna? The only reason you are calling this a petty issue is because people like you think its OK. Its a major issue and an infringement on the rights of those who spent the extra money to get a home where they wouldn’t have to deal with this. Thats the problem. Some people have different standards than your friends.
Anna says
Let me not entertain your ignorance or arrogant attitude. You don’t know me well enough to know my values as a matter of fact you don’t know me at all.
Buhnanas! says
Don’t care to know you! As a home owner if there was a facility like that causing problems were I live, I do the same! People that don’t live there obviously don’t care for the neighbors concern! I’m already thinking about moving out of the AV! :)
AV Folk says
Anna… Your ability to empathize is limited and that is too bad. Also, hopefully you check a little more closely into this facility because anecdotally it sounds like the care your friend is being subjected to is very substandard. I do find myself entertained by your affrontery though.
Nancy P says
Does everyone understand why so many of the young girls & guys have been enrolled in medical field classes at AV College and University of AV? They all have dreams of participating in this type of scam.
bird says
Nancy P—Not true at all! A really ugly statement to make.
As says
She tends to do that.
Nancy P says
As more of this type of business is setup in communities, it will be obvious that I do know what I’m talking about. So, Bird and As can suck it! I don’t care what ya’ll think or say. You both will argue and stick up for criminals and anything you and your friends are involved in.
As says
You are so irrelevant. You say things just because you can. How does going to school to be in the medical field have anything to do with supporting criminals??
bird says
Nancy P—I hope you get some help for all that misdirected anger.
Kia Mackey says
What’s a scam? Going to college to get an education. You sound really ignorant.
IrishMary says
Hi Doug,
Instead of whining about this, maybe you could go over and visit the residents who live there. My mother is in one of these types of homes, not in the AV, but else where. Be thankful that you are not one of the residents. You too will be old someday and in need of care. I am thankful that my mother gets to reside in one of these homes and not a depressing SNF. It’s not cheap either, $5500 a month. Yes, they could work on not playing the music loud when they arrive for work and they could probably be a little more respectful in parking their cars. Maybe if you tried to state your needs in a non-agressive manner, they might be responsive to your requests. Good luck!
Itriedtotellyou says
$5500 a month???? wow, even more reason to be outraged. Cigarette smoking care givers, not for my parents? Loud music at all hours? No thanks. If the employees are disrespectful to neighbors, just think how they are treating the “patients”.
Someone who works at this place posted a l o n g list of employees? How could one of these little houses have office space for all that and house a group of patients? And what about all the people coming and going at all hours? Visitors? Who are they visiting, the patients or the “employees”.
chain of command says
You can’t stop a caregiver from smoking whether the patient is in SNF or home based facility. People have rights and it doesn’t make them a bad nurse/caregiver. If you are having ALL these problems go speak with the DIRECTOR. If you feel the patient’s are being MISTREATED call the California state board of nursing. The CASBN will INVESTIGATE everything all the way down to the disposal of trash. You must have a HOA call them have a meeting. But understand these types of facilities are very important these days due to the growing number of people in need of specialty care. And lastly TRY TO HAVE A HEART. I understand the employees are causing a problem, if it weren’t for their disrespect you probably wouldn’t even know the facility was there. Press GO TO THE DIRECTOR
William says
Where did you get that Douglas was whining. He described the conditions that are occuring at that property which sound like a real problem.
He’s tried going to the appropriate agencies/authorities with no results so far.
So, he’s requesting assistance from the Times community which is perfectly appropriate considering the circumstances.
Many people here familiar with such facilities have offered assistance and suggestions which is great.
But, you. What’s your problem? He said he was threatened with physical harm when he asked them to turn the music down at midnight.
Either you have poor reading comprehension and couldn’t understand what you were reading, you don’t care about others or I don’t know what.
What Douglas is experiencing is not some unusual set of circumstances. Many people have endured bad neighbors and/or have been frustrated at the lack of concern from the agencies involved in these facilities.
Do you really think that people that do what Douglas’s neighbors do will comply readily with his requests? In what universe does that automatically occur?
WOWSER! says
Dang $5500 a month? I’m sure it’s not you who’s paying for this but we the tax payers! Let’s move this facility right next to your home!
Lae says
You’re ASSuming that IrishMary doesn’t pay taxes.
Eastside says
There are some months that I regret living within a HOA and paying monthly dues. When I read about situations like this I am reminded about how valuable rules, regulations and people to enforce them are to a community.
When I first moved to Palmdale a young man left a plastic bottle on the ground, in a park and walked away. I reminded him to take it with him, he dismissed me and walked away. People are increasingly ignorant, poor and spiteful. They take out their fustrations by littering and acting like thugs. We need good schools, jobs, communities and people willing to stand up against this kind of behavior. Stand and fight for your neighborhood. Unless you move to an enclave of the super rich you will find this kind of rubbish infecting every neighborhood in Los Angeles County.
William says
@Eastside. Even the rich don’t escape bad neighbors. Remember that mansion next to a house the Justin Bieber lived in and was throwing eggs at his neighbor’s house or something?
It does help to call the Graffiti hotline, Code Enforcement, abandoned shopping carts and/or the sheriff’s department consistently to report any problems even if it’s blocks away.
It’s called the ‘broken window syndrome’. Years ago in New York someone noticed that if there was 1 broken window in a neighborhood, it made it easier for people to do anti-social things and it would just spiral downward. When they started fixing the broken windows, other things improved. It takes vigilance. The sheriff’s department can’t do it all.
I just called the sheriff’s department cause there is a car parked around the corner that doesn’t belong to any of the neighbors or their guests. Been there a couple days. They are going to check it out. One more day and it gets a ticket, I believe.
William says
These homes are called ‘single family detached homes’ for a reason. People who buy homes in these neighborhoods have an expectation that they will continue to be residences for ‘single families’ and nothing else. This facility isn’t a ‘single family’ is it?
I don’t think apartments, condos, commerical buildings or facilities such as this one should be allowed in neighorhoods zoned for single family homes. Nor should sexual offenders released from prison should be placed in such neighborhoods.
And, don’t get me started on Section 8 in single family homes. Section 8 voucher holders should only be used for apartments, condos, mobile home parks, etc. unless there is a special need for a house due to disability or a large family size. Section 8 should be providing suitable shelter and not an upscale lifestyle. Why should someone who is paying full price for rent in an apartment or mobile home also subsidize someone else’s Section 8 accomodations in a large upscale home with a pool? Read the classifieds in the Valley Press. It’s disgusting.
Shawn says
I assure you that your local government did every thing in its power to require the residential care facility on tournament to follow all rules and regulations. However these care facilities are regulated and rules are set by the state of California.
I highly recommend you contact the owner, like someone else posted.
Request they become better neighbors like other care facilities in the antelope Valley.
most of these facilities you wouldn’t even know they were next-door to you and most do a really good job of being good neighbors.
Good luck and I’m glad they’re not next-door to me!
Garnett says
I dont know about the complains about this facility but Sorrento is one of the best facilities around and I had my relative there for couple months and I was very happy for the quality care they provided to my family member. They have a very smart, polite, and kind supervisor nurse who is jist an amazing person and helps you every way she can! Highly Recommend Sorrento and thax to their nursing supervisor!:
William says
Really good to read comments from those who have dealt with similar issues or have some knowledge of these businesses and want to assist Douglas with his situation.
For those who are making excuses, read the comments. They are all over the map as to the accuracy of the information on this particular house.
Douglas clearly stated that he has no problem with these types of facilities but he does have a problem with the trash, oil stains, parking problems, late night disturbances, etc. that would be a problem even if it was caused by a single family living there and not a business.
daisylvn says
This facility is not a group home or elderly home. They take care of patients with traumatic brain injuries spinal cord injuries tracheotomy respiratory failure patients. Patients are 20-100 years old. They do have a Director of Nursing who has has been there since they opened June of last year and she is there everyday of the week she is an RN. We have pulmonary and family medicine Doctors, Supervisors,Nurses, CNA’S, R.T’S Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Dietary Staff Housekeeping staff and they even let the Nursing schools in the community come there and do their clinicals. The facility is new its not even a year old. Gosh people,give them a chance.
voice of reason says
What ever happened to zoning laws?
2nd2none! says
Give them a chance? There’s plenty of empty commercial buildings in witch a nursing home like this can be ran from! Why bring this into a community? Do you have a nursing home across the street from your place? It’s not fair to those around that facility who after coming home from work an living there have to go through this!
Irena says
It is being treated as a rental/home based business for zoning probably.
Nancy P says
Get enough information to know they are not doing their jobs and go to the media. TV news in LA loves to expose this stuff. Very few people understand what fraud is doing to this country (except for the people committing the fraud).
melissa says
That [removed] wouldn’t happen in lancaster. If you leave your trash out for more than a couple days you get fined. And if there’s a noise complaint they come out and tell you to turn your [removed] down and if they have to come out again you get a ticket. Whats wrong with the city of palmdale? And the palmdale sheriff station geeze
AV Folk says
Melissa… no kidding. I got warned for a garbage can at the side of my house and the grass being too long. I like it tho bc it keeps the neighborhood looking nice.
Kia Mackey says
When I bought my first home in Lancaster in 2009 I received a letter from the city saying that my grass was to brown. Attached to the letter was a picture of my front yard and I was told that I had to correct the problem in a timely manner. I had to go to Lowe’s and purchase some grass before I got fined. They don’t play.
dumbandblind says
Simply contact City of Palmdale Building and Safety at 661/267-5353 and find out if this property is a registered rental. Next contact the City of Palmdale and determine if a business license is issued:
People who wish to complain, start there.
sissy says
I have lived in areas that have this type of issue before. Once I decided that I had enough I collected all the documentation that I needed and gathered up as many neighbors that I could, then filed a small claims cases for each person there, claiming lower property values, noise pollution, acts of violence against nrighbors by a employee. As employer it is the responsibility of the owner to console this home, whether it be a half way house, or a assisted living home. I won the case and the home was cleaned up. Now, as for the statement about you have to have family in a home to understand that this is no big deal…… no I have had my father in a home and I can tell you, no respectable family would put a loved one in a home that allows there employees to treat others like this, if they treat neighbors like this then you can only guess how they treat the residents. Small claims will cost you little, but maybe it’s time for the owner to get some restless nights of rest writing about what your next move will be and how long you are willing to continue this. Good luck and remember….. sometimes a slap in the back of the head is all that they need.
dumpground! says
I would love to see these facility’s next to the mayors home or council men! There shouldn’t be a facility like that in neighborhoods! The landlord doesn’t care as long as the rent money is coming in! Why not get with the neighbors an SUE THE CITY AN THE OWNER! I know a great lawyer, REX PARRIS!
Itriedtotellyou says
Seriously, what was wrong with my comment?
Nancy P says
Where does it say anything about this being a 24 hr senior living home? Sounds to me like one of the latest tricks to receive federal grant funds. No real manager on staff. No medical care given to no real medical people and no license. Homeowner just collecting rent and a great spot for “renters” to use for parole address or flop and get a kickback on your “rent”.
Amy says
Until you have an elderly relative who needs 24 hour care, please refrain from comments. Most of these homes are nice and serve the elderly well. They are licensed. I can’t believe these heartless comments.
really? says
My grandmother was 90 when she was in NEED of care, so our family put her in a PROPER living facility, not a in neighborhood home which has no supervision. These houses usually hire uneducated people to “care” for the elderly. It is heartless to force the elderly in a home that does not have proper workers, equipment, or supervision at all times, or be held accountable for anything! This does ruin a neighborhood and is all about money, the owner of the house needs to be sued.
Debbie says
I’ve got a 90 year old relative that needs to be in a facility. I would never put her in a facility like this. I examined these before going with a traditional nursing home. If the director can’t keep the employees in line, field the complaints of the neighbors, and get along with the neighbors, they are unable to take care of business properly and shouldn’t BE in business. The people who live in the neighborhood have their rights too.
Itriedtotellyou says
Research Sober Living Centers, Adult Care Centers, etc.
If there are not medical treatments, they don’t need a medical person on staff. If they don’t rent out to more than 6 people, they don’t need a business license.
This type of business is the latest scam that is being funded with federal dollars. Home owners apply and receive grants to do repairs on property and rent rooms to people just getting out of jail who may or may not even stay there. It’s their address for parole and they get a kick back from the people getting the payment from the government. What are all those employees actually doing coming and going all night?
Take pictures and write down every license number of cars that come and go. Get Code Enforcement involved. If the homeowner is not living at the property (as a neighbor you would know), then it should have a city rental license.
Concerned Caregiver says
These facilities do not have an administrator or a Director of Nursing. How do I know? I worked there for a year and our DON and Administrator is listed as Lyudmila Gurman. I HAVE NEVER MET OR HEARD OF THIS PERSON. Also she is not listed as a Nursing home administrator. If you want them shut down. This is the way. No administrator; No facility. Good luck fellow citizens.
5/3/2013 to Present Gurman, Lyudmila
Relationship to Facility: Administrator
5/3/2013 to Present Gurman, Lyudmila
Relationship to Facility: Director Of Nursing
Licensee:Pieces Group, Lp
3731 Tournament Drive
Palmdale, Ca 93551
Licensee Type:Partnership
License Number:550002272
License Status:Active
License Category:Congregate Living Health Facility
License Effective Date:11/3/2013
Expiration Date:5/2/2014
SmartNurse says
I worked there for about 6 months and never met that person either. A lot of shady things go on at their facilities and I had to get out ASAP to save my license!!
Jason S says
I have been a Nursing Asst. for many years and I worked at all three of these facilities Napoli in the Desert, Capri in the Desert, and Sorrento in the Desert. The patients do not get quality care because they fired all of their aides on Valentine’s of this year and the nurses did nothing to protest it. Two months later, they had the audacity to call us back. those of us with integrity refused. Also this particular facility (known to us as Napoli in the Desert) has the highest mortality rate of all three of the facilities yet has been open for the least length of time. If you are a nurse there, then you need to run and find a new job ASAP. Napoli has been shut down before and they will be shut down again. Save your license.
John says
Everyone else in other “lower class” neighborhoods would have to put up with it, then so should the wannabe rich guy.
Ken says
Shouldn’t be allowed. Plus, these “care providers” are just a racket. They’re untrained, uneducated nurses because they can’t get work with a legitimate firm. They work for a company that states they provide care, but really, there’s nothing they can do for their patients. I would call the police on them every time for littering and suspicious vehicles. And to the “leadership” of Palmdale, aren’t there zoning laws in this area? You shouldn’t be able to put a group of sick people into a residential area house for treatment. Not pertaining to this particular article, but I have seen this in the AV. Got to get rid of the drawbacks in order to make this a modern and prosperous community.
Irena says
They aren’t always sick people. Sometimes they are for severely mentally disabled people who for whatever reason can’t be or wish not to be placed in a nursing home. Other times it is elder care.
What would concern me more is say a rehab facility or 1/2 way house for drugs addicts or alcoholics.
racket says
Same thing with many of these “sober living” homes we have in the AV -just gives the crooked landlords an excuse to pack 8 people in a 4 bedroom house and charge them each $500 a month rent.
jrc says
It isnt a sober living home. It is a home for the mentally unfit, people that have had illnesses their entire lives and are completely none violent, that just need help with daily activities.
Nancy P says
same premise.
Drd says
Not the same premise, completely different.
Well educated nurse working home health says
Just because they work I’m a home as nurse DOESN’T mean they are uneducated untrained nurses that CAN’T get a job in a facility. Sometimes the flexible hours is what’s best for that particular nurse so they choose home health. I personally have children that have MANY after school activities so home health hours are best for me. And I might add I’m very educated in my field with extensive experience in Trach vent care in children and adults so I would say don’t be so judgemental. If you feel an investigation needs to be done then call the state board of nursing California, they WILL come out and see if licensure and codes are being followed INCLUDING disposal of waste.
Deniz says
Group homes are a legitimate firm.
It’s funny that you say we’re uneducated and untrained because most of us are registered nurses and on top of that DSP’s, we’ve gone through several types of training,schools, and are licensed by the state. Suspicious vehicles? You mean staff cars, day programs, and family. Wow, so suspicious! It’s a residental group home with up to 6 people, they have families and the right to see their families. Please look up the Olmstead Act “individuals with mental disabilities have the right to live in the community rather than in institutions”. As for your zoning law question: State doesn’t allow houses within 300 feet of each-other and try not to let an area become over concentrated because they don’t want these becoming disability only neighborhoods. Also I agree with your “Got to get rid of the drawbacks in order to make this a modern and prosperous community” statement, so please leave the AV because your ignorance towards these facilities is hindering us from growing as a society.
Storm says
How about we pack them all up and put them in the neighborhood of our great Mayor! Then move in the rapist they just let out and pedophiles all on his block since he gets the kick backs!
RH Elliott says
I get the hindrance if it’s that extreme. If he cannot speak to the facility manager or administrator to resolve this, then call the state agencies for those RCFs on the Administrator. As forensic as those Licensed Program Analysts are, They probably concluded the complaint was petty as well. But the media route is not doing your situation justice either. Because now it sounds more like a pretentious neighbor who simply wants to kick a Residential Care Facility off your Tournament Blvd and into more Eastside accommodations. Not making assumptions but simply describing the impression it sends; unlike the assumption you made in stating that oil on the street may allude to neglect or abuse to the sick and elderly who live there. Hopefully, I have that wrong about you, sir. We blame society; but we are society. So speak to the Administrator for appropriate resolution.
nurse says
I am a Nurse who works at this facility and yes the staff should not be playing loud music at night and speaking disrespectful to the neighborhood who is complaining. But to compare someone loud music to the care of our patients is very wrong. Our patients receive great care we have families who have their loved ones on waiting list to come to our facilities. Yes we can get better with the oil on the streets and the employees. I apologize on behalf of the staff at this facility.
Jason says
I have been a Nursing Asst. for many years and I worked at all three of these facilities Napoli in the Desert, Capri in the Desert, and Sorrento in the Desert. The patients do not get quality care because they fired all of their aides on Valentine’s of this year and the nurses did nothing to protest it. Two months later, they had the audacity to call us back. those of us with integrity refused. Also this particular facility (known to us as Napoli in the Desert) has the highest mortality rate of all three of the facilities yet has been open for the least length of time. If you are a nurse there, then you need to run and find a new job ASAP. Napoli has been shut down before and they will be shut down again. Save your license.
James says
What most of u are forgetting is that the business provides work for many of the locals that live in Palmdale. Taxes are being collected as well as food being put on the table for many many families. Instead of complaining why don’t u ask the owner of the property to work the issues out instead of crying like a little child. Ccnr don’t restrict the use of property that has already been checked. The city hall and fire department clear these properties so complaining is not the right way to go. Talk to the owner of the property and iam sure they will be happy to help.
Troy says
You’re wrong, James (Mayor Ledford, is that you???) ! They do not bring in locals to work there.
These businesses bring in people with H1B visas from Asia and Micronesia. They are not even U.S. Citizens. They are there to perform cheap labor and these “care homes” are very shady and ran by shady people trying to get government money.
johan mann says
Your comment is very racist,so what if people from other countries come to US for work.I am sure you’re 100% native ups, did i say native??With a name like Troy you’re definitely not American Indian ,maybe just so happen that your you’re born here but i wander when did your ancestors got off the boat Mr.native?
Henry says
This sounds like a terrible situation. Don’t listen to people like tori and her comment. Some people don’t have enough respect for themselves let alone anyone else in this world, so I wouldn’t expect them to understand. Palmdale and lancaster has been turning into a run down, dirty, ghetto for a few years now. I am with you on the idea of pulling up anchor, and getting the hell out of here. Let the ghetto trash with their “hood mantality” have this place and earn the reputation they are so proud of.
Lin says
Where is the great Mayor of Palmdale?? Would seem that Mr Ledford should be involved?
William says
I think Mayor Ledford has his hands full already. There are other avenues to resolve this.
Or, do you think he should call the Governor or the President?
Mike V. says
Oh, you again….This is what has become of your “lovely” Palmdale you like to brag about all of them time.
Now, the west side is being trashed.
This wouldn’t be happening if people had passed an ordinance similar to Lancaster’s. But you’ll never come out and admit that, will you?????
Bob says
Why not have trash blowing around the street, loud music at all hours of the day and night a long with vehicles. Typical AV., a great place to “leave”.
tori says
Boo hoo. It’s always like this with these type of set ups but it never seems to be a problem till its on your street. I have Gabriel’s house next to me. Trash, noise and traffic. It’s got to be somewhere don’t like it , move. Thats what I’ve been told.
Wendy says
Until a couple of months ago, my fiancé and I lived by the Rancho Vista golf course. In the past few years the neighborhood has definitely been changing. To adress the comment about this being whiny to the max, I disagree. This WAS a neighborhood where people that worked hard came to live to be away from the urban environment. No cops at all hours of the night, no nosy or loud neighbors, no dirty streets, nothing noticeable at least. People work hard to be able to afford the little extras. But lately, before we moved away, we started hearing helicopters, ambulances, and yes, music until 2 or so in the morning. We heard what sounded like gunshots or firecrackers every once in a while. As a parent you want to offer your children a safe and clean place to live but it came to the point where my kids couldn’t be outside because of the people that drive really fast with no consideration that they were in a residential area. Our solution was to move away but I know that for the people that planned on making that quiet, clean, peaceful little oasis in Palmdale their permanent home, it’s neither right nor fair.
Aaron says
The neighbors should all get together and sue the homeowner under the Safe Street Act in Small Claims Court.
Nancy P says
I wonder if Rex would represent the homeowners or the neighbors?
William says
@ Nancy. Here’s the answer. The one with the most money to pay him.
Always bet on that.
Irena says
I wonder if you attended the meeting that was required for this facility to obtain a CUP? (conditional use permit)
In some cases, theses permits have to be renewed fairly often. If that time is close you should receive a letter stating the time and place. Attend that meeting and bring your grievances there.
In the interim, consider contacting the state licensing board
Boom says
Wow this is whining to the max! It’s a free country and out citizens can come and go at what ever hour of the day they feel! Sounds like to me a grumpy old man has to much time on his hands..
William says
You’re whining about ‘whining’?
Didn’t your read the comment? There’s trash, oil stains in the street, sheriff’s cars and ambulances at all hours, etc.
There are always people like you who don’t seem to realize that we like in a ‘society’ and not the wild west or Somalia.
I bet if this facility was next door to you, you’d be whining the loudest. I mean, if you’re complaing about a comment on a website, you’d certainly scream about bad neighbors.
BiggerBoom says
Sounds like you may have something to do with this. Free country or not, you need to respect your neighbors. People spend good money to get away from crap like this. Grow up and be a decent citizen.
Well said says
Well said. Some people don’t understand paying high dollars for a peaceful neighborhood and peace of mind. This person is probably directly involved or is an annoyance as well to others.
Boom says
I have nothing to do with this! But I can tell you I lived next door to the same type of neighbor for years and it was miserable. He would call the cops if I washed my car after 8pm!!! I do respect my neighbors but some are out of control like this guy! Seems like minor problems that he is blowing way out of proportion! I much rather have my neighbors car leaking oil than them throwing parties every night!!! This guy needs to calm down he sounds like a nut case and a nightmare to live next to.
Rebecca says
The CC&R’s for this property probably don’t allow it to be rented and I’m almost positive that they don’t allow any kind of medical facility to be run i.e., business.
Rebecca says
The guy that owns the house at 3731 Tournament is local. He bought the house in 2011 as a foreclosure and probably rents it – I should have a copy of the CC&R’s by Monday afternoon. I can send you the document if you email me.
William says
Good work, Rebecca. I never thought about CC&Rs.
Irena says
CC&R’s will not usually cover the use of a home. Unless it is in a HOA. As long as it conforms to local zoning and the owners obtain all the required permits.
Residential care facilities fall under the state licensing board, I would start there for issues with it.
Irena says
Unless the home is located in a HOA (Homeowner’s association) there is rarely a restriction on use of a home as long as it conforms with local zoning.
As for a home based businesses, again unless it is in a HOA, the city has control over businesses. One can look to see if they have all the proper permits and licenses through the city and county.
Residential care facilities are licensed by either the county or the state. I would complain there.
You crying memes amaze me says
You people are ridiculous. Do you have any idea the things that have to be done to open a facility like this? YES the owner knows, he HAS to know. The licensure that has to be upheld and the codes that have to be followed are obviously BEYOND your comprehension. Seriously talk to the director, the owner, the manager and have them handle the rude employees. And of course the ambulance and fire truck are going to come to that home, it’s A MEDICAL FACILITY. By the way have ANY of you went to a long term care facility in your area lately? They are OVER OCCUPIED AND UNDER STAFFED so there is a desperate NEED for these home based facilities. I sure hope your parents never need long term care SMH
William says
That’s rotten. That could happen to any of our neighborhoods.
Have you gotten together with your neighbors? It seems like you’ve got documentation, photos, maybe sheriff’s reports of problems, etc.
You seem pretty rational about the situation. I’d be furious. What to do when the people who need to respond to your complaints don’t respond?