QUARTZ HILL – Heathens, Druids, Wiccans and Witches will meet at a local park on Sept. 27 to celebrate Pagan Pride Day and the Fall Equinox.
The Antelope Valley’s Annual Pagan Pride Day Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 27, at George Lane Park, located at 5520 West Avenue L-8 in Quartz Hill.
People of all ages and spiritual backgrounds are welcome. A non-perishable food item will be accepted as admission and donated to local charities.
The event will include information booths, vendors and other activities celebrating the Autumn Equinox, a time of thanksgiving in many Pagan traditions. The goal is to provide literature and background for the various pagan, heathen and other earth centered religions that are available.
The International Pagan Pride Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to the elimination of prejudice and religious discrimination through education, activism, charity and community. Pagan Pride celebrations are held annually around the world within two weeks of the Autumn Equinox. More than 50 cities have participated since 1999; and this year there are more than 100 events across the United States and internationally.
The food drive gives participants a way to share with those who are less fortunate while making a positive statement about Paganism, according to organizers.
For decades Pagans have been wrongly accused of practicing devil-worship and performing “black magic,” organizers say, when in reality most Pagans enjoy a religion emphasizing respect for nature, humanity, and oneself.
Modern Paganism, or Neo-Paganism, is a growing religious movement based on combinations of ancient polytheism, modern eco-spirituality, and reverence for the Divine as both masculine and feminine.
Pagan Pride Day 2014 is sponsored by First Pantheistic Center of the Antelope Valley, local vendors and pagan groups.
For more information about the event or about Pagan religions, call Wayne Luke at 661-350-4189 or email avppd@fpcav.org. Additional information regarding Pagan Pride Day is located at http://www.fpcav.org/pagan-pride-day/.
Ivan says
Reading the comments and responses in this post, a few things become clear to me.
1. Some of you are convinced your parents taught you the “only one true religion”, and that no one else should have a right to practice theirs. You consider that heresy, blasphemy, and since it doesn’t fit into the narrow focused view or belief, it must be evil. All others must be converted, as no other belief or opinion could possibly have merit because it conflicts with yours.
2. Some of you are convinced Pagans are evil Devil worshipers or Satan’s Minions, and you seek to judge them harshly, even though none of you even seem to have a clue as to who or what they are. You talk about Pagan symbolism, and yet most of you haven’t the foggiest idea what it means, other than what you studied in Hollywood movies (most of which has no idea either).
3. Some of you spout “prophecy” and “Scripture” from a book you have only half-read or don’t fully understand. You key in on “Sin and evil deeds” and skip over and miss the parts about peace and understanding, or the parts about loving your fellow man. Perhaps you those entries in that book are only for those who believe as you do, not for the “heathens” or those who are different than you.
4. Some of you are content with trying to associate all the evils of the world with people you don’t understand, simply because you heard or read a rumor, and it fits in with your narrow viewpoint that only your religious group knows the one true secret of the universe, and the rest of us must be blind.
Many of you do not feel this way, and I’m not talking to those of you who don’t. But, if any of you care to understand, I’ve got a news flash for you. If you don’t care to read, simply stop here.
Pagans don’t try to convert anyone. Pagans understand their own beliefs, they do not require you do so, nor do they think they are the only one true path, they do not think others must be converted. They are content with their spiritualism, and will explain from time to time, if people want to understand. No conversions necessary. That seems to be a difficult concept for some to understand.
Telling a Pagan he worships the Christian Devil Satan is like telling a Christian they worship the man on the moon. It makes no sense to us, and it is totally incorrect. Satan is a Christian invention. Pagan’s beliefs pre-date the one God, Pagans don’t believe in it, and yes, that includes your devil and your original sin.
Pagans believe in many Gods and Goddesses. Who or what someone believes in should be up to them, it is there right to do so. This country was founded upon some basic concepts, one of the first being freedom of religion. Freedom of Religion means ALL religions. Not just the ones you deem appropriate, necessary or “official”. What makes you think you can sit in judgment of another’s beliefs? We all have a right to pursue whatever path we choose. Even you Christians. (Of course I belief all have this same right. Substitute “even the Pagans” on the last part, and you may realize how they feel when you say something like that to them. Pagans are not second class citizens, and neither is any other belief.
The Pentacle is only a Pentagram surrounded by a circle. Without getting to deep on that subject, the Pagan Pentacle symbol has nothing what so ever to do with Satan or evil. It represents the elements. Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit. In short, nature. Inverted, many paths see this as a type of grounding to Earth, or even a sign of level. If someone else has taken the same symbol and convinced you of something else in a Hollywood movie, you’ll have to decide that one for yourself.
Pagans have just as much right to follow their path and religion as anyone else, no matter what religion, or lack thereof. All of the rest is just arguments over whose belief is actually correct, or what you think you’ve heard about someone else in rumor or internet post someplace.
Perhaps some of you think that only those who follow your religion, belief, or non-belief should have the same right to worship as they please? The rest are heretics, and should be shipped out of the country, arrested or eliminated? I read a book written by a man who believed like that once. It was called “Mein Kampf”. I didn’t agree with that either.
Speaking of history, I won’t go through all the Crimes and atrocities committed by anyone’s religious members or leaders. It isn’t right to blame an entire group of people for the crimes of some of its members. Think about that one for a while.
These are just my thoughts and opinions. Argue if you like, feel free to disagree with anything I’ve said. I can agree to disagree, can you? Meanwhile, some of you might want to go back and read that book we talked about at the start of this. Those pesky entries about “Love one another” and “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Maybe it’s time to stop trying to judge others different than you, and start trying to really understand them and not listen to only rumors with no documented facts. Maybe it’s time to actually learn some facts about the people you hate or revile, instead of being prejudiced about things you don’t really know much about.
One last thing for some of you to consider. If others treated you and your religion with the same ridicule and disdain that we read in some of the prior comments, how would that make you feel? If you think Pagans are in some sort of quarrel with you that might be the only one. I’ll put it to you in your own terms. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”…
Think about it. Give it some thought.
Goddess bless you all. Blessed Be. )O(
Linda says
Great Commentary!! I applaud you for airing your Beliefs!!!
Nan says
Thank you, Ivan and may your deities of choice bless you.
I am the volunteer coordinator for AV Pagan Pride Day. I am also Heathen (Germanic Pagan), chieftess of a local Kindred (kind of like a home church), and a witch. I do NOT worship Satan, hurt others, or hate other religions. I have read the Bible many times, lived and worked in a Bible-bard homeless Shelley
ChicksMan says
I’m just going for all the loose women!
William says
Careful. They could turn you into a frog.
joe says
Will there be any Golden Calves and/or Orgy’s?
Sophia says
The golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. Yes there are symbols and things that some may be wary of. However, it’s America, thank god and they deserve equal representation in public forums. There is not going to be any satanic sacrifices or evil rituals done at this event. The pagans are people that are meeting to share their religion and not be demons and devils. We have a fear of the other instilled in us and it’s natural but we should spend time to observe and contemplate what is good and pure and A loving peaceful response to people in a community that are a minority but have every right to live their lives and have their religion. If we all trusted in Jesus we would know that he would not let us stray off of our path and we would not be fearful of what ifs. Take your own inventory, keep your side of the street clean, be an upstanding human being and treat others with love. A member of lancaster baptist that has dabbled in all sorts of religions on my path. I hope the voice of reason can ring true and we can keep our community peaceful. Be and let be.
Uncle Tom says
Wise words.
William says
You wrote “A member of lancaster baptist….”. If that is accurate and you are a member of the Lancaster Baptist Church, can you answer a question or two?
It’s been reported many, many times that the congregation of LBC is a strong supporter of Rex Parris and vice versa. There appears to be a very close association between him and the church.
If so, how do you reconcile your faith with support for someone who says and does the things that Parris has done as mayor.
Fox example, he sent that vile hit mailer during the last election suggesting that Jonathan Ervin would somehow secretly work with gangs if he were elected council member and other outrageous things like that.
He has called the Mayor of Palmdale names in public that appeared on the front page of the Valley Press.
He has been a bad neighbor to Quartz Hill by supporting a Walmart across from their high school giving Quartz Hill all the problems associated with a large development like that which in incompatible with the rural environment that Quartz Hill residents wish for their town. Meanwhile, Lancaster gets the sales tax revenue while Quartz Hill gets the traffic, litter and other problems.
That doesn’t seem very Christian, does it, to be such a terrible and greedy neighbor to the surrounding cities.
Rex Parris lied about the proposed Palmdale Power Plant ‘killing the children’, and his ‘hit mailer’ lied about the effects of the power plant from an INTERIM report which were corrected by the time the final report was completed which wasn’t included in the mailer, yet he did that to misinform people.
Your first words were about ‘The Golden Rule’, yet your mayor appears to follow anything but the ‘Golden Rule’.
Do you personally support Rex Parris as mayor given the things I mentioned which wasn’t the total list? Do other members of your congregation feel that he acts in a Christian manner consistent with your fatih.
I anxiously await your reply. I assume that you aren’t an official spokesperson for the LBC, but since you mentioned it, can you provide your own words regarding the questions I asked about your faith and Rex Parris’s behavior because they seem at odds to the casual observer.
Sophia says
I have not studied enough about his politics to make a knowedgable answer to your questions. I know that I love lancaster and it’s the healthiest place I’ve ever lived because it is walkable and many stores and other places are centrally located and I love the boulevard. I love the sense of having a small town community while having all of the benefits of a city like the art museum and the train station( I strongly disagreed with his opinion on closing that down). I think he brings a lot of good to this city but he certainly could be politically corrupt. I choose to stay out of politics and work with individuals and small groups to bring change to communities because I feel all of politics is corrupt and twisted and there is no sure way to make an impact when dealing with twisted policies, red tape and corruption. That’s my answer on that I hope it helps.
Sosie says
This comment thread is full of some of the most ignorant remarks ever. I don’t even know why I’m surprised.
dalton says
I agree with you. A lot of these people who comment dare to challenge another person’s perspective on life and spirit, telling the other individual that their way of life is wrong. Who are these people to dictate such a thing?
William says
I find it interesting and even amusing that some Christians dismiss religions such as paganism that pre-date Christianity as though Christianity is the ‘new and improved religion’.
However, they also dismiss religions that have come about more recently because Christianity has a long 2,000 year old tradition.
So, they seem to want it both ways. What to say to people that do that?
Oh, nevermind. These debates will go on forever and never be settled.
Done says
Ahh, the wiccans, I remember them from high school. They were the misery chicks who were always talking about worshiping the dirt and drawing power from the trees. Fruit bats! I guess they never grew out of their goth phase, lol.
Irena says
Sadly that is the general public’s view of Wicca. Made popular by various TV shows and movies.
Goth and Wicca can be seen together, especially with high school students, but they really aren’t related.
Worshipping nature is one aspect of Wicca yes but it is so much more then that. It celebrates the Divine within all living things. How we are connected to one another and to the earth.
Eric says
I prefer Dungeons & Dragons Druids to the real ones. Far more interesting.
Foretold says
Thumbs up!!!! a Like, a +1 and an up vote for your response Eric
Uncle Tom says
Pick almost any faith, replace dirt and trees with that faiths particular sources of power. Rinse repeat.
Why should it matter if they choose to worship nature, a non-corporeal being, Midi-chlorians, or a flying spaghetti monster (Pastafarians!)?
dalton says
How can one’s philosophey be a “phase”?
Brand says
I’m going to see what the vendors have. And for presentations if they have any :)
Jenny says
Thank you for sponsoring this event First Pantheistic Center of the Antelope Valley!! As a Unitarian Universalist, I appreciate the connection with nature many pagan religions have. I have had the honor of participating in a few pagan rituals and I find them to be beautiful, mysterious and inspiring.
rooney says
Thumbs down
Foretold says
Question: If God is against fortune telling why is the Bible filled with fore tellings?
If we are given free will, why do so many try to force their view on others?
Did you know to be a Satanist you have to believe in Christianity?
In the Bible it is God that does most of the killing. At worse Lucifer directly killed a handful of people but largely leads people astray via their free will.
If everything is in God’s hands to a believer then why do they question ANY ‘bad acts’ of others? (Ok this one may have been a bit pointed)
Imagine a world where each person’s religious beliefs were kept to themselves and their actions spoke who they were.
gemini says
1. To your first question, that was in the old testament and foretold of the coming of Jesus.
2. They don’t know Christianity, but know of it and want to fight it.
3. In the old testament he destroyed the evil.
4. Because he gave us all free will, and we question why would anyone risk their eternal soul?
5. We have that now. But some are so outspoken that we know from their mouths what are their beliefs, when it’s not of our Lord God and His Son, Jesus.
Foretold says
1. The New Testament also foretells throughout. The final book is all about a future that John experienced.
2. Have you spoken to any? I have. Most of them that were ‘true believers’ do understand Christianity but feel that since they are given free choice they will do as they wish. Many of them live by a code where they will not harm another unless that other physically harms them or their family. It is about living in the here and now, not waiting for a promised future.
3. God destroyed people. People that could have been saved through the teachings of Christ his son.
4. Ok, I understand, I think. Free will allows for the questioning of God’s actions.
5. Actually we do not have it now. Many many people of several faiths that claim to follow one God (who goes by many names but is Abrahamic in origin) are very out spoken and push others to convert. They go to war and kill over their belief system. If they kept it to themselves and lived peaceably with one another it would be much nicer.
Good conversation, thank you.
SMHx2 says
@Foretold, I completely agree with you!!!
To make the “push others to convert” more relevant I can say 1st hand that my husband’s family will not have a relationship with me because I don’t attend their Christian church. After 16 years, they prefer to turn a cold shoulder to my children in my house before accepting me for who I am. Wow, I am sure God applauds that.
Let people believe what they may and let others live! SMH, I would never push my agenda unto others- hypocrisy at it’s best!!!!
rooney says
If you read it from cover to cover, you will get your answers.
Irena says
Ok but which version? There are so many out there. Not to mention the books and other scriptures that were dropped in the first few centuries. Or parts today that contradict one another.
Then we have the issue of translation. hat is a whole other discussion.
Foretold says
I have read the Bible cover to cover. As a story, as a research piece, as a history, and as lessons to learn that are universal, and as Bible study.
I have read texts from many religions, and correlated them with one another. Studying to understand from whence they came and for their purpose was to each group.
I have gone many steps further by visiting with people of most major belief systems. Sharing with them, helping out in their troubles and tasks, learning.
By the time I kissed a cardinals ring I had already met with priests , rabbis and other religious teachers/leaders. They were a bit stunned that at that age I had a world view that put into perspective what religions was to myself and to others.
My questions were posed more for the reader to look at what they think they know. Something to ponder about, even if you believe you know the ‘truth’ for yourself. By doing so you may realize why others look at Christianity/Islam/Judaism/Satanism/so on and so forth with a slanted view. It is about perspective and knowledge.
dalton says
i came here just to read the comments
Jumpin Jack Flash says
What a pack of superstitious tripe!
As PT Barnum said; “A sucker is born every minute.”
Have fun with your dress-up day and collect lots of goodies for the poor, Dandy!
But take ya’all seriously, BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA, Phooey!
Zeus says
That’s exactly what I say about christians, especially when they have that christmas play thingy with jesus born in hay to a virgin. Bahahahaha!!!! Phooey!
Irena says
Do you even know anything about pagan religions?
rooney says
No one that is a decent person would want to. God help us to rid that nonsense from society.
Irena says
I am a decent person. I have don’t drink, do drugs, cheat or steal. I obey the laws, pay taxes etc. I don’t intentionally hurt others. I treat others how I expect to be treated. I volunteer, work full time to raise my family. All the things that most will agree make for a decent person yet for some reason I am evil because I choose not to follow your religion?
Your intolerance shows your ignorance. Do you fell that all non-Christians are doomed? How can you base your judgment on something you know nothing about?
rooney says
I am not ignorant. What you claim you do and are, does not make a decent person. Many Christians claim the same thing. They brag about going to church and all they do. That does not get you into heaven..Believing in Jesus is the only way to heaven is what we believe. You believe your way and I’ll believe mine. I still have a lot of work to do.
And I’m sorry for offending you. This is the wrong site for me to be on.
SMHx2 says
I agree with you- they need to stop pushing their agenda unto the rest of society!!!
Misty says
I am what many call a mormon, or latterday saint, aka, a Christian just to clarify for any who think we do not believe and worship christ, we indeed do, but I state this only to show that I am not exibiting religious bias in my next statement. I have to commend you for your integrity, and while my beliefs differ in some ways, I just wanted to say, no it’s not right to say non Christians are doomed, for in all of us there is the ability to choose good or evil, and in the end, if I am right, and we stand before God to be judged, I am SURE he would judge a kind, loving individual who did not believe in him with greater compassion than an individual who claimed to follow his son Jesus Christ and yet did nothing to act on such supposed faith. So, I guess I just want to commend you for being the best person you can be and for bringing joy( golden rule, honesty in your dealings with others, volunteer work and caring for your family) and order ( in following laws, etc) into the lives of those around you. I thought that was needed as their is a great deal of negativity on this board, and being in a religion that also is viewed with great misunderstanding and malice even, I guess, well, I feel for you.lol
myspacethird says
All I know is that I want to live in Eternity with Jesus and dance on the streets of gold…and not be in torment because forever is a long time of witch opps..which you have chosen. How sad :(
Uncle Tom says
So essentially, you are advocating ignorance of others beliefs, as well as the removal of such, as a means to justify your perceived decency? That sounds dangerously like a certain group of people in Iraq and Syria. Maybe you heard of them, they go by ISIS, or ISIL (Changes every couple weeks).
The real danger to the world are people who think like you. Tolerance and understanding, even if you don’t agree with all their beliefs, is the way we should all strive to be. People of any faith are not automatically evil just based on their faith. Their words, and more importantly their actions speak of who they truly are.
Jumpin Jack Flash says
Yes, actually I do. It is superstitious tripe.
I don’t care if you want to be one with the whale, the snail or the cockroach. You can lick a river or gnaw on a rock for all I care. Be one with an amoeba.
Just more phony spiritualism and superstitious tripe!
Irena says
I had to laugh. I have Christian friends who are afraid of black cats, get nervous when walking under ladders etc. I actually am not superstitious.
William says
“I am not a witch” -Christine O’Donnell
But, she was a tea party activist who ran for the Senate from Delaware in 2010 as a republican and lost.
Aaaah, too bad.
Irena says
I am truly sadden by the amount of ignorance displayed within this thread.
I challenge each and every person to read a non-bias book or website explaining the various belief systems.
They are not all the same and in some cases are completely opposite of one another.
gemini says
Well, you go in your little corner and believe in your nonsense and stop trying to push it on other people.
*** says
I wish the christians of the AV would stop forcing their beliefs down my throat! I can’t participate in my local government without having to listen to them hold a prayer meeting first. Hell, I can’t even sit in my living room without them coming to my door, forcing themselves into my life. I’m even seeing my property taxes funding all kinds of city “extras” the local leadership hands out to their favorite christian churches. Isn’t Lancaster even letting a couple churches set up a “prayer” tent on the Lancaster blvd a couple times during the city’s farmers market?
I’ve only lived here 5 years and have never seen the amount of religiosity pushed on everyone, believers or not, here in the AV! Here’s to the pagan’s day in the park. At least they warned me they are there, and aren’t forcing themselves on me like these damn christians do!
Who goes door to door, harassing and pushing themselves and their beliefs on others? AV christians. I’m thinking of turning me house on the next group that wakes me up on my day off!
gemini says
1. To your first question, that was in the old testament and foretold of the coming of Jesus.
2. They don’t know Christianity, but know of it and want to fight it.
3. In the old testament he destroyed the evil.
4. Because he gave us all free will, and we question why would anyone risk their eternal soul?
5. We have that now. But some are so outspoken that we know from their mouths what are their beliefs, when it’s not of our Lord God and His Son, Jesus.
Isis says
Get several big dogs
Irena says
Pushing? I am not a member of certain religions that knock on other’s door’s proclaiming that their God is the only other God. Nor does my religion raise millions of dollars only to embezzle it for selfish needs. I do not damn others to hell for their beliefs.
What are you afraid of? Why must you belittle another’s beliefs? Do you do the same to Buddhists? What about Hinduism?
gemini says
That’s what you’re doing. Touchy aren’t you. You believe in your nonsense and we Christians will follow the Truth!!
Irena says
I have not said my religion is better then yours. Nor have I proclaimed it the only Truth.
rooney says
There are only a couple of Christian religions that go door to door.
Pasquale says
I have to go with Rooney on this one. I was raised Catholic, and we didn’t have people going door to door.
Lorna says
The same could be said to you. Don’t be a hypocrite.
*** says
How can the same be said of them? I’ve never had a pagan knock on my door early Saturday, getting my dogs in a rucas! You’re just pissed because what you accuse them of, your religion is guilty of. I have no problem with any religion having a little get together. As long as I know where they do it, so I can avoid them. Can’t avoid someone beating on my door!
bird says
Irena—We are all as adults responsible for what is goes into our forehead. Go in peace and be a person of good will. This from a loving Christian woman to a Pagan.
Irena says
Blessed Be bird and thank you
Pasquale says
What’s with the pentagram on the logo for the event and the guys with the horns on their heads and hooves for feet? I guess the pentagram at least is Satanic, right? ;)
Check out connections between the organized religion of Satanism or Luciferians and pedophile rings and human trafficking. Look up the story of Johnny Gosch and other related stories involving ritual, sexual child abuse.
This is not exactly Sunday church, guys. ;)
Irena says
No in that position it is Wiccan. Inverted, with the point facing down is Satanism.
Please stop mixing the 2 together. They are completely different religions. .
Again I will point out that there have many more documented cases of child abuse from self proclaimed Christians, not to mention the Catholic priesthood yet that doesn’t seem to matter.
Pasquale says
I will look into what you just said. For the record, I am not confusing Wiccans with Satanists. I just saw the five-pointed star in a circle and associated it with Satanists.
Also, since we’re not supposed to be picking on religions here, let’s also stop blaming Catholics for most of the pedophilia around. Statistically speaking, pedophilia transcends all ethnic groups and religions. There are plenty of Jewish and Muslim pedophiles too, an equal number, actually. ;)
Irena says
Very common mistake. The pentagram itself is actually a very old symbol that developed independently of either religion.
Both have used the symbol, though it is usually inverted when used by Satanists.
Personally I don’t use it for the obvious misconceptions. For the most part I am very private about my own religion and would rather not have to explain the symbol and it’s meaning to strangers.
Sadly you are right, pedophilia knows no boundaries. Class, culture political background and religion mean nothing.
Uncle Tom says
“Check out connections between the organized religion of Satanism or Luciferians and pedophile rings and human trafficking”
Organized religion, pedophile rings, ritual sexual child abuse, and Sunday church. Did you confuse these folks with Catholicism? It’s the only widespread, well known scenario that fits your description.
But how about this. We all stop trying to generalize all members of any faith by the actions of a minority of its members. Let others believe what they want, as long as its not hurting anybody, and isn’t being forced on others, and they are living as good people.
Eric says
Tom gets it! Here here for reason!
Dave says
It’s: Hear, Hear
Eric says
Maybe I was giving a geographic position instead of a cheer. Smart ass.
Pasquale says
Uncle Tom,
I am well aware of how widespread pedophilia is in other religions too. Interestingly, I’m told not to judge, yet I hear people blaming pedophilia on Catholics. That is media propaganda. There are an EQUAL AMOUNT of Jews and Muslims who molest children too. So, when your reflex reaction is to think of Catholics/Christians when you think of pedophilia, you are making the same mistakes yourself. You are judging without having all the facts.
I think it’s funny that Christians get the blame when there are an equal amount of Jews and Muslims who are pedophiles too. Pedophiles exist world wide regardless of race or religion. People who claim to be Christian who are pedophiles are not actually Christians. They just claim to be.
I do think you make sense. As long as their religion is not hurting anybody, it’s all good. As soon as it’s discovered that they are, no matter what religion, it’s on! ;)
Uncle Tom says
Widespread, well known. I stand by my comment. Based on the previous persons statements, the Catholic organized religion is the one that more appropriately fits with their choice or words.
Christians (Catholics) get the blame because they are the majority in the US (where it’s safe to assume we currently reside). They claim to be such mighty good people of faith, and yet time and time again one of their leaders is found to be committing incredibly heinous crimes against others.
In the eyes of the majority(Christian), to hear of a Muslim or Jew or another person of any other religiously affiliation commit such a crime is almost expected as they are not Christian! That’s no big deal! But time and time again, we hear not about these, but about Catholic priest, Christian pastors, or others (that spout off about their Christian faith) who have committed these crimes. So its natural for us to want to lay the majority of blame on them!
But for me, I don’t care what faith you are. If you’re a POS scumbag, that’s all I need to know.
And FYI, I don’t blame Catholics, I blame the organized Catholic religion, as its been proven that the coverup of pedophile priests was systemic in an attempt to hide the problems, and not cause unwanted attention and perhaps a loss of the faithful(I.E. Power and money). I do however like the new pope, even if I am not of the faith. I think that if even HALF of his faithful could follow his lead, things would be so much better. He is cleaning house.
Jackie Obarr says
Making jest about those who are in opposition of this “pagan gathering,” making it family friendly? We are aware of what happens to those who open themselves to
Wiccia, witches, etc. My youngest associated with a group of them at AVC, one threated to kill her. This is not innocent!
Letlow says
You can’t generalize a whole sect of people base on one experience. That’s kind of ignorant. Here’s why. I know of one local Christian who didn’t just threaten but KILLED his fellow brother is Christ. Should we hate Christianity now because of the sins of Jeremy Whitman? Smh…
Jackie Obarr says
Letlow: Do not try to sell this as an costume party, it is not. Knowing what is real and the threat was indeed. Believe as you wish; however, do not expect me and others to support this worshipping in the form of Wicca,…
Pasquale says
I don’t know too much about Wicca, but the logo for the event seems to have a Satanic symbol (the pentagram…five pointed star in a circle), and there are two men with horns and hooves for feet on the logo too. It’s interesting how those are worked into it. There is case after case implicating Satanists in child abductions and pedophile rings as far as I know. Look up Johnny Gosch and other abducted children, pedophile rings, and Satanists.
It’s not exactly Sunday church, is it? ;)
Irena says
The pentagram and The Horned man/God both predate Christianity along with Satanism.
The pentagram (it’s upright position) symbolizes the 4 elements with the 5th being either spirit or life (depending the tradition)
The Horned Man is seen through out Europe as a symbol of the masculine side of life. Christianity has usurped it represent the Devil because it wanted to vilify pagans.
Please note that most Pagans are not Satanists. There is a vast difference between the 2 beliefs.
If we must talk about abducted child and pedophiles please realize that the majority of stories turn out to be lies. Conjuring up by repressed memories which have been proven to be false. I will bring up the Catholic Church while we are on the subject and how there have been 100’s of documented cases of ongoing abuse. Should we all hate the Catholic Church for allowing this? No because it is not right to judge a group of people for the actions of a few.
I implore people to do research before passing judgment on those who just have a different belief system.
Whaaa? says
A swastika was a symbol of peace before the Germans got a hold of it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika). Most people know that. It’s still not considered cool to use it. The pentagram up or down is the same way. It’s not a symbol that instills love and peace regardless of your intention. Also. Bear in mind that there is only one truth. Period. You’ll have to come to grips with that sooner or later. The soul is eternal so you’ll have plenty of time to consider your mistakes. You can wish all you want that something isn’t so, but it’ll change nothing. Pagans are very much like the rest of the world wishing the US was a big temporary mistake. They do this so they can justify their miserable lives living in the dirt. They do it so they can justify their sin of complacently. Our own complacency lead to 911. Being a Christian isn’t an easy thing to do. Just take a look at our seven deadly sins! They’re not rules but warnings. Give yourself over to sinning and you’re life becomes more difficult. Your choice. As for those people who are always “cramming” religion down your throat. While they may be going about it wrong, they’re doing it because they are trying to help you. Right or wrong, it’s more than most people do for you on a daily basis. If you knew someone was coming to your door to the door of your neighbor to do their family harm, would you not warn them? Well, probably not considering what I see in the news these days. But in many ways, that’s what these people are trying to do. Although I admit, they get a bit carried away and end up working against themselves… But those who take on the role of a christian and think it a simple thing, end up becoming some of the most evil people around. You think it’s easy to forgive those who sin against you? I’ve seen people forgive those who’ve murdered their own children, pray for those who want them dean. No. Not an easy road at all. On a final note… Just because someone says they’re a Christian, doesn’t make them a Christian. Churches are filled with fakes and many Christians follow teachings that are outside the bible all together.
*** says
whaaa? You don’t have truth. You have no proof to claim anything as a “truth”! You have faith. It’s yours, so do the rest of us a favor and keep it to yourself. Some idiot coming to my door, interrupting my day isn’t doing jack for me. What a delusional person you are, trying to justify christian’s actions, pretending that by forcing their beliefs on others door to door is good for those on the other side of that door! Something EVERYONE HERE knows pagans DON’T do! That’s on christians and christians alone! So you have to pretend such activity has a redeeming quality! It DOESN’T! But you had to come up with something. Otherwise your bitchin about pagans having a public get together as forcing themselves on others makes you a hypocrite! You are! Get a life!
Anyone who has had to contort logic to come up with such a response has more things to worry about than pagans at a park. The ignorance people are so willing to post for all to see seems to be a sickness in this valley!
As far a what the pentagram conveys or doesn’t convey, why do I get the feeling you are one of those people that have a confederate flag hanging in your garage?
Whaaa? says
*** > Wow have you jumped to a lot of conclusions! To begin with, I never said anything about Pagans in the park being either a good thing or a bad thing. It’s not even a “thing” as Pagan literally means any “religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.” As for my personal view of Paganism… I think these people are obviously looking for something. Either interaction or common areas to bond and fellowship. I have no issues with them. I have no issues with any form of peaceful gathering at all. However, I can see (because of their symbology, media history, etc… why people would be bothered by it. Kind of like saying “hey, there’s a family of Nozies down the road, but it’s okay because they’re the nice ones.” I think most people who identify themselves with paganism are simply barking up the wrong tree. But seriously, don’t walk around with pentagrams and such and then wonder why people treat you different. As a group, you can’t even tell me what “they” believe. So how can people be either comfortable or uncomfortable with them? As for Christianity, what I have found is that most people who talk negatively about Christianity in general have quite a few of their facts wrong or have been misled by well-intentioned, but misinformed, Christians (or others). I also never said “I had truth” only that there is only one truth. Too many people walk around thinking what’s right for you is right for you and what’s right for me is right for me. Either there is a God or there isn’t. Period. Either a tree has a soul or it doesn’t. Either your right or wrong. Personally, I do have faith in the bible and what it says. I make no apology for that and don’t dislike anyone who doesn’t. Like I said before, it’s not an easy thing and I totally get that. As for you. I’m not really sure that you understand the meaning of force. Someone knocking on your door and asking of you want to hear about something you care nothing about and then you shutting your door is not force. Kidnapping you, putting you in a jumpsuit and then cutting your head off because you wouldn’t convert is more along the lines of what you’re talking about I think. I do not have a Confederate flag in my garage. But instead, I happen to have, by the Grace of God, an American flag waving proudly on a pole in my front yard.
Irena says
So you would judge a whole group by the actions of one person? Within every group of profession, religion etc there will be bad people.
I challenge you to attend Pagan Pride Day and speak with the people there. Learn something about others before condemning them all.
BTW there are many people who say they are Witches but in reality are just little children playing pretend because it seems cool. I have a feeling that is the type of group your child came across at AVC. Not truly Wiccans, but teenagers and young adults who read a few books and thought magik was a means of revenge They never learned the basic tenants of Wicca: Harm none. A true Wiccan would never threaten another person like that.
gemini says
gemini says
This is atrocious! Sick, sick, sick. Dang I hate this place! You people are evil and so are the leaders up here to all you to put this on. Stay away from our children because they are vulnerable.
Lord Jesus help us and deliver us from evil and the evil one.
Oh please says
Not everyone is religious and I don’t care to have people knock on my door asking me to go to their church but I am nice, talk with them…. I don’t freak out and beg for somebody to help keep them away….. This festival is so scary you need to ask Jesus to save you, you are two scoops of crazy lady…..
bird says
Oh please—Just don’t answer the door, or better yet put a no solicitor’s sign on your door. No need to be calling people crazy. This is a comments section after all. It’s all about choice.
gemini says
Thank you. I am a Christian and a firm believer that everything that is happening in the world was proclaimed in the bible. We as neighbors and brothers and sisters need to come together and pray. Nonsensical so called ” religions ” are a danger to all of us. My opinion and my belief!
Irena says
How is it a danger? Seriously, do you know any Wiccans or other pagans to base your claim on?
You call it a nonsensical religion but why? Do you have in depth knowledge or is it because someone else told you to think that? Ignorance is not bliss.
Explain to me in non-bias way why all non-Christians religions are wrong.
Oh Please says
hey Bird, I do have a no solicitor’s sign, have been told when I pointed to it that since they were not selling anything it did not apply to them preaching… but still I didn’t get all crazy and call them atrocious, claim they were sick, sick, sick…. Call the people evil… I listened, thanked them for stopping by and went about my day…. so I, a non religious person am not offended by religious people no matter what religion…. My comment was to a self proclaimed firm Christian believer that called others sick sick sick, claimed to be scared by them and so on…. You said this is a comments section so here is my comment, they are still crazy, and you are a moron.
Irena says
Please explain what is so sick about it? Not the Hollywood and media hype, but the true religions?
Do some reading and research before spouting hate without even understanding the beliefs held by others.
Did you that most Christian holidays mimic older Pagan ones? That when Christianity spread it adopted the local customs to blend in. This is an anthropological fact.
bird says
Irena—There are many of us that do not mimic pagan holidays. We worship the God of Israel and keep His commandments which have nothing to do with pagan. No Easter, No Christmas, and we celebrate God’s Holy feasts. We believe Jesus was crucified on Passover, and that His Holy Spirit dwells in all that believe in Him.
Lorna says
Good. You go ahead and practice YOUR preferred belief in a FREE country. We are allowed to practice and celebrate our beliefs just as much as you Christians are.
Irena says
That is great, though the vast majority of Christians only play lip service to their own beliefs.
I can assume then that you don’t give and receive gifts at Christmas? Nor do you decorate eggs at Easter? These are just 2 examples of traditions that have pagan roots.
It is a rare thing for any person no matter what the religion to follow all of the teachings. I admire those who are fully committed to their faith, whichever that might be. Be they Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Pagan or any number of other belief system.
Misty says
Your comments are by far my favorite. You have excellent points, I am a Christian as I stated before, and like many I practice my religion to the best of my knowledge just like other do in theirs. One thing to note is that no matter what your belief system, everyone’s knowledge is continually growing, so even in the same religion no two people will celebrate the exact same way. Christmas and Easter for example, I do Celebrate, and yet I teach my family that in all actuality we do not believe that Christ was actually born in the month of December at all, but I acknowledge that than is when America chooses as a whole to celebrate it, I choose to focus on the true meaning of it, for example celebrating his birth and the wonderful things he did in his life. As for Easter, is it really about bunnies chicks and candy? no, but I still do Easter egg hunts with my kids, and I use the eggs and bunnies as a reminder that Easter Celebrates our belief in new life, and well baby animals are just a symbol of that. Halloween is a great example as well, we dress up, say trick or treat and eat candy with family and friends, why? Do we really plan on playing pranks on people if they don’t give us treats, no, we don’t think that is a kind thing for anyone to do, and yet we celebrate it, not out of religious or moral belief but cultural activities that bring family and friends together, should I condemn others of my faith if they don’t celebrate these holidays the same? heck no! I guess what I am saying is it is always good to be open minded, not make assumptions or judgements about others religions, but instead to Celebrate similarities that bind us all together and celebrate the fact that we dont have state appointed religions, but instead be greatful for our agency. There can be positive things learned from all walks of life. Could I argue doctrine, yeah, but what is the point, when I could incorporate all the wonderful things from whatever source it may be into my way of living, and be a whole heck of a lot happier. If only others also felt that way, there would be more peace. I personally think it is great that this event is going on, why, because it is a learning opportunity, and it reminds me how blessed I am because of the freedoms we have and it shows that their is not one faction controlling everything, and in our government now ( which wants control of everything.lol) that is a great relief! Anyway, just some of my thoughts, perhaps some could view my holiday participation as lip service to my religion or me not being fully devoted, but I do not see it that way. I see it as people being just that human, and not really understanding why I do what I do, but instead making their own assumptions, which if they ask, I will explain but otherwise I think it is best to just go on with my life and let them happily do the same.:) I only clarified here, because I do not want people to think I do not take my beliefs seriously just because of my holiday celebrations, and most religions are probably the same in that they just seek to stop being misunderstood and judged without true understanding of all major aspects of their faith. Anyways, that’s long, but I do love your comments! You are a kind light to this thread!
bird says
Poor Saul, he didn’t do so well after he went to the witch of Endor.
Foretold says
It had already been foretold. He was just trying to change the outcome on the sly.
bird says
We can never change the outcome on the sly.
Eric says
By Stenndar! Notify the Vigilants!
I kid, have fun. Celebrate all cultures.
Eric says
1) The Warlocks guild is extremely unhappy at being left out.
2) All Witchhunters will be gathering at Yum Yum Donuts the same day before proceeding on “The Hunt”