PALMDALE – The Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD) board voted unanimously to send a letter of support to Governor Jerry Brown asking him to intervene to help keep Kinkisharyo International, L.L.C. from leaving Palmdale and building its permanent manufacturing facility outside of California.
In the letter, signed by Board Chairman Marvin Crist, the AVAQMD Governing Board urged Governor Brown to “intervene in this matter to facilitate a resolution between Kinkisharyo and the local union backers of the potential challenge to ensure that this project can move forward in an expeditious fashion. Time is critical.”
Recently, Kinkisharyo announced that due to potential California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) challenges, it would not be able proceed with the construction of a new light rail car manufacturing facility in Palmdale.
However, in an attempt to stay in California, Kinkisharyo proposed to renovate an existing hangar in Palmdale, which is currently being used as the assembly site. Again, a CEQA challenge to the construction of a single paint booth was threatened in order to halt the project. This forced Kinkisharyo to look out of state for a site due to pressing contractual deadlines.
The AVAQMD letter addressed a number of important environmental advantages in keeping Kinkisharyo in Palmdale. “Over 65% of the emissions inventory in the area is generated by mobile sources,” the letter stated.
“Many of these mobile emissions are created by the commute patterns of area residents as they make their way to jobs within the South Coast Air Basin. Locating jobs such as those provided by a new Kinkisharyo facility within the Antelope Valley would help reduce pollution by reducing overall vehicle miles traveled as workers commute mileage and time decreases,” the letter stated. Read the letter here.
The AVAQMD Board also expressed concern about the use of the CEQA process for non-environmental purposes.
“What should be a valuable tool for the review of potential environmental effects of a proposed project,” the letter stated, “has instead been turned into a method to delay decisions so that particular groups can extort concessions from the proponent, in this case a job creator. As far as air quality is concerned, the AVAQMD is certain that the environmental impacts of the proposed Kinkisharyo facility will be well within the parameters allowed by law and air district rules.”
Kinkisharyo announced earlier this year that it proposed to invest over $60 million to build a 427,507 square foot manufacturing and assembly facility in Palmdale. The project was expected to create hundreds of temporary construction jobs, as well as creating 300 permanent high-paying manufacturing jobs.
[Information via press release from the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District.]
Previous related stories:
Antonovich press conference calls on Governor to keep Kinkisharyo in Palmdale
Plans for Kinkisharyo plant in Palmdale derailed by labor dispute
Residents offer solution to Kinkisharyo to mitigate environmental concerns
Michael P. says
Leave it to someone like William to take this whole issue of the Democrats/unions trying to screw Palmdale over and turn it into something about Fox News.
What an absolute world of denial he must live in…? The Democrats own this mess-up!
I’m waiting for him to respond to my post and mention Fox News, as if it somehow had anything to do with this.
William says
@Michael P.
You’re a loyal Fox ‘news’ fan, I see.
‘nough said.
bird says
William—You don’t even realize, you’re the only one being caught by your own bait.
bird says
@William—Since you have your comments about Fox news, I might just go off in another direction, and bring up the fact that Detroit has been the victim of a half-century of one-party progressive rule. It has been the victim of 50 years of Democratic Party governance. Democrats/unions running off Kinkisharyo can apply here also.
bird says
Fox news has nothing, I say nothing to do with what’s happening in Palmdale.
callitasitis says
LOL, someone is very very scared about that one (1) so-called news outlet FOX VS MSNBC, CNN, ABC AND CBS PLUS NPR. Just one news outlet against so many truth telling outlets. Really, I think the Democratic Party is safe from the liars on FOX since only morons watch it, right ; ) . LOL. It looks like Halloween is a daily holiday at William’s residence. Yes I know you have very quick wit & I am just simple minded who votes INDEPENDED. Every entry you ref to FOX News they must have you and your party on the run. If I remember correctly there are MUCH more democratic votes than republicans. I just cannot understand your fear????? As FDR stated “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.
William says
“…I am just simple minded who votes INDEPENDED.”
I love to bait a hook with a Fox ‘news’ critique and see what I catch.
Last week, Megyn Kelly, one of Fox’s straight news attractions, I mean anchors, an oxymoron if there ever was one, falsely and breathlessly reported that a new Colorado law signed by a Democratic governor would allow voters to print their own ballots on their computers and mail or deposit them at polling places and wondering what could go wrong with that suggesting voter fraud.
Well, it turns out that Megyn lied and her pants were actually on fire. That practice was in place before the new law and only for those in the military.
Also featured was a surveillance video of a Latino man depositing a handful of sealed ballot envelopes at a polling station suggesting again VOTER FRAUD. Well, it is completely legal in Arizona for a person to hand deliver other’s ballots. Dumb Megyn didn’t know that or mention it.
I guess FOX/GOP/TEA PARTY is preparing to cry ‘voter fraud’ if the election doesn’t go their way. It’s good to be prepared, right calli……?
But, you know Fox ‘news’, promoting the virtually non-existent voter fraud meme for the last 2-3 years.
Fox also had to apologize for showing a graphic that distorted the Obamacare enrollment, a familiar practice at Fox. They once showed a video of a rally in Wisconsin that somehow featured palm trees in it. The video was from a different rally in California. Fox makes these ‘mistakes’ all the time but they always seem to favor the republicans.
Fox ‘news’ lies. Don’t you hate liars, calli……? Especially in a news outlet. Would you want Fox to do a report on you?
What is so amusing and incorrect about your comment is that Fox ‘news’ plays on its viewers’ fears 24/7. Besides their fears, Fox encourages their outrage such as that phony voter fraud story or stories.
Their viewers are a-scared of ebola, blacks voting, terrorists on the other side of the planet, raising minimum wages, unions, women who want access to birth control and abortion, AND ESPECIALLY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS.
Why do you think that red states have been passing so many laws to suppress voting by anyone who might vote Democratic? It’s not just voter ID but limiting poling places in Democratic districts, shortening voting hours and limiting days causing long lines in Democratic districts which discourages voters.
Those 8 hour lines in Florida in 2012 were VOTER SUPPRESSION LINES, call…..
Unless you are a loyal Fox viewer why would you bother commenting on the subject of Fox. You mistake my concern and vigilance for fear. That is called projection, when you assign your own emotions or thoughts to another person.
I’m not afraid of Fox ‘news’. I am thoroughly disgusted with it and people who swallow the lies and distortions it broadcasts daily like the above examples. And, then vote accordingly.
But, here’s the deal on that. Even though they report false information, I’ve read on other websites people who ignore the corrections and go with the falsehoods and defend them So, Fox wins no matter how big the lie when many of their viewers will dismiss the actual facts when the lies are exposed. That is dangerous to this country.
Around 30% of Fox viewers still have doubts about the President’s citizenship. Now, where do they get that misinformation? And, how much other stuff are they still misinformed about even after the facts are out there?
Benghazi??? The republican led House Intelligence Committee found NO WRONG DOING, NO COVER UP AND NO STAND DOWN ORDERS GIVEN. After spending hundreds of prime time segments promoting a Benghazi ‘scandal’, on the very day that the House report was released, Fox gave it scant coverage. I bet most Fox viewers still believe all the ‘scandal’s’ allegations anyway.
If you are truly an Independent, which I doubt, Fox’s lies and distortions should be a real concern for you as they are for me. So, why aren’t you? That’s a good question.
callitasitis says
Someone must be having nightmares; The Ghost of FOX News outlet is just too much, BOO =). My comment is because you exhibit a real phobia about this FOX news outlet. Every entry on this new outlet you ref to FOX News. I start as a democrats (union member), transfer to a republican (military service member), I then came to my senses & vote independent. Both parties STINK. I have surfed the news channels I have watched MSNBC, CNN and FOX but I take everything they all say with a grain of salt. I have read the LA times & AV Press. What we now get as so-called news is real more propaganda (agenda driven). Like I stated before is, I am simple minded and in no way come close to your wit. You should not be so a fear, of the talking heads. Take a breath & take mental health day and TURN OFF the Tube. Read a book.
Jason says
Fox is the evil empire to William. He will go on and on about their lies and misinformation while completely ignoring that MSNBC does the same exact thing and espousing their mightiness in news reporting.
William says
Everything is the same to Jason.
That is why the republicans are referred to as having ‘reptilian’ brains.
Jason is always wrong but never in doubt.
Now, he will deny he’s a republican because no one wants to admit that. I bet you voted for Bush twice, Jason and McKeon and Smith and Crist and Knight and so on.
If both parties are the same, why would you vote straight republican?
Jason says
No William not evrrything is the same to me, I have to ability to call a spade a spade. Funny how both parties are hypocritical, both parties lie and both parties go the way of who gives them the most money yet somehow they are different.
And youre right I will deny Im a Republican. Ive never voted straight Republican, I will vote for the best candidate regardless of party and who I think will best represent the citizens. Both major parties have aspects that are good and both have aspects that are bad.
William says
You said you were ‘calling a spade a spade’.
I laughed, ha, as I thought “For Jason everything
is a spade.”
William says
Oh, my God, calli…whatever. Your hair is on fire. Take a pill.
Yeah, like you said, you are simple minded and you don’t come close to my wit. I think the term is ‘witless’ for ya.
William says
Dow hits new high today.
Unemployment is below 6% (5.9%)
Jobless claims are down.
Gas prices are way down.
Mortgage interest rates are still low.
Inflation is low and stable.
Consumer confidence rebounded in October.
This was reported on Dr. Rachel Maddow’s show tonight.
I’ll report what Fox ‘news’ is reporting in prime time later.
I’m guessing, none of that. Some victim of something somewhere in a little town will get the full Fox treatment to distract from all that good news. You know Fox.
What is so interesting, that despite all those positive indicators, Jason, John, Calli…… and others are still brainwashed by the 24/7 trashing of the President by Fox ‘news’ and other right wing media. They swallowed it all.
If you read the Valley Press, many Fox viewers keep writing how President Obama is the ‘worst president in history’ and other caca like that. Now, where do they get all that misinformation given all the positive measures that are usually used in the past?
John gets his from FreeRepublic and the rest of you apparently watch Fox. You compare Fox to MSNBC but I doubt you watch it or you wouldn’t say what you say.
Who are ya gonna blame if the republicans take the House and Senate and those good numbers above start reversing? The GOP? It could happen. They’ve shut down the government and caused our credit rating to be lowered for the first time in history, so they could mess up the economy really good if they have the power to do so.
We’ll have to wait and see. I just wanted to go on the record with a prediction if the economy falters when Congress controls both Houses.
callitasitis says
I salute you, Sir. You are true to your belief and a credit to your people. Deflection by name calling? You should sleep well under the Red, White & Blue. Free to express your thoughts and beliefs without fear. Sorry Sir, I do not need the medical marijuana and other pills. Even a simpleton or as you say witless can function without the pills or the pot. May I suggest you can take them for me? Did you get to watch” Caught on Camera or Lockup” the other day? If democrats are Donkey (mascot) and GOP are Elephants (mascot) what are the swing voters Call? Answer : American Voter.
@William says
I’ll just copy and paste what I wrote before since you deserve nothing better. What a silly rant you wrote.
October 31, 2014 at 6:03 pm
Oh, my God, calli…whatever. Your hair is on fire. Take a pill.
Yeah, like you said, you are simple minded and you don’t come close to my wit. I think the term is ‘witless’ for ya.
callitasitis says
LOL, someone is very very scared about that one (1) so-called news outlet FOX VS MSNBC, CNN, ABC AND CBS PLUS NPR. Just one news outlet against so many truth telling outlets. Really, I think the Democratic Party is safe from the liars on FOX since only morons watch it, right ; ) . LOL. It looks like Halloween is a daily holiday at William’s residence. Yes I know you have very quick wit & I am just simple minded who votes INDEPENDED. Every entry you ref to FOX News they must have you and your party on the run with their lies. If I remember correctly there are MUCH more democratic votes than republicans. I just cannot understand your fear?????
William says
From an article on a book ‘The Republican Brain: Why they deny science and reality’.
It also discusses why republicans are drawn to Fox ‘news’ and other similar outlets and why viewers of Fox ‘news’ are so misinformed.
“Add to this a certain predisposition to close mindedness. Political conservatives tend to have a higher need for closure. Conservatives who are authoritarian/absolute in style maintain their beliefs against challenges by limiting their experiences, and surrounding themselves with sources of information that will tell them they are right.”
Doesn’t that describe Fox ‘news’ and it majority of viewers? First, Fox tells their viewers that they are telling them the ‘truth’. Once that is established, the viewers believe all the misinformation that flows out of the Fox lie factory. They all will tell you that fox is telling them the truth. But, consider this contradiction. If Fox is ‘fair and balanced’ and they present both sides equally (LOL), why is the ‘truth’ always what Fox hosts agree on which is usually on the republican side of every issue and, yet, its viewers tend to be more misinformed than people who don’t watch the news at all.
Even when proven evidence exists that is contrary to what Fox and conservative brains ‘believe’ they deny it like they deny science.
The GOP is a ‘faith-based’ party. Not just religion but everything. That’s why evidence and facts bounce right off them because they believe what they believe. If they believe the earth is 6,000 years old, they believe that as strongly as they believe that trickle economics works. They can’t be shaken from their beliefs no matter the evidence.
Simple as that. Now, they BELIEVE that ebola is going to wipe out this country from a couple of cases. It has been stopped in Nigeria but that makes no difference to the right wingers. Because they believe otherwise.
JumpinJackFlash says
That’s a pretty broad brush and an oversimplification if I ever saw one. You accuse Conservatives of being closed-minded and then you make one of the outright, angry, bitter tirades and then pretend to be open-minded.
Fox news is not as bad as you think because it’s evident you’ve never watched because I see plenty of very liberal folks as guest and counterpoints. Unlike say PMSNBC (sorry that’s too easy) where they just talk to themselves and are watched by 10 people.
Oh I guess you haven’t heard, new case in NYC of a doctor who came back from Guinea just 10 days ago and didn’t self quarantine. Did he expose others? We’ll see.
Now I haven’t heard anyone, right or left say it was going to wipe out the country but such hyperbole is unbecoming of open dialog, accusatory and, well, infantile.
If you wish to be taken seriously, cut the over-the-top silliness and start with a more seasoned, and reasoned statement.
I am more Libertarian than Conservative so before your head explodes, think about being less, oh well, goofy statement.
William says
According to a Harvard/City University of New York study, up to 17,000 Americans will die unnecessarily in 2014 because red state governors and legislatures refused to expand Medicaid. I’ve posted that many times where Fox viewers and right wingers post and never got a reply to that. They just ignore it like you will, I suspect.
That’s 17,000 Americans, more than died on 9/11, in Benghazi, in Iraq and Afghanistan and ebola combined.
You asked for it, JJF.
Watch Fox ‘news’ and you’ll never hear that, will ya?
Bill O’Reilly on your Fox ‘news’ called for banning flights from West Africa when the experts say that isn’t necessary. But, does Billo care about the 17,000 Americans who might die because republican governors refused to expand Medicaid. You’re defending the indefensible.
The ‘closed minded’ was from the article on the book ‘The Republican Brain’ which also discussed why Fox viewers are more misinformed than people who don’t watch the news at all.
I didn’t make that up. Can’t you read, JJF?
What is inaccurate about conservatives being ‘faith-based’ about everything like they are with religion? Trickle down economics hasn’t worked but they still ‘have faith and believe’ that will if we only do it.
See Kansas for an example of cutting taxes on the rich and how it caused a debt crisis in that state. That was republican gov. Sam Brownback’s doing after he chased all the moderates out of the Kansas legislature. But, like I said, ‘faith-based’ that it will work.
Please. Libertarians are a joke. Is that where republicans go to hang out because they are embarrassed by republicans? Are you really claiming that Fox isn’t fanning the flames of fear about ebola. You must not be watching. They’ll have an expert giving the facts, and in the next segment they are back to promoting the fear factor. That’s what they do with every issue on Fox. From same-sex marriage to ebola to ‘they’re taking our guns away” to “they’re raising our taxes” even though taxes have been lowered to the colleges are teaching the students to be communists and so on. Every thing is a “News Alert” on Fox. Be afraid. Be outraged.
The other day, Kimberly Guilfoyle, on that silly Fox show the Five with 1 weak old Democrat and 4 nutty republicans, urged young women not to vote because they don’t have the life experience blah, blah, blah. Well, she’s a no brainer herself talking crazy stuff like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Hopefully, her audience of young REPUBLICAN women will take her advice and not vote.
In another study, conservative and liberal brains were compared with cat scans. Conservative brains had larger amygdalas which is where fear and responses to fear are managed. So, it figures that Fox has high ratings by playing on its viewers fears…………..of ……………..everything.
So, if you watch Fox, JJF, BOO! Scared ya.
Chuck Reno says
Guess what William, those 17,000 people are going to die with Medicaid just the same. There is not an endless supply of money to spend so all you liberals can pretend like the world is a floating utopia. People die William, people die. That’s how god does it.
I wonder how we ever lived before Medicaid?
William says
@Chuck Reno
From the Harvard study.
“We predict that many low-income women will forego recommended breast and cervical cancer screening; diabetics will forego medications and all low-income adults will face a greater likelihood of depression, catastrophic medical expenses and death,” researchers wrote in the study, which was released on the website of the journal Health Affairs.
“We calculated the number and characteristics of people who will remain uninsured as a result of their state’s opting out of the Medicaid expansion, and applied these figures to the known effects of insurance expansion from prior studies,” lead author Samuel Dickman said. “The results were sobering. Political decisions have consequences, some of them lethal.”
I suspect facts and information are wasted on you while the right fusses over 4 Americans who died in a war zone in Benghazi but ignore 17,000 here at home THAT COULD BE PREVENTED.
How come there was an ‘endless supply of money’ to use you words, available to blow on a useless government shutdown (billions) by the tea partiers and endless investigations on Benghazi which showed nothing while money spent preventing unnecessary deaths of Americans is intolerable to you, Chucky?
Some people just can’t be educated on anything and thank you for illustrating that for us, Chuck.
Those deaths are on the GOP. But, like you, they’ll ignore, distract, deny, obfuscate and wander off into the weeds.
Chuck Reno says
Your wrote: “I suspect facts and information are wasted on you while the right fusses over 4 Americans who died in a war zone in Benghazi but ignore 17,000 here at home THAT COULD BE PREVENTED.”
Facts are never wasted William, but you need to get your facts straight (impossible for a socialist liberal). Those 4 Americans were killed because of the failed policies and leadership in the Obama Administration, not a lack of Medicaid. Those 4 deaths COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED, and their deaths lie squarely are on the hands of our President and those who voted for him…I suspect that you are one of them.
The 17,000 deaths you reference WILL NOT BE PREVENTED with Medicaid. They will all die anyway.
But we digress from the news article topic. What are your thoughts on the union’s abuse of CEQA to strong-arm businesses into Project Labor Agreements and a unionized workforce, at any cost, including not constructing the project? Do you agree that businesses should be free to do business elsewhere, like in a Right-To-Work state, or should the government just nationalize everything so those like you who can’t compete on your own knowledge, expertise, and performance, will be given a job?
You just can’t beat Margaret Thatcher’s quote, “Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money”
Vote republican
William says
@Chuck Reno
Just heard Rachel Maddow play a clip of Chris Christie telling a group that it’s important to elect republican governors so that they can be in place to control the election mechanisms in the states for the 2016 presidential election. More voter suppression.
She also showed Megyn Kelly of Fox ‘news’ breathlessly telling viewers that Colorado’s new election signed by the Democratic governor allows voters to print their own ballots and either mail or deposit them at polling places.
Except that is not true. It was always available for people in the military to do so but not the general public long before this new law. She is lying. Fox lies.
The filthy, rotten republicans and Fox ‘news’ aren’t even trying to be discrete any longer. They just blatantly lie and propose unbelievably disturbing notions.
There was more of the same in the right wing blogosphere. You probably already know about it.
William says
@Chuck Reno
What did the republican majority led House Intelligence Committee’s final report conclude on Benghazi, Chucky? You just repeat the Fox ‘news’ made up nonsense like you aren’t able to think for yourself.
I keep saying that the GOP is a ‘faith-based’ party and you just proved it. You believe whatever you want about Benghazi and the facts as investigated by the committee disproving what you ‘believe’ make no difference to you no how.
It’s like any other ‘belief’ people have. No amount of evidence will dislodge you from your belief. If you were to believe the earth is flat like some people do (the Flat Earth Society was based in Lancaster) nothing will disprove that. Isn’t that so, Chuck?
My point was that the same people who focus so much attention on Benghazi ignore the consequences of not providing Medicaid coverage in RED states. Didn’t read the excerpts from the report about foregoing cancer screenings and not taking medication for diabetes? That could save lives but you can’t let that penetrate the bubble you live in. You simply dismissed it out of hand. You’re hopeless.
I said you would ignore that and you certainly did. Plus, there is another person who replied to my comment that pretends to be so holy but just doesn’t give **** about 17,000 Americans dying from lack of health care coverage. That person is such a phony, it must hurt to be alive.
Vote republican, Chucky, like you did in 2000 and 2004 and gave us the mess we are still trying to clean up.
Chuck Reno says
Quit slathering and concentrate on the question…What do you think about union’s causing legitimate businesses to leave the state? Suck up your drooling babble for a minute and stay focused.
bird says
There you go with your fairy tale illogical logic. You’re the only one talking about fear and hysteria. I might just add that President Obama calls himself a devout Christian. There is good and bad in everything, so for you to pidgeon hole people, only shows how narrow minded you are.
bird says
Oops, I misspelled pigeon.
JumpinJackFlash says
You do have a lot of time on your hands, don’t you!
What do Marxist, Maoist, Stalinist, Communist, NAZIs, Democrats and many Republicans have in common? The idea that government has all the answers, that only if the right powerful people are in charge, that everything will be more just and fair. That, sir is Statism making you a Statist. I don’t care what brand you put on it.
Libertarian, to you that’s a joke. So what?
So what if I believe in personal liberty, being free to make your own choices? So what if I believe in the rule of law not executive or judicial fiat? So what if I want to be left to live my life without government interference from unelected, unanswerable bureaucrats who write regulations that have the power of law that can take away my freedom and liberty, put me in prison and break me financially? So what if I believe I should have the basic human right to defend my life and property from murderers and invaders with firearm, or even a knife? So what if I believe everyone should be as free as I am or should be?
So what? To you it’s a joke!
Your hung up on MM’s talking points about Fox, yeah I get the emails too. There are three different types of programs. Opinion, investigative and news. Unfortunately, people like you do not watch but listen to people who say what Fox said and have no idea what the difference is. That old weak Democrat was once worked for the State Department and headed negotiations for SALT 2, he played football in college and that “old Democrat” could probably still kick your butt.
Well you can waste all day here but I can’t, I just pop in once in a while to see what kind of stupidity is being discussed.
Fair well, be free and revel in liberty!
PS: Oops I forgot, you think, “So what?”
Tom says
Palmdale just cutt its own Head off if Kinkisharyo is forced out it will send shock waves/Red flags to the big business world to never try to Build/ Move to Palmdale.Kinkishaeyo is 2 million $ in the hold now from delays.From this day forward I don’t want the hear about no high speed train no High Desert Corridor.PALMDALE you are in big big Trouble.
Ehhh... No. says
Seriously, Tom… Are you even reading these articles before you post? This is the second time I have seen you post without knowing what the hell you are talking about.
Palmdale WANTS Kinkisharyo and is not trying to impede their moving to the AV.
Go read the articles again, Tom.
Tom says
O yeah I have read the articles. IF some two bit beer drinking Harley davidson riding Union workers can run good jobs away from Palmdale then what good is the Mayor what good is city officials. Please tell me I’m all ears
William says
With nothing in between, it seems.
Ehhh... No. says
Wow, Tom. As I said before; your ignorance of the issue at hand is truly breathtaking.
Now I see that it is a self enforced ignorance.
Tom says
PLEASE do tell we all like to hear more.
William says
Tom. Stop digging.
Lancaster Kool Aid says
Oh boy, we’ve got another Parrisite “true believer.” Just like their master who posts on Facebook the bullies sicken him (can’t make this up people) the “faithful” continue to blame others for everything. Anyone who has followed the Kikisharo story here or in other forms of media know that this is a move by the IBEW and a San Francisco law firm who does this sort of thing all the time. To blame Palmdale’s mayor is a thought process that comes from the same sewer that would have you believe that 67 homeless people a day are coming to Lancaster on Metrolink and so we have to close the station. It’s the same mindset that thinks it’s wise to spend 90k a month on the useless Eue in the Sky. (How are sales of that piece of crap to other cities going, by the way.)
There is some interesting “thinking” coming from Lancaster for sure.
Chuck Reno says
Union backed, union funded environmental terrorism…standard union practice. They intervene with CEQA environmental challenges costing company’s millions of dollars to defend, until the company finally agrees to a construction Project Labor Agreement (PLA) with the union, then all challenges are rescinded and go away. The unions have used the same M.O. in power plant construction projects under the façade “California Unions for Reliable Energy (CURE)”. Dozens of great projects, with high paying jobs have been killed by union groups like “Antelope Valley Residents for Responsible Development” and “CURE”. Kinkisharyo is just another victim of CEQA abuse by the unions. The unions don’t care about the worker, just their dues.
Rick carson says
Kathy Maclaren had the best interest of her union and not the residents of the AV. She just committed political suicide.
Mark says
If I was Kinkisharyo I would leave California and never look back
To hell with the IBEW
William says
If I was Los Angeles, I would cancel purchase of any Kinkisharyo rail cars if they move out of state. Or, at least the option to buy more.
Bajit Azari says
Whats with the “extortion” tactics. Kinkisharyo isn’t obligated by US Democratic/Capitalistic laws to build and operate in a certain place. Even in Russia that BS doesn’t fly anymore.
They can operate in Hawaii for all they care and if they full fill their customers contractual obligations, then that’s all that matters.
Not hard to understand. By the way. LOS ANGELES MTA already purchased the cars. Now its up to Kinkisharyo to full fill their customers orders.
Protest, boycotts, and barriers placed on Kinkisharyo just cause that company to look elsewhere…… so many other companies and people in the United States.
William says
MTA has an option to buy 97 more cars in the future. It can choose not to and look elsewhere.
Bajit Azari says
More of a reason for Kinkisharyo to move to a different city/county/state to full fill their contractual obligations and avoid further delays.
bird says
Kinkisharyo will go where there isn’t so much BS. They don’t have to put up with the drama. They are a great company, and now they have law suits. We live in such a litigious society, it’s sickening. They deliver on schedule, and it is quality work. They have an excellent reputation.
Tom says
Why would los angeles cancel its purchaes because of a Worthless Mayor and a bunch of beer drinking Harley davidson Union workers are to stupid to do business… There’s a lot of hands in the pot and the rest of the business world is saying the hell with a Place call Palmdale.
Ehhh... No. says
Tom, your ignorance of the issue at hand is truly breathtaking.
Go read the articles again, Tom.
Lee says
It is NOT to ell with IBEW. These union jobs make a trickle effect. They get a living wage so they can go to our stores and our restaurants. Thus, stimulating the economy locally. Palmdaleletting in minimum wage jobs doesn’t stimulate anything. THey can’t even afford to eat.
William says
For years here at the AV Times, people complain when a new store or restaurant opens in Palmdale saying they want high paying jobs.
But, unions have helped make high paying jobs possible and still they complain.
Having said that, I don’t think it’s right for the union to invent some group like the AVRRD to use an environmental law to blackmail Kinkisharyo. It’s all fishy and then, there’s tha MacLaren women from the water district. She better move out of town.
So, it’s a mixed bag.
BTW Is BYD paying high wages? Have they hired anyone from the Valley yet? I haven’t heard a thing about them regarding employment. Same with Morton’s. Are they paying high wages? Has it created new jobs or just using workers from the AV that were commuting before?
RC says
They pay prevailing wages, which are very good, not union wages. The company refused to give into the union demands that the company organize it’s employees and not the union. That’s solely up to the unions. Has anyone here ever witnessed union negotiations? Lots of smoke and mirrors & deception and hollow threats. Union negotiators talk down to opposite parties like they are low forms of life. They have no people skills at all.
William says
“…prevailing wages…” “…prevailing wages…”????
Are those the same wages that have ‘prevailed’ since Reagan and when you hear that ‘wages have been stagnant for the last 30+ years?
Those ‘prevailing wages’???
bird says
I don’t know what wages you’re talking about, but prevailing wages never stay stagnant, and are very good wages.
El Tommy The Matador says
UNION greed is whats going to destroy that pathetic town i used to live….liberal [removed] who would use the environment or the climate change scam as their jumping claim to ask for mo money….now see what you got…????ZERO !! Kaput,nada, all because of …???? UNION GREED !!!!! Now u got nothing but a place fulll of unemployed gangmembers…now thats how you destroy community, keep them unemployed,keep them on welfare,and keep them liberal democrats find blamed to point to other party ,because out of the 6yrs they have been in control of this country, they did not thing but raise tax,and add more dumb regulation–no one will ever invest in that God forsaken sand pit….that is going to be the last corp that will ever invest in AV– while the property value keeps on sinking….you [removed] from california keep on electing governor moonbeam…hi hi hi hi hi hi…..[removed] !!!! i still have friends in AV its juanito& nancy-
The sad part is, most AV residence does not know that AV has been getting federal grant to house 3rd degree rapist ,child molesters and evil sexual predators that has been locked up for over 20yrs…..and the feds afre shipping them in that part of the country….and that is were AV gts thei9r extra grants…….PAY ATTENTION AV Residence….you need to pay attention too juanito pito and nancy my sweetheart…
AV1990 says
I dont think the company will stay in Palmdale, the AVAQMD should have just shut up and let them bring jobs out here. We had a recession, but I see other areas bouncing back. AV hasnt bounced back, 14 freeway still jam packed. Jobs lost out here are BoA call center, KMart, Starwod ( thanks to Rex lawsuit pushing them out of state). They got the BLVD here, the place sucks, most people I know dont even go shop there. Palmdale has better shopping areas. It got bad out here after LA riots when alot of bad people started coming out here and locals leaders didnt do anything to fix it. The AV should have stayed small and build jobs, instead of a ton of houses. We got a high unemployment rate, probably higher bcuz alot of people just stopped looking for work.
Bajit Azari says
Atlas Shrugged. Cant Really blame companies and talented people that are apart of them, whom prosper and grow, to MOVE AWAY from conditions/areas/people/organizations that simply want to leech or destroy those companies.
Odd how these Environmental/Social/Political groups don’t stick to their own laws or guns when money and power is involved.
William says
@Bajit Azari
Did you notice the irony of the 2 Atlas Shrugged movies Parts I & II bombing at the box office?
Apparently, the ‘collectivists’ didn’t go see it and there weren’t enough ‘smart people’ to make it a hit. It shows the fundamental flaw in her philosophy illustrated by the failure of the movies based on it. The so-called ‘smart’ people really, really do need the rest of the folks to be successful. What good is an oil well or a fancy new invention if nobody can buy it? That’s why the movies bombed. Nobody bought it.
It’s the same reason that the GOP ideology is now bankrupt. In a consumer based economy, republicans and tea partiers want to keep wages low which limits consumption beyond the basic needs filled by Walmarts. That is so brilliant. The red states aren’t the creative states. The are moochers, poaching companies from blue states while receiving more in benefits from the feds than they send to Washington in taxes. And, they still complain the loudest.
That can’t be repeated often enough.
They had trouble raking in enough loose change to make Part III.
From the Hollywood Reporter
“The producers of the first two installments of Atlas Shrugged just won’t quit.
Despite the failure of Atlas Shrugged Part 1 and Atlas Shrugged Part 2, which took in a combined $8 million at the domestic box office, producers John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow have greenlit the third installment of their trilogy, the pair said Tuesday.”
That was last year. Supposedly it did come out in September but I haven’t heard a word about it. There are cameos by Ron Paul, Glen Beck and Sean Hannity and Part III is so low budget, I never heard of any of the lead actors. It will probably still lose money too.
It ought to be a hoot, if anyone does see it. Another bomb that is a metaphor for Ayn Rand’s ridiculous philosophy that many on the right swallow even though she was an atheist and lived off of Social Security in her later years. That reminds me of the tea baggers holding signs in 2010 saying “Keep the government’s hands off my Social Security” and other nonsense.
bird says
William—Misinformation again William because many including myself, are on the so called right. What straw man world did Ayn Rand live in where human beings act like dicks? Who is John Galt? I guess it’s an expression people in the shrugged-verse use to mean something like “what’s the point”?
Bajit Azari says
Why not publish a book while your at it. Its just a movie or book.
Kinkisharyo came to the valley and offers the Valley an oppurtunity. Why then spoil that opportunity? I’m sure there are more grate full people/groups in Texas or some other state or country that will see the Kinkisharyo offers as being a great opportunity?
Just odd how some people/groups prefer no opportunity/job simply for power.
Bottom Line: Kinkisharyo was offering well paying jobs not sweat shop salaries or conditions. What are they fighting for, a share of the profits through taxes or member benefits?
Unions are great…….but everything has a place. After a point of concessions or benefits its just strong arming companies. Work is a privilage not a right. Especially when artificial barriers/people/groups aren’t holding people back.
William says
I don’t think it’s appropriate for a union to invent a group such as the Antelope Valley Residents for Responsible Development to extort by using an environmental law.
The whole thing is fishy plus Rex Parris’s communication with Kinkisharyo to locate in Lancaster. Wouldn’t there still be the same issues unless Rex had a hand in the dispute secretly and the unions and AVRRD mysteriously drop their oppostion in order to build in Lancaster?
I wouldn’t put it past him.
William says
@Bajit Azari
You brought up Atlas Shrugged.
I was just pointing out that the failure of the movie made by followers of Ayn Rand’s ridiculous philosophy was a metaphor FOR her philosophy.
How did that get past you? Do you understand what a metaphor is? The failure of the movies was a metaphor for the failure of her philosophy.
The real problem isn’t California’s unions, taxes and regulations. It’s the lack of those in red welfare states that don’t do the creating of new technologies but simply poach companies from blue states in the same way that low wage, no regulation countries such a China poach companies. And, our laws written by the 1% facilitate that activity.
I’ve written elsewhere how republican Kansas, that poached the Starwoods call center from republcian Rex Parris’s Lancaster, is now in a huge debt crisis from tax cuts for the rich and insufficient revenue. Schools have had to close.
For all its problems, I’ll take California with its Democratic governor and Democratic majority legislature over any red state any day. If people don’t like it here, they should move to one of those red states and see how that works out.
But, you don’t have to go to Kansas or Texas. Visit conservative, republican Lancaster to see how well that ideology works. It’s got a dictator and a faith-based ‘base’ that has driven away business and has little to offer its residents but a farmer’s market on Thursdays. The good ol’ boys in Lancaster do fine but the residents complain about bad roads, crime and no place to shop other than Walmarts. Whoopie!!!
Jason Zink says
If AV were its own County or CSD Community Service District we wouldn’t have problems and we would have more local JOBS!!!! Someday AV will wake UP! But until then just same s___t another day.
Rick carson says
Residents of the AV have spoken loudly to pressure our representatives to expose the flagrant manipulation of our environmental laws for profit. Business has been driven out of state by the selfish actions of a few special interest groups claiming “environmental concerns”, for many years. Loopholes in the law ultimately need to be closed, so the law can be used as originally intended.
AV Truth says
Well said Rick Carson. It doesn’t help, though, when the mayor of Lancaster is one of those forces who is killing businesses. If he’s not suing them he’s coming up with looney environmental claims. Or when the vice mayor of Lancaster makes idiotic statements about children dying on ball fields. Then you have a local water board member pulling this crap on the Kinkysharo company. How can you close loopholes when the people we elect are part of the problem? Who will close the loopholes?