UPDATED 10/31/14: Lancaster city officials announced today they were canceling the Nov. 5 scoping meeting for the proposed closure of the Lancaster Metrolink Station. The meeting was canceled because the city is working with Metrolink, Metro and Los Angeles County to resolve outstanding issues, and the city has suspended its consideration of closure of the station. View the cancellation notice here.
LANCASTER – The public is invited to a scoping meeting next week on the proposed closure of the Lancaster Metrolink station. Lancaster city officials are hoping to receive public input regarding environmental concerns associated with closing the station as the city’s prepares an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project.View the public notice here.
“The City of Lancaster is proposing to close the existing Lancaster Metrolink station in order to address issues that are occurring in the downtown Lancaster area,” the notice states. “Service to and from Lancaster by Metrolink would cease, leaving only the Palmdale station open for Metrolink riders in the Antelope Valley.”
City officials are proposing two alternative options in the Initial Study for current Metrolink commuters. The first would be for riders to drive to and board the train at the Palmdale station, while the second option would be to consider setting up a shuttle service between the Lancaster station and the Palmdale station for Metrolink riders.
At the council’s Aug. 26 meeting, city leaders argued that downtown Los Angeles was actually sending transient individuals via Metrolink to access homeless services and resources from the city of Lancaster.
“I’m thinking it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that 67 homeless people a day are being shipped from downtown to us,” Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said at the August meeting.
At that same meeting, Lee D’Errico, Lancaster’s Public Safety Manager, told the council that he formed a recent evaluation team to study Metrolink riders whose destination was Lancaster. According to D’Errico, he encountered on one particular day “over 67 individuals that were coming here for transitory services to be provided.”
Residents rallying to ‘Keep Lancaster Metrolink open’
The Democratic Club of the High Desert (DCHD) has called on Lancaster city officials to cease and desist with their plans to close the Metrolink station, saying that the city’s reason for the action is based on “conjecture taken from a clearly unscientific survey without any transparency as to its methodology, controls, or results therein.”
The Club issued a resolution, demanding that the Lancaster City Council only utilize research, studies, and surveys for public policy and planning that are transparent for all citizens to access. View the resolution here.
“The membership feels that this issue is the red line in the sand, and that Mayor R. Rex Parris and Vice Mayor Marvin Crist need to sit down with LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich and his staff to work out a viable solution to the homeless issue in that area,” Democratic Club of the High Desert President Johnathon Ervin said in a released statement.
According to the DCHD, closing the Lancaster station would represent an extreme hardship to those who can least afford it, as “ridership statistics for the Lancaster Metrolink station show that there are 71,000 people, including veterans, elderly, the poor, and disabled, utilizing said form of transportation.”
Other concerned citizens of the Antelope Valley have taken to social media to protest the city’s proposed closure of the station.
Lancaster resident Ron Hall created the Facebook group, “Keep Lancaster Metrolink Open“, a forum that allows residents to question the City Council’s decision to close the transportation hub.
Currently at 311 members, Hall describes the group as an online petition to keep the Lancaster Metrolink station open.
“500 plus people every day use this station to get to work,” Hall stated in a post in his forum. “Closing it will be a hardship and disconnect a growing city from Los Angeles. Please join this group and let Mayor R. Rex Parris know that closing this station would hurt the city he has pledged to support.”
Another online effort to save the Lancaster station is an actual petition, hosted at Causes.com, that is collecting signatures to be presented at the Nov. 5 scoping meeting. Created by Lancaster resident Alex Branning, the petition has collected more than 700 signatures so far –including one from Jeff Lustgarten, the chief spokesperson for Metrolink.
“As the Director of Public Affairs at Metrolink, I want to thank the organizers of this page for giving a voice to the residents who rely on the Lancaster Metrolink station for travel into other parts of southern California,” Lustgarten is quoted as saying on the petition site. “We are planning to meet with the city later this week to discuss their concerns, and we will certainly have a presence at the scoping meeting on November 5. …it will also be very important for the Council to hear directly from residents on this issue as well.”
BLVD merchants pushing for relocation
But not everyone is on board with keeping the Metrolink station open. The BLVD Association is pushing for the relocation of the Lancaster Metrolink station out of concern for the downtown area’s businesses and patrons.
“As we have continued to develop and strengthen our individual businesses and the downtown area as a whole, we have consistently faced the challenge of addressing the issues associated with the homeless/ transient population that frequents the downtown district,” Tim Anders, President of the BLVD Association, stated in an Oct. 6 letter to the Lancaster City Council. “Their activities, including panhandling, smoking immediately outside businesses, foraging in public trash cans and leaving the trash on the sidewalk, and more, diminish the ambiance of the BLVD and discourage patrons from enjoying the downtown and frequenting our businesses.”
About the author
Jim E. Winburn is freelance reporter covering news of public interest. –Previous related story:
Lancaster mulls closing Metrolink station to stop outside poaching of homeless services
carla says
close the dam station we dont need the dam thing its only causeing trouble and if it stays open them bums and the homeless is just going to get worst and worst so close the dam place down and let palmdale have it and all the problems cause lancaster has enuff problems so close it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike says
What does Lancaster Baptist Church or Any other church or Christian have to do with this? Also realize it is not The mayor of Christians you are mocking but God.
IRay says
uh, no Mike. It IS the mayor we mock because of his words and deeds. He is not God’s anointed one and neither is Lancaster Baptist. Many people find the mayor’s actions in conflict with their understanding of God and his Commands.
bird says
Uh, no IRay. All someone has to do is read your past comments, and realize your present comment is a lie.
IRay says
Bird, please do show me one post where I have mocked God.
bird says
Not my business what you say. I’m done with all of this chaos.
IRay says
Bye bye birdie. If you do find one of my posts where I mocked God, I’ll be happy to own up. Mocked Paris? Yes, and I will continue to do so. He is not God.
William says
Good work, IRay.
I had been expecting a house to fall on her.
B Smith says
Rex needs to think out of the box! Take the transients to his Baptist vote factory, give them a bottle of Ripple and fake addresses amongst the “church” congregation; nothing new there! It will save Rex, Chinless and the rest of Lancaster’s “leadership” a fortune in the next election.
KE says
That Train Station could put Lancaster on the map, attracting “millennials” who tend to prefer public transit. Why not take advantage of connection with regional buses and make Lancaster Station into a transit hub. In Other Cities they build apartments close to the transit hubs and attract upscale working residents who prefer transit, shop locally, spend cash on things other than gas. Instead of embracing this resource, Lancaster wants to move a transit hub six miles north where the sewer treatment is. If Blvd Association wants people to come to Blvd, they should encourage pedestrian traffic, who often arrive on transit.
bird says
Lancaster is broken! We have an out of control Mayor that is a control freak. If something doesn’t go HIS way, instead of what is for the good of the people, HE throws a tantrum, and His face turns red! Mayor Parris stinks up Lancaster and everything that HE is involved with, by attempting to instill fear, and make people see HIS way, with HIS constant law suits that tie up the courts and pad His pockets. But HE was voted into office, so this is what happens in Lancaster California. My military family came here in the fifties, and I have a heart for the Antelope Valley, so I choose to,”along with others” to do what little we can to be productive members of this city, and try to stay optimistic about the future.
Craig says
I would like to know what arguments are being made by each agency. What is the law here? I would like to know what deals are being cut. I would like transparency in government. I hope AVtimes publishes the entire agreement formal and informal.
Danny says
Parris sucks!
Nannynanny says
Success! The people spoke up, and won. The Lancaster Metrolink Station cannot/will not be closed.
The City mayor and his possy council got a whole lot of government cheese as did the merchants that suck up to the mayor, and city council.
I am so happy.
Yes indeed, be the christians you profess to be Lancaster City Mayor & Council. What does the Lancaster Baptist Church plan to do for the homeless?
William says
Another Rx fail.
There was the birth tourism that the public opposed.
Now, this.
The public can win if they put their minds to it.
Curtis Wilson says
When I lived in the AV, there were many occasion’s when I would take the metrolink from Lancaster to LA for work. It seems like to me, this so called survey of people coming up from LA is bogus with no actual scientific process involved.
Let me also state that with so many churches in the AV that people should be more than accommodating and charitable, but I suppose most of those church goers complaining truly don’t have a clue about their Christ they claim to believe in and follow.
It would be a shame to close down a station that many in Lancaster make use of to go into LA and back home again, just because you believe some homeless people are being sent up to make use of an organization created for helping those in need. WTF?
A Bazighian says
Why not just setup a program where “free” bus tickets are given to the homeless to move elsewhere?
As long as the destination is a wealther place and more comfortable, they are liable to stay there and prosper. No need to restrict people’s movement rights just allow people to make the choice.
William says
Or, Rx can buy them all nice clothes so it looks like the blvd is busy with lots of pedestrian traffic.
Now, isn’t that the best idea so far?
You’re welcome, Rx.
bird says
William—Why don’t you show up at the meeting Nov. 5, and bring up all your complaints about Rex Parris. That is what these meetings are for William! Don’t just complain everyday online, sitting in front of your computer, but actually do your talking in person. I will be there, along with others to let Mayor Parris know how we feel. So please come with your endless complaints, and actually voice them in person. We might not be able to change anything, but neither do your rantings change anything online.
IRay says
you actually think the mayor of Lancaster cares what you or anyone thinks?
William says
Oops, IRay. You replied to the ‘town scold’.
IRay says
william, I think bird knows better. She knows the Lord and she knows what the Bible says about loving your neighbor, lying, cheating, etc. all the stuff that the mayor of Lancaster does contrary to the Word of God.
William says
There are none so blind as those who defend the mayor of Parrisville.
It’s good to draw them out where we can ‘see’ them.
Citizen says
Mr Parris did in fact offer to pay for the homeless to go to a relative or friend to live, at his own expense, they went to Grace Resources and proved they had a place to live, and Mr. Parris paid for it. That was in the Valley Press a couple years ago. Get your facts straight…You would know the Mayor is trying to better the City, and to know the true Home Town feeling this town had you would have to of lived here over 20 years or more. I have lived in Lancaster for over 52 years and watched the slime come here and turn this place into a crime infested crap hole!. I will continue to vote and back Mr Parris, If you don’t like Lancaster than move back to where you came from, WE DON’T NEED YOU!!!!.
IRay says
yes he did. It was not only in the paper but it made the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Jay said, ” Here’s a mean guy. Mayor Parris to the homeless: go home.” Just another example of how that idiot makes our city look bad. Can we please get a new may our and city council?
William says
Did you know that a few years ago, Rx said he welcomed Section 8 to fill up the vacant homes?
That’s your guy, Citizen.
How long has Rx been mayor now? The complaining gets louder and louder, Citizen. Why is that?
Do you recall claiming this loud before Rx was mayor? And, it’s from Lancaster residents.
Weren’t you paying attention to the recent Metrolink uproar involving Rx?
Citizen says
That is your opinion. I will ride with him until the wheels fall off. Next I hope he bans people from wearing hoodies in stores. I guess I am one of those Good old Boy’s that back the Mayor for a better A.V.
William says
My opinion? My opinion?
Really, Citizen, your head is in the desert sands.
The Lancaster community rose up and opposed birth tourism.
The Lancaster community rose up and opposed closing the Metrolink.
The Lancaster community is sick and tired of all the attention going to the blvd while streets need repair, crime and unemployment are consistently higher in Lancaster than in neighboring Palmdale.
The Lancaster community is tired of all the new stores and restaurants locating in Palmdale instead of Lancaster where all they have are Walmarts and half-empty old shopping centers were anchor supermarkets have closed. You might want to open your eyes.
That isn’t my opinion. You just haven’t been paying attention.
Citizen says
All I can say William, MOVE TO PALMDALE. If you don’
t like a situation get out of it…..
John says
@Citizen, William already lives in Palmdale.
He enjoys telling people how stupid they are just because they don’t agree with him. It’s not just you, Citizen, he does this to everyone.
William says
I do live in Palmdale. I like living in Palmdale.
I don’t like your greedy, pathetic mayor suing my city over our own election rules.
I don’t like many things your mayor has done since taking over the city of Lancaster that have been directed toward Palmdale.
Shop and Dine in Palmdale.
William says
Just who do you think you are? You thought I lived in Lancaster and apparently you don’t like Lancaster residents complaining about their own town and/or mayor and all its problems.
Now, that you know that I don’t live in Lancaster, what’s next, Palmdale and other residents that don’t live in Lancaster can’t speak out about a mayor who has alienated Palmdale and Quartz Hill residents as well as his own.
Maybe you need to start your own website ant not come here at all if you don’t like what you read here.
Otherwise, you sound like one of Rx’s minions. They all sound alike.
I’ve lived in Palmdale since 1990, so I’m not some newcomer. And, before I ever heard the term ‘good ol’ boys’, I knew there was something like that going on in Lancaster. There seemed to be no planning commission nor any plans at all. Shopping centers were scattered all around and it seemed that whoever owned which properties determined how things would go. See the Quartz Hill Walmart for an example of that.
I guess you only care about yourself and not the rest of the population in Lancaster, that wants better shopping and dining, road repair, less crime, more jobs etc. and cares little for Rx’s pet projects like roundabouts and birth tourism and closing the Metrolink.
I really doubt he’ll run again for mayor. There is too much too fix and its probably not so much fun for him any more while stores close around town leaving old half filled shopping centers. Lancaster residents have to go to Palmdale to shop other than at a Walmart. Maybe that suits you just fine.
I Call BS says
There was a lot of crap in the AV prior to 1980 and part of it is running Lancaster today. No he’s not a rapper but he put our city in the crapper. No he ain’t from the hood but as mayor he ain’t done no good. No he’s not a minority, he just keeps them from sitting on the council of the city.
William says
@Citizen & John
You both typed a lot of words and said nothing.
I’ll bet the people that were in Lancaster before either of you moved there thought the same of you as you do of people who came after you.
Dr. Lanc says
Lancaster-Land of Delusion.
A Bazighian says
Why not setup a program where “free” bus tickets are given to the homeless to move to some other place? Some place that better than lancaster. That way they stay there and prosper.
Let the homeless make the choice and no need to restrict individual transport/movement rights. Just create the budget of course for such a wealth based discriminatory program.
daniel says
Maybe if you moved Grace Resources farther from the Lancaster Station this would not be happening. I don’t see why the homeless would want to come up here to Extreme Valley (extremely hot and extremely cold). To be homeless in these extreme conditions is really undesired; assistance or no assistance. Now signing the petition above is a good idea but give all my FB info to the service running the petition is undesirable. You want my signature, don’t invade my privacy.
Mr fed up says
People face it, this city council doesn’t care about the rest of the city pasted the “blvd”. They got bigger concern s in this city like: crime, traffic, high unemployment, fixing streets, and bringing in retail/restaurants. If they close the metrolink station, its time for a recall election.
KE says
Closing station to stop homelessness is like beating grandma as the dog farts smell so bad. It is not dealing with the problem at all and not going to make it any better.
William says
Welcome to Lancaster ‘The Dogfart Capital’.
KE says
Homeless will have No Way to get OUt of Lancaster if they close the station DUH!!
KE says
‘Let them use Access’ Crist sounds like Marie Antoinette when he says that. No Concern At All for people who use transit and how much closing Lancaster station inconveniences us, Parris and his cronies listen to two- three business owners and IGNORE THE REST OF US.
KE says
Antoinette saying “let them eat cake” I mean. . .
coral Radford says
Wast of time and money that the city dosnt even have. Why go an build a new building 5 miles away that others dont have a way to get there or the mony to pay a cab. Fix the merto we have now. Make it look more persentable then looking getto. Have more gards patroling the Metro link. Move the Homless away from it. Put more shelters then just one out. Then you wont see them all in tents. Do something to better the city not make people made out here. Make the Metrostand out like the one in palmdale. With no smoking signs. And give out tickets there too. We work in Los Angles and have banks out there. We need the metro to stay open where it is now. Just rebuild it.
Karen says
I’ve lived here for 48 years, we used to joke about buying property 5 miles north. Check it out, it’s the sewage plant.
Tammy says
The issue pertaining to the homeless population will not be solved by closing a station. It will be solved by providing services and shelter. In addition, the homeless epidemic is NOT someone else’s problem, its everyone’s problem.
These “bums” you speak of are people who were once employed and successful residents here in the Antelope Valley such as former aerospace workers, former military personnel [Veterans who served your country], and many other types of professions. I would also like to add that we do not have a problem with the population, however, a scant amount of homeless compared to the greater Los Angeles area. The opinions of the less fortunate is simply disgusting and apathetic.
Again, closing a station will NOT solve the problem, being proactive, compassionate and the city being willing to put forth an effort to solve the homeless problem and not create an even bigger one.
What I would like to ask of those of you who find the homeless problem a problem. Have you been to Los Angeles, New York City, and the rest of the world? Our “problem” is a mere scant of a problem. Shipping the poor human beings off to somewhere else is not the solution.
I also have yet to see anyone who is homeless on the train, unless the city ships them up here like cattle.
In closing I would like to say that those who find this area to be a trashy place to live, it is not about the location, it is about your attitude. You cannot expect to find a different situation by relocating anywhere if you dont change your attitude.
Steven Angrbrandt says
Just a simple reminder, the Metrolink Station and rail line was built after the Northridge Earthquake using Emergency FEMA funds in order to open an artery into LA due the the collapse of the 14 / 5 FWY overpass! The city of Lancaster dies not own the rail right of way, nor has the power to shut down the opporations! Also there is an LA County transit tax attached to our sales tax to support public transportation projects if $.25 that the citizens of Lancaster will continue to pay without having the benefit if the station is closed!
Lastly I love math and statistics, so 67 people a day equals 24335 people a year so over the past 5 years that’s 121675 people, I have worked with the homeless as a volunteer and I do not see these numbers of homeless wandering around Lancaster!
So we have a homeless problem – closing Metrolink does not fix the problem – the problems expressed by the BLVD association is an enforcement issue, we have laws on the books that address the issues they are concerned over! When you go to the AV Mall, I always see Mall Security and Deputies on each visit and when I visit the BVLD, I rarely see any sign of Security or a rare Sheriff Oatrol Car passing by on their way to or from the station! Also I do not recall ever having a homeless person ask us for a hand out, but I have collided with a skate boarder and have had to jump out of their way!
The BLVD Association should spend more time working on making the BLVD more shopper friendly – one idea, extended store hours – 90% of the time I go to the BLVD for dinner and the majority of the shops are closed, so I never visit them! Their hours are not shopper friendly, losing business opportunities to the stores if the BLVD who are open til 9 or 10 at night!
Change says
Didn’t we receive federal money from FEMA to provide transportation after the Northridge quake? The station and service was created inorder to get workers into LA after the collapse of the 14 / 5 FWY interchange and has since been a important artery for many commuters each day!
CB says
I’ll be at that meeting.
Michael Borquez says
Seriously, people here think we do not have a homeless issue that has been arriving to our valley daily via the train? The simple fact is that we have seen a flood homeless people coming in. They normally do not stay long once the handouts dry up, but they damage our city and drain our resources. Sierra highway has the highest concentration of crime because of this and parolees. The train is HIGHLY subsidized and unless people want to pay the real cost of the train, I don’t believe their self serving opinions should matter as much as those trying to improve our city. I’ve noticed a change back to the worse over the last few years where I do not feel safe at night in that area.
noname says
What about all the people that use that train to commute to work or school? I use the train to easily and affordably come up to visit my family. I have never seen a transient on the train in all my random trips to the AV. This whole thing about the homeless coming up to the AV is a bunch of bull. I work near Skid Row and the homeless that I’ve asked about this have just laughed. They would never think of coming out to the AV. LA does a lot for the homeless population, and it would be ridiculous for them to come up to some [removed]hole for help. And this notion of train vouchers is all a bunch of lies. Anyone can easily find out the truth for themselves instead of believing their corrupt mayor and all his cronies.
Tammy says
Draining resources? How when there are just about none?
Greg says
You do not feel safe next to a sheriff station?
AV sucks says
The best thing anybody in the Antelope Valley can do for themselves would be to get on that Metro train with all their belongings and LEAVE AV permanently and never look back.
Greg says
I wish I could +1 or Like or upvote here in these forums.
Earl says
1. The metrolink station in Palmdale has a full parking lot every morning. There is little room for further drivers coming from Lancaster to park. Granted, Palmdale is more a transportation hub than is Lancaster.
2.If Lancaster did relocate a station just 1-2 miles south, they could also move the bus center, currently located at the park at 10th West and J8. Combining transportation services into a central hub makes more sense than having a separate bus center and a train station.
3. I do agree that moving/removing the train depot will NOT result in a reduction of homeless in North Los Angeles County. The cost of everything is less and the money received from recycling and panhandling goes further here than in the San Fernando Valley or Los Angeles Basin. We are also a more generous people. All too often I see the panhandlers getting money from well meaning people on the freeway off ramps, simply encouraging them to continue this practice.
Alex Branning says
Thank you for the shout out! If you cannot show up in person at the hearing, please sign the petition I created
Bob says
Wake up Ledford, let’s shut down Pdale Station and make them get off in Acton. That way the coyotes and mountain lions will have natural control of what those idiots in LA are doing . Then watch the LA Supervisors scream
sick says
This town is a dump with or with out a Train ,I will say I see the Sheriff there a lot and I see a lot of Bums This town is full of Homeless and they are a pain in the xxx
Anonymous says
There will never be a solution with Rex Parris in office and his blvd. counsel. There needs to be transportation for those who are without cars and rely on catching that train to work. Seeing as though Parris has done well at eliminating jobs in the AV area, people are forced to go out of town to work. There is going to homeless no matter what with the decline of the economy and the price hikes in all of Los Angeles County. There needs to be more services in the AV to help the homeless, victims of crime and those losing their jobs and homes due to the economical crisis. I participate in providing services at low or no cost to anyone who needs counseling here in Lancaster and there should be more nonprofits like mine to help bring a little relief to this area…
Justin says
Theyre closing it only because of the smoking and trouble they’re having? Get more POLICE to patrol that area then! Easy solution instead of screwing the people who rely on Metrolink everyday to get to work. They don’t like LA that’s fine but don’t screw the people that NEED the rail to make a LIVING. Shuttles will only cost MORE money than running a train to the station since the tracks are ALREADY there in place. Have some respect and think about the people who NEED it not because it’s bringing in trouble that can EASILY be taken care of.
Craig says
Cui Bono, who will benefit? Not those that use the metrolink station, not the general citizenry. They are using fear and their own brand of the truth to obtain goals that will never be discussed in public. Discussed-ing!!!
Carlene says
Greg says
Well let’s see some possible outcomes:
1. The riders that do use the train will have further to commute thus using more fuel and have increased risk of a traffic accident (that risk is tiny but there).
2. Riders will decide to eat in Palmdale instead of utilizing the Blvd restaurant businesses upon exiting the train. There are many fine restaurants in the Palmdale shopping district basically on the way home to Lancaster. (Palmdale thanks you!)
3. The so called homeless problem will still exist as the services they use are IN Lancaster, it will just take them an extra hour or two to get there at most. When they get there they will most likely get off the buses near the Blvd and use it to get to the shelter and services. (So problem is not fixed.)
Looks like a win for Palmdale, go for it!
Greg says
I forgot to mention about the fuel use, the commuters will likely purchase from a station in Palmdale (yes for local taxes)