PALMDALE – No one was arrested for driving under the influence, but nine unlicensed drivers were arrested at a DUI/ driver’s license checkpoint in Palmdale on Thursday, authorities said.
Personnel from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Palmdale Station conducted the checkpoint from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on 10th Street West, south of Technology Drive.
The results from the checkpoint are as follows:
* 1541 vehicles traveled through the checkpoint.
* 1541 drivers were checked at the checkpoint.
* Nine unlicensed drivers were arrested and sent to court.
* Nine vehicles were released per checkpoint release procedures.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting additional DUI/driver’s license checkpoints and DUI saturation patrols throughout the upcoming year as part of an ongoing commitment to lowering deaths and injuries upon streets and highways.
Funding for these operations is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
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ken says
A coment on racisim, why is it when my white, middle aged wife applys for a job she is told everytime you must be bilinguel for this job. Last time I checked we are in english speaking America, as for the check points they should be checking citizenship and locking up people that are not leagally supose to be here and send them back to there own countrys. What part of illeagal dont people understand, its illeagal to rob a bank, its illeagal to run a red light, its illeagal to walk across the street without using a crosswalk but if you walk across the border from another country we will give you food, housing, money and start you up in your own buisiness so you can take our jobs.
LindaS says
Unfortunately, America doesn’t have an official language.
William says
American’s official language will be ‘Twittish’ as it continues its downhill slide.
Al says
In the Antelope Valley probable cause to be pulled over at night is being alive, being out, breathing. FTAV.
No One special says
To bad they don’t set up Immigration check points near all the welfare offices.
dumbandblind says
I don’t think you’ll find undocumented people by the welfare office. Haven’t you noticed who the blatant majority of recipients are. Matter of fact if you try looking at the hardworking people in the farms tending to crops to feed the masses guess who… probably those you are referring to.
misroh says
I agree that’s a great idea to do a checkpoint at the welfare office for the apprehended of illegal immigrants but they wont because all they care about is getting citizens. We have been over ran by aliens and its just getting worse.
Danny says
So true
REM says
That’s why illegals are nearly all on welfare. 95% work under the poverty scale and require welfare to live in the US. You can’t live in a house and raise kids on wages nearly all of them receive, so they get welfare to subsides their wages.
— So the illegals lower the wage scale for working American’s, contribute to poverty and crime, live on welfare, and are criminals for illegally being in the country. Exactly what part of that makes you so proud about them being here and working?
Greg says
Undocumented immigrants don’t pay taxes but still get benefits.
Ask students what are some ways Americans pay taxes, as in income tax and sales tax. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes every time they buy gas, clothes or new appliances. They also contribute to property taxes—a main source of school funding—when they buy or rent a house, or rent an apartment. The Social Security Administration estimates that half to three-quarters of undocumented immigrants pay federal, state and local taxes, including $6 billion to $7 billion in Social Security taxes for benefits they will never get. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but not welfare or food stamps. (
Arpallo says
You are right, They should put a check point on general at the welfare station and send all those lazies to work.
go stand at the welfare office and find out your self who the mayority of people who is there.
you’ll be surprised (USA citizens of all races who are too lazy to go to work.
dallas says
Darn right! So many people up here doing their Xmas shopping during the day. 3/4 of them should be working.
mars says
Wrong, there are many who can not get jobs due to discriminating people like you! Yes they should change the system and have more programs to help familys get jobs. There are many familys on welfare who lost there jobs by being layed off, let go, whatever way its said we had to be stuck going on welfare And deal with the stigma from people like you everywhere..We have Degrees, We had jobs, We are not lazy, We are stuck putting our pride aside so our children our families don’t go hungry or homeless. So our families can get medical care. We wan’t jobs! We have had jobs! We are not lazy! …..What is the job rate in your area?
Danny says
Speak your mind and your called a racist, hire the most quilafied and now your discriminating and called a racist. I’v been to a number a places and the staff is entirely one race so what’s up with that that’s right anything other than white is not racist.
sunjd says
Why are you [removed] people so worried about your stupid welfare? there nobody wants your stupid welfare you can keep it all have fun with your food stamps hillbilly last time I checked I saw how you live in trailer homes uneducated loosers haven’t and probably will never travel outside your city limits
callitasitis says
Great job from our very thin blue line (LASD/CHP). Just wished LE agency would impound more of the cars/truck/ vans/ motorcycles and given the arrested parties (cites) an AV transit schedule.
William says
Have you Googled ‘witness #40 ferguson’ yet?
Looks like they are going to have to convene another grand jury.
Not good when a prosecutor puts on a witness he knows is lying.
Jasonh says
checkpoints were only allowed for the special circumstance of duis now they are starting checkpoints at 5pm and catching no drunks? Sounds like the whole excuse for checkpoint is moot and we can go back to the constitutional requirement of having freedom from random checkpoints.
Someone says
You’re implying that drunk drivers don’t drive around that time. You’d be surprised by the number of people on the streets who drive drunk or are unlicensed. This was only one checkpoint, and I say if they moved it forward about..maybe two weeks from now, around New Years, they’d probably catch a lot more, if people were dumb enough to drive drunk around the holidays, knowing that the LASD will be out there, conducting checkpoints.
It is not moot, considering as how effective it’s been in the past, and even the mention of a checkpoint [that the AV Times tends to do, several days before the DUI checkpoint is to be set up] is enough to deter most drunk driving cases. In-fact, I’m almost positive if there were no such things as DUI Checkpoints, that the number would probably be higher for both the amount of people that do it during major holidays, weekends, and the amount of accidents with alcohol involved would probably rise as well.
As for your constitutional rights, not being violated, friend. They protect your from illegal search and seizure, but here’s a little tip that you probably don’t know. When you sign that piece of paper the the DMV gives you, before you get your license, it states that you are signing that you are allowing yourself to have your licensed checked when asked by a peace officer [law enforcement] during a checkpoint or traffic stop. Don’t like it, take the bus.
jasonh says
The only reason DUI checkpoints have been blessed by the courts is specifically to identify and deter DUIs but with the numbers of arrests for DUIs only in the AV at barely above zero numbers how can you argue they are effective?
Why doesn’t LE just have dui checkpoints at every corner at all times so as to completely minimize DUIs?
mo mojave says
Looks like the drunks are staying home.