LANCASTER – A 17-year-old boy on probation was arrested Monday, after detectives found forensic evidence linking him to multiple Lancaster home burglaries over the past year, authorities said.
A search of the teen’s home turned up wrapped gifts that were stolen during the holiday season, according to Lancaster Community Relations Deputy Miguel Ruiz.
“He’d done sporadic residential burglaries in different parts of the city over a period of about 12 months,” Ruiz said, adding that detectives had linked the teen to at least six burglaries before the home search.
“The wrapped gifts that were located in his house were gifts stolen from a seventh home burglary,” Ruiz said. “He had committed another burglary, which we took a report for, but we didn’t know who did it… so [the search] confirmed our suspicion.”
The 17-year-old suspect was arrested around 5:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 22, after deputies searched his home on the 45400 block of Corkwood Avenue in Lancaster, Ruiz stated.
“He did have other arrests related to burglaries in the past, and he also had a no-bail warrant for being a runaway from a local county probation camp,” Ruiz said.
Deputies also arrested an alleged accomplice in the burglaries, 24-year-old Kaneisha Byers, who also lived at the home. Byers is the sister of the teen’s girlfriend, Ruiz said. Byers was arrested on suspicion of burglary and jailed in lieu of $50,000 bail.
The stolen holiday gifts were returned to the latest home burglary victim, according to Ruiz.
“[She] had approximately $1,000 in Christmas gifts returned to her,” said Ruiz. “Six other victims have been identified and are pending notification.”
The stolen items ranged from toys to electronics, Ruiz added.
“We’re just proud of the work of our Burglary Suppression Team, because this case was solved over several months of hard work by our team,” Ruiz said. “We’re happy we were able to return the stolen property right before Christmas.”
The alleged teen burglar was transported to the Sylmar Juvenile Detention Center for housing.
callitasitis says
If you think the AV is a sewer just drive south in LA (super mega sewer). We are just taking in the overflow. Of course if you’re a political leader you get security detail team (LAPD/LASD/ state police/CHP) at the taxpayers cost. As for this juvenile delinquent the problem started at home and it should be resolved at home with his absent parent(s) who will most likely be on some type of government aid and NEVER be held to account for the 17 year old young man “not” a boy. It is true the juvenile justice court system is out of date & needs to be update. The news outlets keep telling crime is down so why is it we do not feel it??
tina says
An if you dont like the new Lancaster move. Its been rapist, kiddnappers, buglers, in the AV for over 30 years now. [removed] there’s a prison right down the street that’s been there for years now. So please spare me with the riff raff [removed]. Lancaster has been a soup full of [removed].
tina says
Maybe he was not at him hm with mom. And if I read the post correctly it stated he was on the run. Also the gifts were at his girlfriends sisters house. [removed] ppl its not the parent.
mzjj2u says
Nancy P….. your 100%.
The parents need to be held accountable along with the kids. I work with L.A County/DCFS and unfortunately these kids are not being held accountable. Now a days the juvenile court system is just as full and back logged as the adult court system. I have 2 children in their 20’s now and was a single parent with a full time job and part time school and no matter how tired I was I knew it was my responsibility to know what was going on in my home. Basically I was the only one with a job so if I didn’t purchase it, it didn’t belong there. I taught my children if its not yours don’t touch it. Working with DCFS and the Juvenile Courts, I’ve realized that their are some good parents out there and its not always their fault when their child messes up. Then you have the parents who couldn’t tell you what the hell’s going on in their home or with their kids because they are so busy locked up in their bedrooms or somewhere away from the home getting high.
tina says
Lady plz stop talking you dont know what your talking about ! Hold the parents responsible. .
Jip Joe says
Mandatory medical experiments on him….Save the poor animals, use trash like this instead.
tina says
Trash… you have no clue.. and very judgemental
Jason Zink says
Instead of saying how bad AV is. How can we turn this kid and other’s around? Where’s the Leadership Community, pull it together, connect the dots!
John says
Hey Jason, you go ahead and connect the dots, and look to the leadership in this hell hole. In the mean time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I’m arming myself! Let me know how you make out.
Jason Zink says
Look at the “Pic” I cant believe a kid could be sleeping on that mattress in AV or America. He was in the system and it failed him and others. If we cant help them the first time tax payers will pay the price with long term incarceration.
I have spoke during city council meeting’s that we need to address this issue locking them up is not the answer youth jobs and opportunities to educate them more needs to happen.
domici says
Before you can turn a kid around he needs some modicum of a frame of reference (i.e Good Parents that teach values) I’ve done many things in my time but id NEVER steal gifts or anything else from anyone!! YOU mud remember YOU CANT TAKE A DONKEY AND RUN HIM IN THE KENTUCKY DERBY!! UGH i don’t see why our city of Lancaster has to have all these unsavory people here now!! Don’t other cities have cheaper housing!! i see why snobby people move in gated communities!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK LASD, EVEN IF YOU PULL ME OVER AND SHAKE MY TREE A LITTLE ID RATHER COOPERATE WITH YOU AND HAVE A SAFE CITY!! peeps always talk bad about Police, however when something goes awry 9488466 is the first number they dial!! I appreciate my local police!! ALL COPS ARE NOT BAD!!
John says
DB and concerned citizen: You two are exactly correct. This is what the AV has turned into to. One big melting pot of illegals, parolees, gang bangers, child molesters, burglars, murderers, drug pushers and the list goes on and on. Talked to a parole agent just the other day and he informed me that on the average we have approximately 2000 parolees living in the Antelope Valley, not to mention the scum bag families that have moved up here to be close to their loved ones who are in prison. Did you know it is a statistical fact the Antelope Valley has more child abuse/molestation cases than anywhere in the nation on a yearly basis?! ANTELOPE VALLEY=SEWER!
DB says
Unfortunatley this is a way of life in the AV ! Amazing that parents are clueless with multiple items appearing at their homes. Very Sad that things are getting better in LA than they are in the AV.
(concerned citizen) says
It’s because they are pushing all the bad from LA up to this valley . . . :-(
bird says
DB Maybe the parents aren’t clueless.