PALMDALE – Detectives are searching for four robbers who tied up residents at gunpoint during a home invasion robbery in Palmdale Tuesday morning, authorities said.
Deputies responded to the 36400 block of Windtree Circle after the victims called to report the incident, according to a press release from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station. Read it below:
On Tuesday, Jan. 20, at approximately 6 a.m., three male hispanics and one male white entered the victim’s home.
One suspect entered the house by crawling through the rear window of the home. Once inside the location, the suspect opened the rear sliding glass door to usher in the other three suspects.
As the suspects moved quietly through the home, they encountered one of the victims who was sleeping on the couch. Holding the victim at gunpoint, they tied him up and led him upstairs where the other victim was sleeping. After both victims were tied up, a blanket was placed over one of the victim’s head.
The suspects ransacked the home, taking one of the victim’s wallet, cell phone and miscellaneous electronic devices.
The suspects left the location in the victim’s dark grey BMW (License #7EAV467), which was parked in the garage.
If you see this vehicle, please do not approach. The individuals involved in this crime are considered armed and dangerous. Please call 911 or your local sheriff or police department.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact Palmdale Station Detective Rios at 661-272-2466.
Editor’s note: Story revised to include more information from a Palmdale Sheriff’s Station news release.
jessica says
This is my house this happened at. No we are not cartel or anything that. My husband works hard for what we have. This was mot random. They knew too much about the house. We were on vacation and had people house sitting. They most likely thought noone was home. Now what was to be a simple home burglery is now a home invasion with kidnapping. They were sloppy and neglagent. No gloves, no masks. They left prints everywhere..25yrs to life for $3000 of goods split four ways. Our home will never be the same. We have to move. The material part is nothing. Its the loss of feeling safe and now wondering if theynwill come back if not caught. It really sucks.
As says
I’m sorry. It is been happening far too much recently. And like you said it’s not te material things, it’s a violation of privacy and safety. You’re right, it doesn’t feel the same.
callitasitis says
This is great news about the home invaders that workable prints were left behind. Sure hope that LASD is able to catch these guys soon before someone else is hit. Out the 4 suspects 1 is most likely to be in the criminal justice system finger print data base, if we are lucky more than 1. My only real concern now is if they are juveniles. Juveniles never really do any time even in YA but the DA could go for the adult system if they are old enough, 16 or older.
Guido says
Just wondering , are crime rate statistics based on reports of crime , or convictions or plea deals ?
Tech 49 says
The statistics quoted are based upon reports taken.
There are statistics available regarding crimes that are cleared by arrest of suspect(s) and other statistics regarding convictions. These, however, are not generally quoted in the news.
DaNk says
Shut Up!
I hate it when people run their mouths without knowing wtf their talking about. ASSumption is without any fact!
El sancho says
Arm yourselves folks.. Be smart about too take some safety classes and practice often. We can just rely on our police depts they are so few to so many of them. Start neighborhood watches keep an eye for suspicious activity. Everyone is quick to play detective. Put that effort into good use. It’s time to protect your own out here! Peace
Joe says
There was a home invasion last night in Lancaster! It’s going get a lot worse long before it gets any better. Think it’s time to be more alert and helpful to the sheriffs departments instead of bashing them. they need the extra eyes in the A.V. to combat the crime! Just a thought easier to complain then to be pro-active.
Dixie says
On Dec. 11th a home in Lancaster was broken into around one in the afternoon. Sheriffs were notified of a burglary in progress. The sheriffs showed up after 8:00 PM. Neighbors were helpful and alert. Sheriffs were not helpful, not prompt, and could care less.
U Can Call They Won't Show says
I had an elderly neighbor who moved with her daughter (long story short) I saw someone jump her back gate and open the front door for two more people and I called the police, they never came and treated me as if I interrupted a donut & coffee break
Bob says
Crime is not down in the Antelope Valley. What’s happening is that there are fewer deputies on the streets because of hiring freezes and budget cuts. They have only a few cars out per shift and this means less arrests. Fewer arrests, fewer crimes reported.
Dixie says
The sheriffs are too busy patting themselves on the back for the “low crime rate” to notice that there is still a major problem in the AV.
Local says
Dat crime rate tho…
Anonymous says
So glad I will be moving to Valencia soon and out of the AV!!!
Duh says
We’re glad too!
Steve says
I’m happy you’re staying. Have fun living in that cesspool!
Angie says
You are right Steve. The AV is nothing but a sewer that is starting to over flow with parolees, gang bangers, drug pushers and homeless. Have you’ve been in the AV Mall lately? It seems like ALL the employees as well as the customers don’t speak English. I myself, family and friends are counting down the days when we can leave the good AV!
nanni says
Hahaha I work in SCV at a very well know company and live in Palmdale and there just as much crime down here than there is in AV. A little girl just got abducted from her BEDROOM in Newhall just last week. As well as a very high Heroin overdose rate in the teenagers down here. You might want to read some of the local newpasper to get yourself up to speed.. Crime is everywhere not just the AV
Steve says
Crime is everywhere. However I would rather live in Santa Clarita then in the AV. Much nicer and way better planned community.
Reality says
Let’s see here. The overall crime rate dropped 6.2 percent decline in reported Part-1 crimes in the Santa Clarita Valley, but violent crimes rose 4.6 percent. That’s funny, just like in Palmdale where the overall crime rate dropped but there was an uptick in violent crimes.
Irene says
Shoot!!! I know just how you feel, if it was feasible to sell my house I wound be back to Santa Clarita the Palmdale and Lancaster low life’s are ruining our cities!!!
Shell says
This is so scary this happen a block from my house and it just really upsets me that this has happened!!! As for the crime rate going down …i dont believe it
Palmdale Girl 93 says
So 1 victim sleeping on couch, 2nd victim upstairs. Husband in the doghouse? lol
mike says
In other words the residents were selling weed and they got ripped off… In other news..
andy says
Mike where did u get your info from nothing was said about weed do u know something the cops don’t ? maybe u should tell the cops your insight
callitasitis says
You have a home invasion robbery by 4 armed males ; one victim is sleep down stair and another up stair. The suspects ONLY take only some electronic and money according to the victims. The suspects must have felt there was more than what they found. It sure sound like it was a dope house robbery. As for LASD I am sure they are looking at it as a something is missing because something is not right. Just like all these random shooting of young males in the AV which are NOT gang related, right
bird says
callitasitis—Here we go again with your armchair investigating. Not interested in the facts, just planting the seed. Gee I hope you never get hung high from a tree because of others spreading gossip about you. Your suspicions are NOT facts! Lives have been ruined by people like you who are so quick to condemn, without a shred of evidence.
Jesus says
Whoever said they sell drugs is retarded. I live on this block. Don’t be saying things you don’t know.
[removed] says
callitasitis says
@ Bird & Jesus
In the absent of some facts, the story “does not” sound right. Armed home invasion plus kidnapping can carry a lot of time (life) in prison for the 4 suspects. It does not make sense to risk so much and get so little. Of course the victims could be a new tenant where the previous tenants were involved in the dope trade and they were targeted by mistake. That scenario has happen in the pass and it would not be the first time. You look at only what is written while I look at what is not always written the missing facts or absent of certain information which should be there.
Hanging is quick death if done right, painful if done wrong because you choke rather than snapping the neck. @ Bird, I sure hope you NEVER find out plus I always get a kick from your comments. Stay safe and keep your powder dry
Maybe Jesus can clear this up for you; he seems to know the neighborhood and the people, are they working types, elderly and something else?? Just saying it is trash talk does not answer the question, why them & not their neighbor.
bird says
callitasitis—As a Vet, I learned to keep my powder dry a long time ago.
bird says
callitasitis—Oh yes, if the vigilantes do come up with a reason to hang you, well, being the compassionate person that I am, I do hope it’s done right, and it’s quick. God Bless
sherrill says
What in the world would they hope to get ? Now they will be charged for very serious crimes for stealing crap. When move a person from one room to another that is kidnapping. How stupid can they be ?
D says
Seems like more serious crime are being committed.. Crime rate has dropped, hate to see what it was like before
Bob says
Wasn’t I just reading an article here in the AV Times how the crime rate has dropped in Palmdale? What a croc!
Letlow says
So one home invasion and you think the crime rate is back up?! Ummm, no!
Palmdalguy says
No, i think he is talking about the violent crimes that happen everyday in the A.V
Paul says
5 homes in my area, including mine have been robbed since Thanksgiving that I know of. First time in 5 years and all of them within view. I’d say it’s gone up A LOT this year!