A Palmdale man admitted to punching his girlfriend’s baby five times in the head, and the child’s mother delayed seeking medical care that may have saved his life, according to court testimony.
The testimony came at a preliminary hearing for Brandon Williams and Rosie Lee Wilson. Both were ordered Friday to stand trial for murder in connection with the death of Wilson’s 2-year-old son, Anthony.
Williams was additionally ordered to stand trial for assault on a child causing death, torture, and willful cruelty to a child likely to produce great bodily injury, according to Ricardo Santiago of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
During the preliminary hearing, which started Thursday and ended Friday, three witnesses testified about the events that led up to baby Anthony’s death and the investigation that followed.
Anthony was in a “vegetative state” caused by recent abusive head trauma when admitted to Palmdale Regional Medical Center Aug. 22, 2014, according to testimony from Los Angeles County Deputy Medical Examiner Julia Chu.
Anthony was airlifted to Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, where he was pronounced dead Oct. 5, 2014, Chu said. An autopsy conducted three days later revealed Anthony died of blunt-force head trauma, and had suffered a subdural hematoma – bleeding along the surface of the brain, Chu testified.
“If Anthony had been sent to the hospital earlier… the result might not be death,” Chu said, under questioning from Deputy District Attorney Ted Swanson.
Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau detective Susan Velazquez said she was called to Palmdale Regional Medical Center on Aug. 22, 2014 regarding Anthony. The child had a bandage on his head, he was hooked up to an oxygen machine, and bruises could be seen on the child’s body, Velazquez testified.
The detective said she spoke with hospital staff who said Anthony had a large bruise on the top of his head, as well as bruising on his face, stomach, upper leg, lower back, buttocks and all around his scrotum. The child had both fresh and older bruises, Velazquez testified.
“They also found a tooth in his abdomen,” Velazquez said.
The detective said she spoke with both Wilson and Williams at the hospital regarding Anthony’s injuries. Wilson’s story kept changing, and she claimed she did not know how her son had gotten injured, Velazquez said.
“The majority of the bruising she said she had not seen,” Velazquez testified.
Williams was not forthcoming at first, but he began to confess once his mother joined the conversation, Velazquez said.
“He just started crying and became very emotional…” the detective said. “He finally said that Anthony had fallen and he was trying to comfort him but he would not stop crying.”
Velazquez said Williams confessed to hitting the child on Aug. 21, 2014, and he said he did so out of frustration.
“He said he punched him five times in the head,” Velazquez testified.
Williams also confessed to an abusive incident three weeks prior when he “blanked out” and hit the child a few “good ones” in the back, Velazquez testified.
The detective said she placed Williams under arrest and then brought Wilson into the conversation, but Anthony’s mother remained in denial.
Wilson said she did not seek medical attention three weeks prior because the child’s injuries did not look that bad, Velazquez said.
Wilson also lied about her whereabouts on Aug. 21, 2014, the night Williams said he punched the child in the head, according to Velazquez. Wilson first said she was at Walmart during the incident, then she later admitted she was at a Karaoke bar, Velazquez said.
Baby Anthony was in distress when Wilson returned from the bar that night, but Wilson did not seek medical attention until the following day when she believed the child was having a seizure, Velazquez said. What Wilson believed to be a seizure was most likely “posturing” – rigid body movements indicating severe damage in the brain, according to Velazquez’s testimony. Still, Wilson did not take Anthony to the hospital until hours later, Velazquez testified.
Also testifying at the preliminary hearing was Colleen Brydie. Wilson and Williams had been living in Brydie’s East Palmdale home at the time of the incident.
The couple had been dating for less than three months, Brydie said, and Williams was mentally and physically abusive to Wilson.
“It seemed that Rosie was scared,” Brydie said,
The elder woman said she saw bruises on baby Anthony, but she assumed the toddler’s 4-year-old sister had inflicted the bruises, since the two “fought like cats and dogs.”
Asked why Wilson had delayed taking baby Anthony to the hospital, Brydie said, “She was afraid of losing her kids, she had just gotten them back.”
Williams and Wilson are due back in court Feb. 20 for a second arraignment. Both remain jailed with bail for each set at $2 million.
Previous related stories:
Mom, boyfriend plead not guilty in torture death of toddler
Palmdale couple charged with death of toddler
ashly james says
its so sad how ppl fill on here about my relative u never know so u cannot judge u never know what they were going through what he was doing to her or even if she tryed to get away w her babie you all are saying amen but its funny how u dont even know keep your negativity to yourself thank you
new girl says
How abusive could he have been to the mom if he was watching her kids while she was out at a bar? Sounds like bull, this tramp chose a man over her children. I hope they both get locked up and get their heads beat in by other prisoners. Teach them what it’s like to be helpless and vulnerable to someone that shows you no mercy. Poor sweet baby may he rest in peace.
leroi says
KOUI says
Hopefully there will be “true” justice for these two creatures and the death of this poor innocent child will be avenged.
armyvet says
This alleged “man” will pay dearly for what he caused.. I am sick to my stomach and disgusted to read his reasoning to why he did it. The babies mom will be haunted for life for not taking action. Please people SPEAK UP if you suspect child abuse
Kyle says
Torture both parents for days [removed] sick people!!!!!!!!
done says
These two pieces of garbage need to be shot in the back of the head and chucked into the dumpster where they belong. How you beat a precious little toddler to death is beyond me, these people deserve no mercy!
ANNON says
TK says
Another tramp who cared more about some jerk than about her kids. I hope they both rot in hell.
Missy says
Heather says
AMEN! All she really cared about was herself and partying. They both should be beat and tortured. Slowly. Sick self centered bastards.
Icantstandstupidpeople says
You hit the nail right on the head with that statement. She never really cared abkut her kids. Itssad that a mother can ever put anything/anyone in frontvofvtheir kids.
Hope she rots in HELL!!