PALMDALE – If you recognize the woman in these surveillance images, then Palmdale Sheriff’s Station detectives would like to hear from you.
The woman is accused of stealing a victim’s cellphone case/wallet after the victim inadvertently left it on a cashier’s counter at a local Walmart, according to Palmdale Community Relations deputy Jodi Wolfe.
The incident happened around 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, at the Walmart located at 37140 47th Street East in Palmdale, Wolfe said.
“Surveillance video reveals the suspect was standing behind the victim while in the register line. After the victim paid for her groceries, she left the store, leaving the cellphone wallet case on the cashier’s counter,” Wolfe stated. “The suspect began placing her grocery items on the counter at which time she picked up the victim’s wallet. The suspect immediately walked out of the store, leaving her groceries on the register counter.”
The suspect is described as a black female with long black hair. She is believed to be around 30 years old, about 5 feet 6 inches tall and approximately 150 pounds. At the time of the incident, the suspect was wearing black and white leggings, a gray shirt and white shoes, and she was carrying a pink bag.
The suspect was seen leaving in a black vehicle, Wolfe stated.
Anyone with information on the identity of this suspect is encouraged to contact Detective Halvorsen of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station at 661-272-2479. To remain anonymous, call LA Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).
just saying says
The morals of WORLD has certainly continues to decline,rarely do we hear about good deeds.I often think how would the perp like that to happen to them or someone in their family. I was in food for les where a lady left her wallet in a shopping cart and some one picked it up and was about to walk away until several people said what are you doing you know thats not yours and he gave it to the lady.sometimes people are afraid to say anything if they see something because there are so many crazy people out there.i say bravo to those people who look out for others,it shows they (myself included) were raised right.
steve cinn says
Oh yea,that was a Palmdale detective and his name will be known.The only thing ive ever been good at was hardball,lying cops.LASD as dishonest as can be,LASD as dishonest as can be,LASD as dishonest as can be.Every cop that lies on official reports should know that everyone who you know who has past and went to the other life “YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER ,YOUR GRANDPARENTS,”are looking down on you in shame,GOD is looking down shaking his head.You all walk around like you are Gods,and if people know the truth they would throw rotting fruit at you and smash you like a bug.
Good luck when you are held accountable for your actions in the after life,then you will be JUDGED.Amen and bless honest law abiding police,dishonest ones get ready for your judgement from our Lord and Savior.
steve cinn says
Lets help Detectives to learn how to shoot a gun without shooting themselves.I know a detective who shot himself before he got out of his car.Sounds like someone with a small brain.
mimi says
How they get something like this done. when I lost my phone they didn’t offer to look something up like this for me. Uggh
ERIK says
I noticed over on the AV Times’ Facebook page that a lot of folks were whining about themselves being a victim of theft and their cases were not taken as serious as this.
Look, this is not just a simple case of theft. The sheriffs department put this out there because it is possibly a small piece of a larger pie. I am sure that this perp is suspected of much more and LASD would like to find her. It could clear up many more issues than just a stolen cellphone.
This may be the same broad that took your phone. She could be stealing wallets and purses left and right- burning through credit cards, bank accounts, and selling identities. She could possibly be someone tied in to a much larger crime such as murder. She could be a missing person. The reasons for finding her could be endless. This is how law enforcement works.
There is a very good reason why this woman is wanted. As a victim of theft you should be thankful that the sheriffs department is taking the pursuit of this broad serious. I know I am.
Tom says
WALMART, Youtube Walmart Dancers.
Eric says
My wallet is always in one of three positions:
1) In my pocket
2) In my hand, so I can pay for a purchase.
3) Under my mattress, because I’m sleeping.
My phone is on a similar regime too. Easier to keep track of your possessions by being consistent with them than it is to chase down a thief.
Quigley says
Surely someone will recognize the DD’s & wig!
Sick of this town says
I work for walmart and this sort of stuff happens all the time. Walmart attracts the worst people. I find myself feeling sorry for the white collar customers that come to actually get their shopping done. All I can say about this one is she will get hers. Karma comes full circle.
A Nanny Mouse says
Thank you for speaking out as an employee. In the AV, Wal-Marts seem to be a social event for the nastiest of people. I’m glad that those of us who only shop there in emergencies have had someone notice our plight.
mike says
All ppl of ethnicities steal not only white ppl so stop with the racisim cause she black
Uncle Tom says
At no time did ‘sick of this town’ make a racist comment. If you are referring to words ‘white collar’ that were used, it is a term to categorizes a type of working person, i.e. white collar, blue collar, etc.
Bertha says
What a POS!
Johnny Trece says
Point Of Sale?…….