PALMDALE – A parolee being transported for treatment Wednesday afternoon managed to wrestle a gun away from a state parole agent, then jumped out of the car and fired several rounds across traffic in a busy Palmdale intersection, authorities said.
No one was hit in the shooting, which occurred around 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 24, near the intersection of Sierra Highway and Palmdale Boulevard, according to Captain Don Ford of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.
The parolee, Hector Perez, was quickly taken into custody, Ford said.
“Some deputies happened to be driving by… and they spotted the parolee with the gun,” Ford said. “They exited their vehicles and they trained their weapons on the parolee. He obeyed their commands, he put down his gun and he went down to the ground. The deputies were able to take him into custody with no use of force.”
Perez was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, according to Ford. The incident is still under investigation, and detectives have not yet determined if anyone was targeted in the shooting, Ford said.
“There were other vehicles in the intersection and what we believe at this point is that he was shooting across traffic,” Ford said. “Whether he was shooting at the parole agent or somebody specific, we haven’t determined, but he was shooting in a direction where there was vehicle traffic traveling across Palmdale Boulevard.”
After canvassing the area, investigators determined that no one was hit during the gunfire, Ford said.
Joseph says
Not only should the Parole Agent, but, their supervisor should be written up, and possible demoted…
Natasha mingo says
Great work.
James W. says
The Parole Agent should not have been transporting this Parolee alone . It is my guess the weapon was not concealed . I hope DAPO uses this incident as a training tool for all further transports .
JustTweakIt says
That’s prolly why he’s on parole. Assault with a deadly weapon. What kind of treatment was he being taken to/for? Mental Evaluation maybe? And why in the hell wasn’t he in cuffs? Just cause he’s done his time, doesn’t make him free from crime obviously. Also it says he was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. Whats there to suspect? He had the gun, he was pulling the trigger and his fingerprints are prolly all over it. Nothing to suspect there. As for the state parole agent I think he should be held 100% responsible or should I say irresponsible for what happened. I’m just glad no one was hurt or killed.
LISA says
JustTweakIt says
Prolly why the SYSTEM is all FKD UP Is because people, such as yourself, don’t GAF!!!!!
sandra says
How the hell that happened
B. says
(How did he get the gun?)
…just wondering :+/
Jacob says
He was in the passenger seat and he just reached for the gun from the parole agent and started shooting
B. says
No one teaches law enforcement officers self defense anymore?
yabba says
The parole agent should be reprimanded, placed on probation or trained all over again. I don’t understand how the parolee got hold of his gun as it doesn’t state this in the news report.
I’m glad no one was killed or injured. But that might not happen again, no victims.
Now we all have to be vigilant in case some law enforcement person is not doing his job.
Wild wild West, baby. I’m happy the crime rate is going back up. Make them earn those taxpayer funded paychecks.
momma G says
You’re so stupit! How can you say that? Till someone shoots you or a loved one you”ll change your tune. Only ignorant people like yourself think this way, and I bet you don’t even have a job, talking about tax payers money. Great job Palmdale Sheriff’s Dep!
Danelda says
Did i just miss seeing it or did they not say the parole agents name or if he got into trouble for letting the parolee get his gun?
Realism says
Yet we shoot everyone else with a piece that it’s NOT posing a threat to the public!
We should have saved the state some crunkle for this inmates “treatment” by giving his gold bricking a$$ a dose of lead in his diet! Didn’t read his weight…would have been a few bullets heavier in other locales!!