LANCASTER – Four thieves carjacked a Volkswagen Beetle at gunpoint in Lancaster Monday night and then abandoned the vehicle less than a mile away, authorities said.
Two of the suspects used handguns – a revolver and a semi-automatic pistol – to take the vehicle from its owner on a driveway in the 800 block of East Oldfield Street around 10:45 p.m. Monday, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lt. Derrick Aldred said.
Two of the suspects drove off in the vehicle, and the other two left the scene on bicycles, Aldred said.
The owner of the vehicle was not injured during the incident, and the yellow, 1999 Beetle was found abandoned and undamaged within 30 minutes, Aldred said.
The victim reported that three of the suspects appeared to be teenagers, including one suspect who appeared to be about 13 years old, according to a Lancaster Sheriff’s Station crime broadcast. However, this information could not be confirmed Tuesday morning with sheriff’s officials, who could not provide a complete description of the suspects.
The incident remains under investigation. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Lancaster Sheriff’s Station detectives at 661-948-8466.
[Additional reporting by LUIS MEZA.]
Mars says
Hey lets take it easy on Rex. Rex fetch a toy helicopter attach a camera and than fight crime..Its much cheaper and you can maybe attach a gun to help..
Gun toter says
Had this man been armed himself, I’m assuming we’d be hearing a different story, to bad liberal California is against good guys having guns. Thankfully the constitution of the United States of America allows me to protect myself and I don’t have to rely on California law to tell me what I can and cannot do. Keep calm and carry on! (Preferably concealed)
Tim Scott says
No doubt. Your wannabe killer would almost certainly have gotten killed over his yellow VW and we’d have a much more exciting crime story for our little news service.
Oh…wait…you are no doubt operating under the assumption that being an “armed citizen” turns you into Wyatt Earp at the OK Corral and the four guys, two with guns in their hands, would stand around watching while you draw and shoot them all down there in the street to thunderous applause.
AV mom says
Exactly, Gun toter. A citizen should be able to protect themselves. Legally armed citizens don’t ask to be put in that position nor do they want applause, Tim Scott. Look at the statistics in Kennesaw Georgia, where citizens guns are mandatory, though not enforced. These punks bring it on themselves.
Tim Scott says
You seem to have completely missed the point, but that’s okay.
If this guy had been carrying a concealed weapon I see no reason to think that he would have survived. There is nothing in the article to suggest that he is some sort of quick draw trick shooter that could take on four attackers with at least two of them alleged to have guns already in hand. The “oh he should have had a gun” crowd are basically saying that instead of having his car recovered half an hour later and no harm done they would rather he was dead.
By the way, pointing out a low crime rate in an affluent suburb with a population of thirty thousand is not exactly shocking enough to call it a strong case.
Stinger says
Where was that super-duper ‘eye in the sky’ that costs the taxpayers over a million dollars a year?
Tim Scott says
It has already done its job…Rex’s crony’s company has had a successful proof of concept and is doing great, thanks.
What? It was supposed to accomplish something else?
William says
Y’know, Stinger, I believe the ‘spy in the sky’s’ real job is to keep an eye on Palmdale as it moves far ahead of Lancaster in everything.
It’s sorta like rex’s rear view camera on a car as Lancaster continues to go backward. All it needs is to do is go “beep, beep, beep” as the city backs up.
In another 5 years, Lancaster will be lucky if it still has indoor plumbing at the rate it’s goin’.
Turd Ferguson says
What a useless piece of crap LEAPS is.What a useless piece of crap LEAPS is.It cost the taxpayers $90,000.00 a month.It cost the taxpayers $90,000.00 a month.With no results.With no results.Wasted tax dollars.Wasted tax dollars.That could be used to fix our roads.That could be used to fix our roads.Or fire Sherriffs.Or hire Sherriffs.$10,800,00.00 over ten years.$10,800,000.00 over ten years.To make money for Rex’s friend.To make money for Rex’s friend.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.We need more Sherriffs.We need more Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
Nancy P says
Regarding “the eye in the sky”, why hasn’t the community been able to stop that waste of money? How can the Mayor have so much free rein over the city’s checkbook? Why hasn’t it been stopped, through a lawsuit or exposing the relationship and/or the lack of performance?
Tim Scott says
The city has a ten year contract. The mayor, the city manager, and the city council entered into that contract. It isn’t going to go away. It is highly unlikely that the “performance requirements” in that contract would allow the city to get out of it as long as the drone actually flies, which it apparently does.
So Rex’s pal gets his money and that’s that. His company markets a drone “that is in use by the LA county sheriff’s department” rather than a drone that theoretically might be useful to law enforcement but has never been tried. No doubt the esteemed mayor of Lancaster can be counted on for glowing testimonials about how it has stemmed the tide of crime in Lancaster.
And because the electoral system in Lancaster is so grossly broken Rex will probably be reelected for as long as he wants to keep running, and the city council will continue to be his rubber stamp gang. No matter how he loots the city.
William says
Nah. rex is gonna unload this mess he’s made on marv who will think he hit the jackpot.
Peter says
The left on bikes. And sherrif could not catch them.. LOL
Tim Scott says
On the bright side, they didn’t seize the opportunity and gun down some unsuspecting teenager on a bike. I’m assuming the FBI was on the scene.