PALMDALE – The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting a DUI/driver’s license checkpoint at an undisclosed location in Palmdale this Friday, July 31, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 2 a.m.
Deputies will be looking for signs of alcohol and drug impairment. They also will check for proper licensing and will strive to delay motorists only momentarily. When possible, specially trained officers will be available to evaluate those suspected of drug-impaired driving.
Drivers caught driving impaired can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to include jail time, fines, fees, DUI classes, and other expenses that can exceed $10,000.
Recent statistics reveal that 30 percent of drivers in fatal crashes had one or more drugs in their systems. A study of active drivers showed more tested positive for drugs that may impair driving (14 percent) than did for alcohol (7.3 percent). Of the drugs, marijuana was most prevalent, at 7.4 percent, slightly more than alcohol.
DUI checkpoints are placed in locations based on collision statistics and frequency of DUI arrests, affording the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence. Locations are chosen with safety considerations for officers and the public.
Driving under the influence/ driver’s license (DUI/CDL) checkpoints are conducted by deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department on a regular basis.
Funding for these operations is provided to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
MRJ says
• Check Point – 25th St West and Rancho Vista Blvd…
• Check Point – 87th St East and 138
Abrother says
An article just came on CNN about a white escaped prisioner from Pensilvania that killed a woman, stole two trucks, attempted to ram a police car and also had a gun, he finally was aprehended ALIVE after a whole day on the run.
He was treated by the cops as if he was a hero and with all the honors.
If it had been a brother or a Mexican he would be shoot and killed at the point where he atteempted to ram the police car!
pirruris says
An idiot, you need to go to your befroom and replce your missing white sheets.
PedroVicente says
If coming to USA ilegal is a crime, why Am I now a legal citizen of this beautifull county? if I did crossed the border illegally?
Maybe because I came to work, paid taxis and help this nation to become what it is now?
And for your info (not an idiot) a Republican President gave me my citizenship!
Mr.Ronald Reagan!
Best president we ever had!
And he was not corrupted!
Not an idiot says
PedroVincente, yes Ronald Reagan was a great president and the Republican Party is better. Today the Democratic Party is very corrupted. I don’t agree with a blanket amnesty. In many cases with limits and requirements citizenship should be granted. You don’t reward breaking the law. The Republican Party are not against illegals only against doing it the wrong way.
PedroVicente says
What do you mean by “doing it the wrong way”?
Unfortunately lots of people like me had no other choice but to do it the wrong way, and that is crossing the border illegally, but after that I did everything the right way.
Let me just tell you that not ” in many cases with limits and requirements” citizenship should be granted! It is on all cases my friend, that citizenship is granted WITH requirements, and once is granted, there is no LIMITS.
I’m independent, but I can tell you the Democratic Party is not corrupted.
Not an idiot says
Pedro, The Democratic Party is corrupt. How many scandals under this president. Lies, cover ups, distortion, intimidation. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, Clinton’s emails Obama care, just to name a few. People coming into this country should do it the proper LEGAL way. I’m glad you are doing things right now but you still broke the law by sneaking in.
pirruris says
An idiot, please stop comparing Reagan to your racisy republican party. Fact of the mattet is, your racist republican party would eat Reagan alive if he was with us today. By the way idiot, 13 benghazis occured under Bush and not a peep from you, Fox news, or your racist republican party. Also, please tell me how is Obamacare affecting you? I bet you have always had healthcare your entire life, but is complainong about other people getting it. Does not surprisr me. Because the God loving republican party, is all about me, me, me, anf everyone else can eat S&$/^t and die. I’ll take my chances with the democratic party.
William says
Hey, yes an idiot
Where are the convictions of wrongdoing in the Obama administration?
There were over 100 convictions of high ranking officials including cabinet members in the Reagan administration.
All you guys got is accusations and conspiracy theories that don’t pan out after multiple hearings by republican committees in Congress and no convictions of anything.
All that shows is that you guys are full of it. You think what you imagine/believe is real, just like Lady Liberty and Claire. Facts just bounce off you guys.
young thug says
There also grown-up thugs.
Just for your info.
And specially where you live; the crappy AV.
ProudExAVResident says
Not one, but two checkpoints created to wage war against the people who live in the Antelope Valley. Arresting grown-azz adults perfectly capable of driving based on some fabricated BAC percentage that supposedly indicates you’re a menace to society. Yet down in the land of bars, restaurants, and nightlife you nary see a checkpoint and the world continues to spin and the streets aren’t full of driving related carnage. Kiss it Antelope Valley you sorry M-Fer.
Just Saying says
Your thinking that the AV is the only place with checkpoints shows what a small world you live in. Every Friday and Saturday night there are 30 to 40 checkpoints across the State of California. They are mandated at state level, and local law enforcement have no control over when they occur, only the street they will be on. It’s not just your BAC, if you can’t walk a straight line, you can’t drive one either. Every day in the United States, 30 people will die in alcohol related crashes, stats show that checkpoints reduce this number by 9%. Glad you moved away, sounds like the AV streets are just a little bit safer now.
ProudExAVResident says
Yeah, OK. Do us a favor and get off the MADD website for 10 minutes and stop devouring and supporting their exaggerated BS statistics. Any city with anything going for it isn’t going to have TWO checkpoints in one night to wage a revenue driven war against the people who live there and spend money and create the economy. Antelope Valley has absolutely nothing going for it, is a tiny little town that can’t remotely justify TWO checkpoints in one night.
Just Saying says
Again, you’re blaming a city for something the State mandated. The Sheriff and the CHP do not check with each other on what night their required checkpoints might occur. Justification cannot apply to random events. If this was a coordinated event, there would have only been one checkpoint story here, not two separate ones. Take your misplaced bitching to Sacramento.
Diego Del Monte says
For those that didn’t catch it, there will be 2 checkpoints on Friday evening. The Sheriff will be somewhere in Palmdale, and the CHP will be somewhere in the Antelope Valley. The 2 different articles here are actually 2 different checkpoints at the same time.
Jesse says
C’mon people, be realistic, loal or not, sheriff or police, they abuse their authority!
So keep dreaming, no matter what, we’ll have corrupted and bad cops every where.
even a mall security sometimes acts like if he owns the world.and can do whatever with a person.
Until changes and punish more severe these corrupted so called law enforcements we will continue having these problems.
Tim Scott says
The only way to minimize the damage is to police the police, because they will NEVER police themselves. The biggest difference between the the current fiasco with the LACSD and a local PD would be that the sheriff’s department uses the substations in the AV as a dumping ground, and the main reason they have always done this is that media and board of supervisors observers can’t be bothered coming out here to investigate anything, so rather than have to discipline a bad cop the easy solution is to just hide him in the desert. A local PD would have to deal with problem cops by either reining them in or putting them out, and with local oversight they would be less able to hide. This is not suggesting that I would expect our local city governments, particularly in Lancaster, to do a good job of it, but it couldn’t be much worse than we have.
pirruris says
No. The racist cops are not going to be looking for drunks of dopeheads….they are going to be looking for undocumented human beings to impound their vehicles like they always do. The deparment of justice needs to investigate the Palmdale sheriffs department and see how many millions of dollars in fiines have been collected from hispanic community thanks to their so called checoints. Who exactly is authorizing these checkpoints? Why is Ledford allowing the sheriffs conduct these checkpoints? Why are latinos letting this happen? When are latinos going to wake up and start voting all these racist republicans out of office. I just hope the mayor and his sheriffs have all their ducks in row when the department of justice discovers that the mayority of fines and car impoundments are all targeted towards hispanics.
Tim Scott says
This is a disadvantage that comes with contracting law enforcement from an outside agency. The community has limited control over what they do. We are so far beyond the point that we should have formed our own PD that it isn’t even comprehensible.
Arpallo says
Yeah right
Where are gonna form your PD from?
oh, you’re going to get the station and wait for them as they arrived?
Tim Scott says
Given the number of cities that have formed police departments, don’t you feel a little ridiculous pretending that it just can’t be done?
Nancy P says
Agree 100% on Lancaster having it’s own PD. The community has been fed BS for so long about not being cost effective. How can a city that pays $90,000 a month for a worthless spy plane, not be able to budget a Police Dept? So many reason why it should have been done long ago. Many of the LASD live in Lancaster and something could be worked out for a lateral move. Maybe then, they couldn’t be pulled out of an area in the middle of an investigation. Maybe then, the contacts and public trust could be built (restored in some cases) between neighbors.
Tim Scott says
Maybe the city could be a bit choosy and not lateral the dregs that the LACSD has concentrated up here by using “you’ll get shipped out to the AV” for decades as a disciplinary tool.
In any event, the whole “cost effectiveness argument goes out the window when you look at what Palmdale pays the sheriff’s department for contract law enforcement and compare it to what comparable size cities pay their own PDs. There won’t be significant savings, but there also won’t be significant increase in costs.
If we were contracting with a really world class law enforcement organization the money wouldn’t make such a move seem worth the effort, but the reality is that we are paying a fairly typical cost on a contract with an organization that has been the focus of multiple federal investigations and ALWAYS turns up “yeah, they did it” when those investigations are completed. Objectively, we pay an average price for the worst available service.
Greg says
One suspect death, and it will happen, can bankrupt a small city. That is the hidden cost of having a city police department. The county can absorb the cost of lawsuits more easily than a single city can.
Other costs associated with policing services but not often thought about by citizens, the cost of lab work for criminal investigations, again the county can absorb it easier than a single city.
Nancy P says
As someone who has seen the neighborhood destroyed by young thugs robbing and killing, and neighbors getting little or no assistance at all from the lasd, something needs to be done. Lip service and the cops showing up in the middle of the night to scratch on the door to take a report for robberies and breakins from the day before, even though they were called while the kids (burglars) were still in the neighborhood. Sad turn of events.
Tim Scott says
Maybe a police department that says “oh, no, that could bankrupt the city” instead of “hey, no biggie, the county can foot the bill, let’s kill some people” is exactly what we need.
Not an idiot says
Pirruris, you say undocumented human beings, you mean illegal aliens who broke the law by sneaking in to California. Illegals can’t vote or should I say aren’t supposed to be able to vote. With the corruption of the Democratic Party they probably are voting. DUI check points happen in every city, they are nothing new. If you aren’t breaking any laws then there’s nothing to fear. I for one support them so the streets are safer.
Jesse says
If you wanna have streets safer, then cops should have “criminals check point” at every corner of the AV not DUI or driver’s licence check points you ignorant!
why you choose that name if it means all the opposite to yourself!
Americanme says
Look in the mirror body, are you a Native American?
If not, then you or who you descend from are the worst criminals in history!
Not an idiot? Jajaja.
puma says
as a native american i feel offended by all this white trash rednecks acting like if the USA was part of europe, when the whites came to the americas to raped killed and stole gold minerals and land from my ancestors. whites are the original illegal aliens since 1492 to thi very day so dont dirget this white people, im sick and tired of whites calling other people illegals, when whites are the true and original illegals in america. “latinos” are also part of the amerindian race, so who is the illegals?? the indian or the white?? the white is the illegal.
Americanme says
Peace be with you brother Puma, my respects for you, yo are the real American here not all these white racist that think this is their land and always trying hard to damage every other race that comes here in search of a better life.
pirruris says
An idiot, i can gurantee that if you and your family were born in a third world country, you would do whatever (including crossing the border) to feed your family. The next thing you are going to tell us is that you ate a God loving christian. LOL. Aparently you already forgot about your european immigrant ancestors that came here illigally seking a better
life. I guess they were illigal alliens according to you. How about having a nice cup of STFU.
Tony says
Don’t forget we Latinos have European ancestors as well, Spain is in the European Continent and it is the same scenario, they came to kill, steal and rape.
But I get your point, some of us are (no mater where from) in this beautifull country in search of a better life, and that is what some racists don’t and will never understand!
pirruris says
Tony, correct. That is why i am not bashing immigrants or trying to close the door behind me.
pirruris says
An idiot, if you are wlling to call your imigrant ancestors illegal aliens, that is all you. So i guess your european illegal ancestors broke the lae too. However, don’t recall the Native Americans calling them illegal aliens. I belive they treated them like human beings, but we al know how they repayed them. I suggest you have a nice cup of STFU. This great country has always been and will be a nation of immigrants.