LANCASTER – A Palmdale woman convicted of fatally shooting a woman after a brief romantic relationship was sentenced Wednesday to two consecutive 25-year-to-life prison terms.
Larene Eleanor Austin, 33, was found guilty Aug. 13 of first-degree murder for the 2010 killing of LaNell Barsock, 29.
Jurors also found true an allegation that Austin used a handgun during the commission of the crime.
Austin and Barsock briefly dated after meeting through Craigslist before Barsock ended the relationship to focus on her boyfriend, according to court testimony.
Austin shot Barsock in the head June 16, 2010, at Barsock’s Palmdale home. She then tried to frame Barsock’s boyfriend for the killing, going as far as forging a letter in which Barsock purportedly broke up with the boyfriend and presenting it to police, according to evidence presented at trial.
Austin fled the country once officials cleared the man of any involvement in the killing.
She was arrested in January 2012 in the Central American country of Belize after the case was featured on an episode of the television series “America’s Most Wanted,” and was brought back to Los Angeles County later that month.
Previous related stories:
Palmdale woman guilty of killing lover, framing victim’s boyfriend
America’s Most Wanted suspect pleads not guilty
Palmdale fugitive wanted for murder captured in Belize
Danny says
50 to life, how about a bullet to the head.
Mary says
I still don’t see what she saw in her. The deceased is just so incredibly beautiful and I just don’t see why she would date the woman who killed her. Such a sad story. So tragic and senseless. She probably found out fast that the lady was just out of her mind and when she tried to break it off, the killer just went nutty on her. Though it is such a very sad and ridiculous loss – I think justice has been served and I don’t think we will ever see her on the streets again.
Rest in peace young lady says
You know Mary i don’t know why so many of our Sisters pick the worst no job or half a job no car in jail fresh out of jail on they way back to jail. How many tragic stories we have read the loser boyfriend / lover beat or kill her or her children.. it’s a sad story what’s worst before the holidays we will be reading a very similar story.
Mary says
When I was a teenager I picked a loser. Thank God for my mom who helped me see the light. I put her through a lot of unselfish pain before ever leaving the abuser. But as an adult, we should know better. Women, gay or straight, need to make better choices in who they date. I guess this is why I am still single at almost 50.
I just can’t imagine going through these times with a guy – I love my freedom. I love packing up and heading to the mountains with friends to walk. I throw my Ipod on and walk through nature – I just don’t want to be bound to any guys in my life – I saw and continue to see so many women give their lives up for men and or women and to me it’s just not worth it. Life is too short. I had the opportunity to date a guy but I chose friendship over love. It’s much easier. Once in a great blue moon I may invite him on a hiking trip but usually it’s just me and my friend who I can tell ALL my problems to, knowing that they will stay with him since he is 45 minutes away from the AV and will never meet my family. Nature for me. Love, maybe another day.
h says
you are definitely not getting it. Tim don’t judge. down with crime
Tony says
So happy to see that criminals are loosing, and the law wins one more time .
Been a Law-abide citizen is always good.
Down the criminals!!
Tim Scott says
So glad to see that your command of the English language hasn’t tightened up at all. I would hate to think that someone of your opinions were an educated person.
a.n. says
Tim Scott, Do you know the difference between righteous and self righteous???
Tim Scott says
Yes. Thanks for asking.