PALMDALE – “Coffee with a Cop” returns this Friday, Oct. 2, in Palmdale.
Officers from Palmdale Sheriff’s Station and local residents will come together in an informal, neutral space to discuss community issues, build relationships and drink coffee.
The event will take place from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 2, at Legacy Commons, located at 930 East Avenue Q-9 in Palmdale. View a flyer for this event here.
All community members are invited to attend, and the coffee is free!
Coffee with a Cop provides a unique opportunity for residents to ask questions and learn more about the sheriff department’s work in Palmdale’s neighborhoods.
The majority of contacts law enforcement has with the public happen during emergencies or emotional situations. These situations are not the most effective times for relationship building, and some community members may feel that officers are unapproachable on the street.
Coffee with a Cop breaks down barriers and allows for relaxed, one-on-one interactions.
Coffee with a Cop is a national initiative supported by The United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. The program aims to advance the practice of community policing through improving relationships between police officers and community members, one cup of coffee at a time.
For more information on this initiative, contact Deputy Jodie Wolfe at 661-272-2520 or Deputy Ray Wilson 661-272-2478.
Tim Scott says
Are these events just flooded with badge slurping sycophants, or is there a reason to hope some benefit could come from them?
leah says
Sounds great! My bells are ready. See you all for coffee!
Claire says
Oh he won’t do that because he’s a coward. Trying to talk a good game but no substance.
Tim Scott says
LOL…Claire, if you keep pretending you know stuff about me people are going to start to think we know each other. Lord knows you wouldn’t want that.
That Dude says
Oh silly Tim. Im sure her friends, family, and people in this forum can bet their bottom dollar she wouldnt be associated with someone like you. She has good taste when choosing friends. Consider this a Christmas gift from all of us…. giving you the one thing you need and want most to feel significant…. ATTENTION.
Tim Scott says
Yet another bizarre claim to know something about me. What exactly is this “someone like me” that you think Claire wouldn’t associate with? How would you know?
I’ll give you this hint…if you see someone with “I hate cops” tattooed across their forehead, that isn’t me. I’m a fairly ordinary looking guy who might be passing you in the aisle of the grocery store, sitting across the aisle from you in church, standing in line behind you at Starbucks, in the same class with you.
I don’t claim to know anything about you but what you post. You may have been a client of mine before I retired. You may be the person I hand my library books in to. You may be the checker at the drug store I go to, or work at my dentist’s office. Heck, maybe you ARE my dentist and I could have bitten the fingers you type about me with.
Why do you feel the need to pretend you have some secret knowledge about me?
Claire says
That Dude…You nailed it! That’s exactly what he’s doing.
William says
Claire, I thought I told you to wait in the car. Now, go!
Johnny Trece says
Can’t we just have a Cheeseburger Picnic instead? :)
Not an idiot says
Calling Tim Scott. Coffee with a cop this Friday morning. Why don’t you go and let them know how much you hate them. Tell them to their faces all the biased hatred you write about them.
That Dude says
What’s funny about Tim Scott, is he is a reactive-based poster. I never see him post his own independent opinion. He only responds to belittle or attempt to prove wrong the posts of others, and it’s at all hours of the day. What a waste of a life, to sit behind a keyboard hovering above other peoples comments like a vulture waiting for the right time to strike to make himself feel superior. The guy is a tool.
Tim Scott says
What’s really funny is the number of people who apparently have no thoughts to share that don’t revolve around me. Like you for example.
That Dude says
Please dont flatter yourself Tim. I have posted plenty on here that hasnt included you. Actually, this was my very first response to another persons post regarding you. I can tell you have a bit of wit, which I imagine is your only good trait, but what I cant wrap my head around is why you persist on leaving rude comments belittling people on here. Generally speaking, if the majority of the forum agrees they dont want you around, then why stay? You must like the attention.
Tim Scott says
Because public forums aren’t popularity contests. Just like if I stumble upon a klan meeting I’m not throwing on a hood just to try to make friends, I’m here to counter certain prevailing perspectives even if it makes me unpopular. The backwards attitudes that are prevalent in the AV reflect poorly on all of us.
If you want to rise to the defense of the badge lickers who ignore all evidence to the contrary and say the LACSD is doing a great job, that is your prerogative. If you want to rise to the defense of people who call for court in the street with summary execution whenever there’s an article about a crime that is also your prerogative. If you want to come to the defense of people who insist on publicly displaying the fact that they have not the first clue about economics, that is your prerogative.
Not so much says
Tim Scott, got to admit, your opinion on law enforcement officers seems fairly unforgiving. Is this because of a specific encounter that was negative? I consider myself a straight-laced guy (and Deputy). In a total of 9 years I’ve only been in a handful of scuffles, and never been under investigation for any reason. If I see my partner(s) doing something wrong I call them out on it. I give everybody a fair shake, and if someone needs to go to jail because a crime was committed, then so be it. It’s not pretty, and people seldom like us (and I can only guess you don’t). But regardless of your opinion, there are a vast majority of us who strive to do the right thing, not because of fear of discipline, but because it’s just the right thing to do. I have a hard time understanding why you hate ALL of us based on the actions of a few. California gives us laws to enforce, I do just that, without bending them or working in the grey area. My hope one day is that you recognize there are good people with good intentions wearing this uniform. I’m sorry you haven’t been exposed to that. I hate the lines “why do you hate me? I put my life on the line for you,” or “call someone else if you don’t need help.” I will end with this: if and when the day comes when you call us because you were assaulted, robbed, or someone uninvited comes in your home, I will show up, I will treat you with respect, and I will work very hard to find the person who wronged you and put them in jail. I’ll do all this even if you hate me, which you are absolutely free to do. Take care.
Tim Scott says
“If I see my partner(s) doing something wrong I call them out on it.”
If you see your partner commit a crime, do you arrest them? If you see a black and white car blatantly violate the vehicle code do you pull them over?
I’ve posted my history of interactions with deputies that has given me the view that I have before and I’m not inclined to repeat myself, but it wasn’t a single incident.
That said, while I am unforgiving my perspective has changed. I’ve been pushing for a fresh start through just dumping the contract with the sheriff’s department and starting over with a city police force without the deep rooted abuses. Recently I met someone who had the position, experience, and knowledge to convince me that is just not financially plausible. So there is no option but reform. If you are as good a cop as you claim to be I’d be interested in talking to you about how that might be accomplished.
William says
@That Dude
Claire is a stalker. She has stalked me for months and now she’s onto Tim Scott. Apparently, she’s stalked me since 2011 by her own words under different usernames such as ‘bird’ and ‘FOREWARNED’ who, surprise, are no longer around.
She has nothing to contribute to this site but chewing on other posters’ ankles.
If Tim Scott and I both disappeared she’d stalk someone else. That’s her thing.
If you’ve really been here a while, that would obvious to you by now.
Not so much says
Tim Scott – for obvious reasons I can’t disclose circumstances in a public forum, but yes, I have been in the position to “police my own.” And sure, of course I would talk with you about how to better serve my community. I believe abolishing the contract is something that isn’t probable, so let’s figure out how to address whatever problems/concerns the public, and yourself, have with police services here in AV.
Not so much says
With a respect-based, healthy dialogue of course.
Tim Scott says
Not so much…
I am automatically skeptical of “policed my own” claims, but you type a good game. Being (apparently) an above average bear I’m guessing you can figure out how to contact me, and I’d be happy to talk to you since getting the department fired is not workable. If it’s too complicated say the word. I have some standard ways to contact real world people I meet on public forums.
Tim Scott says
And yes, I promise to leave my nastiness at the curb.
Not so much says
Tim Scott – unfortunately my detective skills only go so far, so I won’t be able to get contact info for you. But by all means, utilize your resources on getting a hold of me. I sure don’t mind in the slightest. If you’re Facebook savvy, I’m sure we can figure that out somehow. I’m always up for a great debate/discussion, as long as we both can take something positive from it.
Not so much says
And who knows? Maybe years down the road we can condense our discussions, put them into text, and publish a best selling novel. 50/50 sound good? Lol
Tim Scott says
Hard to argue with an even split being fair.
Tim Scott says
I have a throw away email…timshatemail at gmx dot com. I ignore it, usually, but when I want to contact someone I have no problem throwing that out in public. I’ll check it for the next few days. Send me a way I can contact you.
I have to say I just tried to be more forgiving.
I was going to get some fast food. There was an annoying wreck in the access to the parking lot. Crunched car there getting pulled onto a wrecker, less crunched car over there, cop car over there…people trying to pick their way through around all these obstacles, because the access road is pretty much three cars wide so people had to cross the center line going around and of course once someone crosses the center line the people coming the opposite way never feel sure about how far they are going to come across. Minor irritant for all concerned.
So I’m waiting for my food, and in comes the deputy to get his dinner. Now, this may seem harsh, but I have routinely taken opportunities like that to dial my answering machine to get a live feed and say something like “I hope you choke.” But between you and the city manager I am trying to turn over a fresh start, and I refrained.
My reward…the wrecks were gone. The tow truck was gone. People were, as I would have guessed, still picking their way around the black and white at the red curb. Apparently, with great badges comes great privileges, and no concern about inconveniencing mere citizens.
Is this petty? Sure. Even I know that. But in my view it is indicative of the standard cop mindset, which after living lots of places I have concluded is ten times stronger in your department than any other I have encountered.
Tim Scott says
Send some contact info to timshatemail at gmx dot com. It’s a throw away.
Not so much says
And again, if you are Facebook savvy, search and contact Virgil Callahan. I’m pretty sure he can get a hold of me.
Tim Scott says
It’s an attempt at a reform program, and even though I have little hope for it accomplishing anything I wouldn’t disrupt it.
Here’s something I find hilarious though. Hating cops is not a crime, and expressing that hatred to their faces is also not a crime. So if cops are the law enforcing good guys that you and some others seem to be contending that they are, why would you expect the bad consequences that you obviously hope this would lead to for me?
I have no problem telling cops to their faces what I think of them…when I’m carrying a recording device so that I can’t be misquoted, with a link to a remote storage so they can’t assault me and destroy the evidence. But I do that because I know better than to expect badged thugs to obey the law.
Claire says
William, apparently you don’t have a problem lying. Shame on you! You have issues with women, because I’m just one of many that you have verbally abused. for instance saying to me, “I thought I told you to wait in the car, now go” is simply a vile sexist remark.
Tim Scott says
Given the number of times you have claimed knowledge that you have absolutely no way to have access to, calling someone a liar is probably something you should steer clear of.
William says
Look, Claire.
I borrowed that quote from a famous actress who said it to her former lover after not seeing him for many years. I liked it.
In fact, just Google the sentence and you’ll find her name down the list. I ain’t gonna tell ya.
So, there ya go, Claire. WRONG AGAIN!
3 more WRONGS and you get a free sandwich.
Only in your pea-sized brain could that be interpreted as ‘sexist’ when it could be used for either gender. Your reading comprehension is abysmal. And, ‘abysmal’ isn’t ‘sexist’ but in your case, accurate.
Now, go back to sleep.
William says
Claire, you have issues with men. That’s who you go after constantly.
I’ve replied to both men and women here. If you’ve really watched, I mean ‘stalked’ me since 2011, (that is 1 clue), you would know that.
But, you don’t know jack.
And, you’ve never denied being FOREWARNED or ‘bird’ because God’ll get ya for it fer lyin’. I’ve asked you a dozen times.