SACRAMENTO – Senator Sharon Runner (R-Antelope Valley) has called upon Governor Brown to declare a State of Emergency in Los Angeles County due to the devastating aftermath of recent flooding and mudslides. She is joined in her request by Assemblyman Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) and Assemblyman Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita).
“Many of my constituents continue to be affected by the severe flooding and mudslides that took place throughout the Antelope Valley and Los Angeles County,” stated Senator Runner. “It is important Governor Brown declare a State of Emergency to ensure the state’s full resources are utilized to help our community.”
A severe thunderstorm hit the Antelope Valley on Oct. 15, resulting in flooding and catastrophic mudslides that caused significant property damage, closed down major roadways and trapped people in their vehicles. The mudslides also damaged a portion of the California aqueduct that provides water from Northern California to the Antelope Valley and caused substantial damage to multiple water treatment plants.
“A State of Emergency will greatly assist recovery efforts for some of the worst mudslides we have ever seen in the Antelope Valley and High Desert,” stated Assemblyman Tom Lackey. “The devastation left behind has taken families out of their homes, blocked roads and even disrupted water supplies coming into the region. We need to be sure we get the resources needed to help people recover.”
“Communities in North Los Angeles County have been shaken by the recent mudslides. I want to thank the emergency response personnel for their quick response and tireless effort to keep residents safe,” Assemblyman Wilk said. “I urge the governor to take action by declaring a state of emergency and send immediate aid to begin repairing damage.”
A State of Emergency declaration by Governor Brown will expedite recovery efforts and provide resources and assistance to Los Angeles County.
The following is the full text of the letter submitted to Gov. Brown by Runner, Lackey and Wilk:
October 22, 2015
Honorable Edmund G. Brown
Governor, State of California
California State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814Dear Governor Brown,
Pursuant to the California Emergency Services Act, we request that you issue a proclamation declaring a State of Emergency in Los Angeles County due to the devastating aftermath of recent flooding and mudslides.
On Thursday, October 15, 2015 a severe thunderstorm hit Northern Los Angeles County affecting the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale, the unincorporated communities of Quartz Hill, Leona Valley, Lake Hughes, Lake Elizabeth and the surrounding areas in Los Angeles County. The storm resulted in flooding and catastrophic mudslides that caused significant property damage, closed down major roadways and trapped people in their vehicles.
The mudslides also damaged a portion of the California aqueduct that provides water from Northern California to the Antelope Valley and caused substantial damage to multiple water treatment plants.
Your declaration will expedite recovery efforts as well as provide much needed resources and assistance to these rural Los Angeles County communities.
On behalf of our constituents and the County of Los Angeles, thank you for your consideration of this request.
Sharon Runner, Senator, 21st District
Tom Lackey, Assemblyman, 36th District
Scott Wilk, Assemblyman, 38th District
angry n ashamed at the previous posts says
Wtflip is wrong with you people! While you all argue my family among many others sit and anxiously await an answer RE: DISASTER RELIEF While we live in a FREEZING ass house with no insulation, walls torn out, carpet and floors torn out heaters not working mud and debris everywhere!!! WHILE YOU argue about stuff that is irrelevant to this article. ARE YOU KIDDING MESSAGE?? STAY WARM! LOVE YOUR FAMILY AND HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! GOD BLESS YOU NEED IT MORE THEN I DO!
angry n ashamed at the previous posts says
I didn’t mean *** message but ****ME
Tim Scott says
Hey William, I’d love to hear what you have to say about the coffee with a cop story from Sept. 30th.
Eric says
Bill is a huge supporter of the police state. Don’t be fooled, he only opposes LEAPS because it is in Lancaster; if it was Palmdale based, he’d be all for it.
William says
If you’re referring to me where did you get that notion?
BTW It is highly unlikely that Palmdale would have the same financial setup with a good ol’ boy and a contract for 10 years such as was done in Lancaster.
That was an absurd hypothetical in the first place. Palmdale hasn’t done anything like the long list of really stupid projects that Lancaster has done because we don’t have a dictator mayor like a rex parris who knows nothing about developing a thriving city.
It’s all ‘pet projects’ for rex. The mess that Lancaster is directly mirrors the ineptness of r. rex parris. Now, where is he to respond under a fake username?
William says
I don’t think I even looked at the article other than perusing the Recent Comments on the right side of the page.
Tim Scott says
The comments is what I was hoping you would notice.
GB says
If you are insinuating that I am Claire sorry wrong gender. Why do you two think that only Claire can have an opinion on politics. It’s not whining when a fact is stated. Prof positive in her own words and emails Hillary Clinton is a liar. Sorry if that fact bothers you. If you believe it’s alright for her to lie than your standards are not very high.
William says
Because ya sound just like her and several others here. Do you all share the 1 brain in the GOP?
Plus, you are repeating the right wing media spin from Thursday’s inquisition practically word for word like a parrot Did you notice that fox ‘news’ cut away from the hearing and returned to their regular programing when they saw that Hillary was destroying the 7 republican dwarfs on the committee?
Of course not, GB. There, I answered it for ya.
I still love recalling President Obama saying “Please proceed, governor.” to Mitt Romney in their second debate. And, then he did and lost the election that night.
Your team tried pathetically to make a distinction between ‘acts of terror’ which the President actually said and the fox ‘news’/Frank Luntz preferred term ‘terrorist acts’.
That’s how pathetic your team is. Your comments here are as well.
Tim Scott says
First off, if you read the comment about “screen name referencing that she is not interested in commenting about anything but us” you would know I wasn’t insinuating anything about you, but was referring to my number one fan who now includes my name directly in her screen name. But of course since your “proof positive” is anything but there is really no reason to expect you to be able to read.
You, and everyone else, is entitled to whatever opinion you want to have. However when you say that something false has been “proven” you are not offering an opinion, but claiming knowledge of a fact. The Republican “she said this and then she said that” barrage was thrown back in their faces, again, because it is just not true. Repetition isn’t proof. But you believe it, so go find yourself another “morally upright good man” like GWBush and get your country run even deeper into the ditch than he left it.
Oh. Wait. I’d rather you didn’t, since I live here too. Let’s elect someone competent who is not committed to PROVEN destructive policies like democratization by invasion, tax the poor to ease the way for the rich, legislate morality and religion, pretend commitment to smaller government while ballooning spending, and the rest of the Republican platform of absurdities.
William says
Who is your favorite out the 15 or so left in the republican field? Or, are you waiting for THE ONE to show up.
I’ll understand if ya don’t reply because each and every one of them has a laundry list of flaws that exceeds Hillary’s by many furlongs in this horse race and you don’t want me to deliver it here.
Do ya think any one of them could stand or sit for an 11 hour hearing like she did? Trump and Carson refused a 3 hour debate unless it was cut to 2 hours on CNBC. That’s how pathetic they are. And, they’re yours. All of them, including Knight and the Runners and, of course, rex.
William says
Hey, GB
Right now, fox ‘news’ is replaying for the umpteenth time ’13 Hours at Benghagaz-An Inside Story’ from months ago or even last year, just for people like you.
Gee, GB. Why aren’t they replaying parts of the hearing with Hillary instead of their counter-programing for the mindless right wingers? Oh, they even cut away on Thursday while it was happening live because it was going so bad for them and the GOP and you. Hence, your comment here.
Y’know, surveys have shown that fox ‘news’ viewers are more uninformed than people that don’t watch the news at all. AT ALL.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
You sure do watch fox news alot.
GB says
Why are you obsessed with Fox News? I didn’t watch the hearing on Fox. I watched it on MSNBC. You really have tunnel vision. You believe every lie that comes out of Hillary and her minions. You are a democrat without a brain of your own.
William says
GB. Of course you couldn’t watch it on fox ‘news’ because they cut away when they saw it was going south for the republicans.
Hillary won the day. Live with it. Or, not. Doesn’t make any difference if you do or don’t.
BTW Your words are almost word for word out of the fox/gop/right wing lie factory. Dontcha think for yourself…… all?
William says
GB. I didn’t write this (an anonymous poster elsewhere did) but I thought you should read it too.
“The Benghazi outpost was a CIA operation from start to finish. As it should have been. This was no “consulate” there to issue tourist visas and deal with lost passports and luggage claims.
Security in Benghazi — for that matter, everything in Benghazi, up to and including what the elected officials were sent out to say — was up to the CIA.
Which is why the House Intelligence Committee, led by, and a majority constituted of, rock-ribbed, hard-line conservative Republicans, came out with such a benign report regarding the Benghazi attacks.
To protect the CIA. Not conspiracy theory, just common sense.”
It was short and to the point. You got any problems with that?
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Oh, yeah, and im a democrat.but I have a brain.
John says
Sharon Runner, Tom Lackey and Scott Wilk are doing their job and doing the right thing for the people they represent.
The haters are gonna hate.
Oh. And I mentioned R. Rex Parris so let the Parris bashing begin.
William says
Hey, John’
republicans have alienated every minority group in this country but the 1%, so get off it with that ‘haters gonna hate’ cliché.
The republicans ARE THE HATERS. You haven’t been paying attention.
Didn’t ya see the ‘haters’ goin’ after Hillary at the Benghazi charade? Then tell us about hatin’. Ol’ Kevin McCarthy let the cat out of the bag and the 7 dwarfs on the committee said “Here, Kitty, Kitty.” Then, BIG lioness Hillary had them for lunch.
Don’t make us laugh with your righteous comment, John. As for emergency aid, the GOP is full of hypocrites on the subject. The red state members in Congress delayed aid to New England after the Sandy hurricane for partisan reasons. But, they turn around and want it for their red ‘welfare’ states who get more from the federal government than they send in tax dollars to Washington.
The subject IS political.
The subject IS partisan.
If it was Democrats representing these districts, they would have asked for aid too but they wouldn’t be hypocrites about it when it comes to other issues related to climate change and regulations on coal and oil.
As for rex and his solar city, I have never read a comment here or a letter to the Valley Press from Lancaster residents praising him for all that solar stuff he’s been pushing. Something tells me that there’s more than meets the eye with rex and the solar business. Something’s fishy.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Hurricane sandy???? I thought is was patricia.oh, no, wait.that was a long,long, long time ago.try to stay current.
Tim Scott says
The GOP is currently just as sick as they were when they delayed aid after hurricane Sandy to “punish the liberals.” They are currently a cancer that has not been excised.
Get it now?
By the way, if you think the US Congress under direction of the GOP put party before country following THAT disaster, you better be hoping we manage to get rid of them before a major earthquake hits California, because there is no way that any humanitarian aid for victims on “the left coast” gets through those guys. They will just say “God has spoken” and leave California to fend for itself. Bank on it.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Dontcha mean”you have spoken” us again about globel financial meltdown, that ones a
Tim Scott says
Global financial meltdown is GWBush’s creation, not mine…and it is no surprise you would consider such a thing “a hoot.”
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Lol, I say it, you do it.better than a puppet.which explains your comments.mindless drone
William says
fox ‘nws’ and the GOP are already making another ‘scandal’ out of the soldier recently killed.
And, you swallowed the whole thing like you do with all that fox ‘news’ and the right wing media puts out.
You’re just a puppet passing on all that the right wingers in the bubble generate.
But, the Iraq war and anything that happened before President Obama took office have been erased from your memory. Typical of you.
William says
You, of the short attention span, shouldn’t post on the ‘internets’, Claire. LOL
The point of republican/fox ‘news’ hypocrisy was therefore lost, I say “Lost”, on you.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Funny how people like you, easily manipulated, can watch and hear something totally different than what was said or done.the familes of dead americans, the lost emails, egypt all say hillary said it was about a guy who made a video.GB, points that out, but you say its his opinion, not fact.either you refuse to hear it, or some news corp told you it didnt happen.heres one for you, how do you personally know that obama was born in the USA?
Tim Scott says
I watched that part of the hearings myself, so don’t need a “newscorp” to tell me what was said. GB is parroting the Faux News interpretation, which is ridiculously false…no surprise there.
William says
You project way too much. Everything you write is you being manipulated by the right wing media lie factory and you are the puppet here.
Yet, you project everything you think and say onto others.
Look up ‘projection’ and it describes you perfectly.
You are not to be taken seriously, Claire.
The GOP is a rancid mess from the majorities in Congress to the field of ridiculous cnadidates for the presidency, and you represent the base that supports them perfectly. Thank you for that.
The problem with the GOP is that people like you vote for the nuts that are elected like a Trey Gowdy, Michele Bachman, Sarah Palin, Kevin McCarthy, et al.
Next, the GOP wants to do a similar inquisition on Planned Parenthood based on heavily edited and debunked videos. Interesting that the right goes head first into into phony abortion videos while they dismissed the video in the Benghazi story even though the guy we captured said the video played a part in his attack on the CIA outpost.
They will fail with Planned Parenthood as they did with Hillary’s inquisition. And, their failure accurately represents your failure too and vice versa.
Just as the GOP can’t help themselves by obsessively having these hearings and allegations, you keep coming here and are like gum stuck to our shoes on this site. And, you keep failing too.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
So what you are saying, tim, is when jim jordon, r-ohio held up phone transcripts to the egyptian prime minister from hillary, on the night of the attack that states “we know the attack in libya had nothing to with the was a planned attack, not a protest”, that didnt happen?
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
So youre saying tim, that when she told the families of the dead, and used their coffins as a photo op, that is was because of the guy who made the video, that didnt happen either? You see and hear what you want, when you matter what is ACTUALLY said and done.
Tim Scott says
Nope. I’m saying that when Clinton pointed out that when he accused her of “claiming the attack was a demonstration against a video” he was misrepresenting what she said the idiot from Ohio ignored that. Then he droned on and on and on about all the times she said it was a terrorist attack while she replied “Yeah, I never said that it wasn’t.”
And idiots like you are now pointing at all the times he said that she said it was a terrorist attack as if that proves something, because Faux News is running clip after clip of him making that point while never acknowledging that SHE NEVER SAID THAT IT WASN’T A TERRORIST ATTACK.
For the most part the Republicans on the committee, backed by Faux News, are trying to present a “you didn’t say exactly what was going on while it was going on” accusation, while after however many years and millions of dollars THEY STILL CAN’T SAY EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED EITHER.
And again, because you just want to believe anything that sounds like “Hillary bad” you take what they are saying as “proof” and trumpet it around your little echo chambers. But it really makes no difference, because all the people in your little Faux News echo chambers are hopeless anyway, and whenever you come out into the world where the majority lives your echoed nonsense just makes you look foolish.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Earlier this week, an army special ops soldier was killed while conducting a combat mission in iraq.2 days later obama gets on tv and tells everyone that there are no boots on the ground in iraq and the U.S is NOT conducting any combat missions in tim, which is it?
Tim Scott says
Give it a rest Claire.
The people who turned coffins of dead people into political fodder are the Republicans and Faux News. Faux News had two stories filmed and ready to air. One was “President disrespects dead by not being present” and the other was “President disrespects dead by turning arrival into photo op” and you would have parroted whichever they ran into your echo chamber. You, the Republican leadership, and Faux News all disgust me.
William says
Claire, you do exactly what all the right wingers. fox ‘news’ and the 7 dwarfs on the committee did, you post jim Jordon’s questions BUT FAIL TO REPORT HILLARY’S REPLIES. You guys just focus on the allegations and not the responses or explanations.
At the end, Gowdy admitted there was nothing new after all the previous hearings. But, you and GB think you got something. LOL
You guys say you want answers to questions but you’ve already decided not to accept any answers but the ones you want. Just like the birthers.
Typical, but you are so blinded, you aren’t aware of yourr own one-side blindness.
You fail. You lose just lie Trey Gowdy and the rest of the republicans on the committee did.
If everything you say was correct, then why did Hillary win the day? Even conservatives had to admit the committee failed and Hillary won. But not you. You picked a couple of things out of context and ran with them.
You don’t do your ’cause’ any favors with your pathetic comments but you can’t help yourself. Neither could Gowdy, jim Jordon and the rest.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Bill, tim, im affraid I havent been fair to you guys.i should be asking questions that pertain to the type of news sources that you rely on. How about this.Do you think khloe really loves lamar?
William says
“current”, you say. Like yourself stuck in the ’50s, the 1850s.
Or, were you born yesterday?
William says
GB says he’s not Claire but you haven’t denied it. Claire is a ‘believer’ and knows God’ll get ‘er if she lies.
John says
From the Huffington Post
R. Rex Parris, Lancaster, California Mayor, Says Climate Change ‘Absolutely’ A Threat
Tim Scott says
If Sharon Runner is asking for the state to pour in money it means that Rex and the crew have some way to divert some of it into their mutual slush fund.
William says
I’m guessing Lackey will run next year on having signed that letter.
What else has he done?
William says
Well, well, the party of man-caused climate change deniers wants emergency relief.
It should be conditional, that the GOP acknowledge man-caused climate change and work with the Democrats on doing something about it.
Sharon Wisenborn says
:( Wow!!! Nice way to take a disaster situation that caused death and tragedy and turn it into a political statement!
I think it’s pretty awesome that we have leaders at the state level who, regardless of party affiliation, are trying to get our valley the aid it needs…And then someone like you comes along and dumps on it.
I’m a Palmdale resident and a Democrat too, but I have something called “tact” and I expected you to have some too, but I guess that was expecting too much???
William says
Really? Why don’t you aim your outrage at those who are funded by the oil companies who want to do nothing about climate change caused by burning fossil fuels.
Your outrage is so misdirected.
William says
@Sharon Wisenborn.
: of or relating to politics or government
: interested in or active in politics
Elected officials asking for emergency relief from the government IS, by definition, political. Yet, there you go demonizing the word ‘political’ when it’s entirely appropriate to emergency aid from the government and also to the debate about climate change and the effects it’s having here in Palmdale.
BTW I live in Palmdale and I’m a Democrat.
Maybe you meant to use the word ‘partisan’. Well, that too is part of the discussion.
John says
Mayor R. Rex Parris (R) is not climate change denier and he is doing something about it. Not all Republicans are climate change deniers.
Tim Scott says
He’s using city money to fund a private company belonging to a crony to ponder futuristic anti climate change widgets? That would fit in to how he approaches all other “problems.”
William says
So, do you accept what over 90% of climate scientists say about man-caused climate change, John?
It’s not clear from your comments.
Apparently, the exception (rex) proves the rule that republicans are man-caused climate change deniers.
See, John, you didn’t include the 3 that signed the letter and just used rex as THE example, er, exception.
I noticed you referred to him as Mayor R. Rex Parris instead of just rex or parris. Hmmm. Maybe you are rex.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Sure they are john.anybody with an R by their name is automatically guilty of something .if rex was a democrat, bill and tim would think he was the greatest mayor ever.but since they dont live in lancaster, they have to choose the nearest R.when an R wants to help with disaster relief, bill jumps in with lib nonsense. If hillary or barrack were republicans, the toxic twins, bill and tim, would be telling you how hillary killed americans, and how barrack is the worst president ever.they are called sheeple.they are so easily manipulated and are week minded.
Russ says
So true. You are now about to be attacked by the tag team
William says
Who started it, russ?
Tim and I were commenting on the article, then, this john character chimed in calling us ‘haters’.
There ya go, russ. Now, the whining begins.
William says
Is that you, Claire?
Just yammer on. Youcommentsarerunonjustlikeyourusername.
William says
Woulda just look at the Rs in the this country? The Congress led by republicans is a disaster.
The candidates running for president are a bunch of clowns, each one more ridiculous than the next.
Trump/Carson??? Is that your best hope?
Of course, we mock you Rs. You deserve it. The real clowns are the people who vote for these guys like McCarthy, Boehner et al. Runner/Knight are just the Antelope Valley’s version of them.
I don’t blame you for being upset but you Rs brought is all on yourselves.
Read the letters in today’s Valley Press. It’s all right wing nutjobs. And, these nutjobs live among us.
William says
I love teasing the republicans/tea partiers/conservatives and fox ‘news’ viewers and then sitting back and watching them whine like little children.
The poor darlings. They can dish it out to the President or Hillary or Nancy Pelosi and rex can call the Mayor of Palmdale names but they are so delicate when I aim it at them and their ‘base’ such as the ones who whine here.
I love your whining, John, Russ, Claire et al. It’s music to my ears. Don’t stop or I’ll cry myself to sleep.
Whenever I hear a small child screaming and whining in a store or other public place, I’ll tell the person near me “I love the sound of children enjoying themselves.” So,, it’s not just you guys.
I enjoy all whining and especially the right wingers after Hillary vanquished the House committee on Thursday. That was priceless.
BTW You never hear Tim Scott, pirrurris or me whining like you guys do. But, somebody’s gotta do it and it might as well be you guys.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
Perfect william, you never disappoint. All republicans are the ones that want to get help for storm victims.mindless drone.
GB says
I watched all of the Bengazi hearings and the one thing new that came out was Hillary and Obama lied and tried to cover up the truth of the deaths of the four Americans. They blamed the attack on a video which they both knew was a lie. It was a planned terrorist attack. Hillarys emails proved they lied. One hour after the attack she emailed her family it was an attack by al-queda group. The next day she emailed other countries saying the same thing it wasn’t the video. For five days after they all Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary and others said to us the American people it was because of a video. It doesn’t matter what party you are how can anyone except the fact that this president and secretary lied knowingly to help themselves politically. It is unexceptable with no excuses for this to happen. This administration can’t be trusted. Hillary has been proven to be a liar. If anyone try’s to defend her lies it just proves they can’t be trusted either. Our elected officials should be better than that. They need to be held to higher standards and morals.
Tim Scott says
Did you really watch? I have to ask, because if you had I would think you would recognize that the only “you told the people it was a video” that went on was an unsupported accusation from the Republicans on the committee and that Hillary Clinton clearly stated that she talked about the video in the broader context of demonstrations across the middle east, not as the cause of the Benghazi attack. Then the idiot Republicans went on a tangent of showing all the times that she did in fact call it a terrorist attack over and over and over…all the while saying “so why didn’t you say it was a terrorist attack?” If it weren’t for the fact that idiots will listen to the accusation soundbites and echo this nonsense through the echo chamber it would be comical.
William says
Yup. The whining continues as expected.
You poor things.
Claire disappears and returns under various new usernames but her ‘style’ is very obvious.
Tim Scott says
At least her new username abandons any pretense that she is going to comment on anything other than you and me.
William says
Hey. GB Is that you ‘George Bush’?
Nice try spinning the hearings. Why did Trey Gowdy look like death warmed over at the end while Hillary remained cool, calm and collected and could have gone another 11 hours?
Your guys are pathetic. Every single one of them on the House committee was worse than the next. Even fox ‘news’ cut away to regular programing when they realized it was a bust for the republicans and fox didn’t want its viewers to witness the disaster, just the spin you repeated here.
Jim Jordon looks like an escaped prisoner screeching at Hillary.
None. Absolutely none of the 7 republican members of the committee comported themselves well at all. In fact, it was the opposite. Even many conservatives said that Hillary won the day.
As for the video, even the guy they captured said he was reacting to the video. The video had been out for some time and not just that morning.
There were protests all over including Indonesia reacting to the video and intelligence was coming in in the following days but ol’ Mitt ran to a microphone within hours of the deaths to take advantage of the situation for political gain. But, that’s okay with you. There were conflicting reports coming in.
As for the 3 republicans asking for aid. They are hypocrites like the rest of the GOP. republicans want to defund Medicaid and Planned Parenthood but want what they want when they want it FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES. That letter was a campaign letter.
Red state governors who didn’t expand Medicaid through Obamacare’s provisions cost an estimated 17,000 American lives in 2014 according to a Harvard study. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. I’m sick of you guys.
Keep coming back and fighting a losing battle.
So, go back to fox ‘news’ and stay off the ‘internets’. You embarrass yourself.