PALMDALE – The city of Palmdale has announced that its citywide light emitting diode (LED) safety light retrofit project has been completed.
Palmdale’s new safety lights are located at all city maintained signalized intersections.
To perform the project, the city received assistance from The Energy Network, which helped determine the feasibility of the project, secure a qualified contractor to install the lights, and secure rebates along with zero percent interest loans to help fund the project (more than $33,000 and more than $177,000 respectively of the $287,000 project).
The Energy Network is a program authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission to provide these services at no cost to public agencies.
The city of Palmdale replaced almost 500 safety lights with the highly efficient LED lights. Staff anticipates that this will result in a savings of over 400,000 kWh per year with the lights, and after about 12 years, the city will not only realize a return on its investment, but should also realize almost $190,000 in additional energy savings.
“We are really excited to have these lights installed at our intersections,” said Traffic Signal Manager Anthony Provenza. “In addition to the cost savings, we now have better lit intersections with lights that are less maintenance intensive.”
“The most exciting thing about this is we are hoping they will be a sign of what to expect in the near future, when all of our streetlights will be replaced with these better types of lights,” said Director of Public Works Mike Mischel.
For more information about the city’s LED retrofit project, contact Benjamin Lucha at 661-267-5308.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]