The Antelope Valley Parole Office is seeking your help in locating the following at-large parolees. If you recognize these parolees and know where they might be located, contact the Antelope Valley Parole Office at 661-729-0530, ext. 272.
Austin Hieatt
Austin Hieatt is a 21-year-old male with brown hair and brown eyes. He is approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs about 170 pound.
Hieatt is on parole for assault with force resulting in great bodily injury.
His criminal history includes vandalism, theft, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.
Hieatt is a member of the Hit Up Krew gang and goes by the moniker “Sid”.
Hieatt failed to report to his parole agent as instructed and he is believed to be somewhere in Lancaster or Fullerton.
Anyone with information on the location of Austin Hieatt is encouraged to contact the Antelope Valley Parole Office at 661-729-0530, ext. 272.
Harold Shirley
Harold Shirley is a 56-year-old male with with black hair and brown eyes. He is approximately 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighs about 170 pounds.
Shirley is on parole for assault with force resulting in great bodily injury and terrorist threats.
His criminal history includes burglary, forgery, vehicle theft, grand theft, numerous robberies, narcotic-related offenses, assault with a deadly weapon and terrorist threats.
Shirley is a Crip gang member.
He failed to report to his parole agent as instructed and he is believed to be somewhere in Lancaster or Los Angeles.
Anyone with information on the location of Harold Shirley is encouraged to contact the Antelope Valley Parole Office at 661-729-0530, ext. 272.
Ex felon says
All people who talk about politics and criminals shouldn’t speak on laws.if they don’t understand them reality is this there has to be balance in this world bad and good.or else this world would be boring every one like them all drama queens….
Robert herrera says
Robert herrera says
What a piece of garbage!!!!!!!
Valleygirl says
WHY are these people being let out of prison? They aren’t petty offenses. These people are bad guys. Come On Jerry Brown, you’re program is a FAIL.
Rick Bonamassa says
Jerry Brown had been absolutely great for the state of California I say and I am a convict. The reason men are being let out of prison is because they did their time and they were free.. You sound young or misguided I’m trying to be polite – if you aren’t happy with the amount of time they or someone does that’s not the governor’s preview. For the most part you can’t give someone 45 years , say , for assault with a broken jaw. So JB didn’t fail at anything – get your biased nose out of politics you don’t understand. J.B. got the state a fat surplus in his time there now and is a critical stop the greedy hateful republican politician which is why we put him there and what we want him to do . He feels the same way as all decent caring folk do
Nacho Momma says
A criminal is happy with Jerry Brown’s performance? Shocking! Rick, your time(s) in the joint didn’t teach you much. The two pieces of filth above are on parole, which is a form of supervision after release. Before being released on parole these gems signed on the dotted line stating they agreed to check in with their agent, stay out of trouble, and agree to searches at any time. FAIL on all of the above! Hieatt has been a POS in this Valley for years, but the libs like JB keep making him a county jail problem. It’s easy to clean up your checkbook when you make everyone else pay your bills! Time to return to the law library Rick.
Tim Scott says
And of course our favorite thugs, who’s bloated payrolls and pensions were breaking the state, don’t like Jerry Brown. Go pretend to “protect and serve” Nacho, and be glad we haven’t found a way to get rid of you completely…yet. Eventually, like any other dangerous parasite, your kind will be eradicated.
Gang banging at 56?? says
You are 56years old!!!! At what point do YOU GROW UP? 56 and a gang member? I’m sure you have grand kids by now. Its time to half up the rag IDIOT
Shane Falco says
Maybe they are just misunderstood guys looking for expungements. After all, we are all just one bad choice from being absconded parolee’s with lengthy rap sheets.