PALMDALE – Palmdale’s recreation and culture department in partnership with the LA84 Foundation is offering aquatic program scholarships to qualifying applicants.
Individuals must be residents of the city of Palmdale and no older than 17 years of age. Partial scholarships of up to $25 will be awarded based on family size and income level.
To qualify, applicants must be enrolled in at least one of the following programs: reduced or free lunch, Cal WORKS, AFDC, SSI, food stamps, TANF, Medicaid, Foster or institutionalized child.
Scholarships are limited to one per season, per child and based on available funds on a first come, first served basis.
Application forms may be downloaded from the city’s website [here] or picked up at the recreation and culture office at 38260 10th Street East. Applicants must also have or create an online account at
“Scholarships may be applied towards most of our aquatics programs, with the exception of private swim lessons,” stated Recreation Coordinator Jacki Nuss. “We’re glad we are able to help give kids the opportunity to participate in programs that would otherwise might not be unavailable to them.”
For more information about the scholarships and available aquatics programs, contact the recreation and culture office at 661-267-5611 or email
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]