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Readers Speak Out! Dec. 24, 2015
callingitasitis says
Open letter:
I THANK YOU for your serve to our nation is the good times and in the bad times. For answering the call when others run way from danger. For doing your duty with honor and personal sacrifice especially on during these holidays times.
To our nation’s Military and their families
To our Law Enforcement and their families
To our Firefighter and their families
To our Gatekeeper working to keep us safe from violent people.
To our EMT personnel and emergency hospital staff.
I liked to also thank our nation support communities
To those who volunteer to help others in need.
To our Clergy for your outreach and feeding the homeless and those in need of both physical and spiritual.
To those teachers and coaches who go the extra mile to help children see their potential.
To those who keep our lights on, water running and keep our roads open.
To those truckers who haul the food and keep our shelf stocked in our stores.
A special thanks to our hard working Farmers & Ranchers who grow the every food we enjoy each day.
Just wondering says
…if in a few years people will realize that Pres. Trump; a past Democrat who is now masquerading as a Republican; has done the Nation a great service. We shall see.
Tim Scott says
I wonder about that too. If he gets into a huge open conflict with the Republican congress and the Republican party disintegrates completely we will all be the better for it.
Mr fed up says
In sunday av press opinion page Lancaster planning commissioner dr Alvarado, stated he’s disgusted by avc board beening all white, and stated there violating California voting rights act, and the need to go to districts so there would be a black nd Latino board members. Last i remember no black or Hispanics were seeking seats on the avc board, this guy is looney, at large elections opens the door for anh number of people regardless of color race or crede, voting districts takes away voting rights to the whole city and it limits who you can vote for in your neighborhood , especially in the antelope valley, voting districts are a form of voter suppression in this vast spread out valley
bbk says
it was “dr” coronado, one of rex’s hand picked tools that he puts on his worthless commissions. mrs. rex threw some cash at one of coronado’s organizations and now the “dr” is rex’s little puppy dog.
even though the “dr” is a rex toadie he is right about the lack of districts in lancaster. no where is that clearer than with the city council which is nothing but rich west side republicans who do rex’s bidding. east lancaster is a forgotten slum with no representation. yet rex likes to sue other agencies and cities for districts.
lancaster is complete cluster f***
Oh boy I think the Doctor’s done messed up on Ole Rex’s head surgery. Did you read what he said about how Lancaster was gonna take care of all the Criminals on the Streets from Prop 57? Ole Rex said
the city of Lancaster was preparing new crime-prevention measures.
“We’re ramping up all kinds of things to suppress crime,” he said. “We will absolutely be state-of-the-art within the next year.”
State of the Art? I thoughts we was told we was State of the Art when we done brought in Bird Sounds on the BLVD to lower crime and spent $10 Million Tax Payer Dollars on the Piece of Crap Eye in the Sky? State of the Art? We’s more like Stank of the Fart. Ole Rex Stinks when it comes to Crime Fightin
Glenn says
To all those claiming that Hillary won the popular vote, do you realize that there were more than 3 million votes from people who are not supposed to be voting in our elections? Take away those votes and she did not win the popular vote either.
The Constitution says
Hillary won the popular vote.
Trump won the electoral vote.
The Electoral College chooses the president.
Trump won the presidency fair and square.
Vote him out in four years if you don’t like him. As of now, that’s what I’m planning to do.
William says
You do realize the electors will vote on December 19 and some can vote for Hillary and pay a $1,000 fine and that’s all legal?
How would you like that?
Of course, they would have to enter the Federal Witness Protection Program or leave the country.
Tim Scott says
Nahhhh. They’d just have to leave their red states and move to states where smart people fit in. California, for example.
William says
@Tim Scott
Really? How do you explain the majority of the population here in the Antelope Valley.
‘Smart’ people keep electing rex parris & co.? The same folks who voted for parris likely voted for trump. And, they’ll end up with the same results.
Tim Scott says
This area has always been dominated by “hold your nose” Republicans. Yes, most people know that the Republican agenda is packed with nonsense, but they have a reputation for unfettered corporate welfare in the form of defense spending so they are good for the local economy.
Wrecks is just an artifact of a local government suppressing the vote and has little to do with the population.
In any event, a faithless elector from a red state that goes against Trump could certainly find a welcome in California.
William says
@Tim Scott
Ol’ Chris Christie got conned yet John, Glenn and the rest of the trump fans think they weren’t conned. Do people who have ever been conned think they were gonna be conned going in? Of course not.
trump said that Christie knew about the bridge closing a year or so ago.
trump knew that Christie prosecuted his son-in-law’s father and sent him to prison long ago.
But, he used Christie as a useful tool during the campaign and the convention and then threw him under the bus after the election.
But, John, Glenn and the others here think they are smarter than Christie.
Boy, are they in for a big surprise when it hits them.
William says
Hey, patriot
You thought I was kidding about the trump brand taking a big hit.
3 NBA teams will no longer stay at his hotels.
The 3 trump high-rise apartments in New York will be taking the trump name off the buildings due to petitions by the tenants who don’t want to be associated with a racist, a bigot and so on.
Stay tuned for more of that.
Laughing says
Link to that claim of 3 million please.
Tim Scott says
It’s all over the internet. Breitbart. Drudge. Right wing nutjobs dot org. Literally everywhere.
William says
Glenn’s proctologist retrieved the 3 million number for him.
trump’s fans never fail to reveal how well they’ve been ‘educated’ by right wing media. It’s the ‘truth’ y’know.
They have such certainly about the lies that are fed to them. Those lies must contain Vitamin BS.
Just Saying says
Will E. says
Looks like Marv’s boy the Hof has drank his fill of Lancaster Kool Aid. The residents of Palmdale are screwed.
callingitasitis says
What does the wall mean to me? It means that the poor souls crossing will not be victims of cartel drug runners using them as mules and victims of human trafficking (sex toys). It means that women will not be victims of sexual assault /rape by coyotes. It means it will slow down the flow of drugs north (sorry it will not stop it) with Mr. Violence in tow and destroying people in this country. It means that illegal immigrants will not be used as slave labors. It means that companies will have to use more machine in lieu of cheap labor breaking bodies for profits. It means that we are a sovereign country not the European Union with open borders and controlled immigration. Controlled immigration knowing who is coming and why their coming. Sorry but even Disneyland/world have access control and security to keep it as safe as possible. We have the RIGHT as a nation to say yes or no. The reason why they say good fences make good neighbors.
callingitasitis says
Well, well did not see it coming. LOL. We the people have spoken and transfer of power is peaceful as our founder fathers set it up. The system worked again as it has over the past 240 years. Long live the Republic.
William says
Unless you own a farm in the antelope valley, you’ll get one of trump’s picks for secretary of agriculture.
I wonder how long it will take for the gop to divert California water to ca agribusiness and from residential users, raising your water bills.
Remember, California went for Hillary and trump likes him his vengeance.
Of course, you won’t complain ’bout that.
R.W. says
Palmdale Water District didn’t have to wait for Trump. They already raised rates. Again. We cut our use and they try to sell us some BS.
I’m just going to turn my water off and let everything die. Let them cite me.
Patriot says
Wait for trump,yep trump was going to raise water rates in palmdale california.please dont reproduce.
R.W. says
R.W., I never said Trump was going to raise rates. I was commenting on the previous statement that insinuated that Trump was going to raise water bills by diverting water.
My point was the Palmdale Water District in their continuing efforts to maintain their luxurious working conditions, raised rates again. They make us cut use and then raise our rates.
Laughing says
Food vs Long Showers – Food wins
Food vs Green front lawns – Food wins
Food vs Washing down sidewalk into street – Food wins
Even if the food is for our bovine/equine friends.
William says
Such a simple mind you have.
Agriculture uses about 80% of California’s water.
Even if all homeowners stopped using water altogether, it won’t make much of a dent in the total usage.
Then, there’s the fact that much of the produce is exported out of state. We might as well just ship that water out of state instead. Would you like shipping our water to Arizona to grow our food if it’s only food production that concerns you?
Laughing says
Let me see… we get some of our water from Arizona. It is used to grow crops. California ships food world wide, meaning we are making money, and we supply food in emergency situations world wide, which means we are giving as well.
Perhaps a much more complex mind such as yours would like to tackle the over population versus resources issues we have.
Glenn says
If Trump is racist, then why does he have multi-ethnic advisors on his staff? Why does he hire people of various nationalities and races?
If Trump is sexist, why does he have more women than men in executive positions in his company? His campaign manager was a woman. His campaign spokesperson was a black woman.
If Trump is xenophobic, why did he marry a woman from another country?
If Trump is anti Semitic, why did his daughter marry a man of Jewish faith and convert to Judaism herself?
If Trump is homophobic, why is Peter Thiele, the founder of PayPal and a gay man, one of his close friends and biggest supporters?
If Trump is a bigot, why does he have so many multinational and multiethnic friends, advisors, associates, and employees?
If Trump is a fascist, why does he want to lead a country that has three branches of government and checks and balances to keep one branch of government from having too much power?
John says
Like it or not, all those people that Clinton supporters loath so much are American citizens. They have the right to a vote regardless of social class and education level. They all have their own reasons to vote for the candidate of their choice.
Why not ask yourself how Hillary Clinton failed to win this election instead of blaming those you deemed deplorable. This was the most auspicious moment she ever had to run. Trump was the least charismatic person in the race.
Hillary had the most money and the backing of the main stream media and social networks. President Obama and the First Lady was out campaigning for her. Famous actors, actresses and pop star celebrities have endorsed her. People from her own party was out campaigning for her. Hillary voters even had the prospect of breaking that glass ceiling. It seems the Democrats nominated the wrong candidate.
Hillary knew the rules of the election and the popular vote never meant the Democrats get any special post-election stipulations. Albeit, she got less then one percent more votes than Trump.
Everyone involved had underestimated Donald Trump from the beginning. Many times people thought it was the end of his campaign, but he persevered. Donald Trump fought and won this election. He deserves the rewards to govern the country.
William says
John, you will live to see the disaster that trump will be. Did you forget the bush years?
Already his transition is a mess. He was/is totally unprepared for the job. republicans are abandoning him as I write. This is amateur hour on steroids.
Stay tuned. You will have a lot of excuses to make in the coming months.
William says
John, trump conned students at his trump ‘u’, donors to his charities, investors in his casinos, contractors he stiffed on buildings and so on.
What make you think he hasn’t conned you and the rest of his voters?
Con men rely on people who think like you do or they wouldn’t be ‘successful’ at it.
It’s takes 2 to work a con. You and a trump.
You have been conned but you haven’t realized it yet.
AV is flyover country says
Pretty cute listening to Republicans thump their chest at Trump winning considering he isn’t even really a Republican. Trump’s come out against half the beliefs your traditional Repuke is 100% supportive of. He’s against the train-wreck in Iraq, He is PRO universal healthcare: I could go on, but what’s the point? As long as Trump isn’t half the calamitous imbecile George W. Bush is/was, we may be O.K. Don’t pump your chests too hard, too soon. This ride is just starting and we have a 5 time bankrupt, trust-funder baby since birth, ZERO political experience whatsoever now taking office. Careful what you wish for.
William says
Exactly. Now that they ‘own’ D.C. everything that happens is on them….a recession, a terrorist attack, likely corruption from his team members, anything and everything is on them.
Plus, republicans don’t know how to govern. All they know is how to obstruct and complain.
Patriot says
Complain and obstruct? William, you have no idea how hilariously funny that is, coming from you.lol.
William says
Where have you been the last 8 years, patriot?
Your grasp of reality is long gone and it looks like you’re not getting it back. Yeah. LOL
Patriot says
For 8 years ive watched obama make racist remarks about cops and blacks, that proved to be not true, in every case.ive watched obama spend more money then all before him, and have nothing to show for it.ive watched a failed healthcare go into effect, that will not only bankrupt individuals, but bankrupt the country.ive watched obama make secret deals with iran, to give them a nuke.ive seen the cost of living go up.ive seen more people on welfare then ever before.the only good thing ive seen in 8 years, is republicans blocking him from spending more.this is just about the time, that you start talking about bush, reagan, nixon.you need new material.
William says
patriot is into the boxed wine again.
Methinks, s/he has a crush on me. Submit, patriot. You already admitted I’m smarter than you are.
Lil Angel says
You have officially lost it! You’ve already forgotten that ‘O’ always had his “pen and phone.” He has more EO’s, circumventing Congress, to his credit than anyone tho’t possible. He was given more $$$ than all other Presidents COMBINED and it still wasn’t enough. What on God’s green earth does America have to show for the $21 TRILLION debt we now have?
Demoncrats have NEVER had the first clue of how to manage anything. Their whole purpose is to redistribute other people’s money; they always seem to be “crying poor mouth”, too. Well, they have just had the spigot turned off.
It’s amazing that the very Demoncrats that are foisting “democracy” on other countries can’t accept the results of a democratic election in their own country. Trump claimed it was rigged, DNC ASSURED everyone it absolutely wasn’t . . .why all the crybabies now??????????
William says
Nearly all real economists who studied trump’s and Hillary’s plans, said he will raise the debt way more than her plans.
He wants spend on the military, infrastructure, etc. while cutting taxes on corporations and the 1%. Good luck bringing down the debt.
But, you couldn’t be expected to know that and you’ll likely pretend it doesn’t happened when he increases the debt.
pirrurris says
Shame on all the ignorant latinos that attend the Lancater Babtist Church. Your God loving hypocrites elected a racist, and by you are still attending their church.
A hearty FU to you too. You are part of the problem. F*^*^n sellouts.
Russ says
Funny how Trump was never a racist until he ran against the Democrats. How do you win an Ellis Island award for diversity if you are racist? I would say you are the racist with all the hate for white people you spew constantly.
Tim Scott says
Trump was busted for repeatedly violating the fair housing act decades ago, and has a long history of racism. That was part of his appeal to the KKK and other white nationalist groups that supported him.
John says
Was Trump ever found guilty of violating the fair housing act? No he wasn’t. Nice try though.
Tim Scott says
Yes, actually he was. His company settled with an “agreement to correct” and then got busted AGAIN a couple years later, and again settled.
Given that the justice department under the Nixon administration only investigated FHA violations if someone brought them an airtight case and MADE them do it getting busted twice was a pretty remarkable demonstration on Trump’s part. In the AV the fair housing act was completely ignored for at least a decade and no one even got investigated AFAIK.
John says
Again, Trump was not found guilty of violating the fair housing act. There was stipulations from the court in the case by without claims of guilt.
Tim Scott says
“Pay the fine without admission of guilt.” If someone said they spent a decade in prison after pleading “no contest” would you be arguing for them, or is this defense of Trump the usual conservative double standard?
Shane Falco says
KKK and white nationalists??? The media reported, front page, on North Carolina KKK having a parade for Trump and doing some reading of the different articles I saw that according to the the Anti-Defamation League, the Loyal White Knights are “perhaps the most active Klan group in the United States today,” with 150-200 estimated members. The organization says there are still “approximately 3,000 Klan members nationwide.
150-200 in the most active?? 3,000 nationwide? The AV alone has more crips and bloods, heck, there’s more people rioting and looting when the Lakers win a championship.
Of course, your information is skewed especially when there was a “larger than expected” Hispanic turnout for Trump, but apparently those 60,000,000 voters for trump are obviously racists.
William says
voters put bush in the driver’s seat and he drove us into a ditch.
then, not having learned from that, they put trump in the car that President Obama pulled out of the ditch and got running again so trump can drive it off a cliff.
Way to go, trumpsters.
John says
If everyone that voted in California voted for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump would still win. Our vote did not matter because Clinton won California even before the polls opened. Everyone knew this. I voted for Donald Trump as a symbolic gesture. And yes, I also wanted to see the Republican nominee win.
We had no choice but to choose either Clinton or Trump and I did not want Hillary Clinton (D) to choose our next Supreme Court Justice. That was a very important issue for me. The Republicans keeping control of the House and Senate was just icing on the cake.
The President of the United States can’t do all the things that Donald Trump promised without the approval of Congress and he is also restricted by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Then after that, Trump would still be blocked by the lawyers, courts and the Supreme Court. It could take years for Trump to accomplish any major changes.
Tim Scott says
Problem with that is that almost everyone agrees that major changes are needed. The wealth concentration programs initiated under Ronald Reagan have been running unchecked for decades, turning America into the land of rich and poor with nothing in between. The Republicans have managed to maintain gridlock, and as long as they maintain gridlock the concentration of wealth (with attendant political power) goes on.
The amazing thing being that the Republicans accomplish this maintenance of the status quo by blaming the continuing disintegration on the Democrats. Enough undereducated masses in the midwest, empowered by an electoral system originally designed to keep the reins of power in the hands of the more educated rural landowners has completely backfired.
John says
The electoral system was designed to keep the highest populated states from choosing and electing the candidate from their state. The law changed many years ago to let everyone participate regardless of social class and education level.
Tim Scott says
The “highest populated” states were the most urban…and the agricultural gentry didn’t want sheer numbers to overpower them. Since the agricultural gentry were in fact the founding fathers and most certainly the best people to have running the country that was a good idea…at the time.
Now we have backward bozos from odd corners of Ohio or Wisconsin running the house of representatives, a dingbat from some backwater district in Kentucky running the senate, and a president wining election by appealing to the most base emotions of the least knowledgeable voters in the electorate. Meanwhile, the economic centers that produce the wealth that those backwaters live on have no representation.
Ben says
Well stated John.
William says
Let’s guess how many people will get convicted in the trump administration.
The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. adminstration That’s their god, their hero, their what was his name again?
I lost count at the number of convictions in the Nixon administration.
Yeah, trump will probably set a record surpassing Reagan. That’s why no one here will admit to voting for trump.
Patriot says
Back to nixon,lol.why don’t you mention only 2 presidents in history,have been impeached.bill Clinton is the most recent.but you hand pick Republicans william.now they ate going to be convicted.grow up.its all doom and gloom.lol.
Glenn says
Question for you William. If Hillary has done nothing wrong why did all of her staffers plead the 5th while being questioned about her activities, after being granted immunity? Yes Nixon was corrupt but I believe, and I may be wrong, that Hillary went way beyond what Nixon did. Only time will tell
Lil Angel says
I have no problem admitting I voted for Trump. I would have voted for a frikkin ROCK if it would have meant keeping that corrupt witch and her band of henchmen away from the White House. She is the MOST useless female to run for an office. A complete disgrace to the gender. If it weren’t for her rapist husband she wouldn’t even have a political career!
William says
patriot wants to have a talk with you about hate.
trump’s kids will be doing business out of the White House and managing his so-called ‘blind trust’.
What could go wrong with that? Be foolish, Lil Angel. When trump crashes the economy again, it will hurt you more than me and that’s a good thing.
I have the resources and income and I’ll be fine no matter what he does as I did through the last gop recession. I doubt that you will be so lucky and you deserve whatever trump brings you. He’s a con artist and you are one of his marks. Enjoy.
Lil Angel says
Don’t be so smug SA. It has nothing to do with hate; it has everything to do with honesty and integrity, on my part. You have absolutely NO clue how well my life is situated. Based on all your comments, one would reasonably conclude that you aren’t as ‘established’ as you like to portray; typical. You’re “not all that and a bag o’ chips”, Skippy.
“When Trump crashes the economy . . .”, he doesn’t have anything left to crash! This is the S-L-O-W-E-S-T growing economy in the history of our nation! Got any more glowing financial opinions to bestow on us??
It’s quite refreshing to see that Trump’s election has you in a complete meltdown. I’ll be checking in from time-to-time to see if your therapy sessions have helped you adjust . . .have a pleasant week-end :-)
William says
And, Lil Angel, I’ll be directing posts to you, patriot and others every time trump pulls some really stupid stunt, every rise in the unemployment rate, every terrorist attack and so on. Yeah, you’ll twist yourself into a pretzel trying to explain those away.
There have been twice the number of recessions under republican presidents than under Democratic ones in the last 50 or so years. We haven’t had a recession under President Obama since, under him, we recovered from the last republican recession.
Slow recovery???? (you repeat right wing bs. Lil Angel) It was sloooooooow because of how great the recession was. That was no ordinary business cycle recession. Once millions of jobs were outsourced, millions of homes foreclosed and millions of life savings and retirements were wiped out, only ignorant people such as you would expect a quick recovery. And, y’all expected it within the first year.
Don’t forget that during the bush years, Americans had nearly 0 (zero) savings, were maxed out on credit cards and home equity loans and living like it could go on like that forever. When it crashed, it crashed hard.
That recession/recovery wasn’t a simple matter of companies re-hiring laid off workers as in past business cycle recessions. Those companies disappeared or sent their work out of the country.
Let’s see how quickly trump increases job growth and the GDP having started in a far better place than President Obama had back in 2009. He’s got all of 2017, a year, likely more time than you guys gave President Obama to restore the economy before you started whining about how slow it was while the republicans in Congress did everything they could to obstruct him. Don’t forget that as I’m sure you will
The stock market has been reaching new highs regularly for the last 7 years, the unemployment rate is 4.9%, and so on. Is trump going to bring unemployment down to 2%? The stock market will likely take a good hit in the coming months after big investors drove it up to capture the $$$s of the suckers. They’ll get out and make a killing as they usually do.
But, thanks for illustrating the ignorance of the right in 1 short comment. It must come easy for you.
You don’t need therepy, Lil Angel. You need an education past the 5th grade. Better get started.
Patriot says
More left wing hate from william.thats a good thing that he hopes it hurts you.the left wing is full of hate.thats why they are out there looting, rioting.william cant tell you one good thing obama or hillary has done.just the same doom and gloom.look up trolls, and you will understand william and tim.
Lil Angel says
Patriot, I’ve watched Willy and Tim for quite some time . . .they’re a hoot! They try so desperately hard to believe everything they think, they get themselves more confused . . .lmao. Willy always has to have the final word and thinks he knows e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Tim most generally follows the ‘negative’ path (i.e., “[t]he problem with that . . .”), when, in actuality, most people would rather hear the solutions, not the problems.
Those two are quite similar to a dog who licks his ba!!s. . .he does it because he can. Same with those two (not licking the dog’s ba!!s . . .least I hope not . . .smh), but they do what they do because they can (aka, Useful Idiots).
Try to remember, they serve as a reminder that people like that still exist in public places. Proceed with care :-)
pirrurris says
To all the evangelical hypicrites that voted for the racist, i just want to send you a hearty FU. And don’t ever stop by my house to invite me to your hypocrite church.
To all those idiot latinos that voted for the racst, i hope you are very happy, because the first ones that are starting to feel the backlash, are your own kids in school. And this is just the begining.
Everything that we have been teaching our kids, has been put into question the day we elected a person who is a racist, bully, and has no respect for woman.
Glenn says
So you have been teaching your kids if things do not go your way you need to riot, disrupt traffic and destroy property that is not yours? You all say the right wing is racist but all I see is Liberals yelling F the white people, is that not racist? And before you go throwing that racist BS on me I have friends of all skin colors and viewpoints, unfortunately there are way to many liberals and conservatives who say its my way or F U. I am not one of those people. Is it not funny that Trump was never considered a racist until he ran against the Democratic Party? He won the Ellis Island Humanitarian Award for diversity in 1989, that’s a racist? I thought that the Democratic party was the party of tolerance and the Republican party is the party of hate. What I am seeing out of the Democrats is not tolerance, and no I am not part of the Republican party, I am an Independent thinker. I also will not apologize for wanting our Constitution upheld and our laws followed but in your mind that is probably racist. And William yes I will admit I voted for Trump and I am not ashamed of using my freedoms to choose who I felt would be better for this Country.
Glenn says
And for the record I also voted for Obama in 2008 but did not vote for him in 2012 because I personally did not like the direction this Country was going
You get knocked down and you get up again, wipe the orange stain from your clothes and then what? says
Margaret, maybe we have this all wrong. Maybe the big news didn’t happen on Tuesday. Maybe it was Wednesday. They say Trump woke a sleeping giant, but maybe that giant didn’t wake up before the election. Maybe it woke after the election when we all finally realized that everything we hold true and dear about this nation can indeed be taken away. Maybe, just maybe the sleeping giant is actually the millions who trusted in hope and love instead of those who walked into a polling booth and secretly voted for hate and fear.
I saw a map today of voters age 18-25. The map was shockingly blue from coast to coast and even in the middle. Could this be true? And if so, how do we ensure those voters don’t become jaded?
I am not sure what is next for Margaret & Helen but we are not dead yet. And I’ll be damned if we go down without a fight. We’ll promise to try and hold on until 2020 if you promise to hold on with us.
First up, 2018 midterms. We’ll be here. Will you?
Whomever we are and whatever color we are, and whatever age we are, and whatever gender we are, and whatever sexual preference, religious belief, city or town, church, mosque or synagogue… we are awake now. And this is our country.
We are battle worn but not battle weary. Someone has to watch that skunk Trump and keep him in line. And someone has to watch the Republican powerhouse and make sure they don’t overreach. Our elected Dems need us now more than ever.
Wake up! Wake up! I mean it. Really.
Glenn says
Now that Donald Trump is officially our President it is time to stop the hate on both sides and come together as Americans, not Republicans or Democrats. Personally I am an Independent not tied to either political party. It is also time to come together as Americans no matter what color your skin is. Donald Trump is not the racist you all made him out to be and now is the time for him to prove it to you and I have no doubt he will. I am also thankful that our Constitution will not be under attack for the next 4 years and we will not have a liberal majority Supreme Court. Some of the liberal ideas are fine but some of them are only focused on what the minority wants not what the majority of Americans want. Hopefully our veterans and homeless will now get better treatment than the illegal immigrants do, I have no problem with immigration and this Country needs immigrants but it needs to be done legally no matter how long it takes.
William says
trump will have to prove it. He’s said and done so much divisive damage. Now, it’s up to him.
Remember, he was prepared to say the election was rigged if he lost. Or, did you forget that?
Kevin says
William, how was that bottle of good champagne?
Patriot says
Madam president.lol.
SMHX2 says
The problem is that uneducated people think they should still make $30 dollars an hour in a factory job and they should reach the old American dream with their past lifestyle and choices (see exhibit A (@patriot). Con man Trump sold you a dream, he fed you what you needed to hear and you fell for it. This “train of thought” is completely opposite of what we tell our youth in school, we constantly teach them that education is the only solution out of poverty. A factory job will not give you a middle-class lifestyle anymore. Education is the only key for success, we can’t be competitive in this 21st century world without at least a masters degree. Other countries and people understand this. Why can’t the American people get it? Wake up!
William says
Are you referring to the hyper-sensitive whiny litte b**** called Donna Trump?
Patriot says
I must be educated,I make about 5 times an hour.lol
So yeah,he sold me a bill of goods.lol
SMHX2 says
@patriot, gosh I have such a difficult time understanding your written English. Sorry, I can’t even try anymore. Drop your commenting and open a dictionary- PLEASE!
Patriot says
Gosh,you truly are a hilary supporter,they seem to have a hard time understanding what’s going on also.shock?
If only I would have had you as my educator.sigh!
William says
In another year or so, it will be hard to find anyone who admits to voting for trump just like those W voters who magically disappeared.
Patriot says
That’s interesting william,for the past 8 years,I haven’t met a single person,who admits, they voted for obama.too embarrassed over what he’s done,nothing.lol
Obamas legacy will be that he pardoned more criminals and spent more money,then any other president.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so, Patriot lives in a right wing extremist cocoon. Anyone surprised by that?
William says
patriot, in your ‘inner circle’ of your ilk, you’d not likely find anyone who voted for President Obama.
Your ilk surround themselves with like-minded whiners and you think that is how the world is.
Patriot says
My ilk I believe their names are winners.lol.historic winners.
William says
patriot, notice how you and all the others here won’t admit to voting for trump already. They are playing it safe.
Then, there’s ‘Trump 2016’ who doesn’t know how the plural of ‘crisis’ is spelled and thought he was so smart.
“I love the uneducated.” Donald J. Trump
He means you, patriot, and your ilk.
William says
patriot says he “…makes 5 times an hour…” Did he mean “dimes”?
Well, that settles that.
trump loves his uneducated folk.
He still doesn’t admit to voting for trump. Chickensh**.
Patriot says
You should go protest.for helping president trump get elected.is that true,he got more votes then obama,2012?historic!
Patriot says
William,shouldn’t you be calling trump resorts,and telling the person that works there,the reason trump,president trump won?
William says
Nah, trump will do lots of damage to the brand in the next couple years all by hisself.
William says
Why would you bother to say that, patriot when Hillary got more votes than trump?
Or, didn’t you know that? Your right winger news outlets probably skip that bit of info.
You still can’t admit you voted for trump, can you?
Tim Scott says
The brand is dead. Businesses and residents in Trump Tower in NY are probably activating escape clauses as we speak. Thousands of protesters, police barricades around the doors…bad for business.
Buildings with TRUMP on them are lightning rods in all major cities, so unless there’s a new wave of Trump resorts opening in places like Rockville and Peoria it’s all over.
SMHX2 says
Come together like the hillbillies came together to support Obama? You got it!
Come together to scream hateful statements towards others solely because of the color of their skin or race? No, thank you!
You are correct, it is time to move on and wake-up, this is not a movement, it’ll be the greatest revolution.
@William, I hope you drank that bottle of champagne, we do indeed have a whole lot to celebrate!
#calexit sounds great right now
pirrurris says
William says
Our local cretin, patriot, won’t admit he supports trump. All he can do is hate on Hillary with misinformation he regurgitates from right wing media, practically word-for-word with now thinking involved.
Such a loser.
Patriot says
Still broke many laws,lied, destroyed evidence.the voters are awake, she has no lead. just raise your hands in victory, by supporting a criminal for office.it doesnt matter to libs.
pirrurris says
Confederate Patriot,
Hillary is waymore qualified than idiot Trump.
Start practicing…..”Madam President”.
God bless the Democrats!
Shame on the Lancaster Babtist Church for supporting the racist Trump.
Sick of fools says
Little Italy Hillary is nothing but a child pedophile and a lying sack of crap. You Hillary supporters are nothing but a bunch of ignorant puppets on a string you waited Hillary wins you guys are going to wish that b**** was never president
William says
@Sick of Fools.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can’t help being a fool.
Laughing says
She was already in presidential office, granted behind the scenes. First time around was not much different than any other presidency. Generally speaking.
Shane Falco says
Madam President….?
Vic says
Shame on the Lancaster Babtist Church for supporting racist Rex.
William says
He’s losin’ as if he ever had ‘it’. He’s voting for trump, n’est-ce pas? trump loves the uneducated according to him.
November 6, 2016 at 2:18 pm
Bad news for criminal hilary supporters.no more leading the polls.
I think ill go vote 2 more times.thankfully ca doesnt ask for id.lol.
Patriot says
Your constant obsession with who I am voting for is hilarious.whats hilarious about it is, you keep referring to me as a “he”.lol.
William says
I love tweaking your delicate sensibilities which make you just like trump.
Remember how Hillary baited him over and over in the debates? Sure ya do.
It went like this. Hillary is Bugs Bunny. trump is Daffy Duck Elmer Fudd is holding a shotgun.
Bugs: “It’s duck season.”
Daffy: “It’s wabbit season.”
Bugs: “It’s duck season.”
Daffy: “It’s wabbit season.”
Bugs” “It’s wabbit season.”
Kaboom blowing Daffy’s bill around his head a few times.
It’s sorta the same thing with you, patriot. Only it’s patriot season.
I doubt you’ll get the analogy nor the humor as you are one humorless trump victim.
William says
How ’bout s/he?
That you won’t admit or deny it is hilarious. That would clear things up but you’re not very brave.
Aren’t you the one who demands answers to your questions like a true right winger? Answers for which you are predisposed not to accept any but your predetermined answers.
You show yourself to be a true stereotype of a right winger who feeds on right wing misinformation 3 x a day like a prescription.
Patriot says
Clear what up lol.I don’t demand any answers from you.I already know you are handicapped,when it comes to anything of average intelligence.like the question about unemployement.what really makes me laugh,is your childish remarks.bug bunny.lol.
Patriot says
A criminal is a criminal.doesn’t matter who you vote for.with you living in palmdale,you should be accustomed to crime.drugs,gangs,criminal activity on the rise,maybe that’s what makes you numb to hilary crimes.
William says
I knew you wouldn’t get the classic and memorable Bugs/Daffy exchange. It’s over your simple head. It illustrated just how Hillary baited trump in the debates.
Those Warner Brothers cartoons had an adult mentality behind them. You don’t.
Here’s you demanding answers>
November 4, 2016 at 5:42 am
Why?were trump or Republicans secretary of state?did they lie about them,under oath,to Congress or the FBI?did they give specials favors in exchange for money,thru their foundation?she might be in cuffs by this weekend.
Your questions are merely right wing tripe pretending to be serious inquiries. No. But, that’s you, patriot.
Well, it’s the weekend, patriot and Hillary isn’t in cuffs. You’re in for a world of hurt Tuesday night.
William says
What crime has Hillary been convicted of, patriot?
Of course you can’t name one. It has to go through the legal system and a jury DECIDES but that doesn’t matter to you or your right wing ilk.
“It’s patriot season. FIRE AWAY!” Why do you keep shooting yourself in the ‘feets’, patriot? You are a gun owner, right? You’re supposed to know how to use one according to the NRA propaganda.
Did you attend the Richard Cheney shooting range for lessons?
Patriot says
Bad news for criminal hilary supporters.no more leading the polls.
I think ill go vote 2 more times.thankfully ca doesnt ask for id.lol.
William says
patriot won’t deny that she’s voting for trump. Why is that?
If she were voting for Johnson or Stein or who knows what, she’d proudly post it like she does all that misinformation fed to her by fox and breitbart et al. She’s not too proud or embarrassed to post lies and wild speculation so why not who she’s voting for?
William says
Since the Supreme Court shot down the Voting Right Act, 868 polling places have been shut down in the South.
Now, John and others, who do you think those red (now orange) state legislatures and governors are targeting with those closures?
Come on, lie to us. Don’t even go to voter ID. That has nothing to do with voter ID. It’s called VOTER SUPPRESSION capitalized for your benefit.
William says
Since the Supreme Court shot down the Voting Right Act, 868 polling places have been shut down in the South.
Now, John and others, who do you think those red (now orange) state legislatures and governors are targeting with those closures?
Come on, lie to us. Don’t even go to voter ID. That has nothing to do with voter ID. It’s called VOTER SUPPRESSION capitalized for your benefit.
William says
Since the Supreme Court shot down the Voting Right Act, 868 polling places have been shut down in the South.
Now, John and others, who do you think those red (now orange) state legislatures and governors are targeting with those closures?
Come on, lie to us. Don’t even go to voter ID. That has nothing to do with voter ID. It’s called VOTER SUPPRESSION capitalized for your benefit.
William says
The Valley Press has endorsed Trump for president.
They know their audience well….right wingers, racists, bigots and so on.
William says
Thanks, Lennon for doing the work below.
Lennon Jones
Trump admitting sexual assault.
Clinton emails.
Trump charity fraud.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for nuclear proliferation.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for national stop and frisk.
Clinton emails.
Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba.
Clinton emails.
Trump sued over Trump University fraud.
Clinton emails.
Trump accused of bribing DA in IRS case.
Clinton emails.
Trump doesnt pay taxes for 20 years.
Clinton emails.
Trump employs campaign manager accused of being involved in illegal corruption with Russia.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering US.
Clinton emails.
Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate.
Clinton emails.
Trump cased dismissed by accuser to re-file b/c of new witness in child rape case.
Clinton emails.
Trump unaware of Russia’s Crimea occupation.
Clinton emails.
Trump unaware of situation in Syria.
Clinton emails.
Trump penalized for racist housing discrimination.
Clinton emails.
Trump files for bankrupcy 6 times.
Clinton emails.
Trump goes 0-3 in debates by showing scant knowledge of world politics.
Clinton emails.
Trump slams people for being POWs. (prisoners of war)
Clinton emails.
Trump calls Mexicans rapists.
Clinton emails.
Trump questions judge’s integrity because of parent’s heritage. Clinton emails.
Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal.
Clinton emails.
Trump has over 10 assault victims and witnesses come forward with allegations of abuse.
Clinton emails.
Trump attacks former Miss Universe for being overweight.
Clinton emails.
Trump tweets about sex tapes at 3am.
Clinton emails.
Trump says he will try US citizens accused of terrorism at Gitmo.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used.
Clinton emails.
Trump asks why we can’t use our nukes if we have them.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for offensive bombing attack on sovereign nations because someone gives the middle finger.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists.
Clinton emails.
Trump says women should be punished for having abortions.
Clinton emails.
Trump makes fun of disabled people.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for end of freedom of the press.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls global warming a chinese hoax.
Clinton emails.
Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un’s strong leadership.
Clinton emails.
Trump openly admits to not paying his contractors during debate. Clinton emails.
Trump openly admits not apologizing to wife in debate about Access Hollywood tape.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls Obama an illegitimate noncitizen hundreds of times over 7 years.
Clinton emails.
Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses.
Clinton emails.
Trump says Ted Cruz father involved in JFK assassination.
Clinton emails.
Trump says laziness is an inherent trait in black people.
Clinton emails.
Did we miss anything?
Gee who should I vote for? Trump seems to have negatives, but Clinton gets incessant negative press (which all stems from one thing, that not illegal when she had it, no charges were filed, and it wouldnt even be a blip on the radar for Trump if it was him that did it when you compare it to his other scandals).
Patriot says
A private citizen.and yet hilary is the one under FBI investigation.lol.how embarrassing.
Patriot says
You probably think bill clinton was impeached because he raped and sexually assaulted multiple women.he was impeached for lying.just as his wife has been lying.it’s a crime to lie to the FBI and congress.so email away.please tell me you didn’t reproduce.
pirrurris says
Love it. Republucans have nothing. Vote democrat across the board.
William says
Awful as trump is, he accurately represents many people who are just as awful. They and our patriot need to be represented in a democracy, don’t they?
Shane Falco says
“Clinton emails”? Obviously, many people want to simplify that but it’s the content showing willful corruption, collusion and hubris in lying to cover it up. It’s multiple ongoing FBI investigations and legitimate charges sought and the justice department friends of the clintons shutting into down and there is actual documented proof.
The same supporters here of Hillary, twist themselves in knots over Rex and wanting investigations with little to no proof of any actual wrongdoing but when Hillary and Bill and the justice department, media outlets, and DNC are shown to be blatantly corrupt, these supporters are not just okay with it, they are praising and defending it.
William says
You seem oblivious to the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton have be the targets for never ending investigations by the right wingers in this country in search of a crime or crimes.
And, when they find nothing, nada, nyet, they say there’s been a cover up. Typical. And, you fall for it.
But, that’s okay. That’s you.
Remember the Benghazi craziness? NO WRONG DOING. NO COVER UP. NO STAND DOWN ORDER GIVEN.
Repeat that 10 times till you get it if that’s at all possible for you.
Don’t forget. The accusers of the Clintons have no credibility and neither do you. They’ve been found to put forth lies and misinformation that gets picked up by right wing media and passed off as the ‘truth’. Yeah, right.
Patriot says
William,did you hear Comey’s investigation on hilary.guilty of plenty,but don’t recommend charges.it’s possible,you are the only one that didn’t hear it.
The only reason she’s not in cuffs,is Obama and lynch.
William says
Can’t wait to hear trump really trash Kellyanne Conway, his campaign manager, after he loses.
He’ll probably stiff her on her contract because he didn’t win and it’s her fault.
She’ll probably write a book telling all exactly how she pretended he wasn’t all the things we know he was.
pirrurris says
Hasn’t anyone noticed that the same greedy hypicrite republicans that swear the the Zombie Apocalipse will happen, if we elect Hillary, are the same ones sucking pn the government tit? They get paid more than the minimum wage, but complain about minimum wage workers getting a raise. They have always had had healthcare insurance, but compkain about other people getting healthcare coverage. They themselves work for the city, the government, or private companies that depemd on government contracts, but complain about the economy and make people believe that they are concern about government spending.
William says
Hey, pirrurris
Hillary is NOT under investigation now. Comey did NOT re-open the investigation concluded in July with no recommendation that it go to a grand jury.
The right wing media and people here that swallow everything put out by it are spreading a lie. Hillary has never been convicted of anything. But, that doesn’t matter to them.
It’s best to ignore them since they will never cop to being misinformed, lying or being stoopid. That’s how they roll.
Of course, Comey is on his way out. He looks a mess and might end up at Betty Ford before it’s over.
pirrurris says
That is correct. Hillary is not under investigation, and the media is letting the right wing loomies get away with their lies.
William says
@pirrurris and SMHX2.
Haven’t you discovered by now that ‘facts’ don’t matter to ‘patriot’?
You can post all the facts and evidence you can find to debunk what s/he says and to quote Bill Murray (chanting) in ‘Meatballs’>
S/he is just like a birther where they only believe what they believe, evidence be damned.
William says
Hillary wears a pantsuit.
trump wears his panties in a bunch. His fans like it that way. He’s always baited by tweets, the poor thing.
Patriot says
You can always tell when William is embarrassed,the child comes out.and birther,and nixon,and reagan.cant point to any good Obama or hilary has done.just bash.even if he has to go back half a century.
satisfied says
Call me all the nasty names you want…you cannot change my mind and there are so many like me who sadly see such haters out there and the impression will not go away after this election.
The elite (bankers and wall street, media) and wealthy (celebrities) are out campaigning and donating to Hillary…..why are the fighting so hard for Hillary, it is because that want to keep their wealth and keep status.
It is so sad the deception that is being waged on average Americans who are being told who to vote for and are being pressured about the choice that we are supposed to be free to make regardless of who it is for.
ben stine says
Everything is deception and manipulation. The entire advertising industry only exists to find ways to trick us into buying something, and politics are no different. Most humans are just gullible.
Seer says
Trump represents these two: The PLUTOCRACY and CORPORATOCRACY.
William says
You forgot one. trump represents trump first and foremost. Can’t wait till he goes after Kellyanne Conway for losing him the election and skips her last fee payment.
She will have deserved that for all her bald-faced lying.
SMHX2 says
@Seer & @William, yes Trump represents the wealthy and yet a bunch of repugnicans think that he is their salvation. It’s funny how they’d rather go down with the ship than follow their so called Christian’s values. Trump represents absolutely nothing I believe in, we’ve come this far just to regress to the 1940’s. Repugnicans would rather use minorities as scapegoats before accepting that he is the worst mistake they’ve ever made. God help you all and may your regrets never be a matter of life or death for you. Yes, Trump winning is similar to the atomic bomb dropping in the middle of our country- Wake the fuxx up!
Patriot says
And hilary represents everything you believe in?treason,corruption,lies,murder,does nothing,did nothing.
William says
I picked up a bottle of good champagne at the store for Tuesday night. When I told the cashier what it was for, a middle-aged couple in line behind me made groaning noises.
Of course, those angry, miserable, unhappy people were trump supporters. They all live wretched lives that this or any other election won’t fix.
Would you want a trump supporter to share a carpool with you, join you in a nice restaurant for dinner or partake in any other social activity? They would be like turds in a punchbowl, whining and complaining and ruining it for everyone else.
trump is the perfect candidate for them. Would you want to go to dinner with trump? After he ate, he’d have to go to the men’s room and skip out on the check.
Waiting for a totally unoriginal reply from you know who?
Patriot says
Could you imagine dinner with hilary, you would have the FBI watching you eat dinner.hilary would pay the check, only with donor money funneled ilegally thru her foundation.
Patriot says
Is there anybody she hasnt given U.S.secrets to.
Now her maid had her hands on top secret emails!
Anyone who votes for this treasonous person, should get the same jail time as her.
The U.S is comprised, all because of one one incompetent person.
William says
I waited for a totally unoriginal reply from you know who and got 2.
Have you noticed that the replies could have been written by any right winger or a fox ‘news’ viewer?
They all share the same small brain and their thoughts and comments are indistinguishable from each other.
Like I said before, I could easily reply to any one of them with a reply that could have gone to any other one of them. That’s how uniform their thinking is. They are interchangeable.
I love teasing their itty bitty minds. So easy.
William says
Moody’s says Trump’s policies would throw the U.S. economy into the longest recession since the Great Depression. Citigroup thinks a Trump win could cause a global depression. By a different measure, Trump in the White House would cause the American economy to shrink by $1 trillion over five years, according to British research firm Oxford Economics.
trump fans are ‘suicide votes’. They don’t care if the above happens and it hurts them. They are so filled with hate for his opponent they can’t see straight.
Read their comments here and elsewhere. They don’t come from thoughtful, intelligent people. trump even said “I love the uneducated.” and the uneducated sure love him. A match made in Dante’s Inferno.
Patriot says
The maid will either,
Mysteriously disappear.
End up dead by suicide
Decide to go back to mexico, where she will receive a monthly donation from the clinton foundation
Patriot says
Lets see, clinton donors and supporters write articles about total global collapse if trump I s elected,msnbc puts it out there, for poor mindless people, and william is the first.lol.
William, I know you wont answer this, but if the U.S october jobs reports says:
270000 people lost their jobs, and
163000 people found a job, then how
Did the the unemployment rate drop?
This is the crap you swallow every day.
SMHX2 says
@patriot We “should get the same jail time as her”? Thank you for the well wishes. What has she been convicted of? That’s right, absolutely nothing. I say Bush should go to prison for being president during the 9-11 attack. See? That sounds as illogical as your comments. By the way, I reciprocate the well wishes and I say that anyone supporting Trump should get his delusional words tattooed on their face and finish it with a swastika on the chest. What do you say? Are you first in line? Wonderful!
pirrurris says
Okay deepsh*^%t patriot,
Who has Hillary murdered? If come up with Benghazi, then I am going to come up with the 3000 plus lives that were lost during 911 under bush.
Who TF has Hillary murdered?
Patriot says
Hmm.did I say hilary murdered anyone?what I did say was that over the years,more than 20 people,with information against the clintons,have ended up missing,or dead.but thanks for your foul mouthed name calling non educated lib question.I get that libs seem to hear or read different then what’s said.read it again.
Kevin says
William, how was that bottle of good champagne?
William says
Since the Supreme Court shot down the Voting Right Act, 868 polling places have been shut down in the South.
Now, John and others, who do you think those red (now orange) state legislatures and governors are targeting with those closures?
Come on, lie to us. Don’t even go to voter ID. That has nothing to do with voter ID. It’s called VOTER SUPPRESSION capitalized for your benefit.
pirrurris says
This is exactly why i don’t buy their news paper. If they support a racist, they cannot claim they are not racists themselves.
We have more than 75% minorities living in the Antelope Valley, yet we are still represented by racists bigots. Nothing is going to change if we elect Hillary, but give her a do nothing republican congress.
William says
FBI director, James Comey, confirmed today that the email probe of Hillary’s emails is concluded. In a new letter to Congress, Comey stands by his July decision.
However, just like when the President produced his long form birth certificate, the birthers wouldn’t accept it.
The right wingers won’t accept Comey’s conclusion either. It’s a mental disease.
See our local nubjobs’ comments here for examples of that disease.
William says
Now watch patriot spin that in his typical way. He is far removed from objective reality. He lets the voices in his head do the typing here.
callingitasitis says
All investigations take time and 650,000 plus emails is a lot of stuff to go through. Another problem is if something has a certain classification that will slow down the process in the investigation. The Feds are known to take VERY long time investigating criminal matters and there is no quick fix. The more complex the organization being investigated the more personnel, resource and TIME are needed. I am sure the FBI only found baby pictures and babes. I feel sorry for the agents caught up in this mess, being involved in this case with every politico hack and yellow media will sing their praises at one moment and then next turning on a dime asking their heads on a pike.
Patriot says
Or get hilary to go thru them,should take less then a day.
William says
It’s an investigation in search of a crime otherwise known as a ‘fishing expedition’.
The republicans can’t/won’t govern, so they just launch one investigation/hearing after another. It really works for people like our ‘patriot’ who don’t seen to realize that the country isn’t being governed well.
The gop has majorities in the House and Senate and most state legislatures and a majority of governors, yet they blame the Democrats for everything just like our ‘patriot’. But, he has little or no sense as he makes plainly evident in his posts.
Patriot says
Yes,it was republicans who….
Made her lie
Made her destroy all evidence
Made her send classified material
Made her give favors to foreign leaders
Made her treat bills rape victims like crap.
Made her break 13 laws
Made her fail at secretary of state.
Patriot says
It’s an investigation into a private citizens emails.during the course of investigating this private citizens emails,the FBI found something,that Warrents reopening hilary Clinton’s criminal investigation.
pirrurris says
I am still voting for Hillary,Bryan Caforio, Steve Fox, and Kamala Harris.
pirrurris says
Patriot, I got newsfor you….California is a democrat state, and will go to Hillary.
Nothing is going to change if we vote for Hillary, but give her a do nothing republican congress.
Patriot says
Which explains why California has the most welfare and illegals,then any other state.democrats.
Patriot says
Democrats are so awesome.doesn’t matter how many crimes your horse commits,you stick with them.for no other reason,then them being democrats.lol.you picked someone who has done more harm than good, the last 2 elections,why not a third.
pirrurris says
Patriot, stop listening to FOX news and Alex Jones. More republicans from red states depend on government programs than democrats.
California has one of the best conomies in the United States. If California, was its own country, it would be the sixth greatest evonomy in the world. Maybe even fifth greatest evonomy now that Britain ecited the European union.
Patriot, the point that i am making is……like it or not, California is going to Hillary. California is democrat country. Thank God.
Patriot says
6th largest economy,so.u.s has the 2nd biggest economy in the world,and we lose money everyday.doesn’t matter how much you make,only what you keep.California borrows millions,and loses money everyday.and you should pay attention.California has more people on welfare than any other state.I’m sure other states have welfare,but we have the most.so your red state comment means nothing.
SMHX2 says
@Patriot, “Warrents” ha ha, please, please, please take the time to work on your English proficiency- ouch…my eyes!
Patriot says
Nice.love it when dems like you,make my case.outline all the crimes hilary has committed and the best you come up with,is bad spelling.the lib mind is a terrible thing.lol
pirrurris says
I think the FBI should look into Donald Trump’s emails, and all the republicans private enails.
Patriot says
Why?were trump or Republicans secretary of state?did they lie about them,under oath,to Congress or the FBI?did they give specials favors in exchange for money,thru their foundation?she might be in cuffs by this weekend.
pirrurris says
How have Hillary’s emails affected you personally?
if this is all you have, you are in a world of hurt.
Start practicing……”madam president”.
Patriot says
We don’t know how U.S secrets that she sent,effect any of us,yet.but being a lib,you miss the point.she’s corrupt.
That’s treason.time will tell,blue or orange jumpsuit
3 potentially explosive revelations about Trump’s connections to Russia says
Donald Trump has raised eyebrows throughout the campaign for his repeated praise of Russia and its autocratic leader, Vladimir Putin.
At an NBC News forum in September, Trump touted Putin’s 82 percent approval rating and said he was “a leader, far more than our president has been a leader.”
“If he says great things about me, I’m going to say great things about him,” Trump said.
Trump, in that interview and elsewhere, has cast doubt on Russia’s culpability for hacking email at the DNC and the Clinton campaign, despite the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies. He has also equivocated on the U.S. commitment to NATO, saying he might not defend a NATO ally attacked by Russia.
Trump, nevertheless, insists that he has “nothing to do” with Russia. But three separate reports that were released on Monday suggest Trump’s connections to Russia are deep and troubling.
Trump set up a special server to communicate with a powerful Russian entity, some computer scientists believe.
A deeply reported piece by Franklin Foer in Slate found that the Trump Organization set up a very unusual server that appeared to communicate nearly exclusively with a Russian financial institution, Alfa Bank.
“The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project,” Paul Vixie, a top expert who reviewed the logs, concluded.
After the New York Times (which is also investigating) contacted Alfa Bank about the story, the Trump server was abruptly shut down. The Trump Organization then quietly set up a new server name. The first entity to look up the new name? Alpha Bank.
The Trump campaign denied any connection to Alpha Bank but did not offer an explanation of why the original server name was shut down and the new one was created. The FBI, which the New York Times reports has also investigated the communications between the Trump Organization and Alpha Bank, thinks there could be an innocuous explanation, a view shared by some online observers.
A former spy says he found evidence of an ‘established exchange of information’ between Trump and the Kremlin.
An explosive story in Mother Jones by David Corn reports that a “former Western intelligence officer” was hired by a Republican to investigate Trump’s connections to Russia. The officer allegedly found evidence that “ there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit.”
“Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. [The] [a]im, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance,” according to a memo prepared by the former officer and reviewed by Mother Jones.
The source also claims the FBI became interested in his findings and requested more information in August.
The FBI is investigating connections between Trump campaign staff and Russian oligarchs.
NBC News reports that the FBI has launched a preliminary investigation into the “Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort” and his connection to Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs.
Manafort stepped down from his post in the Trump campaign in August after questions were raised about large payments he allegedly received from pro-Russian entities.
According to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, the FBI has “explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government.”
Taken together, the three stories paint a troubling picture of a candidate and a campaign with potentially significant ties to a country that has emerged as one of the United State’s chief antagonists.
A story published later on Monday in the New York Times, takes an opposing view, highlighting that the FBI has not yet found proof of a direction connection between Russia and the Trump campaign. Anonymous FBI officials also told the New York Times they concluded that Russia is merely interested in disrupting the election, not helping Trump. It is an odd conclusion since all of Russia’s activities have been directed at the Clinton campaign or the Democratic Party.
Reid and other Democrats are calling on the FBI to release more information prior to the election.
William says
That’s why patriot won’t admit he’s voting for trump.
Palmdale Republican says
Palmdale voters – beware of AVRA\Lancaster backed candidates. AVRA stands for Antelope Valley Republican Association. They were started in 1977 by Frank Visco, a staunch supporter and contributor of Parris, and co-owner of the company that owns LEAPS, which is paid $10 million dollars by our tax dollars.
AVRA supports Republicans with Lancaster interests in mind. Republicans who do not toe the AVRA line are shunned. Palmdale Republicans are left behind by AVRA. AVRA would rather support a candidate like Parris, who is against Republican Steve Knight and who fights against job creating projects, than a candidate like Ledford or Bettencourt. AVRA supports Republicans who put Lancaster’s priorities in front of Palmdale’s priorities.
Palmdale Republicans and Democrats, do not be misled by AVRA. The candidates they support do not have Palmdale’s best interests in mind. They work for AVRA and Frank Visco and do what’s good for them, not for Palmdale.
Vic says
AVRA does not stand for me. I am a Republican and I don’t agree with all of AVRA’s endorsements or the way they do things. There needs to be another organization for Republicans in the AV that is not under the control of Visco, Parris, and Gilley.
William says
President Obama’s job approval – 54%
GDP for 3rd quarter – 2.9%
Gas price average per gallon – $2.21
Unemployment rate – 5.0%
If Glenn, patriot and others are complaining, it’s on them. Of course, they’ll deny it and complain and complain some more. They’ll complain for the rest of their lives as will Trump2016, who is likely patriot with another username.
patriot won’t admit he’s voting for trump so he’s using another name. Glenn is likely voting for trump too, not Hillary. If he was voting for a 3rd party, he’d have said so by now.
Patriot says
Health care up over 100 percent
6 million more in poverty
30 million more on welfare
Average salary down
10 trillion added to national debt, more than all before, combined.
Biggest tax increase in the history of U.S.
As far as his his approval, you cant fix stupid.
William says
Why not just put your own name? It’s just as likely to win as the others.
Voter says
That is a very good point, William. But I would rather in good conscience vote for someone that I could trust and respect, rather than choose between Trump and Clinton. I am leaning more towards Johnson than Sanders at the moment.
William says
Well, at least Sanders knows what and were Aleppo is.
And, no, it’s not one of the Marx brothers.
Don’t you have a friend or relative you trust and respect and has just as good a chance of being elected as Johnson?
Why limit limit it to just those 2?
Voter says
I’m sure Sanders know what and where Aleppo is. Johnson sure knows now. Both of them would be better choices than Clinton or Trump.
William says
Go ahead. Whoever you vote for, he’ll lose. You’ll lose.
You seem to be as well-informed as Johnson.
Heck, Aleppo was in the news for days and days and, yet, your Johnson dude had a senior moment and blank expression.
Voter says
That is true, William. The person I vote for may lose. But if Trump or Hillary get elected, we all lose.
Patriot says
Although I don’t speak for “voter”.
Voting is an honor and a sacred privilege.it’s also a right.
Millions have died to give you the right to vote.
Some people honor those who sacrificed,by voting who they want.win or lose.
Most are uneducated,and just vote their party.
Patriot says
Take pirrirus,for example.
He or she has stated,they are voting dems,no matter what.
That’s uneducated.
William says
“…may lose…”??? Can you be more specific?
William says
You wrote-
“Voting is an honor and a sacred privilege.it’s also a right.
Millions have died to give you the right to vote.”
Tell that to the republican party that has tried desperately for the last 8 years to suppress voting by minorities, the elderly, students and anyone they might think would vote Democratic. They’ve targeted laws specifically to suppress those votes and many were ruled unconstitutional.
Don’t even start with ‘voter ID’. Don’t. They’ve cut back early voting, reduced the number of polling places in minority districts, and many other tactics to discourage, obstruct and even prevent people from using that sacred right.
Remember people waiting 8 hours in line in Florida in 2012 to vote? THAT is voter suppression by the republican governor and republicans in the Florida legislature.
Of course, you are blind to that.
That you are likely oblivious to those facts make your username a joke.
Patriot says
You cant be real, william..nobody is that ignorant.
So people waiting in line, for hours, are only minorities?
When anyone asks for an id to vote, they only ask minorities?
You should have to show id, and be proud to show it.
Stop the lib talking points..please show that you can think on your own.
William says
You are absolutely no judge of what is real. Your grasp of reality is long gone.
Once again, you are unable to read American Standard English and comprehend.
I told you not to even go to ‘voter ID’ but you did anyway. Voter suppression takes many forms such as closing polling places in minority communities, creating long waits, and so on, targeting certain demographics that the gop thinks will vote Democratic.
But, you just don’t get it.
I’m done with you.
SMHX2 says
Hilarious, @patriot took a sentence from caffeinatedthoughts.com and pretended he came up with it all by himself “sacred privilege”, this made my day. He is a complete idiot.
Patriot says
Since you are done with me,william.does that mean you will just go away?when an entire state wants voter id,it’s not voter supression.only lib spin.shame you just can’t stop the talking points.some day you will stop being a mindless robot.
William says
After reading ‘patriot’s’ posts, you could change your name to SMHXInfinity and still not capture his stoopidity.
Voter says
I would take Obama over either Hillary or Trump. Both frontline candidates are disasters. I am unsure whether to write in Bernie Sanders or vote for Gary Johnson.
Glenn says
Just for the record I am an Independent voter not tied to either political party.
Of the two candidates running for president…
Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.
Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.
Only Hillary Clinton deleted 30 some thousand emails after she was ordered to hand them over to the Fed.
Only Hillary Clinton had that same computer wiped clean by professionals.
Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges then laughed about it.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about lying to the American people.
Only Hillary Clinton was involved in ” Cash Cow ”
Only Hillary Clinton has a long list of scandals.
Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband’s sexual harassment ( and rape ) accusers.
Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.
Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.
Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.
Only Hillary Clinton was labeled ” Extremely careless ” about national security by the FBI !
Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class.
Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election !
Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.
Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victims parents where lying.
Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.
Only Hillary Clinton has no real accomplishments after a lifetime in politics.
Only Hillary Clinton has never created any jobs.
Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.
Only Hillary Clinton has had two or more movies and several documentaries made about her questionable ethics.
Only Hillary Clinton was called “Broomstick one” by the SS.
Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would of simply told the truth in the first place ! Fact – all facts !
Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her SS detail.
Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton over and over again.
But you are going to vote for her because…. you don’t like Donald Trump ? That is insane!!!!
I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could vote for this evil woman.
Glenn says
And now the FBI has reopened the email investigation. This may turn out bigger than Watergate
William says
So, Glenn
What do these emails say?
You don’t know, do you but you are on a rant regardless.
You’ve already speculated that they might be BIGGER than Watergate.
Knowing your ilk, if they turn out to be nothing, you’ll say there’s a conspiracy……like the birthers did when President Obama released his long form birth certificate.
We know your type and await more of your silliness. Don’t disappoint us.
Patriot says
Big enough for the FBI to reopen the Hilary case.
How does it feel to back someone,the only one running for president ever,who is under federal investigation.
Patriot says
Might be time for bill to meet Loretto again,you know,to talk about grandbabies.
William says
I sent in my ballot on Monday and voted for Hillary.
Who are you voting for patriot or are you afraid to tell us?
Afraid? Embarrassed? Ashamed? Take yer pick.
William says
I sent in my ballot on Monday and voted for Hillary.
Who are you voting for patriot or are you afraid to tell us?
Afraid? Embarrassed? Ashamed? Take yer pick.
Glenn says
You know my type ? You know nothing about me other than the fact I do not like or trust Hillary Clinton. I do not particularly care for Donald Trump either but at least he is not being investigated by the FBI for the 2nd time this year. You are correct I do not know what the emails say,and if it turns out to be nothing so be it but I would be willing to bet there is something there or Comey would not have re-opened investigation. Why is it wrong to speculate that it may be bigger than Watergate? Because you do not agree with my opinion? That’s fine I do not need your approval for my opinion, that is the great thing about freedom of speech, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have also stated to you in a previous conversation I am not one of the birther people so why would you bother to bring that up?
Patriot says
Because he has nothing else.cant bring up how great the economy is doing.
Can’t bring up anything good about hilary.
Only old news.he usually goes back to reagan.lol.
WAIT for it.
William says
Comey ran his letter re: the emails by the Justice Department and they told him it was not consistent with policy to do so at this time.
But, he went ahead and did it. He’ll pay for this.
You just can’t help yourself, Glenn. There may be nothing BUT YOU’D BE WILLING TO BET BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.
That is how the right wingers work. That’s why a large percent still think the President was born in Kenya. Facts don’t matter to them or you.
William says
Oh, patriot
You started by saying that I wanted to cost 1,000s of trump hotel workers their jobs.
When I pointed out that I never said or implied that you just kept going downhill from there.
So, having failed reading comprehension from your very first reply, you are now resorting to Plam F….”What about this? What about that?…..” and so on. It’s been done before here by many just like you. No pass.
You think the voices in your head are what I wrote. I didn’t but you are trapped in that alternate reality.
You and Glenn are 2 peas in a large pod. I could just as well direct my replies to you to him and vice versa.
Patriot says
Ok.I agree william,you are smarter than me.feel better?
Now,what does that have to do with hilary being a liar.
And destroying her devices with a hammer?
Or wipeing her hard drives?
But,I agree,you are smarter.
William says
You are back to Plan F again, patriot. You misstated what you imagined I wrote and now you’re off to the races with whatever to distract and deflect. Right?
You never answered who you were voting for, if I recall correctly, but you post a bunch a questions yourself.
You first. Answer the question.
I’ve dealt with so many just like you and Glenn on this site and it’s so familiar how you folks think… or not.
But, after all this time, where are they now? Their thinking and yours is bankrupt. And, it shows.
William says
Well, I’m glad we settled that, patriot. You thought you were so clever misstating what I wrote in your first reply.
Guess you’re not after all.
Glenn says
William and you can’t help yourself either. Blah blah blah is a great response from a person as smart as yourself isn’t it.
William says
Hey, Glenn
I was just quoting you saying “BLAH. BLAH. BLAH.”
Yessiree. When you say it may be nothing “but I would be willing to bet…” everything after the “but” is BLAH. BLAH. BLAH.
You should know that by now. You must do it all the time.
Keep those softballs a-comin’, Glenn.
William says
@Glenn and patriot.
No matter who wins this election, I will be fine. I am fine now and have been all along even during the GREAT BUSH RECESSION/DEPRESSION.
However, you 2 will not be fine no matter who wins because you’re not now and likely haven’t been in quite a while, if ever. I can hear your constant kvetching in the background of your posts. Poor you.
Your turns.
Glenn says
I will be fine on November 9th, like I said you know nothing about me William. You keep trying to stereotype me but all you know about me is I do not trust or like Hillary or agree with your views
William says
Hey, Glenn
You don’t sound fine now.
I picture you hands akimbo, saying “You don’t know me.” while moving your head side-to-side like someone on Jerry Springer.
You do fit a stereotype, however. That’s why there is such a word.
You are similar to a ‘birther’ in that even if nothing comes of the recent email dump, you’ve already made up your mind ahead of time just like they did.
Carry on and on and on.
Patriot says
Glen,it’s like trying to have a conversation with a 2 year old.
If it’s blue,William will change it to pink.it’s called spin.
He’s backed into a corner,first Obama has done nothing,and now hilary.
That’s why he won’t comment on the crimes she has committed.
SMHX2 says
William, I give you a whole lot of credit for understanding @patriot’s phrases. Can you please translate what he is stating to those of us not fortunate enough to speak “@patriot” fluently? Thank you very much William.
William says
It all started when our ‘patriot’ simply replied to a comment of mine and made up stuff that I didn’t write.
The right wingers here and everywhere do that all the time. They have no reading comprehension. They just listen to the voices in their heads and think that’s ‘reality’.
They are so amusing.
Plus, patriot can’t/won’t admit he’s voting for trump.
Seer says
The GOP started this great big lie. A lot of naive voters believe this lie. They will believe a lie rather than the truth. Hilary is a big threat to the extreme right wing. The land slide and the sleeping giant getting ready to rumble. Remember a lie can be broken.
Robert says
It already is bigger than Watergate. Watergate was a break in of McGovern’s campaign headquarters and the subsequent cover up. No threat to national security. Nixon put the country first and resigned. Hillary puts Hillary first and the country suffers.
Jimm says
To all your arguments, your opponent Willie said – “I called 1 800 number for Trump Hotels reservations to make fun on them”. That being said Glenn – you are talking to insane people here, and you are wasting your time.
A lot of people are dumb and crazy, and not matter what you say, they will vote for THIS:
William says
Great news!
Donald Trump’s hotels and golf resorts are losing business, lots of business. His new .
hotel in Washington D.C. is dropping rates and has a high vacancy.
Ivanka Trump’s clothing line is suffering as well.
The whole family is swirling around the drain and it couldn’t happen to a more rotten group of selfish and money hungry people. The poor darling children might be facing a very much smaller inheritance, if anything is left.
Trump can only blame himself and his big mouth but he won’t. He’ll blame everyone and everything. So much for the party of personal responsibility.
William says
Call 1.855.878.6700, Trump Hotel Reservations, and say what you like to them.
I called twice and told them that they were losing business because of trump’s big mouth.
Have fun with this.
Patriot says
So, you want the thousands of people trump employs, to be out of a job?
And you call a hotel reservation number to crank call?
Words of a true liberal.
pirrurris says
Thousands of people have lost their jobs thanks to the POS Trump shipping jobs overseas and his bankruptcies.
The POS used undocumented immigrants to biuld his hotel and used materials made in China.
Vic says
Both Trump and Rex, meglomaniacs that they are, are obsessed with China. Rex may be more dangerous as he is opening up Lancaster to the Chinese with EAFB, Plant 42, Northup, and Lockheed here working on sensitive projects.
William says
So, you are a patriot that thinks trump is worthy of something?
Is that correct?
He’s the one doing damage to his own brand and, yet, you foolishly blame me for costing his employees jobs. I just told the person answering the 800 number that his big mouth was ruining his brand.
Just like a true nutjob, ur.
Patriot says
Read t again william,I never said that you were responsible.it just seems pretry childish,even for a liberal.the hotel employees have nothing to do with what he says,nor do they care.
But I have to ask,do you think anything is wrong with someone who,after she finds out about FBI investigations,
Destroys all of her servers
Wipes them all clean,so not even the FBI,can get in
Smashes all her devices with a hammer
Lies to Congress
THAT sounds like someone with nothing to hide.
William says
Oh, Patriot
Comey didn’t suggest that she be indicted given he was in on all the information but you and the right wing media you inhabit know best.
Patriot says
Right about now I see William frantically surfing the liberals news outlets.
There must be some liberal who can spin the FBI reopening the case on hilary.
William says
Oh, patriot
So, what has come of Comey saying they are looking at more emails?
For you, that’s already a scandal despite your not knowing nuttin’ about what’s in the emails.
But, that’s you.
William says
I doubt we’ll be seeing the username “Patriot” here after November 8.
William says
So, Comey’s announcement today was tantamount to a weatherman saying “We just got a report that there will be weather next week.” and, of course, our ‘patriot’ got all moist and excited.
Patriot says
I knew it,that’s exactly what liberal news is saying,comey is just looking.you did surf.lol.so what’s your thoughts on hilary smashing her devices with a hammer?
Scubbing her multiple servers,so nobody can ever see what was on them?
Erasing over 30 thousand emails?
What innocent person does this?
Patriot says
What did hilary say today.
I want the FBI to tell us what they found.
An innocent person would have said.
I’m not worried about what they found,I have nothing to hide.
William says
Oh patriot
Now, you’re projecting. You are repeating all the right wing talking points yourself.
Keep digging and proving that I’m smarter than you are.
Thank you too much.
William says
trump blames Hillary and President Obama for everything, Right?
Well, since republicans have majorities of legislatures in the 50 states, a majority of governorships, majorities in the House and Senate, exactly what responsibility do they take for the so-called mess the country is in?
I love how a republican governor here or there claims success in his state during the terrible Obama economy. Talk about hypocrisy. Thy name is GOP.
Patriot says
So,you are saying the mess is congress fault?that means democrats are responsible for the crash when gw was president.dems where in charge!
William says
Oh Patriot
You are hopeless.
The republicans were in charge from 2001 to 2007, House, Senate and the presidency, and set in motion the events that ended up in the Great Bush Recession that landed in the Democrats and President Obama’s laps. Then, they obstructed every effort to repair the damage they caused since then, They even shut down the government when they had a tantrum.
But, that is too, too hard for you to comprehend. The collapse happened on bush’s watch, didn’t it? The Democrats held the Congress for a short time or didn’t you know that?
Look, I’m smarter than you are, so if you want to keep losing every argument, I’m ready and willing.
You need to move to Kansas, a gop paradise. You don’t belong in ‘librul’ California, the 6th largest economy in the world. You need to be in a backwoods red state where you are with your own kind. You’ll feel right at home.
Patriot says
Yes william,you are too smart.you should look up the worst of the recession.it happened between 2007,2008.try again.what Comey said was
She lied
She sent over 100 classified documents
Any one else would have security clearance revoked
AND possible jail time.but spin away william,spin away
William says
Oh, patriot
You wrote
“So, you want the thousands of people trump employs, to be out of a job?”
Where did I say that, if you want to go down that road? Where did I even imply that? You are simply writing what the voices in your head are screaming.
There’s what I wrote or what people say and then there’s what you right wingers make up in your noggins and think it’s real.
Keep ’em coming. I told you I’m smarter than you are.
Patriot says
Are you and pirrurris related?he employs 1000s of people.and you want him to lose what he’s built.why else would you call,are they going to straighten him out?
DID you want to rub it in?william,tell us why you would call!
William says
Oh, patriot
There you go again on a rant created from the voices in your head.
I told you I told the reservation desk that trump’s big mouth was damaging the brand which has been reported already in the media.
He’s had to reduced hotel prices at his new hotel in D.C. due to higher than expected vacancies.
Then, you made up that I want 1,000s of his employees to lose their jobs which I never said or implied. But, that’s you.
If 1,000s of employees lose their jobs, it’s BECAUSE OF TRUMP’S BIG MOUTH and nothing to do with me or pirrurris.
Why can’t you get that?
I told you I’m smarter than you but you just keep on coming back to prove it.
Why did I call? If I have a complaint with a business or its owner, I call them. I don’t just rant on a local website like you do. Look at all the complaints on this site. Does anyone ever call either Lancaster or Palmdale City Hall to complain or just rant here?
I just reported that I did call a trump business to complain about his behavior. Apparently, he and his people live in a bubble that is oblivious to his behavior like the one you live in.
William says
Hey, patriot
Now, women are boycotting Ivanka’s clothing line at Macy’s and Nordstrom’s.
Why don’t you go buy a dress or two to help her out?
William says
Who are you voting for, patriot?
Scared to tell us? Does it have an orange tint?
William says
“Case in point: Police in Des Moines, Iowa, said Friday that they had arrested Terri Lynn Rote, 55, on suspicion of voting twice in the general election.
Rote, a registered Republican, allegedly submitted ballots at two different early-voting locations in Polk County, Iowa, according to local media reports. She has been charged with first-degree election misconduct, a felony.
“I wasn’t planning on doing it twice. It was a spur of the moment,” Rote told Iowa Public Radio. “The polls are rigged.” She said she feared her first vote for Trump would be changed to a vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.”
Then, there was Mitt Romney voting in Massachussets using his son’s basement address.
The real fraud is the gop’s dishonest voter suppression effort for the last 8 years.
Patriot says
I guess you don’t have answer.it’s tough to defend,I get it.
Why would she destroy all the evidence?with a hammer?
Destroy all her hard drives?
Lie to the FBI,according to comey?
I’ll vote for the person that has accomplished something in their life.
I’ll vote for the person who doesn’t pander to everyone,illegal,black,lgbt or certain religious groups.
Tim Scott says
You would do well to drop the whole “oh give thanks to the paternal massa who trickles down the jobs” bit. The market creates jobs. Those jobs don’t actually HAVE to be used to concentrate wealth into the hands of the very rich few in order to exist. If golf courses and hotels around the globe weren’t owned by one company that doesn’t mean that all of a sudden there would be no golf courses for golfers, hotels for vacationers, or jobs for the workers.
The biggest weakness in the US version of capitalism is that it is seriously short on countering the natural forces of monopolization. Most major market segments have far too few competitors to operate effectively, and the whole ‘we owe it to the trickle downers’ business just makes foolish people push for even more “too big to fail” disasters.
pirrurris says
Thanks for sharing. I just called and told them that effective immediately, my family and I are boycotting anything associated with Trump.
Shane Falco says
Might as well boycott Lamborghini and homes in Malibu as well. Surely you understand that there is a difference in boycotting and being unable to afford something.
Patriot says
Lol.so funny.maybe pirrurris you can boycott walmart.
DonnieGrossie says
I threw away (not gave away) the few Ivanka Trump items I had- disgusting excuses for human beings.
Did you see that Trump said his employees were suffering the consequences of changes to Obamacare? He won’t even provide them with decent health insurance, what a pig!
William says
I heard a report that his employees were all covered by his company’s health plan at one hotel except for 1 and they didn’t need or have Obamacare.
The guy lies and lies and that campaign manager Kellyanne Conway is even worse. I expect her to know better while trump has untreated mental health issues.
BTW Where’s John defending him?
pirrurris says
Donald Trump’s nightmare is just starting. People are boycoting everything related or affiliated with Trump.
Patriot says
Sounds like he will only be worth 8.99 billion,instead of 9 billion.devastating.I guess the millions who have lost their jobs,thanks to the Clintons free trade agreements don’t matter.
Keep sucking the teet.
William says
Anyone with the username ‘Partriot’ has the same phony ring to it as when trump says “Nobody respects women more than me.”.
Patriot? Really?
As far as sucking goes, Patriot, where are your lips on the Donald?
William says
Is the username ‘Patriot’ an oxymoron in only 1 word?
Of course it is.
pirrurris says
Patriot, ate you that dumb serious? That’s what Trump is yelling you. In reality, no one knows exactly how much money this POS actually has because he has not released his tax retuns. I bet he has a lot less than what he claims he has.
Patriot says
Not sure how to respond in your native tongue.do you speak english?
Russ says
And the Democrats are the party of personal responsibility? It has been proven they planted people at Trump rallies to incite violence, they even succeeded in shutting down his rally in Chicago. I have yet to meet a liberal who does not berate you when you do not agree with his or her views and the majority of them are Democrats.
William says
You are with the alternate reality party, aren’t you?
There’s simply no comparison between the 2 parties when it comes to underhanded and dishonest politics.
In fact, that is a major criticism of the Democrats, that they show up to a gunfight with a water pistol.
pirrurris says
GOP now stands for……Grab Our Pu**#y. :).
pirrurris says
Next time I go to a Trump rally, I am going to greet all Trump supporters by grabbing their crotch.
you guys are just talking mad sh!t about everything, go actually make a change. the AV and the US are fcked.
William says
I see that ol’ rex has changed the name of his law practice thingy to just ‘PARRIS’.
I guess his hero is Trump and he’s trying to create a ‘Parris’ brand, with the same shady results as trump.
The name will be all over the buildings he has in the AV. Ugh. Blight.
Doesn’t he know that his name carries a lot of baggage already?
Terry says
If you had a name with as much baggage and ill will as R. Rex Parris, wouldn’t you change it? Rex may be a twisted, evil, devious, lying, greedy, bullyish meglomaniac, but he does know how to read a marketing survey. Take R. Rex out and you have a chance that some people might not connect him with the company.
William says
You got that right. I can’t understand why he still wants to live part-time in a city that he has ruined. Doesn’t it get to him how awful things have gotten?
Does he ever drive around Lancaster and see half-empty old shopping centers and little else.
I guess it’s the money he’s sucking out of cities and other entities that keep him here. The rent must be low on his office building.
Vic says
You mean his office building he bought illegally? Was he ever fined for that?
On the bright side, with all the money he’s sucked out of cities and other entities he did spruce up his building. The rest of the empty places, particularly in East Lancaster, look like East Berlin before German reunification.
Holy Heck! Hell juss musta froze over. I done agree with Ole Rex on sumpin. Ole Rex done come around to thinkin that Measure A would be good for the Vally. No one heres is more Anti Rex than the Cap’n but he is right here.
Now what the Hecks gone wrong with Ole Marv and Ole Hoff? Them two’s agin it. With Ole Marv I gets it. Ole Marv is about as smart as rock buried under another rock. Ole Hoff is actin a lot like Ole Marv. Thems two is quite a pair
Callingitasitis says
Yes, the outrage of Trump’s surrogate using a page out the Bill Clinton defenders play book from the 90’s. There is just one thing different the news media was quiet until Bill won his re-election. The story of three scoundrels and how they treated women like crap. Two had been given a wink by new media and one given a buck of odious feces. Donald and Bill have earned their places just as Empress Teflon Clinton. This year has been an extreme race to the bottom of the septic tank. All are welcome to the throwing poop party.
William says
You represent yourself well. Your comment is barely comprehensible.
callingitasitis says
Trump is dead meat. He will die of a thousand cuts (bleed out) which he will sustain from the from President Hillary Clinton’s administration through covert federal agencies actions (IRS/EPA/DOJ civil rights division). He will understand that his arrogance and defiant challenge to the Clinton machine has consequence by her third year. Revenge is best serve COLD. We will hear nothing from the liberal media about it except only to say, see he was a real monster. It will be the best four years this nation will have ever seen. We will have earned it. Just ask Ambassador Stevens, a friend of hers (Benghazi effect).
pirrurris says
Callingitasitis, stop with the Benghazi BS and take ownership of your class clown. Republicans are going lose this election thanks to idiots electing the vilkage idiot. You chucklenutz may even end up losing the senate too.
Tim Scott says
Women come out talking about how Trump played the “I own the pageant” card to justify “inspecting” the dressing areas while contestants were changing clothes.
Trump campaign vehemently denies, slanders “lying” women repeatedly, threatens lawsuits against media that covers the story.
Media produces tape of Trump on Howard Stern boasting about how great owning the pageant is because he gets to prowl backstage while the contestants are changing.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
William says
@ Tim Scott
I keep hearing Trump’s deplorable surrogates saying why didn’t those women come forward at the time?
Here’s the simple answer.
Look at how Trump and his surrogates are trashing those women right now. They knew they’d get that treatment back then. At least, they aren’t anywhere near him now or dependent on him for any pageant activity, so they are older, wiser and now willing to come foreward to dispute Trump’s denials at the 2nd debate. Good for them.
Any questions, John and others?
pirrurris says
Gloria Alred, is going to have a field day with Trump once this is over. By the way…did you all know that Trump is already going around changing the Trump ame from his hotels? I wonder why? :). Trump’s nighmare is going to start as soon as the election is over.
Looks like the Peoples of Lancaster finally got their Heads out of their Keesters and voted down that Homeless Tax Scam. Now we gots to git together and vote Ole Rex and Ole Marv OUT
Time for Change says
It went down in flames because we the people of Lancaster have lost faith in our mayor and leaders. We have been sold a bill of good so many times on so many different things. We were told LEAPS would lower crime and make us safer. LEAPS is a failure. We were told selling garbage through Ecolution would bring in revenue. Ecolution is a failure. We were told Traction Seal would fix our roads. We got black paint and still have bad roads. We were told that we had to have a Walmart across from Quartz Hill High School even though we the people didn’t want it. We were told that the homeless were committing crimes on the BLVD when there is no proof. We were told that Chinese birth tourism was not being looked into at AV Hospital when in fact it was. We were told that a power plant in Palmdale would kill us even though it wasn’t true. We were told that Lancaster Energy had green power but it actually is less green than Edison. Enough is enough. Enough cronyism. Enough good old boy network. Enough destroying the desert with solar farms that should be on the tops of roofs. Enough suing our neighboring cities. Enough with elections in April when they should be in November. Enough bullying of residents at Council meetings. Enough ignoring of East Lancaster. Enough trying to build a Christian community when we are a community of many different faiths and ideologies. Enough is enough. It’s time for a change in the leadership in Lancaster.
John says
All the anti-Rex people complained about all these same things, like a broken record, for years and he still gets re-elected as Mayor. He must be doing something right or the majority of people agree with Rex. It is fun reading the same grievances over and over again.
I wonder if you eat cheese with your whine?
Tim Scott says
If the majority agree with him why do you figure he only gets about 5% of the vote?
Granger says
Pretty sad when a Mayor only needs 5% of the population to send the liberals home whining.
William says
So, Granger
You gots yer Donald and rex to help you sleep at night.
Rigged says
When you hold elections in April instead of November and then have a polling place at the Lancaster Baptist compound where the members and student do what they’re told, you’re pretty much a shoo in. Either that or Lancaster voters are ignorant of the facts, stupid, or some combination of the two.
Ray says
We will continue to whine as long as Rex and his cohorts continue to push idiotic policies on us like LEAPS, Ecolution, bird sounds, cronyism, favoritism, bullying, frivolous lawsuits, birth tourism, destructive solar fields, false promises about electricity, substandard road fixes, rising crime, and so on. He can bully us all he wants at this Council meetings, but we have forums like this to tell the truth about his failed, corrupt, and bizarre reign.
SP says
He only “does right” for his political contributors and the good old boys. They profit. The rest of us get nothing but lunatic ideas, higher crime, and a lot of hot air.
William says
Please, everyone. John writes that rex must be doing something right…………….far right, it seems.
People like John need to be mocked and ridiculed just like trump and rex. The last 2 would be nowhere without people like our John.
Vic says
Rex is the worst of the far right and far left.
The Anti-REX says
Count me in
William says
Trump said to be sure to vote on November 28.
Hopefully, his followers will take him up on that.
John says
At the beginning of his speech, Trump did say to his supporters to vote in 28 days. Then soon after he said it is important to vote November 28. A slight gaffe, yes. Then near the end of his speech Trump did say to vote on November 8th.
No news here. Move along.
William says
Oh, John. Oh, John.
Trump is going down in flames.
I can’t wait to read what you’ll have to say here on November 9, if you dare say anything.
John says
I remember what you had to say when Parris and friends won re-election last April. But I digress.
You can’t blame any of the local Republicans in the AV for Donald Trump. He was chosen before anyone in California voted. The same will happen on November 8th when Hillary Clinton wins in California.
The last time California voted for a Republican presidential candidate was in 1988. I don’t expect Donald Trump will win California this time either.
William says
Or the general election.
What say you, John, as republican after republican abandons the candidate of the party?
You apparently want to go down with the RMS Trumptanic to bottom of the North Atlantic.
Why do you defend the indefensible like Parris and Trump?
What did your parents do to you?
Here’s the deal, John. It’s pointless to go after people like Bush, Cheney, Trump, etc. when it’s people that support and vote for them that are the real problem.
Hopefully, Trump will take down our Steve Knight with him. If only.
Glenn says
So William you are saying that you would rather have one of the most corrupt politicians in American history be our President? She will destroy what is left of this Country, she has already stated she will take away our 2nd Amendment rights, create open borders, and will impose the largest tax increase in American History which will include what is left of the middle class. I am guessing you believe that all the leaked e-mails are lies too, the plans they have discussed for this Country in the leaked emails is beyond scary and America as we know it will cease to exist. I am not saying that the Republicans are any better and not corrupt themselves but we as a nation cannot allow Hillary to become President. I really do not like Trump but the alternative of Hillary being President is unacceptable to me. Have you not been paying attention to all the turmoil in this Country? This will also continue because she states the road we are on now as a nation is acceptable and she will follow the agenda that Obama began when he became President. She wants us to be ruled by the United Nation and no longer be a sovereign nation, is that acceptable to you? She wants to destroy the Catholic Church and Christian faith is that acceptable to you? There are many more but I have things to do so I am done with my mini rant. I cannot wait to hear how you twist my words and not answer any of my questions
pirrurris says
Yes, he did….and SNL made fun of him too. By the way, did anyon see the last SNL skit on Trump and Hillary? Alec Baldwin has him down to the T.
Rob says
Last chance to say NO to more taxes! NO on Measure A, the tax scam that will take millions of tax dollars from property owners and fail miserably to address the causes of homelessness. This is a cash cow to make up for fiscal mismanagement of the Parris administration. Enough is enough. Time to put an end to fiscal mismanagement in Lancaster. No on Measure A.
Faye Roe says
Is anyone monitoring the vote count? After all, this is Lancaster, the city with elections in April, no voting districts (although the mayor will sue you if you don’t have districts,) a council filled with yes men and women from rich West Lancaster, and not a care in the world for East Lancaster. Vote no on this scam.
John says
I understand that this needs two-thirds vote to pass because it is a tax. We should get the results early next week. I agree, NO on Measure A.
An educated person knows crap when they see it says
An educated person knows crap when they see it
by Helen Philpot
Margaret, I’ve never been one to hold my tongue and that’s not gonna change now. Hillary couldn’t say it because she understands the office she aspires to hold. I, however, am not running for President. And therefore…
Donald Trump, you fat-ass, lying son-of-a-bitch. Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to give you or anyone else an explanation for her husband’s behavior anymore than Ivana, Marla or Melania need to explain yours. The idea of sexual assault that you promoted is not a distraction. It is an extremely important issue and to suggest otherwise tells me everything I need to know about you. You are the worst kind of man. You are a man who objectifies and belittles women. For God’s sake you thought it was funny that another man called your daughter a piece of ass.
William Jefferson Clinton is not on the ballot. Hillary Clinton is your opponent. And tonight she grabbed you by your tiny little Johnson and effectively ended this election. You will never be President and no matter how much you demean and belittle women, karma is about to be a bitch for you because women will be the reason you fail.
And Mike Pence you are the worst kind of politician because you wrap yourself in you sanctimonious religious beliefs to legislate your will on others until suddenly your religion gets in the way of your elections and you kick it to the curb. Suddenly now you are back on the Trump Train? Welcome to your new hell, Mike. Let us know how much you like being forced to carry something to term against your will. Check for a heartbeat, dear. You’ll find that Donald doesn’t have one.
The Republican party brought this upon themselves. You spent decades convincing your base that government is evil, forgetting the whole time that you are a part of that government. As a result your base gave you Trump and you are stuck with him.
And for the record, Donald, throwing your opponent in jail is classic dictatorship. No wonder you admire Putin so much. You want to be just like him.
This November the American people need to leave Donald Trump and Mike Pence on the ash heap of history where they belong. And please, for the love of God, let’s put Corey Lewandowski there too. I mean it. Really
Tim Scott says
In this campaign there really is nothing that could rise to “jaw dropping” against the surreal background, but this is amazing. Basically everyone is responding with a shrug and a “well, yeah, of course” as the VP candidate of a major party says the nominee is indefensible, cancels campaign events, and appears to be considering removing his endorsement of his own running mate.
Russ says
This election should be about the issues facing this country not who made lewd comments or whose husband is a womanizer and rapist. We have much more pressing issues facing this Country such as allowing foreign refugees into this country when we cannot even take care of our own homeless people, fixing our borders so no one can just come across the border and receive government benefits if they have a child while here illegally, taking care of the veterans who have served this Country overseas fighting for our freedoms. Keeping our Constitutional rights to bear arms, you think its bad now with shootings just wait until only the criminals have guns, it will get way worse with even more police officers murdered. Creating more jobs so the 19 million people who gave up looking for jobs can return to the workplace, the list goes on and on. Of course the Democratic party is slamming Trump on his mouth and conduct because they cannot campaign on their agenda. And the Republican party is no better than the Democrats they are just as equally corrupt, it is sad what this Country has turned into
pirrurris says
So………after the colrful video of Trump talking about woman….why would any woman or republican support this POS?
Shane Falco says
Wikileaks is currently publishing Hilary’s Wall Street speeches and Podesta emails.
It’s not shocking how absolutely dishonest and duplicitous she is with recent emails and speeches contradicting her stated positions.
Trump is a womanizing idiot, just like our 42nd president and husband of the dem nominee and just like the husband of the dem nominees chief of staff.
Vivian says
You are so right pirrurris. Between him and Hillary, whose enabling of her husband to run rampant with bimbos, the only clear choice for women is Gary Johnson.
Tim Scott says
Strange. I’ve known a lot of husbands that “ran rampant with bimbos” and I’ve NEVER seen anyone get mad at the guy’s wife about it before.
Shane Falco says
If the wife is condemning that behavior while tolerating it at home for decades and when her chief of staff is tolerating it at home, it seems it’s hypocritical at best, reflects poor judgment at medium and is disingenuous and dishonest at worst.
pirrurris says
Shane, Bill is not running for president, but good try.
Trump is going to get beat by a girl.
Shane Falco says
Ah the irony. When Bill is doing it as president and sued it was private matter and nobodys business. Trump does it or allegedly does it and he’s unfit for office. Again, Bill is out there campaigning, and her own campaign acknowledges the problem and it shows her lack of judgment.
I do wonder about those here who rant against the “fern street mafia” and Rex and how those people aren’t fuming over the Clinton emails actually proving Hillary and the DNC of the very things they speculate Rex of doing?
Could you imagine the outcry that would happen if Lee Baca’s wife was running for congress while Lee was investigating Rex. Let’s say Marv Crist then donated $500k to the wife’s campaign and coincidentally, Lee’s investigation of Rex turned up nothing despite emails and evidence to the contrary?
That’s just a drop in the bucket of the blatant corruption folks here are fine with.
Susan B says
Ok Trump talks about women in a way I’m positive many men do between themselves but won’t admit it. Hillary is a habitual liar who gave our countries secrets and dealings away to anyone who wanted to hack in and get them. She is corrupt and dishonest. She is responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. After the attack she goes on national television and lied to the American people about the cause. Hillary’s team smashes with a hammer blackberries so her they wouldn’t give away any information after she was ordered to turn everything over in her email scandal. The Clintons believe they are above the law and can do anything they want. It’s absolutely incredible how any American in good conscience could ever consider voting for her.
Maurice says
Really! What politician doesn’t lie! You act like you have learned something new. The difference is that with most politicians, you have to catch them in lies, unlike Trump who tells his followers his lie, and then blames his lies on the media, or whoever calls him out on it. Use you God given common since, and don’t drink the Donald cookaid. Yes I met cookaid. I truly believe that the Donald was sent as a Trojan horse into the Republican Party to destroy it, and he with the help of his followers, you are all doing a great job. Keep up the good work. And when the Donald launches his next realty show, I hope he has a role in it for all of you. (Make America Great Again) America is great, and if you don’t like it you can always choose to leave and live elsewhere in the world, and then you will have a chance to see just how great America really is!
Russ says
Let me start by saying Trump is an idiot for what he said but Hillary is no Saint either, it has been proven that she attacked a 12 year old girl in court while defending a rapist and then laughed at getting him acquitted, she has also slammed all the women who Bill raped or abused. It has also been proven that women that work for Hillary are not paid as well as women who work for Trump. She is just as much a piece of… as Trump is. This country is doomed if we do not get rid of career politicians Hillary wants to impose the largest tax increase in American history and it will include whats left of the middle class, I don’t know about you but I can barely get by on what I make now and it will only get worse when the government takes more of my paycheck, lets focus on the issues of our Country not all this sleeze thats going on
satisfied says
because what Trump did is trashy, but what Hillary did…she should be in jail.
These are the choices and don’t kid yourself that you can just not vote or write in or choose from the others running and make a difference.
For me, Trump still has my vote. By the way, Hillary stated she would take the high road (another lie) at the campaign, she took the yellow brick road….Putin is helping Trump win the campaign….pathetic reach
Tim Scott says
LOL…Trumpists are so interesting with this “should be in jail” bit. WHY exactly should she be in jail?
The state department did an internal investigation and didn’t see any reason to put her in jail, or even charge her with a crime. The congressional Republicans spent half a billion dollars on a witch hunt because they REALLY wanted to charge her with a crime, but they couldn’t find anything to charge her with. Every dingbat’s favorite “news” organization assigned investigative journalists to turn over every rock on the planet, but they found no evidence for their madly spun webs of innuendo that they could hand over to law enforcement. The FBI investigated and found no crime.
Yet there’s always someone who will say “I’m just a fan of Donny Dingbat and ALL those people were wrong.”
Mike Pence might have won the debate, but Tim Kaine was the only one who left with his dignity still intact. says
Margaret, the problem I have with Donald Trump is that he actually believes his shit doesn’t stink. And the problem I have with his supporters is that they are pretending nobody just stunk up the bathroom. Honey, have you seen these lunatics that keep going on TV to either defend or otherwise try to make sense out of the things he says? I have to wonder if they they can still look at themselves in the mirror these days. Of course, there’s a good chance they no longer have a reflection.
Now they are celebrating that Mike Pence can walk and chew gum at the same time. Bless his heart but Pence was so tied in knots that I’m pretty sure he no longer knows whether to check his ass or scratch his watch at this point. He spent the whole night claiming that Donald Trump didn’t say what we all have heard him say. If we learned anything at all from that debate it’s that Tim Kaine really likes being Hillary’s running mate and Mike Pence has never met Donald Trump.
Donald is a dying breed, that one. He actually believes that a woman’s only value is her looks. He comes from that fading era when women stayed at home to have kids and clean house and once our figure was gone, we were at the mercy of a forgiving husband as to whether to keep us or not. Trump really believes this bullshit about women. When Hillary called him out about his insults, he didn’t say it was a poor choice of words or that he had regrets. He said, in a Presidential debate, that Rosie was mean and she deserved it… and then he tweeted like a teenager all night that Miss Universe had indeed gotten fat.
Trump actually believes that all blacks live in one neighborhood in every town and they wake up each morning to gun shots. According to Trump, they all live in hell and the only thing that is going to make it better is more police and more jails. I am not making this up. His spokespeople can go on the news all day long and say what he really meant but that doesn’t change what he actually said. For crying out loud, we don’t need interpreters. We have the Internet. As my son says all the time – Google it.
He truly believes that all Muslims – American citizens or not – should be forced to register with the government so they can be put under surveillance. He has implied that they really shouldn’t be allowed to be here at all. And his solution for imigration – for a country of immigrants – is a huge wall that would forever be a scar disfiguring our otherwise great country. No wait. I should have just said “our country” because according to Donald Trump we are not a great country anymore.
Trump thinks Putin is a great leader because he has great control over his country. Yep. He said that. Nevermind that Putin is a dictator, am I the only one worried that Donald thinks the President of the United States is supposed to control us? Good Lord but what world does that man live in? And does he really think his supporters want to be controlled? They don’t even like being told to use seat belts or that President Obama isn’t a Muslim.
But back to the debate… Let’s not forget that Mike Pence was supposed to be defending Trump… defending a man who made fun of a disabled person. The reporter Trump mimicked has a disability that limits the use of his arms and restricts his joints. It’s called arthrogryposis and Trump actually mocked and made fun of his appearance in front of a crowd of supporters at one of his hillbilly rallies. Let me repeat that. Donald Trump, while running for President, made fun of a disabled person by mocking the way he looks. And Donald didn’t just say it, he said it and acted it out in front of television cameras. It’s no wonder Pence didn’t attempt to defend his running mate. How does anyone continue to support this man?
But seriously, what did we really just learn? We learned that even Mike Pence can’t get through a debate without offending an entire ethnic group. I’m not sure what that Mexican thing was, but I am for damn sure Donald Trump actually said:
“They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
He doesn’t know if any of them are good people. He just assumes some might be. How very open minded of him. Was that the Mexican thing Senator Kaine whipped out, Govenor Pence?
And did anyone else catch Mike’s defense that Hillary is worse because she insulted half of Trump’s supporters and Donald only insulted one Miss Universe. Uhmm, let’s do the math:
Half of Trumps’s supporters is about 7 million (based on primary voters) or if we believe current polls it could be 25 million Americans who are about to vote for him .
To Pence’s credit, that is indeed a lot of people to have insulted. To her credit, Clinton has said she was wrong to have said it and regretted it. But let’s look at Trump’s ever growing talley:
US Generals – 652
African Americans – 37 million
Population of Mexico – 120 million
Disabled people worldwide – 1 billion
Muslims – 1.6 billion
Women (all weights) – 3.5 billion
To date, Trump has issued no apologies. In fact, while Pence was declaring that Clinton ran a campaign of insults, Trump was tweeting insults not about what Kaine said but about the way Kaine looked.
We also learned that Mike Pence believes his religious beliefs should be turned into law so that women can’t make their own religious decisions. And we learned that Mike Pence is clueless as to how many children are still waiting in foster care to be adopted (over 400,000) or that nearly 23,000 thousand kids age out of foster care every year in the United States alone.
If we really have become a country where it doesn’t matter what you say as long as you look good while saying it, then we might deserve what we get. My gut tells me it’s just the media keeping us intested for the sake of ratings. At least I hope it is.
Mike Pence might have indeed won the debate by successfully avoiding the questions. But Tim Kaine was the only one that night who got to leave with his dignity still intact. I mean it. Really.
Just Saying says
Trump has 3 objectives.
1)Make greed driven obscene sums of money.
2)Run the GOP into a ditch by mimicking it’s hateful base.
3)Enjoy his friends, Bill and Hillary, becoming a president in his pocket. (see objective #1)
The Anti-REX says
Lancaster residents get out and vote “NO” this Tuesday to stop this Homeless Tax scam.
The Mayor’s tax does nothing but fill his pockets and make Lancaster a magnet for the homeless. I have some inside information that he has plans to create a tent city on the vacant property behind the courthouse. Guess who has a financial interest in this property? go ahead guess….
Bart says
Nothing is done in Lancaster without the good old boys getting paid. LEAPS is the most obvious offender with $10 million tax dollars being siphoned off to long time Parris political contributor and friend Frank Visco.
The so-called “Homeless Tax” is a scam to raise money for more law enforcement that is necessary to deal with the rising crime rate. The crime rate is rising because instead of spending money on Sheriffs, we’re wasting it on LEAPS and lawsuits. It will not help homeless. It will become an attractant and attempt to criminalize something that isn’t criminal.
West Palmdale Voter says
Watching the Palmdale City Council meeting online. Time to say goodbye to Hoffbauer. If his online rants, questionable posts, and insults of Fred Thompson aren’t bad enough, his rude snipes at the meeting seal the deal for me. I voted for Hoffbauer for years. Not this time. Fred doesn’t deserve that.
William says
If and when Trump loses, it’s likely that his ‘fans’ will then go after the GOP establishment in Congress during the 2018 midterms and ‘primary’ them. They’ve done it before.
That would be awful.
Can’t wait.
Questions says
Riddle me this: how come a Rex appointed commissioner was a moderator of a Palmdale election debate? It’s no secret that Rex despises Palmdale and is strangely adversarial to Palmdale’a mayor. How, then, could a Rex appointed commissioner serve as a moderator? It was apparent by the line of questioning that Rex’s will he done: questions to the Palmdale mayor’s supporters of their votes in line with the mayor, yet no questions about the questionable racial statements and posts of an incumbent who does not support the mayor. Surely someone connected with the right of groups who have traditionally been subject to harassment would be sensitive to racist statements. That is, of course, unless that someone was doing the bidding of her master.
Reggie says
Good question. The debates should be run bt people with no ties to Rex. he has a long history of adversarial actions against Palmdale.
margaretandhelen.com says
I wonder how the three Mrs. Trumps and the three Mrs. Giulianis feel about the one Mrs. Clinton?
Margaret, I wish there was a word to adequately describe Donald Trump. For the first time, I regret calling Sarah Palin a bitch. Not because she isn’t – she is and so am I – but because I realize now the power of that word. It concerns me that we have a word like bitch – which seems to fit so perfectly for Sarah and for me – and yet we don’t have the equivalent word to describe a man like Trump. Donald Trump is a…
Asshole? Yes. But that’s almost a compliment for him and is certainly not gender specific.
Fat ass? Well, sure. But then again, so am I.
Jackass? You bet. But even that lacks the gender clarity that bitch has.
Considering everyone actually has an ass, I don’t think that word is going to pass muster for a good descriptor for Trump. We could descend into other body parts but Lord knows I don’t need to hear yet another conversation about Donald’s unmentionables.
Donald J. Trump is not a decent person, and his indecency cannot be simplified down to one word. All the worst words seem to fit but the whole of Donald Trump is just greater than the sum of the of all those words. Clearly the man is not right in the head. He is fundamentally flawed – Big League. But a word to describe him escapes me.
We now know that he humiliated a 19-year-old girl because she didn’t conform to his definition of beauty. No positive encouragement when she gained weight – public humiliation was Trump’s choice for corrective action. One woman out of billions was crowned Miss Universe that year and Donald still found a way to criticize her looks. This man is a misogynist, yes, but that one word falls way short when you consider he also made fun of a disabled person and attacked the grieving parents of a soldier killed in battle only to then accept someone else’s Purple Heart and joke how easy it was to get. I didn’t make any of this up, folks. This man is a…
I still can’t find the word.
Before the debates, I was watching the news, something akin to watching an episode of the Twilight Zone these days, and a member of Trump’s campaign team, Kellyanne something, casually mentioned Hillary’s questionable health. As if Hillary is going to drop dead at any minute, but Trump, a sniffling sack of cholesterol, is the epitome of fitness. So here is my question: Are we concerned about her health because she is old or because she is a woman or both? Either way, the fact that Republicans even care about a woman’s health is truly remarkable considering up until now they’ve been closing down women’s health clinics faster than Chris Christie closes bridges.
I saw a movie last night that I wish everybody could see. In a year where two senior citizens are running for President, no one is talking about the real health, financial and social concerns that senior citizens face every day. Thank goodness Rosemary Rodriguez made her movie, Silver Skies. At least somebody is having the conversation.
But with Donald we get conversations about sexism, racism, egoism… Anything but humanism and humanitarianism. How is this race even close?
Donald thinks he won the debate and he is now stating that Hillary Clinton is stuck in the past. This from a man who wants to roll back civil rights, remove reproductive rights, reverse environmental protections, and decrease the minimum wage. Bless his heart but that man is a…
Damn it. What is the word?
Now I hear in the next debate, Donald plans to attack Hillary for how she handled her husband’s infidelity. According to Rudy Giuliani, Trump should have done it in the first debate. This from two men who have had 6 wives and at least four affairs between them. Giuliani is definitely an asshole. The word just fits him. But Trump…. Trump is… Trump is a…
Maybe Hillary can have a summit with the three Mrs. Trumps and the three Mrs. Giulianis to determine how best to handle the issue of infidelity. I bet they all can’t decide if there is one best way to handle such a personal issue, but I bet they all would agree that Donald probably shouldn’t have an opinion on the matter.
I guess Trump is simply TRUMP. He is just too foul for words. I mean it. Really
William says
How did you get past the moderators?
I wanna know.
William says
Trump choked last night during the debate.
Even republicans were saying how pitiful he was.
Of course, the Donald says he won like so many of his lies.
Tim Scott says
But, but…the Breitbart online “poll” says he won. Faux News said so!
Private says
There is a money laundering business on the BLVD one of the owners has been arrested in the past if you look closer the truth is right there, people just have to open their eyes. They did a good job fooling everybody but soon enough.. Why would anyone in the AV community want drug dealers serving your children?
Glenn says
Of course Donald chocked during the debate, He did not have a chance. When you are debating a moderator and an opponent your chances of even surviving are minimal. Moderators are supposed to be neutral but that was not the case Monday night. He interrupted Trump 41 times during the debate and Hillary only 6. I for one am curious why whether he was for or against the Iraq war is even relevant since he was a citizen and not even involved in the government and Hillary voted Yes as a Senator for the war. Why was the birther issue brought up, that has no relevance in this election either, and since it was brought up why did Hillary not have to answer that she was using it against Obama in 2012 when she was running against him. Why was immigration not discussed? Why was her deletion of 30,000 emails not brought up? I know why because the media is in the tank for Clinton and there is no way they would make her answer any uncomfortable questions.
SMHX2 says
You should be a stand-up comedian you would make people laugh. Donald “choked” because he has no substance whatsoever. How hard is it for small minded individuals to understand that this idiot is as ignorant as they come? I can’t wait for round 2, Hillary is going to spank him and send him home to his mommy in a big wambulance. Yes, yes, I know, the e-mails, blah, blah, blah. Do you have any other fuel to run on? Probably not, but I’ll wait patiently for your answer………waiting……..waiting……gone!
William says
Next time, trump will be well-prepared to fight the LAST debate.
Just watch.
He is such a fool. Hillary was havin’ fun with his sorry self.
Lae says
so how did “next time” work out for ol’ Trumpo, William?
Tim Scott says
His “interruptions” were calling out lies Trump was trying to repeat. Lies he has been caught in time and time again. That’s part of the job of the moderator. If Trump didn’t like it, here’s a way to avoid it. Don’t try to tell easily recognized lies you’ve been caught in already.
NO moderator should let Trump get away with “oh I didn’t champion birtherism” because he certainly did.
NO moderator should let Trump get away with “I opposed the invasion of Iraq” because he certainly did not.
NO moderator should let Trump get away with “I never said that” as a response to something that he has been recorded saying over and over and over.
If it is something that just came up for the first time, fine, but when it is something that he has been accused of before, denied, and the evidence has already been produced repeatedly there is no reason to just let the man tell bald faced lies to 85 million people. The presidential debate is a platform. If someone is allowed to speak from that platform they have to respect it sufficiently that they won’t try to just blatantly lie. If they don’t it has to be pointed out.
William says
Wow! Glenn
You swallowed the whole trump spin in one big gulp.
Please ‘splain to us how trump claimed he won all the online polls but whines about the moderator, the microphone, and anything but his own lack of preparation.
Yeah. Explain that to us, Glenn.
Susan B says
Wow William, you swallowed the whole Hillary spin. Lies, Deciet, cheats and murder. Please splain to us how you believe every lie out of her mouth. Her robotic memorized answers.
Yeah. Explain that to us, William
William says
Nice deflect, Susan B. You didn’t ‘splain how trump says he won the debate yet has whined and blamed everyone for it somehow.
You’re stuck with trump and like all his surrogates, you can’t defend him one bit.
He’s all yours.
Enjoy the destruction. If you could only hear what he says about you.
William says
This is a test, Susan B. aka ‘spin swallower’.
Who won the debate?
Come on, lie to us. You’re ilk gave the gop Donald j. Trump who is destroying it.
William says
Who would win the presidency today?
Chance of winning
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Glenn says
And you keep swallowing the Hillary spin all the time as well, so what is the difference, we have two different viewpoints and there is nothing wrong with that. You believe the liberal spin on everything and engage in arguments all the time on this site and that is your right but it is also the right of people that have different views to express their views as well without you belittling them. All I was trying to point out was the double standard we have in this Country. Hillary lies just as much, if not more than Trump, but it seems to be ok to hammer him but not to hammer her. She used the birther issue against Obama in her 2012 campaign which is closer to today than when Trump did in in 2004 but that is never mentioned by the mainstream media because it does not fit their agenda against Trump. And yes he was not sufficiently prepared because he is not a career politician like Hillary is but that is not a viable excuse. Plus why is it so important what Trump thought about the war in Iraq? He was a citizen just like you and me and he was not a politician at that time and for the record I personally was not in favor of that war either but does it really matter? I had no say about it then and neither did Trump. Hilary Clinton was a politician at the time and did VOTE yes for the war in Iraq why is she not being hammered about that fact? Why are there 5 people who had to take the 5th in the hearings about her email scandal and not even be asked about it during the debate? There is a double standard in the media and its ridiculous, that is all I was trying to point out
Tim Scott says
Well, no.
According to Politifact, the independent fact checker…
Clinton scores “mostly false” “false” or “pants on fire” 27% of the time, which is actually a little low but pretty close to in line with the rest of the presidential candidates.
Trump scores “mostly false” “false” or “pants on fire”
an astonishing 71% of the time. Add to that the fact that he will retell lies that he has already been caught in and continue to insist they are true even after they have been proven false and he becomes a truly unique figure that merits any special handling he receives.
William says
Glenn, you just keep your lips fimly planted where they are.
Look at the people who go to trump rallies. You are the same as them.
The things they shout out are unprintable here.
William says
Hey, Glenn
Trump says he ‘won’ a rigged debate.
Please ‘splain to us. He’s your guy.
Glenn says
and right on cue William goes to belittling me for my views because they are different, rather than answer any of my questions. But that is what I expected the William and Tim show is alive and well on this website. It was also proven as fact that stop and frisk is not unconstitutional and it was also proven as a fact by the debate commission that there were issues with his microphone but who cares about facts lets just keep slinging mud at people with different views
Tim Scott says
I didn’t “belittle you for your views.” I pointed out that one of your statements (Clinton lies as much as Trump) was glaringly incorrect. If you can’t tell the difference between correcting you when you make an incorrect statement and “belittling your views” that is frankly not my problem.
Tim Scott says
And we notice that just like Trump when you are caught in this factually inaccurate statement you don’t say “sorry, my error” or “hey, learned something, thanks” you just blast off into your own little crybaby routine about being picked on. No doubt, just like Trump, despite now KNOWING it’s wrong you will just keep on repeating it as if it were true.
Shane Falco says
The state department was a pay for play for those donating to the Clinton foundation…her remarks about cyber security were riiiiiich considering her emails and sending classified documents as well as her comments about trump and what he says about women. Her husband was chasing women while Hillary was demonizing these women.
Houma’s man is a serial cheater and looks like a pedophile. These two women have the worst judgment at home but they will get it together when in office.
Just like with Bill and Obama, conservatives will turn out in droves in the mid terms and lock down the senate and house so I’m not worried about Hillary.
Glenn says
Ok Tim I apologize for including you saying you belittled me it was only William this time.
William says
@Glenn. And, who are you to have your questions answered That’s a standard right wing theme, endless questions that you won’t accept answers for.
That perfectly describes the ‘birthers’ like trump. They weren’t going to accept President Obama’s short form certificate of birth nor the long form birth certificate.
There are about 30% of republicans who still maintain that he wasn’t born a U.S. citizen.
Are you also one of them, Glenn?
Glenn says
William no I am not one of those that think he was not born in the US. I am not even a Republican, so keep throwing me in to your generalizations of people that do not agree with you when you know nothing about who I am, other than someone who does not support Hillary. I personally think she makes Nixon look like a Saint and he was very corrupt. Also why is it ok for you to demand that people answer your questions but not ok for us to ask why questions are not being answered? I may not like what your answer is but you do not like what mine are so what is the difference?
Tim Scott says
Glenn I’ll answer one of your questions. You asked: “Plus why is it so important what Trump thought about the war in Iraq?”
What he thought shouldn’t matter, because as you say he was just a private citizen. But what does matter is that he is claiming that he thought something, and using that claim to support this claim that he “has good judgement.”
That makes it important to examine whether he REALLY took that position, or whether he is using “20/20 hindsight” and making a false claim. The overwhelming evidence is that he is in fact just lying. There isn’t much of a record of his position at the time, but what little there is says he was just as much in favor of the war in Iraq as everyone else that the Bush administration mislead.
Then there is his claim that Obama and Clinton are responsible for a disastrous pulling out of Iraq and that he’d have done it differently, when in fact there is a whole lot of evidence in this case showing that he was howling for “just declare victory and leave” for a solid year before the drawdown actually occurred.
So what we have is Trump claiming “I have good judgement” and pointing to things to support his claim that are bald faced lies. That’s what makes it important to examine what he thought, even though he was just a citizen.
William says
Oh, Glenn
Thanks for answering my question such as you did.
William says
If you equate Hillary Clinton with Donald Trump and cannot tell the difference, whether in degree or substance, then pointing it out to you is useless.
Your above comment beginning with “And you keep swallowing the Hillary spin….”is almost word for word out of the right wing spin room and media. Yet, your pretense is that you’re an ‘objective’ observer.
And, it is a pretense. You should volunteer for the Trump campaign. That’s what they do. See Kellyanne Conway for coaching, if you need to.
Ron says
I sent my Measure A ballot back with a resounding NO. Personally, I believe in helpin people in need. Measur A is tragically flawed. It is being sold as a help to the homeless tax, but in reality it is a funding mechanism to deal with a cash flow problem on account of LEAPS and other failures. It is sad to see the local churches bamboozled by the rhetoric coming from Marvin and Rex. This is a good idea with very bad execution.
Vote NO on Measure A and force our politicians to do us right.
Matt says
Marvin and Rex must think we are stupid. If anyone reads what Measure A is proposing, it’s just a tax to pay for more police. They are going to try to arrest homeless people which will have no weight in court. This tax does nothing for preventing homelessness and it will only create a facility for 500. What about the other 2,000 homeless? What about the 67 homeless a day they claim are being sent here? No on measure A.
Tim says
They want $4 million a year from us for 20 years? $80 million? Are they nuts? Never mind. We know the answer.
Patriot says
I wonder how many homeless could be helped if california didnt spend 25 billion a year on illegals?
Another Patriot says
I wonder how many homelesss could be helped if lancaster didn’t spend 10 million on the piece of crap eye in the sky?
Patriot says
Not enough, its takes more than 90 million, sorry.but the 25 billion is enough.
Patriot says
Oops, even worse, only 10 million.
Another Patriot says
It would be $10 million less they would be wasting. Spend it on helping the homeless. Or more sheriffs. Or better roads. Or bringing business and shopping. Or cleaning up the run down areas. Or investing in East Lancaster. Anything would be better than peeing it away on the piece of crap eye in the sky. Besides, lancaster isn’t spending 25 billion dollars on illegal. Lancaster is wasting $10 million on the eye in the sky and god knows how many more millions on failures like ecolution, traction seals and all the lawsuits stemming from the mayor’s big mouth.
Patriot says
I agree.we could go down a list of wasteful spending.local, state and federal.
He could have been voted out, but wasnt.
But, the bigger picture is, why do we have such a big homeless problem?
Ive never seen it this bad.we didnt have this many 7 years ago.
If pay is up, unemployement down, why are more peoplevin poverty?
Fed Up As Well! says
Homeless is everywhere in our state, it’s just more prolific here because were at the end of the line. I was in Anaheim back in June on a ride along with Anaheim police helicopter and from the air you can see all the tents under the over pass in the Santa Ana river bed as well as in the freeway green belts. I believe this is a money grab for the city and I voted no! This good old boy club needs to be shut down and take their eye in the sky with them..
Right you are Fed Up As Well. This city is a dirty good old boys club that benefits the Unholy Trinity of Gilley, Parris and Visco along with their insider friends. Measure A is the latest fleecing they have concocted. It does NOTHING to address the causes of homelessness and EVERYTHING to give them millions of dollars to spend on their friends and their pet projects. NO ON MEASURE A.
Mikey b says
I don’t know if anyone, {Rex, la sheriffs, city planners, etc} have noticed that the stop sign, intersection problem in the neighborhood south of lancaster blvd between sierra highway and 10th street west. It is inundated with constant close calls and daily fender benders and worse! When I happen to be home during the day, I see it all day long. The intersections are not set up right as far as CLEAR that you have to stop or not. On west newgrove, I see potential disaster for the cars traveling on newgrove, every intersection on that street has a close call constantly! I find it preposterous that this has not been dealt with by any local goverment agency! This is not SOMETHING NEW! It has been like this for decades. What has to happen for this to be addressed? I am blown away. REALLY……..?
Tim Scott says
It has been like that, but has been made worse. A lot of people avoiding Lancaster Blvd are on those streets that didn’t used to be. Newgrove in particular is now the preferred through street and should be treated that way.
Vic says
Why would Rex care? He lives in Newport Beach and it’s not the BLVD.
No on Prop A says
Vote NO on Proposition A.
This so-called homeless tax is a smoke screen to raise money for law enforcement because the current administration has squandered $10 million of our tax dollars on a failed “Eye in the Sky”.
Prop a will not address the root causes of homelessness. It will create a cash fund for the current administration to continue down the road of reckless and ridiculous projects like the “Eye in the Sky”, “Ecolution”, “Bird Songs on the BLVD”, “TractionSeal”, “Quartz Hill Super Walmart”, and so on.
Almost half of the money is earmarked for law enforcement because $10 million is being wasted on the “Eye in the Sky”.
It is time to put our foot down and say NO to more taxes on ideas that are not well thought out. We already lost millions. It is time to say NO.
Palmdalian says
Lancaster money is pouring into Palmdale for signs to support Rex backed candidates. Avoid the Lancaster Overthrow. Vote for candidates who will work for Palmdale residents, not Frank Visco, Jim Gilley, R. Rex Parris, Marv Crist, and the rest of the Fern St. Mafia.
William says
What are the names of rex backed characters in the Palmdale election?
Les says
I thought I read somewhere on here that it was Hofbauer, Alvarado and Carrillo.
Frank says
Loa and Bishop too. They’re getting Lancaster money. The plan is to merge sale tax revenues to pay off Lancaster’s huge redevelopment debt. The current administration in Lancaster has spent millions on pet projects that line the pockets of the good old boys but have left the city with junk bonds. Palmdale residents should not have to pay for their mismanagement.
Daniel T says
Visco Financial Services, owned by Frank Visco, gave $1000 to Loa. Visco is pals with Rex. Visco is one of the owners of LEAPS. Visco gets $10 million from Lancaster taxpayers thanks to Rex for LEAPS.
No Rex Candidates says
Rex’s Dream Team: Loa (money from Visco) Mayor. Hoffbauer (Marv Crist’s boy). Carillo (over worked and underpaid city worker who lives in Coachella most of the week). Alvarado (wife lives in Lancaster but he shacks up with girlfriend in Palmdale). Estrada (wil do his bidding).
Tim Scott says
So Pete Knight is advertising like mad about his “No Hero Left Untreated” bill…the only thing he did or even tried to do in two years in congress. So, being the curious sort I figured I’d take a look at what this “major veterans health care reform” actually is.
It’s a directive to the VA to set up a handful of pilot programs to try out one particular recently developed and as yet mostly unproven treatment for PTSD. “No Hero Left Untreated” has absolutely nothing to do with ANY veteran that has a problem other than PTSD. Five pilot programs across the country would be a drop in the bucket even among those who DO have PTSD.
What this LOOKS like is a demand by some interested congressmen that the VA set up a testing program for this unproven treatment…which uses a pretty expensive piece of equipment. Anyone want to investigate the manufacturer of that piece of equipment and see if they “just happen” to be contributors to Mr Knight’s campaign? I couldn’t be bothered myself.
Just the fact that this bill was given this totally hyperbolic name so that it could be misrepresented in his ads, and that it has been booted back to committee EVEN BY THE GOP DOMINATED HOUSE because it was so clearly a joke, not an actual attempt to craft a law, was enough for me.
Nancy p says
Good program on FRONTLINE tonight about, for profit education and all that fraud.
Lancaster Voter says
Starting today all voters in the city of Lancaster will receive a ballot regarding Measure A. which will increase taxes on residential, commercial, multi family and undeveloped or vacant properties to fund the construction and operation of a community shelter for homeless people in Lancaster. I don’t believe helping the poor should be mandated by law. This is something that should come out of the hearts of people on an individual basis. Although I agree something should be done, I disagree that taxing the people to do it is the wrong approach. On a brochure for this measure I noticed the names and photos of four prominent area pastors. One of them being my own pastor and it struck me because I’ve never in all the years attending that church have I heard a sermon or a call encouraging the congregation in general to help the homeless, or food drives for that matter. I will vote NO on Measure A until we can have some more information. This seems very political to me and not so much geared toward helping the homeless as making those behind this measure look good. I volunteered at a soup kitchen on a regular basis here in Lancaster and have never seen any of the sponsors of measure A there to lend a helping hand. Helping the homeless doesn’t take money, it takes compassion.
Just Saying says
Which is it? Put to a Vote or mandated by law. Can’t be both.
Lancaster Voter says
If the measure is approved by a majority vote then those who voted against it will be taxed regardless of whether they agree with it or not. This is put to all voters in Lancaster, but not all voters in Lancaster are home, property, or business owners. Yet the ones who will be taxed are the home, property, and business owners. I bet if they changed it and made it an income tax regardless of where that income comes from most people would think twice about how they will vote. I’d like to take photos of a similar facility in downtown Los Angeles so Valley residents can see a realistic outcome of what this measure will create out here.
Frank says
This is a Trojan Horse. It does nothing to address the cause of homelessness. It fills the coffers for law enforcement of a city going broke due to poor fiscal decisions by the mayor over pet projects like LEAPS and Ecolution, not to mention all the lawsuits on account of him.
Mr fed up says
Im voting no! Theres a better way to aproch this, how bout a joints powers agreement btw l.a. county, palmdale, lancaster and creat a community shelter that really helps people to solve this valley issue
Lancaster Voter says
I agree Frank and Mr Fed Up this is a Trojan Horse, It does not address the homelessness issue. Vote NO on Measure A.
Perry Mason says
So nice to see Mayor Parris make the news today in the LA Times. Once again, we look like backwoods hicks with the story exposing Parris’ role in the conviction of Raymond Lee Jennings, who was recently freed from his 11 year prison sentence.
It is amazing what journalists will uncover when the mayor of a particular city doesn’t use monetary influence through advertising.
Let’s hope Raymond Lee Jennings ends up suing the pants off of Parris and sends him packing to his beach mansion and out of our Valley.
G. Hernandez says
TO: Capt Nelson who on Sept 10 attended the LACO Comission Hearings on Human Relations to hear testimony re community complaints (56 filed locally w 1 to the federal cts) – a statement read into the record by Dave Bowman of the Antelope Valley Peoples Coalition and the AV Cannabis Chamber of Commerce:
“today we have heard many testimonies of lawlessness and discriminatory misconduct by the AV NORTHERN PATROL most are testimony of violence, discrimination and accountability; to that We the People of the AV add lack transparancy to the list of charges. since 1980 the tactics of secrecy, omission, ambush, misdirection and outright lies have been the stock and trade of LACO BoS supervisor ANTONOVITCH AND HIS LONG TERM ASST AND BoS ENDORSEE BARGER and as this policy has been condoned and set as example, so to, it has been adopted by the LASD NORTHERN PATROL.
being an active 4yr participant in the ANTONOVITCH established LLA Rural Town Council program, in chambers there have been admissions of disregard of Medical Cannabis patients rights w a LT stating that it was LASD policy to arrest ALL medical Cannabis patients and “let the courts sort them out”, w the same LT admitting “i dont understand the policy…i just carry on”. on another occassion an NATF sgt AMONG OTHER STATEMENTS OF AGRESSIVE ARRESTS in LLA that has the lowest crime rate in the AV, stated that he DID NOT need a warrant to enter our property then resorted to intimidation when town council members questioned and challenged his statment on our Constitutional rights under the 4th amendment.
on yet another occassion a second LASD sgt did again demonstrate an absolute ingnorance of state Medical Cannabis Laws when he accused a holder of an AB 420 CA State Cannabis Patient photo ID of having made it himself then asking him/her “which dispensary gave this to you”. these acts were all done at town council meetings and all captured on vidfile. these along w complete reports will be forwarded to attys present outside the presents of this commission after verification of their fields of law…………..
until the LASD respects and unbiasedly enforces the law neither will the people respect it. when We the People of the AV percieve the LASD as part of the criminal element there is no law at all and the law of the jungle prevails.
trust in law enforcement builds strong communities but still to this day other than dog and pony shows and dancing cops serving ice cream and handing out water, there has been nothing but lies and propaganda, the type of which only serves to sedate the people rather than adhearig to the honored principles of professional law enforcement achieved by blind justice.
IF the LASD decides to accept the challenge of achieving the trust of the people then policy changes must be implemented.
1). BODY CAMS that stay on. there has been UNION resistance to cams that can not be deactivated citing privacy issues but as public servants, THERE CAN BE NO PRIVACY WHEN LE IS ON THE JOB, ESPECIALLY DURING THE LAST 3 YEARS OF THE LASD PROBATION PERIOD IMPOSED BY THE USDOJ
2). ABOLISH the policy of forcing new idealistic professionals, who come into the ONCE HONORED LE PROFESSION w a real desire to do whats right IN AN UNBIASED AND NON DISCRIMINITORY WAY, to serve in LACO prisons until there is an open slot in their chosen patrol – this policy is what dehumanizes them and makes them oblivious to Human suffering and cruelty as well as developing the “you are all criminals” mentality demonstrated by the antiquated “old school cop”. furthermore the long term exposure to such an environment develops the prison thought process that “FEAR IS RESPECT”
2a). instruct that morality is also part of LE and that unlawful orders are also acts of the criminals.
3). the policy of hiring ex military must IMMEDIATELY cease to prevent the development of the “ENEMY COMBATANT” mentality that plauges THE AV NORTHERN PATROL OF THE LASD currently – if these women/men want to be trusted to carry weapons in our society them then let us ensure that we dont allow those, fresh from the battlefield, where life in cheap, walk among us w machineguns.
3a). that the brandishing of a firearm or ANY weapon be subject to report and review
4). psycological testing – stress mgt and conflict resolution MUST BE TAUGHT inservice as part of employment w no less than 4 hours a week devoted to such training inclusive of a min of 1hr a week devoted to situational training as is done in live fire CQB fire arms training.
5). ROUTINE STEROID drug testing AND after EVERY use of force or killing or discharge of a weapon, that immediate TESTING inclusive of illicit drugs, alcohol and STEROIDS be conducted.
6). the re location of all long term employees nearing retirement age and all AV training officers HERE FROM 1990 as these personnel are the root of the discrimination and unconstitutional behavior – teaching old school LE. this point is vital as mentoring and insight SHOULD BE the most important aspects of shaping the young idealistic minds for 21st century LE.
7). that immediate legislation be developed to bring ANY private meeting of police command and ANY elected official or any elected officials appointee, UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE 2003 Brown Act Govt Code 94590 et seq, so that NO decision by local public servants or any apointees to change the terms of LE be made outside the eyes of We the People of the AV”.
FB @ Antelope Valley Peoples Coalition
FB@ Antelope Valley Cannabis Chamber of Commerce
Stop the bully says
We need to stop Rex and his minions. Lancaster Sheriffs and DA have been under Rex’s influence many times in yhe past. Do you remember how Rex got Lancaster Sheriff and DA to file charges against Former AVTA chief Randy Floyd. DA actually filed charges under pressure by Rex but charges were later dropped. Wasted tax payers money to settle political vendettas and ruined people lives. And Rex even teamed up with IBEW to stop Kinkisharyo from going to Palmdale and in return Kathy McClaren and IBEW paid him $10k campaign contributions. He’s corrupt so is his city, county and other minions. They bullied people consistently. I’m sick of it. Local paper will not do anything about him- they’re in his pocket. But maybe LA Times will — I saw over 50 comments on the Jennings story in LA Times. We should all post our experiences with corrupt Lancaster officials on Jennings story and hopefully it will trigger an investigation, like in Bell.
A Boy Named Sue says
Yes, there is a pattern here with Parris. He trumped up charges against Randy Floyd and ruined his career. No charges were made. He had David Grejeda thrown in jail for talking back to him at council meetings. He told bald face lies about the Palmdale power plant and tried to stop it from being built. He sent out racist hit mailers against an African American veteran candidate calling him a gang candidate. He used two local pastors to conduct surveys that he used for hit mailers. He interrogated Ledford in a deposition and made false claims that were not true. He sent Sheriff’s to the home of an AVTA employee without a warrant. He declared war on Section 8 and dragged Palmdale into a lawsuit. He gives his political supporter a million dollars a year for LEAPS while crime is on the rise. He sent Jennings to prison for 11 years and stole $400,000 from Palmdale in the verdict which was pure bunk. He sued Santa Clarita, Palmdale, and Highland for voting districts he won’t use in his own city. He owns judges, businesses and he used to own the Sheriff and DA. No more! Time for Jennings to sue!
stop the bully says
Rex the Bully has so many victims. He and his minions Marv Crist, Kathy McLaren, Frank Visco, and others have used their influence to terrorize and harm our community. Putting sheriffs, DAs, judges in his pocket!! He used his position as Mayor of Lancaster to terrorise people he doesn’t like, probably ordering sheriffs around, get daily briefings from the sheriff as part of Lancaster contract with LASD, and use that confidentialinfo on people! No more! I hope all those people he terrorised, Jennings, Randy Floyd and former AVTA employees, Muslims, Hispanics, Johnathan Irvin, etc come together and sue Rex and his Lancaster cronies.
No Bullies says
This is a good opportunity for the people of the Antelope Valley to help shed some light on the corruption and bullying of the Parris regime. The Los Angeles Times is finally looking into some of Parris’ shenanigans.
You can do your part by emailing the two reporters who covered the story and telling them what you know or have experienced in dealing with the Parris machine. We know it’s not just Randy Floyd, David Grejeda, Scott Pelka, Esmyrna Agustin-Jorge, Kim Hemperly, Loretta Berry, Johnathan Ervin, David Abber, James Ledford, Dianne Grooms, Hui Lin Su, Bob Wilson, and the residents of Santa Clarita and Palmdale that this man has bullied. There are many more.
Send your experiences to:
Les says
Kathy McLaren, isn’t she on the Palmdale Water District Board? That name also came up when the union killed the railroad car company that wanted to build in Palmdale.
Brotherhood says
McLaren did work to kill the manufacturing plant in Palmdale. She’s also pals with Rex, Xavier Flores, Hofbauer, Carrillo, and Alvarado.
Les says
So if Hofbauer, Carrillo and Alvarado are all elected to the Palmdale city council Palmdale will basically be run by Rex??!!!
No to Union Bosses says
To answer Les’ question about Union take over – Absolutely!! Rex and Republican Marv are teaming up with IBEW to take over Palmdale. Kathy McLaren even gave $10k to Rex’s campaign to help with union take over. Republican Marv should be ashamed of himself, as a lifelong Republican I’m ashamed of them. Kissing up to the unions, Communist Chinese, homeless tax, zero pollution and climate change crab. Marv is the chair of AV Republican Assembly people! He’s heading AVRA – he should be kiickef out! Now Marv and AVRA are teaming up with Kathy Mclaren and union bosses to back Hofbauer, Cariolllo Ventura, Water rate raising Robert Alvarado to unionise and territories Palmdale
Taxpayer says
AVRA has lost its way with Parris and Crist. Parris is supporting a democrat and kills business in the AV. Crist spends tax dollars like a drunk sailor. AVRA is useless.
Vic says
Parris bragged about this case. His power point was what the prosecution went with, as flawed and distorted as it was. Parris should go to prison for 11 years and Jennings should live in his beach house mansion or his Lancaster mansion the entire time. He stole 11 years from this man’s life. He must pay either financially or by doing jail time.
Len says
When can Jennings file the lawsuit against Parris? Is there a GoFund me account set up so we can contribute to the legal battle? It will be worth every penny to see Parris get what he deserves.
Mike says
Of course Trump is going to win and Make America Great Again! Americans are tired of libs running our country down. Trump will deport illegal aliens, lock up criminal’s, and silence the libs. Sounds like a recipe for SUCCESS!
William says
You keep on believing that, Mike.
Dontcha love hearing him read those speeches written for him on the teleprompter? He sounds like a 5th grader giving a book report on a book he never read.
And, he’s all yours, Mike. All yours.
Just Saying says
Trump has 3 objectives.
1)Make greed driven obscene sums of money.
2)Run the GOP into a ditch by mimicking it’s hateful base.
3)Enjoy his friends, Bill and Hillary, becoming a president in his pocket. (see objective #1)
It’s all a big scam. Thank you for buying in.
Tim Towns is Awful says
People look at Wilk’s legislation, nothing important, all filler bills that are recognition based. Recognition for Asians, for Reagan, for this person, and for that person…………. Thank you Wilk for not giving us anything worth while but only taking photo ops and becoming rich.
Don’t even get me started on that cheating womanizer Tom Lackey, and his insane staff! Drugs and bribes! I really hope someone from the 2014 campaign or 2016 campaign comes forward. I had this little high school white girl come crying about what happened to her a few months ago in that office on the blvd. Apparently they are known for being bullies to people and almost driving them to suicide. Don’t vote for these crooks and awful people.
Tim Scott says
No Republican in Sacramento is going to accomplish anything, which is why stubbornly sending Republicans to represent us and then complaining about getting nothing is such insanity. Elect a Democrat who won’t be sitting at the kid’s table while the Democratic caucus makes all the decisions. As Dingbat Donny would say, what have we got to lose?
Argo says
“No Republican in Sacramento is going to accomplish anything”
– So why do they always run on those campaigns that they will get things done and do better for us? Also you may have misconstrued my message, while yes I do not like recognition days, I never claimed that he (Wilk) has never done anything, I claimed that he hasn’t done anything worth while nor spectacular, or even memorable. You made the incorrect assumption that I made the claim that he hasn’t done anything.
Tim Scott says
They run on those campaigns because they can’t just tell the truth…which is that they are not going to accomplish anything noteworthy, if they accomplish anything at all and the only reason to send them is if you want to send an expensive snub of the nose to the democrat dominated state government.
Personally, when the democratic caucus is meeting to decide how and more importantly WHERE to spend the state’s money I’d rather my representative be in the room rather than sitting in the republican caucus deciding which post office they want to plead with the democrats to get renamed.
SlickChick says
Tim, can I send you a private message?
Tim Scott says
Same as anybody else. Timshatemail at gmx dot com.
Shane Falco says
Steve Fox for assembly! He is the democrat you need and will get his staffers and their attorneys paid by the assembly!
Tim Scott says
Do you ever get tired of being the village idiot…in a village that isn’t even yours? Why don’t you confine embarrassing yourself to Santa Clarita?
Whocares says
If someone was counting….shane-47
Tim Scott says
LOL…badgelickers make poor scorekeepers.
Pirrurris says
I am voting for Steve Fox, Bryan Caforio, Hillary Clinton, and any other democrat running for office. Vote democrat across the board.
The problem that we have is called do nothing republicans. Time to vote them out.
Nothing is going to change if we vote for Hillary, but give her a do nothing republican congress.
Son of the Anti Rex says
Nope on Cafario. After Rex endorsed him that was it for me.
Frank William says
Like vote democrat lol. This state is complete nonsense ran by democrats. A few more years and im gone. Have fun in your future state of Detroit. High taxes high cost of living, you can have it.
Just Saying says
Unlike most Republican governors, Brown has given us balanced budgets every time. California continues to be the 8th largest economy in the world. Go back to the South where you belong.
Patriot says
If you have to borrow money and defer pensions to balance a budget, then its not really a balanced budget.its called kicking the can down the road.its like using your credit card to pay your bills.500 million in debt and trillions in unfunded pensions, is not balanced.
Frankie William Yippie says
Anyone who thinks brown is doing a good job is delusional. I am not from the south, nice try, a few more years and I’m gone, you can have your high taxes and bums all over the place. This state is complete crap ran by coastal drug addicts. Have you been taking your pharmaceuticals? everyone is on legal or illegal drugs out here, that’s what makes it F’d up. Smoke another joint you will feel better!
Just Saying says
So you claim Brown found a new way to cook the books? Why were those before him too stupid to pull off the same trick? Short answer: they all do it. Here is some stats for you to choke on.
Ronald Regan 68-74(R) +3.6 Billion surplus
Jerry Brown 75-83(D) +25.4 Billion surplus
G. Deukmejian 84-91(R) Billion deficit
P. wilson 92-99(R) Billion deficit
Gray Davis 00-03(D) Billion deficit
Schwarzenegger04-11(R) Billion deficit(ouch)
Jerry Brown 11- (D) +25.4 Billion surplus
William says
@Frank William
G. Hernandez says
TOM LACKEY IS AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE and another corporate shill sucking the life from The People of the AV as demonstrated in his action that has denied medications needed by THOUSANDS OF Cannabis patients here in the AV.
furthermore that the activities of TOM LACKEY in this action has aided and abetted the BLACK MARKET TRAFFICKING of illicit Cannabis passing off contaminated MediCan “knock off” drugs as products developed by Cannabis Patients FOR Patients.
Tom Lackey wrote the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (MMRSA) of 2016 to regulate the COMMERCIAL “FOR PROFIT CULTIVATION” of Medical Cannabis (MediCan).
Previous to this, only non-profit organizations did the cultivation and distribution of MediCan products – this means they were untaxed since 2006 as law makers did nothing to regulate Cannabis distribution.
After seeing the huge revenues being generated by the Cannabis industry in other states via full legalization, Tom Lackey did develop the MMRSA – THAT HE DIRECTED AT THE NON PROFIT distributors w the intention of REDIRECTING the MMRSA – APPLYING THOSE DISTRIBUTION AND REGULATION LAWS TO “FOR PROFIT COMMERCIAL GROWERS”. In those regulations there was a dead line whereby IF THERE WAS NO TAXIATION STRUCTURE COMMUNITIUES WOULD FORFIT THEIR SHARE OF TAX REVENUES.
This inactivity by the ANTONOVITCH/BARGER led “Gang of Five” (the LACO BoS), to ban completely the distribution of MediCan products in the AV, resulted in cutting off thousands of seriously disabled and ill MediCan patients – over money.
This post is a lead in to the one Q: If Tom Lackey is so intrested in the well being and safety of LACO (AV) MediCan Patients…then WHY did he accept almost $10,000 from the TOBACCO INDUSTRY??? we have young people who are mixing cannabis w tobacco and this is well known by the TOBACCO INDUSTRY – Why would TOM LACKEY write laws to “protect us” then take money from an industry whose product KILLS THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE every year? a product smoked w Cannibis by MILLIONS of our youth?
http://abriluno.com/phillip-morris-introduces-marlboro-mar…/ click the story is there
we need to SAFEGUARD We the People OURSELVES, We the People must observe constant vigil on the activities of those such as TOM LACKEY WHO FEED OFF THE PEOPLE OF THE AV TO SATISIFY THEIR LUST FOR POWER AND THEIR OWN GREED. We the People need to act quickly to take back the AV.
JOIN the AV Cannabis Chamber of Commerce (FB pg) and the Antelope Valley Peoples Coalition – TO WORK TOGETHER FOR ACCOUNTABILITY FROM OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. for more information… 818.454.6675
Just Saying says
I was right there with you up to the Abril Uno link, a fake news site like The Onion. The whole story is busted on Snopes.
Tim Scott says
What is the one thing that white supremacists and African Americans consistently agree on? That Donny Dingbat is the candidate most likely to forward the values and agenda of the white supremacists.
William says
Does Kellyane Conway, who has been writing Trump’s speeches lately, really expect Black Americans to buy what Trump is selling at this late date?
I can’t wait till his poll numbers drop some more and he dumps that dingbat who thinks she’s so smart.
Tim Scott says
That’s not the intent. He’s trying to say “see, I’m trying to help the African Americans, I’m not a bigot.” The idea is to try to hold the college educated white vote. He’s in danger of being the first Republican candidate to lose that demographic since demographics have been tracked.
William says
The possibility that Hillary will win in a landslide is real now. Even if you don’t think so, you are thinking that she won’t win inside the context that she will win in a landslide.
Once a possibility is created, even opponents of it are living inside that possibility. The harder they fight it, the more likely the possibility will be fulfilled. By opposing it, they are unwittingly reinforcing that it will be fulfilled.
Consider that when JFK created the possibility of putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade and returning him safely to earth, even the doubters and opponents were fighting a lost cause. The goal was accomplished even though Kennedy died shortly after speaking it.
It’s a done deal.
It was a done deal during the DNC convention. Trump is going against an already accomplished event. Why do you think he’s struggling so hard right now? He’s trying to hold back the tide. Poor thing.
Tim Scott says
It is important that Trump is not only beaten, but beaten so badly that such a darkness does not come this way again.
William says
@Tim Scott
Remember what I wrote above that once a possibility is created, even opponents are living within its context whether they like it or not.
After I wrote that, I heard Rachel Maddow show a clip of Sean Hannity already preparing his response when Trump loses. He’s threatening to hold some republicans accountable.
Hannity is already working inside the context that Hillary is going to win and is preparing for Trump’s loss.
A possibility isn’t merely a prediction. Once created, a possibility has power to fulfill itself in the world.
Think about all those things in history that became real once someone spoke them into existence, from flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean, to putting men on the moon, to curing polio, the first black president and now the first woman president.
Heck, even Trump knows he’s gonna lose.
Pirrurris says
Everyone knows that if the racist Trump does not win this election, the entire republican party will cease to exist. Thanks to Trump, democrats may even take back congress.
Pirrurris says
Even republican states are backing Hillary.
Frank Rizzo says
You old hippies are pathetic get a life keyboard warriors.
William says
The Antelope Valley should have a local online news website where people can debate traffic accidents and crime stories where they were not witnesses.
Oh, wait.
This is it.
Dauntless says
Every year, about this time, a tree-cutting crew comes through the neighborhood to trim branches away from the electrical wires. I believe that they are contracted by the City of Palmdale, but, am not sure? These guys make a big to-do, about getting into our backyards, to do their jobs. I hear them going up and down the streets for days on end! I’ve lived on my block long enough to notice, that these workers trim back as little as possible!? I can’t help but wonder, if they are doing this on purpose? So, they can be contracted again, next year? I watched a worker last week, in my neighbor’s yard go through the motions and didn’t accomplish a thing! I can take photos and show that there’s still many branches that should probably be cut back. I’m curious to know, do the taxpayers end up paying for this service? Does anyone of authority ever come out to see what’s actually being done? And, are they suppose to remove the dead or obviously diseased trees near the streets? Many of the tree’s that were planted here decades ago, look dead, now. I’m thinking that this company is making bank off of the city! And no one is paying attention to what isn’t being done!! Where are all of the city’s street clean-up crews? There’s always so much trash on the sides of the roads! Do we even have clean-up crews? East Palmdale always looks so trashy and ghetto!
Tim Scott says
Yes, we do. In fact the last I saw there was one crew at public works dedicated full time to cleaning up after illegal dumpers. Call public works to report where they need to go. And if possible prevent illegal dumping. Most people who are doing illegal dumping are just ignorant about their options. When you contact public works have them inform you so you can pass information on.
As to tree trimmers around power lines…I have to make a guess here…you mean the power lines between poles not the lines that come down to the house. I’m pretty sure those guys are contracted by the utility, not the city. Doesn’t make it a whole lot better, since the cost for this shoddy service would show up in our utility bills. Presumably Southern California Edison would be interested in your feedback, especially since it sounds like you documented it so well.
Lemmy says
Drive to East Lancaster. Stop. Look around. Drive back to East Palmdale. Then thank your lucky stars you live in East Palmdale and not East Lancaster. Rex has given the residents of East Lancaster, many of them minorities, the middle finger. Praise be to Pastor Paul!
Boozer says
Rex’s Lancaster Booze Fest got off to a great start with 20 DUI arrests at the AV Fair on the first weekend. Looks like CHP got smart and figured out that if you want to catch drunk drivers, you go to where the booze is flowing, and it flows and flows and flows at all of Rex’s events. We know Rex likes to blame all his crime on these events, but it looks like it’s more a matter of DUI’s. Booze, booze, and more booze. What’s next? Drunken Streets of Lancaster? Celebrate American While Smashed? The BOOzeVld Halloween Fest? Field of Booze? Booze, booze, booze. Where is Xavier? Oh that’s right, he’s trying to stop the sale of booze at groceries stores. Bottoms up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laughing says
The fair existed long before Rex (BTW not a fan of that dude).
Boozer says
That may be true but under the Rex Administration there has been a marked increase in booze related events and the wholesale promotion of booze, booze, and more booze. He has done nothing to limit the amount of booze sold at the fair, which is attended by many small children. He is now pushing against the sale of single service booze in Lancaster which will do nothing except encourage the purchase of more booze.
Just Saying says
It’s the AV fair, not the Lancaster Fair. Why is only Rex to blame for AV Fair traffic? Are all those drivers from Lancaster.
Pueblo y Cervesa says
Who are you kidding. The Fair is controlled by Rex. It like All his events have booze as a central feature. Where is Xavier Flores when you need him. Protesting in front of Aldi’s. He’s a good Rex foot soldier.
William says
“reverse ransom”
You give us 4 hostages and we will give you YOUR OWN $400 MILLION back to you.
I don’t think this fits the usual definition of ransom where you give me something I want and I’ll give you some of MY OWN MONEY.
But, we’re having this discussion with right wingers where up is down, in is out, black is white. Where ‘terrorist acts’ are different (preferred) than ‘acts of terror’ in their pee brains.
And, their nominee is Donald Trump. Enough said.
pirrurris says
We can all thank the con artist Trump, for exposing all our friends that are hateful bigots, racists, and idiots.
Glenn says
OK so everyone who does not agree with the liberal left thinking is a Racist, Bigoted idiot, got it
Glenn says
and hateful
R says
This is right up there with Rex’s claim that Bangladesh will be destroyed in his lifetime.
Gore blamed recent wildfires on global warming when it was a serial arsonist who is responsible for 17 fires.
Not every fire, flood, snowstorm, rainstorm, or heat wave is attributable to global warming. We live in the dry southwest that is subjected to drought and, yes, wildfires.
Over-the-top claims made by people like Rex and Gore hurt the cause to make meaningful, steady, and significant changes to benefit the earth overall.
John says
Yet, Rex has made meaningful, steady and significant changes that will benefit the earth overall.
Thanks to Mayor Parris, Lancaster may be one of the world’s first net zero cities for electricity use by 2020 and in July 2012, Lancaster was named the solar energy capital of California.
Phoney says
Rex is a charlatan. He passes a law that all new houses have to have solar years after the housing boom has ended and will never return. He you mislead people about a gas powered power plant which would actually lower California’s greenhouse gas emissions unlike his Landcaster choice energy which has higher greenhouse gas emissions than SCE. His 100 percent green choice is a crock because there is no 100 percent green at night. He’s an environmentalist if he can make a buck off it. His lifestyle betrays his environmentalism. He owns two energy sucking mansions, a fossil fuel power sports car, and a fossil fuel powered private plane. His vision for solar is to destroy our beautiful desert and expose people to dirt pollution and valley fever while ignoring rooftop solar. His fringe beliefs that the sky is falling do nothing to really help the cause. As for solar capital, he might wish to see what’s happening in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, etc.
Wrecks says
Net zero is a crock. Once the sun goes down, Lancaster is living off fossil fuels. Too bad Wrecks tenants to kill a natural gas power plant. Now he has to sell dirty electricity from oil and coal to keep his BLVD lit at night so the panhandlers can see.
Heeznutz says
He not only said Bangladesh was going to be destroyed in his lifetime, he also told the Wall Street Journal that bird sounds on the BLVD were lowering crime in the city, a natural gas power plant would kill children, the BLVD was better than Disneyland, and that he had no choice but to put a Walmart next to Quartz Hill High School.
Next thing you know is he’ll want to spend $10 on a spy plane, and when crime goes up, he’ll blame the 67 homeless coming from LA each day on the Metrolink, the fact that Lancaster is a college town, and that it’s because they have so many events.
Respiratory Ailment Sufferer says
Please explain how destroying the desert, exposing us to Valley Fever spores, and drastically increasing particulate pollution is benefitting us in the AV and the earth in general?
James P. Biddle says
EDITOR”S NOTE: This was sent to me by a confidential informat–along with the contract.:
Regarding the Topco contract with Lancaster, which is attached ~
Could it be that two 2011 agreements approved by the Lancaster City Council are illegal? Do they allow municipal to withhold information from public scrutiny which is against the law?
It appears so. There are provisions in the agreements that could violate the California Public Records Act. That’s the law that forbids allowing a third party to control the city’s duty to disclose documents to the public. In both these agreements, Lancaster business partners are given the ability to control what can be released to the public.
And that’s a no-no.
One such agreement was made with U.S. Topco Energy, a Taiwan-based firm. They agreed to work with Lancaster to generate solar power. Their memorandum of understanding MOU which was approved on April 12, 2011, provided for Topco’s solar-generated electricity to be purchased by the Lancaster Power Authority (LPA) and sold at a profit to California utility companies.
The other such agreement is with Instream Energy Systems, a firm from British Columbia. They agreed to work with Lancaster to build hydrokinetic power-generation systems. Under a memorandum of understanding approved April 26, 2011, Instream would share the profit generated by its systems with the LPA.
In both MOUs between Lancaster and the companies, they state that “each party agrees not to disclose any other party’s confidential Information without such party’s prior written consent” in the absence of a compelling order by “a judicial, regulatory or administrative body or by law, but then only if in conformance with the following provisions.”
The provisions state that if the LPA — headed by the Lancaster City Council — receives a request filed under the California Public Records Act or the Federal Freedom of Information Act by someone seeking records concerning the LPA’s business projects with either Topco or Instream, the LPA shall:
– “Give notice to (Topco or Instream) of the request within three business days of receipt, along with a copy thereof.”
– “Consult and reasonably cooperate with (Topco or Instream) concerning the request and LPA’s anticipated response thereto, including identifying particular records which LPA believes may be subject to disclosure.”
– “Provide (Topco or Instream) with the opportunity to respond and comment on the records identified by LPA … which response (Topco or Instream) shall provide within five business days after such identification of records. If (Topco or Instream) objects to the disclosure of a record, (Topco or Instream) shall cite the statutory basis for such objection. LPA shall not disclose such record; provided, however, that if the person requesting the records files a legal action to compel disclosure, (Topco or Instream) shall reimburse LPA for any and all costs incurred by it in defending such action, including costs and attorney’s fees, and for plaintiffs costs and attorney’s fees paid by LPA if awarded by the court in a final judgment on the action.”
Therein lies the problem. It is illegal for a city or government agency to allow a third party to control its obligation to provide public information. At least that what California Government Code Section 6253.3 says. The code section states that “A state or local agency may not allow another party to control the disclosure of information that is otherwise subject to disclosure.”
Cities do have the right to withhold trade secrets it may possess concerning a private firm with which it is conducting business. Under California Civil Code Section 3426.1, a trade secret is defined as “information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique or process, that (1) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to the public or to other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and (2) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy.”
To put it simply, the Code allows Lancaster to withhold some information concerning Topco and Instream’s operations but not information about their arrangements with them. The law already protects public agencies — like the LPA – from disclosing proprietary or trade-secret information in their partnerships with private companies, so there really is no need to repeat those protections in each contract. But Lancaster’s MOU goes beyond the protection that existing law provides.
Under Lancaster’s MOU, it must keep secret anything its business partners consider confidential. The city must also provide a process for the company to review any public-records act request, thereby deciding what may or may not be revealed to the public. The two companies are essentially are using the city as a shield under these agreement. That is prohibited by the California Public Records Act, as the agreements violate the city’s duty to provide information that is otherwise not confidential.
Cities like Los Angeles and Sacramento operate tax-payer owned public utilities, but they still have to comply with the California Public Records Act, the Ralph M. Brown Act, and every other law that government agencies are required to follow.
Lancaster’s MOUs basically state that they intend to use a private firm’s money to deny legitimate requests for public information or to finance litigation if a member of the public seeks this information. This would use third-party funds to drain the financial resources of citizens who submit requests for information about the city’s dealings with Topco or Instream.
Under Lancaster’s agreements, Topco and Instream were to build solar energy facilities and sell the power to the LPA. In turn, the LPA would sell that power to utility companies for re-sale to customers, resulting in a profit for the city. How much profit? Under the agreement, that may be a question Lancaster or its partners may not want to answer, which is why the provisions were put into the MOUs.
Which is also against the law.
(Since approving the MOUs with Topco and Instream, the LPA also has reached agreements with the San Francisco-based Silverado Power company and the Northern California city of Pittsburg.)
Tim Scott says
Time to file a public records request, so that when it is turned down suit can be filed. When the companies fund the defense, inform proper authorities.
I hope this disclosure didn’t burn your informant.
William says
That is very interesting. How can they get away with something that appears to be so blatantly corrupt? Using the deep pocket resources of a third-party to drag something out in court is just wrong.
There are concerns, too, over how truly green the power that LPA sells through LCE is.
There is something fishy going on here.
James P. Biddle says
Hey, Rex is GREEN–like the color of money–the only God Wrecks warships.
Van Mergatroyd says
He does like his filthy lucre, doesn’t he? It seems like that’s all he and his friend Pastor Paul care about. They parade around like they care about souls and the environment, but they live high on the hog off legalism, fringe environmentalism, backroom deals, intimidation, coercion, and the fear and ignorance of their followers. The picked the perfect location to blur the lines between church and state to where their roles are virtually one in the same. It doesn’t work well when both entities comes from a corrupt vantage point.
Just Saying says
Climate Depot, makers of the film, Climate Hustle. The film features a number of expert testimonies in support of its claims. According to Scott K. Johnson of Ars Technica, those that “could fair call themselves climate scientists [are] drawn from the small stable of familiar contrarians that cycle through Congressional hearing when contrarian witnesses are in demand” while others are “straight out of the Rolodex of the Heartland Institute”.
Tim Scott says
On ‘Today With Donny Dingbat’ we have a couple serious questions:
First question. How many political consultants in the entire world have TWO clients that successfully looted their country on their way into exile?
I’m thinking the answer to that has to be “not very many,” and as far as I know there is only one.
Second question. So how did that one person, Paul Manafort, just happen to turn up as Trump’s campaign manager?
Doesn’t that seem like a really extraordinary choice? How does that interview go? “Ah. I see here in your resume that you have experience with looting the treasury. That’s a plus. And exile planning. Very good.” Seriously, how does that happen?
William says
Then, there’s his spokescretin, Katrina Pierson.
Yet, there are millions of suicide voters that will vote for Trump even if he takes the country down with him. They don’t care if they symbolically ‘die’ in the process.
They are whining and kvetching about the economy now. Just imagine the mess it will be under a Trump administration. He loves bankruptcies.
Wrecks says
Here we go again. Now Wrecks is whining about Palmdale’s crime going down while Lancaster’s is going up. He wants to investigate.
An investigation sounds good. Let’s start by investigating LEAPS.How can our crime keep going up when we are spending $10 million on a program like LEAPS? Who is getting this money and why is crime not going down?
The last time crime went up in Lancaster and down in Palmdale Marv blamed it on Lancaster being a “college town”. Now Wrecks is blaming it on the number of community events. Is he saying its not safe to bring your kids to Lancaster events? Don’t they have security? Heck, Palmdale has the Mall which attracts ore people annually than all of Lancasters events. Crime should be through the roof in Palmdale.
Let’s keep wasting $90k a month on LEAPS and moan about Palmdale and maybe things will get better.
James P. Biddle says
You just don’t understand the value of LEAPS. It is very valuable indeed. Just ask Frank Visco.
R says
So very, very, very true. Visco, Gilley and Stepos have made millions raping the Valley,thanks to people like Rex.
It must be hard for Captain Nelson to keep a straight face when he is asked to defend LEAPS. The rank and file know it is worthless. Nelson does too, but he can’t say anything.
William says
Trump keeps telling his supporters that the election will be rigged.
Well, if that’s so, maybe his supporters should give up and stay home. Why bother voting in a rigged election?
He will have shot himself in both ‘feets’ once again.
Tim Scott says
The risk, of course, is that the “take our country back” crowd who has already shown that they just can’t believe they are a small minority might get violent rather than accept the evidence.
William says
The gop has been cultivating that crop of ‘poorly educated’. Y’know, Trump loves the poorly educated.
And, they love him.
William says
“KIEV, Ukraine — On a leafy side street off Independence Square in Kiev is an office used for years by Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine’s ruling political party. His furniture and personal items were still there as recently as May.”
Is anyone surprised?
Here’s the deal. The Trump folks have set the standard for ignoring everything he says no matter how outrageous.
Soooooooooooo, nothing in Hillary’s emails/FBI investigations or what-have-you will have me NOT vote for her. Fair is fair.
The Trump crew and right wing media can harangue all they want and it won’t make a bit of difference. He’s gonna lose………..BIGLY.
Kenneth Brown says
What a complete joke seeing Raymond Rex Parris and Kathy “Job Killer MacLaren wax eloquently over the newest desert-destroying West Lancaster solar field.
“Job Killer” MacLauren lamented that all you need to do is take a cruise of Alaska and you will see how important this project is. Oh, “Job Killer” MacLauren, if we could only afford a cruise to Alaska. However when you’re in construction and you have your union leader killing the Kinkisharo project, which by the way would have built electric “green” rail cars, you can’t afford a cruise to Alaska because you are out of work. It must be nice to be a high paid union member.
As for Raymond Rex, his hypocrisy is stunning. This is a man who drives a gas powered sports car, owns two mansions, has a private fossil fuel powered airplane, and sells energy through the Lancaster Choice which bills itself as green but actually has more greenhouse gas omissions than what you would get through SCE. To him, there is no such thing as particulate matter pollution or Valley Fever. Like his ally Kathy “Job Killer” MacLauren, Raymond Rex has worked to kill his fair share of construction jobs through his radical and uninformed opposition to a natural gas power plant, which would produce electricity cleaner than what his current fossil fuel sources can.
Beware this dangerous duo.
Questions says
Why does MacLauren despise unions that are not IBEW? Why did IBEW donate to the Parris campaign? Why is the IBEW an ad partner with Lancaster? Who is the IBEW supporting in Palmdale’s elections?
Tim Scott says
So, on today’s madness with Donald Trump we have an interview with a Miami newspaper where he says that American citizens accused of terrorism should be tried by a military tribunal rather than having them tried in the courts, because he “doesn’t like that at all.”
The scary thing is that this story, which could easily be placed under the headline “Presidential Candidate Proposes Abandonment of the Constitution,” goes pretty much unnoticed under the cover of the giant cloud of madness that he spews day in and day out.
Tim Scott says
To my elected representative,
There are things you don’t say because of political correctness.
There are things you don’t say because of basic human decency.
Trump said “There is nothing FOLKS could do, but there is something 2nd amendment people can do.” He is lying now, claiming he meant
VOTE. Hot tip, FOLKS can vote. It isn’t voting that only 2nd amendment folks can do.
What do second amendment people have that folks don’t have? What can second amendment people do that folks can’t do?
Trump openly called for politically motivated gun violence.
The reason you don’t call for politically motivated gun violence is not political correctness, and it isn’t even basic human
decency. The reason you don’t call for politically motivated violence is because politically motivated violence is TERRORISM.
If you don’t denounce him you are as guilty as he is.
Please share this.
Tim Scott says
Major newspaper calling for you to drop out Donny. Can’t say I blame them. You REALLY put your foot in it this time. “Nothing anyone can do, except maybe the second amendment people.” Then you try this crock spin that you meant “they can vote.” If you were talking about VOTING what did you mean by “nothing anyone else can do”? Only second amendment people can VOTE? Your shills look ridiculous trying to defend you, and no dog is going to let this bone go because it was just too much. Calling for political violence is NOT acceptable from a presidential candidate, period. It’s over Donny, and you ended it.
William says
What is wrong with this site? It’s slow and barely working not to mention the 1-2 day delays on moderation.
Sometimes, I get an error message that the site can’t be accessed for several hours.
Tim Scott says
Overloaded servers would be a safe guess. I’ve gotten errors that demonstrate the site is split among multiple servers, and those errors are a result of the split management being poorly implemented or below normal standards. Tight budget most likely.
William says
Well, there seems to be a lot of advertising (revenue) on the right side of the pages.
I don’t have the problems with other sites so it’s not my computer or the ‘internets’.
Bottom line. I want this site to work but it’s getting more and more frustrating despite all the decades of improvments in the tech industry. I had it easier 15 years ago with a dial up modem and Windows 98, it seems.
I guess it’s analogous to the LA freeway system. Despite all the ‘improvements’ it’s worse than ever. Or, the so-called news business that despite all of our information technology 30% of fox viewers still think that President Obama is a Muslim non-citizen. Go figure. Trump gets away with saying Hillary wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment when she’s never ever said that. And, dumb Americans believe that just as strongly as they believe in an afterlife with no evidence.
William says
Hillary winning ‘yuuuuge’ in November keeps looking more and more possible.
Don’t Trump, right wing media and the republicans know by now that the more they attack Hillary the STRONGER SHE GETS.
Meanwhile, the more that Elizabeth Warren tweaks Trump’s nose, the weaker and sillier he looks. Today, she said that he will lose to a ‘girl’.
I hope Trump’s big loss will take Steve Knight with him, deservedly. By November 8, many republicans might be so discouraged, they’ll just stay home. Where they belong.
Wrecks says
You would prefer a Wrecks stooge over Knight? I thought you were a Palmdale guy. I guess not really. I can’t put party over city. Wrecks used McKeon to hurt Palmdale and he’ll do the same with that lawyer/carpetbagger, too.
Tim Scott says
LOL…still trying the “he endorsed him so he must own him” line? That certainly works for the lame stooges he is trying to squeeze into the Palmdale city council, but McKeon was, and Caforio is, too big a fish for our little Wrecks Parris.
Wrecks Parris has just read the writing on the wall. Caforio is likely to win, so Wrecks has stuck his nose as close to his butt as he could get it.
Wrecks says
No, just addressing the fact that Wrecks will own him. They’re both lawyers which is about all you need to know about Caforio. He’s a carpetbagger looking for a payday and he’s got a rich pal in Wrecks. He would be Wreck’s little puppy if he got elected, but fortunately that won’t happen. Santa Clarita and Palmdale residents have both been burned by Wrecks and they will see through this latest attempt to influence them.
Maybe he’ll move back to where he came from. He could always room with Strickland, another carpetbagger.
Tim Scott says
Caforio is a lawyer. He gets plenty of paydays. That’s what makes him a possible challenger to the deep pockets Republican campaign that has always been the power in the district.
Your idea that Wrecks Parris “owned” Buck McKeon is laughable. The number of deep pockets Republicans who had paid for chunks of old Buck before anyone ever heard of Parris would be too long a list to fit the page.
This is a simple matter. Knight is a total pawn of the GOP congressional leadership, just like McKeon was, which is fine with the deep pocket Republicans in the district. Caforio scares them, because he would not be part of the “stop all operation” government we have been stuck with for the past six years.
Wrecks says
Tim Scott, you do know that Wrecks made McKeon pull his support for the power plant in Palmdale, right? Make your way over to Get Parris Out of Lancaster and McKeon’s support letter is there, with the sad story of Wrecks demanding he pull his support.
Imagine a so-called pro business Republican pulling support for something that would be considered pro business. You have to have some pull to do that.
We can only wonder what he would do with a desperate Caforio.
Tim Scott says
Except there is no “sad story” there. They come right out and say they don’t even know WHEN McKeon “pulled his support” (their claim that he did isn’t even really substantiated) much less provide any evidence for their claim that Wrecks made him do it.
Again, way too many deep pocket players held long term claims on McKeon to think that Wrecks was really pulling his strings. Local fishbait like the Runners, no doubt. US Congressmen, not likely.
In fact there’s a plausible explanation for Wrecks endorsing Caforio. When Knight was just another little fish in the state assembly Wrecks probably did own him. When he signed on with his new masters in Washington megalomaniac Wrecks undoubtedly would take that as a personal affront.
Wrecks says
Don’t be naïve, Tim Scott. You are far to wise to be naïve. You would be shocked at how much influence Wrecks has around here. About the only place he hasn’t gotten his dirty little claws into is Palmdale, and he’s working hard to do that.
Tim Scott says
Not Naive, just having some perspective. If you think a little tinhorn mayor in Lancaster has influence in the United States Congress you need to reel it in. The race in November has TURNOUT. It is completely beyond Parris to control the outcome, even in the Lancaster precincts. Caforio isn’t going to owe that rube a darn thing, and everyone but Parris should be able to see that.
You are absolutely right that Palmdale needs to be on guard in the city council election. Talk to mayor Ledford. Talk to candidates in your district. Find out what they claim to think about Lancaster, Wrecks Parris, and the cactus curtain…then check out their claims for truthfulness.
We would be very well served to wake up and send some Democrats to Sacramento so that we aren’t represented by people who aren’t allowed in the room when decisions are made. Yes, the decisions are made in the Democratic Party Caucus while our representatives are idling around waiting for them to come to the floor and explain how things are going to go. Time for our local Republicans to stop crying over the situation and get on board with the rest of the state so that SOMEONE will be speaking for us.
But our national representation will head off to Washington and not give a rip for Wrecks Parris. The question is whether they will report there planning to do nothing and obstruct everything while the country falls apart, as the Republican majority has done for the past six years, or whether they will try to get something done for us.
William says
What did it for me with Knight was at a town hall meeting around 2010-11 or so. Some stooge fox ‘news’ watcher asked him about voter fraud. He and the rest of the gop in Sacramento voted against funding polling places on California university campuses because he said they couldn’t handle the crowds. Really? People vote in their neighbor’s garages for crying out loud and university campuses can’t handle the crowds.
He was in on the behind the scenes voter suppression drive by the gop before it came widespread and more public.
Once someone is out to suppress voting, nothing else they do matters.
And, that’s our tool, Steve Knight. He needs to go. Plus, he’s a republican and that party is on its way out anyway.
Oll says
You Hitler Hillary supporters are a bunch of damn puppets you are very ignorant
Tim Scott says
Wow. That well thought out bit of name calling was sure enlightening. Let me guess, you are Dingbat Donny’s debate coach.
Cgl says
. To hell with you Hillary puppets and you puppets are the same ones that voted for Obama and now you’re not happy with him think about it with Hillary once a month you will push the button
Tim Scott says
LOL…Trump supporters showing their true colors. Misogynist much?
James P. Biddle says
We in the AV know of the antics of the Fern Street Mafia. Did you know some of the same scams are going on in a lot of the smaller cities down below. Recently the Mayor of South Elmonte pleaded guilty to taking bribes.
Instead of Visco/Gilley you have the likes of Arman Gabay. Same no bid contracts, same developer kickbacks, etc. But there is a common figure to all of them. I can’t reveal the name . . .cough . . cough . . .Tom . . .cough …cough . . .Shepos . . .cough . . .cough. Sorry–must be a lot of dust in the air.
In addition to numerous kickback schemes from developers, you have super high priced consultants who over bill hours. Gee, this sounds vaguely a lot like our dear ole loveable King Wrecks.
Here’s a link to a very interesting blog site: http://alchemistcook.blogspot.com/ A lot of the same issues he deals with down below mirror what’s going on up here.
Ex Sate Senator Ron Calderon pleaded guilty to bribery also had connections to LA County’s real estate department. I won’t mention names, but you can guess who . .cough . . .cough.
Tracey says
There has to be a young, hungry reporter who wants to do the right thing while making a name for him or herself. They would have a field day here on Fern Street.
Tim Scott says
Just an observation about Trump’s endless cry babying about the media.
Trump gave his big economic policy speech. Based on an extremely low bar it was a success. He didn’t say anything blatantly crazy, like inciting violence against the protesters who provided ample opportunity. He did not swerve off into ad lib relitigation of previous battles with the Khan family, or Meagan Kelly, or Ted Cruz, or anyone else he holds an undying grudge against. He didn’t swerve off into amplifying the latest conspiracy theory that he picked up from a supermarket tabloid into the glaring spotlight of presidential politics. So his campaign had every right to expect that a serious rehashing of his economic policies would dominate the news cycle.
Fifty Republicans did release a letter in which they basically agreed with President Obama. That is unprecedented and would be newsworthy if they were just a random lot agreeing that the sun sets in the west. Add in that they weren’t just any fifty Republicans, but fifty foreign policy experts representing top figures from the last five Republican administrations (yes, some go as far back as Nixon) and that what they were agreeing on is that the Republican nominee is unfit to hold the office and this just is news. It isn’t the media’s fault that they literally have to cover it.
Then a sitting Republican Senator announces that she will not be voting for her party’s nominee for president. Again, since that has never happened before that also is news, so through no fault of the media’s it too has to be covered.
The economic policy speech certainly earned a fair share of the news cycle though, right? Of course it did. I personally watched CNN try, very hard, to provide that share.
They had their fact checkers address a couple of statistics Trump cited in his speech. Let’s face it, politicians don’t have a high mark for credibility and most people consider this ‘part of the service.’ They found that both were at least nominally accurate, even though one was accurate two years ago and was presented as if it were current. The other, while accurate, did not really relate to the context Trump used it to support. The fact checker did not expand on this, as I would have, so I can’t see any grounds for complaint here. If Trump doesn’t expect to be fact checked that’s really on him. I’d have blasted him as a lying sack of excrement and given grounds for complaint.
Then they brought out a guy with a very strong resume as an author and journalist focused on economic issues who gave a not very flattering analysis of the policy as presented. Was it an unfair ‘hit piece’? No. The parallels to standard Republican economics, circa Ronald Reagan, weren’t fabricated. Nor were the similarities to GWBush economic policies that were last seen bringing economic instability to the entire planet.
Even though it wasn’t a hit piece, the Trump campaign had the opportunity to provide a spokesman of their own to defend the policy. It is not CNN’s fault that what the campaign chose to provide as a qualified analyst was a “luxury real estate representative” and “reality TV show winner.” Unsurprisingly, this ‘economic expert’ launched into an off topic tirade, refused all attempts to steer her into even the general area of economic policy, and eventually had to just be shut down.
The segment was clearly a bust, and there is no reason to think that CNN was happy about that. The examination of Trump’s policy that was left hanging unrefuted was that it was just a rehash of old GOP standards that have certainly been discredited and do not merit a tripling down bet being made on them at this point. Again, this was clearly not the intent of the segment, which was clearly meant to go on much longer than it did.
They went on to their next round through the other stories of the day, as is only to be expected. For the Trump campaign to criticize this outcome as unfair requires an astounding level of responsibility aversion on their part.
Tim Scott says
Today no less than Newt Gingrich said that “the numbers just don’t add up” in Trump’s economic “plan.” Anyone expect Trump supporters to make any concession to basic mathematics, or is that one of the sciences they just don’t believe in?
Vic says
I get it. No Trump. Do you get it? No Rex endorsed candidates?
Tim Scott says
Palmdale city council election…absolutely.
Vic says
Rex will try to take over however he can. He will be supporting those not on Palmdale First, and he will try to influence through Cafario.
James P. Biddle says
Lancaster (ala, Rex, Gilley and Visco, aka the Fern Street Mafia) have wanted to merge with palmdale for decades. There’s a lot of prime real estate than they want to control development on. Plus the additional power that it brings (a meglamaniac’s dream).
This would also put them in position to start annexing unincorporated areas.
The AV will become ‘The Land (or Kingsom) of Rexville.
Tim says
The people of Palmdale aren’t stupid. They would never stand for a takeover by Rex. Rex would either have to take control of the city council, which he is trying to do in this election, or do something like he did with the voting rights lawsuit to somehow force a “one city”. I don’t know how that could be possible, but Rex is a low as they come and he will stop at nothing in his quest for power.
No one in their right mind would want any part of a Rex-controlled Palmdale.
William says
James P. Biddle
How would they have to merge the 2 cities?
Will it take a vote of both cities?
I cannot imagine that anyone in Palmdale with a brain would vote for a merge if that’s what it would take.
Or, would it just be a vote of the city councils and mayors?
Would ol’ rex try to put it on the calendar when Lancaster votes instead of in a November of a regular election year?
The thought of merging with Lancaster sickens me. I better rest a spell.
Wrecks says
William, it would be difficult to merge the cities but it could be done. If Wrecks manages to take over the entire city council they would be able to start it. Wrecks may realize that a merger would be nearly impossible, so he would go for what he really wants —- THE MONEY. Wrecks and his cohorts are obsessed with the ridiculous idea of tax sharing.
It’s rather funny that back in the day when Lancaster was way ahead of Palmdale in tax revenue, there was no movement for tax sharing. Now that Palmdale has caught up and will eventually pass Lancaster, it’s full speed a head for tax sharing.
Palmdale voters will need to watch very carefully which candidates are backed by Wrecks and his henchmen. Already there are a couple who you need to watch — the “overworked and underpaid” ex-city employee, the one with the wife in Lancaster and girlfriend in Palmdale, and the one who sued Palmdale over voter rights.
William says
Thanks, Wrecks
Will keep an eye out.
I sat through that 7 hour hearing on the Palmdale Power Plant a couple years ago and would sit through a 24 hour meeting to prevent such a merger.
Wrecks says
William, I watched that meeting in horror on Time Warner Cable. If people didn’t realize Wrecks’ motives before that meeting, they sure did after.
He is a very bad man, with a lust for power that drives him to do whatever he can to hurt Palmdale.
The odd thing about it is that when he hurts Palmdale, he is hurting Lancaster, too. He is too fanatical to see that.
William says
The thing is, whether it’s Trump or Wrecks, there are mostly anonymous people who vote for them.
And, THEY are the problem.
It’s just a matter of numbers of votes who gets to set the agenda. We typically spend too much energy on the symbolic ‘person’ who is running and not enough on getting out the votes of the candidates we want.
With such low voter turnouts in Lancaster, no wonder a particular ‘cult’ can have the elections ‘their way’.
William says
We shouldn’t criticize Trump now that he has a Purple Heart.
Tim Scott says
He has a purple heart medal, but his heart is still black.
William says
The real problem whether it’s Trump or Parris is the people that vote for them.
Trump has exposed the bigotry and stupidity of a large number of gop voters for all to see.
Wrecks has his LBC to put him over the finish line each election cycle.
If it wasn’t Trump or Parris, it would simply be some other equally damaging ‘personality’ that those 2 groups would install in office.
William says
The real problem whether it’s Trump or Parris is the people that vote for them.
Trump has exposed the bigotry and stupidity of a large number of gop voters for all to see.
Wrecks has his LBC to put him over the finish line each election cycle.
If it wasn’t Trump or Parris, it would simply be some other equally damaging ‘personality’ that those 2 groups would install in office.
William says
“Trump get into twitter war with ‘Make A Wish’ kids”
“Mental patient hacks Trump’s twitter account. No one notices.”
Bill Maher’s ‘future headlines’ while he’s on vacation.
Ra says
But we should criticize the AV’s version of Trump—-R. Rex Parris. Trump should find some town like Lancaster where he can control the people, churches, newspaper, and businesses. He could set up a whacky kingdom like Rex.
Vic says
Rex just endorsed Steve Knight’s opponent in the upcoming congressional election.
Knight should send him a thank you note. In the past few elections, Rex has endorsed Rick Perry and Tony Strickland.
Knight’s opponent would be wise to reject the endorsement. The baggage Rex carries is frightening.
William says
“The kiss of death”
Tim Scott says
I’m thinking the Republicans paid Wrecks to do it. Knight is listed as the most vulnerable Republican in the California delegation. They are pulling out all the stops to try to save him.
Vic says
I guess anything is possible. But when you read the story, you get a feel for how really how bizarre Parris’s thinking is. He focused on ‘Palmdale like he’s obsessed.
Parris even said compare the two cities. OK let’s compare the two cities. Lancaster has a higher crime rate. Lancaster has huge debt. Lancaster has junk bonds, Palmdale doesn’t. Palmdale gets all the new businesses. Lancaster gets a candy store. Lancaster’s downtown is overrun with panhandlers and homeless people. Lancaster wastes $1 million a year on LEAPS. Palmdale has lower crime without LEAPS. Lancaster has lower average household income. Lancaster has lower property values. Lancaster’s nayor sues other cities for voting districts it doesn’t have. Lancaster was promoting birth tourism. Lancaster’s mayor in building a So-called Christian Community is uninclusive to others.
His endorsement sounded more like he is jealous of Palmdale. As he should be.
Tim Scott says
I just watched the endorsement clip from Caforio’s site. That guy has a great editing crew. They managed to make Wrecks look smart and milked the whole “bail out Republicans while there is still time” message for all it was worth without having any of the usual crazy show through. Very impressive.
Eric says
Standing with Wrecks for the endorsement were Darrin “$250 an Hour” Parker, a Wrecks stooge who Wrecks paid to sue Palmdale on voting rights, “Dr”. Miguel Coranado, who received a $10,000 donation from Mrs. ” I Didn’t Know I Had A Gun In My Purse When I was Getting On That Plane” Parris, and in turn the Dr. hioked up an accident victim with a certain well advertised law firm only hours after the fatality, and Kathy “Job Killer” McLauren, who killed the Kinkysharo deal with meant the loss of hundreds of Union construction jobs.
This Democrat cannot support a candidate with that cast of characters behind him.
Sid V. says
Cafario is a carpetbagger. Like Carpetbagger Tony Strickland he is not worthy of representing this district. He is also a lawyer, which is probably why he got the endorsement of the King of All Ambulance Chasers.
Much like the Republicans are bailing on Trump, local Democrats will see through this and vote for who will best represent us.
A good rule of thumb is to vote fire the opponent of whoever Rex endorses.
Sid says
*for not fire
Tim Scott says
Calling a Democrat who moved into a district that has gone Republican for a lifetime is pretty odd. Strickland couldn’t win in his own district and thought stepping in behind Buck McKeon would be a gravy ride, so no question he was a carpetbagger, but I don’t see that with Caforio.
As to being “worthy of representing the district,” we’ll have to elect him and see. We know his opponent had two years and did absolutely nothing to represent the district. Knight was a party liner that took his direction from the GOP leadership, and they serve no one but the red state hardliners of the midwest. Paul Ryan’s statement on Steve Knight: “Oh, you’re from California? I never knew.”
Vic says
Sorry, Tim Scott. Rex will own him like he owned McKeon. Rex called in favors on McKeon, including withdrawing support for the power plant. It was discussed on GPOL. Rex will do the same with this guy. Rex doesn’t own Knight. I’m a Palmdale Democrat who is putting my city before my party. Sorry, but I encourage other Democrats to do the same.
Tim Scott says
Rex may not own Knight, but he can rent him from Paul Ryan. Either way, he’s of no use to anyone in this valley. Truth be told that was McKeon as well. He couldn’t care less about Wrecks.
On the other hand, do you think there is any democrat really involved in politics that doesn’t recognize Wrecks for what he is? C’mon man, Wrecks is evil, but evil genius is about eighty IQ points beyond him.
He’s a good endorsement to have, because he brings his pocket newspaper with him, so now Caforio can get some unbiased coverage. Plus it makes that “look, an endorsement from an elected Republican” card available. But for Caforio not to recognize what a buffoon Wrecks is he’d have to be just plain stupid, and he’s not.
Vic says
Sorry once again Tim Scott. I cannot in good conscience be as partisan with you on this. I’m voting for Hillary and Kamala Harris, but will not support anyone who will be bought and paid for by Rex. If you are a Palmdale resident you should feel the same way. Rex is out to hurt Palmdale at every turn. It’s really too bad you either don’t believe that or don’t care.
JAmes P. Biddle says
Let’s NOT forget–it doesn’t matter who King Rex endorces. He and Visco, Gilley et al, all contribute heavely to ALL candidates. Winor lose the Fern St. mafia wins. We the people lose.
Stan V. says
Wrecks claimed that Knight did nothing for Lancaster. What about his legislation for energy storage? That would go a long way in Wrecks’ dream of becoming the Solar Capital of the World.
Knight Measure To Spur Energy Innovation Passes House
Legislation by Rep. Steve Knight (CA-25) that would establish a Department of Energy (DOE) research initiative focused on new ways to create storable solar energy passed the House with unanimous support this week.
H.R. 5638, the Solar Fuels Innovation Act, would institute a research program at the DOE Office of Science to develop the advanced chemistry needed in order to convert sunlight into storable fuels. The bill was introduced by Rep. Knight earlier this year and quickly passed the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology overwhelmingly. On Monday H.R. 5638 was heard on the House floor, where it passed with zero opposition.
“This legislation would chart the path on breakthrough technology to turn sunlight into storable fuels, fundamentally changing the way we get energy and leading to entirely new economic sectors,” said Knight. “By wisely directing our resources toward meaningful research today we can expand the useful technologies and systems fueling our solar energy economy in our community and across the country.”
The Solar Fuels Innovation Act is supported by a wide range of educational institutions, including Caltech and UC Irvine. Knight, who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Energy, says the legislation will allow innovative companies to take advantage of research conducted in our national labs and universities and translate that knowledge into new energy technology that otherwise would be too expensive to develop. In this way, the legislation could have long-term economic impacts and would serve as a cost-effective way to advance American innovation in energy.
“The Solar Fuels Innovation Act is a big step forward in providing the private sector with the scientific understanding needed to eventually commercialize solar fuels technologies and advance our nation’s energy policy,” continued Rep. Knight. “I’m proud to be a part of this effort and I thank my colleagues, especially Chairman Lamar Smith and the Science Committee, for their support.”
Because H.R. 5638 directs funds already authorized for the DOE Office of Science it creates no new costs and instead focuses limited tax dollars on basic research. The bill passed the House on Monday night with unanimous, bipartisan support.
Tim Scott says
Can we pause for a minute and just examine political skills?
The Republicans created this false narrative about ransom for hostages. It doesn’t really hold water, but it has good components. It seems like a skilled politician would have a lot to work with there, even though Obama pretty firmly slammed the door on it.
But Trump.
Trump has managed to make the biggest story to come out of it this imaginary video that only he has seen of this money transfer. He took a [I]tailor made[/I], well, Republican made, opportunity and FUMBLED it as thoroughly as it could have been fumbled. I get the “not a politician” appeal, but really…if [I]this[/I] is his level of mastery after a full year of campaigning what can be said but the guy is just incapable of learning?
William says
Trump has actually provided a great service to this country by shining a light on a large percentage of the gop base.
What they tried to keep under wraps is now out in the open; the bigotry, the anti-everybody rants of the base.
Any republican official that wants to continue doesn’t want to be associated with Trump or the folks at his rallies.
William says
I’m prescient. Last week, I referred to Trump supporters as ‘suicide voters’ willing to bring down the government even if it hurts them.
Well, apparently there is a text message today that said his campaign staff has given up and his campaign manager is mailing it in. Staff suicidal. But I think that use of the word is moss tragic than my use above.
Meg Whitman is voting for and working to elect Hillary now.
Don’t be the last person to abandon ship.
Tim Scott says
Republican congressman Richard Hanna of NY
Republican congressman Charles Dent of PA
Republican strategist Maria Comella, longest tenured member of Chris Christie’s staff
Republican strategist Sally Bradshaw, veteran of every Republican presidential campaign since 1988
Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman of CA
That’s just in the last couple days. Looks like the ship has sprung a serious leak.
pirrurris says
Trump is like a rock, only dumber.
Vic says
We in Lancaster have the twisted combination of both Trump and Clinton in Rex. A megalomaniac with an uncontrollable mouth that spews vile combined with a corrupt, devious and lying character. A match made in h*ll.
Tim Scott says
You say this as if Trump doesn’t have a corrupt, devious, and lying character. Trump actually matches or exceeds all of Clinton’s worst flaws, then adds a ton of his own. I’d say Wrecks is right there in the Trump mold.
William says
Does Wrecks have small hands like Trump?
small hands = BIG EGO
Tim Scott says
No one outside of raccoons have hands like Trump.
William says
Joe Cirincione, of Ploughshares Fund, just said on Chris Matthew’s show re: Trump characterizing the $400 million to Iran as ‘ransom’ – “Only Donald Trump would think of paying back a debt you owe as ‘ransom'”.
Ain’t that the truth? He’s dropped like stone in the polls. I wonder what he could possibly do to come back from that? People like our ‘dreamer’ can only vote for him once.
If and when Trump loses and hopefully big, he will have been done in by a Muslim family of a hero and lost to a woman. Picture Daffy Duck doing that thing when he’s sputters insanely for a minute or so.
How many republican elected current and former officials have publicly announced that they won’t vote for Trump? I’ve lost count.
William says
I’m prescient. Last week, I referred to Trump supporters as ‘suicide voters’ willing to bring down the government even if it hurts them.
Well, apparently there is a text message today that said his campaign staff has given up and his campaign manager is mailing it in. Staff suicidal. But I think that use of the word is moss tragic than my use above.
Meg Whitman is voting for and working to elect Hillary now.
Don’t be the last person to abandon ship.
Tim Scott says
So Trump made a bold move today. He couldn’t seem to escape the feces storm that his disrespect for the military and military families had stirred up, so he has tried to hide that storm in what will probably be a MUCH larger feces storm.
The Trump solution to sexual harassment in the workplace: the victim should just go find a different career, or at least a different job.
Yeah, that should take care of that little storm he’s been stuck in.
Tim Scott says
So dingbat Don apparently didn’t notice that Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine. Getting his foreign policy from watching ‘the shows’ doesn’t work out so well now that he is ON the shows.
Rumor has it he is hiring a ‘current events monitor’ to keep him up to date so he doesn’t keep embarrassing himself. Sarah Palin is thrilled to be joining the campaign.
I have a dream says
Trying to understand why that would matter to americans.
Nope, couldnt come up with a reason.
America first is all that matters.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so you think having the most powerful office in the world occupied by a nincompoop who doesn’t even know what is going on in the world is a good idea? Bet you considered Sarah Palin trying to be one heartbeat away from the presidency fine and dandy as well then.
By the way, Trump is for Trump first, not America first. With him I’m not really sure America is even a distant second.
I have a dream says
What did I miss? Is sarah palin running? Tim keeps bringing her up.
Tim Scott says
Nope…but Donald Trump is clearly her intellectual successor. If you haven’t noticed that it says a lot more about you than it says about anything else.
I have a dream says
Just my opinion, is that ok?do I need permission, from you to be on here?
Do you always try to attack people who have opinions, others than yours?
Is this “tims avtimes”?
Tim Scott says
Nope. I don’t consider questioning the validity of your statements to be an “attack.” If I express an opinion that the sun is a ball of spun sugar rather than plasma I would expect to be questioned. Since your “opinions” have about the same relationship with reality they are going to get questioned, if not openly by me than privately by others. I just give you the opportunity to support them, if you can. I assume most people just ignore them.
Tim Scott says
When your opinion has my name in it how can you pretend to be surprised when I respond? How ridiculous is that?
I have a dream says
I see.if someone mentions your name,that’s a green light to demean them.
There has never been,never will be a president who knows all the worlds players.
They rely on the people around them.
Oh sure hillary might know their names,doesn’t mean she knows what she is doing.
Tim Scott says
LOL…you demean yourself, trying to defend the indefensible. That’s not my fault.
Are you seriously suggesting with this “president’s don’t know all the world’s players” nonsense that Trump not knowing basic stuff going on with RUSSIA is typical? C’mon man, no one is gonna buy that.
I have a dream says
Interesting, didnt say that at all.i see why you like hillary.
If you like trump, then you are demeaning yourself.
Its not your fault, if you demean people.
These sound alot like hillarys excuses for her lies.
I have to say it again.obama, sanders.both said she cant be trusted.unless they were lying.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I love having these kind of debates in writing. That way when a weasel tries to claim “I never said that” anyone with the basic dexterity to scroll up can see them for exactly what they are.
I have a dream says
You know, donald could just bring a “big red reset”button when dealing with putin.it worked so well before.
Who was the buffoon that tried that before?
Tim Scott says
Given the way US stature in the world had been run into the ditch by the Bush administration a “reset” was appropriate at the time…with everyone, not just Putin.
Have results been uniformly perfect? No. But we are in far better shape than we were.
I have a dream says
I often wonder if the 1 in 5 in poverty, since obama, or
The 60 million people on welfare, since obama, or
The 20 million people without a job,
care that russia annexed the crimean peninsula from ukraine.
Tim Scott says
LOL…like you “often” give a hoot about anyone but yourself. Play a different tune dreamer, that one looks ridiculous on you.
I have a dream says
Sheldon adelson
Carl icahn
Andrew beal
Darwin deason
Wilbur ross
Peter thiel
Just a few of many billionaires who support trump.
No buffoons here.
Tim Scott says
They like his “a tax cut for the ultra wealthy is all I’ve got” economic ‘plan.’
William says
Republicans close to Trump are planning an intervention. Apparently, he’s out of control……again.
Hope springs eternal. .
Tim Scott says
Make that “another intervention.”
William says
Republicans close to Trump are planning an intervention. Apparently, he’s out of control……again.
Hope springs eternal. .
Don'tLiveInAV says
If I had the means, I would renounce my American citizenship and move the f!!k out of this pathetic excuse of a country. What a sorry joke America has become in too many ways to count.
William says
Tell ’em you’re here illegally and they’ll deport you
You’re in a predicament. If you did have the means, you’d likely iive in Laguna Beach or Aspen and would quit complaining.
But, since you don’t have the means and moved to another country, you’d be poor and miserable there as well.
It must be lousy to be you. I suspect you’d complain wherever you lived.
Don'tLiveInAV says
The presumptions some people make. I’m not poor, I just don’t have the means to up and move half way across the earth, A country that values education, healthcare, and a vibrant middle class is the place I want to be – and it’s not the United States.
America First says
After reading a majority of the comments posted on this page I cannot help but believe that you and Tim Scott have to be raving lunatics That use this forum to push your liberal beliefs and bully anyone that doesn’t agree with you. Your anti American rhetoric is amazing. The truth is that most Americans are fed up with the way the democrats are ruining this country at An alarming pace. I am a veteran and a father , I do not want to raise my kids in a country that has lost all its values and morals. I’m tired of working so hard and watching my tax dollars get spent on “free” cell phones and anything that will fit in the cart on the first of the month at Wal Mart . I don’t want to explain to my daughter why it is ok that a man is allowed to use the same bathroom as her because he feels he is a woman. The liberal agenda is ruining this country ….
Don'tLiveInAV says
Democrats huh? This coming from a member of the Republican Party of terrorist attacks, recessions, and trillion dollar wars of choice. Beat it loser and try not to destroy everything you touch on the way.
Tim Scott says
No doubt you will consider this bullying, but when you say “The truth is that most Americans are fed up with the way the democrats are ruining this country at An alarming pace,” you really deserve to be called on to back that up. Not only do you not provide any evidence that Democrats are ruining the country, you certainly don’t provide any evidence about the majority of Americans agreeing with you.
Directly to the contrary, President Obama has net positive approval ratings, over thirty points higher than GWBush had at this point in his administration. (+6 vs -28, feel free to look that up) It seems the majority don’t agree with you at all.
Literally every economic indicator has moved substantially in the positive direction over the past seven years. Whatever this “ruin” you think is happening, it certainly isn’t financial.
Feel free to express your opinions, just be aware that if you try to make false claims, or try to claim that your opinions should somehow be graced with the weight of majority just because you say so, you will be challenged.
As to the personal slurs…I too am a veteran and a father. I resent the bit about “anti-American” and would ask you to tone that nonsense down, particularly. The raving lunatic part I find so glaringly laughable that it’s hard to even be offended.
Don'tLiveInAV says
The presumptions some people make. I’m not poor, I just don’t have the means to up and move half way across the earth, A country that values education, healthcare, and a vibrant middle class is the place I want to be – and it’s not the United States.
William says
And, who is responsible for you not having the means, regardless if you’re poor or not, if it’s not you?
Like I said, it you had the means and lived in Laguna Beach or Aspen, we wouldn’t hear a peep from you.
You’re stuck.
James P. Biddle says
I too, have thought about it. But where would you go? It’s really no different anywhere (other than the climate and food). The same evil sources that have ruined America has ruined most of the rest of the world.
I’m thinking of buy property on Mars while it’s still cheap.
William says
Biddle, the point of people posting their one and only post saying they are leaving the AV, wanting to leave the AV or have left the AV already is similar to a nasty suicide note.
They want us to feel bad that they are leaving.
They never say where they want to go or where they moved to. Must be some secret.
James P. Biddle says
It’s so secret that nobody has ever found it.
Son of the Anti Rex says
I wish Parris would leave the AV.
James P. Biddle says
In Handcuff’s with the rest of the Fern Street mafia.
Shane Falco says
I see people saying that if Hillary was as corrupt as people say, she’d already be arrested and charged.
I guess the same people don’t feel the same about Rex. No charges filed and he’s against section 8 abuse, and criminals running rampant in your AV….I guess he has to go, who wants that?
William says
I hear he does leave the AV, every chance he gets to his other home in Laguna Beach or wherever.
I wonder how much time he spends in his law office or his home in Lancaster.
Shane Falco says
We have a house in Newport Beach, we should keep an eye out for him….
Thugg Lyfe says
No bid contracts, illegal purchases of redevelopment property, funneling tax dollars to pet projects owned by your political contributors, closing down a hotel without due process, sending sheriff’s to homes without warrants, having people arrested for antagonizing him at council meetings, fighting with constituents in local gyms, authorizing the use of tax dollars to relocated auto dealerships, showing favourtism by appointing employees and children of sitting elected officials to city commissions and positions, leading a civil trial against Raymond Jennings who has been exonerated………….
Laughing says
Passports are cheap, and you can walk across the border. One country to the North, several countries to the South.
Tim Scott says
Holy cats! I just saw a guy introduced as “Donald Trump’s chief economic advisor.” It’s STEPHEN MOORE!?!?!
This guy got run out as a charlatan BY HIS OWN FOUNDATION. He is a total freakin’ quack! Plus, major newspapers have said that they will never print any op-ed piece he writes without thorough fact checking, because he has a habit of using “examples” to support his positions that seem to be drawn from some alternate reality.
Trump chose THIS guy???
Hilarious, if it weren’t for the fact that Republicans seem to want to make Trump president of the United States. That makes it too scary to even be funny.
William says
I don’t know if Stephen Moore is really rich. He strikes me as a suckup to rich people. Sort of the Joey Bishop to the Rat Pack of old. That kind of guy.
Tim Scott says
I don’t think he’s particularly rich. Just mind bogglingly out of touch with economics and known for blatantly making examples up to support his ideas.
“Look how great this worked here!”
Ummm, they didn’t actually do that there. In fact they did the exact opposite.
“Well, they did it there! And just look at these statistics!”
Yeah. Those statistics are not even close to the actual results. Truth is, they still haven’t recovered from following your plan.
Tim Scott says
Statement from Khizr Khan:
Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy — that with hard work and the goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.
We were blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams.
Our son, Humayun, had dreams of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers.
Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son “the best of America.”
If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.
Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.
Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words “liberty” and “equal protection of law.”
Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.
You have sacrificed nothing and no one.
Donald Trump, when pressed for a response:
I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.
I’m wondering if any of our local Trump supporters are willing to try to defend their candidate on this. I think it is instructive that it is being widely described as ‘despicable, even for Donald Trump.’ Have we reached the point where people will vote for a man who has shifted the limits of ‘despicable’?
William says
@Tim Scott
You must realize that Trump’s supporters are just like him and no better.
Just wondering says
…if all the Hillary’s supporters are just like her and no better? I choose not to believe so.
Tim Scott says
So Dippy Don now says that Mr Khan “has no right to question” whether Dippy Don has read the constitution, and claims that he has indeed read it. Apparently he missed the part where it says that yes, Mr Khan does have the right to question that. Or maybe Dippy Don is just lying about having read it at all.
Tim Scott says
Poem I just picked up on the internetz:
The sad truth is that Dippy Don
Ain’t worth a tenth of Humayun Khan
I have a dream says
Hey just read hillarys first interview in months.
She just cant believe why people dont trust her.
She denied telling the families of benghazi victims that it was a video, the families are liars.”they misunderstood her”
“Every time I run for office, people begin to undermine me”
“Putin has has made a deliberate effort to try to affect the election
She disagrees with the findings of the FBI, that she never sent top secret email on multiple private servers.James Comey is a liar.
She is blaming everyone, but herself.
Shes in deep denial.
Whats next, she took sniper fire?
William says
@I am living in a dream world
Of course, you watched fox ‘news’, right? Around 30% of fox ‘news’ viewers/republicans think that President Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya because that’s how accurate fox’s reporting is.
Her ‘lies’ are nothing with the thousands of lies and fabrications that Trump has said this week alone.
His tongue is loose at both ends and he’s YOUR guy.
Of course, you never mention Trump’s lies and complete stupidity, do ya? I guess cause you BELIEVE him.
Tim Scott says
So, this is your defense of Trump?
I’m not surprised, but I am curious. Do you recognize how weak it is?
I have a dream says
Weak to who, just pointing out facts about hillarys lapse of memory and inability to take responsibility.
Thats why obama, sanders and 70 percent of the american voters say she cant be trusted.
Against blacks, but now loves them.
Believes in traditional marriage,now she love the gays.
For nafta, now, no way.
For pacific trade agreement, wait a minute.
For women now, back when bill was raping them, they were nothing but whores.
Say whatever to pander for votes.
I have a dream says
Untill another crazy radical jihadest Muslim bombs,shoots or cuts off people’s heads.only then do we question our open arms and open borders policy.
A temporary ban on refugees entering is necessary.
The FBI has said that there is no way to screen all.
In the past 7 years,we have had record number of terrorism is this country and abroad.
Can’t wait till someone gets smart a brings a dirty bomb or nuke.
Let’s just sit back and do nothing.
C.F. Somebody says
California HR 59, August in California shall now be Muslim appreciation and awareness month. I don’t know about you guys, but I definitely won’t be expressing any appretiation for the enemies of western culture, but I’m definitely aware. The California government has gone off the rails.
John says
What do we expect when the state is run by the progressive left. The U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, have sent a clear message to the leaders of the Democrat party.
“Our most effective response to terror and to hatred is compassion, it’s unity and it’s love.”
– Loretta Lynch
Rowdy Rhonda says
hr59,co authored by our very own Tom Lackey,guess he and the rest of the Assembly slept through Civics in high school when the First Amendment was discussed.This is a violation,this is the favoring of a religion by the government. Call his office.
William says
When Hillary stepped out onto the stage for her speech tonight, to paraphrase Neal Armstrong-
“It was one small step for a woman, one giant leap for mankind.”
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Not Hillary says
Hillary, like most of the people in the audience, are delusional. We have a $20 trillion dollar deficit, with Obama adding more to it than all the presidents in US history combined. ISIS is out of control across the world. Iran is on a nuclear path. Putin is unbridled, as is North Korea. Wages are stagnant. The middle class is disappearing. Jobs are exported to China and India. Coal is banned here but sold and burned overseas. Race relations are at a new low.
And we get to hear Chelsea talk about how Hillary likes blueberries?
Is this a sick joke?
The secretary of state could not be trusted with classified emails and now wants to be president?
William says
“Deficits don’t matter.” -Vice President Dick Cheney
I bet you bought that when he said it a dozen years ago.
Tim Scott says
I’m always amused when someone demonstrates that they don’t understand the difference between debt and deficit, or some other really elementary definitions of economics, and then wants to be taken seriously in a conversation about economic policy.
The sick joke here is that an ignoramus like you has a vote that counts as much as anyone else’s does.
No Hillary says
When Hillary stepped onto the stage for her speech, the Russians were hacking the DNC computers. The FBI warned the Clinton campaign but were ignored.
Bad. Bad for all.
William says
Can Trump get any more ridiculous?
You bet.
I just heard him on the teevee machine yelling and sputtering about Hillary’s speech. He said that she thinks everything is ‘rosy dory’???? What? I’ve heard of ‘hunky dory’ but never ‘rosy dory’. The Donald’s synapses are misfiring again.
The other day, he confused the Democratic VP candidate, Tim Kaine, with a republican Tom Kaine (sp?) in New Jersey and went off on him, the wrong guy.
By the debates, Trump will have lost his mind altogether.
I’m lovin’ it.
I wish Hillary would turn to him during the debate and say “You’re a joke and unfit to even be here. You’ve given me all your best shots and I’m still standing. And, you are still a joke.” The crowd would go wild.
Bill Maher said Hillary outta go gangsta on him and really rip him apart. She could do it without even raising her voice or breaking a sweat. Ask Trey Gowdy who was left a pale, sweaty mess after his 11 hour inquisition of her on Benghazi.
Trump would have to be carried off in a straight jacket by the time she’s done with him. I can’t wait.
Pueblo y Cervesa says
Did anyone else see this recent letter to the editor? I’ll drink to this one.
Are we replicating a failure in the AV?
A recent letter (about a tirade by the spokesperson for the Palmdale Prevention Community Council) found it offensive that the spokesperson assumed blacks and Latinos were “weakly susceptible” to alcohol and could not solve that problem without government help. The writer concluded that this was divisive and racist.
Spokesperson Xavier Flores (for the Palmdale Prevention Community Council, a division of Pueblo y Salud) has a history of stereotyping Latinos as alcohol abusers unable to control themselves without help. Flores is on record saying, “We Latinos consume more alcohol than the general population” and Latinos who drink “do so in larger quantities.”
To protect Latinos (from their disposition to abuse alcohol), Pueblo y Salud succeeded in substantially limiting alcohol sellers and advertising in San Fernando and Pacoima. A decade later it is fair to ask if Latinos in those areas now drink less and in smaller quantities.
If not, then why replicate the failure in the Antelope Valley? Pueblo y Salud relies on millions of dollars in government grants. Are taxpayers funding lasting solutions or are they just paying salaries and expenses for this outfit?
Bill Homan
pirrurris says
The con-artist Trump got spank tonight!
This is just the begining of Trump’s nightmare.
Obama kicked ass tonight…and I am starting to like Tim Caine.
When is the con artist Trump going to release his tax returns?
No Hillary says
He’ll release the tax returns when Hillary returns the 33,000 deleted emails.
Tim Scott says
Your ability to shill for Trump is really limited. I don’t care if his opponent is a blazing lunatic like Ted Cruz, that has nothing to do with the responsibilities of Trump as a candidate. If he doesn’t want his tax returns examined he should not enter a presidential campaign. Just babbling about Hillary’s tax returns doesn’t make an effective cover for all Trump’s failures.
I have a dream says
Its not, and has never been mandatory to release tax returns.
As far as his failures.he has been extremely successful.
Tim Scott says
Correct. That doesn’t change the fact that every candidate does it, so anyone choosing to be a candidate should consider whether they are willing to do so since if they don’t there are consequences. That was a good effort at distracting from the issue though.
Now, see, that “oh he’s successful” is a new attempt at the shill. Again, a distraction which is strategically a good move. Problem will come when I give a well founded argument against it and all you can do is repeat yourself because there’s no substance to it.
Bloomberg said it best: a successful business is measured by the opinions of their customers and the other businesses they do business with. Trump AVERAGES almost three lawsuits PER WEEK. No one who does business with him wants to do it again. No one who invests with him wants to do it again. He is only successful if you measure success by the ability to scheme and scam the profits into your personal account, and that isn’t success. That’s why other billionaires consider Trump a buffoon and an embarrassment, not a success.
Okay shill, your turn. Time to repeat yourself and switch to the next talking point on your list.
William says
@Miss Dream
It is not mandatory that the CIA give Trump classified briefings either.
How would you feel if they denied him that, hypocrite?
I have a dream says
Billionaires think hes a buffoon?.blumberg thinks hes a buffoon.and hes a mental case.ask any voter in new york
As far as his lawsuits, you sound exactly like hillary.
I saw the breakdown of the lawsuits.hes won a huge majority of them.also it was people suing for a big payday.happens all the time to people with money.
Out of the bogus 3700 lawsuits mentioned by hillary, 46 were legit.
But that was right on point with hillary saying it.
Funny how the entire convention was bash trump.
Nothing about how hillarys plan for america.
I have a dream says
Here was my answer to”thats your defence of trump”
It was moderated.i wasnt defending trump.
I was pointing out hillarys constant lies.
I have a dream
July 31, 2016 at 4:04 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Weak to who, just pointing out facts about hillarys lapse of memory and inability to take responsibility.
Thats why obama, sanders and 70 percent of the american voters say she cant be trusted.
Against blacks, but now loves them.
Believes in traditional marriage,now she love the gays.
For nafta, now, no way.
For pacific trade agreement, wait a minute.
For women now, back when bill was raping them, they were nothing but whores.
Say whatever to pander for votes
Tim Scott says
Warren Buffet, Mark Cuban…billionaires are lining up to call him a buffoon. As to your ridiculous comment on Bloomberg and “ask any voter in New York”…they CHANGED THE LAW so they could elect him to a third term as mayor. Apparently you have NO CLUE what you are talking about there.
Meanwhile, you comment on the Democrat’s convention shows another thing you are talking about with no knowledge. Was there some Trump bashing? Of course. There was also plenty about Clinton, both personal and policy. The GOP are the one’s who ran a four day hatefest. Other than people named Trump it seemed like they couldn’t find anyone to say anything nice about their candidate.
Check the facts. Transcripts of every speech at both conventions are available on line. Don’t trust me, and certainly don’t trust this lying shill and their “dream.”
I have a dream says
And yet, both cuban and buffett do bussiness with trump.still
Some people see and her things different, I heard no policy, just bashing.and parading mothers of criminals, talking about cop killers.
Tim Scott says
So you missed the cops and families of cops? Or just want to pretend they weren’t there?
Again, people, check the facts on this ‘dreamer.’ It’s mostly obvious that they are talking about a convention that they did not watch.
I have a dream says
I know cuban didnt call him a “buffoon”.he did say he likes him, but doesnt agree with some of his policies. As far as buffett, cant say I heard him say it or not.but Im not sure if he knows what day or year it is.
So 2 billionaires said it,iare there others.pretty sure there are more than 2 billionaires
Tim Scott says
By the way, no, Cuban and Buffet don’t do business with Trump. Basically no one who does business with Trump will do so again. He either slow pays or no pays, skips out on his obligations, and generally drags down the reputations of all involved.
Tim Scott says
Feel free to google “Mark Cuban Trump” everybody, just so you can see how our little dreamer here is lying their butt off.
I have a dream says
I watched a video with cuban saying he doesnt dislike him, still does bussinees with him and just agree with some of his policies.as far the “google”somebody wrote that.
Just curious, if nobody does bussiness with trump, how is it he has all that money?
I read a “Google search”where somebody said hillary is honest.
Somebody wrote that too
Tim Scott says
LOL…google is a search engine. You get to look at whatever results you want to look at. What sort of nonsense is “as far as the google somebody wrote that”? Are you pretending to not understand the most basic functions of the internet? How do you even get here?
If you check three or four sources you find reliable and come away with “Cuban just disagrees with some of his policies” I can’t see how.
Actual Mark Cuban quotes:
“Is there any bigger jagoff in the world than Donald Trump?”
“But then he went off the reservation and went bat—- crazy.”
Dreamer, get with reality…this is not a conversation you want to keep going.
William says
“I love the poorly educated.” Donald J. Trump
And, he means you if you are here supporting or defending him.
Thank you for that.
No Hillary says
Does that mean Hillary supporters are corrupt?
William says
See. You’ve illustrated Trump’s and my point.
Did Hillary ever say anything like the Trump quote above? But, you foolishily tried to make the comparison, thereby proving Trump correct.
I dare you to wear a Trump button next time you eat in a restaurant. Be sure and check your food for anything funny.
Ppl says
You Hillary Clinton supporters Hitler Hillary the lieing b**** the fake woman you are a bunch of damn puppets you also where Obama’s puppets now you going to vote again for an ignorant woman you’re like a bunch of fake church-goers that thinks God did everything for you wake up you bunch of fake idiots
William says
@No Hillary
I enjoy your suffering.
William says
In 2013, 33% of Louisiana Republicans blamed Obama for the response to Katrina.
You read that correctly.
That’s how ignorant a large perentage of the gop is and likely Trump supporters.
William says
Read some of their posts below.
Tim Scott says
Wow. If the Democrats had followed the Republican four day hate fest plan Trump might have stroked out. Their one night of pointing out the flaws of their opponent has been accurate, as near as I can make out, but absolutely savage.
Bloomberg the Independent and former Republican:
“Trump wants to run the country the way he runs his business? God help us!”
William says
Hey, Tim Scott
I went back a few months in the Readers Speak Out comments because ‘I have a dream’s’ comments sounded vaguely familiar.
She coulda witten this one.
“William, we get that you dont care that hillary is a liar.how many people do you know that have died from red states not expanding medicare? How many people to do know that have benefitted from obama care.if you tell the truth, ill bet zero.and is it ok for all, no some, but all illegals in california to get free medical?”
Sound familiar. That was from username ‘billandtimsbogusanswers’ from back in November.
All of them sound alike unless it’s the same person with a new name. There was Lady Liberty and Granny something or other.
I don’t know what’s worse, someone changing usernames when we are on to them or that so many sound alike, talk alike and think alike. Is that from the inbreeding?
pirrurris says
Democrats kicked butt tonight!
Proud to be a Democrat.
William Scott says
Trump’s quip about coining the phrase ‘Crooked Hillary’ stoke the night.
Hillary is in trouble and they know it.
C.F. Somebody says
#Demexit. If the Bernie supporters can pull that off you’re right, the Democrats are in big trouble. But we’ll just have to see what happens.
C.F. Somebody says
Anybody who is proud to be associated with Dems or GOP is a complete tool. Unaffiliated is the only way to go.
William says
After what Trump has been saying about Russian, Putin and emails, we here in the Antelope Valley need to make Steve Knight pay for it in November.
He’s part problem like the rest of the gop. And, if he doesn’t get ousted, we need to make those who support him answerable.
I have a dream says
Because hillary was careless, reckless, should have known better and anyone else would have their security clearance revoked.lost their job and possible jail time.according to FBI report.i hope russia does come up with them.it will show how she put america in danger.
pirrurris says
Bryan Caforio is opening an office here in Palmdale, in a couple weeks.
I am going pick me Bryan Caforio lawn sign, as soon as they open.
Knight Supporter says
It will be a rare sight. Almost historic. Knight 2016!
William says
I thought you were an athletic supporter.
Knight Supporter says
You must have me confuse with Jacque. Jacque Hass, the personal manager for Hillary’s Email server.
William says
@Knight Supporter
No. We know where your nose is and your lips planted.
William Scott says
After what Hillary has done with classified emails, we here in the Antelope Valley and America need to make her pay for it in November.
She’s part of the problem like the rest of the establishment. And, if she doesn’t get ousted, we need to make those who support her accountable.
CaliPalmdale says
People are you really thinking whoever wins the presidency gives a rats @$$ about any of you or any other citizen please those people live a life way different than yours thinks different $$$ talks all they care about is them and making the rich richer and if there’s a need to get rid of anyone they will do it disguise it that’s politics corruption all over the word and know its out more in the open here in out great nation and more to come.
James P. Biddle says
Sadly Cali, you’re dead right. It doesn’t matter who gets elected. You’re life will not get better. It never has and never will. The reason being–look at ALL of our elected officials from local to federal. Very few really give a rat’s patooty about we the people. Perhaps its time for a revolution of sorts. Smaller countries around the world have had the people stand up and block govt facilities and just basically go on strike. This has happened in France, Spain and several South American countries.
Perhaps we the people need to stand up and let these greedy a$$holes know that they work for us. But alas it will never happen. We the people have become we the sheeple.
Tim Scott says
The two of you are spouting nonsense. Does any politician give a darn about me individually? Of course not.
Does the general direction of the country, how the economy is managed, how many wars we start, how our standing internationally is maintained or misused; do these things all have the potential to affect my life and the lives of my kids? Absolutely.
Do you genuinely believe that policies that brought us to “the brink of global financial meltdown” should be returned to with an indifferent shrug?
Do you genuinely believe that disrupting the alliance that has held the European lust for world domination that lead to endless warfare on their continent in check for seventy-five years won’t have any notable effects?
CaliPalmdale says
Tim I know so u think we are screwed one way or the other also don’t matter who gets elected the ones who control all just care on getting richer look at that one old guy David Rockefellers I think in he is 99yrs getting a 6 hart transplant is that crazy he might have picked his victim for his new heart. to much greed they thrive of all people they want hate among all of us so we never become one voice. All they want is war to make money big business.
James P. Biddle says
Talk about nonsense.
Tim Scott says
Please be specific.
James P. Biddle says
All the things you mention are important, no doubt. But nothing is gonna change. The world’s economy is based on war. The bankers are behind said. That’s where the money is and has always been.
The first capitalization of war came about in the 1100-1200’s thanks to the rock and rolling Knights Templar. Since that time war is big business.
All of our foreign policy decisions are based on war or even potential war. Just look at our defense spending.
regardless of who’s elected, do you really believe that their will be an improvement in public education? They may throw money at it–but there will be no reform.
As far as financing: did one corrupt banker go to prison? Was there any real reform? They may have done away with those high risk home loans (I forgot what they were called (an old age issue)). Actually, they haven’t really done away with them, they just renamed them and are back in business. Nothing has changed. When they get into trouble, guess who will bail them out? Please, Tim, keep your wallet open. The banks thank you.
To sum it up. No matter who you elect as President–no matter how honorable (yeah right) won’t be able to change anything. It’s in the hands of congress. Let’s not forget that it was congress who initiated central banking. It’s congress who does the central banks bidding. yet congress has no control over the central bank, aka the Federal Reserve System. Who, by-the-way is loyal to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
So at the end of the day Tim, what do you think will really happen after the election that will make your life brighter?
I’m betting it will be the same-o, same-o. All they will do is change the name of any issue that goes sideways on them and then claim “problem solved.”
Neither Congress or the President gives a rat’s patooty about you or your family (that is unless you are a heavy contributor to said)
Tim Scott says
I don’t completely agree with everything you said, but let’s stipulate it anyway. That still leaves Trump as a dangerous outlier…not to mention an out and out liar of epic proportion.
Whether war and the threat of war makes the economy go round or not, reducing America’s international standing to tatters isn’t an advantage. So I don’t think concerns about his genuinely crazy statements are nonsense.
William says
@James P. Biddle
It was called sub-prime loans. I recall very well back in 2004-5 when people were buying condos in Florida and flipping them for a profit after a month.
That was a red flag, not a sign of a healthy economy. I kept noticing that the so-called ‘news’ media and the punditocracy class would report that the building boom was gonna bust.
The next day, they would report that Americans had roughly zero savings.
The day after, that Americans were maxing out their credit cards to get by while wages remained stagnant, well, since Reagan.
Meahwhile, jobs were being outsourced.
Then, there was the widespread use of home-equity loans to buy RVs and swimming pools and Hummers and other gas guzzlers.
However, no one seemed to put all those things together to predict that a big crash was a-coming. Didn’t you sense that back then?
I was actually legally blind during those couple years from having eye surgeries but even I could see we were headed for disaster in 2005. I didn’t know it would be Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers but it was inevitable.
The gop had control of Congress and the executive branch and that was part of the problem.
Can you not recall that during the Clinton years we had ‘peace and prosperity’ and he left a surplus?
Clinton inherited a recession from bush 41 and President Obama inherited a collapse from bush 43.
We’ve had almost 7 years of continued job growth, slow but steady. Last year, more cars were sold than in decades. The stock market if over 18,000 and so on.
Is it perfect? Of course not, James. But my point is THAT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE WHICH PARTY IS RUNNING THINGS.
If you can’t see that, why do you bother posting here? What is your point in insisting that it makes no difference which party runs things when it clearly does?
Don’t forget for a minute that the gop fights everything that works for the economy (and that their policies are failures) and the Democrats are having to do what they can despite that fierce opposition.
And, if you can’t see the difference it makes which party is in power, than I guess I’m wasting bandwicth replying to you.
Lil Angel says
@William and @Tim Scott
We’ll keep this short. It’s painfully obvious neither of you have a life. Time and date stamps for this site track you as “zero lifers.” The constant ramblings are further evidence of your ignorance. Neither of the two can ever cite supportive documentation . . .you’re both “spin doctors.”
For anyone who gets ‘attacked’ , or given ‘advice’, by either of you two, I certainly hope they dismiss it as pure nonsense. Your belief in your own stupidity is quite remarkable. Your posts, however, add to my day with copious amounts of laughter. Bless your little hearts!
Shane Falco says
Well…Tim…you yourself brought up Iran/Contra from nearly 30 years ago as an indictment of Reagan.
You then doubled down and denied the $400 million Obama sent to Iran as never having happened even as news is slowly breaking on it.
Perhaps you’re just not aware of Iran. It’s the same country where it’s been revealed by the AP, that the deal Obama and Kerry pushed for to keep them from getting nukes was actually a sham and they had a secret deal in place to acquire them even faster.
Let me know and I’ll provide some links for you since the townhome TV probably has an antenna instead of even basic cable.
James P. Biddle says
Every once in awhile you need to have a ruthless leader. Reagan came at the right time. Right after he took the oath, Iran released hostages. They were afraid he might act with extreme prejudice.
I think that Trump is in the same boat. We have serious issues with radical Islam. I don’t think they will get away with pushing us around.
Sadly this is the world we live in.
Tim Scott says
LOL… they were afraid he might renege on the deal he made with them to thank them for their help in getting him into office.
Or did you sleep through Iran-Contra?
Shane Falco says
Tim, if anybody has been making deals, it’s Hillary. She campaigns on being hard on Wall Street but had made millions upon millions from speeches for them and won’t release her speeches. I wouldn’t care less about what she said…except for the blatant fact that it’s a main campaign issue.
While she was the sitting Secretary of State, her foundation operated in at least 29 countries, including places that contained rampant corruption such as Nigeria, Uganda, Ukraine, Haiti, Mozambique, China and South Africa…not to mention the $25 million from the Saudis. Surely no secret deals in place there either. I’m sure she’ll be as tough on them as she will be on the same corporations that gave her millions.
The best you have Tim is….Iran Contra?
William says
Trump supporters are actually ‘suicide voters’.
It’s as though they don’t care if he takes down the country (very likely given how he does business) and them with it.
The rest of us are responsible for preventing him from inhabiting the White House. His fans are just as insane as he is.
Say what you will about Hillary. She is NOT insane.
Tim Scott says
No Shane, the best, and only, thing I have for you is shut up, the adults were talking.
My apologize Mr Biddle, like dog crap on my shoe Shane follows me around stinkin’ up the place.
Tim Scott says
Shane, try to catch up before you comment lest you look unintelligent. I know you want to follow me around (from the safety of your keyboard) and try to pick a fight, but at least don’t be an embarrassment to yourself in the process.
Shane Falco says
What’s Tim going to say about the $400 million Obama paid to Iran to free 4 hostages….and now Iran has more hostages…and wants more money?
Tim Scott says
I generally don’t comment on things that didn’t happen. Go back to your right wing echo chamber and tell yourself lies Falco.
I have a dream says
Let me translate shane.
I got nothing.and im going to try to be sarcastic and funny.
Ill just act like a little child bully and meet you after school.
Im the smartest person on here, and everyone better understand that.
If you beat me up intellectually, ill go back in history, to bring up some nonsense that has nothing to do with anything.just to show you I can read.
Ill twist your words around, even though you didnt say it, just to try and be right.
Tim Scott says
Even Shane isn’t stupid enough to need you for a translator.
Tim Scott says
Pro Tip: If you need a translator, get one that isn’t totally disassociated from reality.
Shane Falco says
Tim still claiming the $400 million to Iran didn’t happen?
Tim Scott says
Nope. The payment as agreed in an international court and announced at the time in a press release by the state department definitely did happen. What didn’t happen is the right wing echo chamber’s nonsense about it being some sort of “secret ransom payment.”
Pro Tip: If something is announced in a press release, it isn’t a secret.
Tim Scott says
By the way, since you obviously get your news from the right wing echo chamber and have no real clue what goes on…it was Iran’s money to begin with. They paid for weapons with it, and due to their regime change we didn’t want to deliver the weapons.
Dingbat Donny Trump might think that “well, just keep their money” is an acceptable business practice, but most people don’t. Is that the way you do business Shane?
Shane Falco says
Well, the media is obviously in the bag for the dem party as seen by the email leaks that proved the collaboration on stories, coverage and giving the DNC final say on stories before they run.
Regardless, the story was covered on CBS news, hardly a “right wing echo chamber”. I like the “regularly scheduled payment” aspect…sure it was. After 37 years, under the cover of night and exactly and the time hostages are released and with the Iranian ambassador even claiming it was “tangible” for the guarantee of release.
Again, all this for something you claim didn’t even happen.
I have a dream says
It was there money anyways tim?
Thats what obama said, now you.
Maybe you could answer this.
Why didnt anybody, congress, know about this backdoor deal.
Obama said we negotiated a settlement of money, plus interest.
Now heres where things dont make sense.
If its there money, why didnt we pay all of it?
According to obama, if we hadnt negotiated it down to 400 million, it would have cost the taxpayers billions.
So, if we I are holding other countrys money, why would it cost billions to the taxpayers? And since you believe in good business practices, why didnt we give it all back?
Tim Scott says
Dreamer, I don’t know why you think it’s my job to keep you up on current events.
YES, buffoon, it was their money. Not because I SAY so, but because it WAS. That was the ruling in an international court.
As to your question about “why no one knew,” all I can guess is that they, like you, DON’T GET NEWS FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE. This “secret payment” was announced when it happened in a press release from the state department as well as by the President. It was covered in all the major media sources. If you missed it, that’s on you. Congressional Republicans were probably busy drafting their 137th “we hate the ACA” memo, and that’s on them.
Meanwhile, since you are incapable of finding things out for yourself…the total payment was 1.7 billion. 400 million principle plus 1.3 billion in interest. That 1.3 billion was an agreed figure approved by the court. The Iranians wanted a higher interest rate, we wanted lower. In reaching that agreement we not only agreed on an AMOUNT, but agreed on a payment schedule. That’s HOW THAT WORKS. The first payment was the 400 million in principle, due immediately, and it was paid. The rest has been paid, I’m pretty sure.
Laughing says
Final sentence from this article “Whatever you think about the Iran deal, the money is not a secret. If Republicans can’t read and don’t bother to use Google, that is hardly reality’s fault.”
James P. Biddle says
Oliver North was one of my hero’s. Lol!
Tim Scott says
You’re an interesting character, to say the least.
pirrurris says
Like i have been saying, the problem that we have is republicans, and nothing is going to change if people keep voting democrat president, but keep giving them a do nothing republican congress.
Raquel says
I dare you to go to the movies and see, “Hillary’s America” If you have the guts to go.
William says
Raquel DESERVES Trump.
Feel the Bern says
Another day, another vicious act of terrorism. This time a priest in Normandy, France is beheaded by ISIS.
Not a word mentioned at the DNC.
No wonder the worst nominee in Republican history is ahead in the polls and will probably win in November.
The Democrats nominated someone worse.
Tim Scott says
Political conventions are not typically considered to be news feeds. Why would you expect there to be some sort of “breaking news” segment in a political convention?
William says
Not to worry. I saw a fox ‘news’ tool, er, reporter asking a few people on the convention floor why ISIS wasn’t mentioned.
I wish someone would have told him “Since you’re with fox ‘news’, if ISIS was mentioned you’d simply make it significant that another fox pet issue wasn’t mentioned and if not that one another one and so on.
You’d likely be doing the same racket if the priest’s murder was mentioned. If the murder was mentioned you’d be wondering why some other issue wasn’t.
Isn’t that so? I highly doubt that you would admit that if it were.
If you are a Bernie supporter (questionable) given your username, did Bernie mention it?
William says
The kvetching on fox ‘news’ re: the nomination of Hillary is priceless.
I just checked in for a minute to watch Hannity losing his **** about it.
Wait till November. It will be some kind of poetic justice for Trump to lose to ………………………wait for it……………………A WOMAN.
Raquel says
I think you are obsessed with Fox News. I never realized you watch it non stop! Wow a liberal in love with Fox!!!
William says
So? What’s’ it to you ? I check fox ‘news’ to see where you get yer info.
James P. Biddle says
According to the polls in recent months, both Clinton and Trump are the two most hated candidates ever. This election you really do have a choice between evil and a lesser evil. So which evil do you choose?
Personally I think I might go with Trump. But only for one reason and one reason only; He supports vets and wants to clean up the VA. That is personal with me. I get my healthcare via the VA. Trust me when I tell you–it’s a nightmare. My health has gone down the dumper because of the lousy care and the stupid bureaucracy.
If anybody can fix the VA, it will be Trump. He can’t make it any worse (though I’m sure Hillary would try to.)
Another plus for The Donald is he won’t put up with the crap we are getting from countries that support terrorists. No more coddling of these terrorist states. No more trade imbalances. That means China better look for another country to screw.
As far as the border wall . . . . well, that may or may not happen. I think Trump is just be melodramatic to make a point. That point is that our immigration system is broken. He wants to fix it. I’m all for that. I don’t think it’s realistic to stop immigration. That will never happen, nor should it. But we do have the right to control it and to set standards.
If you’re looking for touchy-feely warm and fuzzy, then, by all means, vote for Hillary.
Tim Scott says
Trump yammers about fixing the VA, but have you noticed that he has never said a single word about how? It is one of the many things he has talked about doing and said basically “make me president and I’ll get it done because I’m Trump.” I find that promise pretty empty, given all the things that were supposed to work out because he’s Trump that have ended up just working out FOR Trump.
I would anticipate his “solution” being some sort of privatization program that will funnel gigantic profits to whoever holds the contracts while producing no particular improvement in results and sticks taxpayers with additional costs. That’s a standard Republican “solution” and no doubt there’s a “Trump Medical” just waiting to get their share.
Just pointing out problems doesn’t solve them.
James P. Biddle says
I agree. When was the last time you heard a major party candidate echo just one word of truth? When was the last time you heard a politician echo just one word of truth? (Oh, wait; Richard M. Nixon once said, “I am NOT a crook!” . . . . .Oh, wait–he was. Never mind.)
The truth be told, I support Trump because if he becomes Prez, the late night comedians will have a field day. Where’s Letterman when you need him?
William says
“I love the poorly educated.” -Donald Trump
Yes, James. He said that. Trump’s supporters are self-selected victims just like the fools that enrolled in Trump ‘university’.
A con artist counts on the greed and selfishness of his targets. In this case, voters.
Val says
You people that vote for Hillary are weak-minded people. You’re like those people to go to church every week beat their wives during the week from Monday to Friday on Sunday go back to confession again people that believe in the Bible so weak-minded people God didn’t give you that dam car you went out and worked for it. Bernie Sanders that guy just a weak minded flip flop hes.
Any stupid weak-minded man he talks crap about somebody didn’t back them up that’s a REAL FOOL
James P. Biddle says
In those cases (Like Trump Steaks and Trump Towers) he just licenses his name to the project. He created a name (a brand, if you will) and he now markets it.
That’s how capitalism works. Nowadays capitalism = greed. Perhaps a true socialist society would have been much better. After all, it had worked well for Native Americans and other indigenous tribes in all parts of the world.
But this is the system we have fought for. Our founding fathers died for.
Tim Scott says
Ummmm…no. Democracy, which was the guiding principle of the founding fathers, is not in any way synonymous with capitalism. No one fought and died for capitalism in the American Revolution.
John says
The founding fathers who wrote the Constitution established a Republic, not a Democracy. This was their guiding principle.
Tim Scott says
I have this theory. People who want to parse out ‘republic’ in place of ‘democracy’ have no clue what either one means.
Please prove me wrong.
Pray, tell us, how are the representatives in the republic they founded chosen?
Tim Scott says
A republic was their chosen method for managing a democratic state. Those who want to parse out the difference are welcome to it.
How are the representatives chosen? Democratic process.
How do the legislative bodies determine their course? Democratic process.
Anything else you don’t understand John?
James P. Biddle says
I agree to a point. But part of democracy is capitalism. It should have been stiffly regulated from day 1. Our founding fathers (I forgot which one) warned us about the bankers.
One of the earlier Rothschild’s once said (I am paraphrasing) if I want to take over a country–I don’t need an army, just let me control the currency.
How many times have we allowed congress to relinquish their Constitutional authority (and responsibility) and turn our finances over to private banking. It’s called the central bank . The first two attempts failed. Andrew Jackson (not Johnson who was impeached for other reasons) for refusing to allow the treasury to place our funds into the central bank. (You didn’t read about this in history because when it came to trial in the Senate, they didn’t want the public to know the truth about central banking. So they just censured him. He spent the rest of his life fighting said censure. He finally got a sympathetic Senate that reversed the censure. Thus sealing his record until it was uncovered during the Clinton impeachment hearings by House investigators.)
Good ole Honest Abe was assassinated months after refusing to honor central banking and had the treasury dept issue Treasury notes (aka green back dollars). The third and final central banking act came as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. That’ what we have today.
JFK crossed paths with the central bank and had treasury dept issue Treasury notes in Oct. 1963. A month later he was gone and by 1965 all US Treasury notes were replaced by the all-to familiar Federal Reserve notes.
For the record (in case you are unaware) the Federal Reserve is a private organization. The only requirement is that the chair reports to congress twice a year (I think it’s twice, it might only be one time). He/she does NOT have to answer any questions.
I love watching on CSPAN when the chair of the Fed testifies before congress. Alan Greenspan was fantastic. He spoke in English, but made absolutely no sense to me (or anybody else listening except for the bankers who understood the secret code.)
Tim Scott says
This was irrelevant to the discussion at hand, since republic is no more a synonym of capitalism than democracy is.
But interesting side track.
John says
The Founding Fathers rejected Democracy.
Tim Scott says
How far down the side track do you want to go here John?
Laughing says
Taxation without representation… sounds like founders had a touch of capitalism in mind.
Tim Scott says
Taxation without representation is an indication of political system failure. It is the same problem no matter what economic system is in use. Taxes are not limited to capitalist economies. Representation is not limited to capitalist economies.
William says
Val, dear. Trump perfectly described YOU.
Yes, YOU.
I have a dream says
He did lay out how these fixes were going to happen.but people, like I you, dont hear it.how is hillary going to fix the problems that she has promised? I didnt hear that.
She did say, she was going to tax the crap out of everyone.
If obama did such a bang up job, as all libs were telling you before the election started, how come hillary says its a mess?
I have a dream says
Heres the thiñgs that have happened in 7 years of obama
Healthcare has gone up for some 80 percent.average about 50 percent
Obama said average would go down 2500 dollars
I havent met one person who hasnt had a hugh increase, not one.
Food up 30 percent, gas up 30 percent, taxes up.
Stock market and housing up.
Troops still in Afghanistan, iraq, iran now has a bomb,.
Syria, Egypt, pakistan all worse
Us strength, all time low
Russia doing what they want, when they want.
Oh, and my granddaughter gèts to share the bathroom with a grown man, because hes confused.
I have a dream says
Actually it did tim.under reagan average salary for all age groups went up.hasnt happened since.
Hillary has to pay for the free goodies she is offering.
She will tax the top 1 or 2 percent, maybe further.
Trump says he will bring back jobs to pay for the breaks.
I havent heard anything from hillary about jobs.
Obama says he has created 9 million jobs
But average wage in us has dropped 4000, and more than 25 million more are on welfare.thats never happened across the board.
Most people dont realize the top 1 percent are not millionaires and billionaires.the top 1 percent goes all the way down to 380, 000.top 5 percent goes down to 160, 000.top 10 petcent goes down to 113, 000.
If you taxed the top 2 percent, all of their money, 100 percent.it still wouldnt pay for what hillary wants.
Tim Scott says
Ummmm…Hillary doesn’t say it’s a mess. That would be Trump. I also challenge you to provide a link to Hillary Clinton saying anything about “taxing the crap out of everyone.”
She admittedly doesn’t support the Donald Trump tax plan, which is to give each multimillionaire a million dollar a year tax cut and see if it trickles down THIS time. That’s worked out SO well before, after all.
As to his “solution” for the VA…does anyone believe that a “white house hotline” so the president of the United States can personally manage the Veteran’s Administration is a REAL proposal? If ALL he did was field the overflow calls from the VA homeless services call center that would be over two hundred calls per day.
This is just one aspect of a “plan” that is nothing more than the usual “fund it more, fire the bad people, end waste fraud and abuse” line of vague generalizations that Romney had, and Bush had, and every Republican candidate has had for as long as I can remember. The only thing new is that this time we are reassured repeatedly with “The Trump plan will make it happen.”
I have a dream says
No charges in freddie grey case.
Obama and his racism are 0-4
Does that mean the 6.4 million dollars that was paid to his family has to be returned?
Shane Falco says
During the senate hearings regarding the failures of the VA, many in the VA itself blamed the issues on not being able to fire bad employees.
Ronald Reagan fired over 10,000 striking FAA employees, I imagine trump would have no issue telling bad apples at the VA, “you’re fired”.
Tim Scott says
I’m all for firing bad apples. For example I think you should be taken off the public payroll, like yesterday. But if the person saying fire the bad apples doesn’t give even the vaguest hint about how they are going to be identified then it is just more of the same.
Just like the ‘eliminate waste fraud and abuse’ line. Heck EVERYONE is for that. But if you are the standard Republican candidate peddling “I can get it done trust me” rather than showing at least some indication that you’ve thought about HOW I am just no longer interested in hearing it.
Trump, like almost all Republican candidates before him, thrives on pointing out problems as if we can’t all see them for ourselves. That covers nicely for the fact that a LOT of times they ARE pointing out problems we can’t see BECAUSE THEY AREN’T THERE. What he doesn’t do is offer even a hint of a solution, to ANY of them.
I have a dream says
Maybe I havent been listening, but hillary hasnt offered how she will fix this, fix that, free this free that.
Neither candidate has offered how they are going to do it.
Hillary panders to the masses.in one speech, she was going to help blacks, mexicans, illegals, women, lgbt.
Wait bernie is the only one that has said how he was going to pay for it.
Tax everyone who works, his plan would cost 17 trillion over 10 years.
Tim Scott says
Maybe you have been listening, but just can’t read. Clinton has a DETAILED plan for everything she talks about on her website.
William says
Does anyone understand the Palinesque word salads that ‘I have a dream’ tosses here?
I guess it doesn’t matter. We’ve gotten used to pop up ads over the years.
Her comments aren’t much different.
I have a dream says
What an honor to have bill speak for hillary.
After all he
Lied to Congress
Lied to American people
Raped women
Committed purgury
And was impeached.
Johnny says
Hey Tim,
Just out of curiosity, before you did all that rambling, did you happen to peruse both candidates sites and read how they plan to fix our VA system? Although both are vague, Hillary’s is much more vague, mainly focusing on how she will ensure certain constituents are not discriminated against?
Me being a veteran, and government employee welcome a certain amount of privatization in the VA’s health care system. Considering, a lot of my appointments are over six month’s out. What’s wrong with moving a bit of the VA’s over burdened system to the private system until at least the burden has been eased a bit? Trust me, there is a lot of waste in the VA, I can vouch for that firsthand.
Matter of fact, you should really go check out their websites. Their VA, Mission statements are nearly identical except she says hold VA Executives accountable, and he says fire the corrupt and incompetent VA executives. So technically he is being less vague and actually tells us how he’s going to hold VA executives accountable.
Tim Scott says
The difference is that on Clinton’s website the page of goals is like a mission statement and has a link to the actual plan. I’m guessing you missed that link.
On Trump’s website the “mission statement” is passed off as if it WAS a plan. There’s plenty of statements that start with “The Trump plan will…” but there’s no indication that this “Trump plan” actually exists anywhere.
Vic says
Concur with Mr. Biddle
pirrurris says
James, speak for yourself.
That POS con artist Trump, spoke volumes when he made fun of John McCain.
That draft dodger does not support vets.
Johnny says
So, what makes you feel that HRC, is a big supporter of us Vets? Obama, just gave a speech, followed by a video of himself and what he accomplished, and said “oh yeah, Hillary was there as well”. His policy’s, her policy’s. I like how everyone against trump says that he doesn’t lay out policy, but yet Hillary’s policy is just as vague.
Tim Scott says
The only way someone can say her policy is vague is if they haven’t taken the time to read it.
Tim Scott says
As to why I think she is a “big supporter of vets” is that practically everyone is. The public is rightfully outraged about the VA. There is no politician running for senate, congress, or president who isn’t saying “do better for vets.” I didn’t question that Trump believes the conditions at the VA need to be improved. I just pointed out that he has no plan to do so. Like every other elected official with no plan past a good intention I assume he would get nothing done.
To actually get anything done will take a fight. “Increase funding” means decreasing funding somewhere else, and people will fight FOR whatever the funding would be taken from. Not because they “hate vets,” but because that’s how budget meetings work.
Will Clinton fight for her plan? She always has. She’s fought for lots of people; first responders, kids, families, and yes, veterans.
Will Trump even bother to come up with a plan? He hasn’t yet. And he has never fought for anything or anyone except Donald J. Trump, and DJT really has no stake in the VA. He’s no veteran. His kids are not veterans. There is no tradition of service in his family, so it seems unlikely there will be any veterans in his family, ever.
Never Hillary says
Let me see if I have this right. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigns as the DNC Chair after Wikileaks released emails showing how the DNC was working to thwart Bernie Sanders. Sanders had long accused the DNC system of being rigged. So now Sanders is endorsing Clinton AND Debbie Wasserman Schultz is an honorary chair of her campaign?
You can’t make this stuff up folks.
Jill Stein. She is much more like Bernie Sanders than Corrupt Hillary.
Tim Scott says
Actually, yes, apparently YOU can make this stuff up.
The e-mails show that the DNC has people on it who preferred Clinton, as well as people who were annoyed by the Sanders campaign. They were unprofessional, said a lot of snide things in private that they undoubtedly should have kept completely to themselves, and overall should have been held to a higher standard than they apparently were. The e-mails do not show that any “working to thwart Bernie Sanders” went on, or that any was necessary.
DWS resigned, as is appropriate for the head of an organization revealed to have been operating unprofessionally. Just like police chiefs should resign when their officers are found to routinely be swapping racist jokes, or a VP of marketing should resign when their salespeople are found to be routinely discussing customers as “marks.” That is called taking responsibility as a manager.
So, now you appear shilling “vote Jill Stein” because you, like everyone (apparently except Trump himself) can see that ANYONE supporting the principles, policies and vision of Bernie Sanders would NEVER vote for Trump, so you want to divert them some other way. Standard Trump strategy, and the only path he has. Since there is no way to achieve a majority he has to shoot for a plurality, just like he did in the primaries.
Unfortunately for you, Sanders can see with crystal clarity that his differences with Clinton on policy are pretty small, and his differences on principles with Trump are enormous beyond measure. Policy is harder to judge there since Trump has yet to reveal any.
Never Hillary says
I agree, Tim Scott. No Trump. Jill Stein.
The emails were quite embarrassing. What is it with Hillary and the DNC with emails?
Jill Stein 2016.
Tim Scott says
We’re in California, so theoretically a protest vote for Jill Stein can’t do any real harm. If it makes you feel good, do it. But, you should seriously consider the number of people; good, hard working people who have poured their hearts into leading the country forward; who are trying to remind us that people IN THE ARENA will make mistakes. People IN THE ARENA will be targeted for criticism. People IN THE ARENA will carry the scars. Hillary Clinton has been in the arena, fighting, since she was a teenager. And while you don’t owe her anything for it by all accounts she was fighting for you as much as anyone else.
Mca says
Bernie’s too damn old and stupid and it insult to himself all that talk on Hillary and he flip flops. And he thinks like that he’s a weak man to be a president
John says
At the Democratic Convention tonight, all Bernie Sanders delegates are being moved upstairs off the floor. Their signs for Bernie and anti-tpp signs are being removed. Their credentials are being threatened to be removed if they chant at all or hold any signs at this point.
William says
As it should be. The DNC is paying for the space not those Bernie supporters. And, the nominee is Hillary Rodham Clinton not Bernie Sanders.
They got to vent earlier.
Do you need anything else ‘splained to you?
Tim Scott says
This is the shill story being floated by the Republicans.
Native says
Anyone heard about what happened at Winco Foods on the 24th around ten o’clock? Locked down. Ten cop cars and the first responders of medical field lined the entrance.
Laughing says
I believe I heard employees talking about a man with a butchers knife walked in and started throwing stuff everywhere.
Hillary Trump says
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie. Have you heard the news? Wikileaks has the emails of the Hillary led DNC completely trashing you. Called you all sorts of bad tho G’s. They even we’re going to badmouth your religion. So tell my why
You endorsed Corrupt Gillary? You were so true, so right, so refreshingly honest on the campaign trail. You called out Corrupt Hillary. Now you’re backing her? After what she and the DNC did to you?
Very sad.
Tim Scott says
LOL…there’s a sucker born every minute. The e-mails leaked so far have mostly been exchanges like:
“Hey, Bernie is complaining that the DNC didn’t get his guy listed on the program.”
“Yeah, he submitted the name three days after the program went to print, and now he’s whining about it. What can ya do?”
“Amateur hour.”
If you want to portray that as “trashing him” you will no doubt get some traction, because there really is a sucker born every minute…but if you think you will get enough suckers to vote for Trump over it you’re probably mistaken.
John says
It was enough to divide the Democrats at the convention and cause enough chaos to make Debbie Wasserman Schultz resign her position as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.
The Democrats are more divided than the Republicans were at their convention.
William says
Really, John? The Bushes, Kasich and others didn’t show at the Trump convention. The second place finisher didn’t endorse Trump.
Not so at the DNC convention. Everyone will be there and Sanders endorsed Hillary.
Too bad you can’t tell the diff. Tell us the truth, John. You thought Romney won the last election like Karl Rove did. Right?
John says
Who cares about Cruz. Most of his supporters now endorse Trump. They did not boo Trump every time his name was mentioned. Any speaker that mentions Hillary gets booed and is shouted down. This is why they put Bernie as one of the first speakers. Damage control.
Even Bernie Sanders got booed at the pre-convention breakfast when he mentioned his support for Hillary.
Bernie Sanders delegates are not happy that he turned against them and they are willing to stay the course, even though Bernie gave up.
I have a dream says
William,when Obama and sanders both said hilarious cant be trusted,but both support her,what does that tell you.at least the Republicans don’t just go with the flow.
William says
@ I have a dream.
Wake up from your dream.
I have a dream says
If you are Gay, why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in 1,000’s of refugees that believe all Gays should be executed.
If you are Black, why are you voting for Hillary when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood when they want o abort as many black babies as possible. Exterminate the black race because they are like “weeds”. Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.
If you are a Christian, why are you voting for Hillary Clinton when she wrote her Senior thesis on Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to Lucifer, The Devil. She says he was and still is her mentor.
If you are a Veteran, in the military, or closely related to a military member, why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again. They called for help but the help was told to stand down.
If you have factory job, why are you voting for Hillary when she supported TPP and factory works are being laid off because jobs are going over sees. Don’t forget the deals she made with china. She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits with your tax money.
If you are poor, why are you voting for Hillary, when she is supporting Wall street and all the big banks. Big banks keep the poor, poor by destroying the poor man’s credit by allowing medical bills and collections to affect your credit scores so you can pay higher interest rates than the rich. Taking as much of the little money you earn.
If you are a woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bills rape victims under the rug including the little girl that was raped when she defended the rapist and laughed about it later.
If you carry a gun, believe in the Constitution, how can you vote for Hillary when she wants to eliminate the NRA, Take your guns, and abolish the second amendment.
If you breathe, why would you vote for Hillary when she has left a trail of dead people that did not agree with her or knew too much!
Who is left?
Tim Scott says
John, it’s pretty obvious that you were busy crafting your shill comment rather than actually watching the convention. No one got “shouted down.” There was a smattering of boos and heckles now and then, but the speakers never even had to pause, for the most part, and seldom even raised their voices to get past it.
It’s funny how IF YOU HAVE A MESSAGE you can do that. Have you noticed how the slightest heckle always completely stops Trump in his tracks? He has to stop, mock the opposition, have his little fit, and blunder about until they are removed. This is because he has no message.
Nobody last night called for anyone to be removed. No one wistfully yearned for the “good old days” when such hecklers would “be taken out on a stretcher.” No one offered to pay the legal fees for anyone who physically silenced their critic. No one said they “wanted to punch someone in the face.”
Hillary Trump says
Here’s some leisure time reading about those emails. Bernie was right. The system was rigged against him.
Tim Scott says
I’m always amused when someone makes a “see here” post and then links something that disproves what they said.
The “most damaging things” are that the DNC has people who speculated about things the Clinton campaign could do, and some of those speculative things were despicable…things Republicans would do in their primaries, like attacks on religion, questioning faith, parentage, citizenship, etc.
Bernie was right in that many people on the DNC preferred Clinton. That isn’t news. Something about being a nearly life long representative of the Democratic party running against an independent playing Democrat of convenience made that inevitable.
That doesn’t “rig the system.” The system Sanders talks about being rigged only brushes tangentially against the Democratic party. The danger in the rigged system comes from letting someone like a Trump, or a Bush, or a Romney, get hold of the administration and institute damages that can take a generation to repair.
Things like “Corporations are people and they can spend as much as they want blaring their opinion because it’s their freedom of speech.” Things like “My masters at Haliburton need some rebuilding contracts, let’s use the military to break some stuff, even if it destabilizes an entire region of the world and destroys our standing among nations.” Things like “85% of the people we represent agree that keeping people that we won’t let fly on a plane from buying guns just makes sense, but our corporate masters with the big checkbooks say no, so no.” Those are the things that represent the system Sanders refers to as rigged.
John says
Bernie Sanders spoke about backing Hillary today and the crowd was pissed. Hillary and Bernie have failed to unite the Democrat party and is even more divided than the Republican party.
Good bye Debbie Wasserman Schultz. You have shown the true colors of the Democrat party as the party of corruption and they will not allow that kind of transparency within the Democrat party.
Tim Scott says
A guy giving his seconding speech for Sanders’ nomination just reminded the Sanders supporters that after the good fight it was time to vote, and then unite behind Hillary Clinton. He was roundly cheered. Now the nominating speeches for Clinton are being met with similar cheers. Looks like they are pretty united to me.
And they didn’t even have to mousetrap the opposition and try to disgrace them. Plus it’s a fair bet that Hillary won’t start her campaign on Friday by holding a ‘trash Ted Cruz’ event.
Pirrurris says
Hillary is till way better than the con artist Trump.
pirrurris says
Corey Booker, did an oustanding job delivering his speach.
I am ordering my Hillary sign right now, to put in front of my house.
William says
He was amazing.
Russ says
So a liar,hypocrite and flip flopper is better than a con artist? Both are bad for this Country. By the way did anyone see an AMERICAN flag last night at the convention? That is all you could see at the RNC convention last week, I could not find one last night so apparently Globalism is better than Patriotism. We need to come together as a nation of people not whether we are Democrats or Republicans and screw what the other side is trying to accomplish we should be fighting the fight together not against each other. Unfortunately that will not happen because of the hatred that has taken over this Country by both sides of the aisle. GOD BLESS AMERICA not the Political Party you are affiliated with
Laughing says
If globalism led to a United Earth with low poverty, food for all, and the enlightenment of self (yes, Star Trek Next Generation values) then I say yes, globalization is WAY better than Patriotism.
Sadly most humans are not mentally advanced enough to see the positives of globalization and instead stay in a tribal mindset.
Tim Scott says
I don’t think there is a lack of “mentally advanced” humans. I think the only humans who “don’t see the positives” of globalization are actively squeezing their eyes shut because their tribe is currently “on top.” Peddling globalism is impossible in a country where 5% of the world’s population is consuming 40% of the resources being consumed.
Russ says
GOD BLESS AMERICA not your political party
Maria A. says
Hillary is still better than that wanna be Dictator Trump!
GO HILLARY!!! You will make history as the first
woman president of the United States!
Tim Scott says
Well, given four days to explain what they can do for America, or at the very least what they WANT to do for America, the Republicans have managed to say “we hate the majority of Americans, and Hillary Clinton in particular” over and over and over and over and over.
I’m certainly inspired.
Hillary Trump says
Hillary makes Richard Nixon look like a Boy Scout. As Secretary of State, she has been abysmal. The world is a mess. Trumo is the worst candidate ever. Except for Hillary.
Tim Scott says
Hillary Clinton has been convicted of…oh, yeah, nothing. Despite thousands of wasted hours of congressional investigations, endless demands from congressional Republicans that every investigative arm of the government should drop everything and get after her, and the largest assemblage of journalists in America being tasked for years with finding the dirt on her, she has been convicted of NOTHING.
Two guys at the Washington Post took Nixon down with about a week’s worth of effort. There’s your boy scout.
The Hillary witch hunt crowd is so badly out of touch with reality that it is genuinely scary sharing a democracy with them.
I have a dream says
Im sure I heard comey correctly, she is guilty of lying, sending classified documents, wipeing her server, so even fbi couldnt retrive, deleated 33000 emails, didnt hand in all of the emails, and if it were anyone else, they would have security clearance revoked,lose of job, and possible jail time.unless he was lying.for someone that did nothing wrong, she sure covered her tracks.
Tim Scott says
I deleted a ton of e-mails this morning. But, just so any prosecutors out there can rest easy, they were mostly “It’s your move” messages from a chess website. When the witch hunters try to send you after me, I’m sure they will be satisfied that I was “covering my tracks,” so I suppose I should have kept them.
By the way, Uranium fissions, and that fission can be induced. WARNING: do not copy this message, as it could be retroactively deemed classified material. Despite the fact that this simple bit of data can be found in any physics textbook, literally anywhere, *I* read it once in a classified document, so for me to say it could be judged as revealing classified information. Needless to say, a career as a high school physics teacher would have been challenging for me.
William says
Pray tell, genius.
What did Condi Rice and Collin Powell do during the cheney/bush years of note?
Take your time.
William says
What happened to ‘1 hit wonder’ Hillary Trump?
They come here, drop a stinking pile of words never to be seen again.
Hillary Trump says
I was hangling out with my good pal Dennis Rodman, Hillary’s North Korean ambassador. I figured with Syria fine to hell and Putin unbridled while Hilkary has been Secretary of State, I could get my hands around a nuclear Iran. All the while, Russuan and Chinese spies pilfer our secrets.
What a wonderful president she will be.
William says
So, what did Rice and Powell accomplish as Secretaries of State?
Come on. You know everything. Right?
BTW You’re not smart and you’re definitely not funny.
What else ya got to work with?
Tim Scott says
Wow…so I get to add “Former Ambassador to Japan, Canada, and Mexico” to my resume just because I went to those countries? That’s exciting! Not in any way accurate, but exciting.
Hillary Trump says
The truth hurts, doesn’t it William? A totally incompetent and failed Secretary of State running for the highest office in the land. She can’t be trusted with classified emails and yet you want to give her the nuclear football.
I have read your posts here. You are much smarter than that.
By the way, Rice and Powell are not running. Hillary is. She may get beat by a narcissist because of her track record.
Dr. D says
Can you please find a few lines from Trump’s speech last night that says he hates the majority of Americans? I’m not questioning the disdain for Hillary – that is evident.
Tim Scott says
It wasn’t all in his speech. His speech was a collection of half truths and outright lies designed to distance him from the hateful rhetoric of the party. But…
He hates Hispanic Americans. Even if they were born here he can’t trust them to do their jobs “because of their heritage.”
He hates black Americans. By standard Republican labeling they are the “unrest in the streets” that he has sworn to stamp out by any means, constitutional or not.
He hates Muslim Americans…well, shortcut this part…he hates anyone who isn’t a Christian American…that’s directly in the party platform.
He hates Democrats and those who side with them…which is the majority of Americans in itself.
Dr. D says
@ Tim
Can you give me some more details though? I’d like to know how we can know for sure he hates the people you mentioned.
Prior to this election, I would consider myself a democrat, but I keep seeing these accusations against Trump that I cannot determine to be true. I’d like to vote for Hillary, but I’m leaning towards Trump and the republican party simply because these claims are rampant but I have never seen him say those types of things and it makes me question the validity of the party members. Thoughts?
Also, can you specify the half truths and lies he mentioned in his speech?
Tim Scott says
Lies and half truths first.
“the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.” First off, the president, and in fact the entire federal government, has very little to do with law enforcement, which is a local government thing. To promise this is BS, and to promise to do it in a day is beyond BS. It does fit in with his continuing stream of lies though. He constantly talks about “rising crime” despite having been called out repeatedly with the facts that crime rates are almost universally down year to year over the past few years. Fearmongering, pure and simple.
“The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015.” This is total hot air. There is no way to record the number of illegal immigrant families crossing the border this year, or any other year. As is common with him, he just makes up whatever he thinks will support his narratives.
“which gave back to Iran $150 billion and gave us nothing” The idea that we (and all the other partners in the agreement) ‘got nothing’ is absurd to start with, and the idea that we are owed something for releasing money that actually was theirs to begin with is pretty lame. This kind of ‘red meat shorthand’ to appeal to people who aren’t interested in looking at things any deeper than he wants to lead is typical…and false.
About appointing Clinton SecState: “I am certain it is a decision he truly regrets.” This may be true. He may be certain. If so, he is removed a few paces from reality. Obama has never showed any sign of regret, and has glowingly endorsed Clinton at every turn.
“In 2009, pre-Hillary, ISIS was not even on the map.” Well, no, they weren’t. They still aren’t, since maps show countries, not groups and the claims to territory the group has made aren’t recognized. As a group they have been around since 2004, and are recognized by almost everyone (rest of world included) other than the Republican party as a product of the fall of Saddam.
“I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals.” The ongoing pretense that “unfair trade deals” are at the core of every facet of economics is a simplification to the point of absurdity. Makes a good soundbite though, and the “I have visited” part is no doubt true, so this is at least not the typical blatant lie.
His echoing blather about “criminal handling of e-mails” was more red meat for the crowd, and more outright lying. “Criminal” involves being convicted of a crime, not investigated month after month after month with no crimes found. If he thinks he “knows” then he should have testified before congress.
“there’s no way to screen these refugees in order to find out who they are or where they come from.” Blatantly false. Can we document every second of their lives, as if they had been continuously updating on twitter? No. But to suggest that there is no screening being done is just ridiculous.
“We are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration” First off, Trump has ducked all questions about how this will get done, or paid for, for so long that even his supporters have recognized ‘well, he probably doesn’t really mean a wall.’ Secondly, the idea that ‘a border wall’ would actually stop illegal immigration has been pointed out repeatedly as just wrong.
“America is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.” Another blatant falsehood. Check the CIA’s world fact book, available on line, or ANY reputable economic analysis organization.
“Excessive regulation is costing our country as much as $2 trillion a year, and we will end it.” One study, done by an organization that is probably the most anti-regulation group in the country (they backed Rand Paul, not Trump) claims that regulation costs the US 1.88 trillion TOTAL. So his number is a slight exaggeration…IF you want to say that ALL regulation is EXCESSIVE regulation.
“My opponent wants to essentially abolish the 2nd amendment.” Dead out false. He added ‘essentially’ because his previous claim was proven dead out false.
I have a dream says
Dr d. liberal talking points. hates blacks, never said.hates mexicans, never said, hates Muslims, never said.blah, blah.if you are not surecwho to vote for, then you need to vote for hi liar ly
Tim Scott says
Hopefully the giant list of lies and half truths from Trump last night will pass the moderator soon. As to “does he really hate those people”…want to go to a Trump rally with me and ask? We’ll stand up and yell “we are liberal Democrats” and walk away…you see if you make it out without being able to tell whether they hate you. And they aren’t flocking to Trump because they don’t believe that he hates who they hate. He might not, but he is certainly willing to give the people who do free rein in the matter.
Dr. D says
@ Tim
I saw a Washington Post article about the half truths. Its interesting. It seems everyone has numbers and statistics to push their agenda regardless of what it is. Its tough to know who to believe in this day and age.
Tim Scott says
My answer is pending the moderator.
Joe says
Advice from tim on who to vote for? Everytime a democrat turns around, any democrat, you will see tim scotts head up their behind.hope that helps you off the fence.
Tim Scott says
Joe! After your big “I’ll meet you, I’ll meet you oh no I won’t” moment I never expected to hear from you again.
Joe says
We know who was there,and who didn’t show tim.good thing for you that you didnt.cyber bullies operate that way.no problem.you just keep trying to call people out.I’m ready when you are
Tim Scott says
We? Was that you with the gang of clowns Joe? You bailed before you answered how I would know you.
Joe says
We meaning other people that don’t like you.as far as meeting,you knew the time,the place,the date.so spin your pathetic tale all you want.
Tim Scott says
LOL…if “the people who don’t like me” were to choose a spokesman I doubt they’d pick you Joe. Most of them probably consider you an embarrassment.
Meanwhile, I might have to retract some things I’ve said about J-Lab. We’ll see.
Tim Scott says
LOL…sorry, “drop everything and come to Lancaster right now” didn’t work for me that night Joe. I’d be happy to fit you in, if you actually wanted, but it’s gonna take at least a little effort on your part.
Joe says
As stated, spin your pathetic excuses all you want.i made a time, date, location.you agreed.if you were too busy, you shouldnt have run your mouth and agreed.
Tim Scott says
Gonna call the moderator and get this deleted too Joe, like you did when I called your bluff? You picked the corner, I considered making time for you and asked how I’d know you. Crickets. If the only way you are willing to meet is “go stand on this corner with a target on your back” it hardly makes you a hero.
Now, if you want to meet, do like everyone else. E-mail and we’ll set up a time that works for both of us. But, of course “we” know you won’t do that. “We” being everyone, whether they like me or not. Because you’ve proven yourself over and over and over.
Tim Scott says
Better call the moderator and cry Joe. Get this deleted before too many people see your bluff called again.
Joe says
No way to record illegals crossing into us.
So how do you tim know thats its not true
We gave iran 150 billion and got nothing
We lifted sactions that gave them 150 billion, and means to make a bomb, something they didnt have before the deal
Also, we got nothing, not even hostages
Isis was formed after obama announced withdrawel of troops, not before.libs have to try and blame bush.libs know obama failed, just trying to cover with “blame bush.
Record number of jobs have left us under obama.welfare has more than doubled.and for the first time that I know of, average american income fell 4000 a year
James comey said that she was wrong, and anyone else would have been in trouble, just not her.she lied before congress about emails, scrubbed her server, destroyed emails, all because she did nothing?
Fbi has said there is no way to screen refugees, guess they are lying as well.
How do you know she doesnt want to get rid of 2nd ammendment?
See tim, your false opions can be countered.libs dont care about facts.just make it up.
Joe says
Dr, heres some for ya.
I was under sniper fire, lie
I never sent or received classified documents.lie
I never knew about any request for security in syria.
I will be ready when the 3 oclock phone call comes, see above.
I am for women, except when my husband rapes them, then I trash them as whores.
I am for black people, except when I called them thugs and criminals and had their ass thrown in jail.
I am for lbgt communities, but I said I was against gay marriage?
Trayvon was a victim, oops
Mike brown was a victim, oops.
Try these for starters
Tim Scott says
What I see, Joe, is a Trumpist clown. I would explain why I see that, but I suspect it is self evident to pretty much anyone reading your nonsense.
But just for you…I said Trump just made up the “number of families entering this year has doubled.” I didn’t say that he couldn’t possibly be right, though obviously when just making up a number out of the air the odds are that he isn’t. Pretty much everyone but you is probably willing to acknowledge that since illegal entry doesn’t involve stopping at a check in booth there is no way his number is anything but a number he pulled out of the air. But of course you have the right to believe what you want no matter how gullible it makes you look.
Joe says
Well tim.I never said they are counted.or that what he said is true or not.but you called it false,you have absolutely no way of knowing,but you said it was a lie.
Your”because I say so”attitude may fly with weak minded libs,but not with people that know the difference.
What’s next”hands up don’t shoot” was real?
Hilarity said it was.
Joe says
Tim, why does everyone you call out, have to go to everyonehatestim.com?lol.
Why cant you just publicly name a time and place?
You only call on people to meet you, after you feel they are saying something you dont like.or challenging your intellect.
Im surprised your still alive.of course, you havent meet with yet.
Its very possible you have deep seeded psychological issues, that maybe you should seek professional help with.before its too late.
You seem to have a problem, agreeing to disagree.thats where you have a different opinion from others, you state your opinion, but for some reason, you just cant help yourself from, namecalling, or being superior.
Im sure you are going to say its me.but you should look around.there are so many people on here, that I read what they say about you, that really believe what I believe about you.
Alot of people leave, or dont comment, because of you.that may be your plan.but im sure there are many who would like to have a civil discussion with you, if you cut the attitude.
Thats my 2 cents, for whats it worth.
Tim Scott says
Actually, I said it was hot air, made up, pulled out of nothingness to feed to the faithful. But you are so eager to disagree (from a distance, of course) that you don’t even bother to read what you are disagreeing with. Like I said, a Trumpist clown.
Joe says
Lies and halftruths.hmmm.ok tim.once again,in your effort to always try to be superior,you forgot what you said,or not telling the truth:i.e.I live with my girlfriend,wait I live alone.I pay no taxes,wait I now own my own house.I’ll meet you at the time,place that you said,wait no i wont.I hate cops,wait no i never said that.take a breath,get your stories in order,so there are no more holes.I could go on,but I have a date.a REAL date.
Antelope Valley Truth Teller says
This Month in Rexhistory… the saga of a mayor who purchased a building in a redevelopment area while sitting on the redevelopment board ( a major no-no).
July 27, 2011 – City redevelopment board shy one mayor – Mayor R. Rex Parris resigned his seat on the city’s redevelopment agency board Tuesday night because of his law firm’s purchase of a vacant furniture store building for future use as an office. City Manager Mark Bozigian said he and City Attorney David McEwen had advised the mayor that his firm was allowed to purchase the building – about a mile from the law firm’s present office – as an expansion of the business.
“That advice might not have been entirely accurate,” Bozigian said at the start of Tuesday night’s council meeting.
A complaint, apparently anonymous, has been received by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office calling the ownership a violation of state law because the building – the long-vacant McMahan’s store on 10th Street West south of Avenue K – is in a redevelopment project area, Bozigian said.
Parris resigned his redevelopment agency seat, effective immediately, and said a replacement will be appointed at the next council meeting. He retains his seat as mayor.
The complaint against Parris cites a section of the California Health and Safety Code that says “no agency or community officer who in the course of his or her duties is required to participate in the formulation of, or to approve plans or policies for, the redevelopment of a project area shall acquire any interest in any property included within a project area within the community.” AV Press – 7/27/11
Also interesting is that the building is located next to land owned by Rex’s political contributors Frank Visco and Jim Gilley.
Never a dull moment in the monkey business of Lancaster
James P. Biddle says
Well it’s time to bring up the unholy trinity again; R Rex ‘the ambulance chaser’ Paris, James Gilley, and Frank ‘the wise guy’ Visco and some of their minions, Michele Lantz, Tom Shepos, George Runner, James D. Vose, just to name a few.
July 4th weekend proved to be an interesting time. Observed at the Fremont Hotel in Del Mar were Michele Lantz and Tom Shepos. If I were a betting man I would wager that the trip was paid for by the Godfather himself, Frank ‘Putty nose’ Visco. I’m sure good ole Tommy boy Shepos couldn’t afford it. After all, he’ gone bankrupt twice, screwed a couple of wives out of millions and was even a bigamist (which was very big of him.)
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you: neighborhood sober living homes. These are unlicensed haven for molesters, and other ne’er-do-wells. A fortune can be made with these. Just Google Chris Bathum. I’m sure if you dig into these scams you might find some interesting names cough, Tom, cough, Shepos, cough. Pardon my coughing spell. Must be the dust.
These so-called sober living houses, AA or whatever, have a crappy success rate. Less than 5%. But boy, do they rake in the moola. I wish I could get in on this gold mine. Add to this the fact that the local judges (owned and operated by the unholy trinity.) sentence these offenders to various AA programs. Many of the same judges own (whether outright or as silent partners) many of these sober living homes. Already a conflict of interest. Then these AA 12 step programs have a Christian component (not intended as a slight against said) but it’s a clear violation of the US Constitution (which has been missing in action for a long time now) separation of church and state (that wording is actually not in the Constitution but a Supreme Court ruling.)
Let me repeat: THESE SOBER LIVING HOMES ARE NOT LICENSED BY THE STATE! If you thought Section 8 was bad–you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Many child abusers, and other low-life criminal types enroll in these programs to get a roof over their heads.
More on the Unholy Trinity and their stooges to follow. If anyone out there has any documentation, I’m preparing a case to take to DOJ. I don’t think they own the Justice Department, yet.)
Antelope Valley Truth says
Thank you James P. Biddle. You are a beacon of light over the darkness that is the Unholy Trinity in Lancaster.
Please go forward with your complaint, and feel free to add to it all the other shenanigans that go on around here.
James P. Biddle says
I am working on follow up articles and hoping some of you have some documents that I can present to DoJ when the time comes.
Anyone who contributes anything will be kept confidential. No one will ever know who you are.
Concerned Resident says
Count me in.
Tim Scott says
While you are accurately depicting the corrupt Lancaster government and the high profit no results nature of this business that so many judges are conflictedly involved in, I have to correct one thing.
Twelve step programs do NOT “have a Christian component.” They do rely on acknowledgement of “a higher power” which is a critical point in breaking the state of arrogant “my life is totally in my control” thinking that many addicts can’t escape otherwise, but there is no requirement that said higher power be the Christian version of God…or any version of God. For many addicts just acknowledging that “the law” or “civilization” or “the program” is a higher power is more than sufficient.
That said, keep up the good work, keep a spotlight on the blackness of Fern Avenue, and may the higher power of your understanding protect you from the adverse consequences that I am sure Wrecks would love to marshal against you.
Shane Falco says
You can’t call them “low life criminals”. According to many here, these are just misunderstood people just out doing good and they are harassed by the pigs who arrest them and prosecute them for no reason at all.
William says
Who woulda thunk it given the high ethics and integrity of rex et al?
Nothing is beyond them. They’ve gotten away with so much already, why stop now? For them, there are no limits that ethical people are bound by.
The same thing happens with animals that are allowed to rip up the furniture with no consequences. They will just keep doing worse damage unchecked.
james p. biddle says
To send docs or contact me my email is: avtowncrier7@gmail.com
James P. Biddle says
AVTA embezzlement scandal. I would cut and paste the 2006 and 2007 segments of the audits. But I can’t on this site. Both the years the auditor faulted the AVTA for improper bookkeeping and unaccountable spending.
During this time Marvin and even Rex sat on the board. They forced out Randy Floyd and his administrative team.
During the prelims, Child porn charges were leveled at Floyd. Child porn images were allegedly found on his work computer. But you can’t file those charges in court. The judge tossed them. The judge told them to file said with US Attorney. They did not.
My guess is those charges were filed in an attempt to get Floyd to take a plea deal. They may have even been planted by the shyster law firm (I’m sure you can guess which one I mean.)
When that failed they declined to file charges against Floyd or his top aides. The CFO did plead out to one charge. I think she got probation.
The reason charges weren’t filed is that they didn’t want the audited books to be used as evidence as they wanted to keep the records sealed.
As far as the audit and court docs, I have them.
I believe the corruption at AVTA goes a lot deeper than what the audit shows. The books were so bad that loses could be many times higher than reported.
Since that time right after Mayor Shyster and his Chinese spy’s arranged to get BYD to locate to Lancaster, I’d be willing to bet that there was a no bid or rigged bid for the AVTA to purchase these buses. There is a more detailed blog on this page.
Please, if anybody has any documents, please get them to me. Your name will be kept confidential.
Email: avtowncrier7@gmail.com
James P. Biddle says
Following is an excerpt from the official 2005/2006 audit. This is just the auditor’s findings. This just shows how slipshod the agency is. I’m currently looking for more recent docs on anything involving AV corruption.
Section II – FinancialStatement Findings
Finding Number: 06-1
Condition and Recommendation:
Bank reconciliations were not prepared in a timely manner; in addition, there is no review of the bank reconciliation. Bank reconciliations for the fiscal year were not prepared until May 2006 when the Authority hired additional staff. Bank reconciliatiOns are a critical control over cash that should be performed within a reasonable t1me of receiving the bank statement.
Management Responses:
In FY 04-05 AVTA had a CPA firm handling all bank reconciliations, Accounts Payable, and all other financial statement preparations. In FY 05/06 bank reconciliations and all other financial duties were brought in-house. One new staff member was hired in the finance department on May 1. 2006 and prior staff was terminated. The new staff member is aware that the bank reconciliations must be done in a timely matter and should be prepared in a reasonable amount of time. AVTA has hired two new additional staff members to the finance department to insure that AVTA has the appropriate amount of staff resources to insure that the bank reconciliations are done in a timely matter in the future.
Finding Number: 06-2
Condition and Recommendation:
Controls over farebox revenues were not in place during the 2005-2006 fiscal year. Monthly cash receipts were not reconciled to monthly tickets sold. Revenue deposits were recorded in the accounting system as aggregated amounts. No deposit reports or other supporting documents were attached to deposit slips. Control over operating revenues is a critical business function. Cash is vulnerable to misappropriation and fraud. Controls were not in place that would detect and prevent misappropnatJon.
Management Responses:
AVTA has significantly increased the security of the cash since FY 05/06 As of July 2006,AVTA handles all the revenue 10 house. In FY 05/06 the contractor. MV Transportation, handled the Fairbox revenues and reported the revenues on their invoices to AVTA. AVTA has hired a Revenue Accountant to insure that the revenues are reconciled and entered into the accounting system by the correct mode. The Revenue Accountant now makes sure that there are deposit reports and supporting documentation attached to all deposits. Controls are now in place to reconcile deposits to the bank statements.
Finding Number: 06-3
Condition and Recommendation:
During our review of accounts payable and through our inquiries with AVTA staff. it became apparent that for a portion of the year payables were not accrued. This is effectively the cash basis of accounting and, consequently, not GAAP.
Management Responses:
Starting in FY 06/07 AVTA accrues its accounts payable in the correct manner according to the GAAP
standards of accounting.
Finding Number: 06-4
Condition and Recommendation:
Temporary staff hired by the Authority did not possess adequate accounting knowledge and were entering prior year expenses into the current year general ledger. This caused a material overstatement of expenses and liabilities that had to be adjusted during the audit. The Authority, as part of its internal control over financial reporting, should allow only qualified and properly supervised individuals to enter accounting information into their accounting system.
Management Responses:
AVTA has hired staff that are qualified and experienced in the knowledge of governmental accounting to ensure that the mistakes of FY 05/06 do not reoccur 1n the future.
Finding Number: 06-5
Condition and Recommendation:
The fixed asset subsidiary ledger did not initially agree with the general ledger. This caused difficulty in auditing their fixed assets and management hired outside consultants to help revise the fixed asset schedule and recorded numerous prior period adjustments to correct these material differences. The Authority needs to keep accurate records of their f1xed assets, as they are material to their financ1al statements. They should hire additoi nalstaff whose sole responsibility is the accounting for fixed assets.
Management Responses:
Staff has been hired to attend to fixed assets. AVTA no longer claims assets under $5,000 as fixed assets. AVTA only capitalizes assets that are $5,000 and above starting in FY 06/07. Any other assets purchased by the authority are tracked as expenditures on a separate listing. This will reduce the amount of problems associated with tracking the fixed assets.
Finding Number: 06-6
Condition and Recommendation:
Due to lack of resources at the Authority, they were not able to produce accurate financial information that was free of material misstatements in a timely manner. Management has not hrred personnel with the appropnate accounting background, i.e. a CPA with transrt accounting expenence, to head the finance department This resulted 1n material misstatements existing m the financial statements of the Authority that required the auditor to propose numerous materialadjustments.
Management Responses:
AVTA has hired new personnel with accounting backgrounds. AVTA has released requests for proposals for both the annual single audit and for ongoing financial consulting activities in an attempt to provide additronal overs1ght to ensure that prior mistakes are not repeated. Proposals are due on August 1. 2007.
Finding Number: 06-7: Condition and Recommendation:
Due to lack of resources at the Authority, there is no internal process to identify and report deficiencies in internal control to management on a timely basis. Internal control deficiencies will not be identified and corrected in a timely manner resulting in inadequate internalcontrolover fmancialreporting. This resulted
in numerous control deficiencies not being Identified and corrected The Authority should implement a system whereby deficiencies in internal controlare identified. reported and corrected m a timely manner
Management Responses:
A new accounting system has been implemented and staff has been hired and trained in its proper use. Management has taken corrective action through implementation of new software, hiring of additional staff, recruiting for consultant assistance.
Section Ill- FederalAward Findings and Questioned Costs
Finding Number: 06-8
Federal Program
CFDA Number. 20.507
Title: Federal Transit-Formula Grant
Award Number: Various
Federal Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Criteria or Specific Requirement
The reporting requirement of Circular OMB A-133 requires that the financial status report (FSR) be
submitted with the U.S. Department of Transportation timely.
The Authority did not prepare required quarterly financial status report (FSR) for grants received. This
resulted in non-compliance with grant agreements.
Questioned Costs
The FSR were not filed quarterly. As a result, the drawdowns and expenses for the period are not reflected 1n the FSR.
This is due to lack of resources and staff turn-overs.
The Authority should prepare all required reports so as not to jeopardize grant funding and hire additional staff as needed to perform these functions.
Manaaement Resoonse
Once this situation came to the attention of management, steps were taken to hire the necessary staff.
Finding Number: 05-1
While federal funds are a significant source of revenue withan the Antelope Valley Transtt Authority, they impose very specific and stringent reporting requirements that consume considerable staff time and related overhead expense to administer them. Also. where cumulative federal funds are over a certain limit, an additional audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards may be required. Organizations that receive grant and contract funds from various funding agencies can have very specific internalcontrol and operational implications. These situations necessitate a strong accounting system to record specific grant and contract activities The systems should facilitate the reporting requirements of each contract and grant as well. Also, consideration must be given to compliance with laws and regulations that are a component of any grant or contract accepted. Some of these requirements are extremely rigid and onerous, and they must be accepted with a full understanding of what is actually expected of the grantee. Federal grants and contracts, depending on the amount. also carry a separate audit requirements that must be satisfied generally on an annual basis.
Currently, various expenditures are being recorded in the general ledger cost centers for numerous sources of federal funding, which do not reconcile to the reporting of those specific grants. This practice makes 1t extremely difficult to determine the funds expended for each of the separate grants and contracts. To more clearly reflect activity on a grant-by-grant basis, we strongly suggest that Antelope Valley Transit Authority maintain separate cost centers for each federal funding source and these are noted on all approved invoices and at the time of approved purchased orders. This practice will also facilitate the reporting requirements for grants and contracts.
At the time of our audit, there wasn’t an updated summary schedule kept for Antelope Valley Transit Authority’s grants. A summary schedule assists to keep track of the various financials aspects pertaining to grants. We suggest that an updated summary schedule of grants be used, which should include the amount, term, dates of receipt, reporting requirements, any restrictions, and other pertinent information. Because of the current financial records, as they pertain to grants, we were limited any opportunity of testing to be performed on the grant expenditures. Upon an overview of the federal grant or contract, unsupported reimbursements were brought to our attention.
Current Year Status
Implemented. No simial r finding in current year.
Finding Number: 05-2
Federal Program
CFDA Number: 20.507
Title: FederalTransit- Formula Grant
Award Number: Various
Federal agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Criteria or Specific Requirement
The allowable costs/cost principals as described in OMB Circular A-67, Cost Principals for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments, requires that program expenditures be consistent with poliCies, regulations and procedures that apply umformly to both Federal awards and other activities of the governmentalunit
Preventative maintenance expenses allocated to the grant were based on estimated costs rather than using actual costs incurred.
Questioned Costs
The total program expendi tures submitted for reimbursement for the fiscalyear endtng June 30, 2005 was
$2,205,935. The actualprogram expenditures that should have been submitted for reimbursement were
The questioned cost noted above resulted in excess expenditures being reimbursed from the federal agency for the year ending June 30, 2005.
A thorough review of detail transactions should be performed in advance of any approved final program expenditure reporting and/or reimbursement requests.
Management’s Response
Management concurs with the finding and has corrected the program expenditure calculations and made appropriate adjustments to the subsequent reimbursement requests.
Current Year Status
Implemented. No sim lar finding in current year.
Finding Number: 05-3
Federal Proaram
CFDA Number: 20.507
Title: FederalTransit- Formula Grant
Award Number: Various
Federalagency: U.S. Department of Transportation
Criteria or Specific Reguirem nt
The reporting requirement of Circular A-133 requires that reimbursement request be prepared form the entity’s generalledger or that the requests be reconciled to the general ledger.
The reimbursement requests for the FederalTransit- Urban Area Formula Grants do not reconcile to the general ledger.
Questioned Costs
The reimbursement requests do not agree to the general ledger. Reimbursement requests and quarterly financial status reports cannot be reconciled to the general ledger.
The program expenditures claimed for reimbursement are costs that are imbedded in other expenses and cannot be identified on the general ledger.
We recommend that the actual costs incurred are obtained from the contractor on a monthly basis and these costs are separated from other contractual costs and tracked separately in the general ledger.
Management’s Response
Management concurs with the finding and is workmg with the contractor to revise their invo1ces to capture
costs on an individualline item basis rather than imbedding costs in other costs.
Current Year Status
Implemented. No similar finding in current year.
Why says
Some more food for thought –
Why are they buying all electric busses made by BYD in Lancaster when other buses are half the price? Why is Metro selling their used BYD busses? Why was the RFP written so that only BYD would get the contract? Why didn’t they buy from an American company? Who will pay for the busses when the grant money is used up? How will these buses lower the carbon footprint when they are charged at night by fossil fuel generated electricity? Why is BYD non union?
James P. Biddle says
I’m willing to bet it was a no bid contract (like Lancaster ever takes open bids for any major project).
Tim Scott says
Guess we know who has a friend at the AV Times. It’s after hours. Joe completely embarrasses himself. OK, I helped. And ten minutes later a moderator swoops in and cleans up the whole mess.
My fanboy has JUICE!
Tim Scott says
Just saw the first evidence that we are, for the first time in my lifetime, about to see a contested congressional race.
Ad opens with “I understand party loyalty, but…” then goes through a bunch of Trump’s greatest hits…a real top ten of ridiculous statements…then closes with “If your representative supports Donald Trump, do you really want to support them?”
No doubt that is running in every contested district in the nation with a Republican incumbent, and ours is one of them.
pirrurris says
The same people that support Tump, are the same ones that believe Sarah Palin would make a great prrsident.
Tim Scott says
At the drug store near my house the driveway is pretty close to the traffic light. You can routinely see people leave space for other people to pull out of the driveway. Frequently people leave spaces and you see people pull out across three lanes into the left turn lane. I always thought this was interestingly cool. Down in the San Fernando Valley people will let you in, generally, but that all the way to the left turn lane thing is…different.
Anyway, today I found myself in a parking lot in a very similar situation. There was a car right in front of me waiting out the light, and when I pulled up the guy behind them crept up like his car was going to mate with theirs. He made it clear that NO F’IN’ WAY was I gonna get in front of him.
When the light changed I watched a locked chain of cars practically kissing bumpers go by. Until it turned red again, and again a vehicular mating ritual happened in front of me.
Three cycles of the light go by, I’m getting irritable, and much to my amazement there is no one behind me. I opt to back up, go in the fast food place, grab a soda and consider my options.
I mention this to the girl at the counter, who says “Oh, you have to go out the back drive over there, take that street around the block, and come out up at the next light. That’s why no one was behind you. All the locals know you can’t get out that way because no one will ever let you in. People just don’t do that here.”
So I got an understanding of some of our commenters. Apparently the total jerk move is just normal in Santa Clarita. Glad I live in Palmdale.
William says
While I can appreciate your frustration at that particular light, I assume that people already in the lanes waiting for a light to change have the ‘right-of-way’ over someone just coming out of a driveway. Usually the car exiting the driveway can wait till the line of cars clears the intersection but that sounds like it’s too busy there for that.
I see that all the time at the Rancho Vista Boulevard and 10th Street West intersection. Someone wants to pull out of the McDonald’s driveway on 10th Street West, not just to get in the right hand lane but to cross 4 lanes to get into one of the left turn lanes going west on RV Blvd. during a busy time of day.
Apparently, planning ahead doesn’t occur to them. They might have to go the long way around as there are a few ‘interior’ streets in that areq by Lowe’s and the various restaurants, thankfully.
What amazes me more is when cities allow businesses to place driveways any old place no matter how congested the streets around them are. I couldn’t believe they aloowed the Cruz Thru car wash to be placed where it was by a bus stop and the loss of a lane instead of accessing it from the next door parking lot in front of In-Shape and using the stop light to enter/exit.
Then, there are the bus stops on 10th West by the AV Mall that block a lane of traffic each way when they coulda/shoulda put turnouts for them when they built up those areas to begin with. They had the room but not the intelligence.
Tim Scott says
Oh, they did have the right of way, no question about it. But HAVING it and demanding to exercise it are two different things. Like I said, down in the SFV (and apparently at 10th W and P) getting let out does not include being allowed to meander all the way to the left turn lane like it does here. (in fairness, it certainly isn’t automatic here either, and I always think it’s strange myself)…but I’ve never been anywhere else that a guy who is in the right lane and stopping anyway for the red light won’t stop far enough back to let someone out of a driveway.
William says
Well, Tim. I have to admit that if I’m waiting in a line of cars already stopped at the light, I don’t think it rude to not allow someone who just arrived at the driveway to instantly pull into the lane without having to wait till the line of cars moves.
At the same time, when I’m pulling out of a driveway in such a case, I expect to wait till the line clears and it’s ‘my turn’.
I suspect not everyone thinks that way. There are a few places in the Valley where I anticipate such things and think “I’ll stop there on the way home instead of fighting the hassle.” But, I’m competing with people on their cell phones who don’t think while driving and it shows. They cross 4 lanes of traffic at the last moment without signaling to make a right turn . I’m sure you’ve seen that.
I think there’s something to that ‘defensive driving’ saying.
Tim Scott says
Good time to be indoors. Cops are gonna be on “shoot first and we don’t even bother asking questions…we’re just scared men with guns and our badges will shield us from consequences.”
Smart says
And good time to not fight with the cops, cause problems, rob liquor stores, or otherwise invite consequences. Go cops…get em!
Why the Hades cain’t Ole Marv Focus on His problems instead a blamin everyone else. This Playin the Victim Card is old. We gots Homeless on the BLVD not on account of Metro sendin 67 Homeless a day to Lancaster. We gots Homeless on the BLVD because they ain’t got homes but we gots all the Services there. Now he want to Tax us $4 million a year for a Highly Questionable project. Ole Marv keeps Complainin that LA gits all the money and has all the services. Why not Build the Homeless Shelter where the Services already are? They can be More Trusted with that kind of Money that Ole Marv an Ole Rex. Don’t forget we’s spendin $10 million on a Useless Eye in the Sky owned by Ole Rex’s pal
seer says
That Useless Eye in the Sky costing $10 million to operate a waste of money. What about that solar site by avenue G and Sierra Highway it has not been operating. What did it cost? Will we have a UFO landing site next?
So after watchin Ole Rex and Ole Marv Scam the public I switched the channel from the Lancaster consul meetin and I comes across the Palmdale counsul meetin. Holy Crimeny did the Nuts from Lancaster move to Palmdale? There was that lady babblin nonsense about a Charter school sayin they needs a Union and makin all kinds a accusations. She used to babble at Lancaster meetins. I though she done moved away
William says
Will it be a solar powered homeless shelter? Lancaster is now the solar capital of the world or the universe or something.
Now, solar power is a good thing but Wrecks is so fixated on it while everything else a city should provide goes wanting.
Imagine, you bought a new house in Lancaster without knowing much about the city. You move in and realize that you are surrounded by half empty shopping centers, some thrift stores, auto wrecking yards and the fabulous blvd that one visit will cure you of ever returning.
You then have to go to Palmdale to do any serious shopping other than Walmart and COSTCO.
And, that’s just the beginning of your disappointment. Even if the electicity were free, I wouldn’t live in Lancaster. It’s that undesirable. I’m sorry for homeowners who are stuck there.
I don’t know what it’s going to take for voters in Lancaster to take control of their city instead of leaving to Wrecks and the good ol’ boys. They are looking out for themselves.
seer says
I don’t know what it’s going to take for voters in Lancaster to take control of their city instead of leaving to Wrecks and the good ol’ boys. Says William. I see it as a puppeteer and his puppets.
Barry says
It’s the Panhandling Capital of the World that’s for sure.
Shemp says
Are the bird sounds attracting the panhandlers or is it just the fact that these geniuses put all the social services downtown?
William says
Do you smell smoke?
That’s republican heads exploding because Hillary will not be charged with anything.
Now, what will they do? They have no ideas that will work for this country.
Tim Scott says
Faux News has already denounced the FBI as a political tool of the Democrats. Republican reality remains unchanged…and no better connected to the real reality. I’m already looking forward to another epic election night meltdown of “But how did we lose? We’ve been telling ourselves over and over we were going to win, wasn’t that enough?”
William says
Just read that Paul Ryan wants to have hearings to investigate the investigation that just said there will be no charges against Hillary.
Okay. He’s an idiot but consider that there are so many in this country that support that idiocracy they voted in. Some even post here on the AV Times site for our amusement.
What’s worse? Dumb people or dumb people who don’t know they are dumb. At least some dumb people are willing to learn so as not to be so dumb. But, we here at the Times are familiar with the ones who don’t know they are dumb and constantly prove it for our benefit.
Take our ‘imposters’. Please.
Russ says
And the Democrats have a plan that will work for this Country? Sure lets take away the gun rights of citizens and have an open border that allows anyone who desires to come to this Country just walk in without knowing who or what they stand for. Are they coming to better their life or to destroy this Country from within? Both parties have destroyed this Country. I miss the America where both parties worked together for all Americans, now it is what Party you belong to and how can we make sure our agenda happens whether its good for the citizens or not. Both candidates are going to be horrible for this Country, it is a no win situation for the American public unless you are one of the Elite. Prime example is the new gun laws our Governor has signed into law but exempted our own legislators from same said law. Go ahead William and fire away at me with your liberal take on this as you usually do I can not wait to see what new names you will come up with to try and belittle my viewpoint
Russ says
And for the record I do not support either the Republicans or Democrats both parties are corrupt
William says
Okay, Russ. Compare California which has gone totally Democratic in Sacramento to Kansas which has gone republican.
California is now the 6th largest economy in the world and Kansas is bankrupt.
Take yer pick. If you’re not making it in California, then move to Kansas.
Which party had a meeting the day President Obama was inaugurated to plan how to obstruct him and make him a 1 term president? One guess.
You talk about parties working together when 1 party refuses to. The gop voted against there own bills if President Obama agreed with them.
And, sitting back and saying both parties are corrupt really helps, doesn’t it, Russ? So, keep on doing that if it works for you.
Not Hillary says
I would have lost my job at the very least if I did what Hillary did.
Tim Scott says
You would likely have lost your mind if you even thought about attempting what Hillary Clinton has accomplished in life. You can always tell people who get things done…they are surrounded by people who can’t that want to complain about how.
Not Hillary says
I will admit I have not been able to turn a $1,000 investment into $100K on my trades. Nor have I had a director of security “improperly” access FBI files of hundreds of political opponents. Neither did my long missing and subpoenaed law firm billing records mysteriously turn up in the White House.
But if I were as negligent as she on the matter of emails, I would have lost my job.
Tim Scott says
Were you by chance a civil rights lawyer in the sixties wandering around trying to register black children into schools in the south to identify which of them were refusing to comply with federal law?
Were you by chance responsible for upgrading the educational system and standards of a state at some point in your career?
Were you by chance secretary of state during the long dark days after GWBush and his administration had declared the US to be above UN regulation and effectively a rogue state and called upon to re-establish our credibility?
I thought not.
Susan says
Tim Scott, you boost about one of the most corrupt people in Washington. Hillary Clinton was terminated from the committee investigating Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. Her boss a democrat said she was a liar and unethical. Her latest scandals make Nixon look like an amateur. Only the liberals have an extremely short memory when it pertains to the Queen of corruption Hillary.
Tim Scott says
LOL…one has to assume you’ve never been to Washington.
Pro tip: if you are going to fling around phrases like “most corrupt people in Washington” you need to be talking about one of the THOUSANDS of people who have gone from government service to a prison cell, at least. Not someone who has been hounded by congressional committees for a grand total of seventeen thousand four hundred and sixty four man days, not counting staff, without ANY official finding of fault.
If congressional Republicans put as much effort into ANYTHING as they have put into investigating Hillary Clinton and finding nothing just imagine what they could have accomplished.
pirrurris says
Oh please!
Hillary is not the only one that has used private servers to send emails. Chris Christie has done it, Marco Rubio has done it, Bobby (piyush) Jindhal has done it, Teodoro Cruz has done it, and many more.
Outragged hypocrite republicans? 0.
You need to start practicing saying “Maddam President”.
Laughing says
People forget very easily…
Do a search for Bush White House email scandal.
Bern says
How many of them were Secretary of State with classified information? How many of them deleted over 30,000 emails? How many of them were reprimanded by the FBI for it?
Native says
Nice Fourth of July celebrations Lancaster! Eat it Parris! Restrictions to show freedoms. Try again, pal!
Native says
Looks like the hangar put on a nice show, could see the cloud of smoke, reminiscent of war of the worlds, creeping across east Lancaster! How many State of emergency fires were declared? Residents put out some money for the holiday for private shows that made the old fairgrounds look like nothing. Still no fires. When is enough going to be enough?
Sam says
The public shows did nothing to stop the proliferation of fireworks throughout Lancaster. It was as active as I’ve ever seen it.
I still enjoy the big professional shows but I’m not dumb enough to think that they have any effect on the situation
William says
I suspect that Trump’s VP pick will be an outrageous and ridiculous choice and we’ll see who blindly supports that while making excuses for him.
Y’see. He constantly sees how far out there he can go and how far the stoopids will follow him.
Remember, Trump said that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his base would still follow him. He loves the poorly educated and the stoopids. They are his base.
William says
What happened to Raquel from the GRAMMAR POLICE?
According to our local law enforcement officials, the panhandlers at seemingly every street corner in the AV are DRUG or ALCOHOL dependent. DO NOT “FEED” them with your hard-earned money. AV residents have big hearts but they are unknowingly contributing to and enabling the addicts to continue in their addiction.
The addicts are well aware of the services that are available to them at places such as Grace Resource Center; however, these facilities have a requirement: no drug or alcohol use. So, instead the addicts pull on the heartstrings of the AV residents and BEG in SHIFTS at street corners for money to pay for their next fix. They are homeless because they CHOSE to be. If one is willing to change, assistance is available, but one has to be willing.
Law enforcement personnel, which do not have time to eliminate their presence due to much more pressing emergencies in this valley, make MUCH LESS PER DAY. The panhandlers BEG and earn approximately 200-300$ a day, yes you read that right. And they aren’t buying food with it. Their ‘meals’ consist of METH, HEROIN, and ALCOHOL. Plus, the MAJORITY of crimes are being committed by addicts who are HUNGRY for DRUGS.
Do you want to make the AV a better place to live? I think you do. So, DO NOT FEED the ADDICTS. If you do not feed them, they will go away.
Tim Scott says
When you started with “according to local law enforcement officials” it was obvious where you were headed…but actually reaching “our poor underpaid and overworked LEOs don’t make as much as a panhandler” was hilariously unexpected. Go play your sycophant violin at one of the local bars where our LEOs are happily guzzling down their drug of choice. No doubt they will applaud.
If someone CHOOSES to be homeless, what business is it of yours? If you think it is such a great deal that same choice is available to you.
Do you even recognize the logical failure in your argument? You cry about “these addicts commit crimes to feed their habit” while AT THE SAME TIME you talk about how lucrative panhandling is. If panhandling provides such an awesome income, WHY do they need to commit these crimes to pay for their habit? Oh, wait, YOU suggest cutting them off from panhandling will “make them go away.” But, wait, aren’t you saying that if they need money they will JUST COMMIT CRIMES? How then does cutting of panhandling “make them go away?”
C’mon Wrecks, you’re a lawyer. Give your shills something sensible to spout at least.
RayRay says
Heh, heh, heh. I love it when Wrecks and his shills get called out. They are so predictable.
Greg Hernandez LLA says
Mr Scott,
im w the AV Peoples Coalition, and we need a senior political advisor. it is our intent to replace the current status quo of the AV in favor of a govt by and for We the People…a govt that you will have a direct influence in. since ive come to the AV yours is the most informed and reasonable mind ive had the privilege to observe. The People of the AV need you and we are calling on you to serve.
Greg Hernandez Lake Los Angeles 818.454.6675 – 24/7
Pub. Servant-The Peoples Coalition(FB=Antelope Valley Peoples Coalition)
Chairman – The AV Cannabis Chamber of Commerce
Free American.
Anti-tax Man says
If the residents of Lancaster aren’t smart they WILL be feeding the addicts with tax dollars. Rex and company are going to try to sneak this tax by and hope nobody’s looking. Mark my words, if they can slide this one by, they are going to start putting taxes on your property like nobody’s business. Where is Mr. “anti-tax” George Runner on this one? How much did he demand from Rex to keep quiet on this? Be ready Lancaster taxpayer. Put your hand over your wallet!
Joe says
Brexit polls close in 2 hours. Can’t wait to see the results. Personally I hope the Brits vote to leave so we can observe the elites of the EU in a panic over losing a large portion of their revenue. Exit the undemocratic tyranny while you still have the option, UK.
Mike says
You got your wish lol…..
Vic says
Today’s headlines across So Cal:
New evidence in teen’s murder
New evidence in college student’s death may set the man convicted of killing her free
This from the website http://justiceforray.webs.com/
Prosecution of Jennings: In 2005, the parents of Michelle O’Keefe with the assistance of their attorney, R. Rex Parris and his associate, private investigator Jim Jeffra, assembled a collage of sound-bites compiled in a PowerPoint presentation. This mosaic of sound-bites included several false, implausible or contradictory statements by Jennings taken from the many, many hours of police interviews with him and the taped deposition he gave in the civil case. They presented the PowerPoint presentation to D.A. Foltz who, lacking any other evidence, agreed to file charges against Jennings. In fact, at the time, Foltz told a reporter: “I can’t put my finger on precisely what the difference is, but it was clear we had a file-able case.”
Will Jennings sue Parris for intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment etc?
pirrurris says
Why would anyone vote for the NRA bought hypocrite republicans?
Tim Scott says
They are taking a serious pounding tonight. Hilarious.
pirrurris says
Yes they are.
Joey B says
Wow, Supreme Court shot down Obama. His emigration executive order can’t go through. Yes his illegal policies can’t be shoved down America’s throat. His executive fiat is done.
Tim Scott says
From an actual news source rather than Joey the optimist:
“Thursday’s tie vote does not strike down the Obama proposal. In bringing the case to the Supreme court, the government sought authority to begin enforcing the policy while the lawsuit brought by the states works its way through the lower courts.
That process will play out for at least another year, and the next president would decide whether to continue defending it in court. Hillary Clinton has vowed to expand the program, but Donald Trump has said he would abandon it.”
So, while it works its way through the courts there is no official enforcement. However, the President is still in charge of establishing priorities for federal agencies, and the INS will continue to prioritize deporting those who commit other crimes over the deportation of illegal aliens who are doing no harm.
And by the time it works its way through the courts the Republicans will have lost their death grip on the “make law from the bench that favors our right wing extremists” supreme court.
Given the way the Republicans are being outmaneuvered politically and the albatross they have been saddled with at the top of the ticket they may even have lost control of the congress.
Star says
Keep dreaming Tim
Clueless says
“Overworked and underpaid?” Tell me that former city of Palmdale employee running for Palmdale city council didn’t say he left because he was “overworked and underpaid”. A city employee underpaid??????? Has he checked salaries of the rest of us who don’t have government jobs? He’s clueless and he won’t have my vote that’s for damn sure.
Vic says
Very weak candidate. You’d figure with all that money Parris could have done a lot better than this guy.
Do your job says
This Juan Carrillo quit the Palmdale planning Dept. because he didn’t get promoted [unqualified] now wants to quit the Palmdale School District at the half way point in his 1st term because he said he has fixed that problem. This quitter has a huge chip on his shoulder and thinks the teachers union will support his plan to run for Palmdale City council. This guy is a quitter plane and simple and will not ever get my vote again. I’m pissed !!!!
This Month in Ole Rex History, lets travel back to Ole Rex’s beginnings as mayor when he done declared War on Section 8 and got the whole Vally sucked into a Lawsuit that cost the taxpayers millions.
June 10, 2008 – At the Lancaster City Council meeting during a discussion about Section 8, Parris declares, “It’s time to go to war” at the 1:01:56 mark. http://lancaster.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=176
Pirrurris says
Trump is finally crashing and burning. He is sinking like a rock.
Let’s make America great again, deport Trump and his supportets. :).
Tom says
Well you tell me where these legal Americans are being deported to and ill be the first on that bus,well get too keep our guns, say the pledge of allegiance, have freedom of speech, you know the military is coming with us because democrats always cut the military. Man after we are all gone you democrats are going to be wishing you never got rid of us because whose going to protect you now? With no guns,and open boarders you will be over ran by ISIS, Korea, China,shall I go on. And after we feel you’ve had enough of your own self inflicted hell, dont worry well come running back with our big guns and take back this great country, but make sure to stay out of our way, war is ugly we dont want you too get offended by what it takes too protect what is ours.
Palmdalian says
People of Palmdale-
check o