LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to push for state legal aid for undocumented immigrants facing deportation.
The issue was part of a discussion of the county’s 2017-18 state legislative agenda.
Supervisors Janice Hahn and Hilda Solis recommended county support for services and state funding that would provide immigrants with due process protections, including legal representation when facing deportation.
“Deportations destroy families, and I am more committed than ever to protecting individuals who are integral to the fabric of our communities and are just trying to achieve the American dream,” Hahn said. “Undocumented immigrants facing deportation proceedings need legal representation to help them navigate complicated immigration laws and fight on their behalf.”
Solis championed a motion last week seeking to protect immigrants from any changes to immigration law made by the incoming federal administration.
“My immigrant protection motion, which the board passed last week, will explore steps the county can take to protect our residents,” Solis said. “In this continued effort, Los Angeles County must leverage all the resources available by supporting similar legislative proposals coming from every level of government.”
Other county legislative priorities include:
— preservation of the Affordable Care Act;
— justice, rehabilitation and diversion programs and infrastructure;
— homeless services;
— affordable housing;
— transportation; and
— environmental health and sustainability.
The last priority was added as an amendment by Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and includes advocating for extension of the state’s cap-and-trade program, set to expire in 2020.
Hahn and Solis also amended that item to include legislation giving local governments the authority to require responsible parties to clean up environmental contamination.
Previous related stories:
L.A. County officials push back against threats of deportation
CA university leaders urge Trump to keep DACA program
L.A. County Supervisor calls for immigrant protections
Working visa says
Why is it such a problem to get a working visa, that way, no one is here illegally, and they have to pay there fair share.. deport the criminals, and make the hard working get there visa.. You have to, in order to work in other countries!
Danny says
What a joke the county can’t even take care of its homeless population nowhere this. Tax rates going up soon… I’m sure of it. I guess anything to stay in office appeal to the higher populas to stay in office.
Sick of fools says
I feel if you illegal immigrants don’t like the way this country is run go back to yours because you didn’t like how that will was running either so try to make yours better before you come here to complain about ours you are ignorant people and you are racist
Danny says
Totally agree
SMHX2 says
What makes you think that those commenting are “illegal immigrants”? The only ones expressing their written thoughts like uneducated POS’ are people such as @Patriot, @Glen, @Susan B. and of course now @Sick of fools says- hilarious to say the least. Here is a tip for you, you’re welcome!
“A run-on is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses (i.e., complete sentences) are joined without an appropriate punctuation or conjunction. For example: It is nearly half past five we cannot reach town before dark.”
Patriot says
Pos lib.can only comment on punctuation.educated enough to know illegals costs jobs and billions.isnt it that time of day where you teach your kids to hate and call people names.you know, like you do.
P.s.trumps still president.so you wont be honoring our veterans, for 4 years.pathetic.
Tim Scott says
LOL…it always strikes me funny how you can complain about name calling in a post you open with “POS Lib” and close with “pathetic.” The funny part being that you are too wound up in your hatred to even notice the irony.
I’d call you names, but I can’t think of anything that would make you look worse than your own posts.
SMHX2 says
LOL, @patriot, you whine just like your pathetic and useless soon to be president Cheeto!
@Tim Scott, your response was glorious.
Patriot says
Gosh tim, your “glorious”post, means nothing.except to the weak.but you are gaining.you now have 4 people.
William says
“Quack. Quack. Quack.” -Daffy aka patriot
Tim Scott says
Four isn’t many. I’m sure that all 50,000 readers are astounded at your abuse of English Patriot…unless there are readers who haven’t had a kindergarten education or better, which I suppose is possible.
Patriot says
Im just glad I can help you out on your need to feel intelligent. Your trolling fetish.but knowing your background, as I do, thats all you have left.
Tim Scott says
LOL…sure ‘riot. The last resort of the fool is to claim that it is just an act.
William says
patriot reminds us of Monty Python’s Black Knight.
He keeps on keepin’ on till he’s nothing but a torso, saying “Tis but a scratch.”
Google it, patriot. It’s in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Laughing says
Please define your version of racist.
I really am curious because most people have odd definitions of it.
Really it is just a buzz word. Prejudice (pre judging without knowledge) is the phrase we need to bring back. It defines itself and is accurate.
AV says
Just feel bad for all my European, Asian, Middle East and African Friends
Tim Scott says
I think it is hilariously funny how the vast majority of people posting hate towards the undocumented immigrants seem to be seriously challenged by written English. I guess they feel threatened and can’t rely on being better qualified for their job than the newly arrived not native speaker.
Patriot.for example.couldn’t get a.job teaching.punctuation to.parsnips.because the parsnips.know more about.it.
William says
Ya ain’t seen nuttin’ yet, Tim Scott. If there is a depression, a terrorist attack, high inflation, a rise in unemployment or anything that isn’t making ‘Merica’ great, patriot, glenn et all will blame President Obama, Hillary, ‘libruls’, immigrants, gays, Muslims, et al.
Even though the gop now ‘owns’ the 3 branches of the federal government and a majority of the state governments, they will find scapegoats elsewhere. That’s how it works with the right.
Consider that the gop has had majorities in the state governments for years and still they blame President Obama and the Democrats for everything, well, except if a particular state has done well. Then, they take credit, such as in Ohio. But, don’t take credit for the disaster that Kansas is. Both exist in the same President Obama ‘economy’.
After 8 years of W, patriot, glenn et al haven’t learned a thing, not from the misbegotten war in Iraq, 9/11 on W’s watch even though he got a PDB a month before warning of an attack, a near depression and little job growth during his 2 terms.
Now, they have trump who unlike W ignoring a PDB warning, doesn’t even want to sit in on them but once/twice a week. But, that’s OK with our fools patriot, glenn et all.
That’s what makes trump, patriot, glenn et all so dangerous. They swallow the bs that the right feeds them. I guess I should include John in that mix of willing fools.
Watch and see.
Patriot says
9/11.lol.either you are 5.or a senile old man,who doesn’t know what year it is.
William says
Dafffy wants to forget 9/11 on W’s watch. He musta been born yesterday. A 10 year old on 9/11/01 would be 26 today so Daffy musta been barely talking to not know about it.
Remember, Daffy. Rudy Giuliani said that W kept us safe while apparently forgetting that 9/11 happened on his watch.
What is it with you guys and gals? Amnesia? Dementia? Booze and blackouts? Lost weekends?
Daffy. With each post you undermine yourself. Keep it up. You do our work for us.
Thank you.
William says
Hey, Daffy
Are you gonna volunteer to go fight when one of trump’s hotels or resorts gets attacked by terrorists? Or, are you oblivious like john?
SMHX2 says
@William & @Tim Scott
As I mentioned on previous posts, undocumented are just the current scapegoats, the bigots, racists, homophobic and misogynists need someone to blame. It’s a shame that the rest of us have to suffer because of the stupidity and bad judgment Trump supporters displayed on Nov. 8.
William says
They will pay dearly for that vote. Con artists, by design and definition, stick it to their victims, in this case trump voters.
While it looks like trump was picking on immigrants, Muslims, women, etc., his real victims are the ones he appealed to with those rants.
In 4 years, we’ll see how many coal mining, auto manufacturing, and other rust belt jobs are produced. The Carrier deal was done by Pence in his state and trump took credit while exaggerating the results as well.
The suckers bought it. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania should be on a ‘watch list’ to see what results trump produces. California is doing fine on her own and trump would only get in the way.
Already, we’re looking at higher interest rates and gas prices in the coming months. If he and his fans want him to take credit for the surge in the Dow, they can also take credit for the rising costs of energy and mortgages.
Patriot says
I Hate that you are suffering.you should move to another country.
Tim Scott says
No need. Despite this last gasp with Dingbat Don, your ilk are a dying breed. The people who are satisfied just as long as some group of ‘others’ can be made to suffer more than they are themselves find it harder and harder to pass on that “value” to their children as the world continues to get more and more prosperous despite them.
William says
Why doesn’t patriot move to a red state such as Kansas, where everything is the gop ideal?
Yet, he stays here in liberal California and constantly whines.
SMHX2 says
@patriot, nope, I am quite content here in sunny California, I do suggest you move to Himabama you’d feel right at home. We are in fact “suffering” because idiots with an IQ of 3 have the same voting rights as those that use a book for more than just leveling a TV dinner table. California is for smart and overly educated liberals, I’ll pay for your U-Haul to move your trailer, your three pieces of furniture, your washline outfit and your coon huntin’ equipment. LOL!
@William, @Tim Scott, @Pirruris- do you want to pitch-in?
Laughing says
SMHX2, not sure I agree about California just for the smart. Have you driven with some of these people. Or seen their YouTube channels. LOL
Glenn says
And you swallow the BS that the mainstream media feeds us, you always throw out the 5% unemployment rate that does not count the 95 million people who gave up looking for jobs because there were none, there are now more than 13 million people on food stamps than when Obama was elected, homeownership is at its lowest point in 51 years, 43 million people are living in poverty and he added more debt than all the other presidents in United States history combined but you will never hear about that on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC or CBS. I guess you are also fine with him spending over 10 million dollars of taxpayer money for his vacations as well. I did vote for Obama in 2008 because I was hoping he would be able to be a good leader but sadly all he did was take this Country and turn it into a cesspool of hate and try to turn us into part of the global government that the UN is so desperately trying to achieve. I do not vote for someone because of political affiliation, I vote for who I think is the better candidate and there was no way in hell I was going to vote for HIllary to keep us going down the same river as Obama, Trump may turn out to be a bad choice but his message was one of putting Americans first and getting the economy fixed, if he cannot do that I will vote for someone else in 2020. I believe in putting Americans first and I will never apologize for that sentiment. I also believe that immigration is a good thing but it needs to be done legally.
Say it says
Nicely said.
If you look at the statistics in California on hit-and-runs it is mostly illegal undocumented Mexican immigrants or Latin immigrants let’s put it that way wife beaters Latin descent
languedoc says
Glenn, you’ve drunk way too much Kool-Aid.
I could recite statistics about your mother that would make you question your parentage. Relax, dude & read something more substantial.
William says
You are hopeless. Glenn.
When did republicans lower the debt/deficit?
‘nough said.
Glenn says
I never said the Republicans lowered the debt/deficit. I said Obama’s deficit was more than all the previous Presidents combined. I am not a Republican and have stated so before but you do not seem to remember that fact. I believe both parties are corrupt and equally responsible for the condition of this Country. I have no party affiliation
pirrurris says
Glenn, we are not the ones walking around with tin foil hats, believing Alex Jones, and his BS conspiracy theories that the military is going to invade Texas, or that the back of a pizza parlor is being used for sex trafficking.
Glenn says
languedoc I am the one drinking the kool aid? you are the one talking about my mother, who you know nothing about, rather than come up with any facts. Insults instead of facts is the true measure of the liberal mind. You do not know anything about me other than the fact I do not believe the liberal BS coming out of the mainstream media. I also do not believe everything the conservative sites claim either although I tend to believe what they say more than the mainstream sites and you obviously believe the mainstream sites more than you believe the conservative sites. Its called getting your information from both sides of the aisle and trying to figure out what is true and what is not. Pirrurris I never said I believed that the military would invade Texas that is ridiculous nor did I ever say anything about a pizza parlor is being used for sex trafficking get your facts straight
William says
Wow! Glenn.
That example about your mother had nothing to do with your mother. You just didn’t get what was being said.
Is that your ‘critical thinking’ at work? Makes all your posts suspect.
Glenn says
So saying he could recite statistics about my mother and her parentage has nothing to do with my mother? I do know my where my parentage came from so how could he recite statistics about it that would make me question it? He was just being mean spirited by bringing up my mother who had nothing to do with the conversation.
languedoc says
glenn, glenn, glenn, it’s really quite simple.
statistics can be presented in ways that obfuscate the truth–that emphasize one thing, e.g. your mother’s level of education, and completely ignore her i.q.
this leaves the reader to, perhaps, form opinions that are grossly inaccurate.
i was in no way insulting your mother.
is it possible you read something and instantly form an opinion? maybe you should let what you read/see/hear swirl around in your head for a while–and then put together some sort of opinion.
languedoc says
“…all he did was take this Country and turn it into a cesspool of hate…”–one of the most mindblowingly perverse statements I have seen.
No sooner had President Obama and his family moved into their new home than a tidal wave of hate/cruelty/vitriol/violent & racist threats/vomit-inducing verbal abuse began to unrelentledly crash over them–& it didn’t let up for 8 years.
The people largely responsible for this behavior were elected Republician politicians and appointed officials. To acknowledge the swamp creatures on radio/television/internet is beneath me.
And you have the audacity to blame the victim.
Certainly, you are brighter than that–yes??
If not, your statement is the most hateful of all.
Re: the U.N.
They don’t do much of anything these days, and certainly nothing desperately. A U.N. world government? You sound as if you have been reading a John Birch Society publication from 1959.
Your mind is one hot mess, Glenn. Take it easy.
Susan B says
William, why is it now that the GOP has the majority of all government branches? The Stalinist Democratic Party have proven to be incompetent and corrupt. Americans are sick and tired of the destruction of our country. You, Tim, pirrurris and SMHX2 should grow up and stop winning about everything. Face reality your party lost. All of you always call the republicans haters, biggots and racist but it’s you who are the ones that those names describe.
William says
Hey, Susan B.
Republicans have been running a majority of the states and have owned the Congress for quite a while now. Is that news to ya?
Yet, ignorant voters such as yourself are oblivious to that and have been blaming President Obama for everything and giving him no credit for pulling us out of the worst recession in our lifetimes, getting bin Laden, getting us out of Iraq, etc.
You will soon be regretting the election of trump but you won’t be honest
enough to come back here in the coming months and acknowledging that.
Same goes for the others who post comments such as yours on this site. I call you folks “suicide voters” in that you are so filled with hate towards minorities and Hillary Clinton that you don’t care if electing trump will bring about catastrophic problems. He has already made Taiwan and the capital of Israel issues to add to the existing ones. And, he hasn’t taken office yet.
Just wait and see, Susan B. The worst is yet to come. Hopefully, the damage will most be felt by those who voted for the con artist.
Did you not know that trump is a con artist and that republican women are the worst haters of all? They give new meaning to the phrase “mean girls”. And, you are one just like Ann Coulter, Kellyanne Conway, and many others. I’ve never seen Democratic women spew such venom as the gop mean girls.
Your just desserts are a-comin’. Bon appetit.
William says
Susan B voted for trump.
Now, we know where she’d like him to grab her.
Patriot says
As if anyone but you,gives a rats ass about spelling.but when libs have nothing to say,they try anything.makes you feel important.good for you.
Laughing says
You are a libs, with language!
Sick of fools says
And tim
YOUR JUST ONE loudmouth idiot
10Dog says
Can these unamerica be recall and put in real Americas that are for the law of the USA?
KSR says
With my tax dollars? With homeless vets in the streets? This action is appalling.
Legal resident says
I agree……why should WE play by the rules and THEY get anything for not coming here legally?? WHY should they? Never hear an answer to that one
Laughing says
Because if you do not play by the rules ‘the man’ knows who you already and can punish you. Whereas the undocumented/illegal they have no clue about and usually can only deport.
pirrurris says
Legal, please tell us all what was the lagal way that you used to apply for residency. What exactly was the legal method that you used to apply for residency.
CLG says
Now that we have announced to the world that we will save and protect all the illegals are you ready for the flood gates to open and they all come rushing in just like the trains coming up from Mexico full of children. But yet we can’t even help our homeless population mostly vets and families with children. All these people we are going to save and protect where are they going to live? Where are they going to work? How are they going to survive?
Oh that’s right all of us hard working legal Americans will pay, pay pay…
Tim Scott says
I wish I had a hard working illegal alien employee for every time that a dingbat screamed “OMG THIS IS GONNA OPEN THE FLOODGATES!!!!”
Patriot says
Well, we all know how you embrace criminals.so it makes sense.
pirrurris says
Yeap….has anyone noticed that NONE of the hypocrite patriotic US citizens business owners, complain when an undocumented person walks into their businesses and leaves them their illegal dollars. LOL.
As a matter of fact, these hypocrites even go as far as ensuring they have bilingual help.
Thanks to the undocumented human beigns, many people eat in this country.
I dare any of you hypocrites to hang a sign outside your businesses saying “we only sell to US citizens” and see what happens.
Betty Brewer says
pirrurris says
Bretty, so what is your solution? If the city suggest raising half a penny, to house and provide treatment for the homeles vets, you and the rest of the of the God loving hypocrite republicans immediately come out against it. Now, you are complaining about the homeless shooting themselves with drugs on the streets.
Damn if you do, damn if you don’t.
Like I have said before, republicans are nothing but hypocrites. You pretend to love Veterans and the military, but keep voting for republicans that are working hard to privatize the VA and cut benefits to our veterans.
Nothing says
I notice how they changed the language from Illegal to Undocumented. LMAO
pirrurris says
Nothing, i noticed how your racism does not let you see past the color of the skin. Let me guess….your voted for Cheeto….correct?
Susan B says
Why is it racism to want people to come into our country legally? You liberals need to come up with something new to say. It’s not racism it’s wanting people to follow the laws that our country was founded on. Every nationality needs to come here by following the law not breaking it. That has nothing to do with skin color.
William says
Did you voter for trump, Susan B?
If so, your concern for legality is a joke.
Say it says
Nicely said.
If you look at the statistics in California on hit-and-runs it is mostly illegal undocumented Mexican immigrants or Latin immigrants let’s put it that way wife beaters Latin descent
pirrurris says
Nicely….people like you and the rest of the hypocrite republicans, will complain regardless, even if the undocumented human beigns, were legal and were able to buy insurance for car accidents.
You want to talk about statistics? Okay, i have my own. Republican woman get pistol whipped by their God loving evangelical ammosexual husbands, and don’t report it So what else is new.
pirrurris says
Susan, so what is the lagal way? What are the different legal ways to becone a citizen? What is the waiting period to become a citizen?
I don’thear anyone complain about Cubans getting automatic citizenship when they arrive and touch US soil.
Ohh no….Cubans are not illegal aliens, they are “political refugees”. LOL.
Susan, the next thing you are going to tell us is that you are a God loving hypocrite republican.
Glenn says
Your comment about racism is actually funny because you are very racist against white people, so what is the difference? Racism is racism regardless of color of skin. I could care less what color your skin is as long as you are here legally and that is the point some of us are trying to say but in typical liberal form if you do not agree with our view we are either racist, homophobic, islamisphobic or what ever your choice of word is that particular week. Why dont you try to cross into Mexico without a passport and see what happens to you, they are much more brutal about following their immigration laws than we are. They will actually throw you into prison for a minimum 5 years maybe we need to do the same thing in this Country as well but that would just piss off the crazy liberal heads in this country
pirrurris says
Glenn, that is not correct. I am not racist against anyone. What i am against is your Republican hypocricy.
Republicans pretend to be outragged about the status quo, want to drain the swamp LOL. Yet, elect crooked Trump, who is bringing the monsters to the swamp.
Republicans complain about increasing the minimum wage, yet the same republicans that are complaining, are the same ones that are getting paid way more than the minimum wage, and have those cushy city, state, and federal jobs.
Republicans complaing about wasting money on immigrants, food stamps, schools, poor and even call them moochers, but never complaing about billions wasted on corporate welfare.
Hypocrite republicans complain about Obama care, but the same republicans that are complaining, have the best healthcare insurance, and have never had obamacare.
I am not a racist, i am against your republican hypocrisy, and i will keep calling you out on it.
Take care Glenn.
Glenn says
For the record once again I am not Republican and have no problem calling them out when needed and I do agree with you that the minimum wage should be increased only not as high as the Democrats want it raised. I also believe that would lead some fast food companies to install automation machines to place your orders and take away the lower paying jobs that were meant to get the younger people familiar with the work environment. I also agree with you on corporate welfare, there is no reason for Corporations to get any Federal money at all, if they cannot run their business without Government welfare they do not belong to remain in business. I will never agree with you about illegal immigration though, if you cannot come here legally, you do not belong here. As far as Obamacare goes my wife been unable to find a plan that we can afford since it was put into law. so she has not had health insurance since it became law and she had insurance before Obamacare came into law, but the payment they are asking for is almost as much as our mortgage payment and it is less expensive to pay the penalty than it is to make the insurance payments. I know I rant more about the left than the right but I have no political ties to either party
Say it says
Deport tired of giving people free rides.
Our government doesn’t even take care of the American people but they’ll help illegal immigrants ridiculousN.Y.
Bob says
Laughing says
Some spit
pirrurris says
Say it says, and you conveniently forget to mention that the government also takes care of rich corporations (corporate welfare) and the military industrial complex.
By the way, you are concerned about spending but yet voted for crooked Trump, who is filling his cabinet positions with Goldman Sacks and Exxon Mobil Execs. You and the rest of the republicans don’t care about America…….you just pretend to care.
Ed says
Where can we get more info on this ?
Patriot says
Just raise all taxes.we already spend billions on illegals.only in California,do they pay you to break the law.
Californio says
Undocumented people pay more taxes than you lol.
Most of undocumented people don’t ask for money on the streets they ask to work!
Susan B says
Yes they work under the table! Meaning no taxes paid. They may pay sales tax on purchases but that’s about it.
Laughing says
The employers (people that hire them at Home Depot, for gardening, etc) should be paying employment taxes on them as well. Also paying them a living wage.
Californio says
Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion in social security taxes every year, and they will not be able to get a retirement or any of the benefits.
Laughing says
That is if they use the SS# of a citizen to file. That causes issues for the citizen concerned at tax time, and at time of retirement.
pirrurris says
Californio, agree 100%. The undocumented human beigns pay taxes too, but the ignorant republicans go around trying to make people believe otherwise. LOL.
pirrurris says
Faketriot, and we also spendig more money on corporate welfare. Why do hypocrrite republicans never mention it? Stop beign a hypocrite.
pirrurris says
Faketriot, you should seriously consider moving to a republican state. Ohh I don’t know….how about Flint, Michigan. I heard the water there taste great.
William says
If they’ll have him/her,.