LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis will ask her colleagues next week to approve a motion restricting county government travel and spending in states that threatened legal action to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
Solis said Tuesday she was “disgusted” and “disillusioned” when she heard Attorney General Jeff Sessions announce that DACA will be phased out.
“For many years, the DACA program has brought hope and security for thousands of young DREAMers throughout the nation. Our immigrant communities work day in and day out to succeed in this country. Programs like DACA help our young immigrants provide support to their parents and inspire them to believe in the `American Dream,”‘ she said.
Solis named Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia as targets of the proposed travel restriction, which would not apply in the case of emergency assistance for disaster relief or critical law enforcement work.
The motion — to be considered next week — also calls on Congress to pass a permanent legislative solution and calls on state officials to do whatever they can to protect DACA recipients. It also calls for the county Office of Immigrant Affairs to help existing DACA recipients renew their status by Oct. 5.
Solis and Supervisor Janice Hahn hosted Mayor Eric Garcetti and dozens of DACA recipients and immigrant-rights advocates at a rally and news conference outside the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration before the Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday.
Community organizers and union members held signs declaring “Con o sin papeles (with or without papers), here to stay,” as immigrants told their stories to the crowd assembled in the hot sun.
One of the speakers, Carlos, who came to the United States from Mexico at 2 years old, works as a member of Hahn’s staff and attends Cal State Los Angeles. Hahn teared up as she said DACA was enacted on the day Carlos graduated from high school.
“Carlos is just as American as I am and he belongs here with his family, with his friends,” Hahn said.
Yamilex Rustrian, the daughter of a janitor and union member, noted that President Donald Trump didn’t step forward to personally present the plan to roll back DACA, but said she wasn’t afraid to go public with her own message.
“I have something to tell you, Donald Trump,” Rustrian said. “I will not be used as a bargaining chip.”
Fighting back against the administration’s contention that immigrants living in the country illegally are responsible for taking jobs away from legal residents, Solis focused on the economic benefits that would be lost if DACA recipients left the country. She pegged their contribution to the nation’s gross domestic product — a measure of economic productivity — at $460 billion.
She highlighted the 250 so-called DREAMers working at Apple and more at Facebook and other tech companies, telling City News Service, “They’re not taking, they’re giving.”
Supervisor Kathryn Barger, the only Republican on the non-partisan board, read comments from then-President Barack Obama declaring his original executive order on DACA a “stopgap” and said she heard Sessions’ announcement as a challenge to Congress.
“(Immigration policy) has been a priority for over 15 years,” Barger said. “As a Republican sitting on the Board of Supervisors, I, for one, believe that it’s time to do something.”
Barger said she supports the BRIDGE Act proposed by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Dick Durbin (D-Illinios), which is aimed at protecting DACA immigrants.
Others called out specific legislators who might help push new legislation forward.
Garcetti mentioned House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, saying, “I love the words. Let’s see the action.”
Solis named Republican “friends in Arizona,” including Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake, and later said the current political climate might provide “a good opportunity to get something done.”
Tony says
The other day I got off the free way waited at the light, there was a homeless man asking for handouts about 20ft next to him there was a Hispanic selling flowers a cop pulls up gets out of the car walks past the homeless man and starts herassing the man selling flowers, man had a permit…whats wrong with that picture
Tony says
Yes we do have illegals that are criminals but we also have a lot more citizens that criminals, since when was it against the law or a sin to want to have a better life for your family..and we all pay taxes , ,legal, illegals ,welfare anyone who buys anything …lets not forget where our families orinally came from
Mike White says
Since when is it illegal to enter the United States illegally? Is that what you’re asking, Tony? I can see your education back in your country was sorely lacking in the area of critical thinking. Not too surprising since most tin-horn dictators in Third World hellholes aren’t interested in fostering an informed, critical populace for obvious reasons.
Anyhow, to answer your question, it’s been illegal since the Immigration Act of 1882.
Tim "the libtard" Scott says
DACA was a great idea! Trick them all into registering! Makes the roundups easier! LOL! MAGA!
Tim Scott says
Nice to know that Trumpists consider having the government that represents us conduct itself with complete disregard for honoring their word is “a great idea.” You’re disgusting. Fortunately, it looks like D’ump isn’t going to bow to his deplorable base on this one.
The hell would you ignorant Democrats you guys are brainwashed says
ignorant President we had before Trump was the cause of all this
Laughing says
Ok. So rounding up a small percentage of illegals that met many guidelines and have a much lower incidence of arrests than native borns, and speak English, makes you feel giddy? It is a good thing that so many of them have jobs above $10 an hour and pay taxes, not to mention a surprising number signed up as organ donors.
I mean hey, going out to find the criminal element, that did not register, do have illegal businesses, often do not pay taxes, would be so much work for a great political machine.
But whatever… your mind is set.
George Keller says
Trust me…..the rest of the country does not care if someone from LA County does not travel. We mostly prefer you all just stay where you are with your ridiculous ideas….
Tim Scott says
LOL…sure, sure…the biggest state economy in the country is California, and the economy of LA County is bigger than at least half the states. They may talk about not liking our “ideas,” but they need our money.
George Keller says
The biggest BROKE state economy in the Nation….something to be proud of. No problem, just implement another carbon tax, maybe increase the property taxes again, oh wait…another fee. This way you don’t even get to vote on getting screwed by Moonbeam….they just take it from you and call it a fee.
Flaco says
… hey, ese? Have you ever notice how thee muchachos, we can look at thee stinking gring0s, and we can automatically tell which ones voted for Donald Trump, from the ones who did not?
Mr. Bean says
D.e.m.o.c.r.a.p.s are “strongly against any travel bans” , they said so not long ago )))
Please stay where you are )))
NotConcerned says
Meanwhile, Flint Michigan still does not have clean water…… And there over 10,000 homeless veterans in LA County… Funny how certain things take precedence over others…
You're a clown. says
Well do something about it. Youre not paying for anything when it comes to DACArecepients, clown.
Leger says
@ You’re a clown, what about the free education these dreamers already received? I am pretty sure my tax dollars were used to provide them with K-12 education.
Laughing says
Yeah, so terrible, making sure a kid gets adequate education so they can become a productive part of society.
My few dollars a year towards educating kids is a good purchase, it just sucks that so many parents do not help to educate their kids in classrooms OR at home. Lazy and irresponsible.
Tim Scott says
Guess what…your tax dollars pay for societal goods from which you derive benefit. If you want to not pay for societal goods go somewhere where you don’t receive the benefits and you won’t have to.
Leger says
@ Tim and Laughing. I never argued the good/bad of providing dreamers with free education. I merely commented on Clown’s statement about not paying for anything for dreamers. I am just saying there is a cost to educating them. Relax!
Tim Scott says
There’s a larger cost in not educating them. That’s why your initial comment drew disagreement. While you stated a fact, in the context it supported an erroneous position. Nothing personal.
Mike White says
Tim is wrong again. My taxes going to Section 8 to ruin good neighborhoods and EBT for loafers to buy junk food and go to casinos with is not a “societal good.” Except maybe in Tim’s twisted, libtard mind where up is down, right is wrong, criminals are always innocent, and unicorns fart rainbows.
Leger says
@Tim, I stated, originally, the dreamers received free education and my tax dollar paid for it. No where did I attempted to argue against providing education to dreamers. However, I have seen your posts and I am not surprised you skewed my comment.
No worries, I don’t take anything on the internet personally.
You're a clown says
Free education? Lol please state your sources they dont even qualify for instate tuitions mr ignoranous LMAO
Leger says
@ clown. When a dream receives K-12 education, it’s for free, they don’t pay for it. So our tax dollars were used to education them. I thought that was pretty obvious. Why would you need any official source to confirm that?
leger says
@ clown, by the way, go here if you want a source:
B.O.B. says
Enough with the personal comments & opinions, LACS
get to work and come up with positive solutions.
Tim Scott says
What does the sheriff’s department have to do with this? Immigration law is not their responsibility to start with, and as D’ump himself tweeted this morning there’s no change in anything, really, for the next six months. DACA isn’t actually a problem to be solved by anyone but the congress.
ha ha ha ha ha ))) says
D.e.m.o.c.r.a.p.s are strongly against any “travel bans” , they said so not long ago )))
alex says
I’m with you B.O.B.. Hope there is a solution soon.
alex says
DACA needs to be significantly restructured. This article is only a small part of the big picture.
Tim Scott says
Actually, DACA as structured worked really well. The only thing wrong with it was that it was put in place with an executive order, making it temporary. This one is a no brainer, which is probably appropriate for congress, since the language of the executive order gives them pretty much everything they need to draft the legislation.
Laughing says
Yup, it was only meant as a temp fix and Congress was supposed to have a better immigration plan by now. But those darn obstructionist Republicans and now the darn obstructionist Democrats fail to do what is needed instead they address whatever will make them the most money and social stuff gets tossed to the side board.
Tim Scott says
It’s still the Republicans being obstructionist. The ‘conservative caucus’ won’t vote for anything that makes sense, no matter who proposes it. As long as the Republicans are saddled with them and won’t work with the Democrats nothing gets done. Looks like they are gonna be stuck working with the Democrats now though, so maybe the government will start functioning.
alex says
Agree, Laughing.
William says
That’s easy for you to say. In fact, everything you say is ‘easy’. Not much thought involved, is there?
alex says
Actually, William, DACA is complex and needs to be restructured. Do your own homework, instead of a petty put-down comment.
cap says
It is truly sad how undocumented, illegal, criminals, whatever you want to call people who are here illegally, how they get a free ride and handouts or “special” discounts should be first in line for any type of help before a starving homeless American citizen. Americans first than help others.
Fiona says
B**** stop bragging about it and go out there and give the homeless your money if your so worried about where people’s money go. You should be the last one commenting stupid (removed) like this.
You're a clown says
What free ride are they getting? Not even their a application is free, clown.
Joemama says
Typical right wing mentality if you’re going to talk about something at least do your research before making such a stupid statement like the one you just did you simpleton.
HildaSolisReTard says
oh Jesus……
Tim Scott says
This seems like a valid approach to pressuring congress to do their jobs.
Other than the 20% extremists that stick their fingers in their ears and scream about ‘amnesty’ every time the subject comes up Americans favor leaving the DACA kids alone and letting them be Americans. Unfortunately the extremists are concentrated in some states, giving them a block of lock step intractable votes in congress who threaten to blow up the party any time their minority doesn’t get their way…and the Republican caucus puts protecting their party above all.
Immigration reform would be really easy to do, but it will destroy the Republican party, so it probably won’t get done.
Loam says
Congress considered the Dreamer Act and did not pass it. Why don’t these politicians run for Congress??? They ran for local representative jobs so they should work on THOSE activities rather than rant about national immigration policy.
sick of ignorant politicians and dreamers says
Why don’t you pack your bags and go home I’m sure you’re spending a lot of our tax money on trips
You will be saving all of us a lot of money on you ignorant politicians
I don’t give a damn about these dreamers they’re all drug dealers alcoholics DUIs rapist
John says
You have a very low IQ hillbilly …than again you don’t mind all the dreamers saving Americans during hurricane Harvey or the dreamers on our military fighting for Americans… You’re just racist why don’t you go back to Europe buddy you weren’t here first!! Neo Nazism at it’s finest
Ray says
You sound like the guy who called an African American candidate for city council a “gang candidate”.
Fiona says
You have your info all wrong go back under your rock you dirty worm. I’m sure there are not criminals they are hard working people who don’t want things handed to them they actually earn them .so shut your mouth and leave it like that.
Tim Scott says
Well said. Something well over 90% of DACA recipients have jobs or are students.
Susan B. says
@ Tim Scott
Well said by you. Over 90% have jobs ( taken away from people born here) or students ( paid for with our tax dollars in over crowded schools) Tim you make a great argument as to why DACA should not exist.
Fiona says
Susan I’m sure no-one takes takes jobs away from anybody the thing is some people don’t like to work they rather sit around waiting for the first of the month to come. I think you are one of them sad but yea I think u mad for nothing .
Susan y dont you understand most people born here are lazy and worthless? Come on open your eyes they don’t like working and neither do you you sit around waiting for your aid stop acting hard and smart cause your not.
Dreamer says
Maybe you know one that raped your sister.