LOS ANGELES – Pointing to a rising level of hate crimes and concerns about under-reporting, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to develop an educational campaign against racism and discrimination and to review related sheriff’s department policies.
Supervisor Hilda Solis recommended that the Office of Inspector General lead a group to evaluate whether LASD policies follow best practices on reporting and investigating hate crimes.
“With hate crimes against Latinos, LGBT, African-Americans and other minority groups on the rise, it’s more important than ever for L.A. County to do everything in our power to combat the tide of hate, bigotry and prejudice,” Solis said. “We are proud that L.A. County is one of the most culturally diverse places on earth … We will never remain silent or passive when confronted by hate, discrimination, bullying, or harassment.”
Hate crimes statewide increased by more than 17 percent from 2016 to 2017, from 982 to 1,013, according to the California Department of Justice.
A separate May report by the state auditor showed that law enforcement authorities under-report hate crimes due to a lack of training and appropriate policies. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department was not included in that audit.
Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, who co-authored the motion, said a higher level of such crimes make it even more important for law enforcement agencies to work hard to identify and respond.
“At this historical moment, we have to do everything we can to counter and stand up against intolerance and hate,” Kuehl said.
Sheriff Jim McDonnell, who chairs the Anti-Defamation League’s Law Enforcement Advisory Committee, backed the motion, although he said reports of hate crimes in areas policed by the sheriff’s department are down 31 percent from 2017 levels as of June.
“I strongly support any effort to create awareness about how to report hate crimes,” McDonnell said. “Our commitment at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is absolute in our support of the ADL’s mission to combat bigotry, bias and hate.”
The board asked the county chief executive officer to report back on funding for a multi-year public outreach campaign to begin sometime in the next 12 months.
A report is expected back in 90 days.
John says
I have not seen or heard of a hate crime being committed by a white person against another race in over 25 years it just doesn’t happen anymore period!!!however if I were to walk through and all black neighborhood I would be beaten,robbed and possibly murdered just for being white now a days everyone treats white people like it’s a crime just to be white
Karen says
My neighbors have formed a hate crime against me dating back over six years. The woman accross the street asked me if i was a whore with a whore house…i have realtors. Insurance agents and more whom live in my neighborhood call me a whore tell me to move and other hate crimes such as ripping off my electrical panel replacing breakers with unfit breakers… Trying to cause a fire. T he lady accross the syreet films my home illegally and they discrimate against my dissabled son. My son is mentally ill so they took a hate crime against me. My neighbors daughyer t old me vicki and Darlene formed a haye crime to make us move. I have since contacted the dissabilities discrimation board for help. There are legal ways to handle haters. And witnesses come forward after witnessing hate crimes. In my case internal affairs is investigating the illegal intrusion of my home by the woman accross the street from me as well as behind me and a bunch of other neighbors whom are realtors insurance agents and sherriff threating me to move or else… Bec a use my son has seizures and they dont understand the phase after the seizure. Internal affairs will be processing paper work for restraining orders that will prevent chp to ever hurt me again.
B.O.B. says
We need to train and educate the public and not just the law enforcement.
Funding says
Funding? I hope he comes back and says No.
Paralyzed says
Whites are also victims of hate crimes. I know from experience.
Ron says
This whole hate crimes stuff is b.s. There have been many cases over the years of Whites being attack by Blacks using all kinds of racial slurs and almost never get charged with hate crimes.
Ron says
Like in 2010 at the Iowa State Fair. 40 BLACKS attacked Whites giving one guy a skull fracture running around yelling ITS BEAT WHITEY NIGHT Nobody charged with hate crimes. Even when they yell something like BEAT Whitey Night. Complete double standard. This should have been all over the news.
Tim Scott says
Ron, given the way you use being white as an excuse just imagine what a wasted sack of skin you would be without that advantage.
Ron says
What the hell are you talking about? You don’t see a double standard? Hate Crimes are complete crap. Hate Crimes are not fair to Whites. I think the Supreme Court Should overturn Hate Crime Laws if they are not going to be fair.
Tim Scott says
Ron, you’re “Wahhhh, I’m a poor picked on white boy! How can anyone expect me to succeed with such a handicap” nonsense really makes you look weak. Grow a pair you loser.
Alexis says
Ron, I see you’ve been reading stormfront.
Detective Anis says
Ron served time for embelzement for mafia….. H e s no saint.
Alexis says
@Ron…Straight from Stormfront: White Nationalist Community.
Tim Scott says
So are A-holes.
Bob says
yes but A-holes are not a minority in the Antelope Valley. They are the majority
Vic says
Especially the ones running Lancaster.