LAKE LOS ANGELES – Construction crews working for Los Angeles County are scheduled to perform more than $13 million in resurfacing work this spring and summer on roads in unincorporated areas around the Antelope Valley, according to Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s office.
Scheduled for resurfacing in May are:
- 60th Street West, between Avenues B and D, starting May 13 and finishing May 24.
- 80th Street West, between Avenues D and F, scheduled between May 20 and May 31.
- Avenue F, between 70th and 90th Streets West, scheduled between May 27 and June 7.
Those roads will be closed to through traffic during construction, but Antelope Acres residents will have access to their homes.
On the schedule for resurfacing this summer are:
- Avenue E, between 35th Street East and 130th Street East. Preparatory work started the week of April 29.
- Avenue L, between 52nd Street West and 55th Street West in the Quartz Hill area.
- Avenue P, between 30th Street East and 50th Street East.
- Palmdale Boulevard, between 140th Street East and 170th Street East.
- 110th Street East, between Palmdale Boulevard and Avenue R.
Residential streets in southern Lake Los Angeles in the area roughly bordered by Avenue Q, Palmdale Boulevard, 150th Street East and 170th Street East are also scheduled for work this summer. Preparatory work there started in April.
The resurfacing work is financed by the state gas tax hike of 12 cents a gallon that was approved by the Legislature in 2017 and reaffirmed by California voters last November.
The 2019 work is among roughly $70 million worth of street resurfacing work scheduled this year and over the next five years with gas tax money in the unincorporated Antelope Valley.
The unincorporated area includes communities such as Littlerock, Sun Village, Pearblossom, Acton, Elizabeth Lake, Lake Hughes and Llano, as well as Lake Los Angeles, Quartz Hill and Antelope Acres. Unincorporated areas where streets are maintained by county Public Works crews are outside the city limits of Lancaster and Palmdale.
Proposed projects for 2020
The county Board of Supervisors is expected to approve spending on $18 million worth of road projects next year for the unincorporated Antelope Valley. Projects proposed for spending next year include:
- Bouquet Canyon Road
- Godde Hill Road
- Quartz Hill Road
- Avenue N, from 50th Street East to 90th Street East
- Avenue G, from 70th Street West to west of 90th Street West
- Avenue L, from 40th Street West to 52nd Street West
- 55th Street West, from Avenue M to Avenue M-8
- 30th Street West, from Avenue N-8 to Avenue O-12
- 20th Street West, from Avenue O-12 to Avenue M
- Palmdale Boulevard, from 170th Street East to 215th Street East
- 240th Street East from Palmdale Boulevard to Avenue J
- Avenue J, from 150th Street East to 240th Street East
Pearblossom Highway work
The 2019 county list doesn’t include a roughly $9.8 million project resurfacing Pearblossom Highway from west of 25th Street East to 55th Street East. Expected to start this summer, the Pearblossom Highway work will be managed by the city of Palmdale, although the county will share in the cost because parts of the highway are in unincorporated areas.
In 2020-21, crews working for the county are expected to perform about $1 million worth of resurfacing on another segment of Pearblossom Highway, stretching from the Palmdale city limits near 25th Street East west to Sierra Highway.
[Information via news release from the office of Supervisor Kathryn Barger.]
East Lancaster says
Thank goodness they are going to actually repair the roads rather than slap some cheap black paint on them. Traction Seal is a joke.
Laughing says
Glad to see Ave N being repaired. Those holes pop up daily and some have been deep removing the pavement down to dirt.
Blueys says
I hope solar powered flashing stop signs are installed at these intersections. The accidents are tragedies.
Laughing says
Flashing lights do not stop people intentionally running the signs or drunks. Sadly.
Tired Commuter says
Pearblossom Hwy needs repair ASAP! Great news!
Desert resident says
About time ! may save someone’s life , hopefully lane dividers will be added.
Long time resident says
About time Pearblossom Hwy will be resurfaced, repaired . With the amount of cars that drive through there It is sorely in need of work but hasn’t been done for years parts of the road are bumpy, potholes and uneven pavement theres no dividers ,traffic lane dividers play a vital role in ensuring public safety. Hopefully warning lights, floodlights will also be added . Hurray cant wait !!!!