PALMDALE – A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Wednesday to celebrate the opening of new affordable housing apartments at 38709 Larkin Avenue in Palmdale.
Located in the city’s Focus Neighborhood 3, the two-story four unit apartment complex consists of a one-bedroom unit, two two-bedroom units, and one three-bedroom unit.
The vacant property was acquired by the city of Palmdale in December 2016. The city partnered with Victory Outreach of Palmdale, providing a housing loan for $470,000 in Aug. 2018 for the capital lease and rehabilitation work.
“Victory Outreach, a local nonprofit and supportive community partner, assisted with monitoring and securing the property as needed while we worked through the details of the project,” said Palmdale’s Senior Housing Coordinator Sophia Reyes. “Their work helped provide more affordable housing for our community.
“This is another example of a successful public/private partnership that is helping to revitalize our city and create a positive impact to the community,” said Palmdale Mayor Pro Tem Austin Bishop. “Because when residents see activity that provides positive changes and increases the value of their neighborhood, it has a ripple effect that causes others to also make positive changes.”
“As part of the city’s comprehensive homeless prevention plan and to meet our affordable housing goal, we set out to acquire and rehabilitate 30 units of affordable housing dedicated to those who are homeless,” said Councilmember Laura Bettencourt. “Today is an example of that goal in action.”
The Larkin Apartments are near other recent rehabilitation projects, including The Dream Center and Jimmy’s Place rehabilitated by AV Youth, the Yucca Neighborhood House and Gabriel’s House.
“Nothing says community better than bringing people together to solve tough issues and creating positive results, and that is what we are witnessing today,” said Palmdale’s Assistant City Manager J.J. Murphy
Victory Outreach’s Pastor Mike Gonzalez received certificates of appreciation from the city of Palmdale; Donna Hill, field representative for Senator Scott Wilk; and Brian Anguiano, field representative for Assemblyman Tom Lackey.
For more information on housing in Palmdale, call the neighborhood services department at 661-267-5126.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Shelter the Valley says
How much will it be to live in one of those 52 apartments that Rex’s contributor Scott Ehrlich is building for $25 million on a no bid contract? If my math is correct, that’s about $480,000 per unit for an apartment. Ouch! How can I get in on this gravy train?
Derik says
How can i try too get apartment 38709 larkin ave
Gra says
If the loan was granted in August, 2018, please let us know why did it take 10 months for 4 apartments to be ready. 10 months is way too long and a waste of time and funds. It should have been done in 2-3 months the most. I am all for helping the people that need it but cut the red tape, be smart, efficient and do not waste time and money. At this rate, nothing will get done soon enough to meet the needs of people with housing problems
Tim Scott says
It took ten months because having the city behind it to stream it through the permit process made it go way faster than normal. If you think you can build ANYTHING in 2-3 months please feel free to demonstrate.
Gra says
This was a rehab, not a new construction. Rehabs don’t take that long
Not for real for the citizens says
Does the citizens of Palmdale and Lancaster will not be moving into these houses this is sanctuary City it will be going to immigrants that don’t have a job or medical
I think it's true says
Very true they’re letting all these immigrants in when they’re saying there is no housing for the people that live here so where they putting all these immigrants Palmdale and Lancaster rehousing room and board food $700 a month for each child they don’t care about the citizens
It's definitely true says
Last I hear, Victory Outreach was giving the apartments only to non-gay christian couples who are american citizens and have a history of good employment (no car wash employees) and at least $300 in the a sanctioned non-immigrant banking establishment with at least two working ATMs. I think there’s a no pets or children allowed unless accompanied by maternal grandparents clause in the contract though, so it’s no picking getting one.
Van says
I hope there are plans to open up a Victory Outreach program by those apartments. It will help the families and children in that neighborhood.
Steve Nevil says
‘Focus Neighborhood 3’ sounds like something out of the Hunger Games.
Shirley says
@Serena, thanks for the insult. We just asking for a friend who would need assistance with the rent. You must be very unhappy.
Shirley says
How do the homeless pay for these apartments? Is there a waiting list? Will our nearby homes lose property value? Just asking.
Alby says
If Shanaynay(of any race) and her seven children move in while daddy is working the underground and making more babies elsewhere then your property value will surely decrease overtime. and while its decreasing, the teenagers and the wanabe underground that they goon for are most likely to invade your God-given right to privacy. You might have to put large signs on your property and back yard telling them to keep out and mind their own business. A good wall makes a good neighbor as well. Also, video cameras are a good idea for compiling evidence. Its sad and unfortunate but if the zoo cant keep itself under control, property value will be shot to hell just like many other places that was once decent. If its nothing like that with this apartment then by all means, power to the peoples.
i cant believe how dumb you are says
oh great, more projects. these don’t actually increase the value of your home and the crime rate in them is going to skyrocket.. good job Palmdale, stay classy.
Housing Over Shooting says
This sure beats Wrecks’ plan of having citizens break the law and carry concealed weapons and then shoot the homeless if they rob you. It is much better to find ways to get people housed. Kudos.
Prospective Tenant says
I would like the three-bedroom penthouse.
Nadia says
How do you apply for apartment
Mike R. says
Get off your butt and go fill out an application, I suppose???
Tom says
The apartments are for the church members, no outsider is going to have a chance. The church being tax exempt can’t show a profit so they use the facilities for members and in turn write off everything.
Latasha Burns says
I really need this so so bad cause I’m so tired of the way the rent is so high it’s just rediculaes living in California
Lol says
Then move!
ExAV says
Why don’t you move instead of telling other people they don’t have a right to live in a state they quite possibly were born in?
It’s cancerous people such as yourself posting these pointless comments that are making California such an unlivable hellhole.
Serena says
You think people have a “right” to live where they were born? That’s comical. I was born in Santa Cruz, CA.
I could not live there on my income and I have no “right” to live there.
ExAV says
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We are talking Palmdale not Santa Cruz. Nobody is asking for a subsidized crib in Redondo Beach, but smug POS on the internet telling people to move is EXACTLY the kind of trash that makes formerly livable SoCal so detestable.
Serena says
Palmdale is in LA County. LA County is desirable for people from all over the world.
If you don’t want to educate yourself, hold a job and put out the effort it takes to stay in someplace like L.A. County, then you don’t deserve even Palmdale!
Sorry, that’s the harsh truth.
There’s always Mojave, California City, Ridgecrest, Victorville, Barstow, Needles, Blythe, etc.
Keep driving until you can afford the rent, or get a clue and get your S*** together, maybe???
I was a single mom on assistance and put myself through school, raised two kids and made something of myself. I have a job, can take care of my kids and have a house that I take care of. I never expected to be on social services my entire life and I never expected other grown adults to have to take care of me and pay my bills.
You are sadly mistaken if you think people tolerate this. They are fed up!
Crossroads says
Lol….only in the A.V News do I get a good laugh … No Love in the A.V everyone Mad….
Alexis says
There are a lot of smug commenters on the internet telling people to move. No subsidized cribs in Beverly Hills either.
EXAV says
Snore. Anymore cliches you wanna trot out? I could have written that for you and saved us both the time. Sorry, but LA county isn’t an exclusive playground for the rich or lucky.
Laughing Hysterically says
You seriously believe – and I quote – ‘Palmdale is in LA County. LA County is desirable for people from all over the world.’ – ???
Obviously you don’t get out much.
Zapata says
Newsflash: being born in a certain state or city doesn’t give a person the entitlement to stay there at the expense of everyone else that lives there. I’m tired of these grown, able bodied 20, 30 and 40 year old adults that want to sleep all day-party all night, screw, fight, make babies and steal and think the rest of us owe them their existence. A new generation is coming up and we’re pretty sick n’ tired of it all.
EXAV says
Is that so? Here’s another newsflash: housing isn’t a piggy bank to be exploited by the rich, greedy, and lucky – which is precisely what’s going on in SoCal right now.
AV’er in Idaho says
How many rentals would exist without the rich, greedy and lucky and their profit motive? Zero.
Tim Scott says
As many as the market demands. The rich, greedy, and lucky are actually holding DOWN the number of available rentals so that the demand forces rents up and lines their pockets. They use their financial power to influence government such that their financial power is increased. If there was a genuinely free market there’d be an abundance of rental options.
People like you polishing the knobs of the rich because you are totally clueless are the biggest problem we have. “The rich create jobs if we just give them enough money”…BS, the market creates jobs. “The rich landlord puts a roof over your head, you should grovel in gratitude even if it leaks”…eff that.
AV’er in Idaho says
Tim Scott…. you obviously know nothing about the science of economics.
Tim Scott says
Instead of pointless claims, how about using this science of economics you apparently believe you know something about to offer a counterargument, you blazingly obvious imbecile.
My comment is full of basic economic facts, but let’s use a readily available example to see if you can catch up.
Dingbat Donny Trump is hailed by the idiots of America for his great success in NY real estate. Now, which of these three explanations do you think accounts the most for that success:
1) Dingbat Don is really an astonishing genius…until he came along it had never occurred to anyone that high density housing in Manhattan would be a real money maker.
2) Dingbat Don is an unmatched physical specimen and without his ability to singlehandedly carry large mountains of building materials Manhattanites would still be living in tents.
3) Dingbat Donny’s daddy left him a fortune that put him in a unique position of influence in the existing marketplace.
Go ahead, master of economic science, tell us what you think.
Jim McGrath says
It’s Pastor Mike Gonzalez, not Hernandez.
Housing says
“The city partnered with Victory Outreach of Palmdale, providing a housing loan for $470,000…”
The city subsidized Victory Outreach of Palmdale.