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Anon says
Rex will sue an American police force, company, school district, city or utility in a heartbeat, but when it comes to Communist Chinese espionage he is hands off.
Here is his latest lawsuit.
Trumpist#1 says
So where’s Alexis/Alex/Lily/Whatever? Didn’t he/she/it troll these pages forever? Is it afraid to use it’s own handle for fear of being called out as a hypocrite, humorless moralizing scold, homeless junkie felon, or unpatriotic abomination of nature?
Bugs Bunny always wins says
Weren’ t we told all these years that the “right to bear arms” by the gun loving Yosemite Sams, “being necessary to the security of a free state” was to defend the states from a oppressive federal government?
So, I guess the citizins of Portland should arm themselves with assault rifles and take out those unidentified yahoos! in camo drag who think they are playing a video game with unarmed protesters.
Can you gun nuts explain that to us? See, you thought it was going to be you fighting the federal government which was absurd anyway as it has quite an arsenal against your pea shooters. But, now it’s been flipped on its head by the traitorous criminal Trump.
Bugs Bunny always wins says
Better yet, why isn’t the NRA/gun lobby coming to the side of the protesters in Portland who need arms to defend against an oppressive federal government to maintain the “security of a free state…”?
Of course not. That was all BS on the part of the NRA all these years.
Citizens' Rights Watch says
It’s obvious you do not qualify to own a gun and you’re jealous as hell and don’t want anyone else to have a firearm either.
If you were a law abiding citizen, you too could purchase a firearm.
And how do you spell ‘citizins”? Maybe you should be more concerned that you’re only semi-literate.
Citizens' Rights Watch says
You're no citizen says
You, Trumpist, and Ron are just like the fine citizens running around pointing their guns at unarmed people saying “ima gonna shoot you if you don’t get out of my way.” Then you run away before the police get there. You can deny it all you want, but you’re the one that runs for the hills in the face of danger.
Bugs Bunny always wins says
@Citizens’ Right Watch You really got hooked and flew off the handle.
You’ve shown you don’t have any reading comprehension. None whatsoever. And, your hot temper shows you shouldn’t own a gun.
Why aren’t the NRA and you supporting the protesters right to bear arms to oppose the federal government intruding in Portland.
That’s the comment you were replying to but didn’t really understand.
Isn’t that what the NRA’s argument has been for arming citizens?
See? That’s beyond you to even be able to discuss it intelligently, isn’t it?
You are what is called an “ammosexual”. Get help. And, thanks for your rant. It revealed a lot about you.
Citizens’ Rights Watch says
Deflect all you want, but you still aren’t capable of owning a firearm and are jealous of anyone that can.
Are you a felon? Can you vote? Or are you a Chinese bot designed to spread disinformation and divisiveness?
Your disloyalty, ignorance and petty resentment of anything patriotic or American is plain to see.
Bubs Bunny always wins says
Hey, Citizens’ blah blah
Hasn’t the argument for the 2nd Amendment been partly based on citizens’ right to bear arms to defend against an overpowering federal government aka “security of a free state”.
If you can’t or won’t answer that question, YOU LOSE the debate and Bugs wins.
That’s besides deer hunting and target shooting.
Come on, answer the question? That’s what my comment was about.
Bugs Bunny always wins says
Sorry Citizen’s blah blah. I meant to refer to you as Yosemite Sam. My Bad.
Now answer the question or you lose.
BTW You are the one who defleted by not responding to my original post. But, you play the game by projecting and you’re not even good at that Yosemite.
You're no citizen says
Trumpist #1, I mean Citizens’ Rights Watch…Your complete lack of self control automatically disqualifies you from owning a firearm. I know you got your weapons of destruction from a back door gun dealer. PS: YOU’RE D.. D.. Despicable. You’re a braggard, and braggards always have a lot to hide.
Trumpist#1 says
You’re Alexis and you’re gutless to use your real handle anymore. We exposed you for the hypocritical, holier-than-thou scold that used to troll these pages, but no longer has the courage to do so under your old handle that you used for years.
Didn’t you say that COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the flu? Do you think that a homeless felon junkie’s scolding and boring moralizing are wanted here anymore?
Keep me out of your petty arguments, you abomination of nature.
Cyan Magenta says
The pandemic is worse now than it ever was.
People don’t have a clue about what Trump is doing about it.
Neither does Trump
heather y mccray says
well its murder but we can take out the guys afraid the world cannot hold us whatever let the ground under my feet do it not leiber not gates that sounds like liberation gates just what satan would have one think. so
i dont want none of that type liberation
What me worry says
Republicans are the spreaders of the pandemic and they are reducing their own voter turnout for the election.
Ron's 4th grade teacher says
Your mind is a terrible thing to waste, Ron.
Why wait for Ron to say something stupid. Be proactive I always say.
Wizard of Id says
We are definitely there.
Trump = criminal says
Game show host Chuck Woolery tweeted that the media, the DNC , the CDC and doctor’s are all out to hurt Trump so Biden will win regarding the “hoax” called COVID19. Dufus Trump retweeted it because he’s not too bright like his followers.
Then, his son came down with the virus and his Twitter account disappeared.
The Republican governor of Oklahoma is also infected after following Trump’s lead on handling the pandemic.
Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr’s main squeeze, is also infected despite having worked at Fox News where it’s still a hoax.
Don’t you just love it when people who were calling it a hoax and otherwise not paying attention get infected? Then, their minds suddenly get clear. Well, not that clear but clear for them.
Karen says
I’m so glad to be white and privileged.
Stupid is says
Trump blames violence on “stupidly run cities.” Rex, would he be talking about you?
East Lancaster Resident says
No doubt that Rex is the biggest reason why Lancaster is stupidly run. Almost everything he’s done is either a flop or a benefit for one of his pals.
There is a shroud of darkness on Rexville and it comes from the top. Corrupt and wasteful deals like LEAPS and Ecolution are a joke. Homeless run rampant on the BLVD, which was a brilliant idea gone south. Who puts a downtown that is supposed to be friendly to the arts, entertainment, shopping and dining next to all the social service agencies?
All the lies about sheriff’s being shot and ruining the characters of innocent people have gotten old.
The month of July has been one disaster after another. Shootings, robberies, arson, dead people, assault, and who knows what else.
We are stupidly run.
Loyal to Stupid says
Republicans running Lancaster into the ground.
Darrel Morris says
Don’t forget the Republican City Council in Lancaster promoted a homeless tax too. Hypocrites every single one of them, Palmdale would not even consider such a stupid move. The Christ tax increase.
Common_Sense says
Downtown was there before all of the social service agencies were. I’d say the social service agencies should move over off of K-6 and Division with the rest of the county offices.
John Thomas says
Lancaster prompted the social agencies to move to the Blvd. Nobody else would even consider it so they got what they could to fill the empty space. That was before Rex’s buddy invested all that private money in buying all of the vacant properties he could. Rex protecting his cronies is all that is going on.
Laughing says
Homeless are attracted to money.
The Blvd is flashy with a lot of walking business.
So there you have it, the homeless would be there anyway.
Vic says
The BLVD is flashy? Dude, you need to get out more often. If you consider homeless people plugging in their cell phones flashy, the the BLVD is the most flashy. Are you sure you didn’t mean trashy?
Laughing says
Flashy, trashy kinda the same thing in this case.
Seriously though, there are some decent places to eat there, the theatre is there, some nice hobby stores, and of course the museums (even if they are tiny ). If one looks through the homeless and the mess it would have a nice feel to it. BUT… yeah it is in Lancaster, in the AV and so it gets dragged down by the mess we have.
Vote out the mayor and cronies, get some better managers in there and things may turn around.
Trump is a criminal says
An orange jumpsuit will perfectly match Trump after the SDNY prosecutors are done with him. Do you think he planned it that way in his sick mind?
He’s Individual 1 and the other guy, Cohen, went to prison so why not Trump.
We’ll wait.
Freedom4all says
Because Trump did not fleece Cohen’s clients. In the United States, unlike somewhere you may feel more comfortable, such as China or Venezuela, we use probable cause as a standard for charging crimes, and beyond reasonable doubt to a moral certainty to convict. We have the presumption of innocence rather than guilt. Your Troll name you use in this post presumed guilt. That says it all.
Trump is a criminal says
This isn’t a courtroom where innocence is presumed. Brush up on on it.
Funny you should overlook Trump’s rallies saying “Lock her up!” but see fit to reply here to my comment.
Get yourself a lover that looks at you the way Trump looks at Putin.
Trump is a criminal says
When my grandma starting wearing makeup like Trump we took her car keys away.
Trump is a criminal says
“I’m going to serve 2 terms. (Don’t get ahead of me) One is federal prison and one in New York State Prison.” – Donald J. Trump
Trump is a criminal says
Hey Freedom4All (who doesn’t know s***)
Trump was convicted of fraud with his Trump ‘university’ and his Trump Foundation and had to pay millions in fines and restitution. He and his strange children are not allowed to be a part of any charity business as a result.
He is Individual 1 in the Cohen case and just wait till he’s out of office and the SDNY gets a hold of him and his tax returns. Fraud/tax evasion/money laundering/whatever. It will be good.
You will promise to come back here then and explain it all to us.
Trump is a ciminal Freedom4All even if you are deaf and blind.
Trump is really a criminal says
This is what Trump’s spiritual adviser Paula White said in Orlando, Florida recently.
“Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus, I declare Trump will overcome every strategy from h*ll.”
Yessiree America. This is what a cult looks like.
Eye on Antelope Valley says
The gall of R. Rex Parris.
After lying to everyone about a shooting of a sheriff from people in a mental health building, which never happened, and defying the Fire Department’s plea and county Orders not to host a fireworks show, the meglomaniac is now issuing statements. His latest….
“I am asking those of you who are posting conspiracy theories to stop. It is my job to protect the hard working families of the Antelope Valley and your posts are endangering their lives.”
STOP! Mr. Parris, I don’t know if anyone told you, but you are not in charge of protecting anyone outside of your city limits. For everyone fortunate enough to live in places like Palmdale, Litt;erock, Sun Village, Lake LA Rosamond, Quartz Hill, Leona Valley, Antelope Acres, etc., they are not under your strange and erratic rule. You may think you run the Antelope Valley, but I can assure you that no one outside of your circle wants or needs your interference.
The people of Antelope Acres are tired of your encroaching solar farms. The people of Quartz Hill despise you for trying to ram a Super Walmart down their throats. The people of Lake LA don’t want to see LEAPS flying overhead and spying. The residents of Santa Clarita and Palmdale don’t want you interfering in their elections with your lawsuits and districts.
You are a very bad neighbor. With your high crime rate and homeless population, you are a very bad mayor, too.
Stay within your city boundaries. No one cares what you think about anything, except for those who have their nasal protrusions affixed to your gluteus maxmimus.
Do everyone a favor and stay at your home in Laguna permanently.
Trump is a criminal says
Rex and Trump were separated at birth.
Notice how his big billboards simply say “Parris” rather than the old “R. Rex Parris”. He copied Trump.
They both probably have mirrors on their ceilings so they can watch themselves do it.
When Melania said to Donald “I love you.” He said “You’re welcome.”
2 big egos and thankfully they are on opposite coasts or the space/time continuum would collapse.
Freedom4all says
Most people like R Rex Paris and think he is doing a good job. If you think you could do a better job, and are willing to sacrifice your time and safety as a public service, perhaps you should run next time.
Dave says
What is your source Freedom4All?
You said that but then you post statements that need to be sourced as well
Do you understand?
East Lancaster says
Please do share a source that proves “most people like R Rex Paris and think he is doing a good job”. Save yourself the time by providing the last election results. The election is held in April on off years. The turnout is abysmal. Rex rakes in the votes from this megachurch.
Talk to people. Read letters to the editor. Read comments on social media. Most people do not like R Rex Paris. He is in power due to his money and bullying. He is our local version of Trump, except for the fact that Trump takes on China and Rex kisses their butts.
Dave says
Does Lancaster (Parris) handle the presidential year elections any differently than the off year ones in April?
I am assuming he wants a low turnout in the April (Lancaster only) elections while wanting a higher turnout when other Republicans are running for state and national offices. How does he manage that.
As for silly Freedom4Me But Not You. He wants sources from others but can’t possibly provide sources for what he or she writes. Probably some Parris minion.
East Lancaster says
Quit asking such questions, Dave. Rex’s people will be tracking you down for being disloyal.
Yes, Rex wants the elections on off years and far away from any presidential or larger campaign. His churches are kept in the know as they are often voting centers. Add to that a fresh new crop of voters every year at the LBC college and you have a winning formula.
How does he manage it? Control. Control the council, boards, judges, DA, and anyone else who could make a change.
It has worked to perfection. That’s why we’re in the mess we’re in.
Dave says
@East Lancaster
What can be done? What do the non-voting residents of Lancaster have to say about the mess they’re in.
I can’t imagine new arrivals, after spending a lot to buy a house there, discoverning that there’s no “there” there in Lancaster.
Parris once bragged that 70% of the shoppers at the Antelope Valley Mall were from Lancaster. What a thing to brag about as it reveals how poorly served Lancaster residents are.
What will it take to get the formally non-voting residents to wake up and rid themselves of their “parrisite” called Rex?
Do they allow mail-in ballots in the April elections?
Do they count them too?
East Lancaster says
One thing that would help bring an end to the Reign of Rex would be voting districts. He still would have the money and power to buy candidates in each district, but he might lose two or three if the Democrats or non-Rex Republicans could get their stuff together.
If the election ever is moved to November and held on even years, the gig may be up for the Fern Street Mafia.
Stinger says
People would be more likely to consider running if clowns like you didn’t blindly support criminals like Parris and Trump, who actively prevent voters from voting.
I wonder how much Parris is paying you guys these days. What, with COVID and all, y’all must be gong pretty cheap these days.
White Privilege says
Yes I am privileged. Because I have a father. Because I was taught the difference between right and wrong. Because I went to school and got educated. Because I worked hard to get ahead.
I didn’t murder, rape, loot and riot and wear my pants at my knees like a clown. I don’t blame my savagery, ignorance and lack of civility on everyone else and continuously play the race card and scream victimization.
I learned to speak English. Cops like me because I don’t threaten and disrespect them. I can buy a house and get a loan because I am responsible and accountable.
So yes, I am privileged and am damn proud of it.
Dave says
Hey White Privilege
Pride goeth before the fall.
“Watch out for that tree!”
Trump Is Drowning says
Quick, somebody throw him an anchor.
Dump Trump says
Trump is probably using his own personal Ouija board to bring this country down in the most diabolical way.
Laughing says
No, that was Mrs Reagan advising her husband.
Trump just bumbles his way into the worst situations ever, there is little to no forethought.
Dump Trump says
I’m convinced Trump wakes up every morning and thinks up new ways to hurt people because he likes it.
Trumped Trump says
Trump ordered the CIA to provide Russia with U.S. Intelligence information.
Stinger says
Okay… As much as I believe that he is certainly capable of such a thing, I would still require evidence of said act, with circumstances provided, before I add that one onto the (extraordinarily large) pile of treasonous acts this orange clown must answer for.
Trumped Trump says
The whole Trump/Russia connection began back in the 1980’s. I suggest when you have the time, search out the sordid details.
Stinger says
That is not the question at hand. Although I am passingly aware of such connections in the past, and more painfully aware of his more current connections, such does not constitute evidence today of the act(s) described.
Freedom4All says
What is your source?
Trump Is A Sick Man says
Trump fits this description perfectly.
Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
Requires excessive admiration
Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Trumpist#1 says
Can’t argue with any of that. But his policies might save the country.
Dave says
He can’t save his campaign, let alone the country.
Trumped Trump says
He’s no savior, he’s a destroyer. Trump’s son (not smart), thought he would bring up Clinton picture with Ghislaine Maxwell until a picture of D. Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein trumped his efforts to throw mud.
Dave says
Read Mary Trump’s new book. She’s his neice and a clinical psychologist, so she knows.
She says that for Trump cheating is a way of life among his many pathologies.
And, despite his bungling of everything he touches, you think he is going to save the country.
Which country would that be?
Stinger says
That was one of your better trolls, Trumpist!
Van Dammit says
That sounds like Rex.
2CanPlay says
Hey Alexis:
Was that you or Glen dancing, cursing and protesting in front of NYC police at City Hall yesterday?
Shame on me says
Shame on me for believing Shane Falco’s comments. I know you have long known Mayor Hofbauer, also, you have connections within law enforcement. You planted the seed here using deceit, justifying yourself. Somehow, sometime, will suffer the consequences either lawfully or spiritually. I have learned a hard lesson.
Shane Falco says
The family attorney said the “sheriffs department is leaking” untrue information.
How can something be “leaked” if it is untrue? The attorney said that it was untrue that Fuller was arrested or on bail. Nobody said he was arrested or on bail…but he was being investigated for 288. The attorney is just trying to get in front of it when it comes out and get the community to, once again, deflect the truth and keep the money coming in.
Hold your own people accountable for the crimes they commit. People will bend over backwards to believe far fetched conspiracies than to say admit that the simplest and most reasonable truth is…the truth.
Van Dammit says
This is the government that Rex is in bed with.
China forces birth control on Uighurs to suppress population
Ex-Republican says
Tim Scott says Trump should take down ‘offensive’ Twitter video of the racist chant at The Villages in Florida. Trump loves causing chaos, and his followers love chaos too. The smart ex-Trump followers are realizing he’s not a savior.
Dave says
Lying liar Pence is in Texas lying. He and Ben Carson are saying they are dealing in facts and then they BS through a briefing about the pandemice while patting each other on the head.
Looks like since LOSER TRUMP is coming apart at the seams the Republicans look like they’re sending out Pence to step in if Trump decides he’s not going to run with some lame excuse to avoid being a BIG FAT LOSER.
Dave says
Trump has already lost the election. He knows it and he has to spend the next few months living with being a BIG, FAT LOSER.
He returned to the White House from his Tulsa million man extravangnz where only 6,300 showed with no necktie, MAGA hat in hand looking like a defeated dinner theater Willy Loman according to one pundit.
His campaign tore down the outdoor stage in front of reporters and cameras like it knew it was over for Trump and didn’t bother waiting till after everyone left. What a sorrowful mess.
Now, he is really dangerous.
Dave says
Godless, soulless Pence was just on giving a cheerful briefing of how great everything is going under the guidance of President Trump.
Methinks they are having Pence step forward with these briefings just in case Trump decompensates even further and announces he isn’t running for reelection so Pence can be the nominee.
We’ll see. Trump is getting worse by the day and he started off terrible to begin with.
Dave says
The more Ron prattles on and on, the more voters will realize that like other Trump enablers, Ron isn’t helping the ‘stable genius’ if this is what his fans are like.
Trump’s frantic base isn’t enough to win in November as independents will look elswhere.
As of right now, Biden would win pretty big. And, Trump will only get more deperate and crazy.
Ron says
Just remember Dave what happen in 2016. You Liberals might have to go scream at the sky again. Remember Trump could never be President?
Ex-Republican says
Now, voters are aware that Trump has NPD, PL, among other disorders. Even his niece thinks he is “the most dangerous man.”
Dave says
You’re correct Ron. Trump could never be president. He isn’t. He’s still a sleazy reality show host and nothing more.
You were conned and now you look like you’ll be conned again. You’re too easy a mark for the con artist.
Freedom4All says
Joe has advanced dementia. He can only read from a teleprompter. He is tripping over himself to outleft the left. Dream on Dave!
Dave says
What is your source?
Opinion says
Chicago needs the National Guard.
Trumpist#1 says
Has anybody else noticed how fat and ugly the women of Antifa tend to be? Maybe if they could get a boyfriend they would not be so bitter and have so much time to riot on their hands.
Night Schifter says
Has anyone noticed how completely clueless the pigs that still support Donny Dumpsterfire are? Maybe if they didn’t have a micropenis and had a decent personality, women would find them attractive enough to spend time with.
Larry says
I wonder if Anne Frank complained about being stuck in the house as much as Americans do.
Back in the 90s, people purposedly “cacooned”. Remember that? Now when it’s a matter of life and death they whine about staying home.
The other day some guy on TV said it’s been hard to keep his younger kids in the house. What happened to parents yelling “Go outside and play.” when their kids stayed in and watched TV or played computer games on a nice day.
Americans are so contrary they voted for Donald J. Trump to make Amercia great again and look what happened. They got the opposite.
Will they ever learn?
Here's_Johnny says
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Trumpist#1 says
Abraham Lincoln statue defaced and set on fire in Chicago. LMAO, dumb sh!ts. They don’t even know why they are protesting and rioting. Some savages just like to go “wilding”.
Watch Alexis the homeless, junkie felon hypocrite find a way to try and justify this while he/she/it castigates all conservative viewpoints like a constipated, frustrated school marm. Get a life, you crusty, old, humorless know-it-all.
Dave says
From a House Judiciary Hearing.
REP. HAKEEM JEFFRIES (D-NY): Mr. Bongino, the police are at times able to show restraint under very difficult circumstances — is that correct?
DAN BONGINO: Of course.
JEFFRIES: Let’s review a few examples. In 2012, James Holmes entered a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and opened fire on an audience, killing 12 people and injuring 70. Mr. Holmes was heavily armed with a AR-15, 12-gauge shotgun, and .40-caliber handgun. Yet he was taken into police custody outside of that very same movie theater without incident. Mr. Bongino, James Holmes is white — is that correct?
BONGINO: I’m not sure of his background. I didn’t know James Holmes personally.
[Bongino is a Fox News minion]
Rep. Jeffries went on to mention Dylann Roof who massacred 9 Black parishoners in a church.
Patrick Crusius killed 23 in El Paso, Texas.
The point Rep. Jeffries was making was that these white mass murderers were taken alive without further incident, so police can act with restraint, For example, when arresting a man for passing a counterfeit $20 bill. Not. Derek Chauvin is a killer and needs to be put away.
Meanwhile, Bongino played dumb wondering where this was going and ended by saying “All lives matter.”, a Fox News feature designed to dilute and distract from “Black Lives Matter”.
Ron knows that he would be treated differently than a black person and so he shows his ignorance in his comments as though that weren’t the case. Unarmed innocent black men have been killed by police even when cooperating. They’ve been stopped for driving a nice car or in a white neighbor. They live with that every day while Ron lives with his imaganary demons.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) is an outstanding congressman. Too bad we don’t have one.
Citizens' Rights Watch says
They are so innocent and they have no responsibility for making white people feel victimized by black criminals? Hakeem Jeffries is an unAmerican socialist who cares more about black criminals than law abiding citizens or our country. They have no patriotism and only care about black causes, not our country at all.
Dave says
Citizens’ Right Watch.
Can’t you read English? Cops treated white mass murders with restraint and arrested them after violent shootings.
Contrast that with excessive force and even killing a handcuffed black guy for passing a counterfeit $20 bill. Or, shooting a black male in the back who was running away. Or, shooting a black women in her bed 8 times when storming the wrong house.
If you can’t see the difference in the treatment of black versus white suspects, here’s something to ponder. You know what ponder means, don’t you?
Using your logic Trump and other white men care more about white criminals than law abiding citizens or our country. Your words. Trump doesn’t want Flynn to go to jail. He’s pardoned other white criminals and will likely pardon more. Why don’t you care about that CRW?
It appears that you have a bias and don’t realize it.
Alice Sharper-ton says
Your comments are comical. Seeing as you’re nothing but a$$ clowns, makes perfect sense.
Trumpist#1 says
Why do you bring me into every conversation? Are you obsessed with me? Who are you, the thought police authorized to monitor this site for moral shortcomings and differing opinions 24 hours a-day, 365? Is there any subject or discussion where you don’t hold the moral high ground or won’t pontificate on like a pedantic expert and hectoring know-it-all?
This site would be so much more enjoyable if you weren’t such a humorless, boring scold and annoying pain in the a$$ lecturing, correcting and castigating everyone here like a constipated, sexually frustrated nurse Ratchet. And your holier-than-thou religious conversion fanaticism, and preaching on a secular forum gets old real quick (I saw the light in a moment of clarity, lol). Gee, get a life
I understand that you think that 10 years of homelessness, drug addiction, and sponging off charities and welfare gives you the moral superiority, judgement and certitude to lecture, pester and moralize us on all subjects, all the time. I think it shows you to be a mentally-unstable loser and pitiful leach that can’t compete, keep up or support yourself, so you live off public assistance, entitlements and handouts, and wants everybody else to also, including illegals (and their spawn).
Nurse Ratchet, you sanctimonious abomination against man and nature, you suck the joy out of every discussion here with your moralizing, hectoring and lecturing like a dried up old shrew and buzz killer.
Are you a man or woman? Are you a Jew or Christian. You don’t seem to know, yet you tell us how to behave and think at every opportunity. I comment on articles that interest me. You hector us on every comment, every article, every opportunity because you have no life.
Maybe you should get a boyfriend/girlfriend/domestic partner/sex toy to share your woeful existence. They can help you lecture and harass us 24/7/365 with your woke socialist opinions, hypocritical virtue signaling, bleeding heart politics and unlawful encouragement of illegal immigration. I bet you’d like to be a dominatrix that disciplines bad boys, girls or beasts, lol. And now, like everyone else here before me, I do despise you.
Hell hath no fury as a __________whatever scorned.
Alexis says
Wow, all of that for me; thank you. You can deflect all you want but the truth is your views are not conservative but racist. I know you have confused your issues with me, but it’s your battle. Go spend some time with your wife, no, on second thought she’s glad you have a hobby which is to spend all day long every day talking down to everyone.
Alexis says
Now you see Mr. T, you got part of my life story right, but the part about me being on public assistance is totally made up in that small mind of yours. Never lived off public assistance, charities, entitlements or handouts, but it doesn’t matter what you think. I did get some help from veterans for awhile because as a veteran I got lost for awhile, but now I’m doing fine and able to help those that helped me up. Now I can menace you Mr. T.
Alexis says
I hope you get some help for your deep hang ups that you like transferring to other commenters, not just me. Wagging your finger at the A.V. Times and everyone on here because they don’t live up to your standards will get you feed back from some people, even me.
Glen says
Glad to see you got the help you needed young lady. Many of us need help at times, and it doesn’t matter what anyone says.
Citizens' Rights Watch says
This oped page won’t be fair to conservative viewpoints. I penned a rebuttal of Mike’s argument where he said that racism was the cause of all the problems the black community has, and this paper refused to publish my response. It was not offensive or vulgar, just truthful, and that just can’t be published.
In it I asked why other minorities have assimilated more successfully than African-Americans. I asked why blacks have developed a grievance industry, a culture of victimization, and an ongoing dependence on government entitlements. I stated other minorities have just got on with it, educated themselves and aspired to share power, and I asked why blacks can’t seem to do this. I stated blacks refuse to take ANY RESPONSIBILITY for their situation and blame it all on racism and white privilege ad nauseum.
NOW I ask why is it that people riot over the unlawful death of one black man, but nobody seems to care about the thousands of innocent white and black people being slaughtered by black criminals every day in ghettos poorly run by Democratic politicians. Now I also ask why government handouts and welfare have replaced fathers, religion and proper upbringing in many black households, and why they don’t see that as a problem.
I call hypocrisy. I call it suppression of a valid conservative viewpoint to grovel and pander to blacks and “woke” socialists because of white guilt and fear of reprisals. I never owned slaves and I have no guilt.
I don’t expect you to publish this. You should be ashamed AV Times.
Alexis says
I see in your comment that you choose to use the word “blacks” making a condemning statement on a whole group of people. I see that you don’t see that this stand against police brutality and systemic racist behavior runs much deeper than the murder of one black man. I see that you don’t see that this a human issue, not a political issue. I could go on with much more, but you don’t want to see, you are blind at this point in your life. This has nothing to do with a conservative viewpoint, but more about your deeply ingrained racial bias.
Citizens Watch my A$$ says
“Blacks” huh? Seems you are one of the whites that refuses to accept that systemic racism is alive and well. Also genius, other minorities were not enslaved and treated subpar, stop picking and choosing what you please from our abhorring US history.
Ahyoka says
Other minorities were not enslaved and treated subpar; you need to brush up on your abhorring US history. Give you a hint. ” Trail of Tears”
Freedom4All says
Some of my ancestors were forcibly moved from their land in Tennessee to Oklahoma. I do not feel scarred by what should not have happened to them over 150 years ago. We currently have a culture war in which those with a negative outlook constantly see themselves as victims of those now living because of the actions taken against someone they never knew by someone long ago dead. At the same time, they ignore or cannot see anything positive, even the obvious. The reaction of those on the other side of the cultural divide often is to downplay or dismiss all grievances of the naysayers, even those which are legitimate. A more positive approach by those with grievances would get more results. It is unlikely to happen, however, as negative zealots will never be pleased. It comes down to how many people in the middle are willing to be reasonable.
Alexis says
You should feel shame for posting your comment, but you have no quilt. “woke,” a word used too often by you and Trumpist.
LaBon Bastic says
Every black person at my place of employment are proud race card carriers and don’t hesitate to pull it for any reason. Most times, the situation has nothing to do with race, yet these employee – victims scream RACE RACE RACE.
It will be a great day when all race card holders get the gigantic kick in the ass they deserve and race cards are no longer in existence.
Trumpist#1 says
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up, Volume 2:
BLM protesters are defacing statues of Abraham Lincoln (who freed the slaves in case you’re illegal or illiterate).
A woman at a rally gets down on her knees and apologizes for being white and privileged.
A 27 year old man gets out of his car and beats up an 82 year old Trump supporter holding a MAGA sign.
Criminals victimize taxpayers, so LA County bails them out with taxpayers’ hard earned dollars so they can victimize more taxpayers.
Dems want to defund the police and military. Think about that for a second. That’s how crazy they are.
YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP, SMH ****** Vote to save our country
Alexis says
The picture of a defaced Abraham Lincoln in D.C. is a fake. Anyone who uses their computer can fact check.
Trumpist#1 says
Graffiti on Lincoln Memorial said: “Are you tired yet?”
With all due respect, no???
Alexis says
Your words Trumpist: “BLM protesters are defacing statues of Abraham Lincoln.” The statue of Abraham Lincoln was not defaced. There was a fake picture on the internet that many people including you thought was real. There was graffiti on a wall outside the Lincoln memorial that was quickly removed.
Trumpist#1 says
I’m glad you cleared that critical point up Ms. Alexis.
That was worth 2 posts, lol. May I be excused now?
Alexis says
Not on Lincoln memorial either; outside wall and has been removed.
Trumpist#1 says
Where the heck is William?? Nobody has told me that I’m dumb as a box of rocks in weeks, and I’m getting withdrawal symptoms.
If he has been captured by the forces of good, we must open the pit and ransom him back because nobody can insult you and make you laugh at the same time like him.
BLM says
At today’s protest at Lancaster City Hall at 4 P.n., O’clock we can stand up for equal rights for all and to show support that Black Lives Matter. We can also stand up against the racial injustices we see in Lancaster, such as the mistreatment, harassment, and arrest of Hispanic and African American people at City Council meetings. We also need to get an apology from Rex For his declaration of war on Section 8 and his racial hit maulers that called anAfrican American Veteran a gang candidate. Now is our chance to hold Rex accountable.
Ted T. says
This Republican City Council has shown its distain of any kind of engagement about dialog on race relations and I expect a heavy police presence. They mock those that challenge their control.
John Thomas says
Which Meglomaniac Mayor is more whacked: Eric Garcetti or R. Rex Parris?
Protest says
The protest in Lancaster yesterday was very peaceful and well attended. We marched around a couple of times and ended at the Heroes Park. The young man who spoke was wonderful. Then things went sideways when Dr. Coronado started speaking and got way off message. It is clear he was sent there by Rex to keep an eye on things. It was funny that when Coronado mentioned Rex people started to boo. The people get it. Rex is not our friends. Neither is Coronado. Way to ruin a good thing.
Citizens' Rights Watch says
If they de-fund and abolish the police, does that mean we actually get to defend ourselves for a change?
Yes? Then I’m all for it! Defund the police.
Protected and secure says
This has been on my mind since I heard it on the TV that they are going to take money away from LAPD and give it to the blacks.
So with that in mind I am going to the gun shop this weekend and purchase guns what ever type that I will need to protect me and my family. Right now I do not own a gun never felt the need but things are changing for the worst and I will not wait to pull the trigger
Trumpist#1 says
Only as a last resort. You don’t want the criminal and civil liability unless it’s your life in the balance. Suggest you get training on operation and storage for you and your family. That way it will be your friend, and not your enemy.
Citizens' Rights Watch says
Does anybody know how many white people are murdered by black people every year? It would be interesting to find out.
Raymond says
BLM protest on Saturday, June 6, 4 pm at Lancaster City Hall.
Jimmy says
Trump-Trumpist coming from his angry place again.
Alexis says
Throwing a basketball to Larry Bird and Jerry West is going to stop looting, Trumpist? How did your Puerto Rican mind come up with that? BTW Puerto Ricans are a mixed race: African, indigenous, and European.
Trumpist#1 says
Oh beat me, whip me, lecture me and castigate me, for I’ve been a very bad boy! We need to be disciplined, 24/7/365., and you love to do it.
But you’re a racist, xenophobe and virtue signalling hypocrite And once again, you know nothing of which you speak. But that’s never stopped you before, lol.
Trumpist#1 says
The only thing that is going to bring us back from coronavirus and looting is the return of pro basketball.
As a matter of fact, the only tried and true way to stop looting is throw them a basketball.
Stinger says
Wow, Trumpist, that’s some serious trolling, right there.
Too obvious, though. Not inclined to take the easy bait.
Cheers! ;-)
Alexis says
Trumpist said he’s Puerto Rican which is African, indigenous, and European. Go figure.
Trumpist#1 says
What a racist statement, you constipated dried up old school marm tranny, lol.
Trumpist#1 says
LMAO, you’re a lot smarter than that humorless, sexually frustrated nurse Ratchet ^ that lectures, scolds and moralizes us on every subject, every time. Is there any subject that he/she/it does not own the moral high ground and want to punish us like a dominatrix??
So it’s fun poking that virtue signaling know-it-all.
Alexis says
America must dismantle white supremacy. Even local comments show what a vile chronic disease does in our society.
Ezmerelda says
The Sherriffs Dept could balance their budget if they got rid of the Sex-offender registry and all the fake costs associated with it. Sex-trafficing has become so much greater and they can’t do much there either. So, where has the money been going? The registry has not PROVEN to bring safety anymore than if there wasn’t a registry. It has PROVEN to be a FALSE sense of safety. Why do we not hear of actual arrests of Sex-trafficers? The fact that it’s as easy as ordering a pizza as it is for sex, in every US neighborhood, what is the money the dept.gets paying for? I know up where I live, there may be 6-8 patrol cars on a traffic accident. Let the FACTS do the telling, not what the Dept.will tell you. Wake up and watch what’s going on. It’s also overdue that the elected officials and the Sherriffs police each other as they PAD each other’s pockets. It is the only way to a fair and realistic safer community. CYBER CRIME has only gotten WORSE not better, with less privacy rights? Why? An overhaul and full transparency is justified.
No Thanks says
No thanks… Most LA County tax payers are quite content funding the Sex-offender registry….
Only someone forced to register as a sex offender would want that program scrubbed.. and frankly, sexual deviants and child molesters must ontinue to be marked and singled out to protect innocent children from the evil that lurks around us all.
Where’s Rexdo says
Two protests and one person shot yesterday in Lancaster. Not a peep from Mayor Rex.
The ocean breeze must be nice in Laguna.
Trumpist#1 says
Free William if he’s been captured (unless he’s out carousing in his RV without us, then screw him).
Citizens' Rights Watch says
Did you see that disgusting video of a white cop putting his knee and full body weight on a black mans’ neck for 8 full minutes on the ground until he died in Minneapolis?
The poor guy was screaming “I can’t breathe”. The guy was supposedly involved in a non-violent forgery crime. He could have easily been put in the back of a police car in a heartbeat and lived.
Sometimes cops say they were in fear for their lives and get away with murder. This pig so obviously enjoyed torturing and killing in cold blood and thankfully, the entire sordid affair was caught on video.
That cop and his 3 partners were fired the next day and face state and federal murder and civil rights charges. This cop was particularly cold and sadistic. It was flat out murder in front of a camera. Shocking!!!!
Trumpist#1 says
If California has a reputation of being progressive with clean energy and so many tax-subsidized state-of-the-art solar and wind generating plants, why is our electricity so much more expensive than anywhere else in the Lower 48?
Why did we have to pay so much to decommission the San Onofre nuclear plant when Edison and Mitsubishi screwed it up?
Is it because the state Public Utilities Commission(PUKES ?? lol) is a corrupt mafia-like organization run by the big power companies. What can be done? Hold “Gruesome” Newsom accountable? Who appoints these PUKES on the commission? Are they elected? Just curious.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Which Meglomaniac Mayor is more whacked: Eric Garcetti or R. Rex Parris?
Trumpist#1 says
Sen. Tim Scott, an extremely honorable and respected Black Republican from South Carolina stated: “1.3 million African-Americans voted for President Trump in 2016”.
Wow, great to see our citizens thinking for themselves and not being scolded into following the sheep.
William says
Now Trump is going after the United States Post Office because>
-He’s so afraid of mail in voting that he’s willing to destroy the post office. Trump just voted by mail
in Florida so it must be a fraud.
-He’s so jealous of Jeff Bezos who has more loose change under his sofa cushions than Trump has in his
entire imagination. So, he wants to hurt Amazon.
Vladimir Putin must be smiling at what Trump has done to the United States with the help of fools like our very own Antelope Valley Trumpers. Trump doesn’t care about them. He has contempt for them and wouldn’t even let them set foot on any of his resorts. But, he’ll lie and toss them red meat to get their votes and then, “The he!! with them.”
All we need is for Melania to say “Let them drink bleach.” a la M. Antoinette.
It’s gonna get worse…..much worse.
William says
We have to be careful Alexis. If we wrestle with pigs we can get muddy and the pigs love it.
Same with the Trump cult. They don’t care what they say whether it’s lies or, well, it’s all lies from them.
They love the sty.
B747 says
omplishments: A taxcut for the rich that increased the National debt by 2 trillion, and a 20 miles of wall we didn’t need.
Trump’s failures, too many to list, but here’s a few:
Stupid trade wars, that ruined the economy he was given, and bankrupted farmers
Only 2 quarters of GDP above 3%, Obama had 5, with 2 above 4%.
Exploding debt and deficit, Obama cut the deficit he inherited in half, then Trump doubled it, and this year he will quadruple it.
Learning once again, that tax cuts don’t pay for themselves
Kim developed ICBMs under Trump, and nuclear weapons under Bush.
Iran reconstitutes its nuclear program.
Syria continues to use poison gas on its own people
Failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, so he tried to pick it to death
Minus 30% GDP forecast for the second quarter
the Trump recession, or depression, if it continues. Every Republican since Hoover has had at least one, and Hoover had the Great Depression
92,000 dead, 1.6 million infected, 37 million unemployed,
Alexis says
The Susan Rice smoking gun email? Turns out to be a total dud, and there is no “Obamagate.” What’s the next conspiracy theory he’ll throw out there for his followers to accept as the truth?
William says
Hey, Alexis
Remember when Head Birther Trump said his “investigators” found stuff in Hawaii that “you wouldn’t believe” about President Obama’s birth certificate?
Whatever came of that big bombshell?
More likely, his “investigators” just wanted a free vacation in Hawaii at Trump’s expense. They knew what a fool he was and still is.
Trumpist#1 says
Yeah well my investigators have found conclusive evidence that you were born on the planet William, and are a truly bizarre and alien creature, also called a Democrat.
William says
Once again you deflect Trumpist/Zero
You are almost as good as Kellyanne Conway at it.
Ever notice how much she looks like a piraña? Personality to match.
In fact, the entire GOP is filled with creatures that look exactly how they are.
-AG Barr looks like Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers movie.
-VP Pence looks exactly like the soulless hypocrite he really is, bible and all.
–Melania was mistaken for Caitlyn Jenner a couple times.
-Slow moving/thinking Majority Leader McConnell will live to a 100 like many
-Jared Kushner, in charge of everything, IS THE ANTI-CHRIST.
-Brothers Eric and Don Jr. are brothers Uday and Ousay reincarnated.
-Mike Garcia is Florida Republican Matt Gaetz’s twin. Keep a close eye on them.
The rest are handpicked by the best Central Casting department in history.
Life imitates art imitates life.
If they made a movie 10 years ago with a corrupt and ignorant clown as president it wouldn’t have been believed. Even Peter Sellers was more believable in Being There.
And, he’s all yours Trumpist/Zero. He will get even worse before he’s gone and it’s all on you.
Trumpist#1 says
That was classic. So enjoyable I won’t even argue.
Imagine what goes on after work in the Conways’ residence, lol. And Mitch has no neck. My desert tortoise had a neck, but moved faster than Mitch.
Alexis says
That big bombshell was a full flop on the truth-o-meter. Nothing mealy mouthed about Trump; every word that directly comes out of his mouth is a direct lie. When he calls Obama corrupt he is definitely projecting.
Alexis says
Trump university, one of many scams perpetrated by Trump, and those that support him in his never ending schemes will come to an end, hopefully.
Alexis says
Pinocchio is a lovable liar, compared to Trump.
Alexis says
According to Trump’s doctors, he has a buildup of plaque in his blood vessels due to his poor dietary habits. Taking an unproven drug for covid-19 (hydroxychloroquine) only adds to his heart issues in a negative way.
Trumpist#1 says
Perhaps you should give him your expert medical advice since you assured us that COVID is less dangerous than flu.
Alexis says
Trumpist#1: Never said that COVID is less dangerous than flu. I don’t know why you have this hate for me that you continue to say I said things I never said. Seems really cowardly of you to stoop so low as to make stuff up. Now Trump, on February 26th said it was just the flu and there was nothing to worry about. Now I know why you use his name, because you tell lies just like him. Maybe you should try to drum up a little integrity and stop your false accusations.
Trumpist#1 says
I don’t hate you at all! I actually think you are one of the nicest people on this site and I’ve said so before. But you called me out and told me how hateful I am so many times…………………..
But I apologize if I offended you or went over the top (I’ve been known to do that every blue moon, lol.). I promise to try to be more civil in the future.
Zappa/Mothers of Invention forever!
Trumpist#1 says
And BTW: I promise I’m not that “I’ve Got The Flu” person that you were having a discussion with, square business.
Alexis says
I made a mistake, Trump said it was the flu on February 28th, and it was going to disappear like a miracle! I’m just a nobody living on a hill, thankful for a pension and Social Security, so maybe you should write Trump and suggest he listen to the experts.
William says
Trump has been taking hydroxychloroquine.
What could go wrong?
Trump stuff says
All the astonishing amount of gaffes in every one of Trump’s speeches or highly emotional tweets.
Laughing says
He is a piss poor paid ‘reality’ actor, can’t remember his lines and is terrible at improv.
William says
If Mike Garcia sits on his hands and remains silent about Trump he’ll look like a wimp.
If Mike Garcia says anything critical about Trump he’ll get the tweetstorm from he!!.
Either way he’s screwed.
Trumpist#1 says
Wow, Biden’s mind is really shot. Did you see that spectacle of his latest interview??
He said: “Millions are dead and 85,000 unemployed”. Poor guy is inches from an assisted living home. Imagine if he had his demented finger on the nuclear button!!
He had an abysmal record on foreign policy. Her told Obama not to go after bin Laden. He voted against the First Gulf War, and voted for the Iraq war. He constantly voted to support Red China’s interests because his kid was raking in millions.
What will he be like in 2028 if he wins??
Signed: Trumpist Zero (sounds like an El Chapo associate, LOL).
William says
I like your math Trumpist#1
You found 1 misspoken comment by Joe Biden, fine.
Trump has lied over 18,000 times so far. Trump even types in stupid, i.e, “covfefe”
I’ll give you $1 and you give me $18,000 if you think they are equivalent.
It’s on your terms, silly little man. You can’t win for losing.
Trumpist#1 says
Sir William:
How come you didn’t respond to my statement that Creepy Sleepy No-Go Joe Burden voted not to go after bin Laden, voted against the first gulf war, and voted FOR the disastrous Iraq War. What about THAT, Mr. William?
And Robert Gates, who served as Sec of Defense and CIA Director says that Biden has a consistently p!ss-poor record on foreign policy. Gates said Biden hasn’t cast one right vote in 40 years. Look it up, if you can still read.
Touchy feelly sniffy Joe Burden has apologized for red Chiina while his kid was raking in millions and he was grossing females out with sniffs and feels.
To paraphrase what he said recently: “The Chinese are not our competitors, they are good folks, folks.” He has recently invited communists Bernie and AOC to help him make policy.
Again, he’s demented now. Imagine what he’d be in 8 years. You can insult me all you want (I like it, lol) but you can’t refute facts about your guy Sleepy, Creepy Joe.
Regards y0u brilliant but wacko and misguided maniac.
Trumpist Zero out.
William says
Try this list Trumpist/0
-18,000 lies.
-North Korea still at it with the nuclear.
-Iran still at it with the nuclear
-the itty, bitty wall that Mexico hasn’t paid for.
-the infrastructure that he promised
and on and on. He’s damaged nearly every intstitution, i.e., FBI, DOJ, the courts, the military, etc.
NOTHING BIDEN HAS DONE COMPARES WITH SUGGESTING TO USE BLEACH TO KILL COVID-19. You aren’t very smart to even try to compare the two men.
Trump truly has mental pathologies so you find a couple times that Biden misspeaks and think that $1 equals $18,000.
You’re pathetic Trumpist#1 and a hypocrtie. You called me a putz and now you’re saying you’ve been insulted. Typical right wing insanity, hypocrisy, and so deplorable to quote Hillary Clinton. She knew what she was talking about and you’re here to prove it.
Trump has no integrity and to the extent you buy his nonsense neither do you, the Republicans and especially Mike Garcia. We’ll have to see how much courage the potted plant has the next 6 months. I doubt it.
Remember how Steve Knight kept his head down and now where is he? It doesn’t take any courage to hide under one’s House desk, does it?
Garcia woudn’t have voted to impeach Trump if he were in the House this year, so there’s that. He’ll be gone after November having done nothing.
Over and out.
Trumpist#1 says
The only things I agree with is that Steve Knight isn’t a good politician and I’m in a basket of deplorables.
Keep in mind I’m a Trumper and Independent (InDepends, lol), not a Republican.
And you hurt my tender little feelings, you brute, sob, sob. I hope your happy (just kidding).
William says
Say whatcha will about Joe Biden or any Democrat, not one them are taking hydroxycholoquine against expert advice.
So, what has you not say that Trump’s mind is shot? Come on.
You are comparing a Delicious Apple with a Rotten Orange Fruit of unknown origin.
However, we must consider that Trump lies so often that he might be lying about that.
Wouldn’t it be awful if he got really sick? But, how would we know? We’ve never had a healthy Trump to compare.
William says
This is what the country looks like when you let the fox in the White House. That would Fox News and their insane clown posse; Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham, Lou Dobbs in his new dye job, and the rest of the ones left after the sexual harassers either died or got fired; O’Reilly and Aisles.
If the United States goes down the drain the universe doesn’t care and neither does the Trump cult. They would rather be right about being wrong than be happy and satisfied. They aren’t capable of the latter.
William says
“Living well is the best revenge” -William (That’s me!)
Yessirree. When the the economy crashed under Bush, I remodeled my house in the years following. I didn’t need a president to “bail me out”.
Now, that Trump has crashed the economy and proved to be even more incompetent that I thought possible, I bought an RV and am having Home Chef deliver surprisingly good meals every week for over a year. That way I don’t have to shop and shop. I was ahead of the game.
So, this pandemic is a minor inconvenience for me.
Maybe it’s best that Trump is re-elected as the more the Republicans do damage the better it is for me.
However, I still love this country and want fellow Americans to do well but apparentlly the Trump supporters are such poor managers of their own lives that they have to have him trash the country so they’ll feel better. Fine. Reminds me of thsoe dudes in Afghanistan. The country is a failed state yet they fight and fight for what?
Let the Trump fans not wear masks and die. More good fortune for me.
Meanwhile, the con artist has finally gotten around to hurting his own peoples. They were smiling when he hurt Muslims, Mexicans and the “others” but eventually a con artist does real damage to his “marks” like Ron, Dennis and Trumpist#1 now known as Trumpist Zero.
That’s why their posts are “flaming hair on fire” diatribes. Why aren’t they happy, happy with their guy in office? They wouldn’t be happy if they were hung with a new rope. Right Ron? Of course.
Ron isn’t a happy camper. Why not? His guy is in office so what’s his problem? I’ll tell ya. Ron can’t manage his own life and it shows in each and every post. Go back and read them.
Tonight I dine well with a fine Cabernet. Life is good when you know how to navigate the rapids and I do. I don’t need no stinkin’ tax cut to make it like Ron and Dennis.
This is fun.
Trumpist#1 says
With fava beans??
“Trumpist Zero”, LOL. I like it. Or Trumpist minus one.
William says
How ’bout Trumpist/zero. (Trumpist divided by zero)?
Love to those struggling says
Although I am happy for you, my heart is with the families living in poverty. Parents working hard to put food on the table, pay rent or mortgagees, and struggling on a daily basis in this beautiful state of California. High costs for everything that basically separates those like you William that can afford a home, R.V., and even Home Chef meals, from those barely hanging on to what they have, or maybe even losing all they have because of this pandemic that might finish people already struggling. People that don’t care at this point what all the arguing is about between Republicans and Democrats.
William says
You don’t know the whole story and I won’t tell you other than having integrity has life work.
Try it.
I didn’t vote for Trump or Garcia and it’s based on the above. They don’t have it and that’s part of the reason things look the way they do.
I’m not rich and I never voted for someone so I could get a tax cut. The fools that did are suffering now and looking for someone else to blame.
William says
@Love to those struggling
Listen up. You do realize that who is elected to run our government at all levels makes a difference or don’t you?
What we have now is not working for poor, working and middle class Americans. It is working for the rich.
If you are simply going to be absent from the political process don’t be telling others
what they should do. You do it. Your comment was boilerplate cliche and you think you thought it up.
If you aren’t engaged in the process you are part of the problem.
Unfortunately the folks who voted for Trump are indirectly hurting everyone for their own selfish interests.
As long as Republicans stay in office things will get worse or didn’t you even consider that?
I know. It’s hard to imagine that things could get worse than they already are but given what’s happening with the Republicans and Trump they will.
I don’t want it.
But, I’m not blind and I’m preparing for it like preparing for the next earthquake. I don’t want that either.
The poor can’t eat your love so don’t think you’re doing something special.
ShrillBill I am says
I bought an RV and am having Home Chef deliver surprisingly good meals every week for over a year.< Let me guess,down by the river!!
William says
Look child
If you could read, I have the RV parked in the driveway of the HOUSE I remodeled.
Now you know. Got any other wandering thoughts dancing in your head?
You know those voices talking in your head. Who is listening? Think about it.
Trumpist#1 says
Pardon me for barging in to your intimate conversation, but I think having a RV will be the way to travel in the future because of possible infectious diseases in hotels, motels and cruise ships.
Also how great is it to have an alternative to live in in case of an earthquake?
I’m jealous. I want one too!!
William says
I want to be around when they have self-driving RVs unless they already have them
I could take a nap, fix lunch, take a shower, have a romantic interlude with the shades drawn all the while, it drives itself.
Until then, I’ll have to have the romantic interlude while I’m driving like in the old days.
“Watch out for that tree!!!”
Laughing says
William, the next closest thing to self driving RV is a tour bus. Hire a driver, like an auto pilot.
Stinger says
For once, I agree with Trumpist: I want one, too!
Wyatt Earp says
“A Florida sheriff’s sergeant who was fired after an investigation found that he hid behind his car during the 2018 mass shooting at a Parkland high school will have his job back, an arbitrator has determined.”
So much for that silly NRA nonsense that “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
That brave sargeant stayed in his patrol car for 10 minutes while 17 kids and adults were killed. Meanwhile teachers are supposed to be armed to protect students while cops stay in their cars.
Any more NRA nonsense and clever sayings from the ammosexuals? It’s funny that an invisible teeny tiny virus leaves them impotent no matter how many assault rifles they have. These are the same fools that won’t wear masks and are hanging out cheek to jowl in bars now. Go get ’em COVID-19.
Chris N says
Why can we go into Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot and other places to shop but not go into a local mom and pop store that really needs our business??
I’m guessing the big box stores all demanded they be allowed to remain open because money talks and this is a perfect storm to rid the world of small mom and pop retail stores that might get a small % of their sales.
It sickens me how this whole lock-down has evolved, I hope we have all learned a very valuable lesson from this, that as always, money is power.
Laughing says
Most likely, because the powers in charge think the big stores will clean thoroughly every night (yeah right) while the small stores would have a hard time with it.
Your question is a good one.
Big box stores are open, but the malls are still locked down except for curbside pickup. Does not make much sense.
Random Stranger says
Eastside WalMart could have 250 people in the store and still have way more then enough room for people to aggressively Social Distance themselves. But if the line outside makes a turn around the side of the building, the small mom and pop retail stores are a better option, and doing well too. Eastside Superior, 99only and Stater rarely have lines in the morning. Eastside Dollar Tree was so slow, on the evening I was there, the checker helped carry all my bags to the car. I tried the Westside Dollar Tree, a checkout line that served two registers weaved to back of the store.
Alexis says
Fake patriots marching and waving their Gadsden flags causing chaos for the rest of us. Real Patriots called health care workers, and all those putting their lives on the line for us.
Trumpist#1 says
I agree. Did you see that idiot in another state with a rocket launcher on his back?? Keep in mind, not all Trumpers are like them.
William says
Drove by Hunter Dodge today and saw hundreds of Ram trucks on the lot of their shiny new building.
Who is gonna buy them when thousands haven’t been working? Trumpist#1, Dennis, Ron???? Rex?
Either they will be available very cheap and/or the government will have to bailout Chrysler again.
See below.
“Chrysler’s Bailout. On January 16, 2009, the Treasury Department approved a $1.5 billion loan for Chrysler Financial. … Chrysler had also asked for $6 billion from the Energy Department to retool for more energy-efficient vehicles.”
Republicans>Recessions>Repeat and bailouts but it doesn’t begin with an (R). Oh, wait, there’s Rescue.
It’s the 4 (R)s. And, don’t you forget it Trumpist#1.
President Obama had 2 GOP crashes like bookends on his administration. No indictments. No convictions and no one sent to prison like with Bush and Trump.
Why do Republicans hate the country so much? They want to destroy it. Right Trumpist#1?
Garcia will be useless in the House. Way to go Republicans.
Trumpist#1 says
Criminal referrals coming (from Southern District of NY, LOL) for Obama, Biden, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Susan Rice and plenty more of their minions. They perpetrated the worst fraud on this county’s history and almost overthrew a duly elected sitting president.
If we win the Senate, House and POTUS, there WILL be a reckoning!!!!
********** LOCK THEM ALL UP FOR TREASON **********
William says
And, exactly what is this “Obamagate” of which Trump couldn’t state when asked?
It’s just Fox News bulls*** fertilizing your brain. It’s like Miracle Grow. Look at all the CAPS in your pathetic post Trumpist#1.
That sure was an angry rant from such a “happy” person.
Trumpist#1 says
I feel they did so much damage to the country for partisan objectives, I am angry with them, but also happy that we flipped the district. Rant. rant.
William says
You’ve heard of “Win the battle, lose the war.” haven’t you, Trumpist Zero?
Biden has been “sheltering in place” while Trump has been having absurd press conferences everyday ad nauseaum
Guess who is ahead in the polls?
When Trump speaks, his poll numbers go down.
His people have to counter and correct every single thing he says as does your go to news channel Faux News.
November will straighten you out in your relationshop to reality, Trumpist Zero.
Or not.
Can’t fix stupid.
ShrillBill I am says
After another sexual misconduct allegation was made by former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade, for about forty days the presidential candidate was harder to find than hand sanitizer. Now we know the reason. Biden had to bide his time to make sure he could convince the secretary of the Senate not to release documents. He was apparently successful, and so he came out of his basement bunker in Delaware like a groundhog to declare six more weeks of dancing around the #MeToo issues.
The mainstream media did not report on it, and all the #MeToo partisans demanded nothing. This is how media works. It is an article of faith that sexual misconduct allegations can only be exploited against you if you are a Republican.
Party hacks like Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi all practiced social distancing from this charge, at all times keeping a safe six feet away from their previously stated convictions that all women must be heard and believed.
In the #MeToo era, many opportunistic women degrade those really damaged by true rape or assault by lodging claims of events past that are late and either financially — or notoriety — driven. Having been involved in managing money for wealthy people and (I like to think) being a keen observer of politics, when a person with financial motives lodges a claim against a vulnerable, high-profile person, I often doubt it. I have just seen too many shakedowns and too many families hurt.
I did not believe Blasey-Ford’s account of a high school make-out session that, in her view through the mists of time, went too far. She told no one at the time the event supposedly happened. She only remembered when it was convenient to smear Judge Kavanaugh at his Supreme Court hearing. I learned about sex the way most high school boys like Kavanaugh did: trial and error. Likely he was an awkward, sexually inexperienced, teenage nerd trying to round first on a woman with a selective memory who would later become a Democrat donor, professor and activist.
Nor do I totally believe Reade’s account of a married Joe Biden trying to round third on her decades ago. However, Reade’s claims have more facts, more real-time documentation and sound more realistic.
Joe Biden finally broke his awkward silence in the friendly confines of PMS-NBC in an interview with Mika Brzezinski. His excuses ranged from “I do not remember the incident” and “The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing” to “I think I was just trying to get my change back from a vending machine.”
Personal records, which the University of Delaware has hidden, might reside among Joe Biden’s papers stored in the building named after him. I can point out which building; it’s the one where the elevator no longer goes all the way to the top.
Blasey-Ford’s claims were orchestrated, their timing suspicious. Reporters chased down Kavanaugh’s roommates from the 1980s, but cannot seem to find time to look at public archives on complaints about a handsy Biden.
I do not think we want to live in a world where a self-proclaimed “victim” with an agenda, either financial or political, is allowed to ruin another person’s life with next-to-no evidence. We have reached a point where some high-profile men will not even get on an elevator alone with a co-worker or have meetings in their offices. Certainly the days of drinks after work are over. The net result: less collaborative and collegial work forces, and this is not good. I have heard of instances where some women walk around offices claiming they were sexually assaulted, and when asked by whom, they say, “Whoever is willing to pay.”
So where are we? The thinly-veiled “believe all women” mantra the left uses against
Biden has self-righteously announced he will pick a woman to be his running mate, and the Democrat Party, collectively worried, is giving him a lot of help. Their fear is that Biden will try to hand pick her.
Stinger says
@ShrillBilletc… Wow… been drinking rather a lot of conspiracy kool-aid lately, haven’t we?
Who else do you believe is in on this vast conspiracy?
Trump stuff says
Twenty plus women accusing President bone spurs, plus an audio, you know, “grab them —–.” Also, all the stuff he continually throws out there (allegations), for his followers hanging on his every lie.
Log Cabin Rep. says
Miracle grow hair folicals is more like it, right Trumpist#1
Trumpist#1 says
WTH???? Are you incoherent?? Do you need an intervention or a refill for medications?? I suggest you call 911 if this continues.
William says
“HATERS” The only people that use the word “hate” in their discussions here and elsewhere are Trump fans.
They are simply projecting the hate that Trump encourages. They shout “Lock her up.” at his rallies to this day
They hate Gov. Newsom, Speaker Pelosi and even Christy Smith and Katie Hill.
That’s right. The real haters are the ones calling valid criticisms of Trump “haters”.
That’s fine. They are miserable wretches anyway and even when they win they lose judging from their unhappy comments. Trump won last time and they still aren’t happy. Good. They deserve their self-inflicted misery. They will use opioids to fix that.
Now watch to see if Ron tells us he’s happy. He’ll be lyin’ like he does all the time.
Trumpist#1 says
I’m happy !!!!!!! And as that great philosopher once said: “I ain’t lyin”.
I would bet that Ron is happy also.
William says
No you’re not.
Your guy has screwed up everything he touches and you have to pretend that ain’t so.
As the song goes>
“Delta Dawn, what’s that flower you have on?
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did I hear you say he was a-meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky?”
You ARE Delta Dawn Trumpist#1. So are Ron and Dennis. How’s that mansion in the sky that Trump promised you? Wear your mask when you leave it, silly boy.
Pretending you’re happy under a Trump administration is just as phony as his “university” , his “charity foundation”, his wall from the Gulf to the Pacific Ocean that Mexico is paying for. No,. You are, silly boy.
You are also paying big time for that meager tax cut you got, if you did, back in ’17. It’ll be trillions of dollars so don’t complain when the feds can’t fix airports or the interstate or anything else. You’ll be better off catching the virus and dying than what the future has in store for y’all Trump fans.
To paraphrase Lauren Bacall “Do you know how to whistle…..past the graveyard.”? Of course you do. You’re soaking in it.
See. This comment is why you love me. As you can see I’m one happy camper and I do actually have an RV. This pandemic has only been a minor inconverniece but I still care about this country even if you guys don’t. And, truly, you don’t.
My schadenfreude is your constant suffering while you defend Trump. Y’all remind me of Laura Ingraham who is weirdly giddy as she tries to pretend things are “swell”. Poor thing has been used to being 10 feet away from guys that carry 10 foot poles.
Trumpist#1 says
“schadenfreude”. LOL, good one.
I can’t believe I get such enjoyment out of being told how stupid I am all the time, but you do it so well.
William says
Trumpist Zero
You know you are and I feel it’s too easy when the object offers himself up so readily.
There are absolutely NO SMART REPUBLICANS LEFT.
Garcia will have to keep his head down to avoid Trump’s displeasure and he’ll accomplish nothing, noda, between now and November. Count on it.
Trump is the racist so don’t rag on me.
A military pilot only sees people on the ground as ants so good luck expecting him to do for you. Hardy har har.
He’s simply a token of the GOP like Ben Carson stuck in HUD.
If he crosses Trump, he’ll want him deported. Count on it.
But, you are so smart, you know that.
Or not.
William says
Ron happy? I notice you don’t say you love Ron or Dennis or the Equalizer.
No. You love someone who stomps all over you. There’s a word for that. Trumpist#1
ewe rgaye says
@ShrillBilletc… Wow… been drinking rather a lot of conspiracy kool-aid lately, haven’t we?
Who else do you believe is in on this vast conspiracy? . TYPICAL OBTUSE BRAIN DEAD DIM RESPONSE. de-classification slow one, try and catch up..you and your shill buddies that live in this comment section..tick tock.
Alexis says
Oh goody! Drive-in movies are making a comeback.
Random Stranger says
All you need is a parking lot and the side of a building.
Ella says
“Make America Great Again”
Alexis says
Honestly Trumpist, I don’t care about the stuff in your head. I don’t need to use a mind blowing amount of screen names like you do because it really doesn’t matter, and I’m fine just using Alexis. So if you want to go back and forth with William, please do so, just please leave me out of your comments when mentioning your screen names.
Trumpist#1 says
From Newsmax:
“The Democratic Congressional Committee is openly frightened about the special House election in California’s open 25th District (Los Angeles County) May 12, after early results Tuesday.
With nearly all of the early vote-by-mail ballots in, a whopping 44.8% of voters who requested ballots were Republicans. In striking contrast, only 35.3% of the early voters were Democrats.”
The DCCC is running scared. Go Mike Garcia. Vote Republican, flip this district, and take back the House from crazy Nancy Pelosi.
BTW: The Dems in Frisco are delivering booze, weed and food to homeless people in hotels at taxpayers’ expense.
William says
Here’s one definition of “cult” for ya Trumpist#1 and it seems pretty accurate regarding the Trump Cult.
cult:a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
“a cult of personality surrounding the leaders”
When you let yourself hear the facts about Trump, the lies, the corruption, the lies, “misplaced” is the operative word.
William says
It’s hopeless. I mean, Americans are hopeless.
We are coming onto 80,000 dead from COVID-19 and a Trump Depression and, for some, the most important things are-
-going to the beach
-the start of baseball season so they can sit on the couch in front of their television instead of going to the beach.
-dining out. They no longer know how to cook, I guess.
Do you recall back in the 90s when people were “cacooning” on their own but now they can’t handle staying home.
Yeah, the mentality that elected Trump is making us the world’s laughing stock. America won’t be great when Trump is finished with it like his “university”, his charity foundation, his many bankrupt busineesses and failed marriages and so on.
What were you thinking Trumpist#1 and the other members of the Trump cult? We knew this would happen. How come you didn’t?
You wanted him to “disrupt” and he sure did. You own this mess.
Trumpist#1 says
Cult?? LOL. I never thought of that. Yeah, I’m a cultist, hahaha. Add that to racist, xenophobe, idiot, bully and everything else I’m called here.
But you’re right, I still love ya anyway.
William says
If the hood fits, Trumpist#1.
I know ya love me. You can’t help it. I’m so loveable and I can’t help it. A match made in the desert.
Didya read The Equalizer’s rant below? Now, that was a rant. It sounds like what you might have said after a few brewskies. You’ve come close a few times though.
Trumpist#1 says
Between Jack Doff, Alexis and Equalizer, you are starting to acquire a fan club.
Alexis says
Dearest Trumpist#1: I think you are Jack and Equalizer; I lost count how many screen names you have. I don’t fan over people like you do, so leave me out of your gibberish. Thank you oh so much.
Alexis says
BTW, I see your other half, Ron, is still parroting the same nonsense even after I schooled him on what ITIN is. You didn’t know either.
Trumpist#1 says
Using deflection again??? Your game is given away by using the odd word “spout” in your editorial from Equalizer and other comments you made here more recently.
You should have been more careful if you don’t have the guts to put your name on it and want to deflect blame to someone else.
Trumpist#1 says
And Alexis clearly uses other screen names such as Lily, Alex and many others.
Are you Alex, Alexis, Lily or Equalizer? Have you decided yet? How do you transition from one personality to another?
Alexis says
Sorry Trumpist but I’m not “Equalizer”, Lily, or Alex. T.S. used spout a lot and so do many people that comment on here, so you lose. I am 1,000% sure you are “Equalizer” and “Jack.” Now that is solved. Now move on with your nonsense spouting. You’ve used so many screen names you think every one else does to. Remember when just a few days ago you were accusing “Cynic” of using a false screen name and calling this person gutless; says the man with a thousand screen names
Trumpist#1 says
Another Alexis/Alex/Lily/Equalizer screen name could be G. Patton. Are names and sexes really that confusing to ya??
Do you have multiple personality syndrome??? How do you transition from one to another???? Do you change clothes and put on makeup between personalities?? Do you change characters to post your opinion on each and every article here?? Do your characters argue between themselves?? Have domestic disputes??
Just curious.
Trumpist#1 says
Do you deny using the screen name “Alex”?? Careful in your answer, cause you admitted to it here! We didn’t know if you were male or female. We still don’t know. Do you??
Alexis says
Sorry Trumpist, I’m not “G. Patton” either. I do have to say though, when you use use the name “Jack”, and insult with the word “soyboy” it has the similar definition of the word “tranny” that you use a lot on many people posting on here. You’re busted Jack, I mean Equalizer, I mean Trumpist. It’s always the accuser that accuses, so back to even mentioning my name “Alexis,” in your original comment linking me with your screen names just won’t work. You thought Cynic was G. Patton, and round and round you go.
jack doff says
get used to 4 more years soyboy.
Trumpist#1 says
Had to search for the meaning of “soyboy”. Hahahahah. Good one Jack.
William says
If you don’t know what Gish Gallop is read The Equalizer’s comment below. S/he illustrates it perfectly.
Notice how I neutralized his/her hair-on-fire rant in 4 words. S/he’s got nothing left.
The Equalizer says
So William, is this your whole wretched life? You can’t help but comment here on every single subject, regardless of how psychologically needy and pitiful you sound. You spout your absurd, obnoxious drivel and attack commenters with underhanded, uncalled for remarks because you don’t have a life or ANY friends that will listen. Is this all it’s come to and all you have left?
You’re obviously nothing more than a sick, hateful, loathsome little creature. A creepy, lonely lowlife and unlikeable, pathetic internet troll that takes pleasure in putting everyone else down to show how “smart” you are (not). You’ll go to any extreme and violate any norm of human decency to prove your sick points and rebuild your non-existent self-esteem.
Don’t you have anything better to do than stalk commenters, spread poison and vomit irrelevant nonsense until nobody wants to read your tripe and twaddle anymore? Do you think you sound smart? How could you ever be a normal, well-rounded person with productive interests like everyone else when you waste your worthless life here and are bereft of any human decency or rational thought?
Nobody here likes or respects you. Why don’t you do us all a favor and take your show somewhere else to open this forum to more serious, interesting and intelligent commenters?
William says
Thank you for sharing.
Stinger says
But, seriously, how do you really feel about William?
Sounds like the start of a bromance…
The Anti Rex says
There’s a protest in Lancaster this Saturday. On May 2 at 2 o’clock people will peacefully assemble on the BLVD and Date St. and celebrate their first amendment rights. Wear your mask and bring your signs. I’ll have an Anti Rex message sign. Let’s see him put me in jail.
Rona Barrett says
If you have nothing nice to say about Trump, come sit over here and tell me all about it.
William says
Only about 9 more months of TRUMP-16 till the inauguration of Joseph Biden #46.
Enjoy every minute of this rolling disaster Trumpist#1, bj and Ron. It won’t last forever.
Of course, TRUMP-16 will have to be extricated from the White House in a straightjacket so ServPro can do a cleanup. “Like It Never Happened”.
America will be great again when this cancer is excised for good. You guys want pieces of it for souvenirs?
I dunno what’s a-gonna happen to you guys. A re-education camp or just repeating the 5th grade.
Trumpist#1 says
“Plop. Plop. Fizz. Fizz. Oh, what a defeat it is”. LMFAO.
“I dunno what’s a-gonna happen to you guys. A re-education camp or just repeating the 5th grade”. LOL.
I got tired of arguing with most other ignorant, irrational and brainwashed Demo-rats on this site, and I never agree with anything you write either, but I always enjoy the way you regurgitate your nonsense.
But what are you going to say if by some miraculous chance we Trumpists win both houses and POTUS again, like in 2016? It happened before. It will happen again. It’s only months away! And then you can get down on your knees and scream hysterically to the sky like that crazy lady in 2016. But what are you going to write here? Better start drafting your concession speech!
Warm regards, my wacko but entertaining political adversary.
And BTW: Did the Parrisites win in Lancaster election or is there another round?
G. Patton says
Trumpist #1: You think too highly of your comments which means you think too highly of yourself. every comment of yours I have read is based on your twisted perception of truth, which is really based on lies. An ignorant, irrational, brainwashed Trump supporter that believes every lie that comes out of his mouth. You’re no political adversary because it takes facts and honesty to be a real adversary, so you are your own worst enemy. Am I being sarcastic? People on here don’t argue with you, they bring facts to present to you and Ron, but you don’t want to accept facts.
Trumpist#1 says
Wow, you really are obsessed with me, huh? You are a creepy, stalking type of troll, aren’t you. I think you crawl out of the woodwork and are upset cause I called you out as a pathetic, twisted person without convictions that has turned their back on their country, gender and religion. Or you might be resentful cause you really love and worship me in your pwn perverted, abnormal sort of way.
Either, way, I think that because you don’t know what or who you are, you attack any normal person that has patriotism and love for his country. Try getting a life (and a brain)!
I see that you follow my every word. So follow these words: habes stercore pro cerebro
Lily says
What’s this thing with you calling into question commenters gender and religion? You do that a lot; putting down people that are gay, black, immigrants, etc..
Stinger says
Ya might wanna learn Latin, if you’re gonna attempt to insult in it (it’s, ‘stercorem’).
Also, in what far-flung universe could you possibly think you are ‘normal’? ;-)
jack doff says
You’re no political adversary because it takes facts and honesty to be a real adversary, <Disqualifies you by default pedocrat.
Van Dammit says
Despite his persistent lying, threats, death wishes on others, and nepotism Rex and his puppets won again. Lancaster is a hopeless case.
William says
Oh, ouch. Trumpist#1 called me “brainwashed”. Isn’t that funny? He’s the one who swallows the baloney dished out daily by Trump and projects his own submission to his god on other people.
Anyway, come November 4, you be sure and come back and show us what a good loser you are. I mean, you’re halfway there already.
Yeah, Trump and his party will “…disappear like a miracle” just ike the COVID-19 virus that was a hoax disappeared. Only Trump would think a hoax disappears and yet it’s still here.
And only Trumpist#1 would his his wagon to that sinking ship. I know I mixed metaphors but that’s how absurd Trump and his little friend Trumpist#1 is.
Trump fans have been miserable for the last 3+ years so they’ll feel right at home next year complaining about President Joseph Biden, #46.
Trumpist#1 thinks that he’ll win during a depression, THE GREAT TRUMP DEPRESSION, that was on his watch. Trump lost by 3 million last time, so let’s see how big a loss he has this time….10 million. Do I hear 11 million? Going once, going, going, come on Trumpist#1, you know it will be huuuge.
I predict that to be able to live with the loss, you will pretend that you really don’t care anyway. It’s how your brain works.
Go read the comments by the other Trump fans. They sound ridiculous don’t they? But, you still find me irresistible and would rather have coffee with me than the other Trump fans here. I know you love me. You can’t help it. I’m loveable. I can’t help it.
We already had the loss in 2016 so it’s your turn now. Enjoy it. I will.
William says
Why don’t bj, Ron and Trumpist#1 donate their brains to science to study? Preferably before the election.
We intelligent and sane Americans want to know what happened to y’all that you suck up to Trump in the most pathetic ways. I mean really.
He could shoot someone on The BLVD and you guys would play dumb about it. Did I say “play” dumb? My mistake.
Trumpist#1 says
I tried to donate my brain, but nobody wanted it.
William says
Trump’s press conferences on COVID-19 were so awful, Republicans are now fretting losing the White House AND the Senate.
Oh, the humanity!
It’s not like they don’t deserve it. They do .
Our home grown but not grown up Trump groupies will be crying like babies when it happens. Tears on their keyboards are such a delight. B-b-but Benghazi or Whitewater or Hillary’s pantsuits, etc. They got nuttin’.
Remember, your votes for Trump are useless in California come Electoral College time.
That was refreshing, right Trumpist#1?
Dr. Integer says
Infinity bottles of beer on the wall, infinity bottles of beer.
If one of those bottles should happen to fall, infinity bottles of beer on the wall.
Every verse, same as the first.
My favorite drinking song.
Stinger says
Lyrics that are easy to remember after enough of those beers on the wall ‘fall’…
William says
Biden leads nationally and in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida medium to high 40% to low 40% for Trump.
Trump cut his briefings short the last few days because when he talks, it hurts him. Isn’t that funny?
And he can’t help himself. I wonder how many times he’s gone back and burned his fingers on a hot stove.
Some here talk about Biden’s flaws but when Trump talks, his polls go down.
Biden should just go on holiday and let Trump talk his way into a record loss. Yeah!
I’m sure Trumpist#1 and Ron will be gracious in defeat in November. I won’t be magnanimous. I plan to rub it in if they dare show their usernames here then. I can hear their tears falling on their keyboards already. Plop. Plop. Fizz. Fizz. Oh, what a defeat it is.
Well, I’ll just go and have me some caviar and champaign like I do everyday while you 2 eat swill, I mean, pork and beans. Your “plaintif wails” make me think you’re not doing so well lately and you take it out on the perceived demons that dance in your heads.
Ta ta u 2.
William says
Joe Biden 49% Donald Trump 42%
Biden has to win by only 1 vote and I hope it’s mine.
William says
Ya gotta admit it, Trumpist#1.
My posts are poetry while yours are twits, I mean “tweets”.
You’ll never catch up. But, do the best you can with what ya got and fake the rest. You’re good at faking it.
I don’t know why you’d bother voting in November as it won’t count in the Electoral College as California is winner take all. And, Biden will win California and it looks like Wisconsin will go Democratic after the results in their recent primary that elected a Democratic justice, a shot over the bow.
Voters in Wisconsin risked their health and lives to do that. So, what do you think they’ll do in November?
How long can people go without their jobs and still think they’re winning with Trump? Well, the smart ones will abandon the sinking Trumptanic leaving people like you and Ron to fuss for the next 4 years. And fuss you will.
Trumpist#1 says
Wow, the blatant hypocrisy and unfairness of lamestream media and Demo-rats by not mentioning credible sexual assault allegations against No-go Joe Biden.
The perverted old creep makes my wife’s skin crawl. He has been touching, feeling and smelling females against their wishes since his days in the Senate, and his obsequious sycophants won’t mention it. A clip of a victim’s mother complaining about him to Larry King in 1993 just surfaced, but media won’t give it the light of day.
Total BS.
William says
At home with Trumpist#1 and family.
“The perverted old creep makes my wife’s skin crawl.”
Well, Trumpist stay the heck away from her. I know, she’d prefer being grabbed by Trump. Right? Right.
If she can overlook the GRABBER, she can overlook what Joe did in the last millennium. Right?. Right.
Both of you are 180 degrees from normal. So, why did you bring her into this? Don’t complain about my reply then.
Cecil says
LOL, William!
William says
Do ya suppose Trumpist#1 asks for it?
He loses every single time yet comes back for more. There’s a word for that. Trumpist#1.
G. Patton says
Trumpist #1: 20 plus women have come forward to claim sexual misconduct by Trump, Trumpist. do you make your wife’s skin crawl? You use his name like a badge of honor, so apparently you condone his creepy touching, feeling, smelling, accosting, women over the years.
Trumpist#1 says
I have a beautiful wife. You wish you had a domestic partner, you sick, lonely, perverted transexual troll. You seem to hang on my every word. Maybe you wish you were my wife, huh, LOLOL.
Aren’t you that person that always weighs in on all subjects that he/she knows nothing about, but just needs to give an ignorant opinion on anyway? Are you Lily also??
In any other part of the country, you would be ostracized for being such an abomination to nature. But here in Mexifornia you fit right in, lol.
William says
When a guy who is so attached to Trump, The Creature from the Orange Lagoon, says his wife is beautiful, well, you know he is blind.
If you didn’t like that comment, don’t bring your wife into the discussion as a shield. Y’know, how some folks bring God to the political realm and take offense if you criticize their faith, such as it is.
Same thing, different shield. You wife can’t protect you from you, Trumpist#1. Is this your first wife? What happened to the others?
G. Patton says
You never answered my question T#1. Do you condone Trumps assaults on the 20 plus women that have accused him? Since you brought your wife into your messy comments, what does she have to say about the 20 plus women assaulted by Trump. BTW, what does gender have to do with anything?
William says
Looks like his advisors are giving President Caprice the hook from offstage. His rallie….er, press briefings got him in trouble with his biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig mouth and those funny dentures so the rall…er, press briefings will be cut short.
This is as close as any presidency has come to being an animated cartoon show. Sponge Don, WetPants
Every day his big plans go splat!!! like in the cartoons. The characters around him, like in the cartoons, are just as bad and of no help to the star. There’s a turnstill in the White House as they come and go so fast and what aren’t vacancies are filled with temps. This is the definition of dysfunctional.
This disaster is the best they do.
So, tell us Trumpist#1, Ron and Dennis how on earth is he going to win in November when he makes a boo boo every single day that costs lives and/or money unnecessarily. He gives insane medical advice then says he was being sarcastic. Yeah. He isn’t to be believed ever.
Caprice is bound to skrew every single one in his base by about September.
Now I want you guys to take a moment and think before you reply so you make sense. Okay?
William says
Someone is complaining. You could put it to music.
“Again, using false user names makes you look small, weak and gutless.” (sung to the tune “It’s My Party” by Leslie Gore. So, cry already, T-1.
The person who wrote that has the false, gutless, weak and small username of “Trumpist#1.
He doesn’t realize how foolish that was and he doesn’t know that those are different people.
Like I’ve said Trumpist#1’s so-called “facts” are never true and it looks like he’s losing it (TDS) when he complains about others’ false names while using one himself. Too funny. Too pathetic.
My favorite tactic all these years on this site has been to use the author’s own words against him/her like a “Martial Arts Debater” or something.
And, yet, they never learn. They keep on authoring nonsense that I hang them with. I’m so bad but it feels so good. I don’t know how Trumpist#1 can keep showing his “work” here such as it is.
The score so far is>
– William- 342
– Trumpist#1 0, ZERO, NADA, the contents of Trump’s skull.
Poor Trumpist#1. With each passing day he, sinks slowly into the Trump morass, swamp, cesspool,
Mar a Loco. or what-have-you.
The more he struggles with his replies the further he sinks just like in quicksand. Here. I’ll throw Trumpist a rope……the whole rope, both ends. Ha ha, I say., as I laugh out loud.
Every time I poke Trumpist’s balloon an angel gets its wings and Trumpist doesn’t get any. IYKWIM.
I mean, when he’s so roundly defeated he can’t do his duties.
G. Patton says
Onalday Rumptay is Donald Trump in Pig Latin.
Trumpist#1 says
Again, using false user names makes you look small, weak and gutless.
William says
More on the way thanks to Trump’s inept and, well, more inept response to the pandemic. Risht now he is still undermining and getting in the way of the experts who have to “fix” every single thing he says.
Trumpist#1 says
Blaming Trump instead of Chinese Communists shows your lack of credibility, absence of patriotism, and obvious TDS bias.
William says
Your facts aren’t true, ye of little reading comprehension aka Trumpist#1. et al
I wrote “…Trump’s inept and, well, more inept response to the pandemic.”. “Response” is the operative word but you are so frustrated and unable to read or think clearly, you thought I blamed Trump for the virus itself. No, No one has.
You can’t help it, Trumpist#1. All Trumplovers have trouble with reading, facts, evidence, proof, sanity and intelligence in others, and wisdom. You are no different. It goes with being a Trumplover. Your IQ, like the Dow Jones, crashed as a Trump presidency consequence. It’s
Drink some PineSol and that will cure ya.
Mr. Math says
United States population: 328.2 million
Number of COVID-19 cases to date: 946,000
Percent of total population: 0.29 percent
Number of COVID-19 deaths to date: 53,418
Death percent of total population: 0.02 percent
William says
Oh, Mr. Math
When it’s Y-O-U it’s 100%
Mr. Statistics says
Leading causes of death in the United States 2017:
Heart disease: 647,457
Cancer: 599,108
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
Diabetes: 83,564
Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm
William says
You forget to specifically show gun shootings; self-inflicted, cop shootings and others.
BTW COVID-19 deaths exceed the bottom 3 listed but you haven’t done a very good job separating them out from “influenza and pseumonia”.
It’s likely that COVID-19 deaths will exceed diabetes by this summer but if we count on you to show that, it won’t happen.
That’s where statistics “begat” the quote “Lies, damned lies and statistics”. Thank you for showing how they are manipulated.
What’s your point? Do you work for Fox News?
Mr. Statistics says
That data was taken from this source: Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm
I do not work for Fox News.
Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing serious complications from COVID-19 illness. More information on Are you at higher risk for serious illness?
Know how it spreads
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
Some recent studies have suggested that COVID-19 may be spread by people who are not showing symptoms.
Wash your hands often
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Stay home as much as possible.pdf iconexternal icon | [Españolpdf iconexternal icon]
Put distance between yourself and other people.
Remember that some people without symptoms may be able to spread virus.
Keeping distance from others is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.
Cover mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others
You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.
Everyone should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public, for example to the grocery store or to pick up other necessities.
Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
The cloth face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected.
Do NOT use a facemask meant for a healthcare worker.
Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing.
Cover coughs and sneezes
If you are in a private setting and do not have on your cloth face covering, remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
Throw used tissues in the trash.
Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Clean and disinfect
Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
If surfaces are dirty, clean them. Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
Then, use a household disinfectant. Most common EPA-registered household disinfectants will work.
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html
Alexis says
The 2011 movie “Contagion;” check it out. There are always the non-compliant ones that make it hard for the rest of us.
William says
I knew there had to be one. Life imitating art imitating life.
Pandemic is set in the near future, where a virus of epic proportions has overtaken the planet. There are more infected than uninfected, and humanity is losing its grip on survival. Its only hope is finding a cure and keeping the infected contained. Lauren (Rachel Nichols) is a doctor, who, after the fall of New York, comes to Los Angeles to lead a team to hunt for and rescue uninfected survivors.
I guess I’ll have to watch it to see how it ends for us.
William says
A python doesn’t actually squeeze its prey to death. Every time the prey exhales, the python simply adjusts its grip a little tighter. Eventually, the prey cannot inhale and dies.
That was the analogy for this. The 1% we usually call the oligarch in this country are like pythons. In 2008-9, when trillions of dollars were “exhaled” by the middle class in foreclosures and lost retirement funds, the 1% simply waited for the bailouts, bought back stock and got richer while the middle and working classes nearly died.
Y’see, the pythons repeat the process over and over until the prey dies. The 1% do it and then let the “prey” as it were recover and rebuild. How merciful.
Now, the 1% are poised to do it again with the bailouts managed by the Trump administration where they will get big bailouts while the “real” small businesses will disappear .
Do you really think that when this is all over in a year or more, you will be sitting pretty? Not if Trump & Co. can help it. After people have used up what little savings they might have had (Americans don’t save) to weather this storm without a job or without customers if they are a small business, then what?
We might be in for a depression. The Great Trump Depression.
“A depression is an extended recession that has years, not quarters, of economic contraction. It’s more severe than a recession. Unemployment reaches 25%, housing prices plummet 30%, and prices fall 10%.” -The Balance, but look up your own definition of depression.
Face the facts people. We are headed there thanks to the Trump/GOP/Fox News Lie Factory and Trump’s slow and pathetic response to the warnings. “That’s their new hoax.” -Donald J. Trump
We’ve had epidemics before without the economic collapse that is on Trump’s watch. The market had it biggest plunge since Reagan’s 1987 mess moments after Trump gave a speech to reassure the nation. Wall Street doesn’t trust Trump.
Live Free or Die in Rex's Prison says
When is the big protest in Lancaster? Where will it be held? Rex is threatening to lock people up in prison where they will get their wish to Live Free or Die.
What a whack job he is.
William says
TRUMPIST-19’s so-called “facts” are never true.
He just lays them a dozen at a time with a few cracked ones. If there a USDA Grade F?
William says
Republcians can’t govern.
A new problem for small businesses. In those states where usually a Republican governor/state house has declared that it’s “Open”, small businesses will have gotten a double-whammy. That means that since the state says it’s open, they will have a harder time getting relief with vendors, lenders and landlords than if the state made them close even if they have little business left.
Yup, the Repulbicans are skrewwwwing them good. How will they vote in November? More misery from Trump and the GOP? If they do, they deserve it.
Trumpist#1 says
Billy Clinton had two opportunities to take out bin Laden before 9/11 and wimped out. He caused thousands of death in East Africa and NY. No-go Joe Biden advised Obama not to go after bin Laden in 2011 in Pakistan. Biden has invited Bernie Sander’s foreign policy advisors to come aboard his team. Biden has stated: “China isn’t our enemy” (while his son was collecting billions in corruption money from them).
Demo-rats are weak, stupid and dangerous on foreign policy (not that you illegal aliens give a damn). They want to gut and destroy the military and give the money to illegals.
******* VOTE REPUBLICAN ******** VOTE GARCIA *******
William says
Your comments aren’t to be taken seriously Trumpist#1. Usually with a large salt block from the stables.
But, then again, the stables are where your posts are sourced lying in mounds on the ground everywhere.
You have no credibility here or anywhere it seems.
Trumpist#1 says
You can’t say my facts are not true!
BTW: You got that from a “Brief History of Time”?
William says
“Your facts are not true!” – William
There ya go.
BTW, got what from BHoT?
Trumpist#1 says
99 Monkeys
William says
I’m pretty sure 99 monkeys was around long before the book.
“Your facts aren’t true, TRUMPIST-19.”
There are 2 100 monkeys stories.
The 100th monkey washing its food on a separate Japanese island after having no contact with the 99 monkeys on the original island.
100 monkeys typing furiously for all eternity will eventually type the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Then, there’s you wearing a blindfold eventually finding an acorn.
Anyway, TRUMPIST-19, keep typing and washing your food.in the ocean. You’re almost there.
Cynic says
Trump crossed the DMZ into North Korea without any concessions from North Korea. Trump saluted a North Korean general, something that Fox News would have crucified Obama over. Trump was kissing China’s ass and saying that they were doing a great job as Covid-19 was spiraling out of control. Trump pulled troops out of Syria, which ended up sending thousands of our Kurdish allies to their deaths and ceding territory to Russian troops. Trump put Putin’s word over that of American intelligence officials in his Helsinki press conference. Trump destroyed the Trans Pacific Trade Partnership, which would have been a great economic boom and helped deter China’s growing economic clout in the Pacific rim. Trump has kissed Saudi Arabia’s ass, even though they are the largest state sponsors of terrorism as most of the 9/11 hijackers were SAUDI citizens.
Trump’s foreign policy is erratic, chaotic, and has weakened America’s position in the world.
mIKE says
Lol…..lol…..lol…….lol………lol………VOTE REPUGLICAN? NEVER…..lol……lol…..lol…..
JPB says
Rex’s Communist buddies are still at it. Now our democracy is a primitive society? Freedom is primitive? Maybe for totalitarians like Xi Jinping and R. Rex Parris it is. Not for the rest of us.
Free East Lancaster says
Why is Rex in bed with a government that suppresses its people? Maybe because he thinks like them.
JPB says
Rex’s Communist Chinese pals are at it again. Contaminated test kits. Will we ever learn?
6 Feet of Separation says
Where is Kevin Bacon when we need him?
Laughing says
Playing 6 degrees of separation.
Trumpist#1 says
Too frustrating debating all the bleeding heart communists and illegal aliens here when moderators selectively censor my comments due to obvious political bias.
Alexis says
FREEDOM’S just another word for nothing left to lose.
Trumpist#1 says
Help, help, the RACISTS are after me. They lurk around every corner and in most every post. They consort and conspire with misogynists, cultural appropriators, serial tweeters, conservatives, constitutionalists, and the very devil herself.
They come after me all day and in my dreams to deny my rights, offend my snowflake sensibilities and hurt my tender little feelings. Their micro-aggressions make me seek a safe space to contemplate the tough questions in life like socialism, Bolshevism, wealth distribution, legislative obstruction, citizenship devaluation, borderless insecurity and all the great things that make my world go round.
William says
So Jack doff the elephant did his ranting and had little else to say.
He sounds like Ttrump at a rally with his hair on fire or Mussolini from the balcony.
Oh, well. Come November Trump will be FIRED by the American people and Jack doff will be sputtering like Daffy Duck when he loses it. Trouble is, Jack doff already lost it so we’ll have to be pateince to see his next act.
Jack doff hasn’t noticed that all those folks who kissed Trump’s behind and then were tossed overboard. His turn is coming. Trump wanted to let the virus “wash over” the country sacrificing lives to save his butt in the election.
He had to be talked out of it but others are saying similar things.
Trumpist#1 says
Mussolini’s over-the-top facial expressions and body language during his balcony speeches were hilarious. But he was bald, not orange-headed.
Orange is the new black. KAG **** Trump 2024 ****** 10 more years !
Alexis says
When Trump tweeted “LIBERATE MINNESOTA,” the far right including those agitators that advocate the use of violent insurrection see that as a call to arms. He is a very dangerous man.
Stanley Kubrick says
Since he was chastened by his own party for his authoritarian ways, he decides to tweet a revolution by his core extreme right- wing nut jobs.
Trumpist#1 says
Hey I’m a core extreme right- wing nut job too. Flattery will get you nowhere.
Trumpist#1 says
Imagine what would have happened had he been impeached, Suzy Creamcheese.
Voter says
It is always dangerous when political leaders encourage us to take up arms when it is completely uncalled for. Case in point, the mayor of Lancaster who told people to carry guns illegally and shoot homeless if they robbed you. While crime is high in Lancaster, it’s not a bunch of homeless people robbing individuals.
That was a very reckless statement from a very reckless person.
William says
Doesn’t Rex have prostate problems? That’s what he uses to think with as we can see over the years.
Hey, Voter, that’s not the only reckless statement he’s made. He’s a regular.
William says
Trump is much worse than useless in a crisis such as this pandemic. He deliberately obstructs effective action and makes a response harder than it has to be.
If you don’t know that, you havent’s been paying attention.
Alexis says
You’re absolutely right, William!
Trumpist#1 says
It’s absolutely mind-boggling that some here want to blame Trump for all this coronavirus damage instead of the Chinese Communist Party. What does that say about their objectivity and patriotism?
On another subject, where the heck is Tim Scott? Tim and William are highly respected adversaries and it’s more fun with them both here!
William says
So, Trumpist#1
Why on earth did you say I was “intelligent” on another post? You never said that about Ron, for example.
What exaclty distinguishes me from all the other folks on this site? I’m curious.
Aren’t I wicked?
As for Trump, read further.
We didn’t blame HIV-AIDS for Reagans’ slow response, did we?
We didn’t blame Hurricane Katrina for Bush’s slow and pathetic response.
So, why should we blame China for Trump’s pathetic and dangerously inept response to COVID-19.
See how things work now, Trumpist#1?
You’re welcome.
Trumpist#1 says
Yeah, you’re wicked alright. You’re also the most fun at this party to argue with or laugh with. Without you I might not tune in at all.
Trumpist#1 says
What makes you different? You kinda remind us of Carl from Sling Blade, lol.
William says
So, Trumpist#1
You side-stepped the issue you brought which was about blaming China.
I like to think that I’m simply pointing out your obvious tactics but others don’t seem to notice that.
Tim Scott says
William tells me you asked about me, and I see that indeed you have. Too many irons in too many fires, and when Palmdale voters foolishly put Sellout Steve at the wheel I abandoned all investment here so I could leave on a moment’s notice when he runs the city into Wrecksie’s ditch. Unlike so many who come back with their “glad to be out but must comment” foolishness I am happy enough to leave it all to you guys.
Still spending a lot of time in the AV though so maybe the three of us can get together for coffee sometime. William knows where to find me even though I no longer check the ol’ hatemail account.
Trumpist#1 says
Glad to hear from you Tim. Sounds like a plan. Give William my email if you still have it. Stay safe my friend.
Last Responder says
Yeah, that’s me. If Trump can be president, I can be president.
The only thing you have to do is take credit AND avoid responsibility and lie about everything.
Does anyone know his plan for testing for the virus/antibodies so the country can open on May 1?
William says
Trump’s team gets dumber. When asked on Fox & Fiends about Trump’s decision to drop funding for the WHO, Kellyanne Conway blathered on about COVID-19 being the 19th version of the COVID virus and not the first.
Dear God. The 19 stands for the year it was first reported. There are no 1 thru 18 previous COVIDs.
Kellyanne Conway is the “alternative facts” person and here she goes again. She’s a top advisor for Trump so you just know he’s got the worst judgement in all the land..
His administration is chock full of vacancies (mental as well as physical) and temps. The rest are ill-suited for any adult tasks.
No wonder we are in the mess we’re in. Trump’s so-called “success” is a total failure.
A Democratic president will have to do cleanup on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue once again like Clinton and Obama had to. And FDR. Republicans always leave the country worse off than they found it. And Trump is no exception. We knew that. We told you he’d be a disaster. And he is.
William says
Someone put this together and I’ll go with it. If you have other information, let’s see it Trumpist.
By Jan. 23, the WHO was already warning that coronavirus could “appear in any country,” and urged all countries to be “prepared for containment” and get ready to exercise “isolation” and “prevention” measures against its spread.
At around the same time, on Jan. 22, Trump was asked point-blank whether he worried about coronavirus’s spread, and he answered: “No, not at all,” insisting it was just “one person coming from China” and that “we have it totally under control.”
And on Jan. 24, Trump hailed China’s “effort” against coronavirus and its “transparency” about it, predicting that “it will all work out well.” So Trump showed less concern about its spread in countries outside China — including in our own — than the WHO did.
On Jan. 30, the WHO declared coronavirus a global public health emergency.
While WHO was still too credulous toward China’s response, WHO also warned that all countries must review “preparedness plans” and take seriously what was coming.
By contrast, on Jan. 30, Trump was directly warned by his Health and Human Services secretary of the threat coronavirus posed.
Trump dismissed this as “alarmist.”
And on Feb. 2, Trump boasted to Sean Hannity: “We pretty much shut it down, coming in from China.” He hailed our “tremendous relationship” with that country. Trump continued praising China’s handling of coronavirus all through the entire month of February.
Trumpist#1 says
It amazes me that you (and most Democrats) have more animus and disdain for Trump (your President and Commander in Chief) and his supporters that are fellow citizens, than you do for the Chinese Communist Party.
The Chinese Communists unleashed this plague upon us then lied about it, yet William, Pelosi, Schumer and company are fixated on hurting Trump, no matter the cost to the country. That’s called psychotic obsession. Obama’s blatant lies were just “statements”, right William? Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat. Lunacy, thy name is William.
William says
Okay, then Trumpist#1
You say Obama lied twice compared to over 16,000 documented lies by Trump. Is that correct? Actually, Obama’s were broken promises that were not fulfilled. Trump lies about easily verified things in the past, 10 or 15 times a day. Do you believe him?
I do have disdain for such a pathological liar and even more for those who willingly ignore that and his ongoing corruption.
Do you quietly nod in agreement when “Lock her up.” is chanted at his rallies? Then you call critics of Trump “haters” when it is the Trump base that was energized by hate in the 2016 election. Or did you miss that somehow?
In fact, he is still running a “hate” campaign even during these pandemic pressers. How do you keep missing the obvious?
Trump hurts himself. The others are just pointing it out. Pointing out Trump’s lies is “hurting hm”. Well, of course. He could stop that at any time by not lying. Sheesh Trumpist#1. Why do you act so dense?
Not to worry. He will be gone next year.
Trumpist#1 says
I didn’t say he just lied twice. I said YOU called those particular lies “statements” which clearly demonstrates your psychotic obsession with “bad orange man” and obsequious devotion to all things Obama and Pelosi.
You obviously think Trump is more dangerous than Chinese Communists. For someone so intelligent, it amazes me that you can’t see your irrational obsession. You need help, and I’m here to set you straight cause I’m a hell of a guy, lol.
And be good, or I’ll sic jack doff on you again.
William says
You’re hopeless Trumpist.
Is Jack doff’s hair still on fire.?
You and him represent the Trump Derangement Syndrome perfectly.
You have a fever says
So, you think William is a lunatic, and you call him intelligent too. A wicked, intelligent lunatic he is to you, but then on the other hand you believe Trump who deals in fiction. You’re so confused Trumpist that you even agreed with Jack D. while he was drunk typing.
Trumpist#1 says
Ma’am, sir or whatever you transitioned into: Jack D is “The Man” with the stones to tell it like it is, something you wouldn’t know about, lol.
Why is it your business what I say to William? He’s more fun and more intelligent than bleeding heart ignoramuses like you. You are obviously ignorant, brainwashed, unpatriotic and nosy.
Have a nice day.
You have a fever says
Tumpist#1, if you don’t want someone to get into your business with William then take it to a private chat room. You do realize this is a public forum, not just your domain sir, ma’am, or whatever you transitioned into?
Trumpist#1 says
With Trump in the White House instead of Obama, is orange the new black?
Red, white, blue and ORANGE !!! KAG. ****** TRUMP 2020 ********
William says
Crazy man Jack types nonsense and thinks it’s Shakespeare.
Veteran 2 says
Thank you Andrew Cuomo for explaining the 10th Amendment to the President! We don’t have a king, and he does not have absolute power over the states.
Laughing at you says
Being a card carrying member of the local NAMBLA chapter does not a veteran make.
jack doff says
Another cuck spouting nonsense,brush up on your constitutional law before you screech………Ever notice what happens when you catch your media masters red handed in treasonous acts? They scream like stuck pigs and say “how dare you question our patriotism.” They love to wrap themselves in the flag as they decimate the Constitution and demand that it be a living document bending to their will. In other words folks, the left hates the United States of America that doesn’t conform to their new concepts of dystopia. They thought that they accomplished a takeover under Obama and are now very cranky that Trump came along and we are witnessing a fight to the death right now. They wont go away to fight another day and let reason and decency prevail. They keep engaging in self-destructive behavior as they are literally hell bent to get their coup attempt over on us. They have now turned all logic on its ear in flailing attempts to run Trump out of office and they have help – but that’s a different topic. They must now demand that Americans forget what they said 5 minutes ago to belittle and deride Trump so that you will believe the 180 they just pulled.
Their fundamental paradigm is that the American voter is abjectly stupid and incapable of deciding anything on their own. You might remember Peter Jennings talking about the dumbing down of America back in the 90’s? We’ll we are in a place where they believed nearly 100% of what Obama told them, including that the US would never see above 1% growth again, and get used to unemployment misery, etc etc, they believed the race baiting that gave us Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD, the beer summit, Public Enemy #1 Eric Holder abusing power not seen since J Edgar Hoover. Now they thought they had as Rohm Emmanuel would say, the perfect crisis in the COVID-19 to mandate social programs like we have never seen before. As such, they want us to ignore the fact that they created a major recession or depression in a matter of days based on models that were off by an order of magnitude and are desperately trying to keep the economy closed down, claiming that Trump won’t listen to scientists in spite of the fact that Trump could have and should have fired Tony Fauci for gross incompetence. Bottom line is that they are willing to be patriots as long as they can get their vision of America over on us. When they cannot, scorched earth is the policy, witness the purple resist movement hatched by Clinton the day after the election and all the inorganic screaming at the sky. Those people were largely paid activists. Of note is the fact that George Soros divested himself of $18B jsut before the inauguration.
Trumpist#1 says
Wow, kudos to you. You have the stones to tell it like it is here in the Peoples’ Socialist Republic of Mexifornia.
You’re my hero!
William says
“It’s astounding… Time is… fleeting. Madness… takes its toll.”
You have caught the TRUMP-45 virus and it’s terminal.
Trump will be gone next year and off to prison. and you will still be limp, Jack.
jack doff says
Au contrare my leftist nitwit,replace Trump with the names Obama,Clinton,Crapper etc.etc. and you may be right. Tick Tock soyboy.
William says
Crazy man Jack types nonsense and thinks it’s Shakespeare.
Veteran 2 says
Trump is even being rebuked by his own party over his last authoritarian comment.
jack doff says
Waaaahhh, one thing you whiny dims have in common is the crying like a school boy everytime he says a word. Ok einstein….post the link so i can read that for myself then, tell my why i should care.
William says
Trumpist#1 loses every round and keeps coming back for more like Monty Python’s Black Knight.
“Tis but a scratch.” says the torso missing both arms and both legs aka Trumpist#1
Trumpist#1 says
LOL. good one.
Trumpist#1 says
And I liked “Such as it is” also. Nice touch.
jack doff says
Trumpist#1 loses every round and keeps coming back for more like Monty Python’s Black Knight<I DON'T…Try your luck cuck.
William says
Hate, you say Trumpist#1
Have you missed Trump’s rallies? “Lock her up.” Turning the audience on news reporters. Saying things that will be blocked here.
The Trump campaign was based on hate for Hillary.
You hate Hillary.
You hate Speaker Pelosi.
You hate Senator Schumer.
And so on. So, don’t give us your HATE CARD.
William says
When you change the subject to Obama from Trump, you lose the debate Trumpist#1. Trump is prez now and he’s a disaster re: the pandemic. Dr. Fauci has to correct nearly everything he says. He’s put Jared in charge now. Y’know…Dr. Kushner an expert in everything, i.e. possible money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, jaywalking, etc. The Southern District of New York is likely building a case on him too.
Trump recommending an unproven “cure” that is used for malaria and that he owns stock in the parent company. He had to be talked out of letting ~2 million die to let the virus run its course. That’s what he thinks of his base….the easliy conned suckers who he wants back working May 1 against expert recommendtions.
So, they die, they die. Trump don’t care.
You’re similar to this person who told a whopper>”Wake up truth to tell the truth you living in a Democrat world”. Check it out and how Fox News makes people easy prey for lies.
Do I have to school both of you forever and ever? You don’t seem to wanna learn Trumpist and I can’t crack you knuckles with a ruler like you need desperately.
Trumpist#1 says
“Do I have to school both of you forever and ever?” LMAO. I love messing with you.
But don’t conflate me with that guy, I’m literate.
jack doff says
Trump recommending an unproven “cure” that is used for malaria and that he owns stock in the parent company. He had to be talked out of letting ~2 million die to let the virus run its course. That’s what he thinks of his base….the easliy conned suckers who he wants back working May 1 against expert recommendtions.<This is an un-hinged LIAR. Post a credible LINK to your blathering(you can't) or stay quiet, your idiocy won't work with me.You parrots constantly echo what the media tells you to sans FACTS ad-nauseum.
William says
Facts don’t work with you Jack as shown by your posts. Idiocy at its best by you.
jack doff says
Facts don’t work with you Jack as shown by your posts. Idiocy at its best by you.< The irony, I havent seen ONE fact from you 1/2 wit, just your feelings,facts DON'T care about your feelings, go finish your juice box jr adults are talking.
William says
If Jack and 99 monkeys typed for infinity they’d produce the Encyclopedia Britannica.
For now, Jack just types and its gibberish. The 99 monkeys are ahead.
Trumpist#1 says
I don’t hate Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer (I despise them maybe). I’m an Independent. But my Republican wife certainly does, lol.
William says
I say you do. You call others haters but deny hating Hillary and the rest. That’s rich.
I guess you’d accept that other people despise Trump, your word. So, stop calling them “haters”.
See, Trumpist. You can’t win with your logic and “facts” such as they are. You played the “hate card” but still have a losing hand.
jack doff says
KILLARY is a CRIMINAL, your argument is a NON-SEQUITUR,a lame STRAW-MAN argument…the “losingest” hand of ALL. Your not nearly as intelligent as you THINK you are…next time i see your inane mockingbird lamestream media talking points I’m likely going to have to correct you in here AGAIN.
You're not so smart says
Dear jack; You’re instead of your not as intelligent as you think. I instead of ” i.” On instead of “in.”
Trumpist#1 says
“Such as they are”…..LOLOL, nice touch. I wish I had said that. I’ll get ya next time.
jack doff says
Dear jack; You’re instead of your not as intelligent as you think. I instead of ” i.” On instead of “in.”< The spelling nazi..your right I left out the "r",with that being said you're also not that bright.I lurk in here occasionally and I see your screeches.Isee your contrary opinions that make no sense as well. I look forwarding to interacting with you,take notes rustled one school is in session and I WILL be grading your spelling and punctuation dweeb.
jack doff says
Every one of the treacherous dims you mentioned EARNED the “hatred” you’re screeching about,for you to compare the amount of utter bullshit Trump’s had to endure you’d call them out too so your argument is null and void. Scary thing about YOU and your brain dead nonthinking brethren is this needs to be explained to you at all.GTFOH.
jack doff says
Here’s a ‘lil something for you useful idiot dems to chew on. copy and paste in youtube search if you can figure out how…Trumpist,you watch it too. https://youtu.be/x8jbxLt8r28 And then there’s THIS nougat: https://youtu.be/7-c-ZOMyLs8
Voter says
So a trailer park in East Lancaster has been without gas for a while, but our esteemed mayor has not one but two beach mansions in Laguna.
Has he done a thing to help the people in East Lancaster?
East Lancaster? Where’s that, says Rex.
Time to send him packing to retirement in his two beach mansions.
Haven’t you had enough? $10 million taxpayer dollars wasted on the Eye in the Sky? Millions lost in the Section 8 lawsuits. Chinese birth tourism. Bird sounds. Ecolution failure. False claims about mentally ill people shooting sheriffs. Suggesting that people shoot homeless. It never ends.
Time to end this reign of Rex. Vote him and his accomplices out.
Infodemic says
Trump is a Putin fanboy. Some day we will find out why. Putin loves to spread misinformation and chaos in America, so what does Putin have on Trump?
Trumpist#1 says
You’re spreading misinformation and chaos in America right now. Talk about unsubstantiated accusations, lol.
I wrote a lengthy and factual post about Joe Biden’s failures and mistakes and the moderators squashed it. It was not offensive, so why would they do that? Political bias?
Laughing says
Probably because you took too long and the system timed out.
Not a human choice of deleting, but an automatic time out for most web forms.
Write in Notepad, copy , paste into web form.
jack doff says
And you’re a brainwashed lemming with ZERO critical thinking skills.Pretty much EVERYONE has moved on from the Russia Russia FAKE pearl clutching your lefty communist puppeteers had you leftys whining about LAST YEAR. Are you REALLY this slow? REALLY?
Trumpist#1 says
Sleepy Joe Biden lost his nerve and told Obama not to go after bin Laden in 2011. “No-go” Joe also voted against the first Gulf War (which gave us cheapest energy in the world for 10 years from Kuwait), and for the second Gulf War, which was and is a disaster.
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said recently that Joe Biden never made a foreign policy decision or vote that wasn’t wrong.
His senate voting record is a joke. He carried water for all the credit card issuers based in his state of Delaware, that owned him and made him vote to prevent bankruptcies and keep credit card companies fat and happy at working peoples’ expense.
Joe is arrogantly touchy-feely with females and is currently being accused of sexual assault. Remember what he did to Anita Hill? Then there’s Hunter Biden’s shameless corruption worth billions between Ukraine and Communist China while Joe was Obama’s point man for both countries.
And he’s demented with old age. Do we want his finger on the button? How long will he live? I can’t wait to see him debate Trump, lol. That should be something to see.
Trumpist#1 says
Happy Easter or Passover to all. Stay safe and well. Let’s all chip in and buy William a Trumpy Bear for Easter.
William says
Here ya go, Trumpist
Your “logic” as it were gets an “F” for saying Trump is the best president in our lifetimes.
I know you’re joking just to be a *ick but here goes.
-He’s lied over 16, 000 times in office. (documented)
-North Korea is still working its nuclear program.
-Iran has resumed its nuclear program which might be hard with the pandemic, but still.
-The Wall. What about it? A few miles were restored and the rest is him bragging.
-He delayed over 2 months in taking action other than saying he’s stopped travel from China when actually over 40,000 have come to the U.S. anyway. He was slow halting travel from Europe when Europe was the source of most infections in New York for instance.
-So, you got a pathetic tax cut (where’d it go?) and now you will pay dearly for it. What a
-Immediately after he did a presser to reassure the country, the Dow had its biggest plunge since 1987 when Reagan was in office. Republicans aren’t good with the economy are they?
-Wall Street has decided they can’t trust Trump. The Wall Street Journal said he should back off the daily 1-2 hour press conferences. He gives misinformation that the doctors have to contradict right afterward.
Your conclusion that he’s the best president is based on what, Trumpist, that fevered dream you had the other night?
Please enlighten us further with your upside-down, black is white LOGIC. You seem to have no ability to process readily available information to draw a valid conclusion.
In other words, you talk outcher b***. What else can one do when one has one’s head buried in the sand? Your behind it what you show the world and that’s how the world sees you. Not a pretty sight, pilgrim. (laughter)
Now, back to your delusion, Trumpist, and wash yer hands when you’re done. I will after typing the name “T-r-u-m-p”. Yikes!!!
Trumpist#1 says
The only point I agree on is: “It’s not a pretty sight”, lol. And my head is not buried in sand, it’s in an orifice where the sun don’t shine.
But Obama said: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”. If you like your medical insurance, you can keep it”. Bezinger, he lied, LOLOL.
Obama told Putin’s lackey “I will have more flexibility after my last election”. He should have been impeached and prosecuted for treason.
Funny how can we agree so completely about Parris and disagree so vehemently about Trump. Stay safe.
William says
Funny how your brain has Obama’s 2 statements equivilant to over 16,000 Trump lies.
I guess apples and oranges ARE the same thing in your world. That’s a pretty slim thing to hang your hat on Trumpist. You forget the 57 states nonsense.
But, you’re no different than the simple folks who attend Trump rallies and cheer the most disgusting stuff that flows out of his mouth.
Keep it up and be ready for the fall in the fall.
William says
Funny when I said you were impaired, you came back by comparing 2 statements by Obama with 16,000+ lies from Trump, thereby demonstating your impairment here for all to see.
Remember when Trump said the country would be back to work by Easter? Check your calendar. It would have possibly been open by Easter if he had taken action in January when he heard about it. But, noooooooooooooo.
Are you really as simple-minded as he is? Either way it’s a lose/lose.
Trumpist#1 says
Wow, this November. Have you ever seen any election so critical? Remember that Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times”, lol.
But in answer to your question: Us toothless, simple, impaired folk that cling to our guns, bibles and …………. Constitution can’t do math.
Be good or I won’t buy you that Trumpy Bear. BTW, when is the mayoral election in Lancaster, do you know?
William says
Election in Lancaster, Trumpist???
They don’t need no stinkin’ elections in Lancaster. Who told you that?
A reporter tells Trump that he voted by mail while saying it’s ripe for fraud. The only fraud when Trump votes is himself. He is a fraud so when he votes it’s “VOTER FRAUD”.
Well, he won’t be gettin’ any Electorl College delegate votes from California. So, you might as well stay home November 3 with the rest of the Trumpters.
William says
Did you hear the latest report that Trump had to be talked out of just letting the pandemic ‘wash over’ the country’ which would have cost several million lives it was estimated?
So, what do you think of his judgement?
He has added misinformation and obstruction to the issue like he does with everything else. He has made the work harder for Dr. Fauci and his advisors who have to ‘fix’ things after he speaks.
Does that represent you?
Trumpist#1 says
How come you referred to Obama’s lies as “statements”?
Total knee-jerk bias due to blind, irrational, divisive, deep-seated hatred of all things Trump, maybe? You should be hating on the Chinese Communist Party, not your own C in C.
jack doff says
North Korea is still working its nuclear program.< JUMP STARTED BY (DRUM ROLL)Bill Clinton, NK has been working on the nuc. program long before trump so your point is a FAIL, -Iran has resumed its nuclear program which might be hard with the pandemic, but still.< Doesn't hurt when a traitorous U.S. President sends pallets full of cash at zero-dark thirty…another FAIL, He delayed over 2 months in taking action other than saying he’s stopped travel from China when actually over 40,000 have come to the U.S. anyway. He was slow halting travel from Europe when Europe was the source of most infections in New York for instance.< Do your own research you lazy POS, the WHO can claim that one(and since all this info is out there) you either don't care if your screeches are false,don't know how to research even the smallest item or both,which is it? Immediately after he did a presser to reassure the country, the Dow had its biggest plunge since 1987 when Reagan was in office. Republicans aren’t good with the economy are they? Wall Street has decided they can’t trust Trump. The Wall Street Journal said he should back off the daily 1-2 hour press conferences. He gives misinformation that the doctors have to contradict right afterward.< Who gives a crap what wall street says parrot boy? How much stock do you have? (aluminum cans don't count). Please enlighten us further with your upside-down, black is white LOGIC.< More rich irony here,isn't your party (D's) the same asshats that brought us the women are men and vice versa? So do STFU about black and white up and down worlds,you freaks invented it. OWN IT .
jack doff says
-He delayed over 2 months in taking action other than saying he’s stopped travel from China when actually over 40,000 have come to the U.S. anyway. He was slow halting travel from Europe when Europe was the source of most infections in New York for instance. <for the resident idiot,open youtube copy, paste, watch bonehead. https://youtu.be/LUXsgVA8lN8 squash your lies and propaganda komrade
Mark says
I would like to extend a huge thank you to the AV Times team, not just for the solid journalism it usually does, but for covering Covid-19 day by day for our area without a paywall, unlike the AV Press. Thank you so much!
Trumpist#1 says
Gruesome Newsom plans to extend stimulus payments to illegal aliens.
Alexis says
President Trump reminds me of Captain Queeg.
Robby says
I would surmise that most that dislike Trump have no money invested in the stock market.
William says
Robby, you mean those invested in the stock market are loving him now?
So, when those companies that got bailed out in 2008-9 only to buy back their own stocks and now want another bailout as their stocks have taken a dump, what are we to do?
Isn’t THAT socialism or something that Republicans accuse Democrats of? I hate to end a sentence with a preposition but what the heck.
Trumpist#1 says
So when Obama and Biden bailed out GM, banks, etc. it was OK??? Typical Democrat hypocrisy and hysteria caused by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Thank you Mr. President for doing a fantastic, “perfect” job, lolol.
BTW, where’s Tim ??? Very understandable if he got disgusted posting here.
William says
You do realize that Trump Derangement Syndrome is what Trump suffers from, don’t you? I guess you suffer from it as well.
He wasted 2 months while calling it a “hoax”. Don’t do that denial that he didn’t call it a hoax. He referred to Democratic criticism of his slow response as “That’s their new hoax.” What else could he be talking about?
Now, a Democrat will have to do “Clean up on Pennsylvania Avenue” after a Republican president has trashed the economy……again…..and again.
Like Clinton did after catching a recession post Bush 41. Then, Clinton gave us “Peace and Properity”. Remember?
Like Obama did after catching the Great Bush Recession from Bush 43 and working steadily for 8 years with no help from the GOP to restore the economy. There were fewer deaths from H1N1 than the COVID-19 virus and we’re still counting. President Obama did a better job than you Clown Prince.
Why do you Republicans s*** all over everything and blame the dog.
With luck, Trump will be the LAST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT……..”EVAH”.
Where will you go then?
American Legion says
It pays to sue cities and school districts for voting districts you won’t use in your own city. Throw in lawsuits against American Legion Posts for injuries they have no control over and pretty soon you’re living on the beach.
Aja says
What does the purchase of his house have to do with lawsuits against the American Legion Posts that never happened?
The Anti Rex says
Do your homework. He sued two American Legion posts in the AV. He’s sued a lot more than that. Suing the American Legion Posts showed what a scumbag he is.
move on says
First the comments said Parris sued the VFW, now the comments say he sued the American Legion. Come on people. Attacking me saying I’m being paid, and, I don’t do my research is absolutely ridiculous. That is the old, tired payed shill scenario that is a complete fallacy. You have the right to peddle your agenda though.
American Legion says
He sued two American Legion Posts in the Antelope Valley. The court documents are available if you care to look. You obviously don’t care and want to prop up that sheister. Keep drinking the cool aid.
move on says
Point me to the link that says Parris sued two American Legion posts in the AV. Never mind, I know he did not sue two American Legion posts in the AV, or maybe you think he also sued the VFW. that was posted on here for years.
The Anti Rex says
Move On, got to the county court website. You have to pay. I’m not going to front you the money. Go ask Daddy Ray to give you the bucks. He’s got enough after suing the various cities, school districts, and American Legion Posts.
For the rest of the good people who read this page, I will post the documents later after Move On asks Daddy for some cash. Rex may have tried to bury them but he failed.
The Anti Rex says
Oh, it gets better kids. The documents read: COME NOW, Defendants, ANTELOPE VALLEY POST NO. 311, AMERICAN LEGION, LTD, and PALMDALE AMERICAN LEGION POST 348 for themselves alone and for no other defendants.
Case No. BC530737. Rex trolls, dad will give you the password to the county site.
If anyone else wants a copy, you can look it up.
Let’s face it. Rex hates veterans and Palmdale. We veterans from Palmdale don’t like him much. No veteran should.
move on says
He also didn’t sue school districts for voting districts; that doesn’t make any sense. If anyone actually cares about FACTS, don’t believe anything posted here. Palmdale was sued for voting districts but Rex Parris didn’t do the suing in this case. So what if he’s purchased a 6.6 million dollar house. There are much more important issues to focus on.
The Anti Rex says
Tell that to Santa Clarita and Lancaster districts. How much does he pay you to defend him? Do some research and ask for a raise.
Court Fan says
If Rex didn’t sue Palmdale, why is his name on the court documents? Kevin Shankman, Marvin Crist, Darren Parker (RIP), and a cast of characters.
Please explain yourself.
move on says
The voters sued the city of Palmdale, and other cities did also under the California Voting Rights Act. They are called plaintiffs, and they won their cases according to the law. Anyone that cares about the facts can see for themselves. Do not believe the twisted comments that only provide half truths that distort the facts.
Lily says
Exactly! First they were saying it was the VFW (for years), now it’s the American Legion. Notice how they show the link about his house but not any links regarding lawsuits against the VFW or the American Legion. I didn’t vote for Parris, but not by any comments I read here. Gather your facts from legitimate sources.
The Anti Rex says
Really? That is how you defend Rex? This is 2020. There is this thing called the Internet with search engines like Google. If you type in R. Rex Parris and voting rights and Santa Clarita, you learn how he sued a school district in Santa Clarita. He is a special kind of low.
move on says
For the Plaintiff’s, Anti Rex; for the Plaintiff’s. If you read the article involving Palmdale you will see the names of the plaintiff’s. Also, this is not a defend Rex Parris issue, it is about plain facts not distortions. So who sued the American Legion, or was it the VFW? Please provide the link for that. Even if there was a lawsuit it would be by the plaintiff that hired Rex, and that is what he does, he is a lawyer. Don’t blame him, blame the voters that don’t show up, and allow him to be mayor for FOUR terms. I don’t like his methods at all, but apparently no one cares to vote him OUT. Blame this and blame that, but it all comes down to voter apathy.
move on says
The California Voting Rights Act. Read it and you will see it has been expanded in 2001, making it easier for minorities (plaintiffs) to sue, etc. That’s where Shenkman, Parris combo come in. They were hired and they won. Palmdale kept wasting tax dollars on appeals and in the end they lost. This is the way it works in California. Will you blame the plaintiff’s? Never mind.
The Anti Rex says
Rex wet his pants at the chance to sue Palmdale. For his efforts, he got himself a nice beach mansion in Laguna. It was all for the minority Hispanic population. Which is why he is pushing for voting districts in Lancaster. Wait. He’s not? Maybe that’s why there is NO HISPANIC representation on the Lancaster city council. It’s understandable though. To be on the council, you have to live on the Westside, be an affluent white Republican, or a person of color who will do Rex’s bidding. There have been a handful of those too eager to bow to the Imperious Rex. East Lancaster continues to be underrepresented.
Minority says
I’m happy to see that the minorities that sued Palmdale won. I like district representation.
Stinger says
It appears that “move on”, “Aja”, etc. are attempting to engage in revisionist history…
Sorry, Parrisites, I ain’t buying any fertilizer from y’all today. We all KNOW what a wannabe Trump scumbag your lord and master is.
Trumpist#1 says
“Parrisites”, LOL, I haven’t heard that before. Good one. Even us “wannabe Trump scumbags” think it’s funny.
A Boy Named Sue says
For those so happy about minorities suing and winning and district representation, why doesn’t Rex’s Lancaster have districts? No Hispanic representation either. Not a person of any group from the East side. But he did cash he checks and buy a nice house in Laguna after suing other cities, didn’t he?
The Anti Rex says
While Rex’s paid stooge goes to daddy asking for direction or more money, anyone who would like to research the case where Rex sued the American Legion, he sued their baseball program, a program that provides healthy recreation for thousands of athletes across the nation. It was case number BC530737 and the incident occured, allegedly on July 23, 2008 in Palmdale.
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.
We have two American Legion posts in the Antelope Valley. Rex is more interested in a payday than the good deeds these posts do, including supporting baseball.
Marv says
American Legion: I don’t know who you are, but you have no idea what’s going on with the American Legion.
Alexis says
Governor Cuomo and Dr. Fauci have become America’s de facto leaders during the Covid-19 pandemic. Amazing men taking charge in a good way.
William says
Due to the contagion I wish Trump would wear a mask. Or at least a different one.
The Anti Rex says
I wish Rex would wear a muzzle.
Random Stranger says
Apparently, the Lancaster Sheriff has time on their hands. They just issued my handicapped son a citation, for a car tag that is less then a month out. The renewal form DMV sent him won’t work in the new grocery store machines. DMV has appointments only through the 7th of April, and they have no openings.
mimi says
Hello Random Stanger,
You also have the option of renewing the tags online. We cannot blame the sheriffs for literally just doing their job. Heck, I got a ticket recently, guess what? I have to pay that now just like everyone else.
S. Spielberg says
So, this is how it ends.
Oh, well. The sun was going to burn out anyway.
How many movies does this pandemic remind you of?
Slayer says
After watching a Lancaster city council meeting, I often think the end is near. The end of good government for sure.
D. Fossey says
Does it smell bad in those Lancaster council meetings, like old men who’ve leaked a little when they cough.
Doesn’t Rex wear Depends or does he think it’s like taking a shower with a raincoat on?
The REAL Kenny Rogers recently passed (RIP) but Lancaster still has the fake one.
Poor Rex doesn’t get no respect no how. Funny how money can’t buy that. You don’t think his minions actually respect him. They’re just in it for themselves too and Marv and the rest are good at “faking” respect. That’s also been observed in the wild with other primates.
Trumpist#1 says
Citizen Veterinarian,
You squeak and snivel like that well-loved Republican Mitt Romney, a back-stabbing, dishonorable, disloyal, unpatriotic, lying “lowlife” as Trump put it. I hope our overwhelming victory in November puts you back in your place (a mental asylum or short bus).
Ed Grimley says
These Democrats are mental, I must say!
Rick Tur says
All we need now is an earthquake.
Bye Bye Lancaster says
It’s a good thing we’re spending $90 grand a month on the Eye in the Sky during this crisis. Don’t you feel safer with Rex in control?
Rick Tur says
I suppose the Eye in the Sky has an infrared camera that can ‘see’ if you have a temp. Does it have missiles?
JPB says
The Eye in the Sky has a camera pointed on Frank’s bank account after he cashes his $90,000 monthly check paid for by LANCASTER taxpayers, thanks to Rex. Imagine how much real good that money could do.
Jerry says
Did you see the ad on this site for Trump Silver Coins?
There’s a sucker born every minute and they wear MAGA hats.
Ron Norris says
LA County Air Show sold tickets online and is refusing to give people their money back. They will not respond to emails and have now closed down their website to include contact information.
This organization has always been poorly run, but now take it to a new low. What business can take your money, give you nothing, and refuse to reimburse.
Tiny says
This is an absolute shame, given everything that is currently going on, they have to reimburse everyone. I would suggest calling your bank, see if from their end they can do anything to help you?
Vic says
Rex is 65. When does he get put in self isolation? He’s got a nice place in Laguna. Maybe he can stay there for a while and let the rest of us enjoy some peace.
Doctor Jekyll says
Funny how it’s mostly Republicans who went to a CPAC conference and are hanging around the White House who are having to quarantine themselves.
I guess they listened to Trump who downplayed the pandemic while shaking hands with everyone even the guy from Brazil.
It will probably be Trump fans who get coronavirus in the Antelope Valley. They are so ignorant.
Alexis says
Dr. Jekyll: You’re not very smart either; you are mortally wounded for your evil deeds. See what happens when you drink a serum that hasn’t been FDA approved.
Dr. Jekyll says
It’s odd, Alexis, but the ladies love me as Mr. Hyde. Go figure.
Alexis says
No, Dr. Jekyll, Ivy lived in fear of your abuse. That has nothing to do with love. Anyway Mr. Hyde, you had to die to revert back to Dr. Jekyll.
Doc J says
So be it.
Simple Simon says
Suing ’em
Mayor Parris said he would never sue the schools in the antelope Valley but he has and is.
He is now working with Miguel Coronado, who gets a “finders fee” from Parris to trump up issues.
After Coronado blows them way out of proportion, the mayor sues the school districts.
Stephen Pence
Alexis says
Stephen: Anyone that reads any comments here and believes these comments, should remember to be responsible for doing their own research regarding any matters having to do with elected officials. there is a group of people that purposely post lies.
A Trmup folowerr says
I can’t decide if I should buy car insurance from an emu, Zoltar, the lizard with the accent, Flo, the Progessive Lady, or the any of the other Comedy Central insurance agents.
Random Stranger says
Jake at State Farm feels left out.
Citizen Vet says
Donald Trump does not respect the Constitution; his words and actions prove this to be true.
Trump*2020 says
Yesterday, I received an email that made me laugh. It said ‘Donald Trump needs your help!’ It was obviously one of those scams, because you and I know how could he possibly need MY help??? He’s the richest, smartest, most sweet smelling man in the history of men, probably ever! He doesn’t need me for anything! I mean, he’s running unopposed. UNOPPOSED! That means that no one in the Grand ‘Ol Republican party is brave enough to run against him or to say anything bad about this saintly man. I mean, who would? Trumpist #1 would 100% agree with me. I hear he wears a gold #MAGA belt buckle that came close to touching the president’s butt once, so he would definitely know.
And he’s probably going to be running against this creepy old white guy who’s not tanned or rich or married to a Russian or anything (I think she’s Russian…isn’t she? Maybe Ukrainian? South African? No, not African. But something that makes her sound like pink cotton candy) or even has a building named after him. If God wanted me to have ‘free healthcare’, he wouldn’t have made GoodRX coupons that saves me a ton of money on my prescription medicine (it’s down to only like $350 a month now, so it’s not bad). And I go to Clinica Mi Pueblo in Palmdale Blvd where I can see a doctor for $35 bucks, so I got high cost of health care beat!
So, don’t listen to those spam emails. The ever loving president doesn’t really need you. He needs your thoughts, prayers, and love. And votes. Maybe. Depends on how nice the Russians are with him.
Citizen Vet says
You can’t debate politics with a commenter who has fewer brain cells than teeth. Nor do you know anything about the Constitution, except the first and second amendment which you distort.
Michael says
Try speaking at a Lancaster City Council meeting if you oppose anything Rex says and see how they treat the Constitution.
Trumpist#1 says
Yeah, I agree 100%, lol.
I can’t believe that some actually take you seriously and think you’re a Trumper. I enjoy your sarcastic (sardonic?) posts and we need a little more humor now for sure.
But Citizen Vet is wrong. I have the same amount of brain cells as teeth — three in both cases.
AV Observer says
People write the darndest things. A beautiful letter about Rex wanting to name a roundabout after Marv Crist.
It’s already named
Sorry Rex, I named the 15th Street West roundabout several months ago: “Marvin’s IttyBitty roundabout.”
If Marvin is so great at writing grants, why doesn’t he write one for funds to fix our crumbling streets?
Or, use the wasted $1 million plus annually on the eye in the sky. That would probably pave the horrible west side of 10th Street West from The “Blvd” north to Jackman Street.
Andrew Anderson
AV Observer says
Another beautiful letter.
Won’t make much difference
Since Lancaster Mayor Parris wants to name a traffic circle for Vice Mayor Crist, maybe they should create enough new traffic circles to name one for the mayor and each city council member, after all getting a few more “runarounds” from the City of Lancaster isn’t going to make that much difference anyway.
Marty Scepan
AV Observer says
Rex would never use city money to help one of his private Christian schools or churches, right?
Left arrow, please
I find it interesting that the City of Lancaster installed a left turn arrow at 25th St. West & Ave J8.
The only thing at that intersection is a private Christian school that serves a select group of families. The intersection of 30th Street West and Ave J8 serves Antelope Valley College. The college serves the whole Antelope Valley but it doesn’t have a left turn arrow and is extremely busy when classes are in session.
I wonder what is the criteria the city uses for adding left turn arrows. This one should have been at 30th and J8 or at least add one there. We could also use one for turning into Antelope Valley Hospital and the City of Hope.
Harriet Lee
[removed] says
What’s going on with the Sprouts shopping center project?
I heard the right wing Trump supporters in Desert View Highlands filed lawsuits against the developer and the city of Palmdale to block the project?
Alexis says
Trumpist#1: Please acquaint yourself with the U.S. Constitution. Specifically voting rights and what constitutes treason. Citizen has the right to vote for whom ever this person wishes. Also, you delight in continual bullying of others that post on here that have different opinions. You posted the same comment twice because your first post didn’t show up fast enough.
Trumpist#1 says
Your ignorant, dangerous comment that coronavirus is “no problem” proves that you have a deficit of credibility and knowledge. But that doesn’t stop you from being a judgmental pedant on every subject, does it ??
Also, your quoting of scriptures for every situation and claiming moral superiority wears thin and comes off hypocritical and petty. Just saying.
Reporting from behind enemy lines, LOL.
Alexis says
Trumpist#1: First of all, I never said that coronavirus is “no problem.” Go back and read my comment again. “ignorant, dangerous comment” that I never made? come on now Trumpist. Second, I never quote Scripture for every situation, in fact I never quote Scripture. Moral superiority fits you very nicely, I would say, due to the fact that you’re always commenting like you’re the head rooster, cock a doodle do to you. Oh yeah, please address Citizen Vet as Citizen Vet; that’s the screen name for this honorable Veteran. I’m not the enemy, LOL.
Alexis says
One more thing, Trumpist, the deficit of credibility and knowledge that you say I have is cancelled out because you posted false accusations about me. I’m really not concerned about proving to you that I’m credible. If being a human jackass were illegal you would be doing life.
Trumpist#1 says
Citizen veterinarian:
Wow, are you having a nervous breakdown??? LMAO. So easy to push your snowflake buttons, you “woke”, sissy, unpatriotic Quisling. You would rather our country go down the tubes rather than give Trump one ounce of credit.
You scream like a little girl,, yeah real brave behind your keyboard, but you are without credibility or honor. You should support our duly elected POTUS regardless, as we did with Obama. You disgust me and I can’t wait to see you scream in anguish to the sky again this November.
Achtung says
Quisling was a Nazi sympathizer, jerk. You’re a Nazi sympathizer.
Citizen says
Why Trumpist#1 s a snowflake: Your continual emotional rollercoaster shows a complete lack of self-control. You have such an inflated sense of your uniqueness that you have a storehouse of screen names because one name isn’t enough. Your unwarranted sense of entitlement that permits you to make fun of screen names, make bully remarks to anyone that has a different opinion, telling them ICE is coming for them. Overly-emotional fawning over the president that comes too close to stalker behavior.
Trumpist#1 says
Losing it, aren’t ya??? In November, you can scream to the sky like that hysterical woman in 2016, LOLOLOL.
Russia, Stormy, Kavanaugh, Mueller, Ukraine. LMAO. You’re pathetic.
Citizen Vet says
Unlike you, I am a Republican that isn’t a racist like you. I am well aware that you have a right to be an hysterical, fearful little man. You are a very immature bully that comments before the facts are available for you to post a logical comment. You are unstable, and I am concerned about people like you that divide this nation with your hate speech.
Citizen Vet says
BTW, you talk too much. With your many masks you bully other commenters that have different opinions than you, which tells me you are a coward, and I would like to tell you to your face. You are the antithesis of a patriot.
Citizen Vet says
I called you out for what you are, so you assume I’m a Democrat losing it, which is a false. I am a Republican against Trump. As a voting citizen I will do my part by not voting for him.
Stinger says
Citizen Vet; thank you for your service and your continued fidelity to your oath to the United States Constitution.
What Trumpzis fail to recall in their impassioned, but woefully misguided, patriotism arguments is the fact that there is NO oath of office or service in our country (excepting, perhaps, the Secret Service Presidential Detail) that is to protect and defend any president. Our oaths are to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Real Americans, at our core, abhor any kind of dictatorship (it kinda runs in our blood), so even the appearance of such in our own government is of natural disgust to us. The current administration has been showing very clear signs of transmutation into a more authoritarian form of government, which any true blooded American is, by nature, opposed to. Trumpzis are, therefore, definable as anti-American by their insistence upon demanding fealty to the sitting President over the Constitution.
I am now waiting for a modern day equivalent to the Reichstag fire and the naturally following demand by Trump that will be echoed by Fox News and all the good little Trumpzis for the ‘suspension’ of civil rights and for some sort of ‘solution’ to the problem of [insert minority group here]… Perhaps a ‘final solution’…
Waste not your time on those such as Trumpist#1, for they are lost. It is time to concentrate on saving our country before it is taken from us all – yes, even from Trumpist#1.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – B. Franklin
Never Trumper says
So true. I’m a Never Trumper Republican.
Never Parris says
I am a Never Parris Republican. Parris is even worse than Trump.
Trumpist#1 says
Wow, are you having a nervous breakdown??? LMAO. So easy to push your snowflake buttons, you “woke”, unpatriotic Quisling. You would rather our country go down the tubes rather than give Trump one ounce of credit.
You scream like a little girl,, yeah real brave behind your keyboard, but you are without credibility or honor. You should support our duly elected POTUS regardless, as we did with Obama. You disgust me and I can’t wait to see you scream in anguish to the sky again this November.
Stinger says
Apparently, more sober individuals accurately assessing the symptoms of Trumpist#1’s “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (the real kind) causes him to become frightened of what he might see.
It has become patently obvious that, should you be seeking a rational discussion regarding anything involving Trump (or anything political, for that matter), Trumpist#1 is most assuredly the last person that would be likely to be able to assist you, as any further attempts at intelligent discourse with him is likely to trigger further symptoms of his disease.
As clearly futile attempts to communicate rationally with russian bots and deranged trolls are an unhealthy practice, we can now merely pity Trumpist#1, and his ilk, as we move on without him.
Trumpist#1 says
Trumpocrats, Trumpublicans and Independent Trumpists: Now is our time to keep socialism ostracized, keep the military strong, keep us prosperous, keep citizens safe, keep our health care and above all:
******* KEEP AMERICA GREAT ********
HAHAHAHA!!!! says
“Keep socialism ostracized” — FAMOUS LAST WORDS!
Trump*2020 says
OMG OMG OMG, Trump is coming to LA! OMG OMG OMG!!!! I’m so happy that I’m breathing the same air as him!! I know he’s coming for a big fundraiser, and I don’t have the $10,000 a plate to see him, or that I’ll even get to shake hands with him and get a whiff of his deep musky perfume, but I’m just so happy that’s he’s coming!! I’m in the same state as my president! How cool is that?? OMG!!!
Oh, and in case you were wondering, if you are ever privileged to meet him, Trumpist #1 gave me some pointers about the correct etiquette for his presence:
1. Don’t stare at his deep blue eyes, he finds it uncomfortable, and your soul is not worthy.
2. Don’t comment about his organic orange glow, he prefers not to discuss it, but truly bask in it.
3. Don’t prostrate and worship, even if it feels so very, very wrong.
4. Try to avoid big words such as ‘government’ or ‘constitutional law’. I heard they can cause a twitch.
5. Remember, he’s not slurring, he’s ‘chewing his words very good best words ever’.
6. Try very, very hard not to touch his hair. I know, but fight the temptation. FIGHT IT!
And most of all
7. He will be president for 12 more years. Those are tears of joy in your face, not fear.
Remember, vote for Trump, even if there’s no one else running, Democracy be damned.
Illegals Go Home says
Americans, take our valley back! We should all email ICE once a month about the AV being a dumping ground for illegals.
Trumpist#1 says
Electoral College. 2nd Amendment. First amendment free speech. Clearly defined and enforceable borders. Due process protection. Taxation without representation.
All this made us exceptional, and all is specified in our Constitution, which is very inconvenient for Democrats and Socialists.
Laughing says
Amendment – a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
27 Amendments over time to the United States of America Constitution.
Things can be changed. Most often by interpretation through the courts.
And none of it matters…
There is life – live it.
There is death – it comes for us all.
Laughing No More says
Of course it matters! If Dems pass Medicare for all, seniors that have been paying for Medicare every week their whole lives will be behind illegals in lines to see doctors. Seniors would be crazy to vote for that.
It matters to the Chinese and the Russians if Dems destroy our military, even if it doesn’t matter to you. It matters if Dems want to take all our money and give it to illegals and voluntarily homeless scum and triple our deficit.
To quote one of your best lines: “You must be very blissful”.
Random Stranger says
Immigrants only receive a stripped down version of the already substandard Medicaid that poor people get. So it’s just shots, wound care, and the likes of that to benefit the general public.
Laughing says
This is the comments section… i do not believe facts are allowed to be posted here.
Alexis says
“No taxation without representation,” meant “No taxation by Parliament, let us run our own affairs.”
Alexis says
Due Process: The Constitution only states one command twice; the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment. Due Process has many interpretations (opinions), so therefore a simplified “Due process protection,” does not define what you’re attempting to convey.
Voter says
So Rex is campaigning as a champion of civil rights. Civil rights? Whose civil rights?
Certainly not those of Johnathan Ervin, an African American veteran whom Rex called a ‘gang candidate’ in a racist hit mailer.
Nor the rights of anyone receiving housing vouchers as Rex ‘declared war’ on Section 8 (a war that he lost, much like he lost his war on gangs.)
Is Rex championing the rights of the homeless and mentally ill? Nope. Rex blames the rising crime in Lancaster on imaginary acts by the homeless, and said on TV that people from a building that houses mentally ill people shot a sheriff’s deputy. He went on to say that it was ‘insanity’ to put housing for mentally ill people next to a sheriff’s station when he gloated about it when the facility opened.
Rex is definitely not a champion for Hispanics or African Americans. After suing several cities and school districts for voting districts that he will not bring to his own city, Rex has left things worse off everywhere he has sued. An African American who won an election was removed. A Hispanic lost in a district Rex created to a White Lancaster supported Republican. In Lancaster, there are no Hispanics and no one of any ethnicity from East Lancaster on the council.
Rex even went so far to support a Lancaster council woman who made hate statements about Muslims on her Facebook page, and doubled down by banning the burial of dead terrorists in Lancaster. Last I checked, dead people aren’t the cause of any problems. It’s the live ones you have to worry about.
A champion of civil rights? More like a chump than a champ.
Voter says
Does anyone know which judges Rex is supporting? Please share here. It will help me know which ones not to vote for.
Trumpist#1 says
Hooray!!!! Democrats are bankrupt. They have nothing to offer the country except Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Stinger says
Well, you may be certain of many more impeachments if Trump manages to cheat his way into office again. You can also be sure of more Trumpzis applauding the destruction of everything that our country has built for over two centuries as they tear up the Constitution in their blind support of this deranged orange false messiah of theirs. All this while proclaiming how so much more ‘American’ they are than everyone who actually respects the rule of law and believes in the liberal idea of the United States of America.
Trumpist#1 says
You have nothing to contribute but bitter resentment, TDS, and resistance. You obviously hate Trump more than you love our country. Are you a citizen? If not, STFU.
5 more years. Eat your liver, LOLOLOL.
Alexis says
I’m a sojourner, a stranger on this earth.
Trumpist#1 says
That’s creepy and doesn’t seem to contribute to the debate. We have never elected a pastor as POTUS and there’s a damn good reason for it!
Religious hypocrites are so judgmental about everyone else. Do we have to repent because the world is coming to an end yet?
Alexis says
Have you ever heard of “tongue in cheek.” I sure wouldn’t want a pastor to be president. Anyway, trading insults is not a debate, nor is attacking the commenter because you don’t like his comment. What you do isn’t my business, and you can attack me for a simple tongue in cheek comment, meaning no harm. I think telling someone to eat their liver is creepy, but that’s just my opinion which doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. BTW, again I say a pastor as POTUS is NOT something I want ever. Be careful T1, your worst nightmare might come true; Bernie Sanders for President with Elizabeth Warren as V.P.
Alexis says
Also Trumpist, citizens are free to embrace or reject a faith; it’s called separation of Church and State, so your comment about a pastor as president is entirely your line of thinking, not mine. I don’t like Trump pandering to religious groups, and I certainly don’t think religious groups should be using the pulpit to voice political preferences. Just my opinion, and I will continue to freely express my faith. All this, repent stuff comes from you, not me.
Stinger says
What an oddly random set of hyperbolized statements, mixed with significant quantities of both civil ignorance and racism.
Most peculiar.
smarter than YOU says
Pot meet kettle,and the racism screech doesn’t work anymore parrot.
Stinger says
Actually, I am more struck by the apparent lack of basic knowledge of how our country works, while claiming superiority in that area. The immediate accusations of a lack of patriotism for not supporting any particular elected official over the Constitution is further evidence of a similar psychology as has been similarly presented by members of such groups as the nazis, soviets, North Korean communist party members, and various religious cults. The racist ranting about purported citizenship, without contextual information provided for such an assumption, is merely further evidence of said mental reference.
It is unfortunate that this observation will be immediately set upon by those who choose to ignore the lessons of history and psychology and will attempt to drag us back into such darkness as has been seen before.
I is profoundly saddening to watch unfold again.
8 more years. says
Well, you may be certain of many more impeachments if Trump manages to cheat his way into office again. <Explain EXACTLY how he cheated(you can't).as they tear up the Constitution <AGAIN EXPLAIN with facts not your feelings.respects the rule of law and believes in the liberal idea of the United States of America.< No such thing as the "liberal law" of the united states.Take a civics class synchophant.. I'll cue the cricket noises waiting for a COHERENT FACT based response.
Stinger says
First: the very reason Trump was impeached was over trying to cheat for the 2020 election. Obviously, you missed that pertinent detail.
Second: By denying the very basis of what is impeachable, your republican idolaters are ‘tearing up the Constitution’ in their willingness to cover it up.
Third: The rule of law, as set out in the Constitution (please see above)
Fourth: I did not use the term, “liberal law.” Please pay more attention to what you read than Trump does. I noted the well established fact that the founding fathers’ very idea of a constitutional republic, with all of the civil rights attached thereto, is a classical liberal concept.
Finally: Had you taken the very civics class that you incorrectly assume nobody else has taken, you would already know this…. As evidenced by your comically inaccurate choice in monikers, showing your failure to understand that it would be constitutionally illegal for Trump to be in office for 8 more years.
As a side note: I find your attempts at barbs regarding ‘feelings’ to be of particular humor as your posting is clearly written with far more emotion than an attempt at even-tempered logical debate. This seems to be a theme with Trump supporters with spouting accusations that, all too often, turn out to reveal the contrary to be the case.
Stinger says
For some odd reason, the editors of this site chose to block my cogent and coherent response to your queer demands for information readily available, so let’s try this.
Instead of my attempting to convince you to accept the clear truth of what we have been, and continue to be, witnessing, allow me to refer you to one of your own; Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News with his discussion on this very subject of less than a week ago. Enjoy. I particularly appreciate his opening quote, which I will share here, too, as it is quite pertinent…
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – George Orwell, “1984”
Lily says
Powerful comment, Stinger.
William says
TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME refers to Trump himself.
He is deranged and if you haven’t noticed, Trumpist#1, you may be as well.
My guess is you are.
Trumpist#1 says
Yes, I’m deranged (I forgot to re-up my shooting range fees). I miss our civil and kindly political discussions and I’m glad to hear from you, you entertaining evil genius.
What could go wrong says
Is California using the same voting system as Iowa?
George Washington says
Are you new to this planet?
Iowa has caucuses.
California has primaries.
Please don’t vote.
What could go wrong says
George Washington: Computerized voting that went so wrong in Idaho, not what you said. Please don’t vote.
trumpist#1 says
Has anyone received election material in the mail for primaries yet? Thanks.
Wake Up Lancaster says
It comes as no surprise that Lancaster’s crime rate is and has been clearly out of control for quite some time.
There are many reasons to explain the reasons behind this situation but the main focal point must be directed at the Lancaster City Council’s lack of leadership in addressing this issue.
Lancaster, in comparison to Palmdale, has demonstrated very little transparency in what, if anything of any significance is being done to reduce crime.
The bottom line is the Lancaster City Council needs to make crime reduction a top priority in the City as a whole and spend less time promoting the BLVD.
Richard McCaughey
Honest_Abe says
Look at the difference in the demographics between the two cities
—Non-Hispanic White……..32%
—Hispanic Origin…………….39%
—Non-Hispanic White……..22%
—Hispanic Origin…………….58%
It’s as simple as black & white, honestly.
Now fire away and bombard me with allegations of being “racist”
Voter says
Were you the advisor to the Lancaster mayor who sent out racist hit mailers calling an African American veteran a ‘gang candidate’?
KAG45 says
Thanks for those solid stats and indisputable facts.
Truth rules, in spite of this politically correct craziness. They’ll deny it and scream “racist, racist, racist”, but truth still matters.
JPB says
The truth is that crime in Lancaster is higher than it is in Palmdale, and the leaders of Lancaster have no idea what to do to deal with it. We get birdie sounds piped in at the BLVD and a mayor who tells the Wall Street Journal that these sounds are lowering crime. Then our tax dollars get funneled into a pet project called the Eye in the Sky of which no other city is dumb enough to buy. The latest is our mayor blaming the homeless for all the crime and suggests that people shoot homeless with illegally carried guns. At least he did not stoop to your level and blame the high crime on race. So far all he has done was to send out a political hit mailer calling an African American veteran a ‘gang’ candidate. Sure, that was racist, but even Raymond Rex Parris is smart enough not to use race statistics to argue his point. He no doubt had one of his paid minions handle that.
Lynn Reid says
Are those numbers from 2010 or later?
It will be interesting to see how much those demographics have changed when this year’s 2020 US Census comes around.
I predict a higher percentage of Hispanics in Lancaster and probably a drop in the Black population to around 18-19%.
Palmdale will probably be up to 65% Hispanic and down to 10% black.
Be honest says
Your truth is subjective, Abe. Palmdale is not 80% white. I’m not going to point out the rest of it for you, but I suggest if you’re going to call yourself honest than be honest. BTW, Palmdale doesn’t fare any better than Lancaster when you look at all the stats. As far as crime, well, Palmdale gets a D- and Lancaster gets an F, so maybe it really doesn’t matter if you live in fear.
Be honest says
80% out of a 100, plus 22%, plus 58%, plus 12%, plus 6%, plus 4%= ???? You went way over with your stats. 71%, plus 32%, plus 39%, plus 20%, plus 6%, plus 4%=?????? once again you went way over with your stats. Why would I fire away and bombard you with allegations of being racist when these so called stats make zero sense?
Stats rule says
Be honest:
LOL, I bet you can’t read maps either. Stats were righteous and self-explanatory if you paid attention or were educated in the first world.
White stats were broken down between Hispanic and not Hispanic, although I would have broken out Hispanic separately.
Stats and facts are not “racist”.
Get real says
I checked it out and your stats are bogus, but you keep laughing out loud. I also saw that the stats that were given by Honest Abe are ridiculous.You’re the one that keeps bringing up racism, but you’re right, stats are not racist, people are. Numbers don’t lie, people manipulating the numbers do, like you.
Stinger says
What is the source on these stats, please?
Ha! says
Look em’ up yourself, lazy @$$ !
Stinger says
I would. If they were real. No such statistics are to be found… Which you likely already knew.
Provide the source or your statements are just as bogus as about anything Trump says.
Next bot/sycophant, please.
watchdog says
Own it Marvin! Lancaster Councilman Marvin Christ is Mr. in charge of the Sheriff Boosters for years now. Got his ALADS endorsement of candidates in his back pocket and for years he has been shaking down his supporters and actually telling the Sheriff what to do through his Chief of Police Lee. We can clearly hold him responsible for these miserable results.
East Lancaster says
It would be a great thing for Lancaster and the entire AV if Marvin Crist, Rex, Ken, Raj, and the rest of them were voted out. They work for a select few and not the majority, especially East Lancaster. The crime stats are just one more indication that we need new leaders now.
George T. says
Not one elected City Councilman lives on our Lancaster East side and it shows in how the City resources are applied. Sheriff deployment is obvious lacking as well as public works projects these facts have enabled our Eastside to earn a very bad reputation. Unfortunately it’s true.
Voter says
Rex and his cabal don’t give a rip about East Lancaster. That is why we desperately need voting districts in Lancaster. It is the only way East Lancaster will ever get the attention it needs and deserves.
It’s time to break up the stranglehold Rex has had on Lancaster. No more inside deals, no bid contracts and stupid waste of money projects like the Eye in the Sky.
Vote for change this April.
Voter says
The daily Crime Blotter and map printed in the Valley Press is the best indicator of why Lancaster has the highest crime rate of any Antelope Valley community.
The most vulnerable neighborhoods are on the Westside close to the freeway offramps and Lancaster Blvd. The majority of crimes are burglary, robbery and theft.
As a resident in a senior apartment complex on 15th street West for 18 years, I am familiar with the deterioration of the complex and neighborhood. From my third story balcony, I saw the expensive “eye in the sky” airplane contacted to patrol Lancaster from the heavens above by Mayor R Rex Parris and his political allies.
The airplane is not cost effective and Palmdale realized that years ago when Parris tried to engage our neighbors to share the expense and was not successful.
It is time for Lancaster to have new leadership that will invest tax dollars wisely and have more patrol cars with trained men and women from the sheriff department protecting and patrolling every neighborhood with the support of a helicopter when appropriate.
I am thankful I moved to Palmdale last December.
Alexis says
RIP Mr. Peanut.
A Patriot says
Radical craven socialist Democrats hate Trump so much they won’t hesitate to weaken and divide our country. They are without patriotism or honor. Shame on them.
Voice of History says
Right from the Signs of Fashism
It’s interesting to look at the 14 features of fascism Umberto Eco collected in 1995, when he studied the Nazi-Era and the Franco regime.
This predates the current American right-wing movement under Trump and it is therefore especially scary to see how many of the features are visible.
1) “The Cult of Tradition”, characterized by cultural syncretism, even at the risk of internal contradiction. When all truth has already been revealed by Tradition, no new learning can occur, only further interpretation and refinement.
2) “The Rejection of modernism”, which views the rationalistic development of Western culture since the Enlightenment as a descent into depravity. Eco distinguishes this from a rejection of superficial technological advancement, as many fascist regimes cite their industrial potency as proof of the vitality of their system.
3) “The Cult of Action for Action’s Sake”, which dictates that action is of value in itself, and should be taken without intellectual reflection. This, says Eco, is connected with anti-intellectualism and irrationalism, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science.
4) “Disagreement Is Treason” – Fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a syncretistic faith.
5) “Fear of Difference”, which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants.
6) “Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class”, fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups.
7) “Obsession with a Plot” and the hyping-up of an enemy threat. This often combines an appeal to xenophobia with a fear of disloyalty and sabotage from marginalized groups living within the society (such as the German elite’s ‘fear’ of the 1930s Jewish populace’s businesses and well-doings; see also anti-Semitism). Eco also cites Pat Robertson’s book The New World Order as a prominent example of a plot obsession.
8) Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as “at the same time too strong and too weak.” On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.
9) “Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy” because “Life is Permanent Warfare” – there must always be an enemy to fight. Both fascist Germany under Hitler and Italy under Mussolini worked first to organize and clean up their respective countries and then build the war machines that they later intended to and did use, despite Germany being under restrictions of the Versailles treaty to NOT build a military force. This principle leads to a fundamental contradiction within fascism: the incompatibility of ultimate triumph with perpetual war.
10) “Contempt for the Weak”, which is uncomfortably married to a chauvinistic popular elitism, in which every member of society is superior to outsiders by virtue of belonging to the in-group. Eco sees in these attitudes the root of a deep tension in the fundamentally hierarchical structure of fascist polities, as they encourage leaders to despise their underlings, up to the ultimate Leader who holds the whole country in contempt for having allowed him to overtake it by force.
11) “Everybody is Educated to Become a Hero”, which leads to the embrace of a cult of death. As Eco observes, “[t]he Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death.”
12) “Machismo”, which sublimates the difficult work of permanent war and heroism into the sexual sphere. Fascists thus hold “both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
13) “Selective Populism” – The People, conceived monolithically, have a Common Will, distinct from and superior to the viewpoint of any individual. As no mass of people can ever be truly unanimous, the Leader holds himself out as the interpreter of the popular will (though truly he dictates it). Fascists use this concept to delegitimize democratic institutions they accuse of “no longer represent[ing] the Voice of the People.”
14) “Newspeak” – Fascism employs and promotes an impoverished vocabulary in order to limit critical reasoning.
Get real says
No wonder Rex P. is your mayor; He thinks panhandlers, skateboarders, druggies, hookers, are riffraff too. You were clapping when he suggested you take up arms against those less fortunate than you. According to him you could say you were being robbed. You and Rex couldn’t care less about the downtrodden. You don’t have a clue about the shelter situation either. It isn’t just about beds.
Lily says
It’s the same commenters that purposely spread misinformation about the shelters and services for the vulnerable veterans, families with children, etc. There are many reasons people end up homeless, or barely surviving. Pay no attention to them, they have no idea what the facts are and don’t care. Much needed services will be provided by Kensington, and many wonderful people that care are making it happen. Parris is their mayor because of their own complacency.
Voter says
Rex calls the organizations that provide services for the vulnerable veterans, families with children, etc. in Lancaster “Poverty Pimps”. His words, not mine. This is what our mayor thinks of all the good being done.
Alexis says
Voter: Well, if he in fact did call us vulnerable veterans, families with children, etc. “poverty pimps,” that is his problem. I finally received much needed help for PTSD, and I know there are very caring people that will continue doing good, and I am also able to help others now. What Rex Parris thinks doesn’t stop us from doing good. It is between God and Rex Parris.
Alexis says
Edit: insert organizations. I am a part of a charitable group that helps the vulnerable, and I know they are a blessing to the vulnerable. Keep doing good.
Voter says
He called the organizations that provide services for the vulnerable veterans, families with children, etc. “Poverty Pimps”. He didn’t call the vulnerable veterans etc. that name. We all know what he thinks of the downtrodden.
And he’s building a Christian city?
Alexis says
Maybe Rex is unaware of the soup kitchen the LBC was running to feed the homeless or anyone that needed a hot breakfast and dinner. It was located off of Division in Lancaster, and was opened for breakfast and dinner on a daily basis. It was a big place with a full kitchen and was opened for quite awhile. I don’t attend LBC but I would go to this place to hand out socks and hats, and also talk with many of the homeless that I knew when I was homeless, so they could see if I can make it so can they. I don’t know why it closed. I thank God every day!
Alexis says
I was called riffraff by people like you, but God thought differently. Thank you to all the loving, compassionate people that help people like me. Thank you God! now I am able to help, and be a productive member of society. Also, you are ill-informed about the shelters, but it’s futile to have a conversation with people that don’t care about facts.
William says
After spending time in jail for marijuana possession back in the old days, actor Robert Mitchum was asked how it was being in jail.
“It’s just like Palm Springs without the riff raff.”
Alexis says
Riffraff meaning: Scum, refuse, garbage, vermin, rubbish, worthless, etc. Commenters on here use the ugly word “riffraff,” A word that is in Rex’s vocabulary. I was called riffraff when I was homeless for ten years, but God thought differently. I now, because of God’s lovingkindness, have a comfortable place to live, and am able to give back to those you call riffraff. I am thankful to all the people that show love, compassion, and care deeply about giving people like me a helping hand. I know AV Observer, that you are ill-informed about the shelter situation, although you sound like you know, you do not. It is futile to argue with a mind-set like yours or others that can’t see past your blind hatred towards a mayor you allow to be mayor. God’s creation is not riffraff. No, I am not a member of any of the churches of Lancaster; I am a member of the Body of Christ, learning and growing.
AV Observer says
Riff raff are criminals, not homeless people. Unless you are homeless and also a criminal, then you are riff raff. Riff raff comes in all different forms. Many ‘successful’ business people are riff raff because they lie, cheat, steal from unsuspecting customers and tax payers.
The downtrodden are not riff raff because they are downtrodden. They are God’s children. Riff raff are the thieves, robbers, muggers, rapists, etc.
The downtrodden would have benefited greatly from the shelter on Avenue I. More than 700 beds and 1,200 people served at no cost to them. But Rex couldn’t make a buck off it so it was killed. Now, people will have to pay to stay at Kensington and Rex’s buddy will make a lot of money.
Riff raff?
Alexa says
AV Observer: As a formerly homeless felon due to PTSD, I have been blessed by God. You have a right to your opinion, and I reacted to the word ‘riffraff’ that you used. God works His miracles with whom ever He chooses, and that also includes calling those looked down on by society. You, also, have a blessed day.
Alexis says
Wow AV Observer! You need to reread your own comments. You never once said criminals, and you know what you meant. No wonder you’re trying to back track your very plain words, because your term riffraff clearly defined by you are typed very plainly. There are too many people like you, I know, I have encountered you many times, meaning people like you.
AV Observer says
Alexis, please. You seem like a decent person. Do not put words in my mouth or attempt to interpret what I say. You don’t know me from Adam. You have no idea what I have done for the downtrodden, if I have ever been homeless, or what I might be currently doing for the homeless.
Please do not give your definition to my words. You don’t have the authority or knowledge to do so.
You don’t know me and if this is how you are, I have know interest in knowing or conversing with you. There are enough judgmental people in this world that I run into and I don’t need another one.
Have a blessed day and life.
Laughing says
Are we talking Riff Raff the rapper, or Riff Raff the Transylvanian?
Mars says
Why is it that just because it only snows maybe every 7yrs out here in the AV We don’t have any snow ploys available to clear streets so we can have safer streets and everyone can get around since some of us can’t do with missing work!
Laughing says
Because the snow normally melts within hours of the sun coming up. Plows are normally used for several inches of snow. Not to mention we have a lot of raised reflective dots, they have to be below the road surface to use a plow without tearing them up.
https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voter-registration/ says
I’m done dealing with all this Trump bullcrap. I’m just…done. Kick him out of office, don’t kick him, whatever. I’m done caring.
You know why? Because dealing with Trumpers is like dealing with anti-vaxers. No matter what crap he keeps throwing at them and how sick and stupid he makes them look, they’ll keep kissing his ass.
So, all I can do is vote. And I urge you to vote. Vote for him, don’t vote for him, whatever. Vote. Urge others to vote. The only hope we have is that hopefully America will wake up and wonder why the hell they elected a five year old in the first place. Or they won’t. They’ll keep thinking he’s the white messiah. Whatever.
But I’m done. You want him, America? You got it. And you deserve whatever crap he throws your way. All I can do is vote.
Trumpist#1 says
You got it!! 5 more years, then Gaetz for 8 more.
Alexis says
For many years, anonymous commenters post the same negative, vicious, words about Lancaster BLVD. and the mentally ill that they have to contend with. Of course Rex Parris is also complaining about the mentally ill that live close to the BLVD. I have a solution for the commenters; just stay away from the BLVD., instead of your constant whining about the BLVD. Rex Parris is the mayor of Lancaster because people would rather complain continually about everything Rex Parris, instead of showing up to vote him out. There are more Facebook people talking about the evils of Rex than showed up to vote. He doesn’t have to rent space in your collective head, he lives there free.
Just Saying says
Judging by the number of businesses that have failed on the BLVD, it looks like people have taken your advise and are staying away from the BLVD.
AV Observer says
What happened to Pour de Vino on the BLVD? Why did it close? It seems like a lot of places close on the BLVD. Bex, Gasoline , Brittney’s, GBD, Barones, Laemmle, Chicago Dogs, Hot Rod Dogz, Kinetic, Vintage Styles, Mirabelles, all those coffee places next to Bex. The business on the corner of the BLVD and Sierra Highway changes all the time.
R.C. Lancaster says
Leases are too high!
Location Location Location says
I remember watching a news story that had a guy from Baronne’s on saying he couldn’t wait to get off the BLVD. He complained about the lack of business, panhandlers, defecation, yada, yada. Complaints came from the former owners of Pour de Vino too. It may be a fine place from 8 am to a little afternoon, but aside from the fact that it is hard to get to and the parking sucks, it’s not a pleasant place to be when the sun goes down. There are far better locations places in the AV to go to for a meal.
Lily says
AV Observer; Lucky Luke Brew Pub is now on Lancaster BLVD. It is very nice.
AV Observer says
Yes it is very nice Lily. I have been there in the daytime. At night I go to the Palmdale location. Less riff raff to deal with outside. Actually, at the Palmdale location there is no riff raff to deal with outside.
Lily says
I have been there at night (opened until 9pm) on occasion, and as a woman I have never dealt with what you call riff raff outside, but I have been harassed at the Palmdale location. Just a difference of opinion.
AV Observer says
Yes, there is much more riff raff in an industrial park than on a street full of panhandlers and druggies. I can see your point.
Random Stranger says
Lucky Luke is across the street from over a square mile of open desert with Amargosa Creek running through it. Odds are the population of riff raff mostly bother the shopping center nearby. Just be wary of them for they may pass by going back and forth
Merv says
Random Stranger, anyone who thinks there is more riff raff in an open desert than on the BLVD is either clueless, deranged, or a Lancaster Commissioner.
What Riff Raff says
I agree I have never had a problem on the BLVD at night
No More Riff Raff says
I don’t have any problems any more on the BLVD at night. I used to get hit up all the time by panhandlers, or run into by skateboarders. But not anymore. I stopped going.
Alexis says
It amuses me how you freely you call others worthless (riffraff).
Alexis says
LOL, I know all the commenters freely calling others riffraff are self-righteous, insecure people that love placing themselves above others so they feel good about themselves. How dirty are you? We will never know because you hide.
Get real says
Old entitled people, and middle aged entitled people, also young entitled people that are throwing back their opioids with their favorite alcoholic beverage, are always the ones calling other people riffraff. Yes, they are making everyone within their circle miserable with their own dysfunctional ways.
Lily says
Never had a problem there at night. The Modern Tea Room is nice too.
AV Observer says
Yes it is very nice Lily. I have been there in the daytime. I stay away from the BLVD at night Too much riff raff to deal with outside.
Lily says
Apparently the Schmitz family thinks it’s a great location and so do I. Open until 9PM.
Boris says
…..or was it the Lucky Luke ‘investor’ who thought it was a ‘great location’? Hmmmmm….
Lily says
Are you riff raff? Hmmmmm… I can read your comments and see you are very bitter and jealous of the Schmitz family, Boris, AV Observer, and the other commenters with the same thoughts. Your disdain for those that are struggling with mental illness is the same mind-set as Rex Parris.
AV Observer says
Unlike Rex Parris, Lily, I do not go around blaming the mentally ill for shooting sheriff’s. Nor do I advocate for the arming of citizens and suggest that they carry loaded weapons to shoot the homeless ‘if’ they rob you.
Unlike our esteemed mayor, I would not have shut down the city’s only homeless shelter and I would have used the $1 million dollars the county gave us to keep it open.
Also unlike Rex Parris, I would have used the former hospital facility on Avenue I for the new homeless shelter and provided services there. This would have gotten the homeless, mentally ill and drug addicted off the BLVD and into a safe haven where they would receive care.
If you define that as having ‘disdain’ for the mentally ill, then by YOUR definition I have ‘disdain’. By any other definition, that would not be an accurate description.
Lily says
Well, AV Observer, the only assessment of Rex Parris that you got right is the statement Rex Parris said about citizens arming themselves and shooting homeless people if they try to rob you, you know, his very unwise idiotic statement “It’s better to be tried by 12 than carried by six.” The shelter on yucca should have closed because it was too small among other reasons. The Avenue I hospital facility is too far out for it to be feasible, and those involved know why. You don’t just herd mentally people around because you are inconvenienced. Kensington will provide much needed services for the mentally ill, drug addicted, etc. and is a much better location. BTW, one million dollars is a drop in the bucket you keep throwing out that means nothing.
AV Observer says
Lily, for $33 million, Kensington will have 105 rooms. Cost is over $1,000 a month. For $35 million, the hospital on I would have 700 beds and served $1,400 people a month. It was a shelter. No cost. The difference is, Rex’s political contributor got the land for next to nothing and will make a killing at Kensington. Kensington is smoke and mirrors to the Lancaster homeless problem.
Keep drinking the Rex aid. It will get you a Lancaster Commissioner position if it hasn’t already.
Shannon Gordon says
Well, here it is the “complete answer to our problems” How we can save billions of dollars every day. “IF”everyone were to “Live” where they ” Work” we would save billions daily. No traffic, fewer accidents, people and city personnal would finally be held accountable for the doings in their own community.!, People would maybe respect their city more if they lived in it!?. If you really think about it, its the answer to everything. Homelessness, people in that community wouldnt wnt to see anyone without a home or food, right?. Schools, our children would all grow up knowing and having life time friends., then when its time for college, they choose where they want to go, when they graduate, they find employment within the city they choose. Lets make the city officals and the people within our communitys accountable. Take pride in where you live. I bet if you asked someone, Who is the mayor of their city is, or the council women or man, they would know!. And I would bet that mayor or council person doesnt even live in that city. But know what if they did?, Wow. Now of course once you retire, you could live where ever you wanted. This dosent mean you cant travel, Its Simply Live in the city where you are employed. Keep your job, know your neighbors, know your corner store mom and pop shops. Save Billions daily. Thank you for letting me share my opinion on life. Sorry about all the typos.
Laughing says
How very un-LosAngelesCounty in style.
But it is an interesting idea and works in major metro areas.
Longtime Local says
I agree. State commuting data seems to indicate 20,000 or so people who don’t live in the Antelope Valley but take jobs here.
I see (and know of) lots of people who commute into the Antelope Valley every day from Santa Clarita, and they are very disrespectful towards the Antelope Valley, talk negatively about us and demean us, while happily taking their paychecks they made here, back there to spend. They do not exhibit one shred of loyalty to this community whatsoever, they just see it as their cash cow.
If they lived here, their capital would be invested here, they would truly care about our community and things would improve in the Antelope Valley even more rapidly than they already are (Palmdale has a rapidly declining crime rate).