LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva says he will stop attempting to order gun stores to close as non-essential businesses under the “Safer At Home” order.
The change comes after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued an advisory memorandum Saturday that included firearm and ammunition manufacturers, retailers, importers, distributors and shooting ranges as essential.
“Although explicitly advisory in nature, nonetheless the federal memorandum is persuasive given its national scope,” Villanueva said.
Villanueva had previously ordered gun stores to close, then suspended those efforts after the county counsel’s office declared gun stores essential businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak.
On Thursday, Villanueva ordered all gun stores to close in unincorporated areas of the county and the 42 cities where the Sheriff’s Department provides law enforcement.
Villanueva said Monday evening his department will no longer order or recommend businesses that sell or repair firearms or sell ammunition to close.
The department will continue to “investigate reports of improper health practices such as poor sanitation or failure to maintain social distancing at all businesses,” according to Villanueva.
Previous related stories:
NRA sues Villanueva, Newsom over access to firearms
Villanueva: Gun stores aren’t ‘essential,’ must close
Alby says
This just occured to me, I dont think he’s trying to stop the sale of guns, but trying to stop unnessential flows of dirty human traffic until the viral pandemic blows over. There are private retailors that would be happy to do a backround check, drive to a persons house and sell em a gun Legally. Besides, all I saw was a long line of ghetto hip hoppers waiting at pawn shops and gun stores to purchase weapons. They’re better off staying in there home, keeping themselve hygenically sanitary, staying out of trouble and keeping themselves on lockdown where they can safely blast Fitty Cent or Fetty Wap or Nick Nack Patty Wack on there speakers all they want. I’d rather spend my money on weapons against the virus(s).
Matt says
Actually you are wrong. He is trying to stop the sale of guns. In fact, his exact words were, we dont need a bunch of panic buying first time gun owners out there. Whether he is right or wrong on that is another debate, but he did it to stop gun sales. As far as the line outside you saw, that’s because for weeks the gun store owners have been making people line up outside and letting in two at a time, which again shoots your theory out of the water so to speak.
Alby says
As an unarmed and unpolite civilian, I dont need panicy first time gun owners anywhere near me at all. But why worry if you’re licensed to own, let alone a gunsmith. Most of them in line probably failed the gun tests anyways which is fortunate for lots of people. Fastfood restaurants are essential, but, human population must be limited to curb the “pandemic” so they use drive thru only and grubhub. Same should apply with gun sales or sporting goods for the time being. Its easier to wine and complain about gun rights when a person is completely ignorant to how the internal/external functions of a gun works. In which case, the person has no business even touching a damn gun.
Matt says
So everybody who has a gun was born knowing how to use it? U have to learn sometime. I am not a gun owner either, but I respect people’s right to have one if they want one. To say just first time guns owners cant have one would be…..that’s right, a violation of 2nd amendment rights. If you all of a sudden say people cant, wouldnt that be panic policing?
Alby says
Like I said, there are local private retailers and gunsmiths that are capable of dealing with customers aside from gunstores. The only thing people are panicking about is the possibility of getting a wicked flu through social interactions. And wouldn’t it be awesome if we were born knowing how to use a gun… Say goodbye to accidental/negligent owners which would solve half of the worlds problems. Unfortunately, thats not possible but there is something very useful called a “Book”, and to the millennials there’s the “Internet.” Such tools are useful for passing an exam to aquire a license to own and it sure beats learning the hard way and potentially getting 5+ years in prison for abusing a right.
Alexis says
Lil Wayne, Nas, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Tupac ( oops, he’s passed on). Rappers love guns; they like to show them off on Facebook. It’s the culture of rap. There are plenty of guns a person can buy even if the gun stores close for any reason.
Alby says
As a non-fan of hop-hip, I can’t diss Snoop or Pac or even Reeces… Eminem! Their music and all is creative fun. The rest, I think for the most part is corporate crap to influence kids to steal Air-Jordans through BB gun force or uncle-daddys gun. Want some real Hip-Hop? Release Suge Knight. “…that is another debate.”
Magnetlady says
This Sheriff needs to be VOTED OUT in the next election.. Does he think the ”Criminals they released into our County will be ”law abiding citizens”? The WON’T… We are standing UP for our CONSTITTIONAL RIGHTS, we don’t need them TRAMPLED on by the ”County Mounty”!! We need to be able to PROTECT our homes & families… By releasing so many Prisoners, I wouldn’t be surprised if people ”carry” illegally to protect themselves.. You can’t get a CCW Permit easily in Los Angeles County, period
Phauc Dapoleise says