LOS ANGELES – Residents interested in how Los Angeles County plans to spend more than $350 million in Measure H sales tax dollars have until Wednesday, July 15, to comment on draft recommendations for fiscal year 2020-21.
The recommendations — developed by the county’s Homeless Initiative team, along with representatives from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority and other county departments — are available for review at homeless.lacounty.gov/funding or by clicking here. A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the plans and the process is also provided.
Measure H funding is estimated to drop by $70.8 million, or roughly 17%, in the 12 months ahead. Recommendations for making up at least some of the shortfall include reallocating other departmental funding and using coronavirus relief funds to supplement Measure H dollars.
Public comments must be submitted by 5 p.m. July 15 via a link provided at homeless.lacounty.gov/funding (or by clicking here) to be considered.