LOS ANGELES – Ten thousand Los Angeles County residents have enrolled in a voluntary weekly text survey that officials use to track the spread of COVID-19, and county health officials announced Tuesday that they are seeking 10,000 more volunteers.
Data from the survey — which requires residents to answer just one question weekly — will help provide a more complete picture of how the virus is affecting the county, and also serve as a baseline for comparing trends in symptoms as cold and flu season begins.
“Our actions greatly affect our recovery journey and we are grateful to everyone who has participated in Angelenos in Action so far,” Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said. “Every week, the survey asks one simple question — ‘How are you feeling?’ — which takes less than a minute to respond to.”
The survey was launched July 7 and is more than halfway to its goal of recruiting 20,000 residents.
“The more people that participate, the better public health understands the impact of COVID throughout L.A. County and how we can prevent even more cases and deaths from this terrible virus, which is our number one priority,” Ferrer said.
All the information gathered through the survey — which is set to continue through the end of the year — is confidential and summarized anonymously.
To sign up, Los Angeles County residents over the age of 18 can text @PROTECT to 35134, or sign up online at https://lacpublichealth.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a4Cklis37BKYZq5. The survey is available in both English and Spanish.
When signing up, residents will be asked to answer five quick enrollment questions. Once enrolled, public health will text residents weekly with one question asking how the participant is physically feeling. If they are feeling unwell, residents will receive two more questions about COVID-19-like symptoms.