By Daniel Lagomarsino, Quartz Hill resident
Like millions of other Americans, I am still trying to reckon with what happened in Washington D.C. on January 6th, when the Constitutionally mandated certification of Electoral College results was interrupted by a domestic terror attack.
Make no mistake, this was a terrorist attack. In the days since, we have seen funny Tik Tok videos and memes produced that make light of some of the more ridiculous participants. Do not let this dilute the facts. There is photographic evidence of men entering the Capitol with guns and zip tie restraints, while other terrorists erected gallows near the compromised building. Additional guns and a crate of Molotov cocktails were recovered later. Three pipe bombs had to be removed and safely detonated. Five people died, among them a Capitol police officer whom the terrorist killed by bashing his head with a fire extinguisher.
This horrifying event is made all the more troubling when we realize that those who incited the attack are elected officials, with whom we have entrusted our nation’s safety.
These instigators of terror did so by continually insisting that there was ample evidence to object to the certification of the Electoral College results even after more than 60 court cases in front of some 90 justices, the individual states in question, and even the President’s hand selected Attorney General determined that widespread voter fraud did not occur.
These instigators of terror knew that they were supporting lies which attacked the bedrock of our democracy, and determined that it was appropriate to continue their support. I’m sure they had their reasons to support lies. I’m sure those reasons don’t matter now.
The list of those responsible for inciting the violence that killed five Americans includes the President, over a dozen Republican Senators, and a majority of the Republican Party’s House of Representatives members, including the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who serves the 23rd Congressional District from Lancaster to Bakersfield, and Mike Garcia who serves the 25th district that includes the rest of the Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita, and out to Simi Valley.
These men must resign. They have violated their sacred oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States by supporting Donald Trump’s treacherous efforts to overturn the results of a fair election. Again, no evidence has been found to suggest that voter fraud took place on any type of significant scale and neither of the congressmen mentioned have provided any even though they were adamant that enough existed to support their objection to election results.
This objection breathed life into the lie for millions of Americans, and cleared the path for the terrorist attack to occur on our nation’s Capitol. This places the carnage, blood shed, and loss of life squarely at the feet of these objectors. I hope all good Americans residing in California’s 23rd and 25th congressional districts who seek justice will join me in calling for the resignations of Mike Garcia and Kevin McCarthy, who have failed our country in such a tragic and historic way.
Roberto says
January 6th was a peaceful protest
The Antelope Valley is a septic tank for Los Angeles
“January 6th was a peaceful protest”
In the backward, up-is-down, right-is-wrong world of the mind enslaved trump cult, you are correct.
Jolene says
Archetypical newsies, playing us off against each other, kicking their feet up, watching us destroy each other.
I want good government. I want two political parties that are so good, it’s hard to choose between them. I don’t want to see either party fail.
But, I would like seeing McCarthy, McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi jailed, for election rigging. I would like seeing all mainstream media newsies and social media execs put before a firing squad and shot, for their complicity in the election rigging cover-up (e.g., treason). I want Biden and Harris censured, for election rigging.
Hunter Biden should be incarcerated, in a federal penitentiary.
I want restoration of free ‘n fair elections. I want a government restored, to our Founding Fathers’ principles –
Dave says
Too bad you don’t want to be better informed. You are the problem.
Matt says
Yikes. Stay off of newsmax, for the love of God.
Beecee says
Says the guy watching all the hog smokers on CNN all day.
Stinger says
Apparently, you do not want a government restored to our Founding Fathers’ principles or you would not be aiding and abetting those against:
A two party system. The founding fathers did not like only two parties. George Washington noted it as a danger to the republic to only have two parties.
Justice with proof. Now, try to get this through your beady little brain – the election was NOT rigged. Trump and his cronies really did lie to you all of this time and have had 64+ chances to show ANY proof of ANY rigging, fraud, etc. with NONE presented AT ALL. Every vote in every state that was put to a recount or full audit found all paper ballots matched the results in the computers. That means that the computers accurately counted only properly cast paper ballots and were NOT tampered with. Positive evidence has been presented in court after court to show this. That means that there was no rigging, so no one committed a crime of such. As you believe that all of these people should be just put in jail at the word of your orange baboon liar in chief shows that you don’t require evidence to kill people… which makes you murderous, by definition, and uncivilized from a Founding Fathers’ perspective.
A press free to report the news. Why do you think it’s the FIRST Amendment? Even before your Second Amendment? Because our Founding Fathers knew how important a free press is to help illuminate the public and hold the government (and others) accountable to the public.
Innocent until proven guilty. Your insistence on incarcerating a person who has never been charged with a crime, in spite of multiple investigations, shows that you want people put in jail by fiat, indefinitely, for mere accusations of a crime and no proof required… Like the redcoats of King George did.
What you describe is NOT what our Founding Fathers wanted. This is why we have the Constitution that we have. What you describe as your preferences would make you a King George Loyalist and a redcoat, yourself.
Fun Fact: The Founding Fathers were Classic Liberals. Really. Look it up. Then maybe rethink what America actually IS, instead of what OAN, Newsmux and Faux News claim it to be.
Penny Carpenter says
I agree with you! Not only can he not make one statement and stand by it. I sure did not cause any of that mess at the White House. Wow? How dare he blame everyone when he needs to look in the mirror. I also have a personal issue at Mccarthy office as I type now. I asked for help when DoD DFAS granished my Social security disability. $1600.00 DOWN TO 1400.00. I sent all letters explained how it happened. His office did nothing to help. He himself did nothing. The hard questions were not asked of DFAS. When I asked for supervisor or McCarthy I was told I could take my problem to Senator Feinsteine. Now was she being stupid on purpose or accident? Maybe I’m wrong, isn’t my Senator Melissa Hurtado? I’m not being rude, I’m confused.
EW says
Hurtado is a California State Senator. Feinstein is your U.S. Senator.
“I would like seeing McCarthy, McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi jailed, for election rigging.”
There was no “election rigging”, because there is no evidence of it, no rational reporting of it, no lawsuits over it, and no logic behind the idea that there was rigging. So what do you base your statement on, an odd dream you had that you’d like to think is a premonition of reality, or that trump said it so it must be true, or your own extensive investigation into it, the facts of which you’re keeping secret, or is your statement just a fantasy you like believing because it makes you feel good? In any event, the recent presidential election was fair and honest, Biden beat Trump, fairly and squarely, and there’s no end of evidence supporting that fact. If you ignore reality for extended periods, there’s a word for that: insanity.
Abraham says
… so, I guess that’s going to be pretty much it? The CIA-democrats pulled it off? The crime of the century, greatest heist in world history, the most extensive, complicated cover-up since the JFK assassination has been officially swept, under the rug? Anyone caught talking about it is officially classified, a terrorist? And, if you’re one of the people who voted for President Trump? You’re going to be under arrest. Soon enough, the FBI/NSA people are going to be knocking at your front door, rounding you people up, for “reeducation” –
Dave says
Wow Abraham, are you paranoid or what?
You have no evidence of any election fraud that would have changed anything.
If so, bring it.
You’ve been conned by the master, Donald J. Trump.
You can admit it and move on or continue looking like a fool.
Your choice.
Are you trying to be ironic here? Your point is unclear.
Chris Nichols says
Everyone should resign! Every damn one of them so we can start fresh with people that represent the people.
Republicans and Democrats alike, I can’t tell much of a difference anymore between the 2.
Kick them all to the curb!
Dave says
Garcia and McCarthy must go, be recalled or resign.
We keep getting distracted by the Trumpers. See below.
Very true, I totally agree. Trump and trumpers are masters of distraction, and it’s the oldest con artist trick in the books.
Wilfred says
A 100% certainty, never in your lifetime will you ever bear witness to op-ed posted here at the anti-conservative av times, calling f0r an impeachment or a resignation of a swamp dweller, of the democrat persuasion
Craig says
America’s best days well behind her, effectively reduced to a one-party political system, soon enough ex post this Harris Biden coup, posting-up a conservative op-ed’s likely to get you shot.
Lori says
Live ammunition, federal troops setting up soviet-style checkpoints, this supposed inauguration looks more and more like installation of a banana republic dictator, than a popularly elected president.
Ruben says
If Russia and China can have dictators? Why not, Washington DC democrats?
Scaryfuture says
We have our own right here in CA, “Newsome” he is a Nancy puppet and he has failed our state in every way. Only reason he is in office is because of the democrats.
I see so many other states doing better than us here in CA, just wait till the caravan people come knocking on the door Biden has already promised them money, healthcare and a better life than us tax payers have. Our schools over loaded, homelessness and lines for everything, you think its bad now just wait till the southerners get here.
Mike says
If it’s so bad, move.
Stinger says
…and quickly, please!
Victor says
… the question of the day:
In a bona fide American democracy, boasting free ‘n fair elections, what is the likelihood communist China’s favorite American politician, and ANTIFA’s favorite politician, could ever score a win on merit, in a state democratic primary, much less win the White House?
Lola says
Bejing-Biden and ANTIFA-Harris constitute the most hostile administration to America moderates, and American conservatives, in United States History. It’s the first time in American history, America is saddled a pro-ANTIFA administration, subservient to communist China –
Elmo says
Rigged election, Vegas odds-makers shouldn’t have had to payout on Biden.
bottom and company says
Leftist pathology has been in command of American cities for 50 years now. But their ultimate target has always been the greater United States. What should be expected from them now is simply a national version of the degenerate US cities that they’ve already thoroughly wrecked. But if the future comes to an American police state US leftists will by by far get the worst of it! The rest of us would certainly hate it, but we at least have the adult discipline required to survive it. Unlike the loud, pushy, always law breaking leftist a hard police state would well be their ending.
Dave says
Well Ruben.
Trump wanted to be a dictator just like Putin, Xi and Un.
Or, were you in a coma the last 4 years?
They were all his buddies and he wanted to be an authoritarian just like them. Since he can’t kill his opponents like Putin does, he did the next best thing which was to execute as many federal prisoners as he could and pardon his criminal friends and murderers.
Trumpers are so blind, deaf and dumb. At least Helen Keller got past her disabliites but not the Trumpers.
They are doomed for the rest of their days to be blind, deaf and dumb no matter what facts are presented to them.
Charlie says
Dave, I assume from all your comments you must be a 20-40 year old socialist or communist. You are most surely an improperly programed person in your educated self. Take a look at history before you make comparisons and comments. I am 77 years old and have a college degree from the times when teachers were not political in their teaching. We had history books that were correct and not manufactured. We weren’t programmed by Socialist professors We were allowed to debate and were not censured as the Democrats want to do know. Why don’t you grow up and learn some real history of this country. I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat but a Proud American Citizen. I have never misses a vote since I was 21 years old. I don’t listen to what politicians say, I watch their actions and research them before I make my decisions. I would suggest you do the same before you keep spewing so much hate.
Penny Carpenter says
Yay for you! I agree
Dave says
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie
What have I ever written that makes me a communist?
You are similar to the Trumpers who make up stuff and dismiss verifiable facts and evidence as a lifestyle. Life lived backward.
Your pretense of being somehow well-informed is belied by your incorrect assumption about me. You were incorrect on 2 counts in your first sentence
then you went downhill from there.
As for spewing “hate”, your post was full of it. What? You never used the word “hate”. Neither have I. But, you are so like the Trumpers despite pretending to be a Real American that you can’t see that. They have been calling people who “tell the truth about Trump” haters while lying about Democrats and pretending to be Real Americans like yourself.
The ones taking over the Capitol, destroying property and killing a cop would say they are Real Americans too. How ’bout that? You’re in bad company, Charlie, but at 77 you ain’t going to be for long.
You are not a real American any more than a new immigrant who just passed their citizenship test, probaly less so despite your protestations as you read this.
You, like so many Trumpers, call people commies and socialists while simultaneously ignoring Trump’s cozy relationship with ex-KGB (or is he still) Vladimir Putin and other real communist dictators for the last 4 years. So much for your being well-informed.
It’s interesting to note that Democrats are like what Japan’s Emporer Hirohito said after the Pearl Harbor attack, “”I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”.
Trump and the minority late GOP awakened a sleeping giant of a Democratic leaning voter demographic and guess what happened, history lover that you are, Biden/Harris, Pelosi and Schumer all won their respective places in November once the not so reliable Democratic voters went to town.
Many Democrats stayed home in 2016 and helped give us Trump. I am concerned that they will go back to sleep during the 2022 mid-terms and lose the House. But, we’ll have to see. So far, Biden/Harris have been more productive regarding the pandemic in 1 week than Trump & Co. have been since November 3. He just tweeted and golfed and lied about election fraud for almost 3 months. But, he’ll get his just desserts in time.
There was a game show called “Truth or Consequences” years ago. Trump will be playing for keeps in the real life version coming to a local tv station near you, Charlie.
We do need to rid ourselves of Mike Garcia who voted to overthrow the election right after the seditious acts of Trump, Senators Cruz and Hawley and the mob destroyed the Capitol building. What separated the “mob” from you, Charlie? The cost of a round-trip ticket to Washington D.C.?
Or are you just too old?
Did you vote for Trump or whom? Man up and tell us. I voted for Biden/Harris and Christy Smith.
And you?
Josiah B says
Ceding control of America’s southern border, back to the Mexican drug cartels, word’s gotten out to all Latin America, that Bejing-Biden and ANTIFA-Harris are rolling out the red carpet, opening the gates, handing out a bunch of free stuff, granting blanket amnesty to all illegal immigrants! Come and get it!
Dave says
Oh, Lori
Those troops around the Capital were there on Trump’s watch and because of him.
Trump made those troops necessary. Do you get that?
How your brain twisted that around to put it on Biden is a project for scientists to figure out.
As is it, you might not recover trom whatever has infected you.
Mike says
I think they are draining the swamp as soon as the current swamp dweller leaves office on Wednesday.
Jeb says
… election accounting, per the government in Washington DC:
Democrat vote = 1.5
Republican vote = 0.75
Independent vote = 0.00
Beecee says
Isn’t that the Dominion software algorithm?
goodbye says
You’all do understand that the votes were hand recounted. From paper. Retards
Margie says
They recounted the votes, trucked in from out-of-state. They recounted the votes, from under the table, too. Einstein!
Stinger says
…and for proof, you offer?
goodbye says
Compared to thou, si! Muchas gracias for the compliment.
GT Foster says
If it is a fraudulent ballot, it doesn’t matter how it is counted.
goodbye says
Gee, that must be why they check against a list of registered voters, and you know weed out the ones sent to dead people then go question those relatives, or add a year onto already existing sentences, or find a senator that voted twice for the Republican side.
Yeah I know, where are my facts, take any phrase I typed and do a web search. Notice I did not say Google search. Use your engine of choice.
Dave says
Beecee just can’t write a trueful comment. Or one over 25 words.
No too bright are you Beecee
Beecee says
This isn’t over 25 words ^
Don’t you people have a job.
Dave says
Thank you Miss SpellCheck.
Beecee says
And the correct word to use in that sentence would be truthful
Beecee says
No to bright…..
Mike says
What’s your proof Jeb? Where did you get your statistics? What’s your source of information? Do tell……
Ruby says
By far, the most peculiar characteristic of this particular web site, ever notice how nobody can post up a comment, without cyberbully reactionaries, “Democrat Dave,” “Paranoid Mike,” and “Tim Scott,” right on top of it, all over you, screaming like banshees, desperate to smoke-out your sources? They don’t care what you’ve said, per se. They just want to know where you heard out about it.
Dave says
Well, Ruby.
What do you expect when people post lies, misinfornation, disinformation, falsehoods and so on?
Dominion is suing several people for lying about their voting machines. We’ll see how that turns out.
Too bad we can’t sue the liars on this website.
Mike says
Sweetie, you need to reread some of YOUR posts. Talk about cyberbullying. Typical whiny right-winger. You can dish it, but you can’t take it. I find it very telling that you folks spew all your bs facts, yet are too afraid to reveal the source of your information. If it was a legit source, you’d be shouting it from the rooftops. Bunch of delusional cowards if you ask me. I guess Paranoid Mike and Trump skidmark sniffing Ruby will always be at odds. Have a good night dollface and enjoy your unfiltered Camels.
Mike says
Wow, a shout out from Miss Ruby and a new nickname! I’ve arrived! I think you are being unfair Ruby. I haven’t screamed or bullied anyone. If I didn’t care about what is being said, I wouldn’t want confirmation from the source you got that information. I find it most peculiar that folks on this site are so afraid or embarrassed to tell us their source of information. Am I to just believe what is being present as fact without fact-checking?
Josef says
I’m not a Republican; I’m not a Democrat. So, I’ve well known, my whole life, I’m a nothing; that my vote is utterly meaningless. Comforting to know, what with our elections hopelessly rigged, I am not the Lone Ranger. Join the club, pal! No room for argument, now you unequivocally know, you’re a nothing, too!
Mike says
Cool. Your vote doesn’t count so just stop voting. That will show em.
Mike says
Are these the alternative facts Kelly Ann Conway was talking about?
Jude says
Communism and election-rigging are synonymous. With statistical certainty, following election-rigging, hard-core communism, an appreciable loss of civil rights, is certain to follow.
Dave says
Hey, Drama Queen Jude.
There was no election rigging.
Trump started with that lie months before the election as an excuse for when he lost. Biden was ahead in the polls for months and Trump’s approval rating was never over 50%.
So when he lost, all the people who bought the election fraud lie and repeated it gave Trump the opportunity to say “Look millions of voters think it’s rigged.” Of course, they do. You told them that lie and nothing, no proof, no audits, Supreme Court decisions will ever “fix” their misguied thinking.
They are just like the “birthers”. No evidence ever convinced them otherwise.
I bet you still believe in Santa Claus, Jude. It’s the first big lie you were told and you are still destined to believe lies.
I wonder what mental health professionals have to say about you and the rest of the Trumpers on this site and around the country.
Piehole knows nuttin' says
No. The Russians did interfere with the 2016 election.
Didn’t you know that already?
Putin wanted Trump to win because he likely had something on him that would give Putin an advantage.
Plus, Putin knew Trump would be a disaster for this country and he was right.
Your reply above was too, too pathetic gvien what’s happened since then.
But, that’s okay. You don’t know any better it seems. You’re forgiven, poor thing.
Dave says
No evidence. It’s alright, you didn’t know you watch the propaganda every night. China knows our news is controlled, don’t you?
Stinger says
You are confusing interference with outright election fraud.
In 2016 the Russians did engage in an attempt to influence the elections via social media bots, etc. This much has been proven to be true by both parties in a bipartisan Senate report. This did not include any indications that any actual votes, themselves, were fraudulent, merely that there was undue influence.
In 2020, Trump id begin disseminating lies about fraudulent votes before any actual voting began, based on the absurd premise that only votes for him count and ANY others were, by definition, fraudulent. This was, of course, a lie. One that he has continued to perpetuate – in spite of scores of investigations showing the contrary and at least 64 court cases (many of which in front of judges the he appointed) where he failed to show even a single scintilla of evidence to support his outrageous claims – and his followers have clearly swallowed and internalized… to the detriment of all.
Dean says
Well people I got some very interesting information for all you people who just Love the Democrats. Two women by the name of Linda Evans ( not the actress) and Susan Rosenburg bombed the US State Capitol building in 1983. Rosenberg was sentenced to a 58 year prison sentence. In 2001 Jerry Nadler Democrat from New York got Bill Clinton to pardon their sentences. Susan Rosenburg now is one of the leading activists for Black Lives Matter. So you all want to tell me how Democrats are not the biggest hypocrites on the Planet?
Mike says
Dude, that was over thirty years ago. The statute of limitations has passed on “what about”. Get so more recent material, like Trump pardoning Michael Flynn along with a list of other criminals. Oh the hypocrisy!
Dean says
Well Mike how come Democrats are now all the sudden all for Law Enforcement? Now all the sudden they are concerned about officers lives. All of the sudden they want Police Protection. All Summer long they were telling the Police to stand down calling them thugs, criminals, gangsters , pigs. All summer long they were calling for Defunding the Police. Now all of a sudden they want the National Guard. They didnt want the National Guard when it was Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA doing DOMESTIC TERRORISM. Now amazing they are calling Trump Supporters Riots. All summer long Never called Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA Riot. They were Peaceful Protesters. So only when its Trump Supporters then they have to crack down. So anybody can riot , burn down buildings attack people in the street, tear down statues kill and injure cops and hardly anything happens to them as long as you are on the Left. YES ITS A REAL DOUBLE STANDARD!!!!! Democrats have no Moral Standing or credibility at all!!! Democracts cant even clean up their own cities!!!
Mike says
Dean, it’s not just Dems that want the National Guard. Most Americans want our nation’s capitol protected from a bunch of raving rednecks trying to overthrow the government because Faux News and Orange Bird Brain told them the election was stolen. There was nothing peaceful about that or the murder of a police officer by Trump-loving Republicans. Please spare me the over the top drama. BLM protestors got shot with rubber bullets, teargassed, physically assaulted by the police, and murdered by a Trumpette. Yet no cop was killed.
Mike says
Two cops shot in los angles in the head, because the dems incited violence on the cops. Shut your mouth you disgusting human. Just shut your mouth, or open it like the prostitute you are and ask your pimp pelosi what your suposed to say next.
Lala says
No double standard big difference hello you can’t see Trump rioter invaded Congress and killed a Capital Police officer this was not a protest it was coup your Leader Trump is a Racist
Gabby says
Communist China loves American Democrats. Communist China loves the American Democrat political party so much, they bought it, lock, stock and barrel.
Mike says
Putin loves Donald Trump and American Repuglicans who are stupid enough to elect him. Putin was thrilled to put bounties on our military without repercussions. He also loved it when Trump took his side over his own intel from the CIA and FBI. Putin along with the Russian people was thrilled to watch terrorists invade the States of America national capitol. The chipping away of the Amerikan democracy was a sight for them to behold. Yes, Putin bought Trump, lock, stock, and barrel.
Jovan says
You can’t be an elected democrat, without being a hypocrite. You can’t be a democrat constituent, without being a self-righteous lunatic, bent upon imposing upon everybody how they think we ought to be living our lives.
Mike says
It wasn’t self-righteous Democrats wrecking our nation’s capitol. It wasn’t the Democrats hanging nooses on the Capitol grounds, killed a police officer or hunted for the vice president and members of the senate to execute them. Give me a friggin break. Dude, wake up and take a hard look at what’s going on around you.
Stinger says
Another case of pure trumplican projection. Let’s rewrite that correctly, shall we?
“You can’t be an elected trumplican, without being a hypocrite. You can’t be a trumplican constituent, without being a self-righteous lunatic, bent upon imposing upon everybody how they think we ought to be living our lives.”
There. That’s better. You’re welcome, Jovan.
Sanjaya says
Different laws for different people, ANTIFA is celebrated by congress, encouraged loot and burn small business into bankruptcy. Having protested our legislatures’ unabashed hypocrisy, congress now formally declares President Trumps rallies, terrorism –
Cowboy G says
7 months ago congressional and gubernatorial democrats collectively celebrated ANTIFA violence as, “the summer of love.” Pledging his loyalty, democrat mayor Eric Garcetti actually knelt before ANTIFA on camera, begging their forgiveness –
Stinger says
Proof, please.
Freeman says
Try going to for proof. It shows you exactly who their bed partners are. Previously it linked to China Joe’s campaign website.
Stinger says
That would be knelt with, not before, BLM.
I wonder what color the sky is in your little trumplican world…
Dave says
Best description yet.
A guy on the tv machine said “Trump is leaving D.C. like a wet fart.
Mike says
I don’t recall seeing congress celebrating ANTIFA. Exactly when did congress celebrate ANTIFA? Give examples. It wasn’t ANTIFA wrecking the nation’s Capitol. It was Trump’s goons. Rallies are one thing, attempting a coup of the government is another. Duh…..
Mike says
Well, Freeman, I googled, and all over that search engine, it was stated the Biden campaign had nothing to do with ANTIFA redirecting the website to the Biden campaign. It was a prank. Don’t believe me, then google it yourself. This is what fact-checking is all about.
Mike says
No clue of what Joe? Enlighten us.
Stinger says
That is not Demented Joe’s function. There is never any presentation of fact to support his outrageous claims of whatever he’s lying about at any given time, merely more lies and attacks.
The aptly named Demented Joe is only here to troll and spread misinformation. He is not real. I suggest that you treat ‘him’ as such.
Demented Joe says
Just think, while all this is going on and an impeachment, what is really happening? Another virus perhaps? Joe getting richer? What is really going on while you sheeple are occupied with this nonsense?
Mike says
Nonsense Demented Joe? Lol………
Belinda says
… but, at the very least, it’s beyond any shadow of doubt that even the most obtuse of democrat has little choice but begrudgingly concede, our elections are indeed rigged. Now we definitely know, , proof positive, never was our vote worth the cost of its stamp –
Emelio says
We’re not getting the straight scoop on the election, or the Virus. Lie to us about everything, but the weather.
Mike says
If you want the “straight scoop” stop watching Faux News.
Emelio says
That is not what I wrote! The moderator changed what I wrote!
Ruby says
They want you to be more like Democrat Dave!
Stinger says
No, Belinda, you are the one being obtuse here. IF there had been even one shred of evidence of any fraud – at all – it would have been presented in any one of the 60 court cases that your orange baboon filed… Seriously: 60 cases, NO evidence presented AT ALL to support a fraud claim. PERIOD.
Look, IF there had been any fraud, I, too, would be very interested in it. But, if you can’t even provide even just a little bit of evidence, don’t expect any rational people to believe you. All this, without even including the fact that your orange god is the biggest liar this side of Goebbels.
Show proof, or shut up on the ‘fraud’ bullshcnit.
Oly says
I bought it, hook, line and sinker. All these years of my life, I really believed I lived in a democracy. Our elections unabashedly rigged, I must be stupid.
Bob says
Homeland terrorism was what we observed with BLM and antifa riots.
Katherine Anderson says
No, we all clearly saw thousands of Trumpholes overtake our nation’s capitol, destroy federal property, attempt to force an illegal reversal of OUR vote, while you all killed police and each other, then tried to kill our representatives, We saw your signs, your hats, your flags, and watched you attack those who were trying to protect our Homeland. You are just another ignorant insurrectionist.
Mike says
Well Bobby, what are your thoughts about what happened at the nation’s Capitol last week? Enlighten us.
Dave says
Don’t be surprised if Bob or some other Trump cult member brings up the “dossier”.
Sean Hannity, with all that’s going on right now, ran with Lindsey Graham’s reveal about the investigation of the investigation.
They are so desperate.
Obama 0 indictments/convictions/prison sentences in 8 years.
Trump I’ve lost count plus he pardons the ones who wouldn’t rat on him.
Trump Org. It’s a Crime Syndicate.
Dave says
You Trumpers sure like to play “dress up” dontcha?
What drag do you wear when you think about Trump when you’re alone, Demented You.
Resign Rex says
Add R. Rex Parris to the list of people who need to resign. His recent remarks about speople who go out in public with Covid should be shot and shooting homeless if they try to rob you are unbecoming and irresponsible. Today, it was reported that he called nurses at AV hospital tyranneous cowards for working at other hospitals for more money. It is their right to work where they can work. Not everyone has millions of dollars like him.
Anon says
I read Rex’s comments in the newspaper today. What is wrong with this guy? It seems like every week or so he goes and says something inflammatory or hurtful. Remember when he made up that story about the visiting a sheriff who was shot by mentally ill people living next door to the station? It was all made up!!!!!! He also talks a lot about shooting people who go outside with the Rona and shooting the homeless if they try to rob you. This isn’t right.
Vic says
Rex’s comments calling our noble nurses on the front line at AVH tyranneous cowards was disgusting. He seems to be more out of tune with reality and our Valley every day.
A Tyranneous Coward says
Thank you to all the nurses at AVH and all hospitals. Do not let the words of a bizarre politician stop you from doing what you need to do. While Rex sits at his beach mansion sipping tea, you are putting your lives on the line for all of us and we thank you. He just bloviates and spews vitriolic words that expose him for the dimwit he really is
Lech says
First of all, none of the people neither the republicans nor Trump told the mob to attack the capitol. Also, did you know that some of the people doing the most serious violence were antifa persons “pretending” to be Trump supporters? The FBI is investigating some people. The Trump protesters were definitely infiltrated. But a liberal, brain washed, mind controlled, person can’t see the truth because they’ve been brain washed by news and media sources that are heavily biased and controlled by dem ideals and dem people’s in high power. The person who wrote this has been brain washed by this country’s media. Dominion voting machines? Many people have no idea what that means. Also it’s funny how so many say Trump lost by a landslide etc. no the dems cheated by a landslide. So much voter fraud. This is no longer the land of the free. This is the land of whatever the liberal elite group controlling the media and the federal reserve bank says.
Laughing says
B f”ing S
Mike says
Does Polly want a cracker? You’ve recited what you were fed, but can’t prove squat. Where’s your proof? What’s your source of information. Who is telling you this crap?
Katherine Anderson says
The lying Lamestream media is eating your brain cells. Nothing you believe is reality. It’s all Qanon crapolla. Get off your duff and actually educate yourself. Sad what has happened to America. A bunch of halfcocked, drug addicted, tattooed and screwed morons trying to run the country.
Stinger says
Right! Fortunately, Trump and his goons will be gone soon, so we will be rid of the bunch of halfcocked, drug addicted, tattooed and screwed morons trying to run the country
Stinger says
United States Constitution, Amendment 14, Section 3:
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Claire says
Thank you for taking the time to post fact.
Don't Blame Trump says
Thank you for taking my advice.
Dean says
You mean like that TERRORIST SUPPORTER Kamala Harris? That was Bailing Out the Black Lives Matter TERRORIST that were burning down buildings, tearing down statues, harassing people , smashing windows? She should not hold office and put her on the No Fly List. She aided and abetted Black lives Matter terrorist? She knew when the get out they go right back to burning another building. So she was helping the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA DOMESTIC TERRORIST!!! SHE BAILED THEM OUT!!!!
AV Illegal says
I like where a protest that lasted a few hours, with some idiots who did not represent the majority there is a major insurrection, yet taking over entire areas within cities, burning Federal buildings, police stations etc, killing dozens, wounding over a thousand police officers/National Guardsmen is somehow a mostly peaceful protest.
And when members of congress encourage people to keep up the actions, it is merely talk.
Truth over facts ? says
Awesome , I hope this applies to all the congress people who never denounced the violence from blm and antifa and basically rooted for it. They just used the word injustices to replace insurrection, and they used the term peaceful protesting while burning federal property in Portland and many other cities. Thank you for posting this and keeping yourself and I informed about the fairness that is the liberal agenda.
Stinger says
Oh, don’t worry, Joe. There are a lot of us ‘liberals’ that are gun toting veterans, too, that actually take our oaths to the Constitution seriously and understand what it means… The Second Amendment allows us to protect ourselves from the likes of you, too, so don’t feel too safe in your little insurrection/civil war fantasies. It may not turn out the way you hope.
Now, stop your typical trumplican misdirection and stay on the subject.
Sniper says
Yes and there are lots of us Conservatives that are gun toting veterans, too, that actually take our oaths to the Constitution seriously and understand what it means… The Second Amendment allows us to protect ourselves from the likes of you, too.
Going to be interesting to see how our training amongst different services pans out against each other.
Stinger says
Again, lil buddy… I don’t think it would turn out the way you hoped.
Didn’t work out all that well for your confederate predecessors, either.
Broken hearted American says
We don’t need anyone from outside to destroy us, we’re doing it to ourselves with all this verbal warfare that always turns violent physically. Anyone that cares deeply for this nation can see it’s getting worse.
Beecee says
Keyboard commando guy
Jezabel says
What’s it matter, anyhow? Republicans are no longer relevant. Elections rigged, democrat warlords gone berserk, America reduced to an authoritarian one-party Somalia-like political system, neither of these guys will ever matter.
Bo says
The law of the jungle, one warlord’s as good as another.
Edited says
The person who wrote this opinion piece should make sure to give credit to the terrorists in the antifa movement who have been destroying federal , and private party over the last two years. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Take responsibility for the division and destruction the left has caused as well and then we will have an actual discussion instead of you lecturing me and canceling people.
Dean says
Back in the 1970s you had Violent Leftist Extremist who were bombing, Federal buildings, some people were even killed like police officers. These TERRORIST WERE TRYING TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! GUESS WHAT!!! SOME OF THEM NOW ARE COLLEGE PROFESSORS!!! Huge DOUBLE STANDARD PEOPLE!!!!
John Thomas says
Very true as our local Republican leadership members are all on the same page. Besides they are using our contributions in non partisan local elections and that is not what I’m about. AV Republicans are a dumpster fire for sure.
Shauna says
They have the evidence. Republican lawmakers didn’t have the guts to do a thing about it. If you can believe that? Which means, we can pretty much do whatever we please.
Lawyers in Love says
Another person who needs to resign is Mayor R. Rex Parris. His latest statement about violence adds to his growing list of bizarre statements. Parris told the LA Daily News recently, “What they did to the Capitol building, thank God they didn’t do in Lancaster,” Parris said, “because there would be a much higher death toll.” – article dated January 8, 2021.
It wasn’t long ago when Parris said this, “I honestly think that anybody who has COVID and goes out in public ought to be shot.” – Mayor R. Rex Parris, Lancaster City Council meetings, December 3, 44:10 minute mark.
Shot? Isn’t that a little drastic? But wait. There’s more. His solution to possible homeless robberies.
“We do know that 60% of the homeless have criminal backgrounds; they’re criminals and thugs,” Parris said. “When they rob somebody, somebody ought to shoot him.” – Mayor R. Rex Parris, “Parris stands by homeless comment”, Antelope Valley Press, June 16, 2019
Add Parris to the list of people who need to resign immediately.
Oiler says
Time to burn it down and start from scratch.
Boni Burns says
I agree the Parris should also be added to the list of officials that should resign.
Pops says
Republicans are lazy and complacent. A 100% failure rate, simply apply pressure, a Republican waffles, every single time. Evidence of election rigging 400 fathoms deep, no surprise they preferred certifying a rigged election, than stick their necks out, overturning it.
Lazy says
Yeah your right were super lazy , or maybe we are outnumbered 6 to one with liberal social media sites and the God awful media. Even if we caught sloppy joe writing his own name on the ballot 11 times you would still cry a foul that republicans are the conspiracy party. Also ,all US elections have cheaters , it’s always the better cheaters that win. Sloppy joe and the liberal media are a force to be reckoned with.
Mike says
What media do you get your information from Lazy. Do tell…….
Spud says
This Mike Garcia fellow is a hero. He stood by his convictions, did the right thing standing up for what he thought was right, stuck his neck out trying to overturn a rigged election.
scv says
Mike Garcia is a coward and should should be stripped of his position in congress. He is self-serving and does not respect free and fair elections. Mike Garcia should resign!!
Martha says
You’re the coward. Representative Garcia’s a brave man, someone we all can trust.
Dave says
Trust to do what, Martha?
Overturn a certified election to favor the candidate from his own party.
What a brave man he is.
And, you. What do we do with you and your misinformed and un-American ilk after January 20.
Francisco says
Pot calling the kettle black, some punk calling congressman Garcia a coward, who’s so scared stiff he can’t put his name to his own comment.
Tim Scott says
Says the incredibly bold “Fransisco”
Another heroic chump for Trump.
Seditious Garcia says
Did the right thing? McCarthy and Garcia voted to give support and legitimacy to those thugs that tried to destroy the Capital. That mob was there to destroy whoever that didn’t agree with Trump. They were not just there to kill Pelosi; they were there to hang Vice President Pence, just because Pence finally decided to do his constitutional duty. They’re part of Trump’s cult, looking to destroy anyone that disagreed with Trump, whether Democrat or Republican. McCarthy’s and Garcia’s allegiance is with Trump, not our Country, not their constituents, not even their party.
Dave says
What convictions? What Kevin McCarthy tells him.
Garcia is a tool with no convictions.
The RNC just plucked him out of obscurity and ran him in our district.
Garcia must go and stay gone.
Ruby says
… ah! I see you’ve discovered our wonderful, Democrat Dave! And, his make believe communist sympathizer cyberbully pals, Matt, itty-bitty-lil’ Stinger, and Fred! All one person, mind you.
Ankle biters, paid by God knows who, here to assault you, to impose thought control, to impose upon you the mainstream media narrative, how you ought to be living your life –
A Patriot says
Kudos to you Ruby for seeing that and spreading the word.
Mike says
Ah…..If it isn’t good ole Trump skidmark sniffing Ruby. What’s up gurl? Did you attend the pep rally at the Capitol the other day? Did you wear your Mega hat or hood and robe? I hope you took some selfies!
Billy Bart says
Number 1 problem here in America: communist China’s subversion of your mainstream media.
Peck says
Number 1 problem here in America is domestic terrorism.
Alecia says
More people in America die from falling airplane parts, than “terrorism.” More people losing their lives everyday on our nation’s highways, and that doesn’t bother democrats a micronmore, than a bunch of dumb MAGA and ANTIFA hoodlums, mindlessly dundering into the nation’s Capitol?
Dave says
5 people died, Alecia.
Remember how the Republicans fussed over 10 hearings with Benghazi because 4 people died IN A WAR ZONE?
Now, y’all and acting like 5 dying on Capital Hill is no big deal even when Trump instigated it.
What do we do with you and Martha and the rest?
Mike says
Wow, Alecia…pretty heavy on the drama. Are you in the entertainment field? For the record, more folks died in the Ok terrorist bombing of the federal building (including children in a nursery in that building) than “falling airplane parts”. Are you friends with Kelley Ann Conway? She’s into alternative facts just like you.
Kippy says
Have you seen the list? Your jaw’s going to drop! It is a national scandal how many mainstream media outlets are taking money under-the-table, actively subscribing and participating in communist China’s CUSES propaganda events.
Dave says
List??? The list of Republicans who signed the opposition to the Electoral Collage certifications?
Mike Garcia
Devin Nunes
Kevin McCarthy, the lyingest liar of them all.
They were on it. We can get rid of Garcia in 2 years. We just hang this episode around his neck like an albatross. Republicans have no memory and they think we don’t either.
Mike says
Proof, Billy……..
Festus says
It’s true. Communist China owns your social media, your mainstream media, your entire Democrat party, 1/4th of your elected Republicans, to include your Nancy Pelosi jock sniffer commenting here, Democrat Dave –
XB51 says
Dear Festus: If you believe Communist China owns social media, and mainstream media, then stop using social media to post, and don’t watch mainstream media. Stick to QAnon, and Parler, oh, Parler is no longer available. well, maybe you can use Facebook to hook up with your right wing extremist friends. Oops that might not work either.
AV Observer says
Don’t forget Communist China stooge Rex. He has invited them to set up companies here to the AV. They have a front row seat to our nation’s most sensitive national defense contractors. No way should a company from Communist China be anywhere near our military and defense location. No way.
Katharine Anderson says
LOL! Misinformed, uneducated Trump militia. Take your ignorance, lies and insurrection and migrate to a country where they really appreciate a Dictator. The Commies in Russia is a good start.
Dean says
We should send Maxine Waters to a Prison Labor Camp FOREVER! What about her inciting violence and telling people to harass Republicans? Hope the Proud Boys show up to her house and pay her a visit soon.
Hughly says
Waters, Schiff, Biden, Newsom, Harris, the Obamas, the Clintons, Garcetti, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein — Alexandria Ocazio-Cortez? These people are an aberration, with whom few can relate.
A lifelong democrat, I was alienated by those within.
America’s democrats having become the ANTIFA party, that was it for me. First time, I voted Republican. Darned good thing I did. Election rigged, this Mike Garcia fellow needed every vote he could get.
Bubbles says
The morale of the story: all the king’s horses, all the king’s men, all the election rigging George Soros, ANTIFA, communist China, mainstream media, social media, and their bestest little buddies at the CIA can dredge up, isn’t going to make Democrats one iota more popular. They’re horrible. Nobody’s ever going to like those people.
Tim Scott says
Y’know, it’s a funny thing.
I grew up right here in this valley in a house that “wasn’t political.” My parents never really paid attention to politics, they just voted Republican. Republicans were good for defense spending, and defense spending was good for the valley.
I joined the military, and the military doesn’t really encourage anyone to be political. There was a war on, even if it was never declared so I get no “wartime veteran” benefits, and my commander in chief was a Republican. That winning his war for him while he never bothered getting it declared so I could get the benefits that a punk who peeled potatoes in Kansas for a year during Viet Nam gets for “serving in wartime” pisses me off, but he did lead us to victory and never called on me to actually exterminate the planet just be ready to do so. I was grateful and considered that to have been a job well done, so I left the military still “not political” and still voting Republican.
My life after the military went really well. In the dog eat dog zero sum economy game the Republicans call “free market fairness” I can tell you Bubbles, I am a bigger meaner dog than you can ever hope to be. I remained not political, and kept voting Republican. I didn’t “not like” Democrats. I never made time to pay that much attention.
Then came GWBush using the US military like a cowboy seeking vengance for an insult to his family name, and making Dick Cheney a fortune in the process. I saw that the “free market fairness” I thrived in could be really abused by a bigger meaner dog that was willing to not only break people financially, but consume actual human lives to build their business. It made me get political.
For the first time it made me set aside “I don’t have time to really look at all these issues in these ‘platforms.'” It made me think past “Buck McKeon is our rep and he is a top dog in defense appropriations and defense spending is good for the valley.” It made me look at how the economy can work so that I can benefit without having to crush people like you Bubbles.
It made me grow up and pay attention to how the country is actually run.
And when I started paying attention it made me a Democrat. The only people in your “Nobody’s ever going to like these people” are people like you, who never actually look at what is going on.
Trumpist#1 says
Great post, infused with civility, wisdom and logic. You know that I don’t agree with your politics but it would be easy to cooperate and compromise with a Democrat like you.
Funny, but I was a loyal Democrat until Reagan. I agree that GW Bush was the worst POTUS in my lifetime and did more damage to the military, economy, gas prices and national unity than any other President (I liked Trump’s policies).
Good to hear from you my friend.
Education is KEY says
Better late than never Tim Scott. My household and all my extended family vote blue because we put our country first. My younger children are underage, but as soon as they can vote, they will also vote democrat. They’ve been interested in politics from a very young age, it is imperative we get educated about politics from early elementary. They are not sheep, they ask questions and do research, they see and understand the flaws both parties carry. I am very proud to raise Americans that are willing to listen, research and make educated choices, I would be very unhappy if they just followed our train of thought without questioning the reasons. Education is the key to move this beautiful country of ours forward and on the right direction.
Butch says
… bzzzzzt! WRONG! INCORRECT! Somebody, get the dunce hat! Stick it on his dumbass head!
CORRECTION: Not only did president Trump grow the Republican party. He fused it. Of those having previously voted for President Trump in 2016, more than 100% voted for him, yet again.
Difference between Biden voters, and Trump voters? The half of those having voted for Biden did so, conditionally, by default, because the guy they originally wanted to vote for had the rug pulled out from under him, by party Democrat cronies annually counted upon, to rig the democrat primaries.
The other half of Biden’s constituency? People who don’t exist…
What distinguishes Trump’s voters is just three things, that no matter what they throw at us, we are (1) solid. Rock solid. We are behind President Trump, solid. Unconditionally, we are behind him, to our deaths. Most significant things characterizing the Trump voters, (2) president Trump earned every vote fair ‘n square, and (3) every single one of us is a real, live, tough as nails mofo, wholly unafraid to take on all comers.
The democrat people, they don’t like us very much –
Stinger says
I’m so sorry, Butch… It appears that you miswrote your last paragraph. In the interest of honest communications, allow me to correct it for you:
“What distinguishes Trump’s voters is just three things, that no matter what they throw at us, we are (1) Stupid. Rock stupid. We are behind President Trump, solid. Unconditionally, we are behind him, to our deaths. No matter what the truth or the Constitution says. Most significant things characterizing the Trump voters, (2) They actually believe, with all evidence to the contrary, that president Trump earned every vote fair ‘n square – even all the ones that were legally cast for Biden are his by our reckoning, and (3) every single one of us is a real, live, dumb as nails nobrain, wholly afraid to take on any evidence.”
Oh, this part was right: “The democrat people, they don’t like us very much ”
Seriously, dude. Learn what American Patriotism is actually about. Real Americans do not support any politician over the Constitution. To do so would be counter to what the United States is about. What you have described is not American patriotism, but blind obedience to a would be dictator with delusions of godhood. That, sir, is NOT patriotism in the USA. Go try it in North Korea.
Subvana13 says
So what you’re saying is that you support fascists
Mike says
What about….what about….what about……… What about dealing with the here and now. Waters didn’t cause an attempted coup. So damn sick of you what about………
Bob Dob says
Their support of the ideas and conspiracy theories that led to the #MAGAriots is what is bothersome and very un-American… they do not deserve to have a seat in the very Senate, where their rhetoric caused death, chaos and destruction
Katy says
It’s okay, mister. You believe what you believe. Period. That’s that. And, that’s alright with me.
Nobody here’s telling you to look at the evidence. Nobody here’s imposing upon you, to believe otherwise. If you don’t want to look at the evidence? Who am I to tell you otherwise?
But, I promise you, if you do? If you promise to look at this thing, objectively? Open mind? I cross my heart, hope to die, you’ll never live to regret it.
Dave says
What evidence Katy?
You bring it if you have it otherwise you sound like a fool.
Rudy never claimed fraud in court before a judge. That’s a fact for you to digest.
If he did without any evidence, which he didn’t have, he would have been sanctioned by the judge.
But, Rudy goes outside the court and claims fraud to con you.
Mike says
WHAT EVIDENCE KATY? Where is it? What’s the big secret? Why won’t you folks share what proof you have? It would certainly help your case.
Don Frederick says
I feel like someone needs to stick up for this clear-eyed editorial in the face of some of the comments here.
Black Lives Matter continues to be a protest against a real issue. As a result, there was a large number of protests, overwhelmingly peaceful. The Simi Valley BLM protest was one of the most heartwarming experiences I’ve seen in recent years. Violent protests were almost uniformly condemned.
The revolt and killings in Washington were not aimed at any real issues. Endless legal hearings, vote recounts, and audits have established this. Thanks to thorough election scrutiny and certification by dedicated Americans of all stripes, there are no questions or reasonable objections to this election. While “terrorism” may be hyperbole, this was pure political violence in service of those who mean to reject democratic elections as a means to transfer power in the United States.
Representative Garcia very simply chose to use his office to try to discredit democracy in this country. He owes his constituents a coherent explanation for why this should not be considered an abuse of power. His claim that no one outside of state legislatures can affect election procedures seems hollow after being rejected by multiple courts. Lacking any legal rationale, his actions seem to serve his political patrons rather than his constituents. Mr. Garcia has a lot to answer for.
Bethy says
George Floyd was a career criminal, who died heavily under the influence, of coronary complications from preexisting medical conditions of a lifetime drug addict. He was not asphyxiated. He did not die of police brutality. Had he not resisted arrest, he would not have died –
Stinger says
Annnd… thank you, Bethy, for lying your trumplican a$$ off and trying to convince people, a la Goebbels, that we didn’t see what we all very clearly saw.
Give it up – trumplican style nazism is dying. Objective reality is back.
Mike says
And he was unarmed when he was murdered on live television by a cop, for the world to see. I guess it upset some folks to witness a murder as they listened to the victim plead for his life for several minutes before he finally died. What about that BETHY? I don’t know if you have a medical degree or access to his autopsy report. What’s your source of information? Tell us so we can verify what you say is the truth. Do tell BETHY…..
Stinger says
Thank you, Don, for a rational and cogent posting.
Elisa Frias says
I agree with you, Don. Thank you for a well-reasoned response.
Loam says
Don Frederick, where was the condemnation of months of violent assemblies in Portland, OR in the summer of 2020? You say that BLM is mostly peaceful, but 307 police officers were killed in the line of duty in 2020. The fact is, you brush away all violence committed by BLM and Antifa between May and July 2020 as if it never happened just to support your point of view.
Mike says
Are you imply all 307 police officers were killed by BLM? We do know the officer killed in 2021 was killed by terrorists waving Trump flags. We know that.
Dave says
Which is more despicable, the seditious invasion of the Capital building resulting in 5 deaths or what Garcia and over a 100 other Republicans did who voted to overthrow an election?
The Capital building can be repaired in short order.
It will takes years to repair the damage Garcia, Trump and the Republicans have done to the country.
And, the Trump cult who comment here are part of what caused the insurrection.
Dean says
Well Dave you were ok when it was Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA commiting DOMESTIC TERRORISM ALL YEAR LONG!!! According to CNN they were Peaceful Protesters and Kamala Harris bailed them out. I say we should send ANYBODY who Supports Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA should be sent to Prison Labor camps for 25 years. You want to Target All Trump Supporters then Maxine Waters and ALL Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA Supporters should be headed to a Prison Labor Camp.
Stinger says
Deflection, misdirection and projection. Trumplican nazis are so predictable.
Rubio Gonza says
Trump was never accused of being a white supremacist or nazi until he was president. He was one of the first to welcome blacks in to his clubs. Only when he was a direct threat to people making under $200,00 a year that became criminals and are now millionaires, -Biden, Pelosi and other CAREER politicians, was he accused of this. Biden somehow sailed along, with his immoral racist talk, yet is always excused. He has not just a history of being a racist, but a 47 year on record history of being racist. Joe becoming Obama’s vp, did not magically make him love blacks. Obama was reluctant to endorse Biden…..Come on people, he is old frail trash, deep ingrained with racist roots and legislation to prove it. This coward sways to get votes, he has no integrity.
Keith says
Well said. Thank you sir.
Mike says
These cynical traitors fed their hillbilly base a steady diet of lies that they knew weren’t true, then incited a mob of white supremacists to attack the Capitol building. Anyone involved in this needs to be prosecuted for insurrection, sedition, and treason.
Marcelle YATES says
I think Mike Garcia and Kevin McCarthy should be removed from their office. What they did was self seeking advantages with no thought of the consequences of their actions.
I am horrified that this is a fascist movement. Maybe it’s a good thing ‘that the greatest generation’ is not
left to see this.
Freeman says
Mike constitutes proof positive, there’s nothing democrats desire, than their steady diet of witch hunts. Their constant need, somebody to be nailing to the cross. Anybody.
I Love My Country says
How ’bout you Freeman?
John says
What’s the point of swearing an oath to the Constitution when Kevin McCarthy and Mike Garcia are so woefully ignorant of its contents. Both of these men should take the time to READ the document they swore allegiance to. And it wouldn’t hurt them to also take a look at their high school Civics and History textbooks. They might be inlightened to learn the definition of treachery and fascism and how previous fascist regimes have ended. I couldn’t agree more that these two men are cowards and traitors wholly unworthy of the offices they hold. They are a disgrace to our nation and should resign.
Lawrence says
… the democrat narrative:
1). Unity and inclusion –
– e.g., the Adam Schiff agenda; retribution; rigged elections; biased mainstream media; critical race theory indoctrination; displacement and social isolation campaign against those who didn’t vote democrat, for the amusement and merriment of the beautiful people, in Hollywood –
2). A return to the good ‘ol days –
– e.g., the Clintons and the Obamas; America must apologize to the world; invade more third world nations; keep our boys coming home in body bags –
3). Keeping America’s legislature safe for hypocrisy –
– e.g., the Mitch McConnell agenda; 7 foot non-scalable wall around the Capitol building ought to do nicely!
4). Conspicuous Consumption –
– e.g., the Nancy Pelosi beautification program; more taxpayer dollars allocated for revitalization of luxurious places for Washington DC’s limosine liberals, to lavish themselves –
5). The dual economy –
– e.g., the Chuck Schumer agenda; constant downward pressure on wage a function of porous, open bordsers; systematic displacement of American citizens, ensuring a constant, robust stream of illegal immigrants; socialism for elites; naked capitalism for the working class slobs –
Scott Rutledge says
You gotta love liberal democrats, as the whole country was burning down just a few months ago you wanted to defund the police and defended the rioters like BLM and Antifa while small business after small business went under. People storm the capitol building and they are labeled terrorists, which I guess is accurate since that building housed the law makers of this country and was broken into by a small handful of soccer moms and their unruly kids, you kidding me you ever seen Pelosis house a freaking semi truck couldn’t get through the front gate if they locked it down. Everybody has individuality rights EXCEPT anyone who mildly disagrees. You scream at people who are concerned about some states that illegally changed the way people voted, that is under those states own constitutions but who cares because news tells us Orange man bad!! Where were you when for 3 years the Russian Collusion was on the air 24/7 only to end in a Al Capon empty vault styled hoax that was financed ( christopher steel who wrote the steel dossier was paid by the Clinton foundation) the democrats here’s the kicker many of you morons still believe it’s true(a lie gets half way around the world before the truth can get its shoes on) pencil neck schiff continues to say there is evidence there it’s clear as day right there in black and white!! Where? Oh it’s top secret I can’t tell you. You are lazy, you don’t care about anyone else and you have no empathy you think you do but in reality Nope!!
Gianclaudio says
… remember, as a young child how lost you were, ping-ponged through the fun house, at the local carnival?
That’s what they’re doing to you. It’s that kind of thing, making it so you’re so overstimulated, you’re numbed, unable to pin focus, on any one thing.
THE QUESTION OF THE DAY: … what do you do when you’re tapped to run a major CIA op (say, comprehensive election rigging in America’s swing states, for instance). But, it gets messy; it gets out of hand; so many moving parts to the thing, no way you can tie-up your loose ends?
ANSWER: … page one, straight out of the CIA analyst’s playbook, you do another 20 dozen even messier ops (e.g., capitol building publicity stunt), dizzying inquiring minds, burying everyone in an endless menagerie of loose ends.
Next week, it will be something else (e.g., impeachment). For now, they want you focused on their capitol building publicity stunt. They don’t want you thinking about election rigging.
They make it so you can’t. Pretty good at it, too –
Sig says
I’ve heard the DS tactics used on 1/6 are those the “company” uses when it’s working to topple a foreign government…
D Solo says
Internally, it’s referred to as “flooding the zone.”
Duh says
What a load of absolute CRAP! When it’s in your favor, it’s “peaceful protesting.” When it’s not in your favor it’s a “violent terrorist mob.” People are waking up and BS like this isn’t going to work much longer. This article only serves to highlight your hypocrisy and clear partisanship. Video evidence suggests it was paid provocateurs that initiated the entire thing and that trump supporters were actually attempting to stop it. Hmmm, I wonder who would benefit from such an incident…it’s a short list.
Fred says
Wow paid provocateurs trying to stop it ! show me the real and factual evidence just like the zero evidence of voter fraud. You clearly are out of touch with reality and need psychiatric intervention. I hope you get some help. Oh and btw what makes you think this author condoned the antifa and rogue protester violence ? Assume means makes an ass out of u.
Stinger says
Hey, bot! Provide proof of your bullschnit claim.
Oh wait, I forgot, you trumplicans don’t believe in proof, just whatever your orange satan tells you to believe.
Those of us that don’t drink the kool aid have already seen sufficient evidence to know that you are full of it.
Loam says
“When it’s in your favor, it’s “peaceful protesting.” When it’s not in your favor it’s a “violent terrorist mob.””
Great way of putting it. No one below addresses this specific comment, which shows their blatant hypocrisy.
Reform says
Video evidence suggests it was paid provocateurs? All of these violent right wing Trump puppets were unleashed by Trumps violent rhetoric. Every one of them are being tracked down and will suffer the consequences along with Trump. Let us hope the person that murdered the Capitol police officer will spend the rest of his life in prison. Trump and all those that backed him have blood on their hands.
Peggy says
Not hard figuring out democrats. We can predict exactly how a democrat will react. To anything.
Archetypic democrat hypocrisy, last summer, out one side of his mouth, this Lagomarsino fellow ditto’d sentiment referring to inner-city ANTIFA uprisings, “the summer of love.” Six months later, out the other side of his mouth, call the whaaaambulance:
One thing in particular democrats are consistent on: career criminal George Floyd dies of cardiac arrest, democrats respond, applauding ANTIFA, as they loot small business, burn them into bankruptcy. Capitol police gun Ashli Bittle down like a dog, once again they applaud.
Only thing democrats love, more than their blood-lust? They’ve got themselves a sweet-tooth, tearing unborn infants from the womb.
They like it —
Fred says
George Floyd was murdered
This article is not about antifa or abortion
You are a sad piece of [removed]
Stinger says
What Fred said.
Yvonne says
Because congress doesn’t want its parameter breached, never in history has Fort Knox ever been. Because congress doesn’t want its parameter breached, trespassers at Area 51 are shot, on site. If our elections are rigged, it’s because congress wants them rigged. If a bunch of stupid ANTIFA and MAGA people somehow found their way into the capitol building, it’s because they wanted them to. For your information, a bunch of dumb ANTIFA and MAGA people, dundering around the capitol building, that is not a coup.
Barbi says
… if you please, give a head’s up if the AV Times is now a democrat publication. We’ll not bother you, again –
Matt says
As everyone should be after what happened. See ya……..Bye bye……
Mike says
It is, so stop bothering us. SCRAM! And take your MAGA hat with you.
Samantha says
This comment is illustrative how unhinged, how far off the rails democrats are.
Mrs Ethyl says
Election rigged in their favor, you’d think they’d be happy? Pent-up, miserable, defensive, petty, so unhinged are these democrats, so deep into the sand are their heads buried, they can no longer readily differentiate moderates from conservatives.
Stinger says
This comment is illustrative how unhinged, how far off the rails trumplicans are.
Dave says
Oh, Mrs. Ethyl
You guys lost. You’d think you’d shut up.
Democrats worked hard, waited in long lines to vote and Biden/Harris won.
Then, Speaker Pelosi won re-election as Speaker.
Then, Jon Ossoff and Rafael Warnock won Senate seats from Georgia.
If was hard work and discipline while Trump claimed the senate elections were going to be rigged and probably caused a few Republicans to stay home.
He sabotaged an election he supposedly wanted his people to win.
Rudy lost over 60 lawsuits and a couple in the Supreme Court with 3 of Trump’s hand-picked justices who he thought would save his a$$. Nobody can save that a$$.
Alfredo says
… I know Barbi. She isn’t MAGA. She’s a Reagan Democrat, having voted twice for Barack Obama.
Loam says
It’s a very convenient partisan argument to say that people who don’t agree with you must resign. If the only evidence you have is that a politician supported the idea of investigating allegations of voting irregularities, then you ask nothing short of controlling everything’s freedom of speech.
Really, you start with statements supporting investigations and jump to “instigators of terror”. How about you just try to vote them out?
J says
Garcia needs to resign because he didn’t represent his district. He won his district by 333 votes. He didn’t represent us when he voted to help Trump overturn election results while Trump lost our district by over 10 percentage point. That’s why he needs to resign! As for McCarthy, he should’ve acted like a leader (instead of Bud kissing Trump loyalist) and guided his caucus to do the right thing to carry out their constitutional duty. He failed his party and the county.
S says
Agree with you particularly for Garcia. He did indeed win by a razor thin margin. He should resign as he does not represent the district well. Signing on to undermining an election in OTHER states (but not his own election) is the height of hypocrisy. Let the voters vote again. See how it goes.
Tim Scott says
Question: WTF is wrong with voters in this district? Trump loses by over ten points. On the same ballot Chump for Trump does not lose by ten points…in fact he wins! Thousands of people go to the polls so completely uninformed that they have heard what a buffoon Trump is but haven’t paid enough attention to know that Garcia is a pure Trump puppet that hasn’t had a thought in his head since he went to Washington that wasn’t put there by that same buffoon. Sad, seriously seriously sad.
Anyone who voted for Garcia that is surprised that he is a seditious chump for Trump…grow up and vote responsibly from now on.
Mike says
Oh save the BS Loam. You folks have been wasting taxpayer dollars for years with your BS investigations from Benghazi to White Water, to voter fraud to Hunter Biden. All with zero results. We’re tired of it. This latest stunt (rigged election) has resulted in our nation’s capitol being invaded and trashed. No honest clear-thinking person gives a rat’s behind you or your other clowns think. Just STFU and crawl back under your orange rock.
Loam says
Like the millions wasted on Russiagate and the Trump impeachment?
Stinger says
Apparently, Loam is not only blind and deaf, but dumbstruck, as well.
How can you possibly consider the armed invasion of rioters at the direction of your orange baboon god to be anything but treason? I’m not going to get too harsh on your brothers and sisters, Loam, even though you should all be ashamed of yourselves as Americans for allowing yourselves to follow this mango moron down his insane little rabbit hole of autocracy and downright orwellian levels of doublespeak and outright lying. You guys should have known better as Americans, but, I’ll give you the benefit of mitigating circumstances in that you are merely followers and not the ringleaders in this circus.
Look, I check out news from multiple sources to ensure that I can see when a given issue is getting spun out of control. I can see the spin that you perceive in CNN, etc., and it tends to tick me off, too. But those liberal outlets pale in comparison to the idiocy that comes from Fox, OAN and Newsmax. My God, man, the reports from those outlets are not spun, but actually just plain outside of objective reality in a lot of cases. So much so, in fact, that I can’t see how anyone would be dumb enough to fall for it, but, here we are, aren’t we, Loam?
Try stretching out your sources of information and do some comparison before you just accept what Fox, etc. tells you. Reuters is not bad. BBC and NPR tend to keep the spin down a bit, too. Heck, I’ll even check Al Jazeera on occasion to get another perspective. If you were to start doing that, you may be able to see where you are being mislead, Loam.
Loam says
“How can you possibly consider the armed invasion of rioters at the direction of your orange baboon god to be anything but treason?”
The attack on the capitol building was criminal and each person who did that should be criminally charged. Treason is much too strong of a word for this kind of criminal activity.
Was the Antifa attack on the Federal Courthouse in Portland, OR this summer treason?
And, back on topic, Mike Garcia did not participate or condone the attack on the capitol building.
Stinger says
Nice try, Loam. Typical trumplican redirect attempt.
You know full well that there are huge differences between the two incidents… Even from your twisted perception.
As for Garcia; he is one of many congresspersons that set the stage for the coup attempt and he needs to be held accountable for knowingly going along with your orange baboon god’s bullschnit and helping foment the situation to the point that it became violent. In other words, Loam, I hold Garcia just as responsible as if he had been up on that stage whipping up your buddies to commit treason because he helped set up that very stage!
YOU are a prime example of what I am talking about, Loam. You have been fed so many lies by members of your party that are NOT true republicans, but nazified trumplicans, that you have lost your sense of reality. You are no longer a republican, Loam. Seriously.
You have evil loose in your party, Loam. Go clean house, then come back and yammer.
JR says
Several companies announced they’re not going to give campaign contributions to Garcia, his master Kevin McCathy, and all those voted to overturn the election results. It’s time all those that supported Garcia’s campaign – defense companies, Lockheed, Northrop, Boeing, Scaled Composite, Mojave Airport, Parris, Marv, Visco and Lancaster mafia, – to stop giving money to Garcia the Insurrectionist!
Dean says
So will you people join me and Demand Youtube take down All Madonna videos? She was talking about blowing up the White House. She should be on the No Fly List. She should never be allowed to preform in the United States ever again. Will you people join me or will you prove you are all phoney and believe in a Double Standard. Same with Jonny Depp. His movies should be ban for life heshould never work again. He said When was the last time an actor killed a President. He should also be on the No fly list. Kamala Harris baided out the Black Lives Matter terrorist so they have no bail so they go out and burn down another business. She should never be allowed to hold office. Sheaided and abetted Black lives Matter terrorist. You Democrats are phony lying Hypocrites.
Keith says
If you read the op-Ed, it’s not about agreeing with their political position. The call for resignation is based on Garcia and McCarthy’s support for overturning an election. That is a fact, not an opinion. They have violated their oath to support the constitution.
Elisa Frias says
I agree completely. Leaders are supposed to have courage, and yet both of these “leaders” spinelessly followed Trump and echoed his lies. Perhaps they thought it would benefit their political careers to do so. But Congressmen must honor their oaths more than their own ambition. They did not have the guts to stand for the truth or the Constitution, and the fire they helped ignite burned to its inevitable conclusion on the 6th – a full scale assault on our elections and our country. The only honorable thing they could do now is resign.
Gilbert says
They are traitors to democracy and our republic government system. Theyll do anything to keep power, even if it means destroying it all. They need to resign for the traitors they are.
Trish Bogna says
Thank you Daniel for so concisely summing up the hell that has been Trump, McCarthy and Garcia (among many other Republicans) who used the excuse that ‘they have the right to investigate possible election fraud’. It HAS been asked and answered! Trump’s own appointee, Chris Krebs, (whom he hired for cybersecurity for the election), stated that (paraphrase), ‘This is the most safe and secure election ever held’. Trump promptly fired him for telling the truth. They took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and failed miserably. McCarthy and Garcia need to resign. I pray that we as a Nation can come together to heal, tho I feel there is more danger to come.
Lisa says
Bravo, well written opinion piece and I couldn’t agree with you more. Project Lincoln is here to help make their resignations a reality. #thelincolnproject
KAY E says
Kevin McCarthy is not smart enough to represent California, so Trump has completely managed Kevin M’s every move for last 4 years. SOMEONE GOOD RUN AGAINST Kevin McCarthy please
Monica says
They must be forced to resign for they did not hold the oath. Those that think they shouldn’t are just part of the problem with the government and Trump supports!!!
David Miller says
We need to have forensics done on the Dominion machines before asking anyone to resign, this election was stolen, just doing recounts don’t cut it.
KAY says
oh give me a break and turn off Fox. Dominion Machines issue is asked and answered, David, move on
Su says
All cases already investigated by law enforcement and ruled by courts and judges (many appointed by Trump). Aides, cabinet members are all fleeing WH and admitted that their own polls conducted by Trumpers prior to the election pretty much mirrored the actual election results. Biden got more than 7M votes than your Sore Loser Trump! Get over it and move on!
Mike says
What’s your proof? What’s your source of news and information. Tell us so it can be verified. Either put up or shut up. I could say Trump works for Putin and that’s the reason he sided with Putin over his country’s own intel. I could say his wife posed for nudie pics and doesn’t really like Christmas. I could say Trump is a card-carrying racist. However, without proof, it’s hearsay. So tell us David, what’s your source that the Dominion machines were compromised. What’s your source. You folks make all these claims, yet you refuse to reveal your source of this information. Put up or shut up.
Birdy says
Trump fused the Republican party. It became too strong. Threat to sovereignty of defense-intelligence, under President Trump, the Republican party became unified.
With this election rigging business, the CIA peoples’ intention was, to weaken the Republican party, split it into discrete, easily manipulated factions.
But, the CIA people botched the job!
Everybody looking at the policy community’s fraudulently cooked polls, in tandem with Trump’s turnout, significantly larger than government analysts expected, broke algorithms tuned to overweight Harris-Biden votes.
Desperate to deflect media attention, away from their botched election rigging scandal, CIA people are reduced to pulling cheap publicity stunts, (e.g., folly at the Capitol building; taking down on-line commenting on conservative interactive web sites) and cyber-bullying (democrat Dave).
Evidence is so overwhelming, democrats can’t bear to even look –
Victor says
We are with you Danny. A thoughtful eye opening read.
Mike says
@Victor If you are with Danny, I hope you have a floatation device because the ship is sinking.
Fifi says
Marsha Neill says
Absolutely they should resign. They took oaths to the Constitution, not to Trump, and they failed. This is surprising in that Garcia is a veteran. He took that same oath in the military. I did too, and am appalled that he has failed in his oath. They both should resign.
Really? says
They didn’t think like you all so they must resign. Typical Liberal response.
StevenR says
If that’s what she wrote, it WOULD be a weak, liberal response. It wasn’t. What IS weak is your interpretation of what she said. I suspect that you didn’t actually read the article, just the headline, which would be the only way your comment would have any validity. These legislators parroted Trump’s comments fanning the flames that weaponized the maniacal Capitol mob. It’s irresponsible, and borders on criminal.
Mike says
They don’t think period. They just continue to march in lockstep with the rest of the mindless robots following each other over a cliff, all in defense of an orange manchild baby having a tantrum because his orang behind lost. Boo-hoo. Typical repuglican response.
StevenR says
I agree strongly. Trump fans seem to have sworn an oath to Trump.
Mike says
That’s because he hates the same people they do.