Have you ever wondered how spending your cash on bonds, funds, and shares actually makes you wealthier in the long run? You probably know it has something to do with things like interest, and the growing value of businesses, but the reality is there are various ways to make cash from your investments, and each can have a long-term impact on your wealth over time. If you’ve been considering getting involved with investing, then it could be a good idea to start looking into your options.
Money management in terms of investing differs from other strategies like saving business money or focusing on debt reduction. So, before you spend any money, make sure you know exactly how you’re going to get a return on your cash. Here’s your guide to some of the ways you can make money by spending it.
The Options for Earning Money
As most investors or would-be investors already know, there are various kinds of investments you can consider for helping you make money over time. Most of the common options fall into the categories of bonds, shares, and funds. With funds, you’re spending cash on a managed collective pool of investments, which pools together money from different people to spend on things like shares and bonds.
Bonds, on the other hand, are loans you give other entities, with the intent of getting the cash back later, plus interest. Shares are probably the simplest form of investing, but they can also be the riskiest. When you buy a share, you’re spending money for a portion of another company. This portion will gradually gain value with a little luck, which improves your chances of selling the same shares for a higher price later on. When you invest in one of these options, you benefit from:
- Interest: When you’re a lender to a business or government with bonds and mutual funds, you’re basically giving them money in the same way a loan provider would provide you with cash. They’re expected to pay back the money they borrow as well as any interest required for you letting them borrow it for a set period of time.
- Dividends: Some companies will make it more attractive for investors to consider purchasing a piece of their stocks by giving them cash rewards. Dividends are distributed a couple of times per year, or every so often.
- Appreciation: The most common way to make money from the cash you spend is through appreciation Investments rise and fall in value over time, depending on their performance. You’ll buy an investment at one price, then sell it at a higher one at a later stage.
If you want to make a living from buying and selling, you’re better off learning about things like penny stocks and day trading where you can make money off regular, daily interactions. You can find a guide to trading penny stocks online to help you get started too.
Can You Make a Living?
Not everyone will make a full income from buying and selling shares, bonds, and mutual funds, but you can at least earn more than you would if you left your cash to sit inside a bank, gradually gaining minimal interest. If you get comfortable enough with the trading market, you can then begin to look into more strategies for earning money in the short-term.