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America's Most Like Valentine Michael Smith says
Worst, most incompetent presidents in my lifetime:
1. Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden. Worst ever. Look around. It’s not even close and obvious if you don’t live under a rock. FJB.
2. George W. Bush the lesser. Iraq, Afghanistan, economic meltdown, housing crash, gas was $4+. Dumb as a bag of nails and arrogant; a dangerous combination that deeply hurt the country.
3. Lyndon Johnson. Vietnam debacle and his Great Society program institutionalized welfare.
4. Jimmy Carter. Iran humiliated his weakness and fecklessness for 444 days. Interest rates at 18%+.
5. Richard Nixon destroyed integrity in, and universal respect for government with his paranoid break in at Watergate. Partisan politics became more vicious and personal.
Best POTUS: Reagan, Trump, Obama, GHW Bush the greater, Clinton (he was lucky, very lucky to be set up for success by dot com revolution and cheap gas from Kuwait because of GHW Bush).
Today’s gem of political wisdom: Democracy sucks. Just not as bad as all the other political systems. At least we get to vent and argue, and that’s fun. USA, USA, USA.
Hardhat…check. Ballistic vest….check. Hockey pads…..check. Haz/mat suit…..check. OK, I’m ready, eviscerate me.
Beecee says
Nothing to see here folks, just move on…
Beecee says
Meanwhile the investigation into the crackhead is ramping up.
Gary Cooper says
Is that the same crackhead that is the son of the so-called President ☠️of the United States . The same crackhead son that this president sent to China to make deals with Chinese Oligarghs that is connected to the Red Communist Chinese Army
Stinger says
Not sure… It could be the former crackhead son of the current President of the US… Orrrrr, might be the same former crackhead that you guys are all believing when he spouts about conspiracies that his own tech outright disprove (over and over again) and getting sued for literally billions of dollars… When he’s not selling pillows, that is.
Beecee says
Mike lindel is trump secret son now?
America's Most, Son of Lindell says
Lindell is truly what our esteemed friends on the Left would rightfully call an “irrational right wing nut job”. He’s also a religious fanatic. He embarrasses the serious conservatives and outrages the moderates.
America's Most Irrational National says
That’s the one, Gary. He makes our country so proud.
WILLIAM75 says
There was a big rally today and he was telling lies to his followers.
No. that wasn’t Trump.
It was Putin.
Putin and Trump, separated at birth.
Smart Politics says
Vladimir Putin is an idiot like Joe Biden. Putin is so weak that he reminds me of Mussolini and will run when he gets his tail handed to him someday! If Europe would get their courage before he attacks them then he might think twice to mess with the rest of the World. Europe did not learn from WWII and are still back stabbing chickens.
Reliable sources says
Hunters laptop was true,
And they all lied about it!
Dave Bowman says
prove it?
New York slimes says
America's Most Dishing Out Word Salad says
Dave, Dave, you dumb sh!t. You are so brainwashed, you don’t know which way is up. Pathological denial is so convenient to Democrats.
Hunter and Joe took bribes and are both owned lock, stock and barrel by Russia and China. They are both dangers and vulnerabilities to our national security. You can snivel and lie all you want, it won’t change the facts and proof contained in Hunter’s laptop.
Everyone who has been denying the laptop was real has no credibility left. NADA!
Tim Scott says
Guess what, America’s Most gullible, the courts don’t agree. The provenance of the “Hunter Biden laptop” is an absolute joke and it has been summarily dismissed. It ‘convinced’ Hannity and the slavish dittoheads of Fox, but absolutely no one else.
Try again, with credible evidence.
America's Most Defending Our Freedom says
There’s a grand jury looking into it now. Hunter just took a $1 million loan to pay back taxes from his bribes from Russia and China. Hunter himself has admitted the laptop was his. All this has serious implications to our national security.
Between Durham and this grand jury, the Democrats will be scandalized for generations, because it will come out that Joe is owned by China and they can blackmail him.
Waiting for the next shoe to drop. Patience and popcorn.
America's Most Gullible & Goofy says
Damn, they squashed my reply.
Tim Scott says
It probably was not worth reading anyway. Bottom line, 99% of all the drivel you spew about Biden is just sewage from the Fox pipeline and based on this laptop that is just as likely to be a fake as not…more likely really…and since the info comes from Fox and they never say where it came from it is probable that you don’t even know where the laptop came from. However, the courts do which is why the courts have uniformly dismissed it…and you should also.
Fox and Hannity never will, just like they still scream the same tired lies about Benghazi, along with all their other greatest hits. As long as gullible people like you watch and repeat the lies they are never going to have any interest in telling the truth.
America's Most Annoying RWNJ says
“It probably was not worth reading anyway.”
So, we agree on something, lolol. And that relates to all my posts.
Regards my friend.
Dimmy says
Read the piece,
It’s from yours truly, the slimes.
Tim Scott says
Not quite sure how to read that…are you saying that you are a slime?
Beecee says
“Guess what, America’s Most gullible, the courts don’t agree. The provenance of the “Hunter Biden laptop” is an absolute joke and it has been summarily dismissed”
This is all entirely false, read paragraph 24 in the above mentioned piece from New York Times.
That rag you guys have been taking as gospel for years.
Tim Scott says
There is a substantial stretch of time when the laptop in question was not in Hunter Biden’s possession. There is really no way to account for what data comes from Hunter Biden and what what data comes from other sources. That is just a flat out fact.
The usefulness of the laptop in an investigation is that it points to possibilities, and the investigation has a direction. Some of the directions pan out.
For example, there was a shortage in taxes. The question remains open whether that was intentional, but the back taxes have been paid. The RWNJs are of course screaming fraud, which is as yet unproven. Those same RWNJs continue to support the Trump family, which has been systematically committing tax fraud for more than half a century, dating back to Fred Trump. Hannity and his hatchet crew never mention that though, so the RWNJs probably don’t even know it.
Another example, Hunter Biden may have been required to register his work for foreign corporations as making him “a lobbyist representing foreign interests.” Again, this is a good thing to investigate, but corroboration of the suspect laptop hasn’t officially been found so it remains an allegation so far. Also again there will be question of intent. Failure to register can be an oversight, or it can be motivated by a desire to knowingly move in the shadows as a foreign operative. This is another example of the hypocrisy of the RWNJs, who are screaming outrage over the allegations against Biden but still embrace Trump despite multiple convictions for the same crime in his inner circle, with no question that they were intentional and not just oversights. The same RWNJs who are outraged now cheered on Trump as he issued pardons to his people convicted of this crime.
The main use of the laptop by RWNJs of course comes from salacious material that merits no legal investigation at all, making it the most suspect data on the device. Politically damaging, but not related to possible crimes. Coincidentally(?) released to RWNJ media before any of the criminal investigations even had a chance to get started.
The laptop data is a sham.
Tim Scott says
Looks like my previous comment didn’t get past the moderation. Anyway.
Beecee, it’s hilarious that you are so specific in citing your reference there. Right down to the numbered paragraph. One might assume that some right wing nutjob blogger gave you the reference and told you “what it means.”
So here’s the thing, it doesn’t mean what they are spinning it to be.
There’s an e-mail chain on the laptop that is of interest to the investigation. They are saying that that e-mail chain is authentic, because they have used a subpoena to access the other side; e-mail account of the person Hunter Biden was e-mailing with. That doesn’t mean anything about any other data in the laptop. Some of it, if it is of interest to the investigation, leads to subpoenas in an effort to verify it. If it can be verified it can be used.
But there is absolutely no way to walk into a courtroom and say “look at this data from Hunter Biden’s laptop.” The defense would immediately challenge that evidence and it would get tossed. The laptop belonged to Hunter Biden, but there are a whole lot of hands that it is known to have passed through since that could be responsible for data on the device. Watch a cop show on TV and see how they carry on about “evidence bags” and “chains of custody.” All the paperwork in the world can’t put the genii back in the bottle for this laptop. The corrupted hands of Rudy G alone are more than enough to get it thrown out.
So the really hilarious part here is that the story is actually about the prosecutor bringing two witnesses to the grand jury, and really that’s barely news. Neither witness is worth spit. They are fine, for a grand jury. The prosecution asks whatever they want the witness to answer, doesn’t bring up anything they don’t want the grand jury to hear about, and away we go. But if they get an indictment out of it those witnesses can be called at trial and asked other questions. Their answers to “as one of the many women Hunter Biden slept with during his emotional collapse after his divorce, did you have deep access to his financial dealings, or more of an ‘in passing’ level?” and “is it fair to say that you hold a grudge against the defendant?” would not impress a jury, just for starters.
All of this isn’t to say that Hunter Biden has done no wrong. He certainly borked his taxes. The fact that he paid the IRS a lump settlement is proof enough of that. I have yet to see any presentation of evidence that would prove intent there. Lots of guys after a divorce go through a stretch where their only interest in accountants and tax attorneys is if they can bed them and their paperwork gets fouled up. Eventually the IRS catches up with them and they have to pay.
America's Most Helpful With Directions says
Democrats: ^ This way is up ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
WILLIAM75 says
From the right-wing sewer you live in, every which way is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
There is now “down” from where you sit.
America's Most Disoriented Dodo says
Right now, this way is up >>>>>>>
D Butts says
What makes you think you’re right and others are wrong makes you think you’re not guild and others are I see a problem here it could be others but I choose to s
ay it’s you
America's Most Disgusted with Wokeness says
Did you ever see such a crazy woke nightmare as that transsexual Lia Thomas competing against natural female swimmers? It towers above the girls by a foot, with huge shoulders, bigger muscles, huge lungs and longer arms than a natural born female. That is totally unfair as it violates the girls rights and the very laws of nature. It couldn’t win when competing against other males for 2 years so it turned “female”?
How can the f__king lunatic NCAA wokies ruin competitive sports for 50% of the population, to accommodate, what, less than 1% of the population? In my world, the girls should throw a sack over it’s head and give it the what for!
And this disgusting abomination changes in the same locker room as young girls, although it still has male genitalia. WTF? As a grand parent of a young girl, this eats my liver!
Dave Bowman says
thats pretty mean dontcha think?
America's Most With Hardhat & Padding says
Maybe, but true, little snowflake. Does it trigger micro aggressions and hurt your little feelings? Hard hats required.
WILLIAM75 says
You are the upset one Mr. America’s Most Vexed, Bothered and Bewildered.
Reread you post above to see how snowflakey you are before you point your finger.
Typical Trumper behavior.
America's Most Astounded & Unbounded says
OMG…….. YOU’RE the voice of reason here !!
So to celebrate and honor this unrepeatable supernatural miracle, I’ll have to agree and defer to your sagacious wisdom. But don’t get used to it, or I’ll smush you with a leg of lamb.
WILLIAM75 says
Lamb you say, America’s Most Likely to Reply?
Tim Scott says
LOL…so while you and the Faux News dittoheads were screaming your outrage about how it was all unfair and a trans woman competing against women born as women would always win…the actual competitors just went out and outswam her. Four of them anyway.
Beecee says
A woman born a woman is just that…
A woman.
Tim Scott says
Indeed. I just don’t agree that that is the only way to get to be one, or that it is a life sentence if one doesn’t want to stay that way.
America’s Most Mistaken for Jubal Harshaw says
It’s really just the physical unfairness that bugs me. Otherwise, c’est la vie and I wouldn’t care less.
Did you see the Olympic weight lifters? Perhaps there should be separate but equal categories for transsexual sports.
Tim Scott says
If you took the time to get to know someone going through hormone therapy you’d know the physical unfairness isn’t really a thing.
America's Most Grateful says
And thank heaven for that!
America's Most Irish at Heart says
Happy, safe St. Patrick’s Day. After partying last night, I woke up green today.
WILLIAM75 says
Today, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said after Zelensky’s and Biden’s speeches, “Zelensky is Churchhill and Biden is FDR.”.
Who here said recently, “The times, they are a changin’.”?
Meanwhile, Fox “news” and Trump are twisting like pretzels to find where to land with the Putin and Ukraine. They don’t seem to know there are videos of things they’ve said before.
Dave Bowman says
actually thats what they depend on; the short attention span of post internet America.
WILLIAM75 says
Dave, it’s unreal at Fox how they’ve managed to “forget” Trump’s buttkissing of Putin now that Putin has shown himself to be a war criminal.
I wish the “talent” at Fox would donate their brains to science to see what happened to them.
Remember in Young Frankenstein when Eyegor grabbed the wrong brain labeled “Abnormal. Do not use.”?
Well, that coulda been Tucker Carlson’s, Laura Ingraham’s or Sean Hannity’s diseased brain.
Welcome to the discussion Dave. It’s a real battle of the wits against the half-wits who willingly reveal themselves here.
The half-wits think the 1st Amendment says, “Freedom from facts” and they’re here to prove it. And, they do.
Sonya says
Williams talking to himself again,
When are you gonna resurrect Democrat ‘gay’ve
WILLIAM75 says
Wonder if we could do with Russia what we did with Japan and Germany aftrer WWII.
Instead of atomic bombs and a Normandy Invasion we are doing sanctions. If we keep it up and Putin is overthrown, we might have an opportunity along with NATO to install a true democracy with free elections and have Russia as an ally like we did with Japan and Germany.
Of course, we’d have to do something first with our Republican traitorous party. Or is it traitorous Republican party?
Either way.
What do you think, Mr. America’s?
WILLIAM75 says
You can change your mind America’s Most Willing To Reconsider.
I did.
While I didn’t vote for Reagan, I did notice that his optimistic attitude, “Morning in America” went a long way despite his eventually decimating the middle class or starting it.
decimate: verb
kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers or others) as a punishment for the whole group.
“the man who is to determine whether it be necessary to decimate a large body of mutineers”.
I voted for Ross Perot who wanted to curtail the shipping of jobs to Mexico and raise the gas tax 50 cents but came around to the Clintons eventually after 8 years of “Peace and Prosperity”. See, it can be done.
I opposed Obama in 2016 but I came around after noticing how he accomplished things with a deft touch such as Obamacare. He wasn’t out pushing his programs but he somehow got others to step up. The “deft touch” was great when he was at the Correspondant’s Dinner while bin Laden was on his way out. He was both funny and effective behind the scenes.
THAT’S leadership.
Given the disaster Trump has always been and how the Republican Party sucked up to him to their eventual losses of the House and Senate, why continue with that party? It’s the party of Kevin “Lyingest Liar” McCarthy. The dishonest McConnel and all those flakes like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jim “Escaped Prisoner” Jordan who are going to run things if the Rs take the House in November.
Do you still want to be like those Russian citizens who think Ukraine started it? Given my earlier posts here that show that historically Republican administrations have had a recession in every one of their first terms for the last 100 years, is that what you want after 2024 if they take the WH? You’ll get one.
You might get a crash like Hoover, Reagan, Bush the Lessor and Trump have done.
Do you know better? Are you willing to change your mind given the evidence over time not just today with high gas prices while the rest of the economy is doing well and unemployment is low.
Oil prices have declined but not so much with gas prices. THAT”S capitalism for you Republicans who worship at that altar. Oil companies are making profits and buying back stock not increasing production. I wonder if Republicans have stocks in oil companies while bemoaning the high gas prices.
Wasn’t Trump’s first Secretary of State the CEO of Exxon/Mobil and also named “Rex”? What’s in a name. He was working with Putin doing oil deals in….wait for it….Russia.
One of the big pitfalls with democracy is letting the inmates run the asylum. Supposedly, the Senate was were things were mitigated from the temporary passions of the streets (1/6). I laugh at that obsolete notion when the 2 Dakotas have 4 senators and California has 2. We are hanging by a thread. Poor Manchin is in attention withdrawal now. Good.
I filled up the tank the other day so it’s ramen tonight. Kidding.
America's Most Dudley Do Write says
I don’t get paid to think. And if I did, I’d be making minimum wage (hey, in CA, I’d be cleaning up at $15 per hour).
But getting back to confusing and equivocating your question, I think maybe we can trade all of our Republicans for more Russians. Yeah, that sounds like a typical Democratic plan.
WILLIAM75 says
Nah. I’d trade Republicans for Ukrainians.
The Republicans are more like Russians who believe the state tv, Channel One (I suppose it’s named that way because it’s the only one) just as our Republicans believe Fox “news”.
Same thing, isn’t it?
Plus they have a deranged leader in Putin like the Republicans have Trump.
Same thing, isn’t it?
Of course it is.
Tim Scott says
I’d trade congressional republicants for a ripped stick bag and four used pucks.
WILLIAM75 says
Church attendance has been declining and it’s due to Christians themselves
They’ve damaged the brand with covering up for pedophile priests or enabled corrupt televangelists (Jim and Tammy) and been bold about their hyporcrisy by supporting the corrupt, amoral, and extremely unChristian Trump.
For what? Tax cuts? Right wing Supreme Court justices with a history of sexual abuse?
All of the above?
Young people notice that. I did when I was a kid and chose to do without the trappings of Christianity and all its unprovable fables. It wasn’t easy as humans are naturally superstitious. I’m superstitious about wearing my seatbelt but I know that I’m being superstitious as a way of enforcing that habit for myself.
I gave up belief in Santa Claus at a very early age but Christianity is so much a part of the culture and it has powerful ways of manipulating people such as with the afterlife. Do you wanna risk that? It’s so ingrained into people.
Seems to me that people who live a moral life without the reward of heaven or risk of hell are superior to those who need those incentives or they’ll be baaaad. Yet, we still see all kinds of religious people be bad because they have the “Get Outta Jail Free” card called “forgiveness” by God. Oh, God. They get forgiven by the god they made up so they can do it again.
Be moral and have integrity just to be moral and have integrity.
If you have to have “faith” and “believe” in something, it suggests that that thing isn’t real. That’s the very nature of belief.
I prefer to deal with reality and it’s quite fascinating to watch people trying to convince others that what they believe is real and true. Really? Believe you can fly and jump off the roof. Belief is the wind beneath your wings. Right? Right.
Notice that I haven’t used the word “atheist’ which supposes that “theism” is a given. No. Not at all. Gravity here on earth is a given. Doesn’t require belief and if you don’t want to believe in gravity, do the jumping off the roof thing. You’ll learn.
Next topic.
America's Most High Priest of MeMost says
I refer you sir, to my incoherent screed concerning cults contained herein. That should help you answer the big questions, define our place in the universe and reveal the meaning of life.
WILLIAM75 says
There is no meaning to life unless you wanna make one up for yourself.
But, don’t proclain that is is THE meaning to life.
If you’ve been paying attention, life could end here on earth from a nukular war or severe climate change.
The universe doesn’t care.
Theists care about the meaning of life as it’s a money maker.
America's Most Convinced Life Has Meaning says
Annoying Democrats gives my life meaning. That along with cavorting with women, skiing, dirt bike riding and getting loaded are the only reasons I’m here on this planet and not on Planet Most, wherein Trump runs for and wins EVERY election.
WILLIAM75 says
Great! You created your own meaning.
Mine has been inventing what’s possible rather than choosing from what is already available and then I die. I would have anyway but it’s more interesting this way.
In doing so, I’ve discovered that the physical world is more malleable than I once thought.
I don’t worry about money and haven’t been about money, yet it seems to arrive as I need it for what I want to accomplish.
For example, when I put down the deposit for my current house in July 1990, Saddam moved on Kuwait a week later. I was going to commute to the Valley, and I thought, “Oh, chit. Now gas prices are gonna go sky high.”. In the next moment, I thought, “Oh well, I’ll just ride it out.”. Never happened and I would have been fine either way.
I had a supervisor that I wanted gone for years. We bumped heads alot. One day, I walked into her office and apologized for anything I had ever said that didn’t work for her. Her sour puss lit up and she had a big smile. The very next day, she was replaced as they were reorganizing the department.
I didn’t apologize for that reason and would have been fine either way had she stayed or been replaced. It constantly amazes me the power I have when I do what works and how little power when I do it the “regular” way.
The operative words are “do what works”. Life can be remarkably effortless that way. But, because I’m human I still revert to the default way of doing things that humans do like forcing outcomes and complaining and holding onto upsets. It’s so tiring that way. I know.
I haven’t been upset about gas prices as I’ve stated early that my neighbor and I were bragging about the cost of recent fillups. Gas prices are starting to come down and I saved myself some grief by not complaining. If they went up even further, I would, again, have been fine. It’s like complaing about the weather. Pointless.
So, Mr. America’s Most Resilient. Looking back, it took a lot of hard work to learn how effortless life can be. It’s starts with integrity and practice, practice, practice and never ends.
I recently heard an interview with an Indy driver. He was asked what it was like going 200 mph and so close to other cars. He said he was really relaxed and it was zen-like. That’s a great way to go through life as it comes at us even faster on some days. I don’t know anything about zen however but I got what he was saying.
Having a sense of humor goes a long way as you must know. That’s what separates you from the rest of the tighty righties.
“Watch out for that tree!”
America's Most Not Pierre Delecto says
Seriously, that was a great post. Tim has gifted me with useful life tools and I might steal some from you too!
Now back to fighting, lol.
FWB says
I have faith in gravity and aliens
Tim Scott says
Technically, faith is belief without requiring proof, so you can’t really have faith in gravity since it is easily proven.
WILLIAM75 says
And, I love Faith Hill.
Stinger says
God is God. Religion is religion. The two do not necessarily intersect as, unlike the real God, religion is a creation of man and, therefore, subject to all of the weaknesses, emotionalities, and hypocrisies of man.
America's Most Holier Than Thou (not) says
WILLIAM75 says
Justice Clarence Thomas’s drunk dialing wife was at the 1/6 rally.
Both are they sleazy. But I repeat myself.
The 1/6 investigation will dig up lots and lots of sleaze in the Republican Party.
WILLIAM75 says
What’s all this talk about a “No Fly Zone”?
What do they have against Jeff Goldbum?
Tim Scott says
David Hedison was a superior Fly.
WILLIAM75 says
My nieghbor was the actress who played the wife that killed man with fly’s head and who was looking for for the fly with her husband’s (Hedison) head.
I asked her how the heck did she keep a straight face? She said that she and Herbert Marshall would crack up during the scenes.
She also played Marlon Brando’s girlfriend in Sayonara. One night, I called her up as that movie was playing and said, “Patricia, I just saw you smooching with Marlon Brando on TV.” She was pretty cool. She had a mink coat in storage and asked if I knew anyone who wanted it. My sister now has it. I dare anyone to do anything while she’s wearing it when she’s with my brother-in-law.
Over the years, I grown to appreciate actors like Herbert Marshall, Claude Rains, Greta Garbo that I didn’t pay attention to when I was a kid. Then, there was Hedy (not Hedley) Lamar in Samson and Delilah. Dear God, she was beautiful and smart. She invented on a napkin at a restaurant during WWII “frequency hopping” so the Germans couldn’t intercept our communications. It’s still used today in cell phones, but she never got a patent. Beauty AND brains.
WILLIAM75 says
One would think Putin would have learned from our mistake. We fought a civil war to keep the confederacy in the Union and it’s been a chronic problem ever since. Same with Ukraine. If Putin succeeds, the Ukraine is a destroyed country that will need “reconstruction” if he has the rubles.
As for slavery. Lincoln shouda freed the slaves and granted them full citizenship and transport to the northern states. Then, left the confederacy intact and the southern whites could have picked their own cotton. They’ve been “dependents’ of the rest of the blue states since then.
As it’s turned out the confederacy still lives in the minds of many in the south and the rest of the country as well disguised as “states’ rights” or whatever. Lindsey Graham could be their president and first lady. A 2-fer.
We could ship many unhappy Californians to the confederacy, some of which live here in the Antelope Valley. I read the Valley Press Letters and they are still living in the old south as are some here.
They have to be careful to couch their racism, but the truth gets communicated. One Jim Gardner wrote a letter complaining something about white high school students coming to him to have a “White Students’ Club”. They knew exactly who to go to. Kids aren’t stupid. Remember when you were in high school and wand you knew which teachers were this or that. It’s the student underground.
The word in my high school was that Mrs. Nash was a communist because she didn’t say the pledge in our homeroom class. We didn’t care. She was kinda cool anyway. She had a ’57 Chevy Bel Air convertible and lived down by the beach. How unAmerican.
PHS Alumni says
At my high school both the women and men PE coaches were molesting the young female students
Tim Scott says
Disgusting. If your religion demands that you be so rude as to refuse to call people by their name, get a new religion.
Beecee says
Pamela Ricard, who teaches math at Fort Riley Middle School, says she refuses to use the preferred names and pronouns of transgender and nonbinary students because it violates her religious beliefs.
Seems pretty fair to me, she knows they aren’t really what they think they are. Just thought I’d add this for a little context for those who don’t click your link.
Tim Scott says
On the first day of school every year they called roll and I answered to ‘Timothy’ once, because that’s what their roll sheet said. I made it all the way through school without some rude pissant saying “no the roll sheet says Timothy so I am not going to call you Tim…my god frowns on common courtesy.” Had that ever happened I’d undoubtedly have been rude right back, the school would have gotten my parents involved, and they’d have told the teacher “you started it; don’t be a rude pissant and he’ll probably not treat you like one.”
Beecee says
Very bad retort and comparison…
There is a big difference between Tim and Timothy,
And Brian and Brianna.
Or this he him she her they garbage.
Non of the above existed when you were a we lad, be honest.
America's Most Privileged & Oppressive says
In the future, please refer to me by my preferred pronoun: “They”. This is to be inclusive and welcoming to the multitude of demons running amok in my head. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
Tim Scott says
What ‘existed’ isn’t the issue. The issue is: who is the best ‘expert’ on what name they want to go by? Why would anyone want to get in a pissing contest with elementary school kids over their chosen name? What is the gain for the education of the child in question or the other kids in the class?
Christians used to fret about persecution when they saw a well fed lion, now we have this freak trying to tell people what name they should answer to and claiming she is persecuted when someone sticks up for the kid.
Beecee says
It ws Hunter Biden’s lucrative and shady business dealings in Ukraine that got us into a war with Russia.
Tim Scott says
So, in your fantasy world we are in a war with Russia? How interesting. Here in the real world it is Ukraine that is in a war with Russia.
The Russians invaded because Putin miscalculated. He thought that four years of the Trump administration had so weakened the NATO alliance that there would not be any unified front on economic sanctions and the Russian economy would be able to weather the storm. There was a press release on the Russian propaganda networks where Putin himself explained that in order to rally his people and raise their morale in the face of the sanctions he was expecting.
Your fantasy world is pretty strange. I’ll bet there are a lot of stories there focused on ‘Hunter Biden’s laptop.’ Is the provenance of that as absurd there as it is here?
Beeceee says
I didn’t post this BS^
Although that crackhead did have shady business dealings in Ukraine.
The nerds are in overdrive posting with my username, losers!
Tim Scott says
Sorry for answering that then. When it clears the moderator, please ignore it.
Beecee says
Will do bud
Thumbs up emoji
WILLIAM75 not yet 90 says
It’s finally been revealed. When William Shatner, at 90, flew into space recently he had what appeared to be a psychotic episode.
He was shouting that there was a furry creature outside the spacecraft pulling at part of the wing. It turned out that while weightless, part of his toupee flopped over his eyes.
He’s fine now. The toupee had to be destroyed.
America's Most Zoned Out says
The special affects and the guy in the furry Chubaca costume on the wing were so primitive and unsophisticated, but classic and unforgettable, like almost all episodes were. You know how many great actors and actresses got their start there.
There’s a special “zone” for Democrats.
WILLIAM75 says
Rod Serling’s TZ and Alfred Hitchcock’s TV show were memorable yet very low budget.
Spielberg should take a clue that “Less is more.”
His remake of West Side Story was a bomb, a flop, only $36 million in the US. I’m glad.
It was on HBO MAX the other night. So soon? I watched about 10 minutes and that was it.
The opening of WWS was a big production not appropriate to the story. The camera work and editing were odd and almost amateurish unless that was the intention.
He throws money at the screen but in all his movies, the characters are 2-dimentional. I’ve never watched any of the few Spielberg movies I have seen twice. Yet, I’ve watched many films many times because they’re good.
I’ve watched TZ and Hitchcock’s shows many times even though I know how they end. One of the classics was the wife that killed her hubby with a frozen leg of lamb, cooked it and then served it to the cops investigating his death. Priceless.
Another one was a guy in an iron lung. His wife is having an affair with someone, and it looked like she was working to unplug him. But the guy in the iron lung had hired the boyfriend to kill her. Ah, marital bliss through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, till death does you in.
The only movie I’ve enjoyed in the last few decades was Crazy Rich Asians. It’s my all-time favorite. Well done from the opening credits to the closing credits with music. The cast was excellent. Spielberg would have ruined it if he had made it.
Republicans have their “zone” as well. The “fact-free zone” Zip code 00000. The clocks all flash “12.00” endlessly and there are no history books or dictionaries in the zone. It’s a virtual world with no contact with the real world.
Wanna try again, Mr. America?
America's Most Unqualified Critic says
All the Puerto Ricans I know (and I know them all, they’re cousins) pan the new WSS, and liked the original much better. But as long as someone gets stabbed, I guess they’re happy. I judged the two versions on the basis of which had more dancing girls in twirling skirts so I could try to look underneath.
That will inform you as to what goes on in my “zone”. It’s not only fact-free, it’s thought-free. The zone of iniquity, insanity, debauchery, licentiousness, delirium, and good old fashioned fun.
WILLIAM75 says
“But as long as someone gets stabbed, I guess they’re happy.” Oh, God. You didn’t.
Best laugh of the day.
“The zone of iniquity, insanity, debauchery, licentiousness, delirium, and good old fashioned fun.”
Welcome to my world, They. I’ve done things that would keep readers here sleepless. They did me. It’s all part of the “gland” scheme of things.
WILLIAM75 (That's the Diamond Jubilee) says
By what cosmic irony is most of the world’s oil under countries run by corrupt despots and worse, e.g., Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, Texas et al.
Tim Scott says
You left out Appalachia.
William75 says
Remember Ross Perot? In 1992, he proposed a 50-cent gas tax hike. That would have gone a long way fixing the infrastructure and accelerating hybrid and electric car development.
But, noooooooo
Americans didn’t want that. They went out and bought gas guzzling trucks and SUVs. Remember all the Hummers.
Then, they had to be crushed in 2009, i.e., Cash for Clunkers.
In 2000, during the pandemic when car use was down, gas prices were lower due to less demand. So, Americans typically ran out and bought more trucks and SUVs.
Now, they are whining about gas prices. If whining could power cars and trucks, Beeceee could drive her car all day for free.
She says she’s rich but she’s about the only one here whining about gas prices. Go figure.
FWB says
Fixing infrastructure
I just drove to Redding and back on I5. The slow lane is worse then most dirt roads I drive on. The bouncing around broke the hinges on the tack room door.
Enjoyed getting the hell out of Dodge for a few days.
Got stuck in Lodi again, but stayed in a nice hotel.
Tim Scott says
Amazing, given that Trump had at least 150 “infrastructure week” events during his term. You’d think all that stuff was fixed.
America's Most Broke Down Infrastructure says
What’s happening with the “Bullet Train to Nowhere”? Anyone know?
Tim Scott says
We have a proposed high speed rail connection from LA to the bay area, and branch connecting to Las Vegas is in the works. I haven’t seen any proposals for a train to nowhere. Seems an odd destination.
WILLIAM75 says
Here ya go, Mr. They
California High-Speed Rail Authority
March 11, 2022
Augie Blancas
(559) 720-6695 (c)
High-Speed Rail Releases Spring 2022 Construction Update
FRESNO, Calif. – Today, in recognition of Women in Construction Week, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) released its Spring 2022 Construction Update and recognized women who are contributing to the nation’s first high-speed rail project. With continued winter construction progress, highlights include last month’s completion of the South Avenue Grade Separation in Fresno County, updates on the Cedar Viaduct’s dual span of arches and installation of pre-cast concrete girders at the Conejo Viaduct.
Since the start of construction, the project has created more than 7,500 construction jobs. There is currently 119 miles under construction in the Central Valley with more than 30 active construction sites.
For more information about ongoing construction, visit: http://www.buildhsr.com.
I wonder if this is a better long-term investment than the cancelled Keystoneoil pipeline that was going to cross over rivers, y’know because there has never been an oil spill in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico or the kitchen at Clem’s Diner.
The name:”Keystone” reminds me of the Keystone Cops. What’s in a name? Do you suppose the cost of oil cleanups is factored into the cost of gasoline or is it simply ignored to please Republicans?
It’s been reported that oil companies are simply taking profits and buying back stock and not investing in production. Capitalism at work. Do the Rs want a “socialist” solution to high gas prices? Hmmm
Trying to govern this state or country with Republicans is like driving a car dragging a big ol’ anchor. Look at how well Lancaster, a Republican kingdom, is run or not run for a close-up example of Republican governance. Need I say more?
It’s a microcosm of howTrump ran the country for 4 awful years. Grifting, nepotism, corruption, messing with elections, and so on. Of course, Trump didn’t install useless bike lanes. He just installed useless temps to fill his administration and his useless kids to oversee departments.
Did Ben Carson get to take that expensive dining room table with him? What a jerk.
Does anyone see it differently? Let’s hear it.
Tell us how great Lancaster is run.
Laguna Beach = Mar a Lago Absentee war lords.
America's Most They, Theirs, Them says
Good info. Thanx. It’ll pass through Palmdale, right?
Beecee says
Pants on fire. LOL
Beecee says
You’re right. So I am a tool of Putin. So what?
William says
Where’s my Willdoe!
Beecee says
There is more. LOL
Tim Scott says
After some testing I figure that Beecee just can’t count to two consistently.
WILLIAM75 says
A Beecee by any name is still an ignorant tool of Putin….as is Trump.
Test that.
Beecee says
Cringe fest
Tim Scott says
That seems to test out, for Trump anyway. Beecee is probably not useful enough to Putin to call her a tool.
Beecee says
another test post
Tim Scott says
that too
Beecee says
I tested positive.
beecee says
test post
Tim Scott says
seems to work
Beecee says
Look at these nerds with no life ^
Beecee says
I will continue as I have been.
Tim Scott says
That’s fine. Now that you have acknowledged that you are just broadcasting from a fantasy world and will not look at any facts that might disrupt it I no longer have any interest in fighting with you about it. I’ll just point it out once in a while to make sure any new readers that come along know what they are dealing with.
Beeceee says
Sure guy,
At times like these you think any ‘new readers’ give AF about what a bunch of socialist nerds have to say…
Tim Scott says
Not really. I just think they should know that you are reporting on conditions in your fact free fantasy so they can ignore you appropriately.
Beeeeeceeeee says
Are you done?
Tim Scott says
Yeah. I was just curious about this theory that you had a username ban.
See, we are very different. I am curious, and look for facts. You live in a fantasy, and look for agreement.
Not saying that’s wrong or right, even though it’s definitely alien to me.
Beecee says
The first time the 75 year old baby mentioned it, I posted with my normal user name,
Theory debunked…
Tim Scott says
I generally investigate things for myself. Like, I read court filings while you take Trump’s word on what they say.
Beece (my"normal" username) says
I tested it twice and both times before I commented, and it said it was being moderated than didn’t appear.
I only wrote “testing” in the comment section.
Scroll down and see if you can find 2 posts that say “testing” under the username “Beecee”?
Guess it got unblocked for whatever reason even though the comments weren’t posted. Same with “Sonya” not “Sonyaa”.
Why are you being moderated loser? It’s certainly not for violating the guidelines, e.g., “…knowingly posting false information.”
Oh, wait. I guess you don’t know you’re posting false information. We are here to tell you.
In other news, the letters b, c and e in any particular order are now up for grabs. I find it funny that you get replies as though it’s you.
There might soon be comments copied and pasted from the nutz at Fox “news” website and we’ll see if anyone can tell the difference. Y’all sound alike.
We’ll see how often nutjob comments are attributed to you now.
That should serve as feedback to you that crazy right-wing BS is thought to come from your keyboard, Beeceeeeeeee.
Amateur. There was nothing “normal” about you. Nothing. Nada. Nyet.
Beecee says
See I say 75 year old baby, and we get a long drawn out rambling response from guess who….
The 75 year old baby
Keep trying to cancel me like the true fascist you are, you think I’m gonna disappear?
WILLIAM75 says
I love it. I’m here parrying with the 4 Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers of the Apocalypse while I’m cleaning my oven.
Beecee aka Barbara
Sonyaya aka Drunk Lady from SNL
America’s Most Trying But Still Failing Poster
Keep ’em comin’. I’m going to try this while juggling running chainsaws.
Meanwhile, rich b*tch Beecee is waiting in the COSTCA gas line because she is so rich.
FWB is at Weight Watchers taking his watch off before the weigh in.
America’s Whatever is watching reruns of Gutfield to pick up tips.
I’m so mean. I shouldn’t have dessert tonight.
But, really God, they deserve it dontcha think? They’re not children. They’re grownups who haven’t.
America's Most Nuttiest RWNJ says
“But, really God, they deserve it dontcha think? ” LOL. That would be a great plot for a Twilight Zone episodes by Rod Serling.
WILLIAM75 says
As long as God is played by Oprah.
It would be fun to watch the evangelicals’ heads spin around.
They wanted God to be played by Donald Trump. Praise the $$$$
America's Most At The Center of The Plot says
Putin did it. Trump did it. Reagan did it. Republicans did it. George Washington did it. Who else can I blame?
Can you say deflection? Can you spell hypocrisy? Can you hear dishonesty? Can you see cowardice? Can you smell incompetence. Will you recognize corruption?
Probably not. You elected Democrats. Schiffheads!
WILLIAM75 says
2 impeachments but who’s counting.
You’ve shown yourself to be only capable of selective thinking.
In your world, OJ was a Heisman Trophy winner. Full stop.
As for your humor, let me do humor here. You went to the Greg Gatfield School of Obnoxious Unfunnyness. He’s the right’s only “comedian” and he’s not any good.
Funny how the right is terrible at comedy. Fox once had a show called the Half Hour Comedy Hour. It lasted only a couple hours.
Beecee and Sonyaya have to write “LOL” and “HAHAHAHA” in their comments and they think that’s makes them funny. No. Not at all.
A fart in church is funnier than those 2 floaters. Any, you can’t compete with me. Got it?
America's Most Witless & Clueless says
I’m humbled by the Master. I only have half a wit and no clue, so go easy on me.
WILLIAM75 says
We’ll see.
Meanwhile, this isn’t the Algonquin Round Table.
It’s more the eponymous pizza joint at Happy Hour.
The Beecee Special Pizza, all garlic and onions w/Limburger cheese. But why? She stinks up the place wherever she goest and people wither.
The Sonyaya Special is served upside-down on its face like her after a phew.
The floaters must love the abuse. They’ll be back. That’s why they’re called “floaters”.
I’ll spare you this time, America’s Most Humble. But, be careful. The TRUTH will hurt.
WILLIAM75 says
If Vlad Putin were born in the U.S., he’d be a Republican and Beecee would have married him.
It’s true. It’s true.
She’s a commie lover like Turmp. Sorta a commie lover by proxy. But, still.
WILLIAM75 says
Ax usual, you forgot the inept response to COVID, a stock market crash, a recession and an attempt to dismantle NATO and the United States Post Office during a pandemic and in an election year.
That’s for starters. Then, there’s the BIG LIE about elcction fraud and inciting an insurrection.
You do realize that the low gas prices were DURING a shutdown and a recession when people weren’t driving as much, dontcha? Are you really stoopid or just pretending?
That’s why you can’t be taken seriously, America’s Most Likely to Ignore Relevant Facts.
How do ya find yer way outta a room with an open door, kiddo?
WILLIAM75 says
Then, there all all the criminals in Trump’s administration that he had to pardon. Right outta the gate, Michael Flynn, a traitor, was indicted within weeks.
Yup, he’s the worst president. No doubt about it.
What’s even worse are the cretins who still follow Trump given all of the above and in my earlier comment and more.
They are unpatriotic, unAmerican traitors and as Hillary famously said, “Deplorables”. It was true then and more so now.
So, go ahead “deplorables”, keep outing yourselves as such.
You won’t accept facts as you’ve shown over and over so you deserve to be mocked mercilessly. I can do that. I’m good at both delivering facts and mocking to y’all.
I know it’s not fair as y’all ain’t too smart and your replies are pathetic at best. Not funny. Not smart. What else ya got? Show us Beecee.
America's Most Adorable Deplorable says
I’m an adorable deplorable.
WILLIAM75 says
You’re half right.
America's Most Ignorant Tool of Putin says
Which half?
WILLIAM75 (1946 was a good year) says
See Hillary Clinton for the answer.
So, I guess she’s not running after all the Fox “news” hoopla a week ago.
Like spaghetti at a wall, so are the days at Fox “news”.
America’s….. I keep expecting you to know better. What has you stuck in Rightwinglandia?
I’ve posted that since 1970 Democrats have outperformed the Rs in the economy by almost every measure on average.. Rs were in the White House in 1929, 1987, 2008 and 2020 when Dow the crashed. They lead in recessions by a long shot. They have one every time for the past 100 years.
As for corruption, the Republicans “outperform” by more than 10 times in indictments, convictions and/or prison sentences. It would have been more if Trump hadn’t pardoned his minions.
Given all thet and since the Rs have no platform as of their last convention, what would have you vote for them ever again? You will get more of their incompetence and corruption.
Do you learn from history or your own observation of what has happened in your lifetime? Don’t you recall the crash of 2008 and how it took Obama a longer time to recover because of the obstruction of the republicans. But, recover it he did.
Same with Bill Clinton who inherited a recession and we had 20 million jobs created and Peace and Prosperity. He got the blind cleric that planned the first Trade Center bombing while Bush invaded the wrong country and forgot about bin Laden. Obama didn’t.
Clinton also successfully ended that war in Bosnia. No one remembers.
Clinton’s job approval DURING IMPEACHMENT was 65%.
Don’t you remember anything? There are OTC meds for that.
Of course, people like Beeceee and Sonyaya will never learn. Something is terribly wrong with them. FWB’s feet are permanently nailed to the floor of the right-wing asylum. But you? What’s the matter with you? You supported Larry Elder for crying out loud which is what he musta done afterward. He was shellacked in the recall election. Or, was it “varnished”. Anyway. Good riddance.
Seriously. Like a gall bladder attack. Or a kidney stone. Or death.
You had to ask for an answer. That’ll teach ya.
Tim Scott says
We wouldn’t have to worry about expanding sanctions on Russian oil if we just torpedo one tanker coming out of Taman. No carrier would touch their oil and since they could never prove who did it there would be no chance of escalation.
WILLIAM75 says
One problem. Biden has integrity and wouldn’t do that.
Interesting how similar Putin and Trump are.
Biden is dealing with a dishonest, lying, corrupt thief in Putin.
Biden is dealing with the same things in Trump domestically.
Biden is good. He can handle both while remaining honest.
The other 2 twins prove that “crime doesn’t pay”. They both are being hung by their own ropes.
One is a war criminal. The other is just a plain old criminal. Their just desserts are a-comin’ like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi,
Benito Mussolini (upside down no less), Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, Julius Caesar, Bernie Madoff and so on.
Historically, it doesn’t end well for despots, dictators, and deplorables.
The hard part is dealing with those who support them. It’s a start with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers but what about Beecee and Sonyaya and their ilk. They are turds in the country’s punchbowl.
Republicans. Even when they lose, they stink up the political sphere. When they are in power, they can’t govern or protect us.
And, they think God is on their side. Well, when you make up a god, of course you’ll think she’s on your side. Self-fulfilling delusion, isn’t it?
Beecee thinks she’s right in all matters even when evidence proves otherwise. See her exchanges with Tim Scott. After he presented facts disputing her assertions, I promise you she went away still thinking she was right.
She’s like a computer programed to think that. She’s programed to think that she’s right all the time. It’s insane. She’s insane. She’s an Atari, not even a HAL9000 but just as dangerous.
Watch her reply at a 5th grade level if that. No offense to 5th graders. They will mature but not our Beecee.
Tim Scott says
Integrity? Submarines are all about deception, and I have yet to see a president say “oh, yeah, I want no part of that.”
Beeceee says
“Biden is good. He can handle both while remaining honest.“
You can not be taken seriously dude, lol
WILLIAM75 says
Neither can you, Beecee aka Barbara.
You are a serious joke here.
And, you don’t get it.
You still can’t use your old username can you?
Beecee says
What is this obsession of my user name, your getting creepy, lol
Biden is good, hahahaha
WILLIAM75 says
You remind me of a Barbara G. a BIRTHER who would never answer the question, “What evidence would satisfy you that Obama was born in Hawaii?”.
Same mentality. She would forward links to crackpot right-wing websites like you do.
So why can’t you answer the question, “Why is username “Beecee” blocked and now you have to work around it with “Beeecee” or “Beeceee” or now “BeeCee”? ”
You’re weirder than Weird Al. No kidding.
WILLIAM75 says
Creepy, Beecee aka Barbara.
Didn’t you post something that got “Beecee” blocked?
Now, that’s creepy and no, not DVH.
Do you want to get blocked further?
That can be arranged.
Beeceee says
“That can be arranged”
And you say I’m losing,
Lol, what a loser.
Sonyaa says
“Do you want to get blocked further?
That can be arranged.“
Spoken like a true fascist…
Tim Scott says
I think it was more like someone who is just tired of seeing Beecee share her fantasy life.
She has made clear that she won’t let facts intrude on her propaganda based fantasy world, so the question of why we have to be bothered with sorting around her posts is reasonable.
FWB says
No rational person could say that and be serious.
WILLIAM75 says
You aren’t rational, FWB.
rational: adjective
1.based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
Nope. Your comments have been anything but rational so who are you to talk, Fat White Birther?
WILLIAM75 says
Wanna bet that Trump, behind the scenes, wants Putin to succeed in Ukraine?
This is the same Trump that gleefully watched the 1/6 insurrection on TV in real time nd would rerun certain parts for his enjoyment.
That’s who Beecee, Sonyaya, FWB and America’s Most Clueless voted for.
We need to deport those 4 to Russia where they belong.
Tim Scott says
Behind the scenes? The Trumpist wing of the GOP has already started to embrace Putin openly. You know Cawthorn wouldn’t be floating that if he wasn’t sure that Trump will back him.
FWB says
“Biden is good. He can handle both while remaining honest.”
Bidden is old senile cognitive declining lying plagiarizing puppet
WILLIAM75 says
Much like yourself, FWB. You, however, are more like a ventriloquist’s dummy with Trump’s hand up your a$$ doing the talking for ya.
No kidding. Are you capable of intelligent thought other than repeating right-winger nonsense?
You haven’t shown that yet. What is holding you back?
Beeceee says
If you read down all the comments you will see that we have officially broken ol Willy
Tim Scott says
If someone reads down all the comments they will wonder why we have to put up with you.
Your willful disconnection from reality, if there were justice, would spare us from having to sort past your posts.
WILLIAM75 says
How so? Baba Gaga aka Beecee.
How come username “Beecee” is blocked or removed?
You’re a BIRTHER, a BENGHAZI nut and now a HUNTER BIDEN nut.
You’re wrong so many times. How do you live with yourself? Or, more importantly, how does anyone live with you?
You live in a world of lies and conspiracies and if by “we” you meant a husband, he’s stuck in your world too. What a partnership made in H3LL.
It’s obvious from your comments that you aren’t happy or satisfied in life or with your life. You say your a rich b*tch but you whine about gas prices. You’re about the only one here doing that.
Money can’t buy brains or happiness and you’ve show that to be true. You are like Trump that way.
Why don’t you go take a class or seminar on how to decern “what’s so” in the world instead of being yanked around by Putin’s lies on social media. He’s got Trump as a “useful idiot” plus you and millions of others. Putin got what he intended and you are proof of that.
If you’ve broken ol’ Willy, he hasn’t noticed. But, you on the the other hand have shown yourself to be an unbroken, consistant fool.
Face it little girl, I’d rather have my life than yours. You were wretched for a long time before Biden got elected and you will be so far into the future.
Enjoy and stay anonymous because you don’t have what it takes to be known here. You are too embarrassed to be yourself Beeeeeceeeee.
There are a lot of names BC could stand for such Bitter C… which is an apt description. N’est ce pas?
Beeceee says
Thank god.
Tim Scott says
Bet you are glad to be back to exchanging schoolyard taunts with William, who is better at it than you by the way, rather than having your complete refusal to face facts so thoroughly displayed.
Beeceee says
Cringe fest post.
Tim Scott says
Bo problem, though I suspect that being so deep into your fact free fantasy world that truth didn’t really make you cringe. You are too obviously shameless.
Beecee says
WILLIAM75 says
It’s almost noon here. Where’s Sonyaya, Beecee’s doppelganger, sleeping it off under her car outside a bar in Lancaster?
Those 2 floaters are really something. Stupid goes clear to the bone.
Trump was on Hannity last night. Don’t these 2 have some lie of his to repeat here?
We’re waiting…..
Tim Scott says
Trump didn’t have any new lies last night, just the same old same old that have been debunked so many times before. The only interesting thing was Hannity trying to tee up a softball so Trump could condemn Putin’s attack on Ukraine, or at the very least the war crimes and atrocities, and Trump taking a pass and standing on “ah Vladimir, I get along so well with him, we understand each other.” Seeing Hannity try to manage having served up a softball that turned into a strikeout was amusing.
I predict that fairly soon there will be a new Republican litmus test, and anyone that won’t agree that Putin is just trying to peacefully clean up corruption and Nazis in Ukraine will be branded a RINO. Madison Cawthorn is already trying it out and Tucker Carlson has gone in. Beecee can’t be too far behind.
WILLIAM75 says
You nailed it especially from the litmus test on.
We’ll see. Beecee can’t help herself.
WILLIAM75 says
You can read Beecee?
Who knew?
Have you ever admitted that any of your beliefs derived from the far-right insane asylum have been debunked?
HUNTER BIDEN (pending)?
Anything about Trump that turned out to be a lie.
You’re not well, Beecee.
WILLIAM75 says
Beeceee aka Beecee aka BeeCee aka Barbara G., a BIRTHER, now is using Hunter Biden as her go to BS.
Same old. Same old.
There is infinitely more evidence to convict Trump which she ignores than any allegations about Hunter Biden.
That’s her cockeyed view of the world.
She believes lies.
She dismisses evidence.
Would you want to be on a jury with Beecee…or Sonyaya? An 11 to 1 hung jury because they saw something on Twitter or Facebook or Fox that, although not true, is what they base their opinions on.
If only a “hung jury” could result in a real hanging….of a stupid juror.
America's Most Mistaken for George Clooney says
Democratic voters:
Under Trump we had: Prosperity. Safety. Sufficient Energy. $3 gas. Fat 401K plans. Stocks and investments. World peace. Mean tweets.
Under Biden we have: Crushing debt. Soaring crime. Insufficient energy. Stock market crash. War. Nuclear danger. Lies and corruption. Jen Psaki.
Are we having fun yet?
America's Most With Focus on Hocus Pocus says
Jussie Smollett played the race card AND the LGBTQ card at his sentencing for a fake hate crime against Blacks AND Gays. You can’t make this stuff up. Did you ever see anybody as hypocritical or arrogant? Human beings are the strangest creatures.
WILLIAM75 and counting... says
“PALM BEACH (The Borowitz Report)—In a major setback for the former President, Donald J. Trump has been banned from his own social network.
Trump’s permanent ban went into effect just moments into the beta test of the new social-media platform, Truth Social.
After Trump posted his first status update, the platform determined that he had violated its terms of service and expelled him forever.
Harland Dorrinson, a spokesman for Truth Social, confirmed that the platform had banned Trump, adding, “It’s unfortunate, but our hands are tied.”
Reportedly, Trump has prepared a blistering statement about his Truth Social ban but has been unable to find anywhere to post it.”
Does Melania get everything if Trump dies in prison? The lady awaits.
Trump is the “idiot not so savant” that Beecee, Sonyaya, FWB, and America’s Most Slippery Critter voted for, maybe TWICE. They think that the Rs that kissed his a$$ for 4 years should take over the House and Senate in November. Kissing a$$ isn’t governing as we’ve seen.
Now, they come here daily and post tripe when it’s not flat out lies. Who are these people? Are they for real? Do their parents know where they are at 11 PM?
Tim Scott valiantly replies to Beecee’s dishonest posts with facts and they simple bounce off her forehead like ping pong balls. Beecee thinks she’s full of information. Well, she’s half right.
Sonyaya writes gIbBeRiSh and thinks she’s cute. I bet she doesn’t flush at someone else’s house and thinks that’s cute. Same thing only different.
FWB. What’s in a name?
And, then there’s America’s Most Amiable Crazy Person. The reason he’s always last is that the worst goes first.
Don’t forget. These folks once were Tea Baggers before they discovered what that meant. They were BIRTHERS and still are ‘ecept maybe America’s Most….
When history is written, they certainly won’t be able to read it. English is their second language like McCarthy’s. Not to worry. Fox will translate it for them into Fibish.
Now, you four kids. Write something you think is intelligent. I dare ya. I know. It’s a trap.
I doubt if Beecee or Sonyaya can read this far down a post. The voices in their heads would be screaming so loud we can hear them.
America's Most Empty Vessel says
I voted for Trump illegally 45 times. I was shown how to do that by illegal aliens. Don’t tell Stacy Abrams.
PS: I plan on voting for him 212 times in 2024.
FWB says
Tim Scott says
Nope. William is retired…definitely does not work for Fox.
America's Most Cracked Pot says
Nah, he’s just a Democrat.
WILLIAM75 says
Trump and his followers are the true ANTI-AMERICANS. He cozied up with Putin and had secret meetings and phone calls that he wouldn’t let be transcribed.
Is that fine with you, FWB?
He tried to weaken NATO per Putin’s desires.
The entire Republican Party with only a couple exceptions went along with him.
He tried to discredit the established news media like Putin has done in Russia.
He did the same with our election system and is still claiming it was stolen and the Republicans don’t dispute that again with only a couple exceptions.
Trump does all that to cater to people like you, Beecee and Sonyaya and millions of others who pretend to be patriots while doing everything unpatriotic. They use the flag and words like liberty, freedom, and liberty again as cover for their unpatriotic acitivities.
You never hear Trump, Fox and the Republicans use the word DEMOCRACY. It’s a no no with them as they’ve tried to subvert it with voter suppression.
They call the established news media “fake news” to pre-emptively discredit the actual facts presented that debunk Trump lies.
And on and on while you remain in your right-wing coma.
At your age FWB, you should be smarter than to write what you post here but apparently you aren’t.
Like Beecee, you too are tools of Putin. Your and her comments could have easily been written by Russian bots on social media which they do.
Putin’s state run news uses Tucker Carlson’s videos as propaganda. That state run news is Russia’s version of Fox “news”.
Russian citizens don’t know the truth about the invasion of Ukraine just like Fox viewers and you don’t know jack about what’s really going on here.
Got it, FWB?
The good news is that your, Beecee’s, Sonyaya’s and America’s Most votes for president don’t count in Democratic California. You might as well leave that box unchecked in the future as California is a winner take all in the Electoral College.
Aaaah. Isn’t that awful for you?
For more evidence of what a Republican run country looks like, see Rex’s Lancaster. It’s a microcosm. The Good Ol’ Boys use it as their personal petty cash drawer while needed services go unaddressed.
That Lancaster residents don’t see that is on them as uninformed voters.
America's Most Whining & Sniveling says
You’re right, my vote for POTUS in Californiastan doesn’t count. Sob, sob, whine and snivel.
It’s like I’m conducting covert and overt operations behind enemy lines. Someone stop me, before I post again.
BeeCee says
Wonder where all the anti tank busters and javelin missiles came from…
The trump administration.
Tim Scott says
Yeah they were among the weapons congress sent to the Ukraine that Trump held up to pressure Ukraine into doing his political dirty work. Fortunately as the investigation closed in on him he stopped his obstruction.
Beeceee says
Hunter Biden Vacuuming money up from a Ukrainian natural gas company…
Talk about conflict of interest.
That’s why we elected a non politician for president you nerd.
WILLIAM75 says
You Beecee, like Trump, proves money can’t buy brains.
If it could you would have some.
Trump tried to break up NATO.
Biden fixed that.
Putin has you doing his work in this country for him like he did with Trump. You are a traiorous pipsqueek.
Now, go siphon some gas. Suck hard.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the only reason he ran was so he could steal.
WILLIAM75 says
Is that you Barbara. You sound just like her.
Your ignorance is noted for the record.
So, now it’s BeeCee instead of Beecee.
Why did your username get blocked?
Beecee says
Yes that’s my name,
It’s Barabara, lol
WILLIAM75 says
Wonder how many Americans DIED UNNECESSARILY because Trump delayed action on COVID for months. 500,000 or more?
Remember, Beecee, when he told Bob Woodward it was serious but publicly he played it down and said it would only affect a couple people.
Then, he said it would be over by Easter 2020. Well, Easter is about “resurrection” and COVID came back and is still here. It’s a MIRACLE thanks to Trump and you, Beecee. You are part of the problem.
You lose again. Better to be thought a fool than to comment here and prove it.
Beeceee says
“You lose again. Better to be thought a fool than to comment here and prove it”
Ok so I guess I’ll just see my way out then……
NOT, lol,
Get me canceled like you promised you sorry lop
William says
BREAKING NEWS!!! Gas prices on the rise.
If only there was some way for us to know what the price of gas is. Maybe if there were big signs out front of gas stations or prices on the pumps themselves.
That way we could know before we filled up.
Some day.
Tim Scott says
It is pretty remarkable how Fox repeats the same thing over and over and calls it news. I wonder if their viewers know that Russia attacked Ukraine?
Beeceee says
Well there is certainly nothing about j6, lol
Tim Scott says
Yeah I know. They have to keep their traitorous audience happy by denying them facts.
WILLIAM75 says
Silly girl. Trump’s pal Putin is committing war crimes and it’s 24-hour news for the time being.
Wanna bet the Select Committee is still working on it behind the scenes?
I predict that if the Select Committee comes out with some indictiments all the way to the top, YOU WILL DENY THEIR VALIDITY to protect your fragile ego from all the egg dripping off yer face.
You’ve been saying that’s it’s all hoaxes and election-based for the upcoming midterms…anything to distract from reality.
Trump trained you well and Putin accomplished what he intended by having you and millions of your ilk buy all the lies dispensed on social and anti-social media.
You are a “willing useful idiot” like Trump is. Like Sonya is.
2 floaters in a bowl that can’t be flushed by facts. It’s a talent that you’ve perfected.
William75 says
Fox isn’t featuring Trump much any longer as they try to get on the Putin BAD wagon with the rest of the world.
Trump had called Putin a “genius” and “savvy”.
When they talk about Putin spreading disinformation about Ukraine having biological and chemical weapons (a false flag tactic), he sounds like Trump spreading lies about…well, EVERYTHING.
When they talk about Putin’s ego, it sounds like they’re talking about Trump.
And, on and on. It’s like they were separated at birth.
They say that Russian citizens who only have propaganda news believe what Putin says knowing nothing else like our Beecee and Sonya with Fox so-called news and right-wing propaganda.
The similarities are remarkable. But, Russian citizens and Beecee and Sonya are clueless as to what is really happening and it shows.
Tim Scott says
The thing that reminded me most of Fox viewer effects was the guy sheltering in a basement with no heat, no food, no water, and the rubble of an apartment building collapsed above him. He gets a brief connection of cell service and calls his parents in Russia to let them know he is alive and they tell him they weren’t worried because they know he is in a predominantly Russian speaking city where there has been no shooting since the Russian rescue efforts were met with a warm welcome. So he tells them about his building collapsing in the constant shelling and they curse the Ukrainian government since the Russian military would never hit a civilian building.
Beeceee says
Are you done…
Tim Scott says
Do you have anything to contribute, or are you just twitching at the keys to prove you are alive?
Beeceee says
No your stupid story was just that…
Tim Scott says
You don’t see the parallel to trying to have a fact based conversation with someone living in the fact free Fox fantasyland you inhabit?
WILLIAM75 says
Beeceee says
March 10, 2022 at 6:31 pm
Are you done…
You are, Beecee, and you don’t know it.
You do realize that all that lying makes a girl ugly. Look at Kellyanne “Alternative facts” Conway. She scares the horses.
Oh sure. You removed all the mirrors in your trailer. Why?
Sonyaa says
Jen Psaki aka Ginger Goebbels just got wrecked by Ducey, that was fun to watch.
Tim Scott says
Let me guess…Ducey spewed a bunch of lies that people in your fantasy world believe are foundational truths, and Psaki had no idea how to deal with someone so disconnected from reality. Was that the gist?
America's Most Despises Jen Psaki says
That was a great retort, written with wit and acerbic humor. But the substance of it has no basis in fact or reality. Psaki the Red Witch is truly one of the most despicable, dishonest, arrogant, elitist, disingenuous and disgusting individuals I have ever been aware of.
She lies right to the peoples’ faces, weasels out of accountability, suppresses transparency, and insults our intelligence every single day. Ginger Goebbels is a great nickname for her, and she will henceforth be forever known to patriotic Americans as Ginger Goebbels.
I proclaim it! So let it be written, so let it be done (just kidding, that sounds like a Demon-rat).
William says
Jen shouldn’t ever call on Doocey after Fox ran with the fake Durham investigation misstating of facts that Beecee bought, lock, stock and barrel.
Beecee sits in front of the teevee machine always on Fox with her mouth open willing to swallow whatever bait they toss her way.
If only she could spin a ball on her nose like a seal.
It’s good to be back to improve things around here.
Tim Scott says
The Trumpist progression reaches a new and more honest stage:
We passed through “Jan 6th is no big deal, no one has been charged with anything but trespassing.
-people get charged with seditious conspiracy-
The previous “reasoning” is now obsolete, but the true believing Trumpist NEVER lets changing circumstances shake their beliefs. They move on to new reasoning to patch onto their unfounded belief.
“Okay they were charged, but innocent until proven guilty and I will make every effort to shove my head somewhere that news of the verdicts cannot reach so I can continue to believe that Jan 6th was no big deal.” This leads to the hilarious “Don’t count on those charges sticking” proclamation that comes AFTER guilty pleas have already started to be filed.
So now another line of “reasoning” is obsolete, but the belief remains unshaken. “Jan 6th is no big deal” remains the focal point of a belief system founded on lies. The Trumpist is forced to resort to the narcissist mantra “I don’t care so no one else does either.”
We are talking about seditious conspiracy. A group of people plotting together to overthrow our government. Who could call themselves an American citizen and say “I don’t care” to that?
Trumpists, because they blindly follow the traitor at the center of the plot.
Beeceee says
Are you talking about a fiction book you are writing, or some type of screenplay? Lol
Tim Scott says
Nope…that’s reality, with you as the example Trumpist with your head in the sand.
Beeceee says
Tim Scott says
Hard to imagine how you didn’t recognize that. I doubt there is anyone else that didn’t. It is very clear that you are so committed to Trump that you have cut yourself free of any source of facts.
? says
Re: Sonya aka Sonyaa wHo tYpeS lIke tHis.
Since this is the only place I see that nonsense I GOoGled it.
Here’s one explanation, You can Google it as I’m not making it up.
aLtErNTiNg CaPs
A way of talking on the internet. Mostly done by blonde ditzes who think it’s cute.
That’s one of the nicer explanations but if you’ve seen Sonya’s posts, you know it’s true except maybe for the blonde part.
? says
Beecee aka Beeceee reminds me of someone, let’s call her “Babs G. or Baba Gaga” a BIRTHER.
She would forward links to birther sites during Obama’s years. I asked her many times, “What evidence, documents or other information would satisfy you that Obama was born in Hawaii as his two birth certificates show? Nothing. Crickets. She was predisposed to believe the Trump BS no matter what just like Beecee.
Read the conversation between her and Tim Scott and how she deflects everything she said was happening when Tim showed otherwise.
Same insane mentality.
Beeceee says
^ William is obviously butthurt after his nappy nap. ^
FWB says
Something written here made me think William was 75 years of age. However I don’t see how he could be much older that 13.
Tim Scott says
Sometimes I think William is too willing to go immediately to the same level he is confronted with, but I certainly understand the frustrations that incline him to do it.
William says
Look FWB. Most of what I write goes over the heads of you, Beecee, Sonya and America’s Most anyway.
Same with what Tim Scott and Stinger post. Read Stinger’s post about Warner Brothers cartoon.
Reading Tim’s and Beecee’s lopsided discussion reminds me of the famous Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck “It’s duck season.” routine.
Over your heads, I know.
FWB says
So do you enjoy talking over peoples heads?
There’s not much to gain from it other than false self worth.
WILLIAM75 says
FWB who claims to live well outside Palmdale talks about “false self-worth”.
You tighty whities sure do know how to unwillingly set yourselves up for a slap down.
“Here, William. Let me set myself up.” -FWB
William75 says
Going on 76 and always smarter, more clever and likely better looking than Fat White Bob.
Care to dispute. FWB?
William75 sounds the the ttile of one of those Airport movies.
I’m trying to fly a plane with a bunch of crazies on board wanting it to crash.
America’s Most…
Hijackers all. I wish they all had peanut allergies on this flight. I knew we shoulda put them in the baggage compartment.
America's Most Not a Schiffhead says
How come I’m always last? DON’T ANSWER THAT!
The first will be last and the last will be first, the times they are a changin’.
Re Hijackers: Biden just released the”20th hijacker” from Gitmo. Despicable,
Beeceee says
Yeah but somehow we have acquired a $hit ton of more wealth then you.
If you were so smart and handsome and clever you’d surely would have created a life and amassed a pile of money,
And not living in the anus of the AV (DVH) Alone with a bunch of cats.
Care to dispute?
Care to dispute
Tim Scott says
LOL…the shallowness of Beecee on full display in a wildly off target attack.
For her life is all about “amassing that pile of money.” We can see that about her, clearly. Wonder what happens to her if her husband discovers the bargains on Sierra.
Meanwhile…raise your hand if you think that Beecee is smart enough to have hacked into William’s records so that she has the first clue regarding his accumulated wealth. I personally bet on no.
WILLIAM75 says
Was talking to my neighbor ’bout gas prices. We were bragging about the cost to fill up.
He said he paid $71 to fill his Mercedes.
I said I paid $91 to fill my Jag. I won.
Meanwhile, I couldn’t help thinking about poor Beecee putting 2 gallons at a time in her Yugo. She’s a commie sympathizer, y’know. I posted this after reading her post. She’s also a liar so who knows what she has.
Right now, Trump is on Sean Hannity’s Lie Factory.
If Beecee aka Baba Gaga is so rich, why is she here complaining about gas prices? Like I said, “She’s a liar.”.
And, she’s a BIRTHER. Right Babs?
FWB says
The langoliers was a good movie
Age always deserves respect..That’s not disputable.
The key is to grow old with grace,
WILLIAM75 says
So, Babs. You inherited some loot and thought you hit a home run.
Looks like you’re a dog person. There are 2 bitches in your household. One is a Rottweiler.
You’ve done nothing but prove what an ignorant and easily conned person you are.
I’m the MASTER. See how I “baited” you?
And, you took it showing once again your insipid, boring, vapid qualities to us.
Hmm. You live in Lancaster, dontcha, and think you are in San Marino. Are you blind too?
William says
I took a few days off and the IQ on this site dropped 30 p0ints.
Look at the “conversations” Beecee, Sonya, America’s Most Whatever and FWB had on March 6 and 7.
Dumb as dirt, y’are.
So, Beecee, what did you try to post under your original username that got it blocked?
Try posting under “Beecee” to show us it still works.
America's Most Dumb as Dirt says
“I took a few days off and the IQ on this site dropped 30 p0ints.” LOL.
Then it went negative cause there was only 25 points of IQ here collectively to begin with.
Welcome back.
William75 says
And, “Aloha, to you” America’s Most….
I’d give Beecee and Sonya 50 of my IQ points to share and I’d still be higher than either of them or both combined.
I’m always amused at how stupid people are so willing to display it here daily. That’s why they are anonymous. But still.
Their friends and family must know how dumb they really are up close and personal. I’d love to hear from them or their teachers.
“Hello, I’m Beecee’s senior year English teacher. She always sat in front but facing the back of the room. She loved fiction.”
“I’m Beecee’s mother, Theresa. I moved outta state so people wouldn’t know we were related. I wish she had been adopted….by someone else.”
“Hi, I’m Sonya’s math teacher, Miss Brooks. Sonya had trouble with long division. She kept asking what “goesinto” means. She’d ask, “Do blondes have square roots?”.
“I’m Hayden Fox, FWB’s gym teacher. He wasn’t allowed on the tampoline for obvious reasons and the rope climb was off limits too. We didn’t want the rafters to come down. But, otherwise, he was a simple kid but never satisfied where he was.”
So, America’s Most… There you have it.
“Mars Needs Women”
“AV Times Needs William75”
America's Most Mistaken for Ken Jeong says
LOL. You’re in GREAT form too.
WILLIAM75 says
Yes, Ameria’s Most Enchanting.
A “nappy nap” is so rejuvenating.
As useful, Beecee’s comment above made no sense. Why would I be butthurt after a nap when I’m refreshed.
Apparently for Beecee sleeping in a homeless camp, she invariably wakes up “butthurt” from a fellow’s affections in the cardboard box next to her. With Beecee, he couldn’t tell the front from the back.
Yup. I’ll be here all week chiding the cretins. Beecee is too easy a target. I wish there were smart ones here but you do the best with what ya gots. We gots Beecee and Sonyaya. That’s the best they gots on the right side. Yikes!
With people like Beecee and Sonyaya, it’s no surprise that the Florida Orange got elected.
FWB says
The only person who could vouch for Obama’s birth certificate died suspiciously after surviving an airplane crash in Hawaii.
Tim Scott says
Well, other than the people who keep records for the county he was born in of course.
C’mon man, are you seriously buying Trump’s nonsensical theory that in 1961 a single mom living in Kenya had a child, smuggled that child into the US and faked a birth certificate so that forty years later he could use it to run for president…which he could have done anyway since he was the child of a US citizen?
Do you operate by “the more ridiculous a conspiracy the more I believe in it” or what?
Face it, Trump was mortified that a black man could be elected president and flipped out. It’s just that simple.
WILLIAM75 says
And, Trump didn’t like it when Obama mocked his silly a$$ at the Correspondent’s Dinner while he was ordering bin Laden taken out.
All the while, Obama was as cool as a cucumber while Trump’s face flashed reddish-orange.
Then, fools like Beecee, Sonya and FWB voted for Trump.
The queztion, “Is there intellegent design?” has been answered. We can now say there is no ID nor evolution or we wouldn’t have us some Beeceess in the 21st century.
Of course,there’s inbreeding. Why do ya think the south is so effed up? Inbreeding and religion.
William says
Oh, Christ. FWB is another birther and he says I’m like a 13 year old.
What other fantasies do ya believe in FWB, Snata Claus, the Easter Bunny, Trump won the election.
The kids here can’t keep up with me what with their immature, not fully formed brains. I think Beecee and Sonya still have their infant fontanels wide open for right wing BS to drop in.
How old are you, FWB, 50 something? You don’t sound like a kid but you still aren’t as wise as me.
Now, go ahead and prove it.
America's Most Prone to Schizophasia says
Obama was born in Kenya and Hillary has Foster killed.
I don’t really believe either one but I’ll go the extra mile to annoy William.
William75 says
So, America’s Most…. You “really” don’t believe lies.
How big of you to admit that? LOL
But, yer with the folks who do.
How come you never go after the liars here like I do?
Are you an accessory after the fact like a cell phone cover
that been bedazzled?
America's Most Big “Little Bitch” says
I’m just a tool. A dull, rusty one.
Beeecee says
This is what we’ve been dealing with,
They want us to go along with this bunk J6 narrative after all the BS we went through with russia and impeachments.
? says
Try posting a comment using Beecee. 2 Es and 2 Es.instead of 3 Es to see if your usename has been blocked.
Beecee says
Beat it, creep
Tim Scott says
LOL…yet another of the right wings “reliable sources” revealed.
Russia and impeachments might be being reported as “BS” in your insular little fantasy world, but once again…look at the evidence, if you dare. Or just keep on telling your fellow inmates in fantasyland how you are “in the know” and the whole rest of reality is wrong.
I should do you a favor and just go back to vulgar abuse…you can be a victim. It was cruel to lure you into civil conversation and reveal how out of touch you really are.
FWB says
Reality is a facade that hides the truth.
William says
“Reality is for people who can’t handle drugs.”
I know you won’t get it, FWB.
Stinger says
Reality is a harsh mistress, as she forces us to reexamine our preconceptions and hypocrisies.
I claim no exemption to this rule.
WILLIAM75 says
Reality is malleable, Stinger. In 1491, the world WAS flat by agreement.
In Trump world, he won the election in their “reality”.
We have the Scientific Method to get at some “truths” about the physical world but then we discover new “truths” that upset the old thinking.
The things we call “truths” are ethereal while lies are solid and difficult to undo. Look at how powerful the “election fraud” lie has been with so many while the verifiable ‘truths” don’t stand a chance.
Even in court, a right-wing judge can overturn an evidence-based prior decision.
Heck, lies abound in the animal world as well. That’s how some survive by faking it. Camouflage. Pretending to have a broken wing to distract from her nest.
Stinger, look at how difficult is has been for you dealing with someone here who puts forth a lie.
The thing about integrity is that it allows things to work as designed. I was in my 30s before I realized how effective integrity is in having life work. It’s not about morallity or what’s right. Just what’s so. Keeping my word.
Your car drives better when all the tires are properly inflated, y’know, “Integrity by Michelin”.
Even though Trump got away with a lot of lies, it’s all coming home to roost or roast. He was once “roasted”on Comedy Central and there was one condition. They couldn’t joke about what his net worth was. Well, the SDNY is finding out “what’s so” about that.
We are at a critical junction in history. With all our information technology, Beecee believes lies fabricated by right-wing outlets. Putin and Trump spread lies.
Whatever people want to believe, there’s a lie out there on the web to support it. That is dangerous.
To make it worse, the liars call the fact-based media “fake news” as a pre-emptive tactic. Fox was the original “Faux News” and they managed to turn that around while pushing lies.
Ask Beecee, the poster child for “Conned Artists”. She surfs the web looking for lies and then repeats them here. I love how Tim Scott countered every one of her assertions about 1/6 and she just deflected, denied and distracted. But, she’s not delovely. Not at all.
Yes, indeed. Beecee FAKES IT.
William75 says
Beecee. What you’re “dealing with” is an untreated mental illness.
That’s why you believe lies and dismiss the facts.
You live life backward and think it the world that’s backward.
Are you still a BIRTHER? Admit it.
You should join a cult.
Oh, wait. You’re soaking in one.
America's Most Supreme High Mucky Muck says
I’m starting a new cult. We’ll call it The Branch DeMostians. To join, everyone must surrender their women, fortunes and property to The Church of the Glorious and Infallible MeMost.
To qualify, you must sit captive and enthralled while raptly listening to me rant incoherently and drone on for hours about how (fill_in_the_blank) is really the Anti-Christ. When not being brainwashed and indoctrinated, supplicants must watch the movie “Mars Needs Women” on an endless loop with color commentary by William, to do penance for MY sins.
Hey, it worked for David Koresh. Maybe I can find a gaggle of idiots just as stupid. This is prime recruiting territory because progressives will believe anything, right? So I’m signing up volunteers as we speak. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because: ONLY I HAVE THE TRUTH.
Update: Response has been so overwhelming, we’re starting another cult modeled on Heaven’s Gate.
We’ll chant “lock her up” while wearing “furry” costumes. And we’re very inclusive. Even Democrats are welcome. Heaven’s Gate awaits you. Have some balls. Don’t delay. The world will end soon and the mothership cometh!
WILLIAM75 says
Hey, Sonyaaaaaaaaa
Maybe Biden should close down the press room and have no press conferences for months like Trump did. You remember that dontcha?
Trump had a series of lying liars called Press Secretaries like Sean Spicer who had to defend the lie first time out about the size of the crowd at Trump’s inauguration. You remember that dontcha?
Spicer went on to Dancing With The Stars like Tom “The Hammer” DeLay. You guys have a real D Team dontcha?
Then, the next lying liar, Sarah Sanders, a stereotype Xristian breeder, didn’t last too long. Remember her and her lies, Sonyayaya?
Then, the worst of the worst, Kayleigh McEneny, a wretch if there ever was one. Her parents were so disappointed that she worked for Trump instead becoming an actress in adult films, a more noble profession. Remember her, Sonyaya?
God. You and Beecee sure have short- or no-term memories.
Whatever you have to say about Biden or Jen can’t be accepted as true.
You can take that to the bank but not Deutch Bank. They’ve got problems with Trump already.
You are consistently wrong about EVERYTHING. Your aLtErNaTiNg caps showed what a ditz you are. You’ve stopped that. How come?
Here’s 30 IQ points, Sonyaya. Now, you’re up to room temperature IQ………………………..in degrees Celsius.
? says
Has anyone noticed that recently Beecee and Sonya have spelled their names differntly.
Beecee>Beeecee or Beeceee
Why do you suppose?
I posted 4 messages, 2 of each of their old names and they were moderated and aren’t shown.
Wonder what they wrote that got their original usernames blocked unless there is a long moderator delay.
Tim Scott says
WTF are you babbling about now?
Beeecee says
Don’t talk to you buddy like that
Tim Scott says
LOL…actually the whole thread leading up to that apparently got moderated out.
America's Most Rejects the Race Card says
Joyless Reid of MSNBC has stated that the world only cares about Ukraine because White people are involved. Those damn White people, the root of all evil.
Damn, the left plays their hackneyed, debunked, stale race card at every turn. Help, help, the White people are after me. Self-victimization and made-up oppression to obscure the truth that Black people have not assimilated into our culture or educational system as well as other ethnic groups. But that’s my fault? LOLOLOL.
Black males make up approx. 6.5% of the US population, but make up almost 50% of the prison population. Blacks have benefited from trillions in welfare and affirmative action programs. Enough. Stand on your own feet for a change. Your constant whining for more, more and more does not make me empathize with Joyless Reid and her anti-White bias.
She’s blatantly a racist, although I know you are gonna call me one. Do I care? Up yours and kiss my derriere. Go ahead, cancel me, LMFAO.
Tim Scott says
If you look at the reactions to the refugee crisis the differences are impossible to not see. The Russian “war strategy” is, and always has been, an endless series of war crimes; attack civilians to weaken enemy military supply and resolve. When they did it in Asia and the middle east the resulting waves of refugees created the “immigration crises” that fueled extremist nationalism movements across Europe and the US that brought people like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump to power. When they do it in Ukraine the response is “OMG we have to help these people!!!”
The interesting thing is that Putin so badly misjudged that. He apparently expected that creating another refugee crisis would add to the nationalist movements and further weaken NATO. Missed, badly.
America's Most Needs His Abuse says
Where’s William? Did someone take him? You better bring him back. We need William to fulfill my abuse quota.
Willdoe says
Meth and porn crashes can last 2-3 days.
Tim Scott says
Who are you, and how did you get to be an authority on “meth and porn crashes”?
Willdoe says
Im Williams dild0,
Trust me, we are both majors in this subject matter,
Hey I’ve think I met you too!
Tim Scott says
Hey “major in the subject,” I am pretty sure you meant “binges” not “crashes.” But I guess as a lump of latex you wouldn’t retain much education.
Willdoe says
No silly!
The 2-3 day crash comes after the binge, don’t worry, your sweetheart will soon awake.
Meanwhile I’m gonna shower up, I’m kinda stinky.
Stop calling me Tim, your getting creepy
Tim Scott says
Who is calling you Tim? I have a pretty good idea who you are, because this kind of elementary school playground nonsense attached to the obsession with sexual sleaze is pretty typical of a couple of regular posters, but I am sure no one would mistake you for me.
America's Most Expert Creep Detector says
He’s getting creepy? He’s getting creepy? HAHAHAHAHA.
If I asked for “creepy” from central casting………
William says
I’m baaaaack, America’s Most.
But, I gotta tell ya. It gets tiring posting with one hand tied behind my back to make it a fair fight with y’all.
Way back when, you would clown around then post a long-winded 1 long paragraph rant from the right-wing universe like you were on a drunken binge.
You still do it. It’s like there are 2 of you. Tell that little man on your far right shoulder to shut up. He makes you look stupid.
You do realize that YOU are the observer of what your little voice says dontcha? When it rants, that’s not you. Try to get control of it now and then and see what happens. It’s similar to being a resonsible parent of your little one…yer brain.
I’m talkin’ to YOU, not the right winger that lives behind your eyes and tries to run your life. Actually, it does. You wouldn’t let your liver run your life so why do you let your brain do it.
It’s not very good at it nor is anyone’s brain. Not Trump’s. Not Putin’s. Not Beecee’s.
Right now, Putin’s brain is more concerned with the survival of his ego after making a huge mistake and it’s distructive just like Trump’s brain was concerned with the survival of his ego re: the election. Damage is done.
There’s more if yer interested.
Tim Scott says
Something else the Trumpists have tried to bury in the turdpile of worthless posts…
A while ago I posted about the filing of seditious conspiracy charges related to the Jan 6th attempt to overthrow the government. I pointed out that the case looked like a lock, particularly when one co-defendant was not arraigned along with the rest but separately. That was a clear indication that he was making a deal, and he has since plead guilty and his agreement to testify is now public record.
I said that there would be a race among the remaining defendants to find a way to trade something new and get a deal of their own.
Today a new co-conspirator was added to those being charged. Obviously the investigation has “turned up something new” and that almost certainly came about because someone else wanted a deal. If the first guy pleading out had been able to implicate this new defendant that would have already happened.
So now we have the leader of the Proud Boys in the dock looking at a whole lot of time in federal prison. While his underlings probably had nothing to offer as to where the conspiracy reaches outside of the Proud Boys, this guy was obviously the contact point that brought the Proud Boys into the plot. If he wants a deal, and let’s face it he is gonna want a deal because the case is pretty much airtight, he is going to have to provide those links.
If I were a congressman who was part of this conspiracy I would be really concerned. If I were a white house staff member that was working with the Proud Boys I would be very concerned. If I was part of the PACs that funneled the funding to the Proud Boys I would be very concerned. It’s all unraveling, as unsuccessful coup attempts always do. These guys bet on their ability to keep Trump in office to cover for them, and they lost.
America's Most Immersed in the Turdpile says
If I had a blog, I would name it “The Tturdpile of Worthless Posts. If not that, then the “In Your Face Disgrace Place”.
Beeceee says
Tim Scott says
I backed off of you hoping you would start participating in the conversation intelligently. Are you genuinely not capable?
Beeeecee says
Jan 6th is an overblown event that doesn’t amount to what you think it does.
The second the committee rejected the minorities selection of members it was deemed bunk, political theater constructed to impact the 2022 midterms.
Nothing more.
These same folks are the same ones responsible for the russia, russia, russia hoax, and the bunk impeachment. Therefore they retain zero credibility.
It’s the Mueller scam 2.0
But yeah…
Good luck trying to use this story to cover up all of the failures that have grown in this last year.
Your not fooling anybody.
Tim Scott says
The people who were rejected are likely participants in the crimes so putting them on the committee investigating was an obvious attempt to sidetrack that investigation. There were plenty of republicans McCarthy could have assigned that weren’t up to their eyeballs in the attempt to overthrow the government.
As to your dismissal of “hoax hoax hoax,” the evidence does not support you at all. Both impeachments demonstrated clearly “yeah Trump did what he is accused of.” Even as they voted “no punishment” Republican senators widely acknowledged his guilt. Outside the totally devoted to the GOP propaganda networks that’s accepted as established fact.
Beeecee says
Ill say it again,
“political theater constructed to impact the 2022 midterms.
Nothing more”
All court/committee filings and indictments so far in the matter seem to only be there to generate headlines, just like the russia hoax, so let see how it plays out.
There are a lot of unanswered issues from that day from both sides.
Tim Scott says
Say thing…have it questioned because it is not valid…say same thing again…
How’s that work out for you elsewhere?
Tell the Proud Boys in the dock “don’t worry, this is just to generate headlines.”
Tell all of Trump’s lawyers that have been disbarred “don’t worry, this is just to generate headlines.”
Tell Guy Reffitt it’s all just to generate headlines. He will actually agree with you. From his jail cell and despite his slam dunk conviction.
Beeecee says
You guys were wrong about everything before
But this time it’s slam dunk and EVERYBODY is going to jail including Trump for a seditious conspiracy to overturn an election…
I’m still for waiting and judging on the outcome of said cases.
Tim Scott says
First off, you haven’t proven your false claim about “you were all wrong before.” In fact, most people, including me, said “Trump is guilty but the Republicans in the senate will give him a pass for political reasons” and that proved to be exactly what happened.
As to “waiting for the outcome”…the guilty pleas have already started. You charge a dozen people in a conspiracy and they start pleading guilty, so you think that any of them are going to get off? They all faced the same case that made one of them say “I’m cooked, let’s make a deal.” You think adding his testimony to the already existing case is going to make it easier for the co-conspirators to beat the rap? Be serious.
The Proud Boys are cooked. That now includes their leader. Whatever you claim you are waiting for, indications are that it already happened.
Tim Scott says
By the way, when I say Guy Reffitt will agree with you despite his slam dunk conviction you look kind of silly mocking me for calling it a slam dunk. Jury is in. Guilty on all counts. Slam dunk.
Beeecee says
Who’s is Guy Reffit?
If it was one of the 600 idiots that went into the Capitol, good!
Tim Scott says
“No one has been charged with anything but trespassing.”
Yes they have.
“Well they haven’t been convicted.”
Yes they have.
“Who’s Guy Reffitt?”
As I said, the outcomes will not change the tune the trumpists play at all. They just go from pretending they have reasons to dismiss the crimes to dismissing them without reasons.
FWB says
The conversation topic might be fun to read in hindsight after everything goes through the courts. If the aliens or Putin doesn’t destroy the World first.
Tim Scott says
Trumpists won’t change their tune when it goes through the courts. They will just ignore the results.
Just look at this case.
“Jan 6 was nothing, nobody has even been charged with anything but trespassing.”
-charges filed of seditious conspiracy-
“Jan 6th was nothing…innocent until proven guilty”
-guilty plea filed-
“Jan 6th was nothing.”
It’s exactly the same series of responses as to all of Trump’s other crimes. Dismissal with vague excuses to dismiss, and when those run out just stick a foot in the mud and dismiss with no reasoning at all.
Beeecee says
But the Blue-Anons aren’t having any of that.
Tim Scott says
Having any of what? The locked in dismissals when the evidence piles up and up and up? Yeah, no one with sense is having any of that. That is good for exciting other equally committed Trumpists, but outside of that it makes you look silly.
Face it, that sequence is impossible to not recognize as you.
“Jan 6 was nothing, nobody has even been charged with anything but trespassing.”
-charges filed of seditious conspiracy-
“Jan 6th was nothing…innocent until proven guilty”
-guilty plea filed-
“Jan 6th was nothing.”
If it was worth the time I’d dig up your exact posts.
Beeceee says
All of my statements in my posts were made at the time of the post, before any indictments or charges other then trespassing, so at that time I was correct.
Anybody stupid enough (600 folks) that went to that glowing fed fest will deserve whatever they have coming to them.
As far as conspiracy charges sticking, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the demonstration of how out of touch you and your “trust us, we aren’t like the media” sources are…the conspiracy charges have already started drawing guilty pleas, so it’s a little late for “those aren’t gonna stick.”
Beeceee says
Well let us all know how it’s going,
Cause your the only one fixated on and watching that garbage.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I’ve been trying to let you know how it’s going, because I like seeing you make it crystal clear that you don’t know and that the reason you don’t know is because you don’t want to know.
Trumpists do not want to know how the trials are going, because trials mean facts and facts interfere with the fantasy world that Trump and his propaganda networks produce for you to live inside of.
Funny thing, facts. No matter how hard you try to ignore them they remain facts.
Beeceee says
My point is
No one freakin cares dude. Lol
Tim Scott says
I know that traitors don’t care, but I am thinking that any good American citizen would care about an attempt to overthrow our government.
Your claim that “no one cares” says a lot about you.
Tim Scott says
Tim Scott says
March 4, 2022 at 1:46 am
Just read through day one of the Reffitt case. Pretty easy to see why the justice department chose this guy as the first one to prosecute among those who refused to plead out. Harder to understand why he refused to plead. When they invited this guy to come to trial they might as well have told him it was a luau and to bring an apple in his mouth. This is a slam dunk.
So the various Trumpists I guess were hoping that if they ignored this and buried it under a steaming turdpile of “I love Trump but can’t explain why,” “I say Trump was great so damn your facts I am entitled to that opinion,” and other such inane posts it would just go away. But of course it didn’t.
Reffitt was found guilty on all counts. The jury deliberated for four hours, presumably so they could get lunch before returning to court. I didn’t read anything beyond the first day of testimony yet because there were a lot of more interesting things going on than a slam bunk case like this one, but I have a note to at least skim and see if there was any line of defense that his lawyers thought was even worth trying.
So now the question is whether Trumpists can swallow their overpowering need to be sycophant parrots and acknowledge that Trump calling his riot a “love fest” was just another bald faced lie from their leader?
America's Most Mistaken fo the QAnon Shaman says
I’m glad. He had a gun. The Capitol is sacred ground. Though they needn’t have killed Ashley Babbit (?).
Tim Scott says
What do you think they should have done with her?
They were holding a door. We now know, and could guess then, that if that door had been breached the government would have been successfully overthrown.
There was ample warning that the people holding the door were armed, knew that deadly force was justified, and that they would use it if the attackers did not withdraw. The attackers didn’t withdraw.
How do you prefer for that to have played out?
My own preference would be for them to have opened fire and just kept firing. No one in that hall deserved to walk away.
Tim Scott says
This is one of the things that really leaves me disgusted with Trumpists. This is at least the third time that America’s Most Poster Formerly Known As Trumpist has said “they shouldn’t have killed Babbitt.” Every time I have summarized the situation and asked what he thinks should have happened instead.
He has no answer.
But we can assume that he will pop up next week or next month with “they shouldn’t have killed Ashley Babbitt.” His beliefs have no basis in facts, so the facts don’t matter to him, he just walks away from them. That’s a Trumpist.
America's Most Trumpist#1 says
I said “needn’t” kill her. They could have tased her or used tear gas.
And it’s not just any Trumpist. I was Trumpist#1. Numero Uno.
Tim Scott says
It is very unlikely that they had tear gas available. Taser? Maybe.
Question then becomes…why? The mob had already demonstrated their capacity for violence, attacking numerous cops. They were engaged in an attack on the capitol of the United States. The continuity of the government of the most powerful nation on the planet was at stake. Personally I see it not as a “police response” at that point. It could have been and in my opinion should have been viewed as a military situation, and as I said I’d have favored that they open fire and just keep firing.
No one in that hall deserved to walk away.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so I went looking to read up on the rest of how this went in court. I was particularly curious about the defense, because I seriously could not imagine how there was any way around the mountain of evidence the prosecution had. So now I am really perplexed because THERE WAS NO DEFENSE. This clown pushed this all the way to trial so that his lawyer could call no witnesses, present absolutely nothing, and call it a day.
Pro Tip: courts are NOT merciful, but they are stretched very thin on time. If you are accused of something that you did, and it is obvious that you did it, and a “trial” is just going to be a big time sink so that the prosecution can say over and over “this proves they did it, and so does this, and so does this,” and you have nothing really to say for yourself or anyone else to say anything for you…make a “let me save the court some time and have them save me some” deal.
America's Most Telling It Like It Is says
AMERICA IS GREAT AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN GREAT. And you’re not. There’s no further discussion with a person who hates our country. LEAVE, and don’t let the door hit you.
But what we will discuss is your creepy obsession and shameful propensity to skulk in wait for someone to make a minor mistake or miss a fact and you pop up like the avenging angel of truth.
What kind of personality disorder or dysfunctional pathology in your head compels you to have to refute every little point like an annoying pedant? You’re like a little kid who wants attention. Oooo, ooooh, I know the answer. Are you Alexis the school marm?
You never seem to have an opinion of your own, you don’t have the stones. You yap like an annoying yard barker taking issue with anything patriotic and pipe up with minor piddling, picayune, trivial points to show us how smart you are.
Gutless and cowardly compulsions, if you ask me. Never an opinion we can attack. Just craven and spineless ambushes of anyone with an opinion. That seems to me to be small-minded, petty, shallow and ignoble,
Well, that’s my opinion. I’m sure you’ll agree, lol. Always a pleasure, Stinker.
America's Most Piling On says
Oh, I forgot to mention that you have the sense of humor of a wet dishrag.
Tim Scott says
I have to say that I am not sure who has made me laugh out loud the most with their quick witted posting, but Stinger is certainly in the running.
Stinger says
I like you. You’re silly.
Sonyaa says
If someone’s sexuality could be expressed with 5 words,
You win.
Stinger says
Have you never seen an old Warner Bros. cartoon, you poor, humorless, creature?
You have my pity… again.
America's Most Needing His Meds says
You lit my fuse when I perceived your argument to be that the US isn’t great. I defend my family, friends and country vigorously. But I took my meds and feel better. I really think you’re intelligent and cool, but I get down in the mud and the blood and the beer to defend her honor. I really appreciate being here in the USA with the liberty to stick both feet in my mouth and act the fool.
Dim snot says
Yup, what you said. I have to say of all of the people I have never met, tim is my least favorite. You are most accurate that he never really has a point to anything, just useless opinions with no real solutions. Typical liberal intellectual who couldn’t find his way home if you dropped him off in a big city with a 100 dollar bill.
America's Most Fighting The Enemies of Man & Nature says
You aren’t talking to me, are you? I didn’t say anything about Tim. I like and respect Tim, and there is certainly nothing “typical” about him.
But your gutless drive by anonymous attack reflects poorly on you. And you always say the same chit.
Tim Scott says
The reason you’ve never met me is because you don’t have the guts, so your opinion of me is particularly less important than most.
America's Most All Knowing Oracle says
Woke left-wing radical socialist are ruining your gas and energy prices, your safety on the streets, our country’s unity, and our quality of life. Nancy Pelosi is moving to Florida. Doesn’t that tell you something. You dumb turds elected them. Are you self-destructive, insane or just plain stupid? I think I know.
America's Most Retorted (be nice) says
And be careful, or William will retort you.
America's Most Word Nazi says
You only get three words this month, so choose them wisely!
America's Most in Deep Doodoo says
Now step right up to watch me put both feet in my mouth in epic fashion and initiate my divorce:
AOC is an attractive 30-something Puerto Rican lady (or Borinquena). She says it’s not right to have babies cause the world will end due to pollution in 12 years (that was 3 years ago). Now politics aside, I must say that I’m a certified expert on the subject, and good looking PR women were put on Earth to make babies. 13 on average. Her views on the subject are an offense against nature!
OK, who wants my apology first? I wish someone would have limited me to 3 words this month.
FWB says
America’s most desperate has a broken picker
FWB says
People are just stupid..
Fat White Bob says
Pelosi should not be allowed in Florida. She should be forced to live in CommieFornia.
Make the United States Florida
Fat White Turd says
I’m a dumb, self destructive, insane, plain stupid fat white turd.
But smart enough not to blame Trump for Biden’s stupidity
America's Most Amused says
I don’t think you’re really any of that. But I appreciate your sense of humor. If you just let William’s insults roll off your back, you’ll start to appreciate his evil genius too!
Big Tech says
North American Terror Organization (NATO)
Tim Scott says
Are you a bot or a paid human? It will be interesting to see if this kind of random pro-russion nonsense continues to appear, or if the collapse of the russian economy puts a stop to this particular export.
Fat White Bob says
North American Terror Organization. I like it. But I liked that Trump wanted to pull out of it even better.
Tim Scott says
Yeah but you already said that you are ready for the world to just burn, so that’s consistent. Let’s hope Putin isn’t of a similarly narcissistic fatalist mindset.
Trump creating the possibility that NATO might fall apart and fail to respond is what induced Putin to attack Ukraine, so your post says you are cheering something that lead to the deaths of (current estimate) thousands and could spiral into the millions.
Flat out, that’s just gross.
Meanwhile, Putin and his attack have proven what an idiot Trump is. His whole schtick about NATO needing to spend more on conventional weapons was flatly wrong. We (NATO) are rallying the world to use economic pressure to destroy Russia, and Russia is demonstrating that their military can barely match up with Ukraine. If there was a conventional arms only conflict between NATO and Russia Russia wouldn’t last a week. The only reason to increase spending on conventional weapons is to further enrich the defense contractors.
Beeceee says
ItS DrUMps FaUlt!!!
Even when it’s clearly not…
America's Most Blaming Trump says
Oh, I don’t know Beecee. Lately, every time I screw up I’ve been blaming it on Trump, and it works great for me. Try it. You can weasel out of accountability like a Democrat.
Fat White Turd says
“Trump creating the possibility that NATO might fall apart and fail to respond is what induced Putin to attack Ukraine, ”
WOW that’s probably the biggest bs I’ve ever read here. Meanwhile Biden makes us dependent on Russian oil and gas prices are sky rocketing. Americans are basically supporting Putin’s war with high fuel prices.
Tim Scott says
Don’t blame me, blame Putin. He’s the one that said that political uncertainty in the US (rioting Trumpists trying to overturn elections) and division in NATO as the English speakers turn their backs on the continent made this the ideal time for reuniting Russia.
Beeceee says
“Don’t blame me, blame Putin. He’s the one that said that political uncertainty in the US (rioting Trumpists trying to overturn elections)“
Not the summer of love?
Lol, Putin loves to make fun of what the left has done to the west. The normalization of mutants.
Tim Scott says
Protests that don’t directly threaten to disable the government don’t prompt international military adventurism. Putin isn’t stupid. He has ORGANIZED the kind of ‘mob action collapses elected government’ events that the GOP hoped Jan 6th would be, so you can bet he recognized that for what it was even if you refuse to.
Beeecee says
Sure dude,
So Putin doesn’t root for the lefts destruction of our country by disastrous energy and foreign policy, burning our cities to the ground over ‘social justice’ and normalizing people being able to assign themselves whatever gender they prefer…
No it was the 600 people that were at the Capitol that 1 day that he roots for…
Tim Scott says
He roots, openly, for the guy who very nearly broke NATO, Donald Trump.
If Trump’s revolution had been successful and kept him in office there would be no coalition of economic sanctions and Ukraine would be just ass out. If Trump were in office Putin could just as easily be taking Poland along with Ukraine and testing whether Trump would uphold US obligations under article five or just withdraw from NATO.
Again, you are so busy yelling “hoax hoax” that you ignore the facts. The investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 election may not have produced enough of a case to overcome political resistance from senate republicans (personally, I believe the spineless senate republicans could have been shown video of Putin with his hand up Trump’s ass moving his mouth like a ventriloquist and they would have turned a blind eye). It may not have produced a solid enough case to convince a jury of twelve, especially if a Trump loyalist found a way onto the jury. But there was ZERO question that independent of the Trump campaign the Russian intelligence apparatus was pouring support behind Trump. Trump’s own justice department acknowledged that, along with the intelligence agencies.
Russia supports every inward looking nationalist movement everywhere in Europe too, because breaking NATO is the goal. They don’t care one whit about criminal justice in Seattle, or LGBTQ people in the US. Why would they?
Tim Scott says
Gosh, why do people end up throwing ‘juvenile’ insults at Trumpists?
Here’s the answer.
When they are beaten with facts they just withdraw into their fantasy world and reappear elsewhere to restart the same conversation from the same fraudulent place, as if it never happened. Shoving the facts down their unwilling throats doesn’t shut them up or stop their lies, and really how many times should anyone be expected to do it?
America's Most Acquiescent says
The donkey and the elephant.
America's Always Has Been Great says
Are you suggesting America isn’t or was never great? I demand your answer, lol !!!!!!!
America was always great, until Demented Joe took the reins of power. I know that an unpatriotic Demon-rat puke like you will never admit it.
Tim Scott says
If it was always great how come you supported a charlatan claiming he was gonna “make it great again”?
America's Most Loving America says
Because Obama almost ruined it. As every Demon-rat woke and corrupt politician does.
So my question remains: Other than Obama, when was America not great?
Careful, your deep-seated bias and obsession might come out.
Stinger says
You get to demand nothing of me, sirrah, as it is you who made the accusation against America’s greatness, not I. All you seem to be capable of is getting offended by mere questions to clarify what you mean by what you say. This seems to be an odd, and confusing, commonality amongst trumplicans.
Perhaps it would help if I clarified my intent a little (which I also posted in response to Tim, below):
My hope is to discern a general trend in the answers to see if the parts that are generally agreed were ‘great’ can be duplicated without having to endure any negative aspects of those eras.
Now then. Could you try expressing a little less heat and a bit more light? This could be an illuminating discussion with some possible real mutual understanding, if you’ll let it.
Fat White Turd says
Sunday, March 13 we move clocks forward an hour so they’re will be a little more light in the evening
Stinger says
Well… That’s not quite what I meant, but it was informative. I had forgotten when PDT began this year.
Fat White Turd says
I’m just a Fat White Turd who wants Donald Trump back in office.
America's Most Appreciative says
And you’re the Best FWB ever. We appreciate FWB! We need your viewpoints here to balance it out.
Tim Scott says
This may be repetitive if my post way down the thread finally shows up. This is about when America was ‘great,’ but more importantly it is about HOW it was great.
I think by now we all know what Trumpists are referring to when they say “make America great again.” They mean the 1950s. They are accused, with some validity, of pining for a return to open racism, exclusion based on gender, and all the other societal inequities that were normalized in the US in the 1950s. They are in fact willing to knowingly or unknowingly ignore all those issues and that says something, but their claims that those things are not what they are actually calling great is also valid.
The 1950s for America were, in fact and indisputably, great economically. Even the minorities who were severely repressed and seeing the worst of the times were economically far ahead of the rest of the world. The US had less than five percent of the world’s population and consumed more than 50% of EVERYTHING. More than half of the energy produced in the world was consumed by Americans. More than half of the lumber was building things in America. Steel, copper, clean water…everything a human being could want we were getting ten times a “fair share.”
Set aside for a minute whether it was fair, because it clearly wasn’t, but such moral issues aren’t really visible on surfaces and are almost always lacking in simple memory. People who lived through those times can’t help but remember them fondly. They couldn’t help but describe them as a glowing golden age the like of which they had never seen before, and express their feelings of loss at the fact that those times were lost. That sense of loss has been passed on. That legitimately can’t be unexpected, and attributing it to “you just want to bring back racism” is inaccurate and short sighted.
I’ve questioned the greatness of the times for decades based on the larger issue of fairness to the rest of the world, but even I have to admit that I have glowing memories of the 1960s and 1970s as well as some internalized understanding that I ‘missed out’ on ‘even better times.’ So I am not going to try to condemn people who don’t actively think about five percent of the world population consuming half of everything and just look back at the comfort of it with a sense of longing.
Which brings us to the big con, that somehow Trump could restore that ‘greatness.’ Even if we ignore the question of whether it would really be fair for us to go back to consuming half of everything, could we? To answer that we have to examine how we got there the first time.
Pro Tip: it wasn’t by enacting ridiculous economic policies rooted in mercantilism that was centuries out of date even in 1950. It also wasn’t by reinforcing the wealth consolidating policies Reagan inflicted on us in the 1980s, which have accomplished nothing but the most massive accumulation of wealth in the fewest hands since kings were forced to give up their ‘god given’ ownership of all the lands and the people thereon.
What made the overwhelming economic advantage of the US in the fifties possible is that there were no other consumers. The soviet union was behind their self imposed ‘iron curtain.’ Their needs were ‘met’ by what they could dig out of the gigantic piles of rubble and corpses they were left with. Europe had similar conditions but could dig more effectively because we were trading them the occasional bulldozer in return for a good cut of what they were getting. The rest of the world was basically enslaved. A strongman would get a horse and a gun from the US and enslave their nation into gathering whatever basic resources they had, then trade freighters full of those resources for a faster horse and a bigger gun. In most places this enslavement was actually welcomed, because it was BETTER.
Even in the WORST corners of the world the 1950s were better than the 1940s. A world war will do that.
Even in the worst parts of the world the 1950s were better than the 1930s. A worldwide economic collapse will do that.
That’s what the people who have fallen for Trump’s con need to be made to face. Trump CAN’T “make America great again” in that respect. He CAN’T bring back the prosperity of the fifties, even if you want to turn a blind eye to the costs for the rest of the world.
It takes a global economic collapse, followed by a world war.
To recreate the 1950s we have to first recreate the 1930s and the 1940s.
America's Most Yard Barker says
?? Explain please. We’ll need a little more. Holy crap, I sound like Stinker.
FWB says
I only read the first two sentences. I wonder where I got the idea to do that?
Tim Scott says
Wow. Such a brilliant contribution to the conversation! C’mon, admit it, you didn’t think of that all by yourself, did you?
Stinger says
Thank you, Tim, for that rationally considered and presented posting. I am glad that you started that actual conversation rolling.
I know that BeeEss had offered the 1980’s as the ‘great’ era. As I was just starting out in the world, I probably didn’t get to enjoy some of the economic benefits so much as the more, ahem, ‘action-oriented’ aspects of that particular time frame. Still, there was money to be made then, legal or otherwise… But I wouldn’t give it the same feeling of stability or optimism of the 1950’s or even the scientific fascination of the 1960’s.
My hope is to discern a general trend in the answers to see if the parts that are generally agreed were ‘great’ can be duplicated without having to endure any negative aspects of those eras.
Tim Scott says
No problem. Ask a good question and I will always do my best.
Fat White Turd says
The difference between the 80’s and now is the result of 40 years of bad parenting.
America will never be great again. It’s over, we’re just waiting for the fat lady to sing.
Tim Scott says
If you think bad parenting started with the eighties guess again.
Stinger says
Now, now, FWB/FWT, there was a bit more than just parenting involved over that period of time. Although, I lament the loss of the nuclear family format, as I believe it was a strong support for a civilized society to be maintained. We can debate how that happened later (promise!), but this is digression, for now.
America’s best days are still ahead of her. If we can get over the political pressure from the media (both sides) pushing us further away from rational discussions, we can fairly examine our country’s flaws and merits, mistakes and triumphs, etc. to debate and determine our country’s future to be brighter than before.
Let’s put the fat lady on a diet.
Tim Scott says
When we get to the “debating how that happened” part let me know, because I have plenty of thoughts on that.
Stinger says
And, believe it, or not, I am very interested in your take on that. I really wanted some participation with America’s Most [fill in insult here], but he seems to be off on some crazy patriotism mental loop and can’t snap himself out of it.
So, were you going with the 50’s for the main era? I can see its allure for that. BeeEss’s choice of the 80’s is interesting, but understandable.
Your take on the 50’s has some interesting aspects to consider regarding exploitations, especially the point regarding that, in spite of such, it remained a relative benefit to them. Definitely interesting…
I’m kind of torn. In spite of current events, I prefer this era for its sheer technological capabilites. Obviously, there are flaws with that, as well. I also rather liked the 70’s.
Tim Scott says
For the record, I believe you. I didn’t doubt that at all.
On the current topic of “when was greatness,” I can add a couple points.
It is possible to just devolve the argument to “technology rules, so now is better than then, and however far back you go you are always on the slide of “not as great.” I do not subscribe to that. More technology brings with it enormous costs in peace of mind.
I was involved in a conversation this morning after the spate of sonic booms. Someone said that the reminder that the AV is the beating heart of US military power “makes her feel safe.” I didn’t bring up that when I was a kid in gradeschool I and all of my classmates knew three facts: 1) there were a very limited number of reinforced runways that could handle a fully loaded nuclear deterrent B-52 2) those runways would invariably be high on the soviet’s list of priority strategic targets in a nuclear exchange 3) our school was less than four miles from such a runway. Grade school kids casually discussing their place on the front lines of a nuclear war which at the time was viewed as somewhat inevitable is not necessarily a sign of the best of times.
Climate change. Toxic pollutants. Industrial accidents of greater range and scope than could even be imagined before technology produced the possibility. Government surveillance and control at levels previously unimaginable. Overall I am pretty sure I have shot down the concept that more technology in itself produces “greater.” If you could isolate out the “good” technology that would be different, but sadly it doesn’t work that way.
Stinger says
Fair enough, Tim. Technology is, indeed, a double-edged sword, so technology alone certainly would not qualify as an only factor. In fact, I would opine that the loss of the nuclear family began the begat, if you will, of many social and criminal issues that we continue to face today, but that is definitely a debatable position.
The 50’s were a good time, from an economic standpoint, but much was kept hidden under the surface of social graces. I’m sure a fairly lively debate could be made from either side of whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. For myself, I think the pressure of the 50’s conformity culture set the stage for the social blowout of the 60’s.
The 40’s were marred by war, to be sure, but the economic capabilities of America were able to be built up rapidly, helping to set up the relative economic prosperity to come.
The 60’s had more war, and definitely more struggles socially (see my comment on the 50’s above), but also saw incredible advances in technology associated not just with the usual war machine development, but for more peaceful purposes, such as space exploration. This allowed for a certain boost in STEM education, as students generally had more interest in the subject matter, having seen TV images of astronauts and such.
The 70’s… Well, at the very least, I loved the hair…
Beeecee says
“I lament the loss of the nuclear family format, as I believe it was a strong support for a civilized society to be maintained.“
This is absolute GOLD
Also when we look at the term ‘make America great again’ coming from Donald Trump.
He is no doubt referring to the eighties as that was his prime.
Just think ‘Legs’ by ZZtop.
Tim Scott says
A “family unit” where one adult focuses their labor into maintaining the unit and raising the offspring means that only one member is providing labor that can be exploited for the profit of the investor class. The investor class bemoans the outcome now, as the diversion of that labor away from raising offspring to be civilized humans has not surprisingly had bad consequences, but they certainly aren’t interested in giving back the profits they made off that labor or making it possible for a single wage earner to support a household.
Stinger says
@BeeEss: Loved the song and, especially, the video (always wanted a ride in that coupe WITH the girls, thank you very much). MTV was truly great then… Not so much now.
As for Trump’s perspective on when he would consider America to have been great, I could see your logic for that. He certainly was high on the hog at that time, and had a relatively good reputation (whether deserved, or not).
@Tim: I can appreciate your spin on how the family nuclear was split by all of the flying electrons of greed (see what I did there?). I also agree that the now (unfortunately) accepted notion of a two earner family would require a change in perspective for the ‘investment class.’ I have the audacity of belief that this can be changed, with the right perspective presented. For example, I might point out that having nuclear families allows for a stronger human resource infrastructure to draw upon for businesses to grow and thrive with. This makes for greater productivity and profit with a leaner, more rapidly adaptable, workforce to draw upon.
I have no fear of the limited use of socialism to support a capitalist economy. It will only help to make it grow.
Beeceee says
America's Most Needed a Laugh says
America's Most Fighting The Good Fight says
Can you feel the visceral, underlying hate of the U.S.A. exhibited constantly from some who comment here consistently, while they deflect with political arguments? You know that deep down they don’t want us to succeed, want to divide us, and generally do nothing but put down the greatest country the world has ever seen.
No pride in America. They want to open our veins (I mean borders) so there isn’t any sovereign country left. Doesn’t that tweak your nose? If not, you’re probably one of them. Despicable!
Tim Scott says
“Can you feel the visceral, underlying hate of the U.S.A.”
Simple answer, no.
Moving right along.
America's Most Moderated says
You guys should appreciate the moderators who mercifully shield you from tons of my nonsense.
America's Most Obnoxious Wiseguy says
One more time:
I propose that we limit William to….hmmmm….. no more than three words per month.
You know, like: “Orange man bad”. Or “Your words wrong”. Or “Republicans suck”. Hey William, you get one more word this month.
Fat White Turd says
So it’s business as usual for little William? I think we should call his parents and have a conference about his behavior.
FWB says
Moderators only post about half of what I write. It surprises me that they allow Williams childish name calling and bullying.
While I don’t agree with everything Tim says I do have respect for him because he at least keeps it classy.
America's Most Carried Away says
In person they are both classy gentlemen. They do get a little carried away on this forum some times. But then again, who doesn’t.
Hardhats required!
Tim Scott says
Not really. I’m just subtle.
FWB says
America's Most Unfunniest Comic says
My boss used to tell me I was outstanding. Or I should be. In a snowstorm.
William says
You mean the folks that want to defund the federal government so it can be drowned in a bathtub.
The ones that want to dismantle social services like Social Security and Medicare and Obamacare. Those folks?
Or, the ones that are trying to destroy the election system in the country and make elections suspect by promoting lies? Those folks?
The party that has a large majority of indictments and convictions while in elected office and their aides.
The party that mismanages the economy resulting in a recession every single time they have the White House and when there are Wall Street crashes.
Yeah, the Republican Party will destroy the country in the process of seeking power and money regardless of the damage done.
Which party did Putin choose to use to destroy the country, Mr. Russia’s Most Useful Idiot?
That’s why I land on you with both feet and am not joking about it.
Can’t grant you any leniency as long as you are in cahoots with the Republicans. Your criticisms of Democrats are worthless.
So, there you have it. You and the Republican enablers of Trump are the problem, not Nancy or AOC or Biden or Harris. They are trying to correct the damage done by Republicans.
It’s your party and you can cry if you want to. Apologies to Leslie Gore.
FWB says
Biden couldn’t be in a weaker position if he planned it. No effective sanctions can be placed on Russia since the European countries depend on Russia for oil, and now we’re importing Russian oil to supplement the domestic production that Biden cut off his first 5 minutes in office. And Putin knows he has Europe and the US by the short hairs. The best thing Biden could do, and there’s no reason to think he’s smart enough to do it, is restore domestic production, and even the XL pipeline. But, if I was Canada, I would tell Biden to go to hell on the XL pipeline, since they now have alternate means of exporting their oil, and if I were them, I wouldn’t trust the US to honor a contract.
America's Most Flailing Aimlessly says
Sleepy, creepy, lying, corrupt, demented Joe Biden also recently killed a proposed gas pipeline from Israel to Europe to satisfy Turkish opposition. What a feckless weenie. But he’s a terror to Cornpop.
VOTERS: Like to pay for Democratic gas and electricity? How’s your 401K doing lately? Look at the shape of Dem run cities. Yuck. They can’t govern worth a damn. The country’s spiraling down the Democratic drain. Are you going to keep them in power” I’m afraid to ask.
Stinger says
Pride is a sin, America’s Most Patriotically Insecure, if it is without the humility to review one’s shortcomings.
The United States of America IS great, but it has room to become even greater. This cannot happen if her citizens merely carry their patriotism on their sleeve, instead of in their core, and fear to look at her failings, as well as her successes.
You may assail my patriotism with your projection, as you will, but these puerile attempts at insult have no sting as I am quite comfortable in my maintenance of my Constitutional Oath.
Beeecee says
America's Most Amused says
Did you guys see all those pics, videos and memes depicting that cackling bimbo extraordinaire Kamala Harris as a circus clown? Funniest ever. Wish I had a link. Google it.
William says
I enjoy your suffering, Russia’s Most Useful Idiot.
It’s called “schadenfreude” and it was made for you and the other Useful Idiots on the right wing of Titantic Airlines.
It has 2 right wings BTW. Hence, it’s non-stop circular pattern.
William says
Ya gots to be smart to work around the moderators.
Yer ability to do so is inversely proportional to yer IQ and/or SAT scores.
Hence, the regular complaints from the low IQ posters.
That’s so cool cuz the low IQ folks don’t know they have a low IQ.
Their complaints self-identify them.
GOD says
William how can you call yourself a “good” person. You’re truly a disgrace. SMH…
America's Most Not Gonna Argue says
William really IS a good person. But I’m not gonna argue with the “Big Guy’s” proclamation above, lol.
William says
Phuque io.
That’s how it’s done. And, no it’s not a city in Thailand.
Tim Scott says
I think the picture of the GOP’s rising stars circulating under the caption “Two drunk chicks at Chippendales” is funnier.
Sonyaa says
Your humor is wack,
The left can’t meme
Tim Scott says
It’s not really a MEME. I would guess that 99% of people can’t identify those two deecees and wonder why a picture of two drunk chicks at Chippendales is getting any attention. It does make an amusing statement about the current state of the GOP though ya gotta admit.
America's Most Is A little Slow says
I’m still trying to find it, but then again I’m not wrapped too tight. I will keep trying as it’s probably salacious, licentious and dirty. Oh, and funny.
Tim Scott says
It’s that picture.
William says
I see the “floaters” are back.
I thought we flushed them a week ago, but they come back up.
Fat White Bob says
Remember when Biden shutdown the Keystone pipeline then approved the Russian pipeline?
We all live on the same planet and breath the same air so I don’t understand his motivation.
Fat White Bob says
When you stir the pot the turds float to the top.
Now would be a good time to go look in the mirror
America's Most Missing My Flip Phone says
“When you stir the pot the turds float to the top.”
LOL. I don’t know what it means, but it made m laugh anyway. Good zinger (I think).
America's Most Amused says
Got it. A little late. That’s funny.
And I can’t believe that I’m agreeing with AOC: Boebert and Greene are truly wackos.
And New York deep dish Sicilian pizza is the BEST, hands down.
William says
Where didja go Russia’s Most Useful Idiot?
Is it bedtime at Shady Pines Rest Home?
America's Most Mistaken for Idi Amin says
Meds time at the Shady Pines Asylum.
America's Most Showing Hearty Disdain says
Dems are blaming gas prices on Ukraine, not demented, corrupt Joe Biden’s catastrophic policies. What were they under Trump? Didn’t they start going up as soon as Joe STOLE THE ELECTION?
Just kidding about the election. Anything for a laugh and to annoy Tim and William.
PS: Don’t worry about nuclear WW3. Kackling Kamala got it covered.
Tim Scott says
There’s no point in worrying about nuclear exchanges. If Putin is actually losing his wits and wants too play the “I am dying and I am taking a bigger body count than these petty American gun nuts do with me” then we are all dead. I don’t think he is.
America's Most Licentious Libertarian says
I defer to your judgment on that one.
William says
You should worry. You are, after all, a “Fly zone” like Pigpen in the Peanut’s strip.
America's Most Mistaken for Quasimodo says
I feel more like Lucy’s football.
FatWhiteBob says
I am pro nuclear exchange. I see no hope for humanity.
America's Most Glowing in the Dark says
LOL. I’m almost at the point of agreeing with you……….OK, I’m there.
Tim Scott says
I am disappointed in our RWNJ link aggregators.
Word out of the QAnon realm, as distributed through the “fair and balanced freedom of speech loving social media platforms” where they are allowed to run rampant is that Putin is a QAnon hero, secretly working with Trump to destroy Ukrainian bioweapons plants that are being operated by the nefarious Dr Fauci. Trump had to call on Putin because he is not quite ready to get reinstated into the presidency and bring the hammer down on all the child blood drinking deep state villains.
Why do I have to find this for myself? This is ‘hot news, the real inside scoop’ from ‘reliable sources’ outside the ‘lamestream’ media. Why did we not get a link from beecee on this?
Beeceee says
I never believed in any
Of that trust the plan Qanon garbage,
The same way I don’t care for your never ending Racheal maddow blueAnon posts coming from you daily.
It’s all garbage.
Tim Scott says
Considering that I don’t actually watch MSNBC I still haven’t figured out what you keep repetitiously blathering about. As to the things I post…you yourself used to spew about “you can’t argue with a court filing.” It’s not my fault you said it while posting false claims about a court filing that you apparently hadn’t read. Feel free to dispute what I have said about other court filings, because as you say the filings themselves can’t be argued with.
Or be a head in the sand QAnon faithful and pretend that reality isn’t happening.
William says
Hey, Tim Scott
I learned that replying to that idiot is like talking to a deaf cat.
They are indifferent to start with.
They are deaf.
That’s 2 for flinching, so to speak.
FWB says
While William doesn’t have much in common with Trump the one thing that he does have in common is the petty insults.
Beeceee says
Who the hell is arguing that a bunch of nutty idiots went to the Capitol and did stupid crap and are now paying the price.
The nutty part on your guys behalf is this nonstop Belief that this will somehow end up on trumps doorstep,
Your even attributing Mike Garcia to the madness.
Get a hold of yourselves.
Tim Scott says
The rioters wanted to prevent the certification of the electoral college vote.
Trump wanted to stop the certification of the electoral college vote.
Garcia wanted to stop the certification of the electoral college vote.
One of Trump’s attorneys provided a “legal grounds” to stop the certification of the electoral college vote. He acknowledged privately that this “legal grounds” would not stand up in any court in the land. He is known to have encouraged the commission of at least one crime in pursuit of stopping the certification of the electoral college vote. He acknowledged knowing that he was encouraging the commission of a crime, calling it “minor.”
The person he wanted to commit that crime was Mike Pence. At the same time he was calling for Pence to commit that crime Trump was openly condemning Pence for not having “done the right thing yet” and pushing him to “come through.” The rioters at this point took up the chant “hang Mike Pence.” It is somewhat surprising that Mike Pence did not just commit the crime that they all wanted him to commit.
Every statement in this post is an established fact backed by hard evidence. It is just remarkable that you are unconcerned. Do you really think that an orchestrated attempt to overturn a legal election shouldn’t have any consequences? It would certainly have consequences if it had succeeded.
America's Most Disproving BS says
They have a long track record of pulling [removed] like this Beecee to harm and divide our country. Just more of their same seditious hoaxes such as Russia Russia, impeachment impeachment, taxes taxes, Stormy Daniels, Russian prostitutes, etc.
They have no credibility left and will get annihilated in the midterms. And that’s not even taking into account Durham’s RICO charges against Hillary and the DNC.
Good times are here again.
America's Most Astonished says
Holy crap!!! William’s right. Rachel Mad Cow IS a Rhodes scholar. So how the hell can she believe the twaddle she regurgitates? But on the other hand, Bubba Clinton and Robert Reich were Rhodies and they were complete ninnies, so you never know.
As Rosana Rosanadana’s mother says: “It’s always something”.
William says
Plus, she wasn’t sure about “violins in the street.” What was that all about?
Anyway, shingles doesn’t care.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOL…so Beecee claims to not believe the “garbage” that QAnon spews. Will she change her tune now that Fox News has picked up the garbage and told her it is true? How long before it filters down into her ‘reliable’ sources and she links it as undeniable fact now that it bears the “highly credible” stamp of having been toured by Tucker Carlson?
America's Most Defending Our Freedoms says
Whose winning so far, peanut gallery?
William says
Your guy Trump praies a war criminal as does Pompeo.
Y’know, Russia’s Useful Idiot. You have shown yourself to be nothing more than a stimulus-response mechanism like a clam.
Response>Deflect. Distort. Dyspepsia.
A non-response is also a response.
I hope you and FWB and the rest don’t think you’ve ever won here.
You need to bring some thinking to the game, but you folks just don’t do any thinking whatsoever. Stimulus-Response. Stimulus-Response. Ad infinitum and then some.
Let’s see if you can do anything else.
America's Champion Kicking @$$ says
“Racist, racist. Tool of the Russians. Russia’s Most Useful idiot. Orange Man very bad. Orange Man very bad. Orange Man very bad.” …ad nauseam
Your wit is stale. Your intellect is fading. Your hackneyed, worn-out arguments can’t hold water. Your days of bullying and intimidation are over. You sound desperate and shook up but your nastiness is still fresh and vivid.
In other words, business as usual.
William says
You just described yourself.
I’ll match wits with you Russia’s Most Useful Idiot.
I’ve got 1, twice as much as you do.
America's Most Scornful & Dismissive says
Do you realize how childish that sounded? “You just described yourself.” When you have a moment of clarity, you will be so embarrassed.
That’s like in the pre-school yard when we said “Nanny,nanny, nanny. Whatever you say goes right back to you”. LOLOL
Beecee’s right. You’re losing it.
William says
The above comment was moderated.
So, as you see we get moderated for no apparent reason, but we don’t whine about it. We are grownups.
America's Most Not AnthonyWeiner says
You’re fighting a battle of wits with an unarmed man, lol.
William says
“…unarmed man.”???
You mean like Monty Python’s Black Knight?
’tis but a scratch.” eh, Russia’s Most Useful Idiot???
Can’t take you posts seriously, not even those tired right winger Fox newser rants.
You say you hate both parties, but your list of favorites are all Trumper Republicans ‘cept Tulsi who is out of a job thank God.
Except for a couple, the entire GOP has enabled Trump and against that background plus the insurrection and election fraud lie, your criticisms of Biden and Democrats are worthless opinions as long as you go with the Rs.
That goes with any R that voted NO on the impeachments. They can’t be trusted to tell the correct day of week.
Our 2 “floateers”‘ here aren’t believable either.
America's Most Getting Real says
Did you think I was going to agree with you? Get real.
William says
When I said you were like a clam, Russia’s Most Useful Idiot, I was indirectly calling you a “chowderhead”.
To paraphrase a speech attributed to Winston Churchill>
“You’ll never catch up, never, never, never catch up.”
But, keep trying as you supply me with material with which to slice and dice you with my newly sharpened Santoku.
Care for some Filet “minion”?
I’ll be here all….well, every week.
America's Most Enjoying William says
That’s the only reason I come back.
America's Most Princeps Civitatis says
Filet “minion”. LOL. I gotta keep up
FWB says
I like my minion poached
William says
Not you.
America's Most Empathetic says
Don’t ya hate that?
America's Most Incompetent Political Pundit says
To reiterate: I have to force myself to pick on you. Politics, huh? But someone has to do it, so…….
William says
I’ve been here a long time.
To paraphrase an ex-FBI guy on MSNBC, “The smart ones leave after they’re being bested by me over and over.”
He had said about the mob bosses “The smart ones don’t get caught.”.
You and a couple other regulars here are the dumb ones. You linger to be mocked.
William says
I knows ya luv me more than you luvs Trump and that’s all that matters. Y’know…LWM Loving William Matters
I’m IRRESISTABLE. I can’t help it.
Try to resist Try.
America's Most Insufferable Gasbag says
`LMFAOROF. What you say is true.
Tim Scott says
So here’s an interesting story:
John Hanick has just been indicted for, among other things, lying to federal agents about who he works for. His motivation for lying was that the guy he works for is on the “sanctioned, US citizens cannot do business with” list of Russian oligarchs. Not the new list put out this week, the long standing list put out in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea. So he lied about who he worked for because working for who he works for is also a crime, and he’s been indicted for that too.
But he ALWAYS lied about who he worked for. That was part of the job. See, this particular oligarch is Putin’s go to guy for destabilization. He has set up television networks in Bulgaria, Greece, and of course Ukraine, dedicated to pushing the ‘pro-russian point of view.’ Of course it is hard to be effective pushing the pro russian point of view if people know that that is what the network is trying to do, so the oligarch had to take a ‘hands off, silent director’ approach. Hanick was the actual face setting up these networks, and not revealing who was actually behind them.
The need to lie and deny just got a lot stronger after Crimea. Not just because of the sanctions, around that time the oligarch also got into trouble with the law in a number of countries for financing extremist groups. Not “we spout on the internet” extremists, though he undoubtedly funds them too; he got in trouble for funding the groups that were actively taking up arms against their governments in Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc. Groups that managed in some cases to make it onto listings of terrorist organizations. The oligarch is a wanted man in multiple countries. So, yeah, an employer you don’t really want to put on your resume.
Now, if you are a Russian oligarch in charge of creating “news networks” to destabilize their home country and spread russian propaganda and you need a front man, where would you look?
Okay, so he hired John Hanick away from Fox News. Hanick was there at the founding of Fox News. Hanick was secretly working for a Russian oligarch when he established TV networks in multiple countries to spread Russian propaganda and destabilize them. Would anyone be REALLY surprised if it turns out that he hired Hanick BEFORE he actually left Fox News and just left him there to do Putin’s work? Would it really even be a surprise if it turns out that the Russians put him there to start with?
Beeceee says
Calm down Racheal
Tim Scott says
So you don’t care about a Russian employed propagandist as a fellow US citizen? Why not Beecee? I’m trying to cut you slack and give you space to make intelligent replies, but you gotta do better than that.
America's Most Inquisitive Reporter says
Interesting to who?
Tim Scott says
I would think everyone. It borders on the good old days of Russian spies that fueled an entire genre of international intrigue suspense fiction. I mean, a modern day Robert Ludlum could fictionalize these guys and their activities and write a decent novel.
Fat White Bob says
I want to make a movie about a serial killer that kills retired State of California employees who receive the highest pensions from to top down.
America's Most Indignant of Corruption says
What about the corrupt crooks on the Public Utilities Commission? Can they be in the movie too? Can I be out of it? (just kidding)
America's Most Defending Our Freedom says
This belongs here:
Who takes criticism of a political entity as a direct personal attack? Is that normal for a reasonable person? Is that not indicative of mental illness and inferiority complexes?
Some of our Democratic interlocutors’ brains are infested with TDS, brain worms and Trumpmares. They must see him everywhere. I feel for ’em.
What are they going to do when Trump takes back the presidency, House and Senate? Their heads might explode. It’s a shame cause they’re so intelligent.
Hunters laptop was Russian misinformation? They have no credibility left, so they keep doubling down, lying through their teeth, and trying to bully everyone else.
Durham. Hunters ongoing tax investigation by grand jury. Hillary going to prison on RICO charges. Ed Buck being named head of DNC (lol). The show is about to begin.
Patience and popcorn, Cornpop.
America's Most Incensed by Hypocrisy says
No comment? LOL.
Tim Scott says
I stopped reading your posts if they are more than one line.
America's Most Funloving Pundit says
Are we having fun yet ???????
Hardhats required.
William says
678,000 jobs added in February but whos counting?
Not Fox ‘news’ or our Trumpkins here.
They play it both ways.
When unemployment is down and jobs are added, they ignore it.
When gas is up, they shout it from the rooftops. Too bad they don’t jump from those same rooftops.
Heck, I’d put down a 1″ memory foam pad to break their falls so they don’t crack the sidewalk.
Beeecee says
Businesses were intentionally shut down, then as things finally start to get back to normal you want us all the clap like seals when jobs are being added/coming back…
And you try to call us stupid when we don’t…
America's Most Beloved Bozo says
See, we are having fun.
Larry says
Why did we have to close them all? Maybe it was due to the early response of burying our heads in the sand about the pandemic. Now who did that???
Tim Scott says
The crack of the bat!!!
It’s a long fly Beecee to center field!
Yes! Beecee’s argument is GONE!
Home run Larry.
America's Most Vestigial Fossil says
Anyone remember Larry the Lounge Lizard from early computing?
Fat White Bob says
The job numbers are just people who returned to work after Democrats and China crippled the economy to oust Trump.
Not even Democrats are believing Biden’s bs
and masks are still required at the court house just to remind citizens they can violate your rights anything they want.
Tim Scott says
Just read through day one of the Reffitt case. Pretty easy to see why the justice department chose this guy as the first one to prosecute among those who refused to plead out. Harder to understand why he refused to plead. When they invited this guy to come to trial they might as well have told him it was a luau and to bring an apple in his mouth. This is a slam dunk.
America's Most Opinionated & Free says
The honorable Rep. Mike Garcia is a patriot, a veteran and a good man. He deserves our support in the midterm elections. You can help flip the House by re-electing him to Congress.
Imagine, crazy Nancy will get to retire to the previously great city of SF. I hope Jim Jordan goes up her @$$ with a colonoscopy tool. And Schiff and Swalwell too! Think he’ll keep his seat on Intelligence Committee after sleeping with a Chinese communist spy when adults run the show? Gee, Feinstein employed a Chinese spy for…what was it…30 years? You want those imbeciles running our country?
Tim Scott says
Mike Garcia is a very likely participant in a seditious conspiracy that attempted to overthrow the US government. Keep up or shut up.
America's Most Inept Prognosticator says
My picks for next president:
1. Nikki Haley (UN Ambasador, SC Governor)
2. Mike Pompeo (Sec.of State, CIA Director, congressman, first in his class at West Point)
3. Ric Grennell (Director of National Intelligence, Ambassador to Germany, foreign service officer)
4. And ANY of these would be better than ANY Demon-rat: Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Ricky Rubio, Sen. Tim Scott, Marsha Blackburn, John Ratcliffe, John Kennedy, Sen. Josh Hawley and Sen. Tom Cotton.
Actually any circus clown or day laborer would be better than any woke socialist weenie that backs BLM, ANTIFA, CRT, defunding the police, releasing criminals to prey on you, gun confiscation, energy shortages, etc.
Help save our country. Make America Great Again Again.
William says
To Russia’s Useful Idiot
You mean like Trump made America great and left a big recession and a raging pandemic in 2020?
You have no creds here, there or anywhere.
But, keep typing. You are a good typer but THAT’S IT.
America's Moost Offended says
But I’m pretty, too.
Tim Scott says
More lies.
America's Most I Feel Pretty says
In the eye of the beholder? Nah, I got to go with your judgment on this one too.
FatWhiteBob says
The recission and pandemic was manufactured to take down Trump who wasn’t playing in the establishments sand box.
You have no credibility due to your gutter mentality. There’s no need for all your bullying comments and name calling.
Tim Scott says
“Manufactured to take down Trump” is a pretty incredible theory.
If you are going to make such a claim you need to provide some sort of plausible answers to:
Against this theory is the undeniable fact that Trump used basic GOP economic methods, which have lead to numerous previous recessions so it seems more likely that just happened yet again as it usually does.
Fat White Bob says
““Manufactured to take down Trump” is a pretty incredible theory”
I hear that a lot.
Some people believe the World was created in 7 days, then there’s me with my aliens and conspiracy theories.
My biggest turn off with the republican party is the God thing and their anti-abortion views.
Tim Scott says
As a Christian I find their “god thing” gross and despicable. I also find their anti-abortion thing to be completely fake; if they really oppose abortion why are they constantly pushing to make unwanted pregnancy more common?
But as an economics major I recognize that these are actually petty complaints compared to the consequences of letting them influence economics policy. Their economics are flat out awful, and after forty years of experience the fact that so many people still don’t recognize that is absolutely stunning.
William says
@Russia’s Useful Idiot
Your long-term memory loss should disqualify you from every voting again.
America's Most Unluckiest Voter says
Ha, Voter suppression. There you have it. That’s how you guys do it. Someone call Stacy Abrams. I’m suing.
America's Most Forgetful says
My apologies to Joe Manchin for forgetting him. I would vote for him in a heartbeat! A conservative with a spine and honor.
America's Most Forgetful Again says
And Sen. Rick Scott from FL. Navy vet, business CEO, governor, senator.
William says
Rick Scott is going after McConnell.
This internecine food fight is Must See Teevee.
America's Most Kissed Derriere says
Me too! Mitch has more chins than a Chinatown phone book. Go Rick Scott.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Racist, yada, yada. Up yours and cancel me. You snowflakes that get upset over humor can kiss my derriere. It’s not my fault you flushed your sense of humor down a woke cesspool.
William says
You would think that.
William says
3.8% unemployment rate.
If you want a recession in 2024 vote Republican.
Republican presidents have had a recession in their 1st term for the last 100 years.
On average democrats outperform republicans in all the economic measures.
America's Most Revealing the Truth says
Inflation? Stock market plunge? Gas and electricity prices?
You expect anybody with a brain to believe that? LMFAO.
And the Demon-rats keep telling tell you:
Doesn’t that insult your intelligence?
William says
You’re right about Trump.
He’s not the problem.
You are the problem. You and the 74 million that foolishly voted for him and are now making excuses.
America's Most Unstable Moron says
Thanks for agreeing. You finally see the light.
America's Most Dull Tool says
Only cause nothing p!$$es you off more, lol.
Beeecee says
“Imagine, crazy Nancy will get to retire to the previously great city of SF“
She will retire soon,
And it will be a very hot place,
And I’m not talking about Palm Springs.
America's Most Intrepid Provocateur says
Actually, she just bought a mansion in the free Red state of Florida (lol) using money and ill-gotten gains she acquired from insider stock trading and bribes from China. She’s a dangerous enemy of the people.
Lock her up next to Hillary.
America's Most Scornful & Derisive says
So after ruining California, Nancy and her woke jamoke’s are moving their sh!t to free Florida and leaving you weenies with the consequences. HAHAHA. California voters have the brains of a tardigrade.
William says
Mike Garcia is not a good man. You can quote me.
He voted NO on a 1/6 investigation, the 2nd impeachment and YES to overthrow the election.
BTW, Russia’s Most Useful Idiot, see below.
Otto flew a plane in Airplane!
Crosseyed Karen Black flew a 747 in Airport 1975.
Who else ya got that isn’t a traitor?
You are so easy to pull the rug out from under. You need those little mats to keep the rug from sliding but, then again, you are Russia’s Most Useful Idiot across all domains.
Readers Speak Out says
US national debt is presently at $30.3tn.
Get ready for $6/gallon gas.
America's Most Telling It Like It Is says
“US national debt is presently at $30.3tn. ”
Don’t worry. Your grandchildren will pay for AOC’s and Bernie’ wet dreams.
William says
Your Reagan, Bush and Trump tax cuts should cover it.
Or didn’t you know that?
Republican voters are such gullible fools.
The Reagan tax cuts of the 1980s magically coincided with the beginning of the end of the middle class. That’s when wages stagnated for decades while production and profits went up.
How come you didn’t notice?
Ammerica's Most Still Tilting at Windmills says
Zelenskyy said Trump did nothing wrong. Think he would lie? But Democrats made up a treasonous, seditious hoax to impeach Trump, traumatize and weaken the country, just to seize and maintain power to rule our lives in a socialist dystopia. Don’t let them take your eye off the ball. Thank them at the ballot box in November.
America's Most Censored & Suppressed says
Moderators: How can you sustain such a slanted playing field? How do you expect people to play if they can’t win?
William says
Whiny little bitch that you are, America’s Most Whiny.
Run to the moderator and cry like the little pu$$y are.
America's Most Derisive & Mocking says
That’s it? That’s weak and juvenile. I’m disappointed. Truth getting to ya?
Tim Scott says
Well it is certainly not getting anywhere near you.
America's Most Catching Up says
Great counter punch!
FatDumbDrunkIgnorantWhiteBob says
Funny how that comment skimmed over the top of Williams head and bulls-eye’d his trigger.
The trigger activates the name calling
Meanwhile He’s probably reporting everyone in the background while calling Republicans hypocrites on this site.
Tim Scott says
“Reporting everyone”? WTF are you even talking about?
America's Most Being Silly says
William: Did you report me? Deport me? Freeport me? Retort me? Yeah, that’s it.
Beeecee says
Frankenstein’s monster always returns to the castle to feast
America's Most Waiting for The Shoe to Drop says
And the townspeople are assembling angrily with torches and pitchforks.
William says
We all get moderated but it’s the whiny Trumpkins that write about it.
Their grievances are so petty while they ignore true grievances from fellow Americans.
Fox ‘news’ encourages that petty whining. It’s a “thing”.
Beeecee says
“We all get moderated but it’s the whiny Trumpkins that write about it.”
Meanwhile your beyond nasty post remains…..
If any of us posted something like that, it would never see light of day
Tim Scott says
Pretty much anything that doesn’t get caught up in the automated filters and flagged to human moderation is never going to get removed. I am pretty sure that no human staff of the AVTimes ever actually looks at the comments once they post.
America's Most Corrective Bitch says
Little bitch? I’m offended. I’m 6’4″ tall so I’m a big bitch, and don’t you forget it.
America's Most Shrinking Man says
But I’m shrinking fast.
Fat White Bob says
I’m not as tall as I was, but I am wider then I was.
America's Most Understanding says
LOL. Good one.
Stinger says
I’ve got news for you, sunshine – we ALL get moderated and get annoyed by it, ’cause it frequently makes no logical sense as to why they did it.
FWB says
Yes I see no rhyme or reason to it.
Tim Scott says
It’s pretty simple if you look at the software that is used to run this kind of site. I always make a silent prediction when I am about to post as to whether it will get held. I’m right at least 75% of the time. It’s just not that hard.
Stinger says
If you have a system that you can accurately predict the results of only 75% of the time, either the system is faulty, or the information you are working with is.
Tim Scott says
Well, it’s not my system so my information is not in any way complete. Under the circumstances I think 75% is pretty good. If I could hit .750 I’d be in Cooperstown, with my own room.
America's Most Appreciative of William says
I nominate you for the Hall of Fame of Commenters (which is headquartered in Mogadishu).
America's Most's Mind is Gone says
Oops, I nominate you too!
Tim Scott says
In my head I read this in the voice of the mad scientist from Despicable Me…
America's Most Expertful Movie Critic (Not) says
Great movie. Really surprised me Only seen the first one..
William says
Hey, Russia’s Useful Idiot.
The “slant” you speak of is your forehead.
Can you say Neanderthal?
Your incoherent posts are little more than cave drawings. And, not very good cave drawings.
America's Most Neanderthal Like says
“Can you say Neanderthal?”
Say it? I have 100% Neanderthal DNA.
William says
Really? I bet you have plant DNA as well.
Can you do photosynthesis?
You have shown yourself to be part mushroom…y’know, kept in the dark and covered with chit…right wing chit.
You lost another round.
Wanna try again? I get a million dollars every time you lose.
America's Most Not Impressed says
Beceee says
The divvy themselves out their own self proclaimed ‘wins’ at the commie coffee club.
Tim Scott says
Is there anyone who has ever divvied you out a win here Beecee? Your nonsense references to Rachel Maddow aren’t gonna win you anything. Talking about court filings that do not say what you claim they say won’t win you anything when there are people around who just go read the court filings. Can even you yourself look at your contributions here and come away with something you would call a win?
America's Most On Duty says
They have no conception, but a “win” would be a a civil, personable exchange of ideas and humor without vile insults, bullying, cancelling and intimidation, which seems to come from one side consistently.
Free speech and civil discourse are their perceived enemy, and it shows.
America's Most Native Shaman says
What kind of mushroom?
America's Most Intrepid Reporter says
Perhaps Demented Joe is not sanctioning Russian oil and gas to repay his debt to the Russian oligarchs that gave Hunter $3.5 million to sit around and look stupid. Don’t be fooled. The Bidens are corrupt and bought and sold to, among others:
1; Russia ($3.5 million)
2. China ($1.5 billion+)
3. Ukraine (what was it, $60 thousand a month with 10% going to the “Big Guy” to pay “family bills”, lol.
William says
America’s Biggest Baby.
Has Biden’s accountant cut him loose and declared t0 years of his tax returns unreliable?
Get your head out of Trump’s a$$ and face reality.
FWB says
I’d love to see how someone like Joe and Hunter got rich….
Tim Scott says
Serving in the US senate for decades pays pretty good.
America's Most Revealing the Truth says
Your answer is lame and you won’t admit what everyone with clarity sees. I’m embarrassed for you.
America's Most Calling Out Ridiculousness says
Did you say that with a straight face? That wins the “Most Ridiculous Statement of 2022 Award”. Can you spell DENIAL? I worry about you.
America's Most Disproving BS says
William says
Is that you, Renfield?
Tim Scott says
So this prompted me to do a little investigating.
Biden got a law degree from a moderately good school in 1968…fifty-four years ago. He’s never been unemployed to speak of; a couple health issue absences but he had the kind of jobs that carry very strong benefits so those wouldn’t have broken him.
He owns a house, a vacation house, and has an estimated net worth in the ten million range.
I assert that for someone with a law degree and a career spanning fifty plus years the ten million range is…ordinary.
Fat White Bob says
Biden was ranked 76th in his law school class of 85 students.
clearly not the sharpest tool in the box
William says
Silly boy, FWB.
They ran an uncredited “university” that was a fraud and a fraud charity as a petty cash drawer.
They borrowed from Deutch Bank bacause no American banks would lend them money.
They save millions by cheating on their property and other taxes.
Oh, wait. Neverymind.
Next question, FWB.
America's Most Mistaken for the QAnon Shaman says
Geez. Are you still pounding that same hackneyed, worn-out old sandbag? Move on and get with the program. A conservative tsunami will soon “shake your windows and rattle your walls”. Hillary will do time next to Ed Buck. Better get ready!
The times. they are a changin’
William says
As long as he’s running the Republicans, he’ll be a topic here.
Or, you guys can get rid of him like we want the Russians to get rid of Putin. BECAUSE HE’S A PROBLEM FOR EVERYONE.
FWB says
The reality is Joe and Hunter are corrupt.
Tim Scott says
William says
Lies are your specialty, Russia’s Most Useful Idiot.
William says
Does anyone remember Rex Tillerson? Trump selected him for Secretary of State.
He headed Exxon/Mobil and was working with Russia on y’know, oil and stuff.
So, when Rs try to blame Biden for the us buying oil from Russia and other things like that remember Rex.
It seems the name Rex is associated with questionable things, right?
FWB says
It seems the Biden name is likewise associated with questionable things. I’ve heard Biden use the N word more than any politician I know. He tries to align himself with the populace for votes. And he’ll lie and plagiarize to do it.
I’ll vote for Trump if he runs again.
Give me a border wall, inexpensive gas, and a mean tweet. I’m ready.
America's Most Delirious & Delusional says
Hear, hear. FWB for governor! That means he’ll command the National Guard and we’ll clean this place up once in for all.
Then I awoke.
America's Most Ready to Rumble says
Help! Help! The ghost of Trump is after me. His scornful, mean apparition follows me everywhere. He’s behind every door. Around every corner. Under every rock! Oh no…… How his devilish spirit haunts me.
In my dreams, I get night sweats from Trumpmares. The orange phantom terrorizes me by sun and by moon. He’s relentless. He attacks me with mean tweets. He tortures me with truth and justice and I might fall helplessly into his satanic cult. What should I do?
Who ya gonna call? Trump Busters.
Seriously, people who have an obsessive, pathological hate of all things Trump (the best president in my lifetime), need psychological help to move on. Think how screwed up their brains must be. It would be great if Trump makes a comeback just to see the top of their heads blow off.
The times, they are a changin’b
William says
Forget getting help, Russia’s Most Useful Idiot.
You are too far gone as is the Party you say you aren’t part of and whatever you say to avoid being accountable for the chit you say.
Tim Scott says
“I implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation…”
This is a quote from an e-mail sent by John Eastman to Mike Pence’s attorney.
Things to note here:
1) Eastman is acknowledging, straight up, that what he is suggesting might be ‘relatively minor’ but is, in fact, a crime. It is apparent that this is not the first and only time he has suggested that the Vice President should commit criminal acts.
2) Eastman is Trump’s point man, the architect of the “legal basis” for the last ditch strategy to overturn the election and keep Trump in office. Eastman’s memo providing this “legal basis” for overturning the election is public record and has been widely distributed and I am not going to get into it specifically, but NO ONE outside Trump gives it any merit whatever. Eastman himself in other e-mails acknowledges that there is no court in the land that would uphold it as having merit and that the supreme court would discard it nine to nothing.
3) Trump himself pressed Pence to commit these crimes repeatedly, over a period of several days, and continued to press him even as he was being pursued by a mob of Trump supporters chanting “hang Mike Pence.” During that period of several days it would be absurd to think that Pence never pointed out “that would be a crime.”
4) While it is an assumption that Mike Pence told him, numerous people have given testimony that Trump was informed, repeatedly, by a multitude of advisors, that the plan had no legal merit and that it hinged on the Vice President being willing to commit these acts which would be crimes.
We are left with ONE unanswered question here and to choose between two possibilities:
A) Eastman knew his plan had no merit and that the actions requested of the vice president were crimes, but convinced then president Trump that the plan did have merit and that there was no criminality involved. He would have to have accomplished this in the face of vast opposition from people who knew, as he knew, that his claims were false.
B) Eastman, as an attorney, properly advised Trump as client that the plan had no legal merit and would involve “minor” violations of the law, and Trump knowingly pushed forward in this criminal enterprise. Eastman then chose to participate along with Trump for unknown reasons, almost certainly revolving around “when we succeed Trump will be president and the crimes committed along the way will never be prosecuted.”
So, do you think Trump is the innocent victim of this devious lawyer? A hopeless dupe that despite all other advise chose to follow a criminal path laid down by an attorney who mislead him? Or do you think his lawyer advised him that it was criminal and he opted in knowingly?
Just so you know, the quote here was submitted to the court that is resolving whether access to another Eastman e-mail account should be granted or not, and it is almost certain that that access will be granted because it is just one quote in sixty pages of well documented evidence. The e-mails that have already been accessed may very well hold a pretty solid answer to this question since such an answer would not be relevant to the case at hand so it would not have been presented, or it may be answered in this next batch of evidence. One way or the other we are going to find out.
As a post script: Congressional Republicans, as a body, also played a vital role in this plan. While many congress members come from other backgrounds they all have access to very good legal advice. Some number of them are themselves attorneys. It is absurd to think that whether Trump was totally duped by Eastman or was directing the plan with full knowledge of its illegality NO ONE in the Republican caucus recognized that there was no legal merit and that the plan required criminal acts to see it through. There is NO WAY that Mike Garcia sat there in meetings with the Republican caucus and never heard any mention of “maybe we should look into the legality here” and since the only person claiming there was a legal basis was Eastman and he himself knew there was not there is no way for Garcia to have investigated AT ALL and come up with “on advice of council sure this is a good plan on a solid constitutional foundation.” We are left with again two options: Garcia heard the suggestions that there was crime involved in what they were doing and chose not to investigate in any way and just push on with participating, or he did check, found out it was criminal, and did it anyway.
Tim Scott says
Interesting how none of the Trumpists want to deal with this.
If facts could be packaged in spray cans it could be sold as Trumpist repellent.
America's Most Cracking Up says
“If facts could be packaged in spray cans it could be sold as Trumpist repellent.”.
LMAO. Wish I had said that.
Good essay, BTW. Trump has more problems than Carter has pills (that phrase is archaic).
Tim Scott says
I actually was thinking about this last night. Eastman is cooked. The committee has no authority to charge him, blah blah blah, but when they make their final report they have no reason to not refer him to the DoJ and the DoJ has no reason to not charge him because an e-mail urging someone to commit a crime that openly acknowledges that the sender knows it is a crime; that’s a slam dunk conspiracy conviction. The fact that Jan 6 got Eastman so flustered that he would make such a mistake is pretty remarkable, because as an attorney he has to know that.
Becee says
Why don’t they refer it to the DOJ right now if there is clear crimes that were committed?
Or was the latest filing from that politically charged committee designed to generate all of the headlines that have you all hopeful?
We don’t pay attention to this crap cause we’ve already seen this play out before. Those folks have lost all credibility with the russia hoax, and that Vindman impeachment scam.
Tim Scott says
The headlines aren’t the issue. The issue is the evidence. They have an e-mail sent by Eastman. That e-mail is flatly damning and any defense attorney trying to mount a defense will have a really hard time working around it. As an attorney himself Eastman would certainly know that. If you don’t or want to pretend that you don’t that’s really not a significant issue, but I am curious why. You contend that you are put off by “the Russia hoax” while refusing to deal with the evidence in that case as well. What is it that has you turn away from evidence when it points to things that you just don’t want to believe?
As to specifically answering why they don’t refer it now…
Their investigation isn’t complete. The subpoena that Eastman is currently resisting may very well net materials that add to the case against him and convince him to come clean about his own actions as well as his co-conspirators. It may very well net materials that directly implicate his co-conspirators, since we already see that he was not as discreet in his e-mails as he should have been.
Fat White Bob says
Tim, we’re just reading the first two sentences just like you.
I’m a open mouth breather it doesn’t matter what I read. Their facts don’t matter.
Tim Scott says
Actually I read the whole filing. I usually do if it’s anything important. If you don’t there’s no way to know if the claims people make about it are true…and they usually aren’t.
America's Most Fact-Free Pundit says
Facts inform our opinions. But who’s to say which facts are correct, complete, not spinned, etc. Really takes an educated intellect to discern what is truth, and what is Demon-rat spin. They weaponize facts into propaganda like fascists and communists do, and the uneducated masses “slurp” it up like gruel.
Our miserable, woke socialist public educational system doesn’t prepare future voters with truth anymore, just gender and racial studies.
They say Math is racist. That’s the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Just because one or two ethnic groups can’t keep up, they dumb down the entire curriculum to accommodate our stupidest and hold back our brightest.
BTW The teachers’ unions are communist enemies of our people.
That’s the way to succeed (NOT).
America's Most On the Warpath says
Demented Joe lied and said five cops were killed on 1/6 and that Putin invaded Ukraine because of 1/6.
What a crock of bald-faced lies and BS from Mr. Magoo. The Demon-rats lie like Nazis in WW2. And might likely start WW3, the incompetent, disingenuous and treasonous traitors that they are.
They put the country through 2 phony, damaging impeachments to weaken and divide us to retain power at ANY COST. If you vote Democrat, you seriously need better education and more common sense.
Tim Scott says
You have reached the point of just being a bald faced liar.
America's Most Still Ranting says
Well I didn’t expect you to exactly agree with me, lol. But in the words of that great stateswoman cackling Kamala Harris, “my truth must be heard”, lol.
Tim Scott says
If you want your truth heard then put your truth in place of some of the repetitious BS you spew.
Like the blaming democrats for impeaching Trump for his crimes line is just old and stupid. Trump committed the crimes, blame him. If you want to blame anyone in congress for the second impeachment blame the Republicans in the senate that said “oh just being impeached should teach him a lesson, we’ll just ignore the evidence and let him off” the first time. No matter how many times you tell the lie it won’t get your truth heard.
Neither will trying to impress us with how many variations of name calling you can string together. It might demonstrate your vocabulary, but no matter how many different ways you can say “I dislike democrats let me call them a name here” it isn’t going to accomplish any “revelation of truth.”
By the way, Putin himself pointed to “civil strife in the US” as something he expected would limit the consequences of his bad actions, so when someone says “the events of January sixth emboldened Putin and contributed to the invasion of Ukraine” they aren’t lying, they are stating the obvious. America looks weak as a kitten because we have 40% of the population backing a seditious conspiracy bent on overthrowing the constitution, period. If you don’t want America to keep looking weak, annihilate the insurrectionists. Or at least stop supporting them.
William says
Trump is close to being indicted for criminal conspiracy so America’s most insane and others are desparate and flinging their feces.
Tim Scott says
I estimate that is months away, at best. The Jan 6th committee is hoping the justice department takes up the prosecution without a referral, almost for sure. The justice department is almost certainly parallel running an investigation so they won’t be starting from scratch, but they aren’t near the point of indicting anyone…and they are also likely holding back hoping congress will give them the referral to hide behind.
Courts grind sloooooooooow.
America's Most Insane Simian says
“so America’s most insane and others are desperate and flinging their feces.”
LOL. And beating our chests.
William says
….and then they use those same hands to eat a sandwich.
And that, my friends, is why we make them wear masks.
America's Most Willing to Share says
Want a lick?
FWB says
“five cops were killed on 1/6”
I heard this from a left wing media source and thought wtf.
It’s apparent journalism is a lost skill. All media sources are biased. Pick one, and you choose the brainwashing you get.
Tim Scott says
Ask the cop who survived a heart attack an hour after being repeatedly tased if he thinks the guy who tased him should be charged with attempted murder. If he had died would you be saying “oh well that’s not related to the insurrection it was a heart attack.” Apparently you would.
Tim Scott says
Link to the review page for the Putin Huilo beer from Pravda Brewing in Ukraine. I would translate ‘Putin huilo’ but in English it gets moderated for sure.
Hilariously, this was their best selling brew even before the invasion.
William says
I used to be good at predicting the future.
In 1988, Soviet Armenia had a massive earthquake. I recall thinking that Moscow must be feeling like a parent with 10 kids. It’s nice at first but when they start needing braces and expensive car insurance, not so nice any longer. In 1991, the Soviet Union fell. I didn’t really predict that, but it seemed like I saw it coming somehow.
Around 2004 during the Bush “amateur hour that lasted 8 years”, the financial news was reporting things like this…
-Americans had no savings to speak of.
-Americans were maxing out their credit cards.
-Americans were taking out home equity loans to buy RVs, granite
counters, swimming pools, etc.
-Americans were buying gas guzzlers like Hummers and Escalades.
-Americans were flipping houses and condos with no down payments.
These things were reported separately, and I keep telling my Dad that a
crash was a-comin when you put those all together. I didn’t know it would be Bear Steans and Lehman Brothers that started it in 2008 and all those toxic loans with the documents missing.
I was going to re-finance sometime around then with BofA and several other companies. I swear that the kids I talked to on the phone were all coked up and didn’t do it. I finally found a guy that sounded “normal” and went with them with no problems.
Speaking of Bush. I guess I was the only one in the country unimpressed when Bush used the bullhorn on the pile of rubble on 9/11. He was a cheerleader in college, and it was simply “muscle memory” kicking in. He then invaded the wrong country. Yeah, W. The wrong country “heard us”. Sheesh. His Daddy was no better by not preventing Saddam going into Kuwait. Those 2 shoulda ended the Republican Party but nooooo. They came back with Trump. Outta the frying and into the volcano.
Why do Rs keep getting worse and worse and telling us they’re better than Democrats. They’re lying as usual.
Before that, I recall that back in 2000, I believe, Enron was running really odd commercials the summer before it collapsed. I didn”t know the details until afterward but remember how fishy Enron seemed in the months prior.
Why didn’t all those kids on Wall Street and elsewhere with their Blackberries up their a$$es 24/7 see what was coming in each case. i was legally blind back from from some eye surgeries yet they say we have a 6th sense. And, no I don’t see dead people. I do see dumb ones here. It’s a curse.
But things are so screwed up now, it’s hard to predict. Of course, I wasn’t the only one who predicted in 2016that Trump would be a disaster. Any sentient being coulda seen that except Republicans aren’t sentient beings.
You see their comments here regularly…unaffected by facts and evidence.
One more prediction, however. For the last couple years, I’ve noticed ccommericals directed at retired people to cash in life insurance and take out reverse mortgages. Guess what millenials and younger heirs. There will be little left in mommy’s and daddy’s estate when they go and after the remaining resources are used up in their final years in hospitals or assisted living.
Of course, the younguns are oblivious to that but that is what’s a-comin’ around around 2030 and beyoud. So live it up while you can and don’t bother saving for your old age. Do ya think Gen Z is gonna take good care of you?
Plus, if the Rs take the Congress and/or the White House in the next few years, Social Security and Medicare will be on thin ice. I wish I could be around for that but thankfully I won’t. Remember when the younguns didn’t want Obmacare because they were healthy and didn’t need it. Well, when they get old, there won’t be Medicare as it is now, and they’ll have to pay full price for everything. The Rs might finally kill Obamacare too. Oh, that would be terrible.
You’ve been warned. I’m surprised at how much free stuff I get now as a senior but not for the next generations. If they want to vote for the Rs, they’ll get what they deserve. But, you’ll have a big, strong military like Russia and North Korea.
Biden left that out of his speech last night the little devil.
Tim Scott says
January 13, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Moving beyond the rubes and boobs that provided the protest cover, DOJ is on to indictments for sedition conspirators. Out of eleven Oathkeeper organizers how many will roll on the rest?
Gosh, who asked that?
So, how often do I have to be exactly right in analysis of how things are going to play out in courtrooms before America’s Most Likely to spew nonsense in support of GOP criminals just shuts up and takes my word that autocrat Trump and his enablers and coconspirators are a singular, one of a kind threat to democracy in America that needs to be purged with extreme prejudice?
Tim Scott says
No response from the Trumpists.
Is it possible that they don’t know what I’m talking about here?
That would involve Fox News and the rest of their “reliable sources” making no mention of someone pleading guilty to charges that they participated in a seditious conspiracy bent on overthrowing the elected government of the United States.
Is it POSSIBLE? Could Fox News and the RWNJ bloggers all be trying to ignore this?
It is certainly possible. Probable in fact.
William says
I’m shocked, shocked I tell ya.
Are the Trumpkins naive, stupid, willfully ignorant or just pathologicaal liars?
Or, all of the above.
FWB says
Willfully ignorant is somewhat blissful if you’re a good golfer
William says
I wonder if Trump cheats at golf like Auric Goldfinger who had Oddjob crush golf balls in his hand.
Tim Scott says
I don’t think he uses the oddjob method, but reports that he cheats like a fiend are pretty widespread and most likely credible.
Tim Scott says
So there’s a war on, but…Meanwhile, quoting from documents filed with the US District Court in DC:
“The evidence detailed above provides, at minimum, a good faith basis for concluding that president Trump has violated section 18 USC para 1512 (c)(2).”
The document is in support of a subpoena intended to secure further evidence to strengthen the case as well as support investigation of additional crimes.
“The committee also has a good faith basis for concluding that the president and members of his campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States in violation of 18 USC para 371.”
Unlike the absurdist “filings” by Trump lawyers that get regularly laughed out of court because they don’t bother to provide any evidence to support ridiculous claims, this document provides 60 pages of annotated references to documents and testimony that is already in the court’s possession.
There is also a less substantial case for a charge of common law fraud, a case that is expected to flesh out more fully if the subpoena is enforced…which under law there is no reason that it would not be.
It remains to be seen if the justice department will choose to prosecute these cases, but based on the evidence if they do it will be a slam dunk.
Tim Scott says
Another factual post the Trumpists just hope gets buried down the thread.
William says
The 2 impeachments and numerous investigations would have gone quicker and decisively but for 1 and only 1 thing.
The Republican Party has lost any integrity, patriotism and any loyalty to the oaths its elected officials have taken.
If it wasn’t for a few Republican state Secretaries of State and Republican judges, we’d be in a serious constitutional meltdown.
So, it’s time to send McCarthy and Garcia from this area packing.
Did you know that English is McCarty’s second language? Lying is his native tongue.
Garcia voted to overturn a certified election and to an investigation of 1/6. Give it up with “He was a pilot chit.”. So were the terrorists who flew into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Garcia was on course to do even worse damage to the country. No kidding.
America's Most Knowing of Which He Speaks says
Then there’s immigration. Our border is bleeding, we have no sovereignty as a nation, criminals are streaming in with fentanyl, we are $30 trillion in debt, but we must support ignorant third world law breakers with our grandchildren’s money. We have no border, and we are almost into nuclear war to defend Ukraine’s border? Only Demonrats could think that is good.
The Biden administration breaks existing federal law everyday by allowing every rapist, murderer and drug smuggler into our country from every failed country and third-world sh!th0le in the world . These are not scientists and brain surgeons. These are the very dregs of failed nations that want to empty their asylums and prisons into you neighborhood.
When an illegal alien kills someone you know in a DUI smashup, or stabs your loved ones at the supermarket, you’ll regret giving our great country and it’s security away for nothing. Imbeciles!
America's Most Hopeful says
Please print the other one. Even edit it.
William says
It was raining today, and Russia’s Useful Idiot was seen outside looking up.
Remember when his posts were Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Gulp?
America's Most Looking Up says
Only 2 slurps.
America's Most Stands Corrected says
Nope. You’re right. Upon further review, it’s 3 slurps. These are the great questions of our time.
America's Most Slurpy & Sloppy says
That wasn’t my post. Some 13-year old imbecile thought it would be funny to impersonate me.
Can’t be done, there’s only one, real America’s Most!
William says
When an American citizen shoots up a school and kills small children and others, what has Republicans stay silent or tell us to “Move on. There’s nothing to see here?”.
When you answer that America’s Mostest, then and only then can you point to some 1 on 1 incident that Fox “news'” research department finds somewhere in the country. Only then.
Like I’ve said, name one issue where Republicans aren’t hypocrites.
FatWhiteBob says
I’m passed arguing with Democrats. Can we please move forward and get the civil war started. btw, can I have your address William?
America's Most Flagged for Moderation says
“Can we please move forward and get the civil war started. btw, can I have your address William?”
LMAO. He’s just kidding, right? I’d protect William, and I have a bigger cache than FWB, lol.
America's Most Fighting The Enemies of Man & Nature says
I don’t defend Republicans. I can’t stand either party (and most people), lol. I just try to balance out all the Democrat BS.
IgnorantFatWhiteBob says
“When an American citizen shoots up a school and kills small children and others”
Seems this is usually due to poor parenting. When students show up for the first day of pre K they already have behavior problems that disrupts the class, it’s a parent problem. When mom or dad buys their mentally ill son a gun as a bonding tool, it’s a parent problem.
When a parent volunteer shows up twice a month to help out in a kindergarten class and on her first day says “I had no idea they behave so poorly, I think I’ll just come once a month”, it’s a parenting problem.
With stupid people have more kids than intelligent people we are setup for a decline of moral and social values. It’s not going to get better. It’s going to get a lot worse.
America's Most With the Gloves Off says
As I have said, I don’t defend the GOP. I can’t stand either party. I just can’t stand the disingenuous drivel that Mr. Magoo and his band of merry communists spew to weaken our country, retain power at ANY COST, and dictate how YOU may live.
Tim Scott says
When you say “retain power at any cost” you are referring to Trump I presume? Never heard him called “Mr Magoo” before, what’s that about?
Before you make some mindless knee jerk response here I recommend you look around at what news is happening that Fox isn’t covering, because I have two posts pending with the moderators and while watching you eat your words would be amusing I don’t want to test your integrity and see if you will actually do it.
Tim Scott says
LOL…well, I tried to warn you.
William says
Your selective poutrage is noted for the record, America’s Most Hypocritical.
America's Most Appreciative of Cool Words says
“The combination of emotion and behavior that results from a possibly feigned or genuine outrage over some slight and pouting about it like a spoiled child”,
That poutrage? If so, good one. I’m stealing it.
Oh, I forgot: Ouch.
America's Most cacas in cerebro says
Remember when we cursed each other in Latin?
Fat White Bob says
“retain power at ANY COST”
Even if they have to conspire with the CCP and release a virus on the World.
America's Most Long Winded says
Demented, corrupt Joe Biden, with his hair plugs and dentures, got kicked out of the 1988 presidential primary for lying and plagiarizing (stealing) a speech from a British politician.
Sleepy Joe gave the eulogy at the funeral of the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and said the KKK wizard was his mentor and hero.
He supported little Bush’s war in Iraq, but didn’t support the first Gulf War which brought us cheap gas from Kuwait for 10 years. He kowtows to AOC and Comrade Bernie on domestic issues, and is weak and feckless on international issues.
His dementia and obvious weakness inspired Putin to be aggressive. Pretty soon it’ll be China, Iran and North Korea because weakness invites aggression, and Joe is as weak a president as I’ve ever seen.
If you take away his teleprompters and socialist speechwriters, he can hardly put two words together coherently. His complete lack of clarity allows AOC, Talib, and Omar to run his party and the country.
He talks about his son Beau being buried in a flag-draped coffin (not a combat casualty) while he looks at his watch when real heroes come home in coffins.
Robert Gates, former CIA director and Secretary of Defense has said Joe hasn’t made a good decision on foreign policy in 40 years, so Joe gets elected by you brainless toads at the worst possible time. Actually, anytime Joe is elected is the worst possible time.
And Kamala, the worst VP this nation ever has suffered. Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, Schiff, the most vile, lying, underhanded, dishonorable snake oil salesmen the country has ever been cursed with. They gladly wounded and weakened the country with 2 phony impeachments and the Russia, Russia hoax while China was unleashing COVID.
The Demonrats are tools of our enemies willing to weaken us from within to achieve and retain power, so communists like AOC, Omar and Bernie can rule your lives, tax you to death, betray us to our enemies, and all the psychotic derangement syndrome and whining about mean tweets won’t change that.
They encourage the scum of the earth to burn down our cities for “social justice” while they use the FBI to persecute parents that don’t want their children filed with hate and division from CRT taught in schools. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt and other American heroes are vilified and our history trashed while they make heroes out of BLM scum and ANTIFA communist agitators. They release criminals with more than 90 arrests on the street while they do everything they can to take your legal guns away.
Inflation, blundering into WW3, CRT, gas and electric prices, the stock market plunge, COVID, shortages, national debt, etc. Just 13 months ago we were safe, strong, energy independent and not $30 trillion in debt. The Dems want to make welfare permanent to make everyone dependent on BIG government and they can dictate their marxist agenda like a communist state.
And they will impoverish your grandchildren to hopelessly try to empower the most unproductive and shiftless underclass of our society. They think that stuffing unqualified black women and transvestite abominations into every available government position will make us a better country, and they double down in the face of failure.
How could brainwashed, simple, ignorant troglodytes elect him? Anybody voting for Demon-rats have the brains of a tardigrade. Don’t get me started, lol. I’m tired, but I can go on forever.
William says
Thank you, America’s Mostest and Leastest.
Is there anything else?
America's Most Unvirtuous Signaler says
Hmmmmmm…….. Let’s see. Thanks for this opportunity.
Afghanistan. Bare shelves. Can’t govern. 1619 Project. Wokeism (haha dumb sh!ts). Academia. Men swimming against my grand daughter (and in her locker room). Deficits. Mortgaging our future. Fake news. Defund the police. Communist DAs…………Ok, I’m dumb, I mean stick a fork in me, I’m done.
Oh wait, lololol. Youngkin, Sears, London Breed, recalls, polls, midterms, Durham. The times, they are a changin’
America's Most Slim Pickings says
Do you think Biden looks like Mr. Magoo?
America's Most on the Warpath says
Yeah but they won’t print it.
Stinger says
Out of true curiosity, when, specifically, do you claim that America was “great”?
Tim Scott says
This is gonna get ugly.
Or maybe we get lucky and he ignores the question.
Beeecee says
The 1980’s
Fuel injection, cocaine, jet skis, Suzuki samurais, car phones, my birth, lol
America's Most on the Warpath says
Wow, I haven’t heard a more unpatriotic comment in 20 minutes. Stinker, give my regards to Venezuela. And we’ll be glad to get rid of such communist sympathizers.
Doesn’t anybody else have heartburn with his treasonous babble?
William says
I hate it when the docs throw away the placenta and keep the baby so she can post here.
Tim Scott says
America’s Most Easily Befuddled, wtf are you even talking about? He asked a simple question. Even Beecee was able to just give an answer and some thoughts. You are of on some wild rant against the question…
America's Most Scornful & Derisive says
It’s not surprising that you are completely blind to the visceral hate of America in his despicable statement. Don’t you guys ever get embarrassed? That’s OK. I’m embarrassed for you.
Tim Scott says
What statement? C’mon man, you wrote for a living! That curly thing with the dot at the end is a question mark. Has your memory COMPLETELY failed?
I’m also interested in this timeline you have of exactly when America WAS great and when it stopped BEING great so that we need to make it great AGAIN.
I actually think that if you contemplate for a bit you will recognize exactly when it is that you (and Trump) are thinking when you spout that crap, and then we can have a legit conversation about what it is that makes you think of that time as being great. But I know that having legit conversations seems to have fallen out of your favor compared to mindlessly repetitious name calling of “democrats and the left,” however you are defining that group.
Stinger says
Wow, America’s Most Sensitive, a simple question, intended with true curiosity to get clarification on an issue, and you go to ad hominem communism attacks? Are you sure that you are an American? Real Americans don’t fear questions about their base of logic as you seem to. I might also add that the very claim of MAGA clearly indicates that YOU believe that America is not ‘great’ anymore, as it is YOUR claim, not mine.
No. The question was real and intended to clarify a real confusion. WHEN would you consider America to have been “great?”
I appreciate BeeEss’s straightforward answer as I have always been under the impression that the 1950’s was the target “great” era for trumplicans.
So, America’s Most Whatever… When would you consider America to have peaked in her ‘greatness?’
America's Most In Your Face says
Nah, you can’t weasel and rationalize your way out of accountability for questioning and denying our country’s greatness at all times, You would never give America the benefit of the doubt. Totally biased against US.
Don’t you have pride? Do you ninnies ever do anything but put us down with hate and derision?
Go the f__k to China and pull your shit there. No getting around the fact that you guys hate our country.
I hope that print this. The stuff they don’t would make you cry.
America's Most Reveals the Truth says
Ooooh,………ooooh, please print my answer.
Tim Scott says
I think since we all know the answer is “the fifties” that we should start a fresh conversation on the topic.
We all beat up the MAGAts for being racists, because we look at their “ideal America” and know that it was before the civil rights movement took hold so non whites were without question “second class citizens” and as misogynists because women were also without question treated as lesser humans. What we are not dealing with well is that those issues not withstanding, that WAS a great age of America.
Russia was isolated behind their iron curtain with giant poles of rubble and corpses that they had to clean up for themselves. The rest of Europe was piles of rubble and corpses and whatever they could scrape together they had little choice but to trade for the occasional bulldozer. The rest of the world could be counted on to produce a strongman candidate that we could supply with a jeep and a rifle who would then enslave his whole nation into collecting whatever resources the place had to offer so that he could trade it all for a bigger jeep.
The US had less than five percent of the world’s population and we were consuming more than fifty percent of EVERYTHING. So even our “second class” had it immensely better than pretty much everyone else on the planet…by such huge margins that it was actually unmistakable; more obvious in fact than the flip side, which was that they were second class within the small confines of the US.
So it is understandable that people looking back on that might focus more on how good we ALL had it rather than the distinctions between how some of us had it better than others. And it is understandable how the con man Trump with his promises to restore that greatness has so many people under his sway.
I think what we should be looking at, rather than the issues of the inequities that were present in the US at that time, or even the moral issues of whether a ‘greatness’ that was genuinely created out of the worldwide miseries that Hitler inflicted and our own manipulations of dictators sustained, is the question of just how Trump proposes to make this happen?
It wasn’t some “clever deal maker,” not that I am giving Trump credit for being one.
It wasn’t economic theories that were 400 years obsolete even then, like the mercantilism that Trump nonsensically tried to resurrect.
It wasn’t by blustering on Twitter while perched on a toilet.
That is the source of the golden age fifties.
Is that what you want? To get to the fifties, first we need to recreate the THIRTIES. World wide economic collapse. Then we need to recreate the FORTIES. That sound like fun?
Get over it.
Tim Scott says
America’s greatest at having your feet in your mouth…they are almost certain to post mine, so you may well regret it when they post yours. Just sayin’.
America's Most Frustrated says
You lucked out. It’s your lucky day. I’d bet on Fan Duel if I were you. You owe the moderators too.
Tim Scott says
Okay, I admit that I laughed at “unpatriotic weenie,” but it was easier for me because I know automatically that you don’t mean it, it’s just your way of preemptively acknowledging that when my post lands your butt will most likely get kicked up between your shoulder blades.
For the record, I do THINK that I have met Stinger and no, they are not an unpatriotic weenie.
America's Most Evolutionary Mishap says
Tim said: “Or maybe we get lucky and he ignores the question.”
Wisest comment ever, lol. I should have listened.
On another issue: I feel so bad for the brave Ukrainians, but we can’t get too involved. It’s like Texas broke away; None of our business. Not one American life.
Stinger says
More ad hominem attacks, and fake patriotism slights, but no actual answer to a legitimate question. Why is it so hard? Your big claim is, “Make America Great AGAIN.” Clearly, you believe America isn’t great anymore, yet get flustered and defensive when asked a simple question about when YOU thought America was great, before.
As for my dedication to our country; when you’re real, you don’t need to shout about it.
Now, how ’bout a legit answer?
Stinger says
More ad hominem attacks, and fake patriotism slights, but no actual answer to a legitimate question. Why is it so hard? Your big claim is, “Make America Great AGAIN.” Clearly, you believe America isn’t great anymore, yet get flustered and defensive when asked a simple question about when YOU thought America was great, before.
As for my dedication to our country; when you’re real, you don’t need to shout about it.
Now, how ’bout a legit answer?
Stinger says
Still afraid to answer, I see. Lotsa drama over (literally) nothing, but no answer. Could it be that you don’t KNOW when you believe America was ‘great,’ as you mindlessly parrot whatever your orange dumbigod tells you to.
Gonna be hard to accommodate your demand to, “Make America Great Again,” if you can’t, or won’t, even figure out when you thought that time was.
Answer the very simple question, America’s Most [fill in blank with preferred insult], if you can.
America's Most in Your Face says
Tim: “MAGATS”. LOL. I like it.
Stinger: I’ve answered your question 2 times if you bothered to look. And I demand your answer: When was America not great?
You come off like you know all, but all you ever do is question and pick every statement apart to weedle and whine. I don’t ever remember you stating your position, just attacking everyone else. Gutless!
Don’t you have an opinion of your own? Most brainwashed socialists and woke jamokes don’t. They just repeat mindless left-wing propaganda ad nauseam.
Stinger says
“Nah, you can’t weasel and rationalize your way out of accountability for questioning and denying our country’s greatness at all times, You would never give America the benefit of the doubt. Totally biased against US.”
Are you sure you never wrote for “The Colbert Report?” That was a beautifully parodic piece, right there.
FatDumbDrunkWhiteBob says
Now there’s a rant I can support and agree with.
America’s Most Long Winded, you should probably take a deep breath after that one.
America's Most Ready to Rumble says
Sh!t Bob, I’m just getting started.
America's Most Calls Conservatives to Arms says
Conservatives assemble! Call to arms. Let’s throw these communist Demon-rats, BLM thugs, ANTIFA insurrectionists, transsexual abominations against nature, and all their propaganda spouting minions into the trash bin of history.
Speak your mind here without any trepidation. Don’t be bullied. FREEEEEEEEEDOM!
Stinger says
Be careful what you wish for…
America's Most Obnoxious Political Pundit says
You should see the stuff that they censor, lol.
No worries about WW3 now. Mr. Magoo is sending cackling Kamala to put out the fires in Europe. Can you think of anyone less qualified? She’s certainly no Kissinger or James Baker (or Mike Pompeo). You can’t make this stuff up. Your life is now in the hands of Willie Brown’s bimbo squeeze.
Stinger says
Still better than any trumplican.
America's Most Disappointed in You says
Wow, Stinker. That was profound and brilliant!
Tim Scott says
And accurate. Trumplicans are knowing or unwitting supporters of a seditious conspiracy bent on overthrowing the constitutional government of the United States. Literally anyone is a better choice to entrust with any public office than any trumplican.
Stinger says
Thank you for noting my profundity and brilliance. But, you left out my incredible modesty and humility… ;-)
William says
Now, now America’s Most Obnoxious.
It’s been over a year now since Trump lost big time.
What stage of grief are you experiencing?
Sounds like anger, so move on to the next one.
FatIgnorantWhiteBob says
Perhaps that explains his issue. But why in the hec are you and Tim still ranting about Trump?
What stage of derangement are you two experience?
Tim Scott says
I’m not ranting.
I am following the extremely interesting and important investigation of the only president in US history to attempt to thwart the peaceful turnover of authority after an election. This is a watershed moment in US history and makes it a great time to be alive, in an ancient Chinese curse sort of way. In the course of following the investigation I propose numerous related topics for conversation along the way, and frequently they get taken up. Naturally, that also leads to me getting attacked by Trumpists, which is also fun in a different way.
I haven’t figured out yet what your claimed lack of interest in the investigation, coupled with your intermittent pro-Trump shoutouts, says about you, but it’s an interesting mix.
William says
Are you unconscious? Seriously.
Trump is still a threat to this country as he has the Republican Party by the ovaries.
Geez. You guys are so clueless.
The good news is that they are close to an indictment.
Can you say, “criminal conspiracy”?
And, again. Are you unconscious? And, that derangment thing is on your side.
Trump is deranged. Putin is deranged. Separated at birth.
Sonyaa says
OuR deMoCraCy iS in PerIL!!!
Tim Scott says
Maybe. It has been targeted by at least one seditious conspiracy and we really can’t say for sure exactly how deep into the government that conspiracy embedded itself yet, but we can say that it was very close to succeeding in its objective of overthrowing constitutional government in the US.
Dunno why that wouldn’t bother you. Are you banging Putin?
America's Most Having Fun Again says
Regardless of popular opinion, I am not Putin’s lovechild.
Tim Scott says
You are too frickin’ old to be Putin’s lovechild. Maybe secret twin…
America's Most Outrageous says
Not anger. Outrage.
America's Most OnThe Job says
Tim said: “You are too frickin’ old to be Putin’s lovechild. Maybe secret twin…”
Can you imagine a wacked out RWNJ lunatic like me with my finger on the button?
Then imagine Kamala’s finger on the button, lol.
Heaven help us either way.
G.H. old guy says
You really told it like it is “America’s Most Long Winded”. You deserve a good nap without spam callers.
Sleepy J says
“The Iranian people”
-Joe Biden
Tim Scott says
So your RWNJ “sources” are going with “he misread a word” and trying to get you to ignore everything that was said. Brilliant propagandists, disgusting human beings, terrible citizens (unless they are Russians).
FWB says
Time will tell if he knows what he’s talking about or not.
Ya’ll better pray he’s right
William says
You mean like Texans prayed for rain during the draught when they had wildfires, FWB?
Do you remember the joke about God telling the drowned man, “I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter, and you turned them away.”?
You really should be in Texas.
Tim Scott says
Don’t need to pray, just look at the evidence.
Russia’s largest international bank withdrew from operating in Europe today. They collapsed in less than three days. Their stock market is closed as the only way to prevent a free fall. Their currency has lost 40% of it’s value and their central bank has expended 18% of their reserves propping it up. 50% of their reserves have been frozen, so they can keep up their props for about two more weeks, then the ruble looks like the German Mark circa 1935 and people will need a wheelbarrow full to buy a loaf of bread.
Russia has been courting international investment for decades. Twenty-five years of progress has been wiped out in a week. Putin enacted an emergency resolution making it illegal for foreign investors to withdraw. That by itself will serve as an overpowering cautionary tale: this is what can happen when you invest in a country ruled by autocrats. Investment in Russia is dead, permanently.
If China is told “the rest of the world needs you to participate with us in sanctioning Russia, you can choose to do business with them, or with us,” then China will drop Russia like a hot rock and everyone knows it. Another twenty years of effort and the Chinese might be able to say “our economy leads the world and we have the power.” They aren’t going to kill themselves on Putin’s hill.
Economically, Russia is well and truly screwed already, and in two to three weeks they are gonna be financially dead beyond resurrection if they don’t convince the unified democracies to step off their neck.
FEB says
Misread is spot on..
The old guy can’t speak coherently without a script.
William says
Shows how ignorant you are. FWB. There must be hours of Trump misspeaking besides the 30,000 plus lies.
John Bolton, in a recent interview, said Trump didn’t know where Ukraine was and asked John Kelly if Finland was in Russia.
You guys got nothing really. Yet, you persist. That’s the definition of insanity. Maybe you should consult with Ronnie Jackson, Trump’s former doctor aka “The Candy Man”.
William says
Is FEB also FWB? They look alike. They sound alike. Yes, they’re cousins, married cousins.
Just asking?
America's Most Obnoxious Independent Conservative (IndieCon) says
“married cousins”, lol. Only you could make me laugh today.
Americas Most Black And Blue Knees says
William says
I’m a regular Shecky Greene, America’s Most Yada, Yada, Yada.
Fat White Bob says
I’m curious your (and Tim’s) input on this article providing you don’t get triggered as Trump is mentioned once.
Tim Scott says
FWB…short answer, it is simplistic.
It’s also incorrect. “Energy forced Europe to prevent doing more sanctions”…well, no. The sanctions as levied are catastrophic to the Russian economy. They are also sustainable. Predictably, China is not going to participate and they will be shifting more to Russian energy supplies…and as the only available market will command bargain pricing. That shift will free supplies from other sources for European consumption. Life goes on…except for the Russian economy.
Longer answer, the biggest thing missing from this analysis overall is that all the talk about production rates misses the long term issues. Oooooooh look at awesome Russia producing 11 million barrels a day! That’s so exciting for Russia! Less exciting is “look at Russia depleting their reserves by four billion barrels per year by supplying economic development IN EVERY COUNTRY BUT THEIR OWN.” That runs them dry in 20 years by the way, for those keeping score.
At the end of the day even the most third world of third world countries know that if your economy runs on exploitation of the rawest resources you ate losing ground. Countries in the middle east are using their oil income to diversify off of crude oil.
This author, Dingbat Don, the GOP in general…they want desperately to love in that golden age where the US was consuming 50% of the energy produced IN THE WORLD. We were visiting the dark corners of the planet, including the war torn Europe, and trading handfuls of the shiny beads we were making with it for tankers of oil and freighters full of everything else. Those days are never coming back, period. USians are not likely to cut back, ever, being the totally spoiled children that we are, so we have to deal with the fact that the entire rest of the world is going to demand to consume like we do…and that will suck everyone dry of oil in incredibly short order if we try to supply that with oil.
So, like it or not this “green fantasy” HAS TO be made to work, and we can either lead, follow, or get out of the way. Choose.
Good question BTW.
Tim Scott says
Nice link FWB. Unfortunately by the time my answer clears the moderator it will be buried so far down the page of America’s Most Inane Posts that no one is likely to see it.
73 degrees at the coffee shop today.
Tim Scott says
LOL…find me a human being that gives two hour speeches extemporaneously. JUST ONE.
Trump goes on two hour rants, rambling over every perceived slight ever “committed against him.” That’s pure narcissist ego bubbling out a word salad. NO ONE gives a two hour speech extemporaneously. NO ONE. Get a new complaint.
Fat White Bob says
he’s speeches would be shorter if he didn’t repeat every sentence three times.
I’m also betting it wouldn’t even be a challenge for you or William to rant about Trump for two hours.
FWB says
btw, I failed English for twelve years. A problem was created when I learned how to type.
Tim Scott says
It wouldn’t be a challenge to spend two hours listing the crimes he has been accused of, most of them with substantial evidence making a solid case against him. We could start all the way back in the sixties with his open violations of the civil rights act, which he did the equivalent of pleading “no contest” on. Or even better, we could start with his participation in his father’s well documented tax fraud scheme that only escaped prosecution because of the statute of limitations but would be an open and shut case based on the evidence. Not that little Donny Dingbat was a knowing participant at three years old, but as he grew into taking over the business it’s pretty obvious that at some point he got “in the know” on the criminality of the family enterprise. With that upbringing I guess his addiction to criminal activity is pretty understandable.
Stinger says
Yeah. I caught that, too. Clearly a misspeak. I shook my head ruefully and let it go… It was irrelevant to the issues being discussed and I knew who he meant.
America's Most Incensed By Lying Demon-rats says
Yeah, no problem Stinker. Your comander-in-chief is a demented weak, feckless old dotard facing Putin and Xi, but it’s all good, right?
You’re too intelligent to really believe the drivel you post here.
Beeceee says
It was all together a weak forgettable speech…
It’s that simple,
Never mind the weirdo Pelosi behind him banging her knuckles together.
“Build the economy from the bottom up”
The only thing I’ll remember from that garbage.
William says
They’re going to bring conspiracy charges against Trump and John Eastman and who knows who else.
Eastman can’t claim attorney-client privlege when the attorney and the client are engaged in illegal acitivies and they were.
The sticky part is proving Trump knew the election fraud claim was a lie and “willful blindness” isn’t a defense. Many of his own people told him there was no election fraud and 60 cases were thrown out of court.
This will be Must See TV. Trump under oath will be hilarious. Are you ready SNL? It will be hard to top the real thing.
Nison’s VP, Spiro Agnew, went to prison and Nixon almost did so it shouldn’t be out of the question for Trump to be indicted and possibly convicted of any of many of his crimes.
Trump, the fashion icon, will match his orange jumpsuit.
Yes, and Obama wore a tan suit and Biden stutters. The horror. The horror.
William says
Democratic presidencies dating back to 1970 have produced exactly one criminal conviction and 3 criminal indictments.
Republican presidencies have had a total of 91 convictions and 124 indictments.
And, more to come. Right America’s Most In Denial Citizen?
Now, you can go on and on as you have and will continue but there really is no comparison between the 2 parties.
It’s like comparing Vlad the Impaler (the inspiration for Dracula but what’s in a name like Vlad?) with Mother Thereas or Betty White.
But, go ahead. You won’t be America’s Most Ignorant Person. There’s a long line in front of you. Some are right here too. There’s a strong field in the GOP farm team.
You saw Iowa’s Gov. Kim Reynold’s with her right eyeball darting sideways throughout her rebuttal. Looked like a hostage tape, didn’t it?
Was it a gun pointed at her or a vaccine needle? Those silly Republicans. God musta been drunk when she made them. Or stoned.
In the far distant future, they’ll look upon 21st century religion like we view witchcraft and gods riding chariots across the skies as believed by the ancients.
Humans have evolved in so many ways, taller, bigger brains, etc. but not when it comes to belief in unprovable fantasies and tales.
People that believe 2,000-year-old games of “telephone” can’t/won’t accept real time videos and testimony from 2021-1-6.
God help us. Oh, wait.
Stinger says
No, dear friend, I am too intelligent to buy into the drivel that you autocratic apologists shovel here.
I am no fan of Biden’s but he is a far cry better for this crisis than Trump would, or could, ever be. Trump would be on his knees for Putin asking which side he could lick first, and the world knows it.
All that said, I didn’t give Trump crap over minor misspeaks, either. This is for the same reason why I don’t go after you guys for every little typo and blatant grammar crimes. They were, and remain, irrelevancies for trivial arguments that have little bearing on real issues.
Dr. Seuss says
So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.
Sonyaa says
Hey to be fair,
You need to get on the intellectual level of anybody who would vote for these pukes to explain these things.
Just shows how they think of their voting base.
America's Most Damaging to Community Mental Health says
My fellow Americans, the state of the Union is……….I forget. Who has my dentures? In my mouth? Where the flock are we? Oh, OK, OK. Here we go. The state of the Union is……..Did I ever tell you when I faced down Cornpop? You lying dog-faced pony soldier. Is it Tuesday yet? OK, let’s move on.
The state of the Union is catastrophic, but I’m not supposed to tell you that so don’t tell Jen Psaki. She’s scary, right. Come on, man. I’m tired.
So in confusion, I mean conclusion, God Bless America’s Most and all he stands for.
Tim Scott says
This is grotesque. If I didn’t like you I would want to punch you.
America's Most Is Gonna Get His Ass Kicked says
Grotesque? LOL. After what you guys said about Trump (and still do) as well as hurting and weakening the country with 2 phony impeachments? Did I hurt your tender little feelings?
Demonrat politicians are the most despicable, underhanded, incompetent, corrupt, unpatriotic, dishonorable, hypocritical POS this nation has ever seen. And they are soon to meet their well deserved fate of losing power for generations in the midterms and Durham’s coming DNC apocalypse which will expose the truth.
But let us reason together, lol
Tim Scott says
Democrats didn’t force Trump to commit his crimes.
It is notable that after a year of patching and pushing to good but limited effect that Putin allowed Biden to repair all the damage that Trump did to NATO and the international brotherhood of democratic governments in a single week. He is illustrating that the clash between democracy and autocrats is fundamental, and I really hope you start paying attention. Rather than your “rah rah my team gonna win” BS maybe consider the consequences of restoring the autocrat sympathizing GOP to power should it happen.
William says
Tim Scott. “Autocrats” is too kind a word for Trump and Putin.
“Autokleptocrats” has to be invented to describe them.
It’s been suggested that although Putin has threatened nuclear use (or “nukular’ as Bush would say) it might be that the generals and oligarchs around Putin will not want that and lose the good life and life itself.
How long will it take for them to act?
If Putin destroys Ukraine’s infrastructure and military equipment and does take over the country, what will he have gained…a detroyed piece of land bigger than Texas?
Will Russia then have to spend worthless rubles to rebuilt it or just let it further decay? But, if he’s as crazy as Trump, he won’t care.
I’ve wonder why NATO or Ukraine hasn’t dropped leaflets on the invading Russian army telling them what is happening to the Russian economy from Putin’s reckless behavior.
I suspect that soldiers that thought they were only going on practice drills not a war aren’t aware of what’s happening with the world’s response to Putin.
I paid $4.99 a gallon for gas yesterday AND LIVED TO TELL ABOUT IT.
If I recall correctly, after Bush’s tax cut and $300 checks that gas prices went up back then. Put a few hundred million into the economy overnight and guess what? First come, first served. Utiities and other essentials got first dibs on that extra supply of cash.
So, Trumpkins. If gas is $5.00, Trump’s tax cut should cover ii, fools.
I don’t pity the fools to paraphrase the original Mr. T. They are the ones complaining the loudest. Good.
Tim Scott says
I’m pretty convinced that Putin has no intentions to permanently occupy Ukraine. Western Ukraine is mostly rural, produces nothing that Russia has any need for, and would be an absolute nightmare in terms of the potential for constant insurrection fueled by supplies routed through the Polish border. I think the whole “leaked” “restoration of greater Russia” thing is just a ploy to produce a feeling of “okay, Putin didn’t win, no punishment necessary” when he ‘settles’ for recognized independence of the rebel controlled provinces in the east.
As to nuclear exchanges, no, no one is gonna go there.
Stinger says
Reasoning is not possible when one has abandoned reason, as you clearly have.
That was the most pathetically out of touch posting of outright lies you have ever put out there. I have to question if this is the same person. Pathetic.
America's Most Indignant of Hypocricy & Treason says
Read my latest. You’ll like that even more, unless they squash it.
William says
We tell the truth about Trump, and you call us “haters” and suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Yes. Trump is deranged like Putin his just as evil twin.
Then, you guys post disinformation provided by Fox and its variants and petty little barbs about Biden.
That says more about you than about Biden.
Tim Scott says
Tim Scott says
Watched the State of the Union. Descent speech. The change from four years of Trump doing Ali impressions was refreshing.
America's Most Annoying Spelling Police says
“Descent speech”? The Dems are spiraling down and descending into socialist hell. Freudian slip?
Tim Scott says
Misspelling…I knew it as soon as I hit post, but no editing here…sad face
William says
Iowa’s Governor Kim Reynolds (RRRRR and more R) gave a campaign speech tonight in rebuttal. Does Iowa have Valley Girls? At least we don’t elect them to the governoship here.
Biden’s speech prebutted her speech, kinda neutering it before she even spoke. She didn’t say much about, y’know, Ukraine but read the talking points on Afghanistan. Biden already spoke to inflation, gas prices, immigration, etc. She was just the unlucky Republican like the previous ones, Marco Rubio and others embarrissing rebuttals. These are the best they have.
It was awful but on Fox it was great.
Stinger. I don’t watch CNN but if you want to criticize it your opinion would carry more weight if you gave an example of their lies.
I watch MSNBC most of the time with a few minutes of Fox to see what they’re up to. I posted here about Fox’s dishonest report on the Durham investigation and how they immediately stopped talking about it after Durham responded.
Just a suggestion.
William says
You got milk?
Tim Scott says
To go with donuts? It can be arranged.
Stinger says
I’ma just drop this here for y’all…
Tim Scott says
Yeah that’s worse than I thought. I expected that the war could end with Ukraine recognizing the independence of their rebel states (which they should have already done IMO). That sounds like Putin is out to reverse the course of history.
Tim Scott says
After a little investigation and a little contemplation I have some observations on this.
How plausible is it really that the Russian propaganda apparatus accidentally released this? I know people are inclined to hope that everyone is making the kind of bonehead mistakes they themselves may have made on their worst day, and in time of war they very badly want to think that the enemy are idiots…but, seriously, it is probably best to consider that this was released when it was released because it is exactly what Putin wanted said at the time.
In that context, this is a high ball, establishing the top end of a negotiating zone. We are left believing that so long as we don’t end up with Ukraine basically annexed into a new Russian state we can say “Putin didn’t win.” So long as Putin didn’t win there is a lot less inclination to make him pay for his actions.
So we are where we have been. The military situation is ultimately going to resolve when Putin orders the Russians back. Any pretense that the Ukrainians are going to “win” is just adding drama. Any challenging by other than Ukrainians is an escalation that literally no one wants.
Economically, we are demonstrating that Mao’s classic statement; “political power flows from the barrel of a gun” is monumentally obsolete. A worldwide economic engine exists, and being branded a pariah and not allowed to participate in it is a disaster that no guns can make up for. That lesson needs to be hammered home. You can look at it as “we must make an example of these Russians so everyone gets the point” or just “yeah we can crush someone and that’s always fun,” but either way it needs to be done. The economic sanctions need to be kept in place until the average Russian citizen starving in the street acknowledges “wow we shoulda killed that Putin guy in the crib.”
Internally, we need to recognize that we have our own Putins. The self destructive nonsense of “isolate, we are so super cool that we don’t need the rest of the world except as a doormat” is what made it seem like maybe Putin could get away with this and there wouldn’t be massive international cooperation…he could pretend that the worldwide economic engine didn’t exist. We can’t allow Trumpism to be a wedge between the US and Europe.
Stinger says
If’n ya wanna play with the other kids, Putin, it ain’t a good idea to bully them.
Tim Scott says
A lesson both Putin and Trump managed to miss. I’m actually more sympathetic to Putin, he missed it because he was raised to fight the cold war. Trump missed it because of the silver spoons jammed in his ears along with all his other orifices.
Tim Scott says
Today Russia took action to prevent international investors from dumping shares in Russian companies. Their justification being that investors are “being bullied” by politicians and that “the sanctions won’t last.” There was already a mistake at the pretended negotiations, where Russian negotiators were told in no uncertain terms that there would be no easing of sanctions without a full withdrawal of Russian troops.
We need to make sure that EVERYONE understands that these sanctions are NOT for what Russia is doing, they are for what Russia has done. You don’t get to invade a neighboring country, then say “oops” and withdraw and have the world pretend that it never happened. Iraq invaded Kuwait, got kicked out in a matter of days, and was presented with a bill that took them THIRTY YEARS to pay off, suffering through crippling sanctions the entire time. Putin needs to understand that Russia, while a much bigger economy than Iraq, is not immune to the same kind of consequences.
It is imperative that we do not elect the Putin appeasing Trump driven GOP to ANY positions of authority, because international sanctions genuinely cannot work without the US.
Big Pharma says
Top Terrorist Countries: U$/Uk/1$r@3l.
America's Most Impressed says
Shukri Abdirahman, running for Congress against Ilhan Omar in MN said:
“Ilhan Omar was given a second chance when America took her in — but chose to ridicule the very country that saved her life. When I was welcomed as a legal American citizen. I responded by joining the U.S. Army.”
Stinger says
It’s “Hooah!” for the Army and, “Oorah!” for the Marines.
America's Most Stands Corrected says
Put ’em together and what have you got? Hoorah.
That’s petty and not worth a post, no?
Stinger says
America's Most Shocked and Bewildered says
Could someone put FWB’s face on a milk carton plase? I think he got offended. How could that possibly happen here?
William says
What is this, The Lost Boys?
America's Most Envious of Putin’s Tables says
Lord of the Flies.
Tim Scott says
Great soundtrack…I’ve been listening to it a bunch lately.
William says
I like the version of “People Are Strange” by Echo and the Bunnymen.
I was born and grew up in Santa Carla, er, Cruz. It was great except for all the damn vampires.
My grandparents owned a restaurant across from the Plunge/Boardwalk and cottages on a street behind it that is no longer there. It’s all parking lot. Whoopee. Acres of asphalt. No more Plunge or the little pier with the Speedboat.
It was a great place to grow up in the 50s-60s. A lot of places were. My parents 3 bedroom, 1 bath, single car garage home is now an estimated at $1.3 million on Zillow. The traffic is awful in SC now. Also, in a lot of places.
Tim Scott says
I keep having to listen to it because I have the screaming saxophone riffs from I Still Believe stuck in my head.
William says
Men and women in Ukraine are fighting an overwhelming Russian military.
Here, in the exceptional U.S.A., men and women are willing to protest wearing masks.
Go figure.
FWB says
I’m alive and not offended. I took a vacation then got busy when I returned.
America's Most Irrational National says
Not offended YET, cause we’re still trying. Your face will be stricken from all milk cartons. I’m glad you’re back.
Tim Scott says
Welcome back.
FWB says
Thank you, it’s good to be back. Let the beatings continue
Stinger says
“Welcome back, Mr. Anderson. We missed you.” – Agent Smith
William says
FWB lives a charmed life. He has great wealth. He lives in a great, upscale location and so on.
I wish he’d share with us how he does it.
Don’t be stingy, FWB. Tell us.
FWB says
I’m just a victim of circumstances. My location can’t be upscale because it’s within the Antelope Valley. It’s my dog that lives the charmed life.
Tim Scott says
You need to expand your experience.
William says
So it’s not Laguna Beach or Hidden Hills.
Tim Scott says
For the Fox News supporters.
William says
Tucker only has a small handful of sponsors left for the highest ratings on Fox. I guess he’s their loss leader.
Whenever I see his mug, I picture it in the boy’s locker room at middle school face down in the toilet. I bet it happened more than once and he liked it.
He’s still asking for it.
RF says
I think his usual facial expression looks more like a Golden Retriever who has just been confused by the magic trick where you made his squeaky toy disappear.
William says
All of the above
I’ve said before that they shoulda kept the bowtie and tossed Tucker away.
And, he’s Fox’s #1 ratings “talent”.
America's Most Discombobulated Nincompoop says
Fox News site won’t let me view it due to my ad/tracking blocker. But I won’t turn it off so there’s a million more objective web sites to get news from. Rueters, UPI, Daily Mail, AP, The Diplomat, etc.
William says
I’ve commented on the Fox site. There will be hundreds of comments on a thread and replying is useless as the thread accumulates dozens of comments while you’re typing so you can’t really discuss like here.
Anyway, there’s no “discussion” to be had with Fox fans anyway.
Replying with a verifiable “fact” to a lie doesn’t work on Fox peoples. They are much like Boo Radley watching 2 and 1/2 Men in Esperanto when it comes to processing factual information.
Fat White Bob says
As long as right wingers listen to Fox and Lefties listen to CNN both media outlets are preaching to their own quire.
Politicians would rather everyone just be distracted by sports so they can do as they please
Tim Scott says
The pretense that CNN is comparable to Fox is disgusting. If you want your news with a left spin there’s MSNBC, but even they have managed to avoid being forced to publicly admit that they make stuff up to support their agenda and are not in the news business. CNN only looks “leftist” from the right wing extremist point of view.
FWB says
And then there’s this: from my right wing extremist pov it appears you are projecting.
Stinger says
Sorry, Tim, but I have to disagree with you on this one. I have caught CNN carefully spinning stories to cast a particular perspective on more than one occasion. Not gonna go so far as to say they lie, but, they have been known to omit, as well as make subtle alterations to narrative.
Admittedly, not as bad as MSNBC or as just plain nuts as FOX entertainment ‘news,’ et al, but it’s there.
Tim Scott says
It might appear that way to you, which is why I included FACTS. Fox News has defended themselves against lawsuits by saying in court, on public record, that they are not in the news business so they can and do tell their viewers whatever they want without regard to “the truth” and are under no obligation to do otherwise. MSNBC has never done that. They haven’t needed to, because they don’t operate that way.
And that’s MSNBC, where they definitely do gear their coverage to appeal to the left leaning share of the audience. They are about as far left of CNN as Fox is to the right, which leaves CNN somewhere in the center area, along with all the major networks news divisions. Trying to sort who is slightly left of CNN (maybe NBC) from who is slightly right of CNN (maybe CBS I guess) is a tough challenge because they are all in the business of staying close to the center pole.
The whole “CNN is slanted left” argument is RWNJ BS. It’s the same as how the RWNJs see themselves as put upon by “everyone is a commie.” When you see, clearly, that EVERYONE except the few who agree with you is to your left, guess what, YOU are the extremist.
William is well to my left, and I still consider him a moderate because I know lots of people who are well left of him. The pretense that he and I, and CNN, are the extremists is absurd.
America's Most Washed Out Mouth With Soap says
There you go again with your immutable facts, reason and logic. Party poop. It’s very inconvenient.
Tim Scott says
Freedom of facts is the only really valuable application of freedom of speech. Try it sometime America’s Most Unwilling To Be Factual.
America’s Most Unwilling To Be Factual says
I call it “fact-free” for short. It’s liberating.
Tim Scott says
It was cute when I thought you were an idiot…it’s more irritating now that I know you aren’t.
Stinger says
“Politicians would rather everyone just be distracted by sports so they can do as they please”
By George, we have agreement on something!
FWB says
Common ground builds a foundation to fall back on when things get out of hand
carry on, but don’t get carried away
Tim Scott says
Yeah this one is a lock. That’s why the IOC and FIFA banning the Russians is such a serious blow to Putin.
William says
Panem et circenses.
It works beautifully in this country. American’s whine about gas prices but you can’t keep they out of movie theaters every Friday night.
I wonder how much money was spent on the recent Super Bowl while essential things go wanting.
Typically, American spend over $1 billion on Valentine’s Day candy and whastnot. Same with Halloween. There was a long line outside the See’s candy store in Lancaster when I went to an optomitrist in the shopping center.
I was brought up to put priorities on the essentials and we did without a lot of toys and treats. But, I’m thankful for the lessons from my parents…now when it counts.
America's Most Requiring Supervision says
The Greatest Generation.
Tim Scott says
William says
Vlad and Donald sittin’ in a tree….
Reports are that Putin is unhinged. So is Trump.
Putin lying and rewriting history. So has Trump.
Putin’s wealth is in jeopardy. So is Trump’s
Putin is a war criminal. Trump is a criminal.
It’s no surprise that these 2 found each other and hooked up.
Kayleigh McEnany on Fox praising Zelensky profusely. I’m gueesing this is the tactic to give him all the credit which is fine while pretending that Biden just sat back and did nothing.
President Biden has played this very well so far, uniting NATO and being the leader of the Free World again. And, the World responded beyond expectations including Switzerland and Sweden.
Don’t forget Trumkins. Trump tried to exit from NATO and tried to extort finding dirt on Biden from President Zelensky by withholding funds for weapons for Ukraine.
That resulted in his first impeachment. Senate Republicans didn’t learn when Rep. Adam Schiff said he’d do it again and he did on 1/6. “it” being doing something deserving impeachment, conviction and being barred from holding future office.
But, Republicans being Republicans didn’t learn and they will have that dead skunk at their picnic forever.
Now, they are trying to praise President Zelensky and Ukrainians while Trump, Pompeo and Carlson are prasing Putin. What a toxic sewer the GOP has become.
FWB says
“President Biden has played this very well so far, uniting NATO and being the leader of the Free World again”.
He just seems like a confused old man in a declining mental state. News outlets in other countries are constantly making fun of him.
America's Most Puffed Up Paranoid Pedant says
He’s easy to make fun of, until you realize he’s commander-in-chief, and even worse, his backup is cackling Kamala, whose only qualification for anything is she was Willie Brown’s squeeze.
Again, heaven help us.
..... says
Next up, China takes Taiwan.
William says
I’ll take Manhatten.
..... says
The latest tragedy in Europe will lead to the end of the euro, the EU, and the petrodollar.
The real show starts when China takes Taiwan.
Tim Scott says
China’s economy is built on exports. They are extremely vulnerable to the kind of sanctions that are currently crushing the ruble. I suspect the current situation is showing them that they do not want Taiwan as badly as they thought they did.
Of course, this lesson is lost if the US does another whimsical change of direction and elects someone like Trump who once again unilaterally forgives Putin and breaks the sanctions.
FWB says
What makes you think Trump would forgive Putin?
My thinking is he would be harder on Putin than Biden.
I liked Trump’s efforts to make us energy independent.
Tim Scott says
The fact that he unilaterally undid sanctions on Putin before suggests that he would again. That seems simple enough.
FWB says
Conditions change . That’s not enough to convince me.
It wasn’t Trump’s decisions that made Putin see opportunity to invade Ukraine. Biden radiates weakness like a dying old dog .
Tim Scott says
FWB, that is plain BS. Putin’s own propaganda points to “the US/UK turning their backs on Europe” as the opportunity he thought was available. That was Trump’s doing and is exactly what Putin hoped to achieve when he tried to influence the 2016 elections. Biden may not be the soaring orator you seem to be claiming you want (how do you reconcile that with your support of rambling and ranting Donny Dimwit, btw?) but Biden has restored international cooperation among nations that adhere to democratic principles rather than autocracy. Admittedly, Putin demonstrating what unchecked autocracy can lead to helped there, but given that demonstration anyone still supporting Trump and his enablers in his quest to destroy democracy in the US is singularly hard to tolerate.
William says
FWB. I got that you think that.
I had said earlier that if Trump were still president, Putin would still want to take Ukraine to fulfill his intention to reconstitute the Soviet Union and he would have invaded the country anyway.
But, tonight on MSNBC, Chris Hayes suggested that maybe not. Putin would have liked Trump to dismantle NATO and Trump would have attempted that as he almost did when in office.
Either way, Trump would be complying with Putin’s wishes.
Putin has become unhinged according to those who have worked with him like Condoleeza Rice. Was taking Ukraine worth the destruction of Russia’s economy? Only a deranged dictator would think that.
Meanwhile, Trump has been praising Putin. Unhinged minds think alike it appears. So has Trump’s SOS Mike Pompeo. That’s being hard on Putin? Poor, poor Vlad. All that praise must hurt.
Biden has played this very well uniting the world against Putin, even Russians, with a deft touch no less. And, he has been preparing his SOTU speech and choosing a Supreme Court nominee. So, the “Sleepy Joe” tag doesn’t fly any longer. It never did.
So, FWB, tell us how Trump would have been harder on Putin given his history up till now of being obsequious to him.
Trump tried to extort dirt on Biden from President Zelensky by withholding missles and funds approved by Congress resulting in his first impeachment. Was that being hard on Putin who must have appreciated the gesture by weakeing Ukraine?
Fat White Bob says
Talking about what Trump would have done is pointless.
I pray you’re right about Biden. Time will tell if you are correct.
I agree Putin is unhinged. I believe he suffers from a dark triad personality disorder and in his position of power scares the hell out of me.
Tim Scott says
Talking about what Trump might have done in a crisis like this may be pointless in terms of the current response, thank god and of course a majority of the US electorate, but I think it is important to honestly address what precipitated the crisis and that inevitably leads to talking about Trump. Putin himself acknowledges that the opening he perceived that he expected would allow him to do this without suffering unbearable repercussions was the “split in NATO” between the ‘English speakers’ and continental Europe. That split was precipitated by Trump and Boris Johnson, and attempting to lay the responsibility for the world teetering on the brink wholly on “a madman in Russia” is recklessly irresponsible.
And that should make you feel safer.
Putin is, without question, an absolutely ruthless pragmatist. He saw an opening. By helping Trump and Boris Johnson come to power he even helped create that opening, but he did not just attack a neighbor out of whimsy. He has objectives. He underestimated (I am pretty sure) the costs. That isn’t unhinged.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the end of the Euro? There is no path where this event even weakens the Euro, much less ends it. Same for the EU and the petrodollar. If you think the Russian economy is strong enough to stand against pretty much the entire world you are stuck in a Putin fantasy and better get out before it turns into a wet dream with you as the star.
Tim Scott says
I just checked…the Euro is down about half a percent and showing typical volatility. The ruble is down 20% after bottoming at 40%. The Russian central bank’s actions that turned it are not sustainable for more than a couple days at best.
The “end of the Euro” claim is an absurd statement unsupported by any plausible mechanism. I am guessing you just pulled that out of your butt.
By the way, Switzerland, which has not joined the EU because of their tradition of being a safe neutral haven that joins no alliances, has imposed sanctions on Russia parallel to the EU sanctions. Apparently Europe is more united than ever. “End of the EU” also seems to have been pulled from your butt and you should be sticking these ideas back there.
William says
They need to put NEURIVA and/or PREVAGEN in the AV’s drinking water.
It is amazing, really amazing how quick Republicans and this valley is chock full of ’em forget 1/6, and so many other things.
They forgot how Clinton, Obama, and now Biden have to do clean up and restore after a Republican administration. It’s what’s so the last few decades.
Now, they want to have another disasterous Republican run government next time. Why? Are they masochists?
The economy was running well when Trump took office and after 4 years he left a big, fat mess for a Democrat to repair and restore while the Rs fought every step of the way like they usually do.
This is like a bad movie on a loop with a captive audience called Americans.
Go ahead. Deny reality.
America's Most Dumbfounded & Disbelieving says
But…but….but……What? Sounds as credible as the plot for “Mars Needs Women”.
Stinger says
That would be “Mars Needs Moms.” But I agree: Why would they need Moms from Earth with hips like those?
America's Most Unqualified Movie Critic says
It lost up to $144 million as a box office “disaster” for Disney. But it had to be better than “Mars Needs Women” (1961?).
America's Most Apologetic says
1968, sorry. Can’t screw up facts when interacting with Stinger.
Americas Most on his knees says
Slurp, slurp, slurp…
Stinger says
Ah. I misunderstood. Carry on.
America's Most Stricken With PTSD says
Bill Barr, former Attorney General says
Trump has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers of a leader.
Tim Scott says
And yet Bill Barr protected Trump from the consequences of his criminality in office.
..... says
If it wasn’t for the Soviet Union during WW2, Europe and the UK would be speaking German.
Tim Scott says
Stinger says
Your statement is as accurate as it is irrelevant to the current situation.
The Soviets’ assistance in WWII does not infer any authority or privilege to do what they are doing now.
Tim Scott says
Also accurate.
America's Most Glowing in the Dark says
I’m reading the news and wondering who will win WW3. Putin may be wacko. If so, duck down, put your head between your legs, and kiss your @$$ goodbye.
Tim Scott says
I think of those loser types that can’t just die, they need to go ammosexual and take a body count with them. Putin is getting old, and maybe he is such a narcissist that he figures if he has to die everyone else might as well too. Scary thought. Scarier in that Trump had access to nuclear weapons and I definitely could see him thinking that way.
Anyway, on the hopeful side where Putin just demands that Ukraine recognize the independence of their rebel provinces and withdraws, this adds another layer of vital necessity to keeping Trump and his sycophants out of the government. Biden has done a good job of creating a unified international front and the sanctions are going to decimate the Russian economy, but we’ve already seen what happens to sanctions on Putin when Trump gets power.
A big part of the reason Putin thinks he can get away with this is that he never had to pay for Crimea since Trump defied the world and the congress and single handedly voided those sanctions. It is imperative to not let that happen again.
Larry says
So Russia good or no??????
Tim Scott says
As with all countries, both.
Currently, Russia needs to be hit with punishing economic consequences for their military adventurism. The last time they committed a similar act of aggression they suffered no significant consequences because Trump stopped enforcing sanctions on them after a mere three years. This in the context of Iraq being held to account by the entire world on paying reparations to Kuwait for over thirty years.
It is imperative as these sanctions are imposed that Russia and our allies can be assured that the US is not going to whimsically reverse course by electing a Trump acolyte, as Trump has demonstrated that he will dance to any tune Putin plays and his GOP enablers will stand by whistling.
William says
What if? What if those around Putin do what the Roman Senate did to Caesar, y’know, get rid of him one way or another.
They do that in Russia.
Meanwhile, Fox so-called news is having to walk a tightrope between Trump and Tucker and Pompeo sideing with Putin and the world siding with Ukraine even Russians citizens.
Biden is playing it pretty well.
Go Ukraine.
I love watching how they try to blame Biden for not cutting Russian banks out of S.W.I.F.T., which he can’t do by himself, then finding some other way to blame when it does.
Biden couldn’t have sent troops if the Rs want to criticize him for that. We’d be fighting Russians and who knows where that would lead.
Trump said at his CPAC cult meeting that if he were president, Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine. Really? Putin has been planning on reconstituting the Soveit Union for decades. So, how was his Useful Idiot Trump gonna stop him? Any ideas anyone?
Do not forget that Trump held back funds for Ukraine that Congress approved to extort President Zelensky to find dirt on Biden. Funny how things truned out.
What does the radical right have to say about that?
What’s the capon Mike Garcia having to say about all this? I can’t bring myself to go to his BS website. Every woman in Congress has a bigger set than he does. He has got to go in November like we did with Steve Knight. Useless cowards.
In other news, can’t wait till Biden’s SOTU speech Tuesday. It will be great. The Rs will be sitting on their unpatriotic, traitorous hands.
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds is giving the rebuttal. Reynolds was one of only a few governors who did not order a statewide “stay at home” order, and she refused calls for a statewide mask mandate until hospital admissions reached their height.
That’s Rs for ya. Wait till the hospitals are full of sick and dying Iowans, then you do something. Priorities. Priorities.
America's Most Under His Rock says
They told me that I was the turd in the punchbowl. You sure are on top of what is going on at Fox News for a Demonrat.
America's Most Under His Rock says
Oops. See below.
Tim Scott says
I check Fox’s website to see what idiocy they are spouting because about two days later a deecee will be posting a link to the same idiocy as “revealed” by some RWNJ blog that she uses as a “reliable source.” That’s why when she posts her ridiculous links I’m already ahead of it.
William says
America’s Most. You misread.
The “turds” in the punchbowl at Fox are the prime time “talent” Ingraham, Carlson and Hannity, each trying to outdo each other by throwing red meat lies at their hungry viewers such as with their dishonest Durham investigation commentary.
The “punchbowl” in this instance is the faux notion that Fox is a news channel with the daytime shows hosting right wing guests telling lies.
But, the turdy stench stinks up the rest of the day. You can get whiffs of it when MSNBC plays clips of the chit they spew all day, every day.
Did that clear it up for ya, kid?
Is there anything else I can explain to you?
America's Most Comes From Mars says
LOl. No, I’m good, thanks. Mars Needs Women??????? Sounds like a Robert Heinlein novel (my hero). Worst movie ever.
William says
No, America’s Mostest
The worst movie ever aside from Plan Nine From Outer Space would be “Queen of Outer Space (1956), starring Zsa Zsa Gabor as a physicist on the planet Venus. They don’t make them like that anymore.
Then, there’s “Gigli” with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. This review on IMDb is better than the movie. Enjoy.
Those Five dollars could’ve got me some chicken McNuggets!!!!
robojesus7776 August 2003
I could’ve went to McDonald’s with my five buck and gotten something to eat but INSTEAD I went and saw the new J-lo/ Ben Affleck puke bonanza titled; Gigli. God, I’m an IDIOT!!! The first ten minutes weren’t so bad but then I realized I was in “Finding Nemo”. When I made my way to the right theater- I was horrifed!This was Gigli? A J-Lo movie ALL ABOUT J-LO- Well I never! Anywho- there’s only too things worse then this movie: 1, Burning to death and 2, burning to death while watching “Gigli”
for A movie titled “Gigli” — I never laughed once!
Total rip off! Horrible! I give it 4 stars **** …out of 240!
For fun, just go to IMDb and read the negative reviews on this on any other bad movie, new or old. The reviews on Queen of Outer Space and Firemaidens From Outer Space are hilarious. Makes ya realize how funny annoymous people can be.
Is there such a thing as “negative superlatves”? The above review was an example.
Stinger says
I absolutely adore Heinlein’s works… Particularly, “The Number of the Beast” and “Time Enough For Love.”
I recommend the ‘Excerpts from the Notebooks of Lazarus Long’ – chock full of good advice.
Tim Scott says
Heinlein has two tiers. There’s the really great classic sci-fi, and the stuff that leaves you with “wow, Robert needed some money and scribbled that out one day while he was taking a dump.” There’s no in between. When he is good he’s REALLY good though, no question.
America's Most Avid Revolutionary says
Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’
Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin’
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’
Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin’
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’
The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin’
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’
—— Bob Dylan
William says
Recently, Bill Maher has been telling Democrats to quit mocking Republicans, especially those on the far right as they only redouble their efforts.
But, he doesn’t address what to do with the non-stop destructive lying from that side reagarding the election, 1/6, the Mueller report and the Durham investigation.
What do we do with them as facts, evidence and reliable documentation seem to have no effect?
Any suggestions America’s Mostest, Beecee, Sonya, FWB?
What should we do when they tell whoppers over and over again and ignore/dismiss the facts?
I think Biden should have the Fox reporter, Peter Doocy, removed from the press conferences and tell Fox they won’t be allowed back in till they start reporting accurately.
He can tell them that they will complain and criticize him but they already do that anyway. So what’s the harm? The recent Durham misrepresentation of the facts by Fox “talent” should have been the last straw.
It’s not about free speech or freedom of the press. It’s about lying. Not every news outlet gets to be in the press room so Fox can be disallowed as are others around the country.
And, the excuse that Tucker and the rest aren’t news is a no pass. They used to point to Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace as cover but they couldn’t tolerate the lies and left.
Would you drink from a punch bowl that had a turd in it? That’s Fox “news”. The Fox variants are much worse but in the same league.
America's Most Pontificating Patriot says
Free speech is very inconvenient, lol.
Mueller cleared Trump and found nothing. NOTHING! The FBI knew that in early 2017. Schiff, Pelosi and Swalwell lied to our faces to traumatize and weaken our country, TWICE! Traitors!!!!
Durham’s working tirelessly to make you eat those words. Patience and popcorn, Cornpop. Dems will be destroyed in the midterms and 2024.
The times, they are a changin’.
But I still love ya.
Tim Scott says
Would you stop posting the same old blatant falsehoods.
America's Most Master of Mayhem says
Usually they bribe me to go away.
Stinger says
In that case, you must be rich by now.
America's Most Wealthy Pain says
LOL. It’s my super power.
America's Most Pungent Pain says
Just like an old Steve Martin SNL skit where I will jump into your cesspool for free.
But after I charge a lot to go away.
William says
@America’s Most Wealthy Pain
“super power” you say.
What you really need is “supervision”.
I’ll be here all week.
Tim Scott says
You didn’t ask me, but I do know what would work, and also why it won’t happen.
What would work is for democrats to be as relentless in telling the truth as republicans have been about lying for the past several decades.
There are two reasons this won’t happen:
One) Democrats are only slightly better educated in economics than their republican counterparts. The college educated member of the democrat rank and file took Intro to Econ to fulfill the degree requirements and forgot 90% of it as they went on to major in whatever they majored in, which puts them some tiny halfstep ahead of the people who have no education in economics at all. This holds true all the way up, as republican “leaders” may be able to quote noted economists of the Austrian school and follow their theories moderately well while their democrat counterparts have just enough familiarity with more modern theory to know that blindly following the Austrian classical school is a bad idea, but not have any understanding of a good idea or how to argue against the Austrian theory.
So relentlessly telling the truth is not really any easier for democrats than it would be for republicans, even though it would benefit them, because most of them can barely grasp the large truths. They rely on small truths that don’t really matter much, like “Trump is a crook” rather than the huge lies like “tax and spend democrats are the source of all your economic woes,” which hardly any democrats know how to refute and frankly half of them probably have just accepted at this point.
Two) To get results from this relentless telling of the truth would require maintaining it over decades, the same way the republicans have maintained their relentless lying. Democrats, when confronted with “if you are young enough you may see the results in your lifetime, but most of you probably won’t” will immediately balk. They can’t focus on “we need to do this now for the upcoming election next year” over “hey this is an immediate need.” Suggesting a lifetime project to them is pointless in the extreme.
America's Most in Love With Tulsi says
I’m madly, head-over-heels in love with Tulsi Gabbard !!!!!!!!
William says
…and Marjorie Taylor Greene, Marsha Blackburn, Michele Bachmann, et al. Plus, Ann Coulter and Kellyanne “atternative facts” Coulter.
We know you “loves” them all, Amerian’s Mostest.
America's Most Wretched Wretch says
Only the honorable lady senator Marsha Blackburn. Greene and Bachman are wackos. Coulter and Conway are obnoxious and grating. Especially Coulter. She should be made to watch “those movies” on endless loop.
Tim Scott says
Just watched a clip of Tulsi Gabbard talking about Putin on Russia’s propaganda network and it looks like you have some serious competition. She is quite smitten with the powerful dictator mystique it seems.
America's Most Under His Rock says
I”d duel Putin for her. Don’t tell my wife, she’d stab me!
America's Most Antisocial Antisocialist says
It’s not possible for me to despise a human being any more than I despise Joyless Behar. I’d like to go on The View and give her a piece of my mind. It would be must-see-TV and probably win an Emmy.
She’s worried about her European vacation being disrupted by Ukraine. What an unpatriotic, selfish, woke, elitist, hypocritical, lying, left-wing communist POS. And if I had the chance, I would tell her what I really think!
Tim Scott says
You are fretting about a talk show host when a FORMER PRESIDENT is openly congratulating Putin for his “savvy”? Come on! WTF kind of left field nonsense are you trying to spout here?
America's Most Mired in an Alternate Reality says
It’s right field nonsense.
America's Most Irrational Wingnut says
And as much as I despise Behar, I admire and honor Dr. Ben Carson as one of the best, most moral men in America, along with me, Tim and William.
William says
Ben Carson seems to have some kind of mental defect.
When he was running for prez, no other doctors or health care professionals rallied around him. Wasn’t that odd, America’s Mostest?
Then, when he became head of HUD, he bacame another Trumpian grifter, putting an expensive dining room set on the taxpayers’ tab right outta the gate.
Then again, there was that priceless moment at one of the debates where he missed his call to walk on stage and stood like an idiot as the others passed him. That video was run on a loop for late night.
You guys like to talk about Biden having impairments when your guys, including Trump, are truly out of it.
I don’t suppose you point out Republican “tokens” for praise o look good yourself. Think Nikki Haley.
No pass.
America's Most Pointless Pundit says
Mental defect? He’s a neurosurgeon. And one of the nicest, most honorable people in politics. Who has mental defects, you tell me.? On second thought……
William says
That’s what’s so fascinating, that he could be a great pediactric neurosurgeon and appear so clueless the last 10 years.
Something happened between then and now and you are oblivious to the difference.
But, then again, Mike Garcia was a military pilot and now he’s a Trumper Traitor. Different job skill sets.
There were guys doing amazng things on snowboards at the Olympics but I’m not sure they are all presidential material. Can you get the concept, America’s Mostest?
RF says
Carson has compartmentalized intelligence, he’s a very talented surgeon, but dumb as a box of rocks on other subjects… Like when he claimed the Egyptian pyramids were for grain storage…
Asdfhjkl says
“Like when he claimed the Egyptian pyramids were for grain storage…“
Provide proof.
America's Most Fact-Free Miscreant says
I love the guy because of his goodness and nobility, but it’s easy to believe he’s that naive. He co-sponsored Mike Lindell’s wacky quacky snake-oil cure for COVID. But he means so well.
William says
Looking again, I was actually off-base going after Ben Carson.
What the real issue was that he wasn’t qualitfied for any position in politics and the Republicans simply used him as a “token”.
Carson wasn’t qualified to head HUD and it showed. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t a good man or honorable in some ways.
Trump put a lot of unqualified people in his administration or other postions. We are still being affected by the guy he put as Postmaster General who did lots of damage during the elelction with the mail. It was deliberate.
Then, after his guy messed wtih the mail delivery, Trump claimed mail in ballots were fraudulent.
Tokenism is an accurate word for how Republicans have used certain people. It says more about those who use them than the person him or herself.
William says
You watch The View???
Those gals need to be sitting under those big old hairdryers while they chat.
America's Most Dazed and Confused says
“Carson wasn’t qualified to head HUD and it showed. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t a good man or honorable in some ways.” I totally agree. And he was a token. But Trump liked him too. How can you help it?
And NO I don’t watch The View. The top of my head would blow off. I’d like to go on it one time, though. That would be memorable must-see-TV.
William says
We know that Putin’s bots infected our elections but after listening to how he is lying and subverting things in Ukraine, I wondered how much his bots impacted the electrion fraud nonsense here.
I haven’t heard any discussions of that in the media but when I read certain posters here, they sound like they could be bots, unrelenting tellers of lies.
REAL AMERICANS wouldn’t keep telling lies over and over again and dismissing proven facts, would they?
Tim Scott says
FWIW the elections in Ukraine that produced the current government were held after the Ukrainian equivalent of Republicans stormed the capitol claiming that the previous election “was rigged” and chased out the government. There is a very good chance that the subsequent “free and fair” elections that reversed the results were no less rigged than the one before, and in fact they were very likely worse.
Tim Scott says
Quick note for the clown that says William lied about Ben Carson thinking the pyramids are some kind of biblical grain silo…
You obviously didn’t bother to do even a cursory fact check before launching off on your inaccurate name calling, because this from PBS is just one of dozens of places Carson’s claims were covered at the time. Simple search string of ‘ben carson pyramids’ and there should be a source that even the nuttiest RWNJ can accept. Many include videos for the “believe your eyes” crowd.
William says
Not too concerned if we go to war with Russia. We gots the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to protect ‘merica.
Their talent, as it were, on 1/6 should dissuade any thoughts that Putin has of overtaking this country.
Ukraine’s President Zelensky is a world class hero working with his troops and risking certain assassination if found by Putin’s army.
Quite unlike cult leader Trump who urged his flock to go to the Capital and fight while he hauled ass back to the White House to watch it gleefully on TV. He needs to double up on the sildenafil if he wants to be more macho.
Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg, there was praise for Putin’s “genius” and “savvy”.
That was in St. Peterburg, FLORIDA at a GOP cult meeting with our former vaingloriuus kleptocrat, twice impeached, lying liar and rewritter of history, unindicted co-conspirator, former government employee and traitor, Donald J. Trump.
In St. Petersburg, RUSSIA, Russians were protesting Putin.
You can’t make this up. Republican will do it for you.
The late Republican Party has sided with Putin.
America's Most Like Foghorn Leghorn says
After careful analysis of the question of our day, whether aliens are here or have visited, I’ve determined the reason they haven’t contacted us recently.
It isn’t that the distances are too vast between star systems, as Einstein would readily tell you. It isn’t that there aren’t any other civilizations out there, cause there are. It isn’t that aliens are afraid to contact us because we are a savage and barbaric species.
I’m convinced that it’s because of Trump’s mean tweets.
So there you have it!
Americas most black and blue knees says
Slurp, slurp, slurp
America's Most Wondering Is That All You Got? says
Imagine what it would be like if you had friends too.
William says
Biden can’t kick Putin out of S.W.I.F.T, the banking transaction service.
But, Fox news tells its viewers he shoulda done it and then goes on to criticize him for not doing it.
It’s made up of 200 countries and 11,000 banks, so Biden can’t pull the lever but for Fox viewers, who like to remain ignorant like our Beecee/Sonyaa creature, any lie will do.
When they talk about the power-hungry president (Putin) acting deranged and telling lies, I thought they were talking about our very own Trump.
If FWB were able to pay attention, he would have heard Biden give a very good speech followed by a Q&A that would have been over Trump’s head. He has his wits about him, and his staff doesn’t cringe fearing he’ll go off on a rant like Trump did and does.
But, FWB has his feet nailed to the floor on Biden so there’s no hope he’ll ever get what’s so. So what? See below.
Republican votes for president in California don’t count anyway as it’s winner take all in the Electoral College for California electors.
This comment is over the heads of Beecee/Sonyaa.
Beeecee says
Stinger says
That one gets a legit LOL.
America's Most Binary Bumbler says
Yup. LOL. And the cop stopping “they” was hilarious in the side video.
America's Most Peaceful & Warlike says
I read an article in Daily Mail that postulates that aliens are too afraid of contacting us because we are a savage, warlike species that destroys everything we touch and they don’t want to get hurt.
LOL. That’s an interesting take on it.
Alpha Centaurian says
I heard that the aliens have been watching Lancaster city council meetings and believe that Kenny Rodgers is alive and running such a sh!+ show that they can’t stop laughing long enough to invade us. They also seem to be fascinated by all the store closings and openings and then closings again on the BLVD. Those aliens are really something.
America's Most Agreeable says
“running such a sh!+ show that they can’t stop laughing long enough to invade us”. LOL. By George, I think you’ve hit it right on the head! Good one.
William says
I like the movie title “MARS NEEDS WOMEM”.
America's Most Appreciative of Women says
I’m watching it. LOLOL. I’m speechless. Z- movie. I’ll get you for that, lol.
But they can have Omar, AOC, Talib, Kamala, Pelosi, Boebert (?), Hillary, Taylor Greene, Cori Bush, etc. I’d trade them all for a box of rocks.
Becee says
ThE WalLs Are CLoSing In!!!
Tim Scott says
Thank goodness you are monitoring the dingbat network for us, or we would have missed the fact that one of the myriad of cases against Trump got dropped.
No that was actually covered by all the reliable sources, not just by your RWNJ bloggers.
By the way, the most likely reason for this case being dropped is that basically the same issues are being dealt with in federal court. It isn’t like Trump has been exonerated of anything.
STFU tim says
But he hasn’t been convicted of anything tim….. ever, you pettifoggers on the left should no that. Now get back to mommy’s basement with willliam, the crisco your gerbil and the plastic sheets. Enjoy your weekend you lame.
Tim Scott says
LOL…you really like that archaic word. I guess it makes you feel smart…like you actually “no” stuff.
Meanwhile, Thump’s inheritance allows him to buy a lot of settlements. They go all the way back to the Nixon administration. If you think a silver spoon up his butt makes him a good citizen…well, that’s on you.
Again, tim, STFU says
No one said he was a good citizen , he just simply has not been convicted of anything….. ever. I just had to call you out on your BS again. Yes I do love words that perfectly describe people like your self.
Tim Scott says
Again Mike, you talk a big game but we know what happens when I ask you to tel me to shut up in person.
William says
Really, STFU tim???
He was convicted of fraud in his so-called university with a $23 million payout and his fraudulant charity was closed down and he can’t open another one.
His days are numbered as will be his prison jumpsuit.
Try and keep up, why dontcha? He’s a lying crook. Did you vote for him twice?
William says
Who imitates who? Putin gave la ong, rambling hour-long speech described as unhinged. Meanwhile, Trump is praising Putin as “savvy” and “a genius”.
Putin sounds like Trump unless he’s reading a teleprompter while his minions cringe.
Putin to Trump. “This is how it’s done.”
Putin is still fighting WWII and saying it’s NAZIs in Ukraine. That’s kinda like our southern states still fighting the Civil War on Facebook and Twitter.
Life imitates…well…life.
Hope you enjoyed that analysis, America’s Most Everything.
America's Most WTF Am I? says
I don’t always agree with your comments, but I ALWAYS enjoy the way you express them.
Beeceee says
The foreign policy retards have struck again.
Looks They are going in for the whole shibang,
And how can you blame them…
“Don’t under estimate Joes ability to F thing up”
-Barrack Obama
America's Most Still Hopeful says
I hope our great country survives the incompetence, corruption, fecklessness, dishonesty and weakness of the Biden administration. 3 more years……..oh no!
FWB says
I’m not betting on that after living the last twelve months.
We have passed the point of return.
I’m doubling the rent on all my tenants if they don’t pay I’m selling.
To hec with this schitthole
William says
“You’re soaking in it.”
There are people living in the Antelope Valley that have a great life. There are people living in Bastow that have a great life.
You, however, will bitch and moan no matter where you live.
Agent Orange lives at Mar a Lago and I promise you he is as miserable as you are.
There is a life lesson in the above, but you won’t, can’t get it.
Location. Location. Location might work in real estate but for you, wherever you go there you are.
It’s you. It’s been you all along kinda like a Twilight Zone episode.
How ’bout moving into one of your rentals and practice being satisfied. Then, you can take that anywhere.
Satisfaction is portable.
William says
“Whatever Trump touches dies.” – Various people
Hopefully, he is the death of the Republican Party. Actually, it is already dead.
They’ll have to rename like Facebook and Phillip Morris.
It went from the GOP to the Tea Party to the T Party and then died.
Actually, FWB, it was dying decades ago, and the red states were kept alive by the blue states on artificial life-supports. I would think you woulnd’t care for that of welfare.
William needs a mirror please. says
Omg dude take meds , you are like a petulant child. Your day is consumed by Trump , the person you hate the most. Now who’s miserable? I mean god dude, your are as bad as anyone on this site. William you are the miserable one , don’t you see that or as you say this is a life lesson above that you won’t get , or can’t get.
America's Most In Your Face Disgrace says
It would be more fun if you had a “personality” and username that you could stand behind and argue your point rather than gutless anonymous drive-by attacks. Just saying.
Tim Scott says
LOL…sooooo, the people constantly whining about being “stuck living in a”…let’s call it dungheap for benefit of the mods…are secretly happy, and William is secretly miserable…
This right here is the kind of reverse reality mirror universe that conservatives live in, and it is straight out of Orwell’s 1984.
Tim Scott says
Where’s that poster who has been yammering about how “the libs” are all sad, or angry, or whatever. Seems like it is always the conservatives crying their little eyes out.
Sonyaa says
I think that was a poster who had a woman, ‘and im not talking about William’, a family, and didn’t live in the anus of the AV like you do.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so desperate to be a cee that you can’t even make sense with your interjection. Guess that’s why you are the second deecee, Sloppy.
William says
Sonyaa. I promise you that I’ve been with more women than you have been with men…if any.
Have you thought about a convent job as you’re likely still intact like Beeceee. The 2 Broke Virgins.
So, there’s that.
Tim Scott says
William you are ignoring the fact that johns aren’t the least bit choosy.
Sonyaa says
Says the second inhabitant of anus of AV. You are aware we aren’t talking about female cats right.
Anybody who proclaims to be a sexual conquerer, usually isn’t.
Tim Scott says
Anybody who makes out their butt wild guesses about the sex lives of people they don’t have any personal knowledge of is a deecee, and a sloppy one at that.
William says
Hey, Sonyaa
Call me.
As for your use of “anus” here, I’m not into a*al.
But, you can kiss my a$$ and you won’t be the first.
William says
Sonyaa must be on a bender.
She’s been “drunk posting” a lot lately.
Is it any wonder that she still thinks the election was stolen?
It’s not her typing here. It’s her liver when sHe wRiTes LiKe tHiS.
You know how drunks think they are so smart and funny. See Sonyaa for the example of someone who drinks outta the bottle in a brown paper bag.
Sonyaa. You are why FWB wants outta the Antelope Valley.
Sonyaa says
“Hey, Sonyaa
Call me”
William says
So you don’t wanna kiss my a$$, Sonyaa.
Your loss.
I’ll guess you’ll now quick stalking me like a lovesick groupie like you do Trump.
Trump lost. No election fraud, Sonyaa. Now drink.
You give stupid people a bad name.
Tim Scott says
Dingbat Donny, who claims to have all the facts and evidence, has been laughed out of court again.
The supreme court, even with a majority of republican loyalists who sometimes turn a blind eye to the law and just rubber stamp whatever the GOP wants, couldn’t even bring themselves to address his “I am the president and I have executive privilege” case. His claims have gotten too absurd even for the court’s GOP loyalists.
Only the deecees are left to give this buffoon any credence.
FWB says
He’s got some issues but I’m still a fan.
Still more alert and cognitive than Joe Biden
William says
“Whatever Trump touches dies.” – Various people
Hopefully, he is the death of the Republican Party. Actually, it is already dead.
They’ll have to rename like Facebook and Phillip Morris.
It went from the GOP to the Tea Party to the T Party and then died.
Actually, FWB, it was dying decades ago, and the red states were kept alive by the blue states on artificial life-supports. I would think you woulnd’t care for that of welfare.
William is a f.!$&@‘ POS says
Wow dude , Hilary and bills kill list takes the high score. Don’t lie to your self , after your vile post to Sonya, we know your a liar and a narcissist. Get help you f.$!?&( POS.
America's Most Independent Conservative says
How bad will I get hammered and ridiculed if I remind ALL my esteemed interlocutors (except one) that reasonable people can disagree, we are all Americans, it’s fun to argue, and if the other side wasn’t here, we’d have no one to argue with. I’d rather argue and fight with you guys than the monsters in the Chinese Communist Party (I like Chinese people, so don’t start with the racist BS).
And if you don’t agree with me, I regress to my fallback position: “You’re evil, I hate you so you’re wrong” (just kidding).
Tim Scott says
It’s fun to argue with rational people. People who get hammered over and over with evidence and still just keep repeating the same debunked nonsense are no fun.
Case in point, you and Fox News have both gone silent on their ridiculous “Durham proves Clinton spied on Trump” story. Fox will never admit they just published nonsense that Trump made up, but they have stopped saying it. You abandoned ship immediately when confronted with facts. Only the deecees have continued dripping in the face of reality on that one, and apparently no amount of dispute, even from Durham himself, can get past their denial of reality.
America's Most Patient says
As for Durham, it’s patience and popcorn while waiting for that extravaganza to begin. I wouldn’t be too confident if I was a Hillary supporter (like Ed Buck, lol).
William says
America’s Mostest
You know the routine on the right by now. Just like with Durham, Fox ran with it till Durham called them out. Then, they dropped it like it never happened. But, they’ve got you still running with it.
That’s the point with the right. Get the lie out there and it will persit even if debunked. I thught you knew better.
Are you promoting a story which does its damage as long you can then dropping it when there’s nothing?
Think Benghzi. Think birth certificate.
Do you really want to be known here as one of those? It’s been 3 years with Durham and very little is proven. Mueller was done in less time then Barr go out in front with the report that he messed with. Then, Fox runs with Barr’s dishonest version.
That’s why we now hear that there was “No there there” with the Mueller report despite over 5 instances of obstruction. What was he obstructing?
Do you have integrity? If so, show it.
America's Most Patient (Mental) says
You expect integrity? Get real. I post here.
The investigation is still ongoing. Let’s be patient and let it play out while we savage each other here in the crucible of truth.
I betchya there are lots of soiled panties up and down the DNC food chain.
As I said in my unassailable wisdom as an all-knowing oracle (and cute too), patience and popcorn, Cornpop.
America's Most Obnoxious Toxic Male says
Snuffed again.
Tim is diluted says
If your wrong and it’s true , will you admit you are just a sheep who can’t think for your self? Or are you going to blame trump that Hillary spied on him?Also, why is she not capable of corruption? Do you even remember when you sold out?
Tim Scott says
You seem to be missing the point. If, and it is a huge if, “Clinton spied on Trump” is somehow, someday, revealed to be just stone indisputable truth…like…I dunno…Clinton writes a memoir title “I spied on Trump and here’s how” or something…
That still doesn’t change the demonstrated fact that the whole “Durham just filed charges that prove Clinton spied” story is utter BS. Durham himself has called it BS. The filed charges are public record and in no way shape or form support the claim that any such thing has been proven. Even if the charges result in a guilty verdict they STILL have nothing to do with “Clinton spied on Trump.”
How about instead of fretting about what I might admit about being wrong, ask the local deecees why they are still trying to run with a story that even Fox News has abandoned because it has just been irrevocably proven false and they got threatened with yet another libel suit.
Or are you just playing for approval from the deecees to see if you can get some?
America's Most Escaped From The Asylum says
Some what? Just kidding. But seriously, I read on several foreign websites that Durham’s digging into conspiracy and RICO charges up and down the DNC food chain. I don’t know if it’s true, but I hope so, after the Dems weakened the country with 2 phony impeachments.
Tim Scott says
Maybe he is “digging in” to whatever, and maybe that’s leaking to foreign media…but that has NOTHING to do with the BS reporting based on the recent filings. That is strictly based on TRUMP making a wildly baseless claim that somehow Durham’s filing “confirms that Trump was spied on.” Fox News ran with that as if it had been handed down on a stone tablet, it exploded into the vast wilderness of dingbat bloggers that so many of the misinformed losers are using for sources, and now we have to deal with people who will just keep on repeating it forever no matter how thoroughly it has been debunked.
Tim can’t be wrong that’s why he has no friends says
Sounds like you pushed the spin cycle to me dude. The question is will you admit your wrong if she did it? By your last answer I think I can figure it out for myself.
Tim Scott says
Why would I “admit I’m wrong if she did it” when I have no particular opinion on what she did and there is no actual specific accusation coming from Dingbat Donny as to what this “it” is that she supposedly did?
When I’m wrong, I’m wrong and don’t mind saying so, but your question here is just silly and has nothing to do with what we’re talking about here.
America's Most Irredeemable Reprobate says
I’m his friend.
William says
Me too.
You don’t see me arguing with Tim Scott. He has facts on his side. I respect facts. Nothing to argue with.
Here, as in the Republican, er, Trump Party, Facts Don’t Matter. Y”know FDM.
“alternative facts” -Kellyanne Conway.
Anything Trump says. Over 30,000 documented lies while in office and still going strong.
Beecee can’t compete as hard as she tries here.
FWB says
I’m past arguing.. no one is changing my mind. I do enjoy reading the post but if you’re name calling you’d better carry the weight to do it to my face.
America's Most Appreciative of FWB says
Easy, big fella. We can’t afford to lose you and your viewpoint. Just keep laughing and give it back to ’em worse.
Fat White Bob says
I’m all talk. If I have coffee with Tim do we get to eat donuts too?
Tim Scott says
I usually meet at Starbucks and their pastry offerings aren’t really ‘donuts,’ but we can certainly go somewhere else. I just use Starbucks because they are easy to find.
Tim Scott says
So Dingbat Donny has launched a social media service that can’t ban him. I’m sure the deecees of the world will be citing it as a reliable source soon…or maybe not so soon since apparently he saved some money by not hiring actual coders and the launch is collapsing under a mountain of bugs. Oh, and he’s probably getting sued since he couldn’t be bothered with getting a logo for this mess and just stole one from some trucking company.
This is the clown that Republicans wanted as president, who they claim is a brilliant businessman and did a great job.
William says
So what if, however it happens, that Putin does not invade Ukraine.
What will Fox ‘news’, Trumpkins and our Beecee say then?
What kept him from already invadine since they don’t want to wait till the snow and ice starts melting making it difficult to drive their equipment?
Biden has been predicting an invasion any day now for weeks so what’s keeping Putin?
I suppose if he doesn’t invade the right will credit Trump. Right? Right.
Meanwhile, Fox and the Republicans are siding with Putin. See Tucker. Rhymes with mucker, sucker, pucker, etc. Not related to LeAnn.
Beeceee says
Read you beneficiary of free pookies
Tim Scott says
Why? Why should anyone read the dingbat blogs that you consider to be news sources? You are demonstrably among the least informed people on the planet, so your recommendation actually cuts against them.
William says
Our very own Sonyaa is so prescient when she said, “The walls are closing in.”
Pulitzer Prize winning author, David Cay Johnston has said, “The walls are closing in on Trump.”.
That means he’ll be spending the rest of his life in court with multiple criminal and civil cases.
Trump’s hotel empire will likely be dissolved, and he won’t be able to get a loan in this country while having existing loans called due to his accounting firm cutting him loose going back 10 years.
Republicans are fools if they keep on keeping on with this failed, corrupt, amoral former government employee and sexual harrasser.
Who is as rotten as Trump who can fill his shoes?
History books will have to come up with new words to describe not only Trump’s pathologies but the pathologies of the people who willingly fell under his spell, y’know, like Beecee and Sonyaa.
Personally, I like “follies a plusieurs” delusions of the many.
Someone explain how Beecee and Sonyaa continue with their delusions unless it’s a psychiatric disorder. It’s not “legitimate political discourse” any longer. It’s an untreated sickness with no signs of being cured.
Does anyone suppose these 2 will admit they have a problem before they can be treated? I’ll bet money they won’t.
In the meantime, they’ll will continue to deflect, deny and post lies here. That’s all they have. Others will join in occasionally, but they don’t stay long like these two.
Maybe if they admit to using drugs, we can excuse them and suggest they go into rehab.
You know what they say, “Reality is for those who can’t handle drugs.”. These 2 can’t handle either. Oh, the humanity!
Now watch as they do the same things over and over again….
Fwillandftim says
We will say that joe biden is still an idiot. Oh and we won’t leave you out either, idiot.
America's Most Wondering Where You Got Educated says
That was profound!
Your moms house says
I got educated at your moms house.
America's Most Amused & Scornful says
Ouch! LOL.. Yo’ mama jokes. You must be 13 and it’s past your bedtime. Out of your league, kid.
America's Most Like Quasimodo says
Dick Morris thinks it will be Hillary against Trump again in 2024. Good times!
Tim Scott says
LOL…who in the world is reporting what Dick Morris thinks? Dick Morris hasn’t been right in decades. Let me guess, Fox paid him to say the magic ‘C’ word to fire up their viewers?
America's Most Pointless Pendejo says
Remember when he was cavorting in bed with prostitutes while giving phone advice on politics to Clinton, lol? Afterward, he cried on TV like a disgraced televangelist.
America's Most Wise Wiseguy says
I think that—-CENSORED—–and I believe that—–SQUASHED—–and therefore my opinion is ——REDACTED——- so that it may——MODERATED——-and this would result in——SUPPRESSED——and I’m sure now you’ll see my point.
Tim Scott says
If you have one it’s a first.
America's Most Pointless Pundit says
LOL. What about the one on top of my head?
Pinhead says
That’s from being dropped as a child.
America's Most Infested with Brain Worms says
Actually, they say I was thrown. Dropped…. thrown, what’s the diff, Pinhead?
William says
How did this get past the pundits?
Watching the Republican minority leader for a while, how come no one noticed that he is “Charlie” McCarthy. Trump has his hand up his behind moving his lips.
He wants, desires, craves to be Speaker of the House. Not if Jim Jordon or some other wacko wants it too. Can’t wait for the circus if the Rs take the House.
William says
Durham debunks Fox ‘news’ overstating his earlier statement and mentioned Hillary over 200 times last week. Fox didn’t answer for it and just went silent and likely on to the next lie that Beecee will swallow.
So, is Beecee going to come clean and acknowledge what we all knew, that there was no story there?
If she dares show her username here again, I’ll have to call her on it. So will Tim Scott if he cares to.
I’m shocked, shocked I tell ya that Fox would do something so dishonest. But not that Beecee would do that.
Doesn’t she get embarrassed when she’s caught repeating lies from Fox and its variants in the right-winger lie media?
I mean, didn’t she learn not to do that in the 5th grade for chissakes? She’s a millennial but acts like an unschooled 12-year-old except not many are that bad.
Beeecee says
We know they are lying,
They know that we know they are lying,
We know that they know tat we know they are lying…
Yet they still lie.
Next thing to drop will be that Russian communication with trump world and the trump tower meeting we’re completely set up by the same folks being implicated in this mess,
Mark my words.
That is if Garland doesn’t fire Durham first.
Tim Scott says
Why would anyone fire Durham?
Maybe if the (readily available and yes I have read them) court filings said anything like what you falsely claimed they said someone might want to fire him. Maybe if he hadn’t gotten out ahead of the propagandists and denounced Fox News for their false claims regarding what the filings actually say, but he did. Fox made up a Clinton ‘scandal’ to fill their air time while they were being conspicuously lacking in their coverage of the very real legal troubles that are coming to a head and embroiling Trump.
1) His accountants have cut and run, throwing him squarely under the bus as the source for the false claims in his financial statements in his major bank fraud case. As so often happens his lawyers have been laughed out of court with their baseless motions trying to protect various Trumps from being deposed under oath. Trump is rapidly approaching the decision point where he either lies under oath to try to squirm out, or takes the fifth and hopes for the best…but by all indications there is a mountain of evidence and testimony stacked against him
2) More of his lawyers were laughed out of the DC court with their motions trying to protect him from lawsuits stemming from the January sixth attack on the capitol. In throwing them out the judge clearly stated that from a legal standpoint Trump was acting in self interest and not as president when he incited the violence, so he has no ‘presidential immunity.’ Notably, the judge dismissed the suits against the other defendants, deeming them subservient to Trump and leaving Trump fully responsible.
3) A grand jury has been convened and is hearing testimony regarding Trump’s attempts to interfere in the counting of ballots in Georgia. Among that testimony are the accounts of Trump’s phone calls to the secretary of state calling for the “finding” of more votes. Trying to intimidate an elected official into committing a crime has consequences, much to silver spoon Donny’s surprise.
4) The national archives recovered boxes of presidential documents that by law should have been turned over to them that were instead shipped to Mar a Lago by Trump. They have informed the justice department that among the materials there were classified documents.
No doubt, to deecees that watch Fox et al these are surprises, since the propaganda networks are desperately ignoring it all…but the rest of us can see what Fox is needing to make up something, anything, to serve as a distraction.
Beeecee says
Calm down Racheal…
Tim Scott says
Is the reason you are so hung up on Racheal Maddow that she is a very successful female journalist that didn’t make her way on her back the way the Fox women did? Do you just find them more relatable?
William says
Rachel is a Rhodes Scholar and you went to Trump “university”, now closed because of a fraud on Trump’s part.
Did you get any of the $23 million settlement?
You really show how pathetic you are, Beecee.
William says
Beecee. Durham called out Fox for running dishonestly with the story. Then, Fox dropped it like a hot coal. They barely mentioned it today.
But, you bought it.
Now, whatever is bullchit as it’s been all along with you.
Beeceee says
“Beecee. Durham called out Fox for running dishonestly with the story”
Show me where Durham has specifically called out Fox News…
Tim Scott says
Go drip somewhere else. If you can’t google you are ab even more dee deecee than I thought.
Beecee says
That’s what I thought liar.
You guys aren’t fooling anybody. Nice try though.
William says
You are such an idiot, Beecee.
If Durham said, “The president did such and such.”. Did he have to specifically say “Trump”.
You show your inability to comprehend things so readily.
You ran with a story exaggerated and embellished by Fox for over a week on every show while they complained that no one else was covering it.
So, when Durham szid “media” he was being diplomatic but who else was he referring to that was exaggerating and embellishing the statement he wrote.
Then, which cable so-called news channel immediately dropped the story on all shows?
God, you keep losing here simply by displaying your ignorance as usual.
Don’t bother to reply. You’ve dug a deep holw already.
We’re done here with you and that lie you proffered.
Tim Scott says
LOL…no worries…if you are too dee to google you are probably the only one…well, there’s sloppy, she’s a second, but by and large everyone else can just google and decide for themselves between you and your blogs as the reliable source and me, the guy who read the actual filing.
It’s hilarious how even the guy who actually filed in court can’t make you back off the lies you’ve spewed. Anyone else would have been made a laughingstock by that move…but of course you already were.
Beeceee says
You wouldn’t be acting like this if you weren’t wrong and in a defensive posture…
Simple as that.
How are those free pookies treating you
William says
Beecee says:
“We know they are lying,
They know that we know they are lying,
We know that they know tat we know they are lying…
Yet they still lie.”
You talking ’bout Fox ‘news’ aren’t you?
You are such a gullible tool.
William says
You lost again, Beecee, pinning your hopes on the Durham investigation. Even Durham said it was being misinterpreted, mostly by Fox and Trump.
Even a Fox reporter in the Ukraine said that Biden addressing the Russia/Ukraine issue was not a “wag the dog” story to distract from the Durham investigation.
But, as usual, you fell for it. Don’t feel bad. There are millions of Fox viewers as gullible as you. That’s why it has the ratings.
Likewise, Americans have lousy tastes and that’s why McDonald’s sells so much krap. Same thing.
You, Beecee, have lousy taste in news gathering and it show here often.
Tell us, Beecee. Is Barack Obama a U.S. born citizen? Remember that Trump lie for years? Some still believe the lie and I assume you once did and/or still do. It’s more of the same with Durham.
How do you get through the day living in a world of lies? Does it even matter to you?
Becee says
3 responses…
Breathe and relax buddy.
William says
You keep on losing, Beecee and you tell me to relax.
You’re the one who keeps running into the buzz saw here.
Don’t ever learn?
America's Most Delirious and Deluded says
Trump didn’t fire Mueller. If Garland fires Durham, there will REALLY BE an insurrection.
Midterms almost here. Bloodbath for Dems expected (30 Dem congressmen have already retired). Popcorn ready.
Tim Scott says
Where does this paranoid delusion about firing Durham come from? His investigation is winding down,, with minimal results. He’s been all over the media denouncing Fox News and Trump for their false claims about what he has found and the charges he’s filed. Why would anyone want to fire him?
America's Most Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda says
Same place where all my other paranoid delusions come from: Wishful thinking in the deranged depths of my debauched, depraved and debilitated brain.
Sonyaaa says
“He’s been all over the media denouncing Fox News and Trump for their false claims about what he has found and the charges he’s filed”
This is false…
But what would you expect from Dim
Tim Scott says
Try again sloppy.
Sonyaa says
How in the world can you turn a motion that was filed into, “he’s been all over the media”
With that logic, he must be doing the Sunday morning circuit tomorrow morning.
The only thing sloppy was your take.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I’ve read the filing. It is NOTHING like what Trump has claimed and the propaganda networks have spewed about, leading to deecees everywhere making silly false claims and linking to “conservative clown car blog” and other “sources.” Now Durham himself is saying “yeah, what I filed is nothing like what Fox is claiming” and sloppy here, our other deecee, is still trying to stick to the fake story.
Be like Trump’s accountants: flee the scene.
Beeceee says
Daily yeast,
New York slimes,
Washington compost…
Let’s see how many lazy journos can regurgitate the same non-story with out even putting any rubber to the pavement.
“All over media” lol
Tim Scott says
LOL…coming from someone who swears by “news” she gets from conservative blogs this is just hilarious. You deserve that slow clap.
William says
Beecee and Sonya aren’t real humans.
They are just apps that crank out right winger falsehoods.
Notice that any thought is missing in the posts with those usernames.
The AVTimes should require a “Are you a robot?” test to post comments.
Ellis Turkeneddy says
Beecee, shouldn’t you be at the Dallas Book Suppository waiting for JFK Jr. to return so he can run with Trump in 2024?
You are one of them believers and they’re waiting for you…their Leader.
William and Tim need to chill says
Who cares about all this bs you get all worked up about. Does this investigation have anything to do with you. Also, your sure do have a lot of information on it for someone who is denying its validity . Let me guess you have been reading totally biased news like cnn Fox msnbc , just like most people. Since you and your friend tim obviously share an account to msm why not just agree to disagree with people who have opposing views until the investigation is completely over. Instead you come on a crappy news paper website in a crappy town and try to out smart each other and bash the people who don’t agree with you . I say none of you are smart because you live in the AV. If you know so much about politics and what’s good for all of us , put your money where you mouth is and run for office. Oh wait they would see how bad of a person you are by the way you treat strangers, and your party would cancel you. I thought liberals and democrats where the party of love and peace. Y’all have proved over the last few years that was a completely inaccurate assessment.
William says
Again, which party did Putin choose to team up with in 2016 and use to subvert our elections?
Which news media outlet went along with the scheme?
Can’t answer that Beecee, Sonya,FWB, Americas Most..can y’all?
Telling isn’t it? That answer alone tells you everything that’s wrong with the Republicans. They can point fingers in other directions, but the rest of their fingers are pointing back at them.
They are not patriots. They are traitors.
F William says
We can answer and we do, you’re just that little annoying kid who brings his ball to the playground loses and doesn’t like it so he takes his ball home. You and Tim obsess over these stories and then if anyone has opposition you pull out your news stories from stupid sources. The wapo and my times people should be locked up. Oh and how come Fox News has more viewers than any other news channel, are you a science denier? STFU
Tim Scott says
Because there are a lot of competing channels providing news, but for RWNJs that want a “news channel” that tells them only what they want to hear, even if they have to make it up, there’s only Fox. Look at how their ratings got hit hard when they tried, briefly, to stop repeating the ridiculous lies that had them on the wrong end of a lawsuit that was looking into the hundreds of millions…they started bleeding market share to OAN, where “no worries, we still have the lies RWNJs insist on hearing” was the core element of their marketing. Now OAN is being thrown to the wolves because no carrier wants to be on the wrong end of that suit.
America's Most Hurt Feelings says
“Beecee, Sonya,FWB, Americas Most”. Last again. Sob. Story of my life. And I try so hard to be the leading a$$hole. I’ll keep trying.
Judge in Trump fraud case says
To proclaim that that Mazars’ red-flag warning that the Trump financial statements are unreliable suddenly renders the OAG’s longstanding investigation moot is as audacious as it is preposterous.
Tim Scott says
We notice that across the board the more educated the voter the more likely they are to vote democrat. I think the reason for this is very simple. When I was in high school the graduation requirements included US History and US Government. When I went to college, included in the “general education” requirements for a degree, no matter your major, there was economics.
After years of observing Republicans appealing to their base it is clear that they are only able to get any support at all because they are appealing to people who have zero education in economics. Just forcing an intro to econ course into the high school curriculum nationwide would destroy the republican party.
William says
I recently submitted that the decline began in earnest when stupid Americans resisted switching to the metric system in the 70s.
I assert that the same morons later voted for Reagan, the Bushes and finally The Trump. Y’know, freedom, liberty, and freedom. No mandates.
Now we’ve got 2 systems to deal with….a quart of milk and a liter of Pepsi thanks to stupid right leaning ‘mericuns like the ones who post here.
Now, the same folks are banning books in Texas. Kids can find anything on their phones and laptops, but idiotic Republicans are, well, idiotic. But, I repeat myself.
Countries who went metric will leave us in the dust.
Plus. What Tim Scott said.
FWB says
Interesting comment.
So who we blaming The demise of aunt Jemima on
William says
Nah, FWB
It’s not really about the metric system. It’s about the right leaaning mentality in this country for decades opposing flouride in water to prevent cavities in kids, expanding health care coverage, etc. Then it’s the chemtrails, Jewish lasers starting California fires, pedophiles operating out of a pizza parlor, etc.
Look how long it took Mothers Against Drunk Driving to stiffen laws. Who opposed them, liberals?
Now, it’s right-wing parents shouting at school boards to ban books that might upset their little darlings while staying silent about gun shootings. It’s likely the same parents.
On and on, the conversative, Republican, Trumper mentality in this country is harming it more than migrants, gay marriage, affirmative action, critical race theory, etc.
Biden is trying to recover the economy, control the pandemic, and improve the lives of American citizens WITH NO HELP FROM THE REPUBLICANS. Then, they blame him when things aren’t working faster. THEY are the problem.
Marco Rubio and 7 other Rs are opposing no fly orders for those convicted of distubances on airlines. Sheesh.
The First Amendment gives a large right wing demogrphic in this country the right to spread lies and conspiracies that do great damage. Then, they get upset when private companies like Facebook censor them. Facebook isn’t the government.
Our very own Beecee, poster child representing millions of like-minded ilk, is complaing about high gas prices. She didn’t complain about Trump inciting an insurrection or his inept response to the early start of the COVID pandemic here.
If she’s correct and the Rs take the House and/or Senate, she’ll suffer. Not me. I’ve done remarkably well through the Reagan era to the present regardless of interest rates, gas prices, taxes, or who was president.
I’ve been inconvenienced by the pnademic but I got my shots and booster, wear a mask and go about my business. IT WORKS.
The morons who are fighting masks don’t want to do what works. It’s likely that masks are the least of their problems just like with Beecee.
You don’t hear Tim Scott, Stinger or me whining about inflation yet we are still impacted by it. It’s the whiny Rs who can’t seem to get that Republicans have a poor track record when it comes to governing whether it’s the economy or defending us.
See all the stock market crashes and recessions in the last 100 years or Katrina, COVID, Iraq. Remember the war in Bosnia that Clinton handled and isn’t mentioned. Clinton caught the blind cleric that planned the bombing of the World Trade Center while Bush invaded the wrong country after 9/11.
I cringed when Bush got on top of the trash heap with the bullhorn after 9/11. He was a cheerleader in college and then invaded Iraq based lies. Rah. Rah. America, then a stupid response. That’s why he wasn’t on the team playing.
On and on, the Republicans have failed unless you count giving tax cuts to the wealthy. You’d think that ordinary Republcan voters would all be rich now from Reagan’s, Bush’s and Trump’s meager tax cuts. Why aren’t they?
I use Beecee as an example of right-wing mentality. Don’t worry. She can’t read this far down a comment. She just tweets here.
Do you want to be in the same catagory as Beecee?
Beeecee says
TLTR this incoherent drawn out post…
We know why your acting like this…
You know it’s coming!
Stinger says
“Biden is trying to recover the economy, control the pandemic, and improve the lives of American citizens WITH NO HELP FROM THE REPUBLICANS. Then, they blame him when things aren’t working faster. THEY are the problem.”
Not only is this statement true, it represents the entire strategy of the Republican party under McConnell and Trump: Take any and all actions to impede any progress to be made unless Republicans are in power, THEN do NOTHING to make any progress when Republicans ARE in power. For evidence of this, I present the last decade of history.
Actions speak louder than words. Republican words today are naught but attempts to cover up for either failures to act on behalf of the American people and/or various criminal acts on their own behalf.
It is immoral, disgusting, and an affront to conservatism.
Eagles says