PALMDALE – The Antelope Valley WellBeing Coalition is holding a “Welcome Home Ceremony” this Saturday for local Vietnam veterans (VV) to create generational awareness of their sacrifices.
The ceremony will take from place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 19, in Poncitlán Square, located at 38315 9th Street East in Palmdale. The official stage program will start at 11:30 a.m.
“It is important for us to remember, support, and bolster the positive psychological and social wellbeing of the VV’s and their families,” said, Autumn Hicks, member of the AV WellBeing Coalition.
At the close of the program, and as a show of appreciation for their service, VV’s in attendance will receive a commemorative lapel pin specifically created for the Welcome Home Ceremony.
A car show, food trucks and classic 60’s music also will be part of the celebration.
The AV WellBeing Coalition was created to optimize the wellbeing (health and happiness) of all people and places in the Antelope Valley by using a synergistic approach, collective leadership and coordinated impact.