Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, announced Tuesday she has tested positive for COVID-19 for a second time, saying she was tested after learning of a possible exposure during last week’s Summit of the Americas in downtown Los Angeles.
“Yesterday, after learning of a potential exposure at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, I was notified that I tested positive for COVID,” Waters said in a statement. “I am currently isolating and have no symptoms. I am following all protocols as recommended by the Office of the Attending Physician and CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidance.
“I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and to have received two booster shots. If you haven’t received the vaccine and/or booster, I encourage you to do so. I am feeling fine and resting at home,” Water said. Details of her exposure during the Summit of the Americas were not released.
Hundreds of dignitaries from across the Western Hemisphere took part in the summit, which was hosted by President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden.
On Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — who also attended the summit — announced he had tested positive for COVID-19. He met with Biden in Los Angeles last Thursday, and also held a news conference with Gov. Gavin Newsom. The infections were the second for both Waters and Trudeau. Waters tested positive for the virus in April, and Trudeau had a positive test in January. Both are fully vaccinated.
America's Most is Trans-Species says
She is a race baiter, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They thrive and make a living on victimization, racial division, and government poverty programs to keep their people down.
If Black people integrated and assimilated better, got better educations and moved out of the ghetto (in which she doesn’t live), she would have no constituents or power base. So she wants to continue poverty, fatherless families and division. I believe the great Martin Luther King would despise her for her divisiveness, blatant racism, corruption, and identity politics (i.e. only Blacks matter).
Her caucus, the radical progressive wing and the “squad” own and dictate to the Democratic party. Their policies aren’t for the good of America, just designed to pander to and dis-empower their constituents, and keep them in power. Leaders like her are the worst thing that could happen to our Black citizens.
PS: And imagine what she looks like without the wig and makeup mask. OK, I’m done. Let the ludicrous braying of “RACIST, RACIST, RACIST” begin, lol.