PALMDALE – South Antelope Valley Emergency Services (SAVES) is seeking community input as part of the design process for a mural that will be painted inside the SAVES facility. Residents have two opportunities to provide input: Friday, Aug. 18, or Monday, Aug. 28. Both meetings begin at 5 p.m. and will be held at SAVES, 1002 East Avenue Q-12. Youth are encouraged to participate. Light refreshments will be available.
The meeting will include a vision presentation from Palmdale Public Art, with a guided discussion on designing community installations that represent the community’s diversity and meet the Public Art Master Plan guidelines. The final design will be developed with support from Palmdale’s Public Art Commission to commemorate SAVES 40th anniversary. When the design is finished, community volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in painting the mural in early 2024.
Meetings are being offered because residents expressed interest in including public art in and around city facilities during the development of the city’s Public Art Master Plan. Community input is required for all Palmdale Public Art and is vital to developing installations that are meaningful to the community.
Due to road construction on 10th Street East, resident must access SAVES from 11th Street East to Q-12. Drivers are urged to slow down in the construction zone and obey all road closure signs.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]